Arizes, thf An^pnu-.'Vsvn Juringlbe Jaind') SCHlum. ■',. »a> mil !■• ir of each SIfft, .glovMiil) -<ml;.*«l fcl Ira 01.. •• In tli" pa^. vfipr l>i-inrc by thi fecifliary, al Hie di- rcc n't- of <ite :-rr*idi-ni. ft. TwCflmmnWC»till| men luaricrly BMW jiieii o !rrr limes and «l *ucli pUcca a> ihr 1'resi- dei I may j-w!Keprr|irf, provide iltal requi.ilioiie •ft.r^c.WpMng.-bcMgnedliyiiot terttflUO t»v<" 6. i-i- ('ommiiii c 'hall ho required 10 supgot foil.e >iicie:v tf-ni nwin nmr, a-oita>ion may Mirv«tinra»iir»ail«o*w«l ut F«'nolc ",riusir.*« «eoi;omv,amlM.lirit!- ftttOUg III* low" outers. 7 A<'o"Oi*Hlir(;cneral meelinps In ihe yrar at 'lo least, ilicC\nmiiiuec">iiallf"i"<>li a r«-p<"t «f -..-ir UiOCrvdiiip. At ihr aiCVlfog* in Ktligt- fO»MeacCuUn**%liall lie audited and the «<tlneis •l tne 3ori"i> <l'*'.id- . . |n wilHilanM lh*tl any pecuniary aid he f:T.":«l:r J tw ""-* l^ocjety III per-vut. MfcO liave c!a.r..» on anv Tnwu-lilp lunri>.fxeepi<Up in <*»<* ofl'-.-iiMT »!i*,re-», P'i'riiimrinl'ji by tM t.'um- n&fi) ? li-*i«iuf. :'.. Twni' S-JfiCy will R«COOI»IM»nCB liie pric .ccof:ivi;ti;rr!u;ltov<!!leier.-l»;. Ill** Of »in- r. ft-cidont* j fJWpi liicaniount ol ibeir !<»..> tawfa brfureaMojrArtraw resiaiB^iii tut- iitJe|,- LoBrhova ufeccefftM IuhM W*w rtfrUWiwi) v.y- V an in tli"i* Pfiiiion : and the time during yhittl il."j>rtii-«n* arc cube u-ci and Ij-ffporiiun of th. DUttlei In which i»oews«l, fc**Jiiiiitri!. 10. nr i:t. Be «t n;r.y be .i* tbeil |n)«"i lb- Com¬ mittee silB'l provide raiplo;inciii l«r ibe toner on>'.'« wt.v* •(*«•!» reilff. 11. The ('< mini tt«*rs(-al! be eler-rri annually aHh*itttcft»ghffl<tUi Kii>c>«*n. All *acan**ij$ maurin t-i^ir u;]|nbii shall be aoppiu J I;y thi'in- tV. Tiic Committee »}ml 1 he empowered io ortu up r>te* and regulations iorilieir «*u pii- •'a:.o\ pro*ider! ibey in i o e-itr infi lbr-e ilic :Vii.rux'etvalnilc'cVlheJ'--.C!eiy—whiehihallin-i t»ea teredo amended but at <Ue geutial icee»- ii^ftfiiieSwciscv; ■.X?!M.-:vn rcfofavf, \ i. 'J'.at the whole to mh$!f d and be printed on;<- in ('{iv«:;lcW* and Krra'.d. 2 . I ai iheoiifrrcAl Ti«AH»hJp$ be invited toji n Siiciety, and te tia.tie luo Oeiiib m-.i to rf, i:i cO:ersof th' toTiiciill-.c. T:.' (twhiwinjC Grn.leinen nore \u*n nam'd as C«i:c ■ ;'tilir Socii'fy lort'ie prf«»i:i )hav. ^. hACS.KAN, Pe*fo,«% j.* UM.vixc;. r. i*. A. KI9>H£R, P r. MATTHEW Ci.WlK, KV, JAMES McNABB, V. P. STKi'>»IWCOK«hit, l*. T \V. lHTf'U£hU VV>u««r-r. DOMESTIC tiECIi IUTI0NS. No. 7. Fra'iHU s 5: e~;l propcu*<it!ei ft-rm *o lar^ a purl ffthe rliriiai'trT rtl man, Htill infill* eticejih actions and idi i* «w tnttrli. I'nt he h-H'ttors bolh fyiar.niral nnd ah"Otu* v"-mj (h? firiMmstaiu't"'. uihIit «li*clt I.e i. ,i'ii. o'l. <I« i»fl tcilll *•• r.-j-iw*.* In-.nim- fificfS9 nno inrnnaliiy %cl into bad hu¬ mour with themselves. OnO oCthe principA) i IT. "*s, -.vhich a residence in a villags ^ppt-ai to have "li¬ on eoirimoM minds is thai of exciting a curiosity about the affairs of others. The limited sphern affords se litil" annisr- mrnt, and so few objects capable ol ra¬ tionally attracting the attention, fcnat its inliabitant.s are often indncd. by mere rncuity of mind, to scrutinize and en¬ quire into the domestic concern* of each other, and to place a Taluc and impor¬ tance upon that kind of personal infor¬ mation which) under different circum- stnnces, they would regard with utter contempt. T.'ie acquisition of this spe¬ cies of knowledge, is much facilitated by the familiarity which generally subsists be'ween ihc families residing in *i vil¬ lain. They have acmission to the Kou- srs of each other at all times, end under all circumstances', and thus enjoy wty favourable upportuniiicsforobser^int; the sytem of domestic economy pursued un¬ der ditfercnt roofs and hreominKaeqi.aUi- ted with I?>o private affairs of these they risit. If the in[ortn;itioti obtaint d ir. this manner was treasured up by the individ¬ ual who acquired it, little harm would result to cither party ; but in all villa¬ ges, it seems to be lieltj as an axiom* that the w! tie "of knowledge consist* W the power of communicating it. Con-e- quently. when any out- bears or learns :'0i;;c!/thi'r about another. liQ instantly hurries foith, and tells it to hi; jririHts. If it is a falsehootl, he merely give* bints if a report, he confirms, ami i! truth, he exaggerate*. In theenurv of time, the sfnmwUhalliltc remarftsthBi wereut:,.r_ G&jpro&coit) rtacheg ihe ear of the party eonccmed. who being diseased ni the exposure of his private afftiir-. retaliate upon the person who made them public. The latter, in endeavouring to exculpate bimself, involves others; li->wivr ail perhaps remains quiet, until seme o'd maid gives a tea-party to which she invite* th*» different Inhabitants of the villne.e. Au Cclitt/'CifXeU'CNi 01 el»ci.l:itiei: movi laht'S I lace. Thei all accuse each Other and probably *iw wiual justice. T.'ie ladies thedtears. The gentlemen ihieaien to challenge each other- being muiealiy a- v.are. that no one anmp.y tln-ni hits o»m- aye enm..'!i to fi*h( : and Hie w Inde eco- pany ^epar;'!'- in a*Utonf Iiost IT it v & »'on- fnfi*»R, and perhap?conttuu • s.-*, until the !:n»tleef a funeral or of a uredrliuir, e\fitf* euhhosihe recollectiott «f \l-\r sfltw - KINGSTON C31KONH uK. *.....*......* ...•», • <•-.......... ktSGSTON.u. c. May 11,1819. »■ ■.....*............. ......•• .......■ Thr mo<t MLtrfi/,uii£ ihrrlli^ncr cont^nr«l in OurNeu YoflttMpc^frtieuratnu week i^ rrciin Srtiiih Aim rfca, uljf *l I^arvK^iv'iffluo bail ^rrt- vi'il. anil h:i\inga>' iitnril iliiMiiriiiiaiirtoi"Ihc On- I ."' tti r*;t w;w pcouAriiiK *01 art BiMiefc on liim.t, al or |Vni. HbottUl UlU^Altrprltc mic* - »UI fjfat ■ ci)inpl*,<6a^Wfuin/" * *** the Ufrini&On Ib^AlMr^oF ih< Pact lie, antl Couih tUihiurefbr prvrrm (hcv^swwcfiWtioiutHyoc* perlni'rrd in *Uc 1 .'n;*uVVaM Prnvincr* U I l*u fcPCll bv tlif tcWrliiir* In nur CVlUVUM lh*I III** rnp COCtL il r Sir (Jro^cr Mrfirr/ur ||Bd f \f«l hhi rendc/wjupul I*-* (Vl\^, iniluM^tflni of stin! |)oimi«^», irr-r; Mlirori^tfff w*» |*t^p%r»n^ <» a iliH^nl on tlu* •-t»a*: u( *'-\W .* % lii- JUdt?chl lie will GUT) 5-* pott i-rful a tr'Muri' nuiii iu Ihr Patliol atmir3 I* il*ni flMTtrr ihiii Morillo *iil hj Ionj;ci* be i-l>Ie ;ti ni^kr head ugatiisi ibem, toMch ?i?v*? iprWed at iWfllHl ** ibo nuxi^an^n is % £*rul. tlUtalalia O&CCVu lattj tail* u % M.ijiir General Iir-i-.*n, arm (;a. !».■, n i\,t........• i rd» b»r« la tu fwr recove c;al dutir*. » the United SiatM •• •■fnmi*.|v iiuli:p«>- m.i It. iVMimc l"*olh- I'/'ir Drift'.-/: Pttcket tjai en sin-try .from FuhnoMik* has afrhnn at liat'jax tzUh the Mairh /H'u. jjl-jr. in the Strain Bi-at, fmm :J..t ?t.'ii nf Cio\f i'i<in< til. 4)n Sa ntdav mtirin g, si 8 o'clock, if In*jt6eu*il Uie'fiiii Krgnuifai and I lie •lillfiriil itri.n linn-lit* ul' min|». in me gaui- •i>n ; fliiiint; (In1 (iay lie txaiuiiti-O (lie public wmiL* a| I'dini* t-rcilencli amt liinry. Ai 6 In- ni down to tinnier .->i lit* mVM «1 Ulff Jftft.— Oq Suml.-iy lir atli-ntW l>.»ine Wur-liip, liutli inmiiiiif. i.l evening, and after the evening *• r- %'ice \isitrd (he Sunday school. Ai an raily hum oh Mmitlay nitiniiig, arrumpiniit'it liv Lt. CoL Wanllaw, and lu> pi-rxinaL Sfatf*lie embavli- eu on hoard tlie lta> and Ktvi-r Tilt-am boat,and Ij : ■ ■»iTili-il in livras lar a* tin* Carrvinj; 1'iac.-, inteiuliuo, :i> M«' liavc Im <". infut::icti, dad t!ir weathfi jirnr-'nii'i!, in \isiirtl lite bid #t iron •!¥ on Hit- ('ii.w river, and a lid tlie Towu- >Iu(i> nn lit*' It ice Lake In June, vie are fur¬ ther ir jrmfd. he «i!l acCOmBBB) lli« CJr.tce tin* LVimnniinter int lllefou»|miroCiS1J*fCih>n a« fur nilJninitr-nnd 1* InnH in l.:*ki>51urnii. 11 is gi.iufv. !:■* lo *ce >o niiirii z<*al innmlvricd by u:ir Cio- \cr<iO*» lo hecunie peiMJiiatly aci}u;tinled nith the outtira and ci»ctiin*i:mce* ol Ihe Luuniiuv, wltirli they hatebreii sent out inetivent,—t'olc- iiie* CRtinol he 1'unnrheil unh a liener BMBran- aUCeOf Mte gOOd «"• "I l'"' Mother f-uititrv it>- t.urd-. them, t;i;.n by tlK-appciiitmeul ot'nUeaiid oprlfbl ti'iV'-riHn — \o.- can ihc Gtnriuoi- Ki»e a mnrecniain :i\owal of their read* dTktfd»nian li>|(irwaid thi'hr-l imcir»t> at'the t olanir*, ih;i*i i^ <toiie by tin ii uii'U*i;;'jitijr lali^tu- nmljit,\a- linn in makii^ \uu\- in ordi-r to nbiuni in- fur , .. :. (vhich cannot >o uuTifkciorilv be oh- lintt'il thinrjli the reports and repie>rufntiiri^ vt oilten g? L . " and obl'ee him lo eoiibnui t«» ieiis ilii-M tnMonal prSneiplcK which ought to rr<uJatc lti> contUict a:, a member nt'sori- ciy. llcnce, human uatu c appears in tlie :nf'*t favorable aspect when its ca- pr: .* a;.d unjustifiable inclinations are Comi i-d and fettered in their t\;-rct*e by •• ** dictates oi seif-ip(erc*t, or the e*- tal-l:- -d osagesof the citiltzrd world. tVi-rl the censurable rharacte*t»li<JS ihi< ; limaii nature continually exhibit*;, «:lJ---i|' rtance is one nhieh mere thai) an;, « he.ronghtto be subdued and ..motli- cret'. This weakneS-s ulteruatcly UntU mat astiay. datkeus liis conceptions, laaK"-: him ridiculous, ami becomes a j=o':i*. • of turment to «th*rs ; for while it isa!iow:d to opetait unt'i^'urbrd,hewlit neifvtcs hare ability norinellaatit>ii t»ui- rect Mi attention to tho<«n thing! that would advance him in thesrab* of nation* al ex;'teiice. Small soctetic? are of Course IP 0*1 farerab'e to the OiWith of sell-impertanee, Tt "f lonse- i|iionre anyone enjoys pcncnalty bears an ex art proportion to the number of peo¬ ple tl . >\< are to claim a share, or f!i*^puli* Ids tltlt' to iff Upon the ^ame ;rineiple. an ■•%% iis'tve iinorcot'fse with the \* orlil ha? a powerful tendency to subdue and eradicate H»»s species of TtHXy ' for thougJi y bii BUCCQ5sfa1 lit er.aetinj; rc*- nia peci i'ej deference from ihc liMle otrCI* in v hi -i» he has been avcnstomed tc. live, yet when he mingles with the ntnlcitnd'r, he rtill tind very few who r.rt: <li*p«**scd 10 4CKAA kb £«• h|e i N:r—. fa •:!ipr'"",]'\- !•- ojtou !iim any pririlepca -vhich don; I be- lot'^rr !ii; real station in society. It in in lii: large circle*!ef a town that man ap-i-^ar- the rao*tenlightened and laliouai kind of beiii?;. There, if l;e attempts to maintain any false Mtpcriomy. he t: in- stauth divested of it b\ those who have better e' to deference ; and hi- ca- pr:r.1. Ins fcibles, and hisarropr.nee, ftte all kept within due boundsby these |irtn- cipies of behaviour whicNaie established and enforced in rverv pnlice society. Xhls order of things, II it does not subdue his svlf-in portame, will at least render it ne^ntivein its effects, and hi? family, nnd l.i> inftriois, will 1)6 the only sub¬ ject on uhirh he dares to excrri^o »r d p jy it. On the ether hand viili^es arwdestructiretahnmancharricter. 'i heir inhi :;'anLs bdnj! jrrnerally ilMfernte, igt-'. .: t of the hoi Id, and un!u:or. d in thi r .r • .-.'• pi.e.p*, it. a^inc ii.;:' the Ii':*e Circle -f : I'd them posst-=>e'- a rt-prt :a- bi'n.« r .; u:*i"cr!ai:cc to which it has no jjrt \ f, us. and on the strength of these er- "nairuas, Ihvy inre«t theni»tlves *ir :.!-.-*lt£iiity, amifor^ft llteiractu- 31 ■» -on in ihe rahkxof aoeirfv, TIm* v :.d *o much upon ■ uc another for an.'Arnnti* and social pleasure, (hat each ij in ji cr«-al degree at the mercy of hi neighbour.and Ihh circum-i.mce, in- **' «' < f rrt-alin*; a desire foi general mux, e-nj, c!(cn awr.kiiis those lyianni- €;•.. pop»nii.(. wh*nb make, all Iiltle m. .('. lU-U^ht in showing their pown by aw.*- ylnftnihn*. TIhi \ilbji.-s r«aj he terjned the i.fl^of n-.itt) 'J loir* in. ■world, tfcncMlU ridiculous tu ITothir.c can be more rulieulnuc or ""n- temptibb' thin this. Indeed one would soiretime* be inclined t.» ioppose, that the inhabitants nf.-% Hlli»gf««oiight onpor- (unities for .ruareling, ;mm1 encouraged dissension among Ihetnwlv, *, men lv to iclieve the lancuor and entrti geRbiallV attendant ejion their miserable mode* of life. In Iiltle circles of tin-hind Iailude to, the punetflffis of the polehed world arc observed with the most <t upuUut exactness, and the most trilling deviation from ceremony, or the slightest uninten¬ tional neglecti is constrtlrd into a mark of BSROined superiority u hirh it is the in¬ terest of (he injured party to rewnt. Th<- passions of weak miitds are thus often exhibited in a manner ntOSt tl gntdluc to hr.inarity. . I have fcnotfn pcopi^, who naturalh* po««ed good underftnadinR?, and en- iicbtenett mind-', completely spoiled b> a few month** residence in a village. They had perhaps bef^^e !>• en encased in bu¬ siness, and rational pursuits, but n change from activity to idleness, and the- want ofa Congenial Society, had rrdnced them to the iccessityof conforming to tin s\m- pathie< and inclinations of those around them, atid contamination followed before they were aware. The most refined and exalted ',o'j!, When placed in a Kuhere its percptions and Sympathies cannot be elicited and displayed, v. ill n*. (en droop for want of aci'ion, and Anally ":nfc to a level wit!* those very minds >t hati |irevinu%Ij di'pised ; at. the Mahli -t garden (lower, when neglected, and en- vtronca with weeds, pradunlly loses frs delicacy and fragrance and becomes si¬ milar to the coar«e and uncultivated plan! tin*.! a'ow around it. II must be acknowledged, that there are man* village.*, to which tin: observa¬ tions I have made v> not at a'l applv. When the majority nfihe inhabitant*ar* tenable, polished, and well educated, ifitttrr scandal, jealousy, nordtssen.ioii, arc counvctM tired, evr ry one being a WO re, that Ihc mutual drpVndna'C wide! all have upon each Other, renders the Mil- l»'iipe cf harmony a"d ;:,-.od will iod:s- pensablc t<i comfort. TIhk 'Mf-itd-rcst mn^t ftlways urje peepir to'aimd aid- moiiics, but pas ion and prejudice often ovi-rrouic the infi'ietire uf her dictate-.— rfowever, although the most favoutab'e circu:ost;:nees n;ay cnucur to maken ti|- Iag<« society agreeable, the manners ai d Ideas ol tht'se who compose it USUOJll de¬ generate into b^d taste. !n the habit tif tTaiJ) meeting together, 'and being mat* ly acquainted withjffi% private ran- rerns of each other, Hicrt^uileroftts be- fj-mccorrrentrafed wHMotra *-mall circle. Their ideas, tiuir tboirght'. and their conversation,, are all rfuWexl/r, all per* saHttt, They regard wiiba kind ofapn- i!i>.evej; thiujr uneonnecJed with their own aflairs. and their i^nomnce increa¬ ses in proportion to rhrir st Ift-hnesi. Tin's village Micielie«, ar'i either rendcr- d repulsive by ih.* cxi i.-i^e. -I rontvn- ■ on and -lander, r app-ai dcSpicabit om lit. lnu^::or and ignorance which 11 rratlv theia- Trie Bill p.i**e,l hi nur i. ;i lalnre in the year im|7, for ->>l ii'enrpnt.uifiii t' n Banfc nt t/piwr (nnala, BUI irrriir«l III* lidN-i' Mine.i'in, tiuf «V- b*Uev* it ratfbol he cceU u[>nn. ucuut>4 ii ha- n-mained undrr e«tit idrMtlnn moreitcsii two ye.v"s, lb- .!tir.o«, ..nut ofthetliB* |»TC*Crlli<0 by 'he t*aperial rratmrwfihvll t nrihr Kinv.ami nl>:» h. cji i,(- lu-'l ."eion. uf (he tMI y.-elare-; i:i:il it ni'iM he ;:ci'd ni: h. (.re tin- fti *i ol J.i:m- my. |J<I9—it it ■••••• i* aorcmastanee of Uttte •iitimeo,. for aii-itiitni^ r;a* t!:p ttitl coulil be actf.t mi, thetwen:- >i»r,».j cci-oe, «!iich we nr-- o'rtl'.bly lvlOfneJ wo* linvrted dnri:«g ii^ pfiipr*! ittniuj^ii .ic liua>V|if A^-emblv bj ihe vujiii or-of hr me»'**re. itiiualn*niatierwiob. :i- i-Ilrc'»t;:!l> loprrvCtll nnv BPm'fl f..'..i jiineaa-n.*: rtitefci W lP. Otdetd, v.otild l»r- in-.-i* ii •• K <.!•! r in n !-: Ii. |Jie whole trjM— -e.„ins»:' iv' if iniKlti I - r.<Milered the >uhjeil bT}U|bJt< .f.»i..ii\ :md tfelwtrly t'.'irlii'ieeia et :i ' :*' ■■■ ■ m ,i :(i,K\jori;», tntmieaJ u tu« lu-n- l-ii..:.. : i ■-; . mu\* hi h 'miry • A eei'iani di- ,.., ,.- ,iri\:ir\ i- ii.iJ.„Iu 4i*% a» iii-ccs'ary loi the i. ;. ..I'.'.-iiirn' •>! Uf :.»ttui.,r i :.ii(^ a« uf U ■■, triM-i »■ ; of .k coiAinercial nai'irc, avil imti i.e.. .. ...y, ,i,nilai i« Tio-.l' <...' [.i thr '."I -.:.... „,,. ,,„, ,„ „ i-|fUmi in .'-.ii. . ir.c»ra.iy Han* in tlngLmit. ptrepi »pa, ..f th ifranrf Va:imtaJ ftunfc. n ti% „ovri. Hiai.Mt- III Bbw-Avp ,-,ai the |ii|| in .,., ,.;r.. a.'ir-.M.'u.i.o-i.i ftith ihe Iloyal As • '■'■ 1 • :......tminn (inmf, nuiniiE uiony outer*. i'ii- m» I nil - .•......n|* ftili-r'ami'd by ' r " ■ • '.....J h '•■"•»- rbAC tavorcd Coin- lie..i .di:. i- itX'J'I'd' if ti, Mlvanir their i i . -•. JU '..n I. .;• i.| .,,. will be iisaiu >Vir!y «'•.'.•.•'!» t..'.i.-v will '(nftfraaoiiiwrttttiliv »f tr -it ike m Idrran,.....f Tm. |in,,,ti,.|v ,..,; ti ,, ' " l>- • ","••* ••' ' •"* „, . , (.( O'l Will, ,M ^...MMg ,„..,.,. | , ,' t< ., ' ' rat will not he i.nh'o■■«'.— u.. Qimriu'ii "" »,,"',>',"»' 'vJtli rajnr««tajra i.on.- li.t.1 I';,"'"'" "'•'" «'*"1""-' nimli.r, .... „r Ineonmniilmi tt»»w'ttiJ' -1 "'»'-' htwwl jwlfcv, and ni .1^ \h> ' RHnrd "'*" l'"1""" »t»lwt l«q.....- Ii »n iIk'v v." -1' ""' *"'"' lime rU.tMi tU? Mo. k h.dd-rM" vn ,v "" ',;M' Uum'*i» wl>fci«i re. finiri: • ;'.'-, •■'U1*c,'-S-'. vapivuif ct tllvlr (r.'.tu- aci i mi - tn ^ liefff."' - OiihtWtl Oar "railer* K>)1 funl an extract i r' aa«diewjirt> i^-.din the far- liamcuinfilH J*"*; ."";* "»••■. r'-gulanap the trade bet wpm <■* Ur,:o' """f* *** ,hi1' J** vince. A>*' avr "°' ,'<" "",**' ;u ,*1,,a'1' a -i-hi iViLor**-"1'-11 l!l'* ,";'l::iCf- ** WkUOOl oflV/ snnuSnfmi wlh""f **> Rf ■*' ** P™*",*"'8 "' the Art i i •■« ■ aJpCHceof autre patticniar in- tnnn.i;:»ll.Wl '^'A vJnlul» a f« F«*«W* f*" mailnoD -h.-'"I'■* "t'lammg la-.*>f»i •-£;!.:- V.i' urdcr-iaed thai the land*. <n the IhttOlbip of 8*} otr.ui are roou in be :nld. :uul ihr proCVP<M appropriated in ihec*tab]Ubraentb( avaiver4- tv tn (hi> I'mvune. Wc have been iai'o:mtd that the Provin¬ cial Legfttature ol Upper Canada will meet on the 71b of June next. The Ediini of me Sac«ei"> tlarhoT Gazette cunhrr.i:- Ihe • pinmii we fur|m-iry cxprt-ved u- »prciinj 'he rinoil ul aBafrocidin triordct said in have heen c. fmniiKil to kUlageHipt* lime r.^u. by dcel.ii'ioj it m be alahric.iiioii- Wv do HOI, h-ineie . .lirre nith luni 111 the suppo'itinii, 1h.11 do- mori m jgiaated in a ivkIi to frQtrw lite ropiitatiui' of a'i\ imliiidoalMii Sacked Il-nhoi. We :ire nthei iii. hind io cunoder tl a. a hoax |.l,.yed oil b) sunt -^iig. Tliafollowlnc Frenrli pieces ol lr<r,ty totr.rA suicc ! *'>.;, ivbieb nrtB out b.i-v.t-r u*»at|v (uricii. m hi- IVovocc me mad.- a lifsi leo4ri t»> lite Aei 01 ih- Provincial LegMaiurr, pitted on ihe 24thUl|.a) diefo]lunn.|;i..tri, iU: The40 franc*gold coinSdwiH. en. XI ir.S Tin-Vn 1 mm-, do. 4 dm?, lift. o |» 1 The il fmtie. mIvpc do. - - - n 5 Ii Tne *) francs do. » _ _ 0 4 s ""^itherwuh nil higher and lower deoumln.i- tioti- of the»atd Coins in theintn.- projioriion. *Jd l-5ih alluwed furgraititwvcr ur under by llic singte piece. HARMED, In Mm twin, on thi ",d inttar.l, Mr. Gtor«* Hrtttr.ecc to Miu Mary Lnlo&dc, On tti. \th flttt j/r. OanM Suitztr to )/i„ /flwnn Pwrtljf, Anion the tame day, if.' Thou IViIlnuin ',. ,\U« itinmah Finitfr. &&&&&&&& &&&&&&tt# DIED, On Ihr. 1 \th imtant, ot Kingston, f/\ C. after a \hnri hut rcrjj tf«Mrt U!rte$$% aged 27 jfeat9m Mrv Jons RA^KC»« Ittptitv Audi Cvm'y ( //* jV. Ferr** in ttrtihh /VvrIA Jmtiita. tli**t~ ruofai ictrc iAlxncd at Ernest Tvitn on the 13/A fV» havr drptrrtttl tf is Uf*% more iinrcrtlu «, fftmtitf *»«'.• man rfrr^/y regretted, b$ An ntoftvti flit// numerous friend*. In him irtr* United the atftctfoojU brother and rfflilb J i/ntl> am! his (uv* wilt bi fang and atvercly felt hyth* Utpart* mtut /«ii7.i»A In bch*n*td,Gnd to which he tci, n vntamvnt daring a long period vf faithful -tc* ** Xc further $e*U hu mirttt*fj disclose* Xflr d* jit his frailties from thtir dread abedc. Tficrr^ they nlik* in trembling hope repost% The bosom cf his father and his God" B Bank Notice. ANK OK UPPBRCANADA. D1KKCT0R for the week, John Mac Lean, Esquire. I>ay*of DISCOUNT— every V\ EOKES- PAT. The w^aftrf (WrMBKr M'ck<pu:t has been very fine, and I'nviuj.hle for | iMichinR, andtheSDWlnf; nf-urinj; i:iaiii. thuit;-li ill-- urm-r* now begin in fi-i'| Ihe uaui i.f r:iin. We are happy lo lejin fn;mal| p. rt-i'l the District ih:u iti» lield>of win- frwhrai rii-verwure a nirni* |-romi»ing ..ppeai- anee in ;iny 'put ■; Ibafl ihe pic-cut one. ...... ProviAoa hn- l.'i'rU beenmadi-by ihe !.e-i-ln. Xxur ol Nova HcoitafoT a Collr^e in thai Idiom, nnd for ihe riiroui.igeiin-tii of n^ricnliure — :in r\.;m( le wi !l wflti'iy int. i.niiatinu in thi> Pio- viuer. TUe;miiev-i| pa'-^niph i" taken from the Q'-Tbrc (i,i/i'iir. A *iiuilat- K'Eiihiiiou heic would i ■<• in our opii ion, be ineAp. dun', a- eoim ol ihc Mitir i'.: '.omioaiion mem general rirculation. N.ites otfen.d lor discount n)uSt he all handed lo rhc (Rubier on the day pit- cedin;;the DISC OUST Day. S. BMITLKI". Cashier. rO B*NK NOTICE. TKE annual meeting of tlie Stock- boldcis of the Up'^ti -( jnada Dank, will oc hidden in Uinglion, at die Bank, on the Grft Monday in June next, at 10 o'clock, a- m for ihc purp«n, of electing Directors, and tranfiaiojj otht; buQnels corr.ecied wi:h the inltitutt^n >. BARTLET, Cavhicr. Kiegftnn, 6th M^y, 1819. 20 m^m Hig ill** C^OTflJ 11 ifil n'rnvuf r b^iiirrii 'Ij-^-o Pmvliiccwatii*l,*°uiir? *?*^ No OM rt,u t* <»f tirtw r, B1 fc| ::,,t'MrU(,f^ Ai>d fe* wc 1,,,hk in rftii^^iinn- #'"' B^*»i*'i»< «»•'»*«• |mr-urU bvihi^ I*.....las" e 1%*lh,< **B*1 l'^vioro mice the rlftHi «t! tir I?** *fti in "Tard io (be CMuio>err inU! iUttfP nitli t? lo b* uiftdc In uur (oinmrmal r*h\f, *u | -fc -r I S***Mo*ie*«ew1» S> fif'ri) r*_ mAd^MH o\v r;m wropt**t ilia' ^ity ^ei*>f|ie-o* Ijfid > ;i '• v i n - ■■H'Wji a tuul iuattrittion Ut c*n* L*(d wufA«f ht* tower Province bovf u nallv ai^:iifo>:i tlnn HM*flC*l u Tftt "it* nnde of l!*i* l*W- ill iiioir mmwrcini r^ulotions V»>Mirrly hftvt a rijhl (itf;irf4*nr at ib-^irlinvd*! Some tmfei.....-n*br CbtjaHlsn rjvrrmft; a«d 'hi* h^e^vi v*h lift* b&H\ * ri'*cif«i b> a proaWrtn>te-« fiiii th-» i!.ai ^-i""'*rW- 1-tfiJticcrito Ifi b** bnn:j;lil ^v^.f ' 1 . . < ti; ttu^ TKto rv- mint nur wh*, qarilttMi for fotrid' -mi ion, ulit lllff it bouiWi ablt*ti.»i tlir (!ortnu rcial rrt I?- itorwnf b-iJt Provliitrs wSflrflir Cultrit Sioin sttunMWa^iiritfftcrffrA nthttorpAmlfU—ftrflh*> tin* jo :it frtC*£flt,— Kv OT *W ttffliiroVTi ^arlia- mf*ni, dujlr* \tctt Impntf I not nul\ on jII msiut- f;trfiir«*fl «ri;rlrv, hit) 111 a mud ded f^m on ai- mn:harr> ;"*irl#-/>t pTOVh^llt, Vfhtu COHkttlunl Il1/brfitt;fiin - llrrr, \t\ *hc U\*\ ur have a rue tini r*i juji io |li*» Hi»'hi;»rr tilmirinvn House fip^ritv*lrlt' rracofnr'hrir n *n indWitlu .1 'it*n* rfltvni it-r sbr bcrrfi:i»l ib** |n'o|»l*'ai la»cr? If Ihov an-v.t'i'.fur ihe lu'^nit* ac l-<*"Ct\ u** fnrihrr avk.liou ibovc*vM »%c ihon^lifc Ifcal 11 would <omliM-r f«i jurh^nrp^r tniinpo r bcaty («ut'rr of thi- ilmi on |lKnW^*rari^*fiffc —ttlifft ihrv The Bay and River Steam-Boat eilAKLOTTE, Wi' L.i- fuiim unve Kingston—for the Riy bfQuinto,ev« v Sunday moming-at 9 o'clock, stophaJfan hour at Ernest knew.o:- ».iii*»' pan la A <4* I' a;iv i*a?r unght '*> ht:vt k .- n. thai jof ihr Province Hultd hp.vt* filsrrrd v **■!>! Ii** fr^rn ibe T3< Siatex, Mo»i iffii HtttrtU) ftif lrgis!i-iTr rnroaraiCMirnl **ni;b( i^br-Z^rt*,:** \rrl\ totUn tannrr as to ibc n»nu- tacwrrr, Hut mm** iu*rrahC.and rfficqTallj in ilirt1 pfiln* fnrmff* m\*ut (!•<*** **nco>.rasji'inrntw to l;r iruflr tirf/,W/a: llmt xjh 1;-i*of rht>*»'.be*rn;rm* Lrr» 01 "Im* rnmmnniiv, T^'ai an;*f:irl#*ofai»v linri wtftfhvOlH Oaop«n|t»^illl^i rnnrui, ott.itt ufli m1 |i|#t %. 1- nOimo -ij# |*>^* f ban a dir**vl t-ix on U10 mil^imrl i-fcltai ariitlt* : ai.d if this article •boulH happn i-t Up a nrcc*ri v of life, nidi m nrf Uiy*f am* iatltwn,tlip t;;jc b»*4:ailfff mo*l f*|iprf*v stvc* f»vrO lh*> ( on« bi%\» in l;.D^!und. wbich *./M*-*Mn uj fra**' ^brtii*-fiu*ni :|;Eii unrillia* r<*ac:i- nl a r-*rm:.i ttAfd jhiic*, h&9 not brru viewed WW* ;l vrr\ l.^fMirabb* ♦*vr—uliilcitric, whelh- i*r (iiirfam^*- ipiH 01 uill not IUp]i!l uur mao bf(f« w^iiMKi'i-wiiJiiiifl any limit, pay M> much p*M ?t»j|i fo V t;jit" fi nit«mfitv nf Amc^rirnn bceF, EUn1in< 'o* - r\i. ihai im;*^ be cor*M:mcd aiuiM^^l ii*„—t"i "a tbPnboiPn i> to h<* hoped tlia* intliWi fUlltlY at\w r«V'rtll.....C4oi*irf*rrial rnra**icfc, ihc I*a'liA-Jo nt i/rbi* L»»\r 1 pfoylllCf 111 11 aH*ni: ;t >:rrt*> |iti(*Of<iodtlCl ibut »Iih- *>f lb*-I'ppcr wi'l IrgivfnM' imi Or Milyi \ \u*U in**:** altfi lion « ihc r;<*nr*m* t|»l*iwi^ •-! 0m! cmm/.umtv; atnl tiiai bckib will fnun-'-Hih aw*, wa ihc Mifc^i m ntny not b- i/aiti www iv villi each uthc»*. Oji Frubi'- Bv« n« ln^t. IIV i:\ciiWucy S'-r F<t+vine Mvmani) sod auw Bi^tftl attttls ItuM,. half ail honr ni Adolpin^ Town, half an hour at Hiillowell, and proceed to S*ft!nifsV. Snpliiasburgii ;—leave So!mesJs atS o'clock i4i the morninffi Bellvllle 6 o'clock, procerd (o the River Trent and the Carrying Flace^and return to Sblmcs' at mglit.—leave Solmea9 7«efdaj mwningatS o'clock; and alter slopping at the usual pla¬ ces, arrive ai Kiii^sion tarty in the afternoon. Leave Kingston for Piescott every Wednesday and Friday morn¬ ing at So'dockj and stopping :it Ganaiiuque and 13n»ekville, arrive at Pickotl [ii the Evening ;—retihfing, leave Prescott at 3 o'clock ev- ei \ TlmvftUay and Saturday morning, and stopping at Brockvilie and Gananocpie, arrive at Ivin^slon in ihe evening oi each day—Every effort will be made td be punctual in arriving at and leaving each place at the precise limes as above stated-—For freight or passage, apply to CapL Dennis, on board, THE FOLLOWING ARE THE RATES OF PASSAGE. DOWN Cai, Fst'grs. Sf'i-rc-**?-, £ s.d. £' \.,l. I'lirni Ihe Camhir'l Pla*enr»iverTrei.t. > "' 5 0. >l» Urllvillr, 3 S»lmes\........0 7 6. Barker'*,.......0 8 9. Ilallowfill.......0 10 0. AdolphmTown,. o 12 6. Ernest Towu3.. .0 15 0. .. Kingston,.......0 17 6. I Riug^on t<>i 0 5 Q Oaiiuiioqur. j From Prescott to Ufockville, (i.-iiKinoqtir,. . CVrt. I'ai'l I' I* s. d. 5 0, ___0 15 0. Kingston........l oo. Kingston to Kr.) 0 - 0 unit 1 own, \ Ad. iphus town,.0 3 0. Hallow ell,......o 10 o, Barltcr'sPerry,..0 10 0. Kolmus',........0 VI t>. Bellville........0 15 0. River Trt'ntand' n i- r Cwryiits Place, J u ' °' \tcn }gt iia. .0 3 9 .0 5) 0 .0 10 0 .a 3 0 .0 6 Z .0 7 0 .0 7 6 ,0 8 0 ,0 9 0 ,0 10 0 iWkvillc,.....0 15 0 l"rc*cottj....... .0 17 G .0 J 0 .0 5 0 .0 6 3 .0 7 C, .0 HO .0 y o .0 10 0 .0 3 9 .0 9 6 .0 10 ^ £3 Board and Liquors charged separately* £;f- FREIGHT at (lie customary rates. RULES and BBQVLiTtO •s (nt Ihc STEM-BOAT CMAM1LOTT1FL 1. Immediately on leaving any niace when- Passengers liarc been received on board, a Bell will bt- rung us a signal for the Passengers to cboose their Births and pa^ llieir pa«sa»>e * ° % All frciglil to be paid lor on delivery 3. Nostr.oaking allowed in th- Cabin, nor an> Gentleman allowed to fisit the LaUics Cabin without special pennissiob May 14, Ibiy ^q