Kingston Chronicle, May 28, 1819, page 1

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THE KINGSTON CHRONICLE. I*U VOL. I ] FRIDAY, tjanmn****) MAY 28, 1S19- [No. 22. STJEAM-M OA TS The Bay and River Steam-Boat CHARLOTTE, WliXiii future leave Kingston—for the Bay of Quinte, every Sunday morning at 9 o'clock, slop half an hour at Ernest Town, half on hour at Adolphus Town, half an hour at Hallov/cll. and proceed to So'Imes's, Sophiasburgh ;—leave Solmes's at2o'clock in the morning-. Deliville 6 o'clock., proceed to the River Trent and the Carrying Place,and return to Sohncs* at night:—leave Solmes' Tuesday morning at2 o'clock, and after stopping at the usual pla¬ ces, arrive at Kingston early in the afternoon. Leave Kingston for Prescott every Wednesday and Friday room¬ ing at 3o'clock, and stopping at Gananoque and Brockville, arrive at Prescott in the evening ;—returning, leave Prescott at $ o'clock ev¬ ery Thursday and Saturday morning, and stopping at Broukville and Gananoque, arrive at Kingston in the evening of each day—Every effort will be made to be punctual in arriving at and leaving each place at the precise times as above stated.—For freight or passage, apply to Capt. Dennis, on board. g PORTRAITS | & Done in ftfa*xmrw. g d inquire of Jo" • M\r U't,\v, E*q. ^ % at the roct-Oflico, tf r^w-'nnO BE IjET« a "eat and com- 5IS Jl modiou- STONE DWEL¬ LING HOUSE, ff«»w >n From Street, Kingston, and cofltaimneevery suitable accommodation far * family, viz. Parlour, ipaciOUa drawing Room, four Bed rooms, fcvcral smaller rooms, a large Cellar, and also an extensive b;u:k Kitchen, in which are Servants' lied K»oms, ^ Cellar. Sec ; together with a feu' *«H Stable and car- n'agc Home, and an excellent Garden : the whole of the prewUw enclosed by a new fence. The Mouse is constant!/ supplied with water from a Pump and a Well ;—is fin ished in a neat and respectable style, and is detached from anv other dwelling. Its situation 19 also peculiarly pleasant, com¬ manding a cheerful and uninterrupted view of the Bay and opposite shore For par ticulars apply to the subscriber. JOHN KIRBY. 21 t, May 1810. ___________ 21 Statutes of Upper Canada. No (ice, THE FOLLOWING UP. Cn'i. Pa^'grs. Steerage do. s.d. £ s.d. 5 0-----0 3 9 £ From Prescott to £ ~ Brocktille, f Gananoque,.....0 15 0-----0 9 0 Kingston,.......1 0 0____0 10 0 Kingston to Er-j ^ nest Town, J Adolphus Town,.0 S 0-----0 Hatlowrll,......0 10 0....0 Barker's Ferry... 0 10 0....0 Solmtrs*.........0 1*2 C....0 Bellville,.......0 15 0-----0 RirerTrrntand> l76#_0 !0 0 Carntng Placed £3*Board and Liquors charged separately. fcf* FREIGHT at the customary rates. ARE THE RATES OF PASSAGE. DOWN OiA. Pas* ere. Strtrapc r/o, £ *.*. I' :t 3 Q C 3 7 6 7 a s 0 9 0 s. d. 3 9 From the C-rr-. inc *> Plaoenr RlverTreUi, f 0 5 0. ... 0 to Belltiile, J SolmcV,........0 7 6....0 Barker's,.......0 ii 3-----0 Tlallowcll.......0 10 0....0 AdolphuaTown,. 0 %."i 0____0 Ernest Town, ...0 15 0____0 Kingston,.......0 17 6___0 10 0 Frnm Kingston toiQ Q OananoquCj J Broekville,.....0 15 0____0 9 6 Prescott,... w.. 0 17 6____0 10 0 5 0 6 3 7 6 K O 9 0 RULES mid BMGULJTIOMSfnr the STEAM-BOAT CHARJLOTTE. ■ 1. Immediately on leaving any place where Passenger* have been received oil hoard, a Cell will be rung as a signal for the Passengers to choose their Births and pay their passage. 2. All freight to be paid for on delivery. 3. Nosmoakmg allowed in the Cabin, nor any Gentleman allowed to visit the Ladies Cabin without special permission. rt%!4, IS19. 20 The Steam-Boat FR © NT K N A C, JAMES MACKENZIE, Master, Will in future leave the different Ports on the following davs— VIZ * ' Kingston, for York, en the \st, 1 \th and 2I.\7 'lays of each month. York jar Queaaston,3dr \3thandL2Sd days of each nuttitk, Niagara, for Kingston, 5th, Iblh and'ihth daj/s of each month. RATES OF PASSAGES, From Kingston to York and Niagara, £3 -0-0 Front York to Niagara, — — - — 1-0-0 Children under three years of age, half price; above three and under (en. two thirds. A Book will be kept for entering the names of Passengers, and the births which they may choose, at which time the passage money must be paid. Passengers are allowed 60 lbs. weight of baggage ; surplus bag¬ gage to be paid for at the usual rate.—Gentlemen's servants cannot sleep or eat in the Cabin. Deck Passengers will pay 15s. and may either bring their own Provisions, or be turnished by the Steward. For each dog brought on board, 5s. All applications for passages to be made to Captain Mackenzie, on board. FREIGHT Will be transported to and from the above places at the rale of 4s. per barrel bulk, and Flonr at the customary rale, delivered to the different consignees. A list of their names will be put in a con¬ spicuous place on board, which must be deemed a sufficient notice— and the Goods when taken from the Steam-Boat, will be considered at the risk of the owners. For each small parcel, 2s 6d. which must be paid on delivery. Kingston, April 28th, 1819. JSlf THE late partnewtilppf Robert Gra¬ ham <Y Co. having difc^olreil jfselt thfednybj thcclraMi ol Roderick Mar \iny l>i|. ihe business in Future will bv carried on by HwJS ilwi riber-j io whom nil persons, who me indct'ed lo the above firm, will please,pay thriraccounts with¬ out delay«andtboM' who may hnreclaims ngain>t (hat roncfttfl will please prcsenl ihem fnr adjustment. «>9 HmtntT GHAHAM. Point FreoVrU'k, 21«i Sept, 1818. notice! TtlE Siibfcnbci has Loft three Noloa Signed by Freeman S. Clinch, viz. ore of 25 DoJtoraon deman.], one of 25 Dollars hx Ulrti.ihs afterdate, ore of 5odo!hrs. payable in Joiner** or Cabinet work ; the enoVrfe'.,eni according to the bell of my knowledge ;$ 3$ follows. viV 4 <»r 5 PounoS on | lie lull iniWc, tin above 261I1 of March 1 Si? IMNI&L REYNALDS. Febrnsry 1 uh, 1^19- 3 NOflCE. At NUMBER of Lots of One Hun £/j* <lrcd Acres eaeh, fituatcil on Hub lie Roads now laying^ out, running through the School ToV'fti'pt* of Southwulrl, Yarmouth, and HipttglitonrWll be fold by Public Auction, f.»r actual fetllemcnt, to the higheft bidder, at ROSS'a Tavern on Talbot Road, on the full of July next ; one fourth of the Purchafe Money to he paid down, and th<* remainder by three e- qual inftalmencs, with intercft. By order of [Hi Excellency the Lieu¬ tenant Governor in ; ouncik Executive Council Officef 1 Vcrkt zdh February^ 1819 J 11 notes were given 1I1 To Axemen. THE subscribers will receive pro¬ posals frnm any person or person- uilling to encase lo clear sixty acres of new land on their premises in Amelias- buFgb, Bay of Qtiinle, ready for seed by the first day of Ai'au-t next. The Ash¬ es on said laud will be required to be collected and car: fully secured. Teams , P. *. ? '■'*t\T3 »%ii t'tf"- ruiois/t.v»l if *e quired. For particulars apply to OW'V.S McDOUGAL, [Kingstonj or to McDOUGAL& McLELLAN, 9 Bellville. To Let, AND immediate poffeflion given, thai pUafantly fituated HOUSE and PARK, the property of the Rev. Alcxr. McDoi'tll. For further particulars apply to the fubferiber. DUNCAN McDONELL. Also—A fmal! HOUSE inStorc Street, oppofite Melfrs. Monjeau & St. Germain's. Apply as above. Kingston, Dec. 8lt>, 1818._________29 Found, T ON Long Iiland, a fmall SKIFF.— The owner can have it by proving property and paying charges, and applying to jj. BROWN, Market-Place. Kingflon, May 1$, 1819* 2\ N ( »TICE. HE underfig ued requcft all perfons indebted to the eftate of the late NICHOLAS tLAGEPMAN, Efyuire, to make immediate- payment, and fuch as have accounts agajfrul the eftate, are re¬ queued to prcfent thent for adjuftment. Cli. Alex. Hagcrman, Daniel Hagerman, Executors, Kingflon, 15th March, 1819. 12 _ uiiJank' DEEDS anu, MEMORIALS For sale %t this Office, An AH to repeal an /Jil pa/feel in thrjifty- Jiftb year of His AT.ijefty's Reign, entitled ' an A0 to Licence Practifivncrs in Phys¬ ic and Surgery throughout tins Pritincc, and to mate further provifion for Licer.- cingfuch Pranitioncrs. I .'a»<.Ml 27ih November, 1S18-] WrHEREAS the provifions of an Act Of the Parliament of this Province, pa (Ted in the fifty-fifth year of His Maj-fly's Reign, cntiilcd " an Ad> to Licence rYaftitioncr* in Phyfic and Sur¬ gery throughout tin's Province," have been found to he impracticable, Be it enacled by the King's Moft Kxcellcnt Majcfty, by and with the advice and confent of the Le- giflatiTC Council and .'\flembly of the Pro- vince of Upper Canada, conflituted and ah~emblcd by virtue of, and under the au thority of an Acl paHVd in the Parlia¬ ment of Great llritain, int:tu!cd, " an \&. to repeal certain parte of an Act paffed in the fourteenth year of His AIajefty'» Keign, intituled, * an Aft for making moie efTrftual pr«»Tili#n for the Govern¬ ment of the Province of Quebec, in North America, and to make further provifion for the Government of the faid Province," and by the authority of the fame, That the above recited Ad be and the fame is hereby repealed. II. And belt further enaSed by the au thori.'y afore/aid, I hat :t (lia'l and may be lawful for the Governor, Lieutenant Go- venw, or Perfou aJminiftering the Go vernment, toconilitute and nppoint undci his hand and feat at Arms, five or more pc:Tons legally aulhorifeH to practice Phy- fie, Surgery, or Midwifery, in this I re- vince. t" be a Board, whereof any three to be a Quorum, to heai and examine all pei fon« dciirous to applv for a LucrlcCi t" prafliee Phyfic, Surgery, and Midwifery ui either a* them, within this Province, and being farisficd by fuch examination, thai any perlha v duly qualified to prac¬ tice Phyfic. .-Surgery, and .Vlidwifety, or either, to ceitify the fame, under the hands and feals cf two or more of fuch board, whereupon the Governor, Lieutenant Go- venrtr. or Pcrfon adminiUering the G»- vernment, being fatisfied of the loyalty, /■'.•, i-< l 7S*-"A w.TjiU of fiich »t>pU- cant| may under hi« hand and fcal at aim^, grant ti him a Licence to practice Phyfic, surgery, and Midwifery, or either, eon- foim.iblc to fuc'i certificate, Provided ah •way.'. That nothing in this A6t (ha'l ex- lend 10 prevent any Female from practi- ling Midwifery in this i rovjnee, or to re¬ quire fuch Female to take out fuch Li cence aa aforefaid Provided alfo, That no •.j.-rfoii duly authorifed by any Univeifity in His M.tjefty'y dominions, or by com miffion or wairant in His Majefty's Naval 01 Militaiy fcrvice, or who have been here- tofcr- licenced by any Medical Board in thh Province, fliall he retrained from piactifing for want of fuch Licence as a fore (aid. III. Andhe it further enacled by the au¬ thority aforefaid. That if any per Con not excepted as aforefaid, fhall practice Phyfic, Surgery, or Midwifery within thit I rov- ince, without fuch Licence, he fh'U for every fuch offence, forfeit and pay the (urn of One Hundred Pound*, to be recovered in Bi* MajeirVfl Court of King's Bench, by action of Debt, Hill, plaint or informa¬ tion, one moiety whereof fhali be given to the informer,and theother moiety paid into the hands of the Receiver General of this Province, to and for the ufe of His Majefly, His lieirsand Successors,andto and for the ufe of this Province, and thefnppnrt of the Civil Government thereof, to oe accounted for to Mis Majefty through the Loida Com- miflloncrsof His Majefty's Trcafury, for the time being, in fuch manner and form as it (hall pleafe His Majefty to direct, Provided /Jlways, That nothing in this Act (hall extend to any perfon who has been rcfident, piactifing Phyfic, Surgery, and Midwifery, before the firlt of Jjnuaiy, One Thoufand Eight Hundred and Twelve, until twelve months after the conftitution of fuch Board as afortfaid, and notice thereof, and of the time and place of its aflembling. be given in the Upper Canada Gazette. IV And be it further enaScd by the au¬ thority aforefaid, That it fhall and may be lawful for iuch Hoard, to afk, demand and receive for every fuch certificate from the pcrfon claiming the fame, the fum of three pounds ten millings, and that it fliall alfo be lawful for the private Secretary of the Governor, Lieutenant Governor, or Pcr¬ fon adminiftering the Government, to aflc, demand and receive for fuch Licence, of and from the perfon receiving the fame, the fum of twenty (hillings. V. And be it further cnaffed by the au¬ thority aforefaid, That the faid Board fhall be held and kept in the Town of York, in the Home Diftrict, twice in each and every year, the firft Monday in January, and the firfl Monday in July. An A3 to repeal an Ordinance of the Province of Quebec, paffed in the twenty fifth year of Hit Majefly s Reign entituled, " An Ordinance concerning Land Surveyors, and the /fdrncafurrmeni of Lands," and alfo to extend the provifions of an Act pas¬ sed in the thirty-eighth year tf His Ma- fe/ly's Reign, entituled, " an Aft to afecr- tain and cflablifh on a permanent footing the Boundary £jnes of the different Toiuri- fhips of thit Province" and further to regulate the manner in which Lands are hertafter to be Surveyed. • Pi*>?.-4 *^7th Novirnhtr, 1818.1 WHEREAS an Ordinance of the Province of Quebec, paffed in the tWcnty-fiftfl year ot His Majefly'e Reign, entituled, " An Ordinance concer¬ ning Land Surveyors, and the Admeas¬ urement of Lend," U in many inftancea, as far as the fame relates to t'nis Province, found to be inapplicable, Be it enacted by the King's Moft Excellent Majefly. by and with the advice and confent of the Legiflative Council and Aflemhly of the Province of Upper Canada, conftitutcd and afletnbled by virtue of and under the authority of an Act pafTed in the Parlia¬ ment of Great-Britain, intituled, *' an Act to repeal certain paru of an Act paffed in the fonrieenthyear *»f !:; Majefty's Reign, intituled '* an Act fur making more effec¬ tual provifion for the Government of the I rovince of Quebec, in North America, and to make further provision for the Go¬ vernment of the (aid piovince," and by tbeauthoiity of the fame, "l hat thr faid Ordinance, fo far as it relates to, or affects this Province, be and the fame is hereby repealed. II. And waercai it Is neceffary to ex¬ tend the provifiens of an Act, paffed ;n the thirty eighth year of His Majefty's Reign, entituled '* an Act to afcrrtain and ertablifti on a permanent footing the Boun¬ dary Lines of the different Townfhips of this Province, Be it enailci by the authori¬ ty aforesaid, That all houndary lines of Townfhips, all conceffi«n lines, governing points, and all boundaries, pofts or monu¬ ments, which have been placed or planted at the front angles of any lots 01 parcels of Land in the nrtt Survey, intended to determine the width of fuch lots or parcels of Land, provided fuch Survey ha: been performed undet th- authority of the Ex¬ ecutive Government of the late Pinvince of Qurbec, or under the authority of the Executive Government of this Province, fliall be and the fame :irc hereby declared 'o be the true and unalterable boundaries of all and every of fuch Townfhips, con- ccflinns, and loti reflectively, and that ev- 17 lot or parcel of l*and refpcctively, whe¬ ther it fhall upon admeasurement be found to contain the exact width, or mere or lefs than what may be rxpreffed in any Letters Patent, Grant or other IrUrumuit, in ref- pect of fuch Boundaries or Line* mention¬ ed and ezpreffed.. fhall embrace the whole width contained between the front pofts, monuments or boundaries planted or pla¬ ced at the front angle* of any fuch lot or parcel of Land as aforefaid, in fuch origin¬ al Survey as aforefaid, and no more nor lefs, and every half or quarter of fuch lot or parcel, its proporrinn, any thing in fuch patent Or inftrument to the contrary there¬ of in any wile notwithstanding IT!. And be it farther enacled by the au¬ thority aforefaid That the Boundary Line of each and every i ownfhip, on that fide from which the lots are numbered, fhall be and the fame is hereby declared to be the courfc or courfes of the refpective divi&on or fide lines throughout the fcvcral Town¬ fhips and Conceffeoni of this Province res¬ pectively, 2nd all Surveyors fhall and are hereby requited, 10 run all divifion or fide lines, which they may be called upon by the owner or owners of any Lands to Sur¬ vey, to correfpond with and be parallel to the refpective Town lines, from whence the luu arc numbered as aforefaid. IV. And be it further enacled by the aw thorily aforefaid. That every Licenced Suivcyor, when and. aa nften as h<" is em¬ ployed to run any iide line or limit, be¬ tween lots or lines requiied to go the fame courfe of the fide lines or limits between lots in the ConcefTion in which the Land to be Surveyed UW, (hall, if it has not been done before, or if it has been done, but the courfe cannot at fuch lime be truly afcertained, determine by a true meridian line, or fome other infallible method, the true courfe of a ftraight line between the front and rear angles of fuch ConcefTion, on that boundary of the Townfhtp from which the Lots are numbered, and run fuch line or lines as aforefaid, truly paral¬ lel to fuch courfe which is hereby declar¬ ed, and fhall at all times be deemed and taken to be the true courfe of fuch lines in the feveral Townfhips of this Province. V. And be it further cnaGed by the aw thority aforefaid, That from and after the paffing of this Act, no perfon fhall act as a Surveyor of Lands in this Province, un¬ til he fhall have been duly examined by the Surveyor General or Deputy Surveyor General thereof, as to his fitnefs and capa¬ city, and fhall have obtained a Licence from, and be appointed to act as fuch, by the Governor, Lieutenant Governor, or Perfon adminiftering the Government of this Province for the time beir.g, and fhall have entered into a bond with two fufficient furetfes, in the fum of five hundred pounds, to His Majefty, His Heirs and Succeffors. for the due performance of his Office, and fhall have taken and fubferibed the oath of allegiance and the following oath, be¬ fore the Surveyor-Genera! or Deputy Sur¬ veyor General of this Province : I, A. B. do folcmnly fwear that I will well and truly difcharge the duty of a Surveyor of Lands, agreebly to the Law, without favour, affection or partiality, when and as often as I may be required thereto by any pcrfon or perfons, or K.

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