I •ennfylvinla, Michigan, &e. a dire& com luincation 10 the fea. But for this new lo.oco dollars. B»jt this t laces tlic improvements in the mod." formidable point of view. Inftead of 7^ probatio.. _ . still greater, the consciousness of having for, and according to the account from Ernest Town, the matter is stiU inlitiga* TihU,,l dare >ay the Lasers con- •"^fi^'fc,^ «* **»« of sidfer wo grievance. I only hope that &e Commissioners we an to have from England are not, a- roong other reforms, to supersede our trial by Jury, and decide in a summary vav between "the lad" who acted for productions: as this nddior-s. and n me others, evei, rnore absurd, aie not to be imputed to the people themselves; but are the work of one or two restless and the principal clerk of Mr. Fairfield, and M the man" who acted for the Collector of Kingston. The next hnd of complaint is, that although Sir H. H. Sbcjifle, as an en* COHragement to the Flank Companies and Incorporated Militia, to volunteer, recommended tneiii to H.R. Highness the Prince Regent for a grant of land, they hare not vet received it.—On tins Pennfylvlnia, Michigan, ccc. »mKa«na> might amount to £i+fOQOt rr.akiag th« muincation to the fea. But for this new expenfe < fa (loop navigation from the fea Communication the inhabitants of thefe to the Upper part of Lake Ontario, DiftricTts would have been continually urg- ^350*005, or 1,400 " ** ing their Government to procure from " ' " — Great Britain, a free pafiage by the Saint Lawrence, a privilege which could not have been granted their, without facrineing the fecurity and opulence of both Pro¬ vinces: but any difeumon on this ground will be l.>on done away, becaufe the Ca¬ nal prefents an enfy and cheap mode of conveyance to New York, whenever that better than Montreal. miles, it is believed that not more than j^, miles of Canal, inclnd/ng that of Lachine, will be found lieceiTary to turn the fcalem our favour. It Buy he found prudent to delay for fome years making any of thefe Canals, except thai of La&tfne, and to be in the mean time, fatisfied with fome eafy matket is better than Montreal. improvements in the navigation of the, 2d. As this contemplated Canal paffs liver, but as they will be ultimately re¬ fer along way parallel to Lake Ontario, quired when the count:/ gets more popu- j'n many places not above 1 8 or 20 miles ***"« *'id the ntianthv of imports become! bus, and the quan'ti;y wrotiiT? speak meht, I purpose, if you will give me a Column or two, in some future paper, to my sentiments at large ; for so much ha? been said upon it, that there is no matter which the signers of names, and makers of marks to addresses, and subscribers of dollars to conventions-, }>ave hit upon, which deserves so well to he plainly met, and deliberately argued. ► \Vill not enter upon it now. tent myself with professing, my sincere ronviction, that, of all the inhabitants of ihis Province* nono, in reality, carelrss ■Mh.fhfr tho Finnk Companies aifd In- corporated Militia £tt their lauds, than vice of theircountry, in different parts of the world. That too much encourage¬ ment cannot be extended to induce these valuable characters, as well as other " Gentlemen from Great Britain," to settle among us, every man who really wishes well to the country, will admit. That special Locations hare been confined "the Id * u- ty is now rigidly exacted from all, with¬ out distinction ; and, with this proper qualification, 1 think we may be content to let His Majesty's Representative be¬ stow His Majesty's Laud, as he thinks proper. Next in order, stands a grii vance which His Excellent-} is uentreated to redress," though it is certain that tho Act of Par- turn (if they can) to the country thty but con- liarnent, which wholly supersedes this came from : if not let them go elsewhere, pretence of complaint, must have been the world is wide. And the writer of known to the signers of this address, this paper we ha?C examined might Were we blind and stupid bo- fore .' and i.as a supernatural agency^ at the >am.c in-tant removed the film from our sight ? No! a glass has been prevent* r d to our eyes, contrived to distort < bjeefs, that we may be brought fo lopjc with dis¬ gust on that which before we contempla¬ ted with sitislaction. Let u.-. be assured that " it is an Eiremy who hath done this*" L°t us not b. iii-cn'sihle to bles¬ sings which almost any other people may look upon with envy. The inhabitant*of tl;is happy country are iu truth contented 5 and the efforts diftam, the produce afloat from the Wes- much increafed. A kw remarks on each' tern countries will, mould the Montreal in order, may not be urleafonablc. 1 be- or Quebec markets be more favourable gin with premising tint all thefe Canal* than that of New York, be removed into the Lake by the GeneflVe or Ofwego riv- p....... mould be'made by the public, and the whole expenfe defrayed by the Provm* cial Treafuries, referring a froall lockage jnft iufheint to keep the Canals in repair. ers, am' pals down the Saint Lawrence. Should the imperfect (late of the navi- gation of thefe two rivers prevent this for a The gieat objeS i> to render the coRinu- time, improvements will be made, or a cut cation more eafy and expeditions, and at % be opened from the Lake, to meet the Great Wefleru Canal. Nor are we to fup- pofe that the Slate of New York, will endeavour to prevent this from being dose. On the contrary, this communication be¬ tween the Wedern Canal and Lake On- tario will be opened immediately, and the libreal policy which it will evince on the part very reduced price. to produce mischief have been met in of New York will be found more beneficial they deserved. M hy should the unhap- ^ail attempting to g.atp at the conveyance p> beings who conjure up those grievan- (,f t'ne whole of the produce arriving f.om ccf (roubletne public with th.i. spl.en ? the cou aides weft ofBnffaloe. But,betm\as If they are not suited here, let them re- Tow n. But what then ? without it there would have been but twelve grievances ; the mie or two prime movers of these a<l- v>itn lt tnere are thirteen : will any rca- .iv: bf -i> ; and let as hope, for the ere- womld equally apply to prove to us, th.it it r.f r.,.r MothrrCoiMitn,ami ourselves, the law 01" hereditary d--cent? ought in hat ti.-ii intercession, of the two, would Lugland t<. be conSiud to the Peerage ; dr^'s: and, to my equal conviction, n an\- nr,i eg the foremost of those, who have talked so much about this matter, v.-pnld have beon better phased, during 1 he war, if nobody had volunteered to defend the country at all. 1 am gfad to see that the nddressers reem to be aware, tint the 'Government nJMhU coi'utry e«nld do nothing more than rcc.-»mhieiid, t(» do which, I believe, noun of us can say they have failed, or thai our constitutional repre'.-ntatives have h< e« h-s urgoiitj or loss earnest, in Mrou^th* u.ing this 1. comtnendatioo, than the worth\ convention themselves conld h d that . .< toe on .-t wi ibm. That the measure has not yet been ac¬ ceded to. may lie accounted tor by any person ••• ho «ni reflect upon the ques¬ tion. a»id ■■ conscc{tti n«cs it involves, without •' -\ ■ tin- roHis Royal Highness any ir.r1 ': 1 *ee to our ioyal exertions, \i !ii. i-* :n. t lie ha- top high a sense of to 'una •• tlwy were prompied h\ tneir cenary rr.ottvps. Who were ever celled fpon ro rffer their utmost semees to fh» ir king and conutry, if we were not ? W< re all roc gallant actions tlrat brighten the pa.t-•;: iiitory. the deeds ol hffoes whose ra ,c !,a-» survived Fnipires, paid forty arrcs of laud? And what greater incitement^ to valor, what ttrou^rr ap¬ peal to a jtense of outy, end a Jove of country, h?^ ever presented to men? We-weiv l ne%ed in a war, which our mother country, then contending for the freedom of the world, which she has since achieved, almost humbled herself to av id : and of which the real motive Hn iihom long before it was dispatched from Ernest *<-t rid of all his ^ievauecs at once* by Crossing over to Saeket's Harbeur on the ice, from whence he might run tobaco across to Kingston, coder the very no*e of the Collector: where lie might employ Yankee Doctors, exprrience haslaugkt him to cunjid.-."1 aid when I"" has taken a good grist of their patent Medicines, and is cleverly worked ouf el the world by them, his i-'-ai estate, confusion to primogeniture, will be divided, just like all the other little notk»i"s he may leave behind him. X. sonable man, therefore, \»h» is disposed to make proper allowances, be surprized at its insertion ? The last of this li^t of miseries, under which we are groaning, is tee common law rule ( f descent^, a grievance which the uit- happy English lirve been si>fferiug for more than a thou and yean*. What is meant prer'ise1y3 by there being no hereditary aristocracy in this conntrv, requiring lo be "Supported by the ptTpetofttitfTi oi the real estate, in one branch of the familv, I ik) not clearly «ee« II, by hfefi'ditary aristocracy, i merely meant nofcUit^, the reasoning of thi* eiiefaiice maker V T \ it ;«- and the consequence would follow, Hint they are all wrong the.e, too, in this point. However, they are happily ig¬ norant oi' it, and H here ignomnrc is ;'/»'«.*, 'tis fol'ij to be rr/.r." therefore let them be suffered to remain unenlightened by us on the subject. We have in this cotrutry, E.-iqwires, Gtrntle* men, and Veomen, beings of the same order as in England, to wnom the law of primogeniture applies, and. if it is found good lor them, why not for us f Aristo¬ cracy is carefully introduced into this paragraph, as a kind of bugbear. It is a rough sounding word ; but it con¬ veys to my mind more favorable senti¬ ments than** democracy-j" and 1 think History justifies the impression. lt is strange what contradictions thi-, chanter of complaints involves. Surely, if if be true that the general wish is, to divide the freehold with the tables and chairs, 0 can be no ground for the gloomy FOIl TF/P KIXGST&S CHRONICLE. Ma. &!*<*■• . x i;i o^her conntrtes tTie piw !s z$ rnuch empii°yed m fl,tfg*fti-n| improve- meats as m fi*di*g h*\U and why fliould it continue in '^'? Pr-O-viiice ilie vehicle of grievances <wnich exit) only in the difcafed tmaeifiatto ol chefr fabricate ^? ..4 rrumii1' ui \.^cn tubiiciktsiiti i lie country being new, there are many improvements to make, which ajjptar to me eflrntial in proinotin^ lis growing profperity. The principal of theft hsEvc not been overlooked by the Leg filature, notWithJl-SLndin^ the attempt? whfjh have been made'to v.li'y that rtTp eft able !r»Jy. ami ft would not he eafy to point o*u any beneficial undertaking whfch has not, on fonr.f occafion, com-mand^d a fliare of ftG att< ntion. Tiie yrneral education of the pfopld, the roaking1 and the keeping in repair the it may the Weftcrn States will find it thcit intereli ro infill upon th»\ Ooinmunication, that th ir patnra] nutlet to the lea m^y n«t be entirely fliut up, and that they may not be expofed to tne monopoly of a filler State. Moreover, tlie fame reaion. that will in¬ duce the inhabitant! oil the banks of Lakes Erie, Michigan, &c to infift upon a com¬ munication between the Grand Canal and Lake Ontario, that they may prefcrVe a choice of markets will like wile induce the people living round Lake Ontario ro de¬ mand the fame, that they may have it in their option to carry their produce to New* York, and thus fecure the fame benefits as their we.lern brethren. Ii will be inipos- fibie for the promoters c f the great Canal, fliould they attempt it, to refill for any length of time, the influence of [& large a portion of their fellow citizens within their own, as well as belonging to other States, in procuring a communication be¬ tween Lake Ontatio and tne Giand Ca- nal. The conclusion nrtliltibiy follow?, that this Canal wdl be as beneficial to Montreal aiii will b to M£w Y rk ,,f ,. Montreal 89 It will be to HCW XwlK, yto- viotd the tranfport be as cheap after leav¬ ing tiie .ana!, as by continuing in it. I am well p.eahd to remark, that in our commercial treaty with the United States, Great biiU'in reratos to heileif the whole trade of her colonic** becaufe this arrange¬ ment itc res vail advantages to thefe Pro¬ vince?, which will loon dcvclope theioielvcsp if we mak. the proper exertions. It 1* evident that our IfJands in the Weft-In¬ die pre lent an excellent market tor our lumber and proViiioiia,in which there would be little or no competition, were We able No1* this ti jnco'e- fiiknt with pri'vats monopoly. The hold, ers of Canal deck would only be foltcitouf about raizing their profit*, for although fuch perfonsare cle«r fi^Uted to their own ititereft, and mt'ght reduce their Colli in ol¬ der to allure cuMorners, yet the power if in their hands and may be abufed. There is no parity betwc<n the C'anaU of England and thofe we are treating «f; We ere contendinr; with a mighty rival, who is (training every nerve to engrofs the whole of the carrying trade of the vait countries well oi Lake Ontario. Her hopes of fuccefs reft principally upon the cheapnefs of conveyance alonq the Canal from Buffaloe t© Aibanv. which will not exceed three dollais pc: ton, according to prcicnt celculatioii, and from Albany 10 New-York 2 3-4 dollars, or 534 dolUri per ton from Lake Erie to the Ocea \ cr little more than half a ^oll^r fc a b3' '-*i of flour. This appear* very low, anc i< ow- er than the- truth, a* v/iil afterwan . ap¬ pear, but it is to be remembered, that the State makes the Canal, ind not a com¬ pany. Ail the commodities therefore uil up and down free, and confcquently the labour of the men attending the bont, theft provifions, and wear and tear, &c. ire the only cxpeufes incurred by the owner of the produce or gooas paffiiig along the ( anal. Now, it appears evident, that if our Canals are made by individuals, competi¬ tion ,111 as far as cheapilefa is concerned ii hopelefs, for an addition of a few pence* per barrel at each Canal will raife tbe of trai.fnorr hrtrnn<4 ^mnnr.'fnn on ppoieine w-»n*" >•'------ *" Buffaloe to Albany, a:d with |ta witldi Ingf, to make 320 nnies. On fitch a Ca¬ nal, one man, one boy and one horfe, will Qonwcy 2$ tons 20 mil^ a day, on which following would be the expeni'es One man One b.y 'Tending One hoife price of tranfport beyond comnarii iiut, to enter more miuutel) u. •*^ * ter. we willfuppofethe Canal tobecut fr the 1 1-2 Dolls, per day c f t IX p'.ii-ii■■• |ligbw4"fS| and the improvement of t0 Uflde«takc their full Tupply, and. tin's the navigation of the Lakes and river?, &c. m*$ bc ^onc v,'lt^ Ptr^<-^ iafcty as foon as a very few improvements arc made in ot the Saiat Lawrence. Sec. h ve in then '■ turn become the objtcTt« there apprehensions Ii requestly to adopt temporary meafures, whe.e permanent provifions wouid have trie v^auada& are laid to b': falling by the wile men among ouiieives, our neighbours Wear of the boat c Tolls for repairing Canal t 7 dollars per l!ay. The boat p'roceedin;; at the rate of try miles per d y, 320 mile?, requires 16 daytp which at 7 dolls, per day- 11-2 dollart. Add for loading, unloading', and llorage, al the mouth of the Canal ft Add the price of transport¬ ing thefe 25 tons from the mouth of the Canal at Al bany to New-York at« 3-4 dolls, per ton 8^ -ro .„ „,,ir ,a,d,t(, i„Tade„llr |lom,,s; \&^j^j£*g>«.?» **, e invasion was renewed : w& i t we attacked at alj points : and, by th h'PSc«»«oiProvideneevwe were ca'rrit d and inrougu the sfrn^le. wf(n S(.t,inf 'Wftor, but did we combat alone? was not-our independenee pnfchased by the •w ot ftfousands, whose ashes are mi.,. ^•ed vvuh the du,t of our soil, uhichthev m*M m defending ? and who Were ;;£. the generous yoeth of Britain: •' "!r'"!"*."i •••munrrafionu.auuhat •■in;««rt«:!ynnidt.,l:s,,nrdeh nding '^•elve., ,|ulll,ri,d !rfm ; .-anrv.. ti.irc-onutn, not merely -far-, .•.vndrrc(.n(hrtIl,.hoj(| . '•«r>^»0^8, („. enemies 0 V:^«««Wtatteq climate of the '^apswrmnybe told hv a few • •ot ii.tere,t..u • f,,at ^ ha(] tiiemsekes.'aiid remember, that ihh viol 0ul^tA !] f&* m '***& *«*' . We mould aha rrcolltct, that rne <jcn- tlcmen Compofing our Government, whe¬ ther Executive or Le^id.iii'vc, require in- formation as well a> other men, and thofe who are able to furoim it, whether from loccl fituatiop, or from having turned their attention particularly to the fubject, will do vince contains more than 100,000 inhab¬ itants, of whom they are about the eight hnpdredth part. Perhaps (he public opinion is, that though the,e ' be something in the edncatfon, habits, and mann-rs of borne persons among us, un- eougeiiial enough with (hose of England, to be sinv, yet that there are also other*, thein» as Ml the public, a great fervice, Hiio think it their greatest pride, and hY communicating it in a candid and dif. maive it their iirvt boast, that their edu- paOionatc manner. Among the Battel that difturb our re- pofe, one appears to proceed from the lucicf.ful attempts now making to open a direci communication between Buffaloe rations, habits, aod manners, are cot.ae- »«al w,th those of fhemost glorious na- "«'" on earth: and Who would look with a most jealous eyeonauy departure from a system of laws, wisely framed, on a and H.uifon river. For my part, 1 re- n.Mle.t.ie most perfect the world has loice'» ft* the energies of our entemriz- known 1 confess inad this paragraph Hith,nd,gaatio»y: it slrfuders the pubUc feeling: we do not admit, (hit th! re is - w a->thin^n our habit,, ami manners: ' asreoj Irom those of our English fell l^tabjects; we cannot admit it without degradalicai; or, if forced to confess i( emiM f,0|, Ihata nearer resembla * Mr.j-ulMt i&nncy Adanw u;h. ti "til "';'?■*•"■•*a ******* resembtanee , h (,)V.nmirIif > ' ; -^h hou d be thegi-eat object we should as! '•.:;'"-;'^-" <° racate'all Z "^ bmds ^ »<* ^er tl„ upiated to vacate' all /;■ ; V- h> the Spanish Co- !.1'" ",;n -">i^ts. within phantoms? " ' bles foi the • lalt eight years with all that t^ 11 .«.» • r. • _. • 1 •• oreceded, and you will End her riung It would certaimy evince mere candour ^ . ; • & - - ' ua the re- not ith ent, her nation. Let us Ice what can be Uune to reudet the bt. Lawiciice at> ealy, or rather a moie expeditious conveyance than the Weitcrn Lunal and liudloi) river, and what cauko prevent Ub from iuppjying our fellow-iubjcets atas cheap a rate from Que¬ bec and Montreal., as from New-Yoik and Philadelphia. From Mont; eal to Lake Ontario, the alcent of the River St. Lawrence has been tftimated at 200 teet in a dittancn of two hundred miles, which give» twelve inches as the average tali per mile. Taking in the Lachine iiapids. it has been fuppofed that 73 miles ot Cauai are required between Kuiguon and the crois beiow Montreal, but this appears to the writer of thia arti¬ cle beyond the truth. Mi leu. The Lachine Canal maybe taken at 10 A Caual from the Ottawas to the Entrance of Lake St. Francis, A Canal ir->m Cornwall to Mou- roe's Mill in Matilda, New-York Total expenfes of tranfport- ing 25 tons from Buffaloe to 207 dolls. In this eftimate it is fuppofed, that the boats will always have return freight fuf- ficient to defray their expenfes, though this may not always happen, efpccially when the produce increaies much, as the aiuc.ic.bare oujh:v-. e^i^,.......\ *., %y..r~ ;,v . ported. Ifweconfider thefe 2C tons tot coniill of fl lUr, they wiil be equal to 25a barrels, and 4 (hillings 1 1 2d rial if iX cur- rency will be the expenfe of traufporrin^ each banel from Buffaloe to \ew-York- As this appears to be the price of carrying articles from Lake Erie to New-York, it is evident that we mull carry them to Montreal for the fame, ot all competition ceafes ; bt t the prefent price f>r tranf¬ port ing a barrel of Sour from Queenfton, Niagara, and the Head of the Lake i< five 1-2 Hali- 4 1 - £ n a 11- lame article ' "■•■ f-ui'tas. . ., . . antl lav them to «WMcTmlltlXfSIX hm'3 of tJie Ad- ^t feem to forefec. lf Ln mmh honor, J tfehik, to n, ^•dpoop|,on,:inestTonii; ™ Polling conviction on th^nind y-.r.i.er, that U fffig nccqstary |9 g?W ing and active neighbours, proceeding on the bafi.s of peacezble anai.-gements. I can perceive no reafjn for lamenting the advantages which N-.w-Yo.L promifes her- felf from the comp^tioa of this ftupen- dous undertaking. She deferve* every benefit and every encouragement for at¬ tempting fo grand a work, and I have no doubt the advance- will furpafs her mot hin^uine expc-tHtl^ns, while at the fame time benefit? w*8 accrue fom the t anal, to others, w,1Cl1 its promoters do *4 30 54 t'-y ' hew o ill This Cartel ref»ove<j one caufe of eontenrion Between £reat Britain and the the whole. Of this diftance, tweuiy.four miiVs be- Caa\da Th' ^ ¥*F miI" * UW Canada. The expenfe, including the ne- ceflary locks, may be eftimated liberally at 24,000 dolla.s per mile, or i „6.oco for I tted .State-, by "ptnint/ fo. the pro due? aftht Wefte^f^ts ofijcwXod^ - ^36 I" addition to th,, iu m accpemrig iome parts of the river,' anc ■**» pathways at tVo or %ee &Z the d fliiliincfs and fi>: pence, qv is. tax currency more than tne will coil by the Great Canal. It is prc- fumed that the refpeclable cotnpanj which advertifes to c^rry flour at this price can¬ not afford to do it lower in the prefent ftate of the navigation, but lower ii mini be carried ill a ihort time, otherwife the tranf¬ port of all that can poUlbly get into tho Great Canal muft flop. This brings me to the more particular consideration of the ditferent improvem: nta in the navigation between Kingflon and Montreal, that will be necelTary to enable the merchants to tranfport produce at z much lower rate than they can do at pre> fent. (To be Continued) COMMUNICATION. At the Court of General Gaor Delive¬ ry and Nifi Prfug, held in the town of York for the Home Diflri& of Upper Ca¬ nada, on the 22d of February lad and fol. lowing days, a Bill of indictment was found