Kingston Chronicle, March 12, 1819, page 3

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*fr Stewart tod Mr. Barrel »fifc appoint¬ ed a Committee t* wail on his Grace the Go**i >r with th-- rngi-fled \ddrefcof the p e*-duiR day, rcquefting the opening the w:« ro all Nations, in confequence of the late fl rtn •" Sfeairr ami Gentlemen of the Jflimbty* « It is always rnv d' fire to co nply with thewifhesof theH'ufeof Affimbty, and if I ^cfitatc to do fo on th" prefent occa. Con. I am perfuaded the Houfe will fee ihe propriety of my waiting until I am able to afcertain &rfw fer the fcarcity of provifions which the htefem^ftitoiM wea¬ ther may have occafioned. cm be other- Wife relievrd, before I have rccourfe to a menfnre which nothlrtg but the molt ur¬ gent necefflty cooJipSWyJ^ "he Chief Juftice of Jamaica lately had a difficulty with the IIoufe of \flombly of that Ifland. and wa* honorably acquitted - on which occafi<" his friend* drew him in triumph to hi-, nwn hewfe It is (tatcd that jfar%0£ the time the car- m^eof the Chief Jufticc was pr-re-dlng vthh him to his houfe drawn by genrte men. aBarnfter accidentally fell. » halt in confequence took place, in order that lie rrnVrr r^over himfelf ivhtn he exclni-ned. ** I am down : (kit I Ml Ml a rrood cnufe V9 The ramns** foon after proceeded and reached the T'1"'?* '8 houfe. amid the demon- ftratlotlft of r*fpeet which flowed from ev^ry one.—Jamaica ptificr From the V. T. SpeSntor. Death of the Qjeni of Spain — By the arriva! of r>e Viy Pp«*s*on« rVpt Vnftio, of XTiTc-.flet m 39 days from Gibraltar, T?c learn that the Queen of Spain died at Madrid op the 2d nf January, in a coo- *u!fi?n fit. We alfo learn, that the plague continued to ra£e on the coaft of Barhary. New Hypothec is of the Variation of the N>e.ile. Mr. Hanflen, profeflor of agronomy in the Vniverfirv r>f Chrilliana, has published tec-ntly feveral iptceftin^ obTervaMnns on the i-'egu!arity of the Magnetic Xeedle We has been a 1"->rf time occupied on this fubjtrt and ha* finaMy cocneto the conclu- fion, that there are four Magnetic Poles, or two \ ys, which for.-r annd'st of 18 to 3odeo. with the axis of the earth : axes iraryin^ in their pofirfon vtv year, and thus occafionfnrf the variations of the Cofroafa. Of the two North Pole**, one is near Hadfon'p Bay ; the other north of Siberia, in the neighborhood of N.»va Zembla ; one South Pole below New alitrlc well of Terra del FwefifO. hC o t\)X I ' r\i , . * Improvement! fa Rrrcd.-- \ Dan/l«9 who xfa« a^uir'g himfelf and his comoanv. at a tvirennsr-r^ace hy a difplay of his various excellencies- was accofted by a grave old Gei flem?n. wh.T remarked, that he rem- c«ibe'ed hU father, who was a very good fort of a man, bar a plain BookfeUer !—It fright be fo," faid the Dandy ;4'but indeed I Vnve quite forgotten him ; my Crier>ds call me^-the elegant extratl P* jfneedote.— A butcher in Silefi*, who xrent into th<> country to buy fwine, was flint, a fhort tin*"* ago, in a wood near Norig, by a robber. As the latter was approachine to plunder him. the butcher^ dog furiouflv a tacked the murderer, feized him bv the throat, and (Wangled him. A hunter, who had heard the (hot and cues, haftened to the fpot When he came near the p^ace, where both were lying dead, the dog ran howling and foaming upon him—and he had no other means to fave himfelf than to Qxoot the faithful dog. Some time bdfore the breaking up of the Britifhhead quarters at Cambray, an Xrifh foldier, a private in the 23d regiment of Foot, was convi&ed r±f (hooting at, and robbing a French peafant, and vas in confequence fentenced to be hanged, On arriving at the place of execution, he ad- drefled the fpeftators in a ftcntorian voice as follows ;—<f Bad luck to the Duke of Wellington ! he's no Irifhman's friend any way I have killed many a fcore of French- cr*cn Ky fiio orAfiT. 9tt'\ V'k*-»' 1 j-'O ••••-V »• in my head to kill one upon my oion ac¬ count, by the powers, he has tucked me up for it !" ^yfi/U- **t/&W* >';^J ■wMfrj- *•*:- >Sl*^^- To Let, FRIDAY, Mahcu 1% I8i9. We have no European news of anv importance, Spain, unhappy Spain ! is at present the <vnr ot* religious intolerance and political despotism. It ia predicted, t!»at the cru*»! ami tyrannical measures of the weak Ferdinand will -oon lead 111 a new revolution :—it is even a*.«erwo\ that he h:i" disappeared—sum* s'a(in» that he fias de- atro\ed himself—Others that he has been assassi- ■-utted. The^e nimouri, however, rest on no very *'ahle founda'ion ; ihe ducmnent which uill be found in our preceding Columns, relating to fhe litq iteitioo, proclaims to ttip world tbal the l»i- £fttird and cruel spirit of the Romish Vhurch is s'iM busily ai work. Bonaparte [hough on jew oerasioria a friend to ine liberties of mankind, is cer.ainlv entitled to our Miank- i'or having abol¬ ished one Of the erueiest en^ ihar superstition and bigotry ever erected for tb-Mipporr of their power. Had it not been inconsistent with her uniform di-mclinatiou to inrcrferc with !.c in¬ ternal regilations ol" other ^A^rnments, we liink Ireat Britain would Isatc insisted on the 'o'al abolition of fhi* savage institution, on Fer¬ dinand's accession to ihe Throne. At least we can account for Iter stent acquiescence in its general re-fitablisjim^nt throughout Spain on •m other principle. So cruel ar^ l!ie proceed- *nsi of ?hfl Iirqoi^i/or?, and solute pOfpOCI do v\v pay to individ'-al character, that Calvo He Kovoa, «»i e of the heroes of Saras^^sa, has lately lul'-'ii t\victim to their .ii-pann* veiiseance. The Florida*.—Tiie &*sr-iofi of he Flondas :o Mr* Ui)it--d S(a c*, i« announced as mat rr ofcer- aiij!y by tlie Edi.orofthe {few-Viok Spectator, *:• says ** The Treaty wax laid betbro the Sen* a eon Monday" ( Feb v.^2d) "and tfaerecan be no doubi ofitd receiving the iminediateand unau- ijuOms sanction of thai br*dv." la Chine CanaL—" We have ju;' been inform¬ ed." -ays the Montreal Herald, '-that the La Chine Canal Bill passed in the House of As¬ sembly. Our informant adds, that it was 10 join the St. Lawrence above ihe Wind MiUs." The Proclamation of Genera] Bolivar, inserted iu 'hi* day's paper, is an interesting document,as i' not exhibits the character of the General '•imjielf. but -hows a f;xed determination on the part of the people of Venezuela to maintain and secure their independence. We think the public are much indebted to our cnrre*pond»4'it \Usophtst. for the very jit -it and appropriateremarksne has m;td*» upon the infa- r.ifius squibs whScu have lately appeared in this :-lace. It is .o be hoped hat the dastardly senb- Mer will be discovered, and meet with that cor lection which lie so richlv merits. FOR THti KINGSTON ClinOXICLE. AND immediate pofTcffinn £tven, that pleafantly fitnated HOUSE and PA RK, the property of the Rev. Alexr. McDonell. For further particuJara apply to the fubferiber. DUNCAN McDONELL. Also—A fowl] HOUSE inStore Street, eppofite Medrs. Monjeau & St. Germain's. •Apply as above- Kingston. Dec. 8/A, i8i^. 29 ~ BANK OF ~ THE Subfcn'ber beinrr appointed agent for the Hank of Canada, hewill ne¬ gotiate bank notes for bills on Montreal, Quebec, or for Specie. Wm. MITCHELL. Xingfton.Oft. 13th, 18:8. 20 A FARM FOR SALE ; ADJOINING Hay Bay, in theTown- (hipof Fredericksburgh, the Eaft half of Lot No. 2, in the fecondConceffion, containing 100 acres, and having about 40 acres under cultivation, witli a log houfe and barn upon it. For the terms apply to Daniel Waftburn, JLfquire, Kfngfton. P. VAN KOUGHNET. Cornwall, Dec. 7, i8i8. |p TIIE ORACLE.-March, 1819. No. 3. True dignity is bis, whose tranquil mind Virtue has raised above the things below ; Who every dr.* and hope to heaven resien'd. Shrink- not, though fortune aim Iter deadliest W01V. Ee^ttie. Mr. ORACLE, Tlicio la mi greater abu*e in the world than custom and opinion. I was lately conversing with a friend, wno, amoog other things, lamented Thar the state of society in this country was such as to afford little pleasure, it being made up of persons uho bad filled all sort- <;f situations. That many who sprang From ignoble parents, were, by a favourable tern in their fortunes, raised to the first consequence, and it was no unuseal thing to see Merchants with their Clerks. Attornies with their Apprentices, all mingling together in the same social cir¬ cle. At first I was prepared to hear a loud complaint of the deficiency of in¬ formation, and had almost be^un an a- poloffy by pleading the infancy of the settlement ; but I fouud there was quite learning enough for my friend, the only defect being the want of title* to give it rejish. This prejudice is widely extend¬ ed. Men of rank generally undervalue those who are without it, while they in their turn regard it as the chief good, which shall make folly wit. and assurance dignity ; unworthy treatment ©f every kind, is amply repaid by a smile from the great man, and a nod of recognition, or an invitation to dinner, is cheaply purchased by months of fawning assi- duity. If gentility is only fo be reckoned from long Pedigree or Empire, our first parent ranks higher than an Alexander, for he was Lord of the whole world, yet he earned his bread by the sweat of his brow. If it belongs to greatness of Soul, who shall contend with a Socrates : yet he was a Plebeian. And l'lato dignified his l*1illu8Qffltjf !<- jsFiodtifcS&q iiut by birth. A series of revolations has turned the world topsy turvy, good sense has nearly been lost in the confusion, while froth and vanity still adhere to it. Wit is no longer quickness of fancy united to ge¬ nius. 'Tis the bon mot of a libertine, or the miserable pun of a man of fashion. Wisdomisstill the faculty of judging cor¬ rectly, but beware how you venture be¬ yond the points of a horse, cr the talents of a coachman. Independence, in the vocabulary of fashion, means a constant sacrifice of your opinions and fueling*, and fii to laugh" signifies merriment, not excited by gaiety, but by a speech from the head of the table. This lamentable folly daily increases. Conversation, which before improved the mind, is degenerating into a eommou placejargon, to be understood by the meanest intellect. Education i~ render¬ ed useless, for a man, 'ifter spending <;d much of his time at College, when intro¬ duced into mixed company, hns not a sin^leopportunity of displaying his know¬ ledge. I have heard, I think, that in some parts of Germany, nobleman were formerly instructed in a trade, lest a re- verse of fortune should throw tliem on the world without means of subsistence 5 and it is said the Grand Turk exercises himself, during hid retirement, in me¬ chanics. I am sure you will agree with me, that this is setting a much better example to the world than the idle hab- ip of Ul^Sfi *&• prefcnii tP §«&$«£ r cannotfcdpJtafijiBg that it would afford much Bmtmfranti if ,,is Majesty's R"prec/-fti<ifiv<* i\a to hold a Drawing Re<m for those on' >" whom polite uduen- ti"- and t-ue worrrJ had qualified. What an insight rtr«n hniW*« nature would the examine* |stford? What a correct e- tiniate of th* >-sef»t stale of morality ? Ho., many full 11 res=»ed heads,unfurn^!>td within, would be se«n retiring in derpair of-»vcracquiring th'* necev-:ir> requisiti s? How many ladies, crowned with *ar- lands, and girt around with lace, mitst bewail the impossibility of displaytnp charms, heightened by painted trim¬ mings, which had ( &&t them no much la¬ bour ? But what a?' assemblage within I Splendour reflected by presiding virtue. riiodesty unabashed byassurniue, humil¬ ity unawed by prirb* wisdom utnontn - led by fashion, would eviucetothe wi \ Id how much inferior rank and wealth at* to genius and taste. Custom and opinion, however, at pre¬ sent bear down every thing, and without assistance from poisons if power, altho' it may be checked, there is little hope of effectual resistance. You, Sir, have da- Ted to step out of the common track, and profess to judge correctly toithout any sway of party. Muy I thtn venture to request your Opinion on this subject as soou us convenient. * 1 ami Sir! fatlrefl ccHipofed by thofe who fihrfR wntc w In large focietier. where Thcperfons. who follow thw cowardly afTafliu-like employ¬ ment of dabbing renutation* have all the fecurity which concealment can give, wc need not wonder, that fo many arc engaged in fportmg with the feelings of their fel¬ low creature. But in thofe narrow cir¬ cle': where all are uccrfTtriiy known to. if not pn terns of intimacy with one another, and wh**re by confequence deteAIon mud follow 1 it is Hill lurprifing that any corn- mo-' inducement mouldbrconfidercd ftionr^ enough to tempt an individual to make the reputation, nay even the natural de¬ fers of his friends and acquaintances the fabje& of ill. jeft and wanton merri¬ ment — Ajid yet fo it is -in the fitter Pro¬ vince a lampooner of »hc moft outrageous deferipnon lias lately d^rrd t • fhew him- felfin print—and aroortgft ourfelvea, there lurk4 a most pitiful scribbler, who if his tal¬ ent were at rII com' enfurate with hid ven¬ om a«d malice would indeed be a danger« OU* member of oar fociet). We look to you. MeflY* Editors, to affid in fcotching thele fnakea fo the grafs. It h true, like their prototypes, they are too flug?i(h to be very formidable 1 however, they may occ^fionally h'tc when unwarily trodden on. aid therefore 10 prevent the poffibility of tnifchief, they oeght to be deftroyed. Yours, &c- TtilSOPHIST. MJRRIRD, On ToetiJaj, Ihe 5>i tai »i \Ta"Ch,bv 'he Rev. Ofiicta) Stuabt Mf- S'ElsoN VV/luamsio Miss Avpte »nsiE n- s >r day, 1 7 . *r. "pward ♦Yilkjnson |n \) - r"'.l7A"i .'•• <»A5B. u:edx A ^'!!villi- .;: -k i uav, ftC VU.i 1 Mi.JorfN ^mith 1 !i:in>.' nf Dumfries Scot¬ land, age I 91 yea . -His remams *ere interred n.. Uonday, ..'*^vi inKattl, in ^be tpist-t»palta:i bn-ying ?»"n'ind, ai • c2ed o> a numerous cou- EO ""-"•if rtf • m»t> friPi.tU. Tii»* cteeea *il,.ilGr11* a |*aitl"ut lllne^i, wliiefa a i.i dhimfor m»ari\ u mon h, gave retnarkft- ble proof> of fiinitn^e, an^*1 of resignation to the flivine wiU, and at i^c r'-omen of .tisnltitinn, ivnen in pi'rfre.i posp^ssion of bis merjal facnl- nr*. -'vineH to his Furronndhig fri^nib, a most c»/nvincrngan') bntrucirve prnni'iif :i.rcon>oia- tionft derived from the uow 1 nf religion, and a p'ore? AJat! 'ti* wntk humanity x compliant bora fan* d mo it a', mortal now n»moret W^o cnruplurd taint. rVbttfim ': K19-. [coMMv\"trATEn.J I'rices » urrent in Lite Kingston Market—Corrected Weekly- j Froiii I To Per. j £ *. ■ I ;• >■ irlov. To bewail the degeneracy of the timp.s, has Ion£ been con i<leied a privilege by a!l those, whom disappointment an ' dis¬ gust have rendered unhaopy. Complaint however, is much mote easy than refor¬ mation, and they, whom di-^atisfaction has induced to quarrel with the present state of things, can seldom suggest am practicable improvement. If the true happiaess of mankind could be tefiSened by pride and arrogance, then would there {be much cause for declamation. Hut in uell regulated mind-, this can ne¬ ver be the case. So far from it, these passions are always sources of pain to such a< indulge them, and should aff -.-t others, only by exciting contempt Alex¬ ander, ou visiting Dio^«ie<. said to him. 9 I am Alexander Ihe King." To which the other coolly replied fc ai*l [ am Di¬ ogenes the cynic/1 ThisansMer s-> as¬ tonished the Kiui'. that he declared u bad he not been AJexauder he would Wish to be Diogeii' <; " Independence n. ve7 fA\\s j0 cxojfr aij. miration, even frc-fl ihe most OYCfb^aiv ing, and i< a sure ViJ agaiusi that little miiuhd: *df impofpt <. %hfa} •H'.»,.'. #/- conlinn merit to arv sphoj-nj lifr-. The nature of iis;)i* :\t\ wrong cannot be chaeg-d bj :!. ■ 'Uti-ini'ti^ hf any 1 r< of individual*. Truth must prevail at last, and Although vv> r tntv be patroni¬ zed, th-re »ill <t\ be sen*- enough h«ft In detectit. Th wlf ci* reit'jd man win; ov wl. ok--, an'T individual, is repaid bj the d^daiti which hi« rude lolly excite-, and »e i.- in \\U t:>rn treat¬ ed with iadi/Pity >y his snp^rittrs. Yet?en"ral wi; ineisrver unjust.and the vii«^ :o much ondemn^d prevail e- qually amons all daises : poF.shcd soci¬ ety muct be kept' pettier by Some bar¬ riers and there inver was So Hftle dgr— gerof its J?**ing sfniiiht^ned wit \ 'on narrow limits. Phtinrti'-n 1. \x--\ lence, though h<xI> pleayiw^in tu<*v.ty, can never be redn:ed to practtc ■. sinre the restraint imposed b\ any modrt ola-- certaininsj it would destroy all confi¬ dence, while suspicion and distrust must take place, ot freedom and c«<-e. The balance of comfort is equally poi¬ sed. The high meet with mortifications. which arenevor kiown beyond their own circle:. Their tine is oiuri ua-'ed in frivolous occupat'uns nhich sooner or later they must dtpl' f'*\ and their healili perhaps falls a sa»rifice tv habits \-hich they would not luve acquired in hnni- bler life. The enployroeut of the low beguiles their ho uw : \ff rds thf,m satis¬ faction fr*'m self rflectu n, and invigo- 1 ales their eenstitttions. af the end of ourbeiig he act're usefulness, he who fulfils it 1^ eertaii v entitled to esteem- & he who combines with this quality ele- gnni'e «»f rnntvMrr* t»\A .^ \'*•*■% •»» -c ..„ : .^ mmts has cliuim-d a passport «o ai.v »<■• J_J .-., Ponc'essloo, f THE A Tn E. Tor tke Beuefi oi _ Messrs. Woodhall & Cooper. Box Office fCeip'm. TFIE PuhlJc are reap r ' rtned» thaj on MONDAY El'ESf^G Mar' 15,1819, \ ill be present.d,Dr^ celebrated Tragedy, u\ 5 a* - aiUd THE REVENG&. Be1\\"«n th1 I'lav and 1'°rt<\ A Comic Song called> ;'^ 8h&py* By Mr. Hunti.ey- To which will be added, the I,-. .-;hab!c Farce in two Act-. --.«11 sis rTLL4GH LAWYER. (F»r Characters .'« Bills ) FfVK HOLLARSy.E.V ijy "■" OST, on Saturday ui^ht, *• Sfh Li oltimo, »silver Uuntit^ \V * if, with a Gold Seal and Key atta »- 0 it by a black Ribbon, near Mr. A)kroyd,3 building, or at the back door of the Ily- dro^raphic Office, Kington. Whoever ivill bring the same to Mr. Maoaulay, at (he Post Oilice, shall receive the above re-Anrd, . March 12. u Kxecittive Cormcn. Office, York. 19/// February^ 1819. DIVERS applications having been made to His Excellency th: Lieu- teuant Governor in Council, for Gfant or Lease of certain Lar»ds situate in the District ol Newcastle, and in n\p "Hd- laud District, with a view t- < "ish Iton Works thereon : it is thon pro* r?er to afford an nperi comp-'t 1 for Lea p: and itis therefore t\\U d ) or¬ dered uy Hi Exer-Ment-v ,f fc Lunte»'tnt Governor in Council : Thar Proo cal*J will be received until the fir-e [;..; of May next, b; 'he Clerk of th • pi " cil, from any i*.dividual, for Lease ->f -::i T acts on or riear the«*ro.\ River **h empties itself into the Riser Tre-r. and tor Licence to dis Iron Ore. JOHN SMALL 11 Clk* of Ex. Council * ' NOTICE. r. Wane- ..pontile men is of^Redeeming Grace. . m si MUM BE R of Lots of One Ilun- Ohl b\i*s(u\ changzl thenuhy that change dt- 3/^ Jrerf Acre3 cacil| fitoale(J on pub, lie Roads now layinp out, running through the School Townfhfps of Southivold, Yarmouth, and Houghton, will be t Id by Public Auftion, for aftual fett*cmcat, tc the highcfl bidder, at ROSS*« Tavecft or/ T-'lbot Road, on the lirfr of Jnly p^jtt ~r 'Ho,, funM^ i^fi |hfl T?iu*ib.x'4 Mcv paid down, and the remainder by t»:rec c^ qual inftalment^i with inter* ft. By order of His Excellency rhe Lieu¬ tenant Governor in i uuncil. lt>. 0 0 0 0 r* 1 Mi-, ion........ * • » w n 0 6 0 0 1 V ,0,......... * * • • 0 0 6 0 0 n i '} IV «.••■«•••• 1 0 0 ** 0 0 In I' < > v\ 1 S .... ... I'm- 0 3 0 0 4 U TurI»»*)S....... each 0 0 0 0 0 0 f<rrve ........ * • • ■ 0 0 0 0 0 0 \ h' 'v*c....... Ilr. 0 0 6 0 0 n Up tier........ » • • 0 1 0 0 I :i I'-Kff........ •W. 0 0 0 0 1 •A Burlev .....- 'lUall. 0 0 0 0 0 0 I'CJlfi-. .... 4 t » v 0 5 0 0 6 0 Po'atoes. m * * • 1° 2 0 0 »> *+ 6 Oat-> . ...... ... 0 3 0 0 s 9 T'Oiopc ...... * * * V ■ 0 1 0 0 1 3 t ;.' <*l»^..... head 0 0 0 0 0 2 * lour.......1 Cut. 0 15 b 0 ir> 8 ni». ........ M»l. 1 7 r> 1 10 0 r.itioM....... lb. 0 0 n 0 Q s It&XQ . ..•••■- • • * * 0 0 0 0 0 0 ; e-......... ion 2 0 0 0 0 0 ■ S -*;iu........ bandit 0 0 s 0 0 0 ** o*>%i.. . . -. - cord Li 10 0 ; n IS 0 Executive Council Office* 1 York, 26th February, I 8 I y. J I To Officers on Ha1f-P.*y tn cicty.howi ver ertalted b\ rank, or adorn¬ ed by splendour. ( OMMUNICATION. Mess. Rprrons Wei' convinced that ro dtfcourag'e pra&ice^ in any w^y pernicious to foctely, is an objcift. not ftyreign ro the purpo'e- of your ufeful Journal ; I venture to fi»l»crt a place rn its columns-, for a few afty re¬ marks, on an amnfement mif hievens in the extreme, w'-ich teeth* to be bee -ming failiu-nublc amonglt our witl* jj^. To me it ha- ever appeared, that there isno emp'oynoenr wh'ch betrays more of an unchristian or illnatnrcd fpirit, than that of fcnbbltiig Lampoon* To attack the vi- ctoQt in a body—<>r to ridicule fol!y u en masser \* not lefs laudable, th^'i ju^ifta ble But when the per/on, and not the vice—when the indiviYnal. and n<-t the fol¬ ly, are made the objects of afTauk, then it is that fatirc becomes hateful and intelera* ble One Hundred Dollars Reward. V*W"in'RKAS a scaled Bag of De<- * T pnt hes from the Secretary nf <ia?e to His L\cel|pncy fur Peregrine Maiti.and, which was forwarded from tbi Glue-" n-the Mall on Monday 15f F^bruatrVi art! na^no* vet reached York. is support d t:* be stolen : the above re¬ ward will bo given to any person who will furnish the subscriber with such in¬ formation a? may lead to a discovery of the theft. JOHN MACAULAY, P. M Post Office-^ Kingston^ Ittk Matchj 1819. iEN POUNDS REWAR LASD FOR SALE. •», aed ;T.' 0, ontainirg 500 nt i North part No»« 24, 25, 26, 27, IT is defired that OfEcer^ receiving : alf- Pay, or Military Penfi^ns, through the Comn iJariat, in Canada, will tranfmit te> th^ir feveial Agents, at Quebec, thcxr Affidavits in Triplicate immediately after the 24'h of the period when their* Half- Pay becomes due ; fo that the rVfSdaTvJce of Officers refiding ia Lower Canada (ha!) arriv*- at Qviebec before the 1 oth, an J ■ hofe of Officers refiding in the Upper Province before the 2 th of the following NTonih, ar which period the returns will be made up. As more than fuffieteot time h given for Cor- munication6 ro reach Quebec from thft* mod diftant Ports, rhofe Officers' Affida¬ vits which do not arrive in time to be incor* poraied in thefe Returns* mud remain over till theenfuiog period of Payment. CommiiTdry General'? Office, ^ ^ Quebec, March 1, 1819. S Aux Offieiere a Dcmi-Paie en Canada. TT mS Officiers qui, rccoivent la Dc- II A mi-Paie ou Pension Militaire, par le canal du Commissariat en Canada, sont requis de transmettye a burs Ageos respectifs. a Quebec, leurs affidavits en triplicata, immediatement apre> le t« rme du paiem>nt de leurD^mi-paie, de man- ihre qqr 1«; Oiff»dn*">* r ilr Offirirri fpii f6m sidrnt dans le Bas-Canada, pourront ar- river a Quebec avant le lOme. etd. ceuz 28,29 30, in the 5th concession, con- qui resident dans ia Haute Province, a- vant le 20me. du mois suivant, auxquela periodes le> retours se femnt. Comme I'on donne plus de terns qu'il ne faut jiour transmettre les communications i Que¬ bec, de* Postes lesplus eioi^ue*, les affi¬ davits des Officiers qui u'arrivent pas a terns pour etre incorpores dans ces-re- tours, resterontjubqH'auperiodedu paye* ment snivant. Bureau du Commissairy-General^ • It Quebec, le. Mars, 1819. $ fim NOTICE. taii.iiig 700 acres ; and \os. 5 and 11, in th- 8th concession, containing 400 eii'res ; all in the Township of Edwards- bu;.:H. District of Johnstown. Th: Timber may be had separate. Application to be made fo Mr. Alphe- ns J '!••<. Prescott, by whom the above ItEWARD will be paid to any one who will give such information as shall lead tn th*' conviction of persons cuttingTim* ber «f any description on the above men- tioned lands 1 fw8 TO LET, I7^011 one or more years, on rea«ona- . ble terms, and possession given on the lir^t day of May next, that large and commodious bouse, two stories hii:h, sit¬ uate in King Street, cornering the mar- kef place, and opposite to D. Washburn, Ivq's. Otfico. The house contains four iar^e rooms, well finished-, and an ele- A filly ambition, to acquire diRtnAion. ant shop, complete,—Kitchen in the THE Subscriber having been duly .ap¬ pointed Executrix to the E'iate of Paul Huff late of Adnlphust wn, de- ceafed ; Notice is hereby £iven,to all thofe indebted to faid estate to m .kc immediate payment ; and all perfons having claims a- gainft it, are tequeftrd to prefent them, du- ly authenticated, for adjustment ELIZABETH HUFF- Adolphuftown, Dec. 24, 1818. arifing from a mifiaken eftJmatlon of hi^ own talent for raillery and ridicule, prompts many aheedlcf. witling, to eive his con¬ ceits to the world. And little does he care for the pain he may inflifl, provided hec?n e-.fure the laugh of thofe, who are not more cpafidetatc and are often as ill- featured as himfelf. ] ence it i$ tVat we have Lampoons P ttittoi by ^o&, Tthc ca^nct ffeU, and rraf, two stories.—good Store House for •he repository of Merchandize and Pro¬ duce ; also a Stable,—The premises are suitable lor the reception of any decent family and for mercantile business, being one of the first stands for that line in Kingston. For furtherparticulars apply to the proprietor. A. MACDONELL. Kingston^ March 11, 1810. lltf NOTICE. ALL perfons are cautioned ag3infl pur- chafing Lot No. 22, ip the 7th eon* ccflion of Frcderickfburgh, or lot No. 2?» in the 1st conceffion of Richmond, from the Heirs or Aflignees of Davis Hels, as the Subfcn'ber holds an indifputable title to the fame. GILiERTHAKlS. BidncyP 4th Dec. i$l8» lJ

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