Kingston Chronicle, March 26, 1819, page 4

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THE CHRISTIAN HECORDER, To /' tear in Numbers^ ore Number every Month* at twelve and fix pence, Halifax C'y a Tear, THIS publication will be ifrved by- Air. George Dawfon, Book-Seller, Y'»ik. under the inflection of the Rev. Dr Strachan. 11 fhall be devoted to theolog'cal and mifc-ib co "< iiilijctls, and particularly to mterefting religion* intelligence, and b:o- grr -.pineal srid obituary notices. Br fides occasional original matter, it ft:L>\ contain fe»ecUon$ from the various pritilh periodical works, m< ra! and religious. Thefe work" will be regularly received for that purpofe ; and the readers of the Christian Recorder will thus be furnifhed in the fpeedieft mode, with valu¬ able and intcrefting fe'e&ion- from the lat- eft Britlfh periodical publications. While it fnall be the ol j.-d of the Jour¬ nal to record important religions events in general, particular regard wi I be paid to tlncfe which relate to the Protectant Church. TLe Chnftian Recorder will prefent its readers with a paffing map of the teligious world; and ln.all be, occasionally, enriched wi'.h the fentirneuta of thofe mafters of theology who were the glory of the da^rs that are pi\\9 and whole unkings exhil it the founded views of Chnftian d"£trine and Q:dc\r,and the highett fctvorsof pious feel TH K 8f TB6CRTBER, HAVING been appointed Agent Tor the Proprictflif pf the Iron Wmks, eftab'ifiied at Three Rivers, in the Pro¬ vince (if Lower Canada \ informs the pub¬ lic, that he has lately teceived a Very extensive assortment of WARES, Manufactured at thv place.—Among oth¬ er articl es are, Double Sf Sins^i at Of various sizes and patterns., CAST ASH PANS, SUGAR KETTLES, POTASH COOLERS, POTS, DOG IRONS, and DUTCH OVENS, Which will be difpofed of, for Cafn, near y the Montreal prices. The fuperior fofroef* of metal, and du« nbili'y 'f the Three Uivers Stoves, ren¬ der them worthy the attention of pur- chafers, as they are not liaMe to crack, l.'kethcfc impo't-d from Scotland. JOHNMACAULAY. . Kingston^ 1st 0Sober, 1M8. J9 Kingston Branch of the Mon¬ treal Bank. A NY fum required may be obtained at XjJl the OiTi i fcr go■. d BitU, «>n Mon- John Doivling, £ L.TU1UIS bis iftofl nnccie thanks to "% his friends ami the public, for the very liberal fuppbrt (ven htm fmce his commencement in but -,efs, and bega leave to inform them tint I., has Lid in a general and well felect« d ftocj of Wines 5 and Spirits, at his old (land, whic\ he is determined to fell at the m<>ft reduced prices, viz. Rwi .laincuca Spirits '. §iriib Holland Giil t oniae Brandy Cherry do. Nolle A IX perfons indebted to lie Eftate jCS. of the late James Gumming, late of . m/nr (CracUT.AIl ) _V_S-R. Eri Lufhe* bavinj U fpefed of ftii i -ill:, r 3c Van Groceries Benrrarlo Port 5panit*)i do. WINES. . Penerffife : Malaga Beft Picklii t Vinegar. Lin e }uice. GROGEkAES, Gut* powder Tea T.iva k*"A do. N\son Skin do. f Hrdlowell. dteeafed, a«e requelUd to call without de'ay, and fettle the fame with Mr. James McGrkgor, now in charge of the eftablifliment, at Hallowell bridge; and thole who have claims againft the faid eftate, are defneri to prefent thera for ad- ju ft menu The flock in Trade of the deceafed, confiding of a very complete aflortment of Goods well laid in, and very fuitable to tire Country, is now fcilmg off at prices lo low, as will defervedly claim the attention of the public. Cadi or Country produce will he taken in payment, and a credit, of 6 month* given to refponfible Farmers, or others. Pext n at Jth Frefcott, Upper Canada, thv Bn inefn w -nP after the first day cf March enfuing, carr JOHN CUMMING,! p WM. MUCH ELL, \ Kingston, 08 27, 1817. centers 3.2 interest in the Houfe (»f Slyck at Prcfo tt, and that « f Ltifher & c"vf nsr La Chi'ie, to .'• r- A. Jones of lit, be -ted on under the Firms of Jones & Van Slyck at i lefcott, nr.d of Levi Sexton & Co. at La Chins. We be: leave to refer you to the an- ncxed Notice, wrhgrein Mt • ufh-i makes hirr.felf refponsibie with ti*, for any en.ajc- ments entered into by laid Firm?. We feel faii.fied, from our late experience in Busioek, the number of Bnatfl now owned by Uf,and (he commodious '■'tires at this plaoe and La Chine, fbat v-e ihill have it in our power to faive . ...eiai h.'.ii' faction. A. JONES, COR!*, a. VAN ^T.YCK, L. SEXTON. Prefcott, jantta-y iSl!;, 1319. Cnl\ee 1 : .. j n ; ppperas 1 -.-.i Ei gH»h CdeeiC l •..'-! rominoc do. Edward Jones, NOTIC o 1 s»gar <wvado do. [i ace ( in rt CtMi.imot) SallroM rosunon do. Pt-ari barley f rencli da- Fijc Bhie Po\ui»T do. lie i i i.'.vmJ Siarctj libck Pepper l mm- ■> % tphet Gru 6 G Who*, do. 5: peClay i^er latii n *.f the CIvittian, (hall, a^ f?.r as Jjratticab r% find a place io xhh Janmal The plan, if executed wirh tolerable ability, nva(i certainly renc!cr this pub!tea tlon ulcfit' and iiiteteliin^ to all ciaflfes of ChriHians, a> d thv price of st i^ fa low as to bring it wrthiii the reach of all whf> can be profited ot inrerciied by it- contc".?*. It fiiall be primed with a handfometypc, and cm g od paper of a large Cizc* The firft auinbcr fhall appear early in March j and a number wi-H be publifhed r ^ularly every month. The work being iflti d folely (turn ar earned defire to pro- mole the interefts of religion, wiih ih-? v»ew t<^ its general circulation, it *il| b? furnl(h< d at the low ra-.e of tvv^ve (hilH< gs snd fix pene^, Halifax Currency, ? year A'geiits Dwll have 3 C'*mmiflion 6f 20 c;- t. cr. 1 :.:r.oMnc offvhtcriptians £01 KIngfton, 3d Nov rSrS. wh c fT"\G be- fold by private fale, the JL of the prcrrifes now occupied by the fobtcriheri cbufifting of nnr- n*w Srore H<;ufe?two ftorics and a halfht^h, a *mall frame dwelling houfe, f? led in w'irh (lone, a Stable, Barn, and Bake Hon e ; finiatrd en thr eif\ half * f I ots >!o 27 t and 273, containing; two fifrhfl o1 an ?c^e. A fmall part of the purchafr mon»-y will he i!iquired«an thr dcUvefy o the pf»*pet- ty. and the rrrrairdfr paid t>y fuch ir.lial- rnents a- may be agreed upon.— F*»r fur¬ ther particular^ apply to the proprietor on the premifes. GEORGE RlOl-G \L. IJ B. There ia a valuable fpung of wa¬ ter on the prcmiie^. Kingflon, January 21, 18 19. 4 . rc>.\ 5 r : n& bei Salts I M-arl A.^n ! I n^lih Mnsiard ! ?eppenni«t L/rops 1 - rg^l J I .mbs " * ':u .X #n>kids * » ■ • od isb ; >d lletr'togfi ; ; da. • »alt Butlfr ; • i'«.mgii vails, ; r'er^n sises ! - ...-^le uo. '. lape- ; u '.!es ; f>\j>l ; 1 o« on Balis I I'oloiTPd do. ; lV»^ck TiVrra.1, • Whi'paud Jirown do. : Ijevlcj :io. TlIIE SubTcriber havin ; dffpnfed cf his interest in the Houfe if f ,u'her & Van f L'.'iher 8f Jone'*, the businels wfllin future b • Cai^ied < n lindef the Fjrrn^ of Jonea & Va J Slyikat i "es- ci'tt, and that of Levi s< xton .v Co. t=t La Chine—lie will notwitl -tandir-p, bold for any en a^ement thej may m: [.:. 6 ' ' EJ-il LUSHER, himfeif refponfible with, . 1 li»; SubfcriptuNU received by Wr.G. Daw- A VrRV W.iwnbfa FARM, situated son. Bo. <c-;eiier, York, to whom eommo- ^-"^ n' ar tli(% Viiiage of B.ockvillo, he- Bleat row, poft Laid. may be addrefled, ar.d to whom perfoos at a diil .pee may tranf Olit their names, with dirc&iuM by what coowyanc* tke Journal fhall be fent to them. Torh January t2, i 8 » 9. Cj* Subscriptions rece <ucJ at the Pcsi Of. nee, Kingston, - ing the rear half of Loi Nro. one, andih« rear half of Lot number two, in the so. rond concession r\ Klizabefhtoun, U. C. containing two hundred aer< s, (<,nn« r- 1 > the property nf Reuben Sherwood, Esquire, bot now belonging to John Shu- this dve nrtt^ m •■• ,1 fpr Fcrnirn rtr 1 ^, i •»•! • t»»s oa.e, rrrtne I'imc v.ut be thrown op-.n ter. dsquire, or ijondoii. iher r India ' ■ - loot ! -*\i-e- Almoihis i i^i do. : AJ'-n : can* : An aifoitment ofCu^kery Ware, do Qnerft1* do. Heir Dutch Long Pipes, Plug Tobacco— aodte Wick, Moii d Candles—.0) F d do- Koperiordr.(Fed Calfskins, i^eit Liquid 1 IackinjAi A few ,i'ticle^ of Dry Goods. N. B. In addition to his pre- fent '.lock, he exj e. & many other angles in Ins line in a fvw d(=y^- Kingllon, OctoU-» 19, :8:8. 21 Executive Council Office, YORK,22d Jul), iHiS. RjJ ° ] lCL ,a Withy K,Wrt to UUilS- 1^ re?/f^ tHOMSON, m Li* Reprefentative, by n.^,., ()t , ,,-, Hoii0l t[:c Adroiuiitrator in C.lllicf|t io fff3fee go0t] at^yprcte. lion Lq the Wefi half ..f L-.t number Seventeen iq the tixth o net© n, on the Na^afle River, in the Townfhip of f iedci!ck(^h, w, |,in Six month, horn X~&^GS leave mod refpeclfully to iff- ,il form his friends and the public in geneml, that he lias jnil jeceived an cle- Slyrk, at 1 ief.oit, and ih it <A gant afTortment of Sexton, at La Chine, t > Mr. \. DRY & FANCY GOODS, C01 h'ding partly of the following articles, viz : Superfine- Wefl of England Cloths ?nd Gaflimeres, of the mr.'i falbionabie colors. Irifh Li ers, Britilh Shirting, Linea and Cotton Cambrics, Corded Cambric, jLtftos and Muflins, Jaconet and Mull Muflins, Fancy Muflin, Handkerchiefs, Bandanna and Barcalona do. Fine Ging¬ hams, Black and colored Silks, Silk and Cotton Shawls and fcarfs, Fine corded Dimitie^, White Jane, white and buff Mar- ftiU Quilting, B!ack Florentine, fine UndrdTed Ca'icoe.% Bombazette^ & Bom- baz nes of all Colors, Linen Diaper and Huckabuck, white and Coloured Flanmlsj RufTin Sheetinrr and Ofnaburg. -■•% well chofen aflTortment of Thread and Laces and ribbons, Straw Bonnets, Ladies Torruifd fhcll Combs, Caoibric and lace Fg tings, and a number of articles, too uu- merous to infert, 4 Cftitcft of Blue CROCKERY Ware. GROCERIES. Jamaica Spirits, Brandy, Holland Gin, term of ten years, and ia.-r.c l.cte p Jf-^.on \'o%\ and other Wines, 'peppermint and given- that well known fianiL the IVEL" Shrub, Hyfon and Twankey Teas double and SinpK- refined Sugars, Mofeovado do. Spermaceti, mould and dipt Candles, Soap, Starch and Fio; Blue, &c &c. &c. All of whicti will be fold for Cadi or ap- NOTICE. JAMES MEAGHER returns its mop *J Jin cere thanh to the / cple cf Kings¬ ton and tts environs* for tie liberal en* couravement he I as met wUhJince his com¬ mencing bnjtnefs. He ley fenve Ic inform his friends and the /:-/.VV, that he has Removed to his New Honfi mar the Mar- Let Place oppnfue to v >• Bay mans and will as vfu.'.l carry or. the Tin, Copper, a a J Sheet Iron Manufactory. HORSE SHOE/KG and BLACK¬ SMITH WORK will h earned m the hefl manner, at the Jkorte/l notice, and on the loiu.-fl terms N. B. To rent, fyfi or fi)! frr the T>. pr< ved creche. ginjtstcn, 4th Ave. 1818. 10 *- Black Smith Worl TO KYNALDS *< Co. lately arrive JL.L from Ireland, beo lpave t- inform th Go tit men andr"(ih^hi'rant«j ,.C Kir..,.._____ d e c tit men and inhabitants of Kingston and its vicinity in general, that they have com¬ menced -he MORSE SHOKING AND BLACKSMITHINGBU >!N£SS, 20 all its various branches, near the upper end of Store Street, between Mr. Doug¬ las's houfe ancj Mr. Powell's. All ordtrs vrixh which they may br favored, fhall be executed in fuch a complete and workman like manner, and on fuch low terms, a?, they hope, will entitle them to a (hare of the public paticnajxe. Kingston, \oih 0Sober, E&1.8. 20 tf NOTICE. 1% a vo¬ ir goc.d duelling house, wifh a barn and otlit r ont houses on the premises, dlso, Lot number nineteen, in the ninth con¬ cession, and the west half of Lot number one. In the eighth concession of the same Township. Also, Lot number fi/tepn, in the first concession, and number fifteen in the second eo Cession, n. (he Town¬ ship cf Fouge, in he District of Johns¬ town. These Farms will be dj^po-sed of on, terms peculiarly < n.$y and advantage¬ ous to purchasers.—Apph to DANIF.L J'OiVES, Jun. BrcchviW, 15th January. 18 IP. 4 T70LET and hnmediate pnssm'ton — ijiven, the HOUSE.9iid Premisses, lately occupied by Allav McFtiERsoN, in rhe Front Street of Kin^-ton. For particulars application to be made to John KirOy or William MUchvlL, &sqrs. who are fully authorised to enter into arrangements with persons disposed to rc.\f the same. to other applicants. JOHN SMALL, 6". E. C. 1 im6 Kingston, 20th Jan. 1819. M. inc ouunei! win ;n luture be crn'ed on by the fubferiber, to whom all perfons who are indebted to the above firm, wil1 pleafc pay their accounts without delay ; and thole who may have claims againft that concern, will pleafe prefent them for adjufl merit. JAMES ILXNKEN. FrneaTown,2illSept. 1B18. 24tf TO LET." ~~ F^OH one or more years, and poffeffio.U given immediately, hat Stone h- ufe, fituated in Store>*reet lately occupied by Mr. Medca'fj with Stable, Garden and othrr out hnufc?1. Tnv lituation of the above p-erpifes 13 jni ft advantageous fnr a Dwelling houfe. For particulars apply to FRANCE X ROCHELEAU. King Hon, 15 Jan. j8iq- Notice NO n.CE ITiE forbids all perfons from t e 1 offing on Lot No 32 in the 4th c ncvffioii or the Towii/bip ot Camdtn, in the couitj' of Lenox and ..d- dington. Midland Di9nct*and do l.ue by foi hd any pei (on 01 :eil n» from tut ting ,.r drltroying any*. vyhuthcr lying or Sanding, 01 Carrying any *a:. of the t;»r;.!. away, und-r Pt-not\ ot the Law. A M.XDONLLL. Kin/fion, Dec. i6ti., 1 8 ■ 8. 31 rf^O LE I ET, fur one or more year?, -*■ and immediate pofltffion givtn, that FARMjof lat. ovvmd hy Mi J'b<2 La- ton, wbereon he kept a Public Inn, situa¬ ted within a mi.e ?»"d a quarter of the Town of Kingston' For tern.s apply to the Subfcriber. El JJAH BEACH. Kingfton, 23d. j£«& 181S. ?i ~FOR sal:;, ;-'/; THOMAS DALTON Sc Co. res- Ji. peclfully beg leave ro acquaint the public that th. y have commenced brewing at their ntw eflah ijBiment, where they have now ready for delivery,fome excellent Mi Li) ttRtitt* in barrels of thirty fix Gallons each, which they off r at the moderate price of '1 hiity Six Shillings the harrel, which price they do n.-t intend to advance, unlefs from ne- ceffity arifiing out cf an tncreafed price of M,ift and Hops. TJojs the Public can b- regularly accommodated with a whole- fi»m* and Bjjre abV beveragf. at as mode¬ rate a ►ate a^ cOuhi r--if mably be dvfired ; ihe Proj rictus . f i},f« ufeful eftabbfhmtnt • fi.itier t!.<»mfclvea that it will re¬ ceive a Li'.r pnrti 'ii of nubh'c Pationajje. Orders left at the Office of $, Martlet, will he ittended to. Kinrjlion, Deer. 2%, 1818. J*: o a. p For Sale, ■9 HpHE late partnership of Robert Gra- JL hum $c Co. having dissolved itself Jljisdav by thedeatr, of Roderick Mac- k-y Esq. the bossmess in future will be carried On by theS-.bscriber, to whom all persons, who are indebted to the above firm3 will please pay theiraccounts with, ont delay,and those who may have claims against that concern will please present them for adjustment. 09 t ROBERT GRAHAM.' Point Frpderirk, *2\^t Sept IS IS. -■*■-- ________________. - rlb Axemen* AND in,mediate polTelfion given, the £&«/* ^' A ■-,' - rtiUf in &tnai t v i 1 e, lately occupied I y Mr. Dattoo, fituated withm half a mile of cms town, 3 valuab e Ctuation for a Gentleman and family, and no lefs fo for a f'ilhi'er or In keeper. The arrive premifea will be fold at public Auc¬ tion without rtfcrve» on Satniday the 3d day of April next, at ' « '/clock A. M. at Walker's Hotel, If not previously difpoLd of by puvate baigain. For particulars applr to the Subfcriber. TH0MA8-SMITH* King Hon, Jan. 14.. 'K'9- 3^r v^ very reaf-liable terms, and imme- di-te poff fiion given, a FA RM ly¬ ing in '.doL.hufti--wn, on the Bay ofQ»»in- tv, one miic well of the Court iioufe, formerly owr^d and occupied by the late Phi ip Dorland, deceased ; <m which in an orchard of 1 15- large App-'e Trees, and a1- mnft every other ki:\d of fruit Tiees that is pranted in tf is country Alio, a con- venient framed houfe and bam and houfes. Ab.-ut one hundred pounds will be re- qiri»&$ :';'.-.r, ami .t.h-° .-^maiinlrtr amiI! Ke made very e-fy—For further particulars enquire oi the fubferiber, on the premifes. GEOIiGE DOUGLAS. A do!phu(town, Fih Nov 1 8 1 3. 2 6tf UNG-TOM JNN, in'barrack-jf**-~ 7 tis f'uaiion is one of the befi in town, having many conveniences that render it particularly well adapted fr a Houfe of Public Entertainment and Si-re sftibh >o the rroprtcior „,,,.« JAMES MEAGHER. Kinpflon, Feb. 5, ? 810. ________$ The Subscriber EGS leave to inform the Pub'ic, that lie has commenced n-3-nfaduring & G&ndles • in the houle formerly occupied as an Inn by Mr. J hn Size, in Store Street ; and he hopes that from his- long experience and knowledge of the bufnef>, he will he enabled to give fatisfa&ion to thofe perfons who may favor him with their paticnagC" and fupport. JAMES BENSON. Kingston, ill March 18 0. rr>N. B. Ca(h Paidf »r Aflies. ictf P- n ^HE Houfe lately occupied by Lieu- JI. tenant Brifcoe (Royal the property of James Richardfon, Sen. fituated near Mr Hugh Earl's. For terms apply to the fubferiber. iiOBf. RICHARDSON. Kingston, 7th January, r 8 r 9 2 "" TO LET, /^ND immediate pofftHion given, that Q/HL well known l*a«d f r a tavern, the property of Mr. John Sise.iitnatedin Store Street, Kingfton.— For Luther particulars apply at the Office of Allan ;0acLean'. Kingfton, Jan. 12, 1819. gtf N^ .rrvi 3 A NOTRE. rW%liE sub-crtbers v ill receive pfo- JtL powb from any person r>r persons willing to eftf&ee to clear sixty acres of uew land on thrir premiss in Amelias* Ct fli LLoeTfonsarrc^tioned againflpur- but^ Ba> nf ftoirvte, ready for seed by . chafing Lot No, 22, in the 7th c-n- ihe f'"^ % of AuguM nest". The Ash- m oi Fredenckmurgh;or lot No. 27, ts °» ?aid 'land will be required 10 be TO LET, rpiHE Commodious dwelling Houfe and premifes, the ptv»perty of W. Rofs, Efq. lately in the ptvffeffion of Mr. Woolf. for terms application klt De made to Wm MITCHELL. Kingficn, Ocl. i^ib, 1818. 20 For Sale, HAT Elegant farm No. 8, fi»ft ConcefTion townfhip of Fredericks bnrgh, 2'$ miles from Kingflon, (contain¬ ing 2do Acres,) formerly occupied by C<-h-nc! Spencer, and known by (he name of ihe Manfion Ji'o ife. ' It cntnins about 50 ecres <;f land under improvement, an elegant frz^e houfe 2 ftoty high with 2 barns and other buildings. Perfons defiro'us of ptirchafijig may encjuireof the Subfcri- ber on the preu-iffes, or to D iiagerman, i.lq, at Bath. JOSEPH BERGERON. ^th-.-tc^crfll a of Richmond;!»»the Urn <T Affim,ea of D.vis Hefs, a, the Jabfcnber holdi anIndifputabletitle tc irie &rj: aiLbERTHARIS. " , kidney, 4th Dec. 1818. « roll ctud and rarefolly secured. Teams and Provisions will be furntsjied if re¬ quired. For particular*- apply to OWEN McDOUGALj Kingston, or to McD0UGAL& McLELIiAK, 9 Beilviiic. A To Let, NOTICE. A LL person, indebted to the -d^A. ber, are requested not to pav the sameor any part thereof, toDngle Lame- ron, my lat. Ch, k .whom I have discharged St^h^^^.S U'"]C -M;J'^>^-^k,whoisdn,y au- favor by iuformisifi h«m thereof JOHNDOVvLiXG. aib&icoo^ Feb. j 7, U19. 8 NOTICE. rjlHE Subfcriber reqnefis thofe indebted -iL to him,to pay their different accounts rj.s abler. ci'cumftances may require durmg his ce. JOSEPH SCOTT, iMngtton, Feb. 3d, !bjo >, c ND immediate - °ffcfi]. n given, that pleafantly l)u^^ HOUSE and PARK, the property of the Rev. Alexr. McDondl. For fuitier particular* apply to the fubferiber. DUNCAN McJDONELL. Also—A fmailHO^SE tn>itoie Street, oppolite Meffrs. Mon>aiJ & St* Germain's. Apply a^ above. Kingston, Dee. B/i; -'814, 29 Fort!].:' Court3 ,;' Request, and various oiktr kinds, for sale at this 0^:ce. Frederickiburgh, Sept. 8th, 18s8 lS NOTICE, Ai NUMBER of Lot"? of One TTun- (&lL ilred Acre^ e:ich, fituated on Pub- 1'c Road-; now laying out, running through the School Towiifhipa of Southwold, Yarmouth, and H lUghton, will be fold by Public Aucl - n, fur actual ienemenr, to the highefl bidder, at ROS.Vs Tavern on Fuibut Road, on the firft of July next • one fourth of the Porchafe Money to he paid down, and the remainder by three c- qual iniialroent', with iutereil. by order of His ExcelUucy theLieu- tervaut Governor in Council. Executive Couicil Office, 1 2\ rk> ? 6i6 Fel'-uary, i %t y. J z r KINOSTui\ utit^v. ;-u&? Twenty shillings per annum; if scat by Mail twenty foar shillings. Subs.cnp*ions tr> bV paid in advance to the 1st of July, or «he 1st of Janu- VklCE OF ADTERTISEMMNT&s IX lines and under 2s- Cd. first in* scriior, and 7\d. each subsiqueni ins.rf.fon : 10 lines and u?Jr,'er, 3s. 4d. first'insertictz, and IGd. each tub sequent insertion : above ten Unea. Ad. vet line * for th? first insertion, undid. p,er line J or every subsequent insertion, Adveridsenit nts without written direc¬ tions are inserted till forbid, and charred accordingly. Orders for discontinui >g Advertise* menfs to be in writing, a-id delivertd i 4 li'EDNESDJYXOO;; al the la!**!.' Ao Advertisements received after TEN 0'CIgeh on the dau of pu.bUcalien* AGENTS. Henry Con an, Y.~a. Quebec. Jamrs WiI)iaoift« E>q. Montreal, Messrs. J. «k J. Dnnltip, Lancaster* Fan] Gt*4ferri, E>q. Matilda, Alphcns Jones, K-q. Presrott Henry J one-, tsq. BfiOfkoHie* N. E." Esq. Perth. J. K. Hurtttell, K q. Bastard. Ei V/rhs *r, r.>q. Gananoque. J. Ranker), F>q. Ditli. A J Ian MoPlm'>on, K.-q. N'tpftw. Jam^s O. Beihune, t'sq, Hamilton* vrnvwm Allan, E?q. totk. Jo d Ooaks, !^q. Niagara. T. MrCnnuirk, K>q. Quvrnvfon* ^i»h« Wil (in, I ^o. Amherdhn sK PltlNTLU FOR tilK EDJtTOKS.

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