Kingston Chronicle, February 26, 1819, page 3

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OarKu fii'triwl AtfaplUHS) o: in one entirewesr, ns an allegory, or succession of ronnwi*4 itirlaphors*, 1 he* sentence will Item Hi* tfrietwif tent of criticism ; and, *\ hat is essential to a good figure, it ftnwably conveys the writer's meaning; that, if Spain remonstrated at all to Great Britain on ihr subject, theremonstrance wa*- so fijtit, that it was never board of ill the United States, or any where else, except within the British and Spanish cabinet*. TW faA metaphor, on which you piss sentence of ridiode, is, as yon (junta the ^depression, "• a /ire-bra:id? torch" in the author's own w»*rds5 Athtithuot is rhetorically denominated " The fre- brand, fa; whose torch this Ncgro-lmftan tear against our borders had been rekin¬ dled" The three metaphorical terms in tins phrase aveftr.brand, torch and re- Jkimllcd. There is no imonsrnilv in the idea:;, which they respectively represent, *" Fire-brand," as descriptive of a ra'^e of dKord or destruction, has almost ac¬ quired the currency of a proverb. To cast firebrands, iu the beautiful language of Scripture, means toexciteconteniion«- Mr. Weddorburne (afterwards Lord Loughborough) in his celebrated Philip¬ pic against Dr. Franklin, htifor^ the Bri¬ tish Council, alluding to his [tin n] re¬ cent experiments and discoveries in elec¬ tricity, and to his popular influence iu exciting the American Colonies to insur¬ rection, described him as an incendiary, ** who, with a brandy lighted from the ■clouds had setjire to half the continent of America." This was admired, as a iiru *, y'.uk'U of rhetorical style. Mr. A^riri- do^s not formally c*?nipr?re Ar- bet'u!;. t t. an incendiary with a brand ; biit. pacing in silence the fir*t of those idt<tS rail- him, metaphorically, the bran J- by whose fire hostilities had been kind' d. The word M torch" has two simulations : 1st, it M^nifi?- ^ome b.»r- nin^ material, that emits a flame : gndly, it si-iiuiirs tlio flame 01 lire ihuscmiHcd. Our authorise* it inthis aeco:;.1a:y sense, ns yynoniOiQUS with tlanv. Thttt use of it is within the rules of criticism : but, I admit, it in not so happy a metaphor, a^ one uhich, in its figurative application is referred to the principal and mo*t ob- Tieus meaning of the word. t: Rekin¬ dled" is a very apposite expression, ap¬ plied to the war, in which the Negroes find Indians had been before en^n^ed, but which had nearly ceased, until if was reo^wfd, as he represents, under the iu- jtyi^atien of Aibuthnot. VpOfl 't'liO WogtfrtlJ! |mm'i|.\"-S <"• : Ji- tlemcu, I think the figures, which you censureaud ridicule, are nevertheless de- fens ble. In this vindication o! 'hem, I bave nothing to do with the writer** tacts or arguments : both of which I have pur¬ posely left out of consideration, iu or- <ler te simplify the points of discussion betv»eee os, relating solely to his style, ond particularly fc| to the correctne*:, of his .. s tajrhors," CcurfouT requires me to add, that, nl- tbe 0h Mr. Adams's Letter appears to me a ^ c<\ model oi eloquence for a pop- ulai «irit'*rOT speaker., )et. according to nn ;-r.dnrd ot t:i-te, it is, upon the ^tv'e. more figurative a-.d dfviataatrryj tha ^ r-quisito tor diph«nm1»B correi-,(e. iillLOLOGOS. I. •-. i ! rit fear Um\ our Filen.n trapVt be tni?i. rd, up sl.onM pive in*enmn in t*i<» C.'*'\f\ . - •»■*! IVieiul P'nilulojr^ wirhutiS ieinaiK .t^rcoimu •;. . tint a? tte deeui i* .0 h" m r d y, iIioiip;» kvr may be »: ia*il»* Ml iiii|)«vi> (In- „vtf c»i* our r<*adei5,ivOI iu*-i :i;^o.>b^. -:.^ii ACbeJ.tfld r.;t;» a* fm]u aiado .o \Ois^*' U, .-. e .-iiali on Istis ♦jcoasiou crave thejr iinltilg^iici- whits' wec*ainiii9 wiit-iiieruio qnotulain /rote-.sor, or htt apologist lias tie.' b->'. preteDhioa^ lo he u:ir guiil.- ;lnouj;h tiie u C'oimni*tnvfalih of Ifiters/' Tue-tr is|ierce|)iili!cm ihf mind of everv indi¬ vidual of the Acneiiran naion afondnefa fur uu- retricion-s ornament and tlUiel glare. "VVp be¬ hold u shew tig itself i" their Haming cqmpa^rs, find gaudy dre^ea. We see it exiiibiting itself in their public monuments of art, and no les-« dis¬ cern its prr^euce iu their specimens of literature. It would be Lr8n£gret*ing the limits Bsuall} pre¬ scribed .o an article oflhifi kind, were WC 10 ex- tend our remarks to all ihe effects produce;! by this national principle; we shall therein e at .OQCCproceed «o ciamine wlieiher iho S^creiarj and ttV* ingtni&us vindicator liav-i not both beta tinUled by isoperation on iheir minds. " If,*1 says .^lr. Addison, u we were to iuppo-c ** metaphors or.majjes actually panned, we ■"* shoelJ rno.t eil'-euatt^ discover tne ub?ttfdin **of n. o . ti»io»i>. I believo." he pfoe^^dv, ■" b% '-ci\ rule a reader ma) be ftalc wji -^ ,J*Ot'(I»e :; *',: -»fall meiaphor> witateoevgi*, tfi.d *'*dere -.v.T.- ".v.tichaie homogeneous and which -*'are!.» •: • -^ei»e«M5: or to »j>eak tuorepluloly. »*• yvji^! ire consistent, and which inconsUtcn ." Let t.\ " lis Kx Profewo^ meiapuors ny Una ver*. itA? u?» 1 .f '.uev siai.u ilie test, w■*» \vi!i can- didly \-.".;t.-' fcaaco«u' former opiniOii of them haa Jbeen ' f'o »'fc. •. Irnatfiai | ,. i% a prii.ciple engrave.I (n a<ta- .nuiui, .'.;*.! «• ai.j iMin^amenial truth ei-piaved on t. block ot til'* hu/ilcM jiuiv—fromi'i'inng l.&o an 'Epitaph flii a touib-tone. Thud far it frlauds the -te^t, ail is ilitelligihle. Bus wftai become? of tUe image ^vhenwft farilierimagine this hardmassy ^lock * hue engraved, So he placed * opou the common sense of ma.ikind."* Alas ! poc7 t-enzmon wtnse, w«cau fancy wenUpemby painful strog- rt^S 't> throTi Dlf ihe loail ilia' oppvrSSCS 'hee. 1'iic predicament ill which the Secreiai) and bis ^friend have placed thee, is indeed a fearful one, ^t threatens even ann.iilattori <)h ! (Jentlenvn beware how \ou renew tins dangerous experi¬ ment. If like the Fo\ in ihe fabfe. K>mg uu- ^icky accident hatli divefcted ;,ou oi tins ?&eful eppendag**, do uoi imita.*- the after conduct of Jleyuard,aud ai.empt io reduce your species to the same aoefui plt^bt. Bythewraj ^cure extremely indebted :o Phi- lologo» tor the Valuable information not only Sfiai he ** believe- *idan>ant io be the hardest sub- ■Mance" but thatll it is imDr&t$ibU aiih the gra- Tsi's chisel.* Impressible we ha*e alway? t:n- detstood, sigoifies Uus capability of any substance lo receive an iniage, by aieariMtf piess.ire, at ihe impression of a seal oo melted Rax, If our defi¬ nition be correct, we have now obtained the knowledge of a new propenv iu adamant and of e new form in the graver's chisel, the one baring become soft enoug.i to receive ail impre^ina/vih".* other having asaomed tbe^hapeof Jl.e * o.ner- die,or of the lype> wbi<na.e -caUt*. datnund ! r. We had no inteii.ioii .o mis»(a «• a.\ pc-sas*' in the Secretary* lucid document,&ud ",f fc'.jiio- feco thiaktj he can majte bejierec::t; bj* rc^d**^ f^i/.i»v*,lt:'tr.a'i .f Viiu. I- wc readily Ctetc-cc the point; thon^li we cntritam a doubt rf iieet- fai* hisMiccesi. A sentence to he Iruh ^on«nt t' »'d, ovif^htcertainly to admit the an(eri\ir..t \o Mittid 111 the pla-r of, or bv the s.ide of the reia- iivi* without any violation of \\~ sen-e. [,r- n ■ try this, "totranspire beyond the wall- mf the Pfllrtres" From which Palaces H isnued and to which Palace* it was borne."—We a-k hi^ vindi¬ cator whetlier such wa< the meaning oftho ctcir headed Secretary ? Whether Palace or Palac be read (hesren&e isuflerl) ri>nfu-ed. Pnilolo- ?<»s hasegrepioualy blundered in imaginiog'MVon. our quotation t):a' Mr. Adams had spoken m a wiii-piM* of expostulation tend enoug-i io be heard afsort ihe Atlan.ic." We know ;hat hrsaid,tha i' a&s not. and we nieri'K a-ke»t, \vl»'» * \ r nead ofOlir :hai vw ? Tt would eertaiulv be ilii'ftUp r 00 longer,If 11 Was heard ^o far, exempt ?o;a" •'•• ponitJMfi Amei.i'an projector could extend u \vi\ ■*- pi-rir.jj i»allerv, *u»cli a> the one in St. Paul' . :tr'cTi^ the A'lae'r. I:i xr:at>zinf: ibis l^ruiati'- e s»ntenee PM1ol*»KtP hajiplly defines ihe mean t.g of*1 wbi-per"—** waft-d"—and ** Iran-pire," foi which we beg him to accept our thanks,as copies of .lohtixton are scarce amo;.gc*. w«. "Br ilo on honever altO^Clber admit thai wwatied" d-e agree with t^eiirinripal term. WentOCh dOUft whether a"' wiu*p'>r" is ever -aidm he " waf*e« ' Hut t|ii> is n«u wha w*p :.nd fa it v i.i ; it . ■». an l c ntrsctiGtchhprr trawpiting t krnv^A n *c-"»' l!ta' we cannot pant any cored imar**. IM Ml tvo it by our rule: iinsgiiica wn^ier (wo; •■% breathed in an antfertooej nn «:tfr^ tit one— transpiring (penetraticir accordii^ to PVil.-.- jSo4« «*W« What can b--* made of such a mod y fseanp ? Tii' Fx Professor mean; nndoub •••;» «. an lApoy''ion wa-ever made i» t^as nstf.^l in i w-lii-per wbic!i COtlld ? or b - head &Cfw& '■< A;!aittic.—W»vi'he interded to exnre^ by .s not transpir.r.^ bevtuid the wall- frtim wh.e" i^ued, v.c n*i-i leav«hin and h ■ vn.die.i »e, d-'ierminr*. Pet hap- wemajf CIMlw Stills o ■". - ina hv subsiitutin^ the definition nr'i v.\.c. Philolocoshas supplied us of th-word trtitiiplre, ■* nor energetic ent>ucb wo pentlrats bey^sn«* The \< alls of the Palace<, from winch U IiMito/1 Tbat will not dr* : if it hud already issued aoc! nave - led from Madrid io Ulndon itm««t have also pe- nr-;rated Ihronjrh.— We have tried tlfir oth^r tei - uilion, " io breath throngn" but with o be' c success. The Secretary i- iw'eb^d to his ab»* friend for an interpretation ofHiis mttUmeand pfaeue«p&3Wp9Whieb,he hinv-lf, it h- he pns- sp^pdof that knowledsrenf the Fnrlish language, drcuch'np iiorPtpIaiUcrs, Ucecta^Sis, wai- p' you krec/ t: t am aiA'Sys djpen lads, flg y booky, &c- Mt«, Curjey, a mouthed" afjainftany body rial would fct very large, law hont<l old vvo'nan, -*r i.^ you ni varimce. Putf lack-a-nay, chuck, fldfon* afpe£t, with n rooh cap tied under how ill yoo look! how forcly you have her chin, Io aa to conceal the greater part bet-t r.cgleAcd ! nobody here t< offer you of her countenance, tilting at the tabic— afHftance, how fortunate has been my Matter Canada, a nice, (tout, healthy boy, corning ! (takesup a phial) I can fee by amufing h!:nfclf in another part if the room. Mrs. Cur'ey, (catching the Boy and placing luii 'n hri knee.) It grieves me, indeed 'c forely "ricve; me, my dear, to fee yoo (•> ignorant of the misfortunes by which yon uu •h'" to Fed opj relied ('Buy uneaf?.) ^it Oil!, my love; you know 1 am vour friend, alfd I have it much At heart to explain t* yi>uall [be reasons you have to be unbappyi Matter Canada Nay, Dsroe Cur|*v, von wauld do r^e no kindn-rfs ihtit ; I was yonr countenance you are far ^one in a confumption : (ihakts the phial) lee, my love, what beautiful colors are here, and r&ark, how the color that is at the bot¬ tom, frets, and fumes and ferments, to make it3 way up to the top. Matter Qanada. Ye% Dame, and the color which ifi now fretting, and fuming, and fermenting^ to ^et to t^c top, is tuft the c«'!or of yo*:rftlf Pray what do you call this liquor ? Airs Curlcy^ Vr the faculty it is call¬ ed medieina e^Hica, the French medicine ; amufing myfetf fo contented!/, and wns jnft-failed to your cafe, love; we will f>l- f<> happy before y-.u cawprht me up in yo-ir low it up by the f Convcntio Delegatorum, arms; and 1 feci ft» gratefuJ to my guo.l and ar.erwards Irt all to lights, by an cf- parent, for havm« removed file txx>m the fcrvefcent draughrof the $BeUum Civile, Majier Canada. But I have uo com¬ plaints, Mother Curlcy, and wart no f^t- ling lorfgFitas (M13. Curlcy pours out the mixture.) There, now it's in the glafi. lee how it looks all red like blood, a'd what a fmoke it lends u.p, and how it fnu-lls of fulphur \ Oh ! it is the fiend's own drink, i would not touch it for the world ! Mrs. Curhy darts up and fciic* the drenching horn—Little Canada, difengag- cd, runs to the door, and feizes the handle of the lock—Mrs. Curicy's petticoats catch in the leg of the chair, 3nd hci leg is fecn, which u hairy, and the foot of it is cloven Little Canada pop3 out of the room and locks the d or. Majier Canada (without--mi mil king conked,. 1 (:nu\r!ed bravely foi or* of the v ice of Mrs. Curlcy) «* You know, w"'ie^>.wearer"-with P^iiolr-'i-.on'-, who iiafi. nvyagt and welll might 5 for though «r«y I<*ye, I nm always open mouthM againil good parent f n: a. many fefrvante as he £*iy body that w.nlj fct you and yom dear old nurfety, which wan tjo conrir.eJ, :o thi'« new eftak;: — Mrs. Ctir'ey. Giateful, my chuck, grateful whit, grateful to your parent ? Rfajhr Canada, Oh ! ye**, indeed I am I was thinking hnv kind it was in him to give me this pleafant dwelling, and fervants to attend m:, and how readily, when my naughty brother would have ferved me. vott know, as wicked Cain did the go< H Ubel, he fcut me moie Icrvants to my afTill^nce. Mrs. Gmky* Your good parent, my fwet, fend you alu-lance? Surely you mfltnke—conlidcr- -did you not extricate yourfelf from your naughty brother, by yom own exertions > MaPer Canada. Indeed \\ rthid b^ THEATRE. Mi4. Brow&'s t. 1: rrl ftppew^ce, The public are respectfully informed, that O v SATURDAY ErEMXG, Frhntont^l 1819 Will be prefentcd, ShakeBpearefe celebrated Tragedy, iu 5 act*, ca led IIAM LET, Prince of Denmark hamlet, v.. k uhoivs. Alter tin- Tragedy, Mr. i: BROWS itilirente C0IXENS'01>E ON 1 hi: pa sio.\>, H1TII APHUOPK1ATK Ml -ll To which will be added, GAtuutx'a fa- ▼orit.' Ia«iili;il>lp Faico <-f MISS IN IIEii TEENS, OR, The Medley of Lovers. (For Characters see Bills.) fiileV, ili~ PmfaaorN Cbair, r.iiffJn to |;c.^cr?, wmhl nut have ventured Mi 'a -' rtU'cr* d. We fnl'v admit wi'a or* eiiti'-al fnend, t!ta- there U no'inronsrruitv in the Iffeas, «f!*jc& ,a*e rt-s|M'ctivelv repre?en rd '»y '* Lie hr;uul '— •» torcir'—ana " rekiadlrl** —nor i- the.e m aii.v nthersep^irate idea"1 a* lone as bey are **pafa e. B'H what become- of them ftiwn \hey are c«i - nailed 3 Try that by nut riife. I najr.r.e a fire- brand rekindling a -.a-- l>> tdiinicii, %\ha«usan- l»n.< pie«nre!—A Cwningbrand »if{tptM with hands of con w In linSer 'o hold tl>* oiron wl 1 \\\\\ -h he 11 kindles the war.—Mr. Wedderbnrnr s Cinir*neil c:c:;;p!iin\ is a- i.T'^S^ible a* i* I h'-avi.ifiil: it i3 raihe:-r»fo-:«..r.:e tha Pliiii)'ii po;<honli ' ave inirotfuewl 1 a- it nnlv verves. by •hecn:>:ra*i to throw hla^rieadV further Utn the shade. ^ An Inceufliar* %*. it . a brand li^lr- rd fn»:'i the elnuds. nad <et lire in lialf ihe poTUi- iirni of Aie^riea." There we haw-adl«?in.■- \.ic~ t"ve .sh'tch will stand full wrl! the les! of Our rtfV, *A e have ac-Vm to thank Phibdo^ri? for va'uabt- i»'Tm. hikOvh, o* <i>> .'»*• Gn u wflfl <•! ;)i v,, , 411 Meh'oti^hi :obe*M nprc^edonadamani m I a /;n?"!'r'schhel'/* W«« must confess f<i»we\**r th:r W" lequ'nv a l$tt€ mW'fiantboriiy heli* f ylf* ,-. . ceive it a* a synonym for ** i;:imr or hn-," „r a»l- mii (hat "such tiBeof il is within the role* of ciifi'i-Tu." We may jje^hnps he induced fur t\ ■ •".••iveot variety nct'asiooalIy to bm* it nWo we bi:l Ih" servant Caliph* laetircin theciWe Kjnji*j UzUt the torch in the :to\S nj|l shewoui ir.tlm.r-- ac<j»ia»orance with die lan^o^^. t)r should 1V1 have thetni&fO*vnnetd ve mir ni*ielibour*« lu>, r IwttltifE; we shall »i(i tlnnbi ftc nndersCoot!, i\ (tctidof saying, lYour hou-e is in .".*.im e< - bonr:' ive mfiitnrc cry/your bouse n»"»n [orc.e . T'poe iheforepoina pritieiple* tpr< *--"i|, **,. . lolttgn&l %% I think (Jtiiile-oen. the ti^nr *s uhieh " vu'.i eTtsnre and r'*Jiculc ^re OCVerTltelegs d,- %" ten-iuh*.—Ca:n!o'ir require* me in add that *l- "tnnigh Mr, Adams"letrernppcars in Wa good ' moilrlof eloquence for a popdlar writer, or c-Mii;\ I had mucSi to do. He was him- fe!ft Dame, you kti iw, gone with a» much of [if* B'MifltoM *« !»c couid afiemble, to afliff '!ic nn\d;bor.., round about the old family dwc'I.'no;, ag-aiuft a dreadful band of robber-, who threatened Uj lay walle all ihrrirefhte-, and \ -, becetnc Loidscf the whole CMintr), r.ii.i perhaps of the Id fa¬ mily dwelling too ^t von fee, with all this on his aandf, he dl'i not finget lis l;lt!« Canada. Wts Cur'.ey I.1(?erd, ;ry little man, you nrc pertewy n.fftaiccQ fl3 Ejj|8 matter: the truth is yoti have nrfoQily to thank but vattrfelf foryoiti deliverance. No foul living! my l-.r> ha- a hi.zh:"- tefpeft for yowvenerable barenttHin o'd f'-roV Dear, f-X'te^i-f.r mnii ! Y n kn w '» t am a'wayy -i-en -r. .u>hcdM - i'/::nrt a..y l^ciy that w old let "no a; ■ But, bok here, my hrve, -vhu •' ho^' y©« 'save in )r.:ir jarlut; nirj .1 I h've, hcic ii anot' er Rill biffirer in yntfr btccchci ; ail torn, no doubt, In the Ute I 'U'fik Mnfur Canadi. Oh I Yc?. that^ troe enough Mrs. Crrhy \kck, mY f^Wi docs parent a: variance." Good bye, Dame, XMl fend my parent's fervanta to condudt you fafefy out of ihe ellate- i Convention of Delegate?. * Civil War. tVe re -r.7 that the %ttl X i O/*©O0ies« tic llecreaMons was received too lute for insertion this tcesky but it shall appear In our nex\ ptowr Prices (Current in the Kingston Market— I '.:rrected :?.ekhj. from ■** our 1 nkind Iiaren t ha vc », 01 ir dear ribs. *Vef, per lb. ».!'. '11*1, di». v -i dtt, \. d<K Tirrkeys, per piece,'S.-, d<i. ('owls. p.T pair, Hurler, per lb. American Cheese, per Hi I'.ir^s per dozen, Potato**, per bo&helj Tnmljw, do. Oh**, d*i. Ifav, |>«'r Km, I'bivr, per barrel. Do. la ba>^ )>>•- ewt; fid to fid Od U «t 7d bd KM i;^ :i fid Is \M S*«S ^tid ia im Stfl Srf 45s 50s S*rt 3>s5d %i and v iir pi-.'lty little rom'J pwtlcnnrs. to be flayed by the cn:d n fr!' **& ? N->t that I would for t.»e w|)ole world have you think evil of )our jrUcriti you know u *K II *UKer,3 ei aeeordinsr •*> m» standard Oftave, '■ u c upon Che whole iron- tipnalive and d'-i Ij- rea <»r y, lhau is reqoixit^ fur diplomatic rorres- poolenee*' And is *hi-all ? merely deftini* ft'e^and feo figuratim and dcdaniatortj for o.e |m;i (Imm- fur wauh '.'. wa> iiiJend'd ? Sorely th i j;h-h);:»»s|>asbeen tiyghuYg ai hi'ii all .!>»• ti»ue : ala:i) raSt,lieba*givvn limine canvs for in ad- mM'iti* tha hisor^am: it- want deOrdlue, aid thai rii"«r>|r' i- •*:.-)!! di-f'amatoryimA ihotraih'" he has admitted th.v Ms :asir is at he t douiiU'd an*J ins jnilumeot defective. Langna^r is (!»edre-«-of 'ho»'.i;hi, sflrl niriire its ornament. Il-re tbrn are ,n» \z> •. nod *- have nnl\ t(»;ran"iorrp. bi Ihe loueh of i»na'rii».i- tion's niajie wand, (he gx /*-» '" •xt.r o; o , Wat MiHiaer, (we mean nonffMir: a M •• bis !*• i«" work" hi child of his brain, !:**•» a h:.*/"r, face ' awk .* urd c':t lfchter, and weuave ahnndaoce f>1 maV'iincrv to tnruish ont zprttttj At pg ■/•'/. Lei ns try our uand.- at this t: riptin^ wo; k. ^V• will imagine lb a". Mr. Adams in hi- new r'tarae er *»;* Ma:; Milliner ^ twending io dres.« upt hi- 'a.],. 7 ilau^liter to make herappearantre at an a-*:-mb.\ of grave matron.. \lc t± d-'te1 mnted n eouc ;• her natural deformity linger a load ftf finery, il i>i::iable frnm Ihe pwertyof bispUrse lO'^iO^U v diamond*;or Sterlli:*ornament.-, be therefore eets to^;*thei* all fhe tin<t*l trtinjperi he can '.'>l, a <1 tiius ht'di'/ened !ic sends bgr to tl»c mee'Su^, Nex morning:, Uooest, plain dealing neighhoor A hre.ik- out in'o a passionate **j;rIaTnaiion, •* !)»'| " -.on ever sreau\ nne 60outragennsly bedecked ** with gewgaws a^ Miss Adams wa< last niehi* "ar.d on sneb an occasion? tVlit! a bb»e!ch« a.l *' must herfaiherbe !!" Up Mai* 3 CMjrb^onr 15. in his def« nee, and repliis, *• It istruefiicoH A. " it w as not a lit dress to appear in at at -nrh u *• party,M mighl have done well mon^fj for a 14 Ball; however I really think that Iter orna- 14 inputs are not -»uch gewgaws ns you s-em o> " Consider them i at any ra e they * re ** tfefmii* u htf.'* Ntuvwuat has be effected ? noibinr moi .* than toeonvinceuf,thatbis^ood ntttttr? S*a* |ri btin to a:,.empt a defencenf wi;ai he himself ae- miu lobeindefensible. W henever the ornamen¬ tal part of a!u:l\'s dre-> f»e appeal to oui Jadi readers for ihe truth of what we advance) mtfts an apologist, her Mitllner, be it man or noma mus| civenp all claims to taste. Aid ifta:d Mil¬ liner siiould unhappily dress her oni for a wtdding when shewas^ning to attenil a funeral* his or h *r [which ever *ex it be1 judjcmeni tnu»t have been ai-olamentably deficient. We shall leave PliiloIogOS (o make hi?own ai>- pit Call OD of our Allegory, not doubting Iii- abili y to do it after having furnished ns noh ho admira¬ ble a specimen of his intimate and correct fepflw- ledge of* figures and metaphors. IT. at some fu¬ ture period, he should by some lucky chance dis¬ cover that the word forcible is not *peltjbrcsa6fct we heg of him not toaccuie 09of inaccurate prlu- tinjf:—he will onder*taiid the him and with it we take our leave of him. FOR THE KINGSTON CIIROMCLE. SIR, Here is the fcene of a farce, at your fervice, if you think it worthy of a place hi your columns. -Sir, your obed't. fcrv't and conftant reader, N. M. Scene—*A Norfery—In ot»e part a table with iuadry articles upon it—j»hiaU«^*» -4 I nrn always ripiit raputhed*1 when any body wouid i<t Jon at vari¬ ance Mqfitr Car.ndx. NVv f feir Same ; *ny jyrfod parent (hews in to many indan- ces h?9 r»_Jiir 1 f .r me, an 'I I f$el not the cold yet. If I did, he knows I could, wi'h a !itt:e exertion wf rr/y nwd, get mended thefc hole*, winch you have fo kindly (hewn rnc You know, too, in the late expedition, tn which h« io gallantly vanquifiicd the robberei?, *»c confuted lo mvich of his fttbfrance. that be ha- been forced to change his Itvlr nf living, and ilFJ). Al ItW na'i\e place hi Sondund, Mr. W, Ilutcb- iioiui, for ui.iny > ea»> a respectably Grocer iu t'»e city of Montreal. A' his reodeioe In Adolphutinwn. on Friday eviiiii^, the KSili instant, in Ihe 5^ih year of his u;*.*, ,\i(it"U* I?a*ji-rma*, ,1.:quire. Barrister a L ii an1 Major in 'he Militia of the County i'if T.i-nox ; '> re ufthe first 5.-tilers in the* Hay of O'in'e, l;iit.o t.-d h\ a iMiineiout t.ooilv and ex* lensive aet|nainiance. tit 1'ii.r.i Town,on Monday,$2dinstant, Mrs; Aw- I 1 rt:.\iu\E .Ioon'son, aged 74 year-i. *ti> S«ntbt> morning, the 21*1 instant, ^Tr. JaVHS KoB'NSOJ*, Vot»per% aged 5t, for many year-an itoahi'ani of this town. \\\^ Exct'llenc) the Lictitcmint Gover¬ nor, having been graciously pl;!a-id. to £raut in trust to T. Marklaud. A. Mae- Lean, Rsijuires, and to the Itcv. G. 0. to difcharof- niany of his old f«silh"ful fer- Stnart, certain lots of ground in (he'Ioun vantu ; indeed, he did fo with tear? in his '>r Kington, for the purpose of erecting cyers. Surely. Dame, you would not have mc, vvlit-n I have fueh rcafon to be af- Fun (I of ht9 ki:uh.efs> become unnatural and rebelliona. for his wan: of ability to do for me, what, with a little patience and exertion, I can do l > well for myfelf? Mrs* Curly. '.lick, chuck, how has¬ ty we are {grown ! / hive you to be re- belliou ? /, w who am always open mouthed" a:_rain(l any body that would let you at vara tee ? Rut% love, I have been lately st thy lo-o'her's : after all, deary, be is a kind hcatted body, and is firry for the mifchl'ef he ha- done ili';c, and gladly would he lend thee any little afnilance. In truth he was ("pedal kind to me, f->\- thy fake. Majier Canada. \ cs, he r. always ki^d enotigh, at fir8 coming, to any dil- charged fervantsof theold fatnily; and I have beard, that when there was lately a fecret '.onlpiracy aganrtt mv kind parent, an<l honeft Habeas Corpus was fufpended, that yon. Dame, for iorne rcafon bc;t known to yonrfelf. fuddenly made otT frotc the old rnanfion, Mrs. Curiey. O ! f:ef chock, holh ! He^e i- a bailed of my own compofine, all about your crne-vancesand wrings (s'Ug3 to the tune of which the old cow died.) Siutet. dear Canada, oh ! oh ! oh ! Gttftfd* gagg'd* fJQjgrV, byjin.jln, go* Majier Canada. But, Dame, I am not pagg'd. I cjHi fay anything I pleafe, excepr trcafon againft my paeent, which I would not ; or calumny agiinft myncigh- bouta, which I would not ; or hlafphcny again(f my !;;ker, which 1 would n«?:. Mrs- Curlcy. Why net- my dear ? for ceitainh there can be no great harm—(re¬ collecting h rfetf) not that I wowW wiflj you t..' think or tj-c.ik ill of y« t;; worthy VT. iceni .« I«\ve *.- ■ bnii -e. uoin a lau arucle in the iiifigam Spectator — Mr. Gouii&y, f&WA an llospiinl thereon : together with tvi- ratii otluM Jots, (amountinix iu the whole to about seven acres) to be let or leased for (ho support of said Hospital; it is proposed to open a Subscription in shares of ^2 10 each, in order to raise a fund for electing the necessary Buildings.— As soon as 200 shares are taken up, the Buildings will be commenced.—Subscrip¬ tions will be received by the* abovemen- (ioned Trustees, and the Itev. R.G. Cur- tofc, J. Wilson,;ixnd A Marshall, Ks|. Government Contract. npKNDERS for the traofport of JL TroopSj Jjatrrjag-c, ProviHons, Stores, cvc. &c, during the enfuing Seafon, ro and from the undermentioned places, will be re¬ ceived at this Oifice until twelve o'clock at noon, on Saturday the 27th Initant—viz P'ort Wellington to Kingilon. Do. to Yoik, Burlington, Fort George or Qnecnfton. rvingften to York, Burlington, Foit George m Qucenfton. York to Bmlington, Fort George or Queeoftoru Fort George to Burlington, or York. Security will be required for the per¬ formance of filch Contrail as may be entered into. Commiffariat Office, Kingfton, icth Feb. 1819. 8w2 " .NOTICE. ^rriilK Subfcriber has Loft three Note3 JI_ Signed by Freeman S. Clinch, viz, one of 25 Dollars on demand, one of 25 Dollars fix Months afterdate, one of 50 dollars, payable in Joiner's or I abinet work ; the endorfement according to the bell of my knowledge is as follows, viz. 4 or 5 Pounds on the fir ft Note, the above note:, were given the 26th of March ifi 18. DANIEL REYNALDS. Fcbr^iUhjiSicj. S T KINGSTON ASSEMBLY IHE next will be on MONDAY, S:h March next. Kino [ton, 20th February, 1819. 77^' Upper Canada Ih raid. f I \111\ Public arc respectfully inform- JL ed, tli3t the lirs( numbei of Tue Upper Cajtaoa IIkrai.d will bo pub¬ lished on Tuesday the UtU day of March. GentlemPIl holding Subscription Lists will oblige the Editor by returning theft* as soon as practicable. Kini'ston.'lSth Febntanj. 1819- Government CONTRACT. 1j^.{!Ml tiEKF «itl '> :-; .twd for tlie u*e of His MajestvV Troops siniioncd at KingStOH^ Point Henry and Point Frederick,for ^ix mmuh-, torom- mencrou the fc25(h March next, the quan- tilv about 4000 lbs per meek. Sealed Teudr'fS wHI br received at this Office until 1°. o'clock -on S»tuni.i\, the 13th Murch, In which must be insetted the names of two Surrtie* for the duo performance of such contract a* may bo e.-iterrd into. Com miss trial Office, Rfdgxtop+Wth b'ehrvttn: 1S10. 9 For Sale or to Let, /j TWO ttory framed Houle. ^d |fc 9/VJL lar^e and commodious ftone Store, fi-uatc on the water's edge in the centra of the Village cf Prefcot, on exceedingly ad¬ vantageous terms to the purchaftr or leasee. Enquire at the Office of CI-k. A. HAGERMAiy. ICinpfton. 26th February, 1819. r> To Axemen. THE sulrcribera *lll r-ceivepro- po^als from any pewon or persons wilting to engage to clear >ixty acres of new land on thrii pr^misos in Amelias- bufgh, Baj of Quinle, ready for scei by the lust day of AugUS-t next The Afch- rs on said land will be Required to ba collected and earcfullj secured^ Teams and Provisions \\ill be furnished if re¬ quired. For particular- apply to OWEN McDOUGAL, Kington, or to McDOUGAL & McLELLiVN- 0 L. lUIIIe. Lost or Stolen, ON or about (he I0t!i in-tant. a dark r *d DOG* with some black* hair* on his breast and back, and a -hort tail; formerly owned by Mr. James Knapp. Whoever wilt return sard Dog to Mr. Samuel Knap, Mr. John Knight, or the subscriber, shalI be handsomely reward¬ ed : and if found in the possession of nn^ person he will be prosecuted to the utmost rigoT i;f the law. ANTHONY ERNEST. Kingston, February 25, 1819 0w3p NOTICE. " rH~lHE Subfcriber requefts thofe indebted JL to him«£0 pay their different accounts to Mr. J<ife|>h Muidock, who is duly nu* thorifed to nceive the lame, and proceed ae circumliancea may require during his abfencc. JOSEPH SCOTT, Kingfcon, Feb. 3d, 1819 Stf ~NOflCE " A LL persons indebted to the suSscri* ~±\ ber, are requested not to pay th:; same or any part thereof, to Dngle i am'- ron, my late Clerk.whom I have diTcharpcu, and any peifon 10 whom f?.id Uurjle Cameron has applied for payment, within the laft Month, will do the Subscriber a favor by informing him thereof. JOHN DOWLING. Kingflon, Feb. 17, 1819. 8 NO f ICE. rpHE Board for Militia Pen- ■*■ 3 ions, klhII meet on the Iqfi Monday in February, and continue Ji to Jo, the fame day in each Month* until the Ivfmefs ef this DiftriS) as regards the fame is jmifbeJ. JOHN PSttGUSON _J(inSJlan, Feb. \fi> 1819. ., 6 FOR SALE OR TO BE LET. A LARGE Commodious two ftory j\^ dwelling Houfe. with Kitchen, out Huufcsand Garden, No 1, Front ftrect. For particulars apply to Laurence Hcrch* mer» Elq. Kington, Deceo$er «o, »Sx8, $o

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