THE KINGSTON CHRONICLE. VOL I] FRIDAY, (aftsksvos) MAY 21, 1819. [No. 21. ivjps* vm00mm lY<U STEAM-BOATS The Steam-Boat FIONTEN AC, JAMES MACKENZIE, Master, Will in future leave the different Ports on the following days— VIZ. Kingston, for York, on the 1st, 1 \th and 2\st days of each month. York.for tyteenston, 3d, \3th and 23d days of each month- Niagara, for Kingston, bth, 15/// and 25th days of rack month, RATES OF PASSAGES. From Kingston to York and Niagara, £3 -0-0 From York to Niagara, — — — — 1-0-0 Children under three years of age, half price; above three and under ten, two thirds. A Book will be kept for entering the names of Passengers, and rhe births which they may choose, at which time the passage money must be paid. Passengers are allowed 60 lbs. freight of baggage ; surplus bag¬ gage lo be paid for at the usual rale.—Gentlemen's servants cannot sleep or eat in the Cabin. Deck Passengers will pay 15*. and may cither bring their own Provisions, or be furnished by the Steward. f or each dog brought on board, 5s. All applications lor passages to be made to Captain Mackenzie, on board. ,■ — FREIGHT Will be transported to and from the above places at the rate of 4s. per barrel bulk, and Flour at the customary rate, delivered to the different consignees. A list of their names will be put in a con¬ spicuous place on board, which must be deemed a sufficient notice— and the Goods when taken from the Steam-Coat, will be considered at the risk of the owners. For e«ch small parcel, 2s 6d. which must be paid on delivery. Kingston, April 28lh, 1819. iStf The Bay and River Steam-Boat CHARLOTTE, WWAsiXy ii.uire leave Kingston—for the Bay ol Quinle, evei \ Sunday morning at d o'clock, slop haif an hour at Ernest Town, half an hour at Adolphus Town, half an hour at Hallowell, and proceed to Swlmes's, Sophiasburgh ;—leave Soimes's at2o'clock in the morning. BcSlville 6 o'clock, proceed to the River Trent and the Carrying Place,and return to Solmes' at night :—leave Solmes' Tuesday morning at 2 o'clock, and after stopping at the usual pla¬ ces, ntliVe at Kingston vafU iu tin liflcrimnn Leave Kingston for Prescott every Wednesday and Friday morn¬ ing at 3 o'clock, and stopping at Gananoqne and Brockville, arrive at Prescott in the evening ;—returning, leave Prescott at 3 o'clock ev¬ ery Thursday and Saturday morning, and stopping at Brockville and Gananoqne, arrive at Kingston in the evening oi each day—Every effort will be made to be punctual in arriving at and leaving each plate at the precise times as above stated.—For freight or passage, apply to Capt. Dennis, on board. THE 5 0____0 3 9 FOLLOWING UP Cab. Posers. Sterrnc.erfr.. £ s.d. £ s.d. From Prescott to > - Brockville, ) Gananoque,.....0 15 0____0 9 0 Kingston,.......1 0 0____0 10 0 Kingston to Brv> 0 & ^ nest Town, f Adolphus Town,.0 8 9____0 Hallowell,......0 10 0____0 Barker's Ferry,..0 10 0____0 Solmes'.........0 12 6____0 Bellfilie,.......o 15 o____o River Trent and Carrying 5 0....0 6 3 7 6 7 6 8 0 9 0 17 S....0 10 0 ARE THE RATES OF PASSAGE. DOWN Cah. Pas'gr*. £ s.d. From ihr Carrying Piflcr or ttiverTreaf io ttellvIUc, Solmes',........0 7 6____0 Barkers........0 8 9-----0 EbUowclh......0 10 0....0 Adolphus Town,. 0 12 6-----0 Ernest Town, ...0 15 0-----O Kingston........0 17 G....0 3 9 •■}° Steerage do- £ *.d. 3 9 5 0 C 3 7 6 8 0 9 0 hi Earnest I jM Ij persons indebted to the ^B " ubsn ibi r. art hereby in, iked, that a Settlement must be made immediately. STEPHEN MILES. Kingston, May 20, 181!). 2\ FOILS A LK, A f ERY *.vl imbic FARM, situated near the Village of Brockville, be¬ ing the rear half of Lot No. one, and the rear half of Lot number two, in the se¬ cond concession of Bllzftbethtowiij U. C contaiuini; two hundred acre*, former¬ ly the property of Reuben Sheiwood. Require, but now belonging to JnlmShu- ter. Inquire, of London. There is a ve¬ ry good dwelling house, with a barn and other out houses o.o the premises. Also9 Lot number nineteen, in the ninth con¬ cession, and the west half of Lot number one, in the eighth concession of the same Township* Also* Lot number fifteen, in the first conces-ion, and number fifteen in the second concession, of the Town¬ ship of Tfonge, in he District of Jnhus- towu. These Farms will be disposed ol on terms peculiarly easy and advantage¬ ous to purchasers.—Anph to DANIEL JONES. Jun. Brockvi%\ IMu Jti/iu.tnj, I8l9. 1 Mtt p7HILDrtkTHf BEG^ to infirm the inhabitants ^f KinghW, that he has commeaced a SCHOOL la a houfc owned by .Mis. Burtey. nppoliie Mr. Blanchard's__he ref pcdfully folicin the attendance of the youth in that place, to whom will be paid every necclTaiy attention. T£RMS. For each il tidying rithmetic, Reading. Writing. &c one dollar per m.»nth. Thole fludying Englilh (Mannar by Chart, which is thr new approved olan fix dollars for fix Week*, i-i which .ime, if they have arrived to years of diferetion and good undcr(U,dmg. by ifair diligent application to till ftudy thereof, he war¬ rants them a good knowledge of it. Particular auction will be paid to his Grammar Siliolai^imm $ to n o'clock, A. M. and fioin ball pall 4 »u 7 P. M. Kingllou, April 28. lS*9' I'PWJ Notice* TIIR late partnership of Robert Cm- hum S; Co. having dissolved ittH this day hy tho death of Roderick M.i. - kay I>q. the busMiiC** iu future wil! In carried on by the Subscriber, to uhucali persons, who arc indebted to thi- ttbrrft firm, %vilI please pay thciraeeomits v>Uh- out delay,and those who mnj have rim. «. agajtot that concern "ill please pre*- , them lor adjustment. oy ROBRRT GRAHAM. Point Frederick. %l«t Sept, ISIS. Statutes of Upper Canada. An Act for vesting in I'ommis- sfonefs the Estates of certain Traitors, 8cc. .Concluded. V A nd to the end that all and every of the faid Estates and interest hereby vested or to be vested in the faid Commiffioners may be duly publifhed, fo as all perfons having interest therein, may have notice tbcieof in fueh manoci as that they may enter their claim* upon the fame in manner hereinafter provided ; Be it cnaQed by the authority aforefaid. ThzX the faidCommis- fioncrs (hall caufe the Register or Books herein appointed to be kept of the names ofall nerlons attainted of High Treafon, committed during the time aferefaid, aad ofall teal and pcrfonal Kstatesand interests by this Aft vested or to be vested in the faid Commi'ifioners, or an authentic copy or duplicate of Inch book tn be kept by a propsr officer, who fhal* make the feme open and pat nt to the infpeflion of all peifona whv fhall demand the fame, between the hour* of 10 and 2 of any Iftufu) day, without aay fee or reward, and iu the fai.' books fhall be exptefTed the date:- when 'h' entries of the fevcral Estates, realorpetfonalf th^t fliall be there entered, were made and the faid Commiffioners «v Hi -i.ujority of them (hall alfo tianfmit to :hc fnecial leceivrr, for tlie time: bving^ an authentic copy of the laid Regifter or B-ka. VI. And be it further enatlfd by the au¬ thority aferefaid, Tha* when any real etlate fhall be entered in lb^ faid Uegifter, the faid Commifliouers (hall from time to time, within the fpace of one month afiei f ieh entry, tranlmit or caufe to be trans milted an Mlthcntic copy or duplicate of cv. cry !iichent:y toths'v.lcrh ftht- Pcdccofthe Ddl'icl within which the laid real eftite U fituatcd, and eve«y fuel* Clerk of the Peace, fhall and is hereby required within feven davs aftei he fhall receive fuel, duplicate or copy, to caufe the fame or a copy tnereoflo be affixed on the door c! the place where the General Quarter Scv of the ! cice are ufually held for fuch i>illiiA, and to caufe the lame to be in frrlrrl in .» hnuk to be provided and kept by him lor purpulr, alt which hook- fhall lie made open and patent 10 any perlons demanding infpeclionuf the fame, upon ViV lawful day between the bouts of 104" ' t without fee or reward. having no perfor- or perfon» any e«tate, right, equity. NOTICE. TriF. Subfcriber ha? Loft three Note* Signed by Freeman S. Clinch viz. one of 25 Hollar* on demand, one of 25 Dollars fix Months afterdate, one of 50 doll ir*. payable in Joiner's or Cabinet work ; the endorfement according to the befl of my knowledge is as follows, viz. 4 or 5 Pounds on the fir Q Note, the above notes were given the 26th of March 1818. DANIEL REYNALDS February 1 ith, 1819. 8 NOTICE /ft NUMBER, of Lot* of One dun- Q/lL drcd Acre* each, fituated on Pub¬ lic Roads now layng out, running through the School Tovnfhfps of Southwold, Yarmouth, and H:ughton, will be fold by Public AuAiou, f»r aflunl fettlement, to the higheft bidder, at ROSS's Tavern on Talbot Road, on the fir ft of July next ; one fourth of the Purchafe Money to be paid down, and the remainder by three e- qual inftalmentij, with intereft. By order of His Excellency the Lieu tenant Governor in Council. Executive Council Office* 1 Tork, z6th February\ 1819.J II Place,J ° f3= Board and Liquors charged separately |j^ FREIGHT at the customary rates. 10 0 rom Kingston to) Q 50_0 3 0 Oananoqut;, ^ Brockville,.....0 15 0-----0 9 6 Prescott...... ...0 17 G-----0 10 0 RULES and REGVLATIO \Sjbr the STEAM-BOAT CHAtLOTTR 1. Immediately on leaving any place where Passengers have been received on board, a Bell will be runjj as a signal for the Passengers to choose their Births and pay their passage. 2. All freight to be paid for on delivery. 3. Nosmoaking allowed in the Cabin, nor any Gentleman allowed to tisit the Ladies Cabin without special permission. May 14,1819. SO To Axemen. THE subscribers will receive pro¬ posals from any person or persons willing to encase to clear sixty acres of new land on their premises in Amelias- burgh, Bay of Quinle, ready for seed b) the lirst day of August next. The Ash¬ es on said land will be required to be collected and carefully secured. Teams and Prortsians will be furnished if re¬ quired. For particulars apply to OWEN McDOUGAL, Kingston, or to McDOUGAL & McLELLAN, 0 BelffiUe, To Let, AND immediate poffeflion given, that pleafantly fituated HOUSE and PARK, the prop.erty of the Rev. Alexr. McDonell. For further particulars apply to the fubferiber. DUNCAN McDONELL. Also—A fmali iHOUSE inStore Street, oppofite MefTrs. Njfonjeau & St. Germain'*. Apply as above. Kingston, Dec. %j£, j8j 8. *$ V.I. Wi thai w'p.ipnl'ocver, til lc or interest in law or equity, into or nut of <"•)' of the faid etttatc;*, real or per loiud voted orto he vested in the faid Con m'flionen by tin- \c"t, may be in any wile prejudiced thereby ; Be it ...'.</ by 'he tii'thority aferefaidt That all and every j-erlon and per Ions whaifocvcr, bodi*.- P'lb'lic or corporate, iVthec than and except all fuch perfons forfeiting the fame, and the Itcira, executor*, administrators and i. !Ti — ■ ■ of vvery of them, and all and every perTon ;ind perfoni, having or claiming any thing in the prcmilcs or any pait thereof, to th- ufe of or in trust for any fuch perfor.s Oi their or any of of their hciis, executor*, administrators having any estate right, title, intcre-t, ufe, trust, pofTeflior:, rever li *n, remainder, annuity, rent, debt, bene fit, charge or incumbrance whatloever, in law or equity i'i, to, or out of, or upon any lands, meffuuges, tenements and here¬ ditaments wharfocver, or to any real or pcrfonal estate or any other the piemifes whatsoever, rested tn to be vested in the I faid Com-' iflt mere by this Aft, by or under any lciticmeat,, ju~t. ment, statute, rec*ignizance,extent or othe* debt, charge or incumbrance, atTr&ing ur which was binding on the perfon- ,irtainted or to bt attainted, or on the pcrfan> found or to be found Aliens by any inqui'fition taken and returned according to the above recited A& of the Parliament of this 1'rovinct, pafTed in the 54th year of His Majesty's Rctgn, and which might have affefted the fame estate, before the refpec- tivc days and times whereon the fame was vested in His Majesty, and alfo all and every perfon and perfons, bodies politic & corporate, pretendin g to have right or title to any estate which fhall have been vested or fliall hereafter be vested in the faid Commiffioners, and who (hall pretend that none of the perfons registered in the books of the faid Commiffioners, as attaint¬ ed of High Treafon or as found to be Aliens, was feized or pofleffed of, or interested in or entitled unto fuch estates, in his, her or their own tight, or to his her •r their own ufe, nor any other perfon in trust for them or any of them, as in the inquifiticns concerning the fame are respec¬ tively returned, or that they have right or title to fuch estate, (hall within the fpace of 6 months, to be reckoned from and after the date of the entry that mall be made in the Registry Book of the faid Commis- H'oncrs, of any pcrfonal estate, and in cafe of real estate, within eight months of the entry in the Register to be kept for the District where fuch estate lies, in manner herein before directed, of the estate or interest in, to, or out of which fitch claims and demands are to be made telpectively, enter all their refpeftive claims and demands before the laid ("ommiffionere, in fuch manner as herein before mentioned, or in default thereof, every fuch estate, right, title, interest, ufe, poffeflion, rever- i.iii, rcoiajadcrjannuity, i•;ur.i debt,charge andtncumbranceinto.or out of.or upon the faid premifceor any part thereof.fhall b?*nd is hereby declared to be ui'.l .ind vo:d to all intents and purpofci what!-ever, and the estate or estates fo as aforefaid. liable unto or charged therewith, ftnli f-om thence be freed, acquitted a«<d dife'-ar^ed of and fiom the fai-nc ; and all .«nd every fuch claims and demands nf Infant (lull and may be made by their fathers or ■.'Uar- dians, or any other perfons in then Hehjlf, and all claims of Fe»nmes Coverte> bv their hufbauds or any other perfon* on their behalf and all cl-iimt of Madmen, I; ots or Lunaucp, by fuch perfou or pn on- lh- dtrwhufecarc01 custody theya't o lhall be at the time-.f enteringfuchclaims, and that all fuchclatmi fhall be mat-e and tendered in writing to the fa*'.. Commiffionei*. and figncd by the patty «r parties making the fame, or luch other nrrlnn or pcrfiia on his, hei or their behalf a* afneaid. or figneo by the attornica or agents of the pdrty or parties claiming, and fuch figning lhall be testified by two or more credible witncfTcs, who (hall fr-bfrribe their namea to aitct the fai:ie and every claimant fhail therein particalaily Cxpref^ what eft.itl, right, title, intrrelt, ufe, poff"(Ti'»n, revcrfion, remaindcr,annuity,^cnt,c!e,¬ nefit, chargeor incumbrance he or fhe de- mnnd or claim. iniO or out of or upon any ,-anof the Premifes(and by and undi- v'.at gift, grant, fettlement, conveyance, fecurity, title or incumbrance, he or fhe do claim* the fame, and if fuch party clai mug hath demands, or claims any elta*e, tit;ht .itlc or intereft, in or to any part of the premifes by virtue of any incumbriin e for any debt or fum of money wh»ti ■ ser, inch party lhal! alfo in his claim le forth lurh incumbrance, and the dates auu con¬ tents thereof, and the wituefTes thereto, and if the lame be receded, wheu and •vhire tke fame was entered on record,and whcthei inch debt and f.D f money was a'd is really due ae.ii remains wholly unpaid and unfatisHrd, and what par1 . nj how much thereof has b-ni really and truly fatished, by money paid or by any other ways and mean, whatfoevet. and every luch claim uW be tianfcnbcJ by crder of the faid Con i-ifuootr- or the muj ntj «f hem, and e".ered iii b >k to h- L>ruvidfd ano fa.riy k^pt by them for that purpole, and the {aid Ccrnmifltoncra 0' the majority of them arc hereby .equi- rcd and empowered 10 proceed in a fum- mary way, without abiding the eourfe of any jloll, to hear and determine all inch claims ; and every decree of the faid C -m-* or the majority of them (hall be hnal and binding upo • all p-r'-r-i con- Srlc or - crrncd, in cafe thirty day* (ha I without fty proceedings being .iad appealing from the fame 16 a fnecial t mmiffion of appeal, to be cempoiee of the Chief Jartice and Judgc>ol tac Court t King's Bench in this Province, -inJ it fhall be lawful tor the Governor, 1 itut. Governor or Perfon adminiftcrin^ the Government of this Province, to appoint the Chief" Jurticeand the Judges of the ourt of King's Bench, for the time bi :r*g, 'Jommiffioocrs of appeal, with pow-.- to Kcar and determine all appeals from the drcifions, judgment* and decrees of the Commiffioners fir ft above referred to. VIII. ArJle it further enaScd by the authority aforefaid. Thai the faid .»m- iniffio'-ers or the majority of them fhal Sc ttiey are hereby empowered and required in a furamary way, without the formality of proceedings in the Courts of law or equiry. to proceed by and upon the tefli- mony of Witneffee upon Oath, examina- rion of.perfnnl ehiminp, or othe; wife interclted, upon their oaths, inspection a.'iu examination of deeds of writings and re¬ cords, or by all, or any of the faid ways and means or otherwise, or according to the circamftanres of the cafe, m Coon as conveniently may be, 'o hear and det-r :-ineB and adjudge all, and every claim audi laims which fhall becnt'-icd within thetinicafore- faid,and that eveey party claiming, mil, if required by the faid Commiffi »ners, or by, or on behalf of His MajeftyV Attorney or Solicitor General of this Province, upon oath, anfwer to the truth of his or her claim, and to fuch proper interrogatories as the Commifiiouers (hall think fitting for t!ie clearing thereof, and upon '-ath pro¬ duce before the faid Court- at the hearing of fuch claim, all fuch deeds, writings, and evidences, as are in his cuftody or power, any ways concerning the faid claim or the fubjccH matter thereof. IX. And to the cad, that due care may be taken of the interetl of His Majcfty in refpeft of fuch claims as (hall be offered as aforefaid, /f is hereby further enacted by the authority afcrefjid, that His Majelly's Attorney General of this Province or in his abfence, the Solicitor Genera), (halt and they are hereby empowered and re¬ quired to provide for makim; proper 3m. fwers and defence on behalf of H's la- jefty, to all fuch claims as (hail he offered as afotefaid, and for revernn^, affirm.ngf and amending the decrees that fall b-j patTed upon fuch claims, as they (hall fee caufe. X. And be it further cnaded by the au¬ thority aforefaid^ That where the cuita f» to be determined as aforefaid, to be ju£ and lawful, fhall contain a demand of say fum or turns of money, any wife affecting any of the faid eilates, real or perlonal, then and in fuch cafe, the (aid Cominiffion- cii or the majority of thcirjj thall* and au