Kingston Chronicle, February 26, 1819, page 1

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THE TON VOL. I] FRIDAY, (atterxoox) FEBRUARY 26, 1819; [No. a ^nv*;* *^ -#5 tv * w*-* * JVOTICE. THE Subscribers refpeafully In* form their friends and the Public, that they have now received and jud opened in Market Street, joft below Mfi. Patrick's Inn, a very Extcnfive affbrtment of Dry Goods, Groceries, and Stationary, Like wife a great qnan- City of Claffical Books, the whole of which will he fold very low for Calh tfnd approved Credit. McDonalds: aykroyd Dec. it 1818. 27 "* NOTICE. A NY perfon or perfon6 defirous of >J^_ entering into an agreement for clearing from 15 to 40 acres of land, will receive liberal encouragement, by applying at the office of the Kingttcn Gazette,—where the terms of the agree- Sient may be feen. Kingston, D. C. 7 %$d November* r 8 18. § zd Valuable Lands for S^le in the TOWNSHIP of HAMILTON. Lots No. 6 and 12 in the 30 Con- oeffion,............... 4C0 Do do 11 aad 15 in the 4th Con- ctflion, ...... 45° Do do 10 in the 6 CoocdSonf200 Acres, loco TJIE above Lands are all lying in tfce Townfhip of Hamilton, ntw cadle ibillria, and will be Sold on the mod liberal terms. For further hfoimatim.. squire of Elias Jonts Efq. Hamilton, or the Printer. 3$t.f NOTICE. THE Subscriber having been duly appointed Executrix to the Eiiate of Paul llurr, late of Adolpbus- town deceafed ; Notice is hereby given, to all thofe indebted to faid es¬ tate to make immediate payment ; and til perfons having claims againft it, are requefted to prefent them, duly authen- Vciifti. far aditiftment fZlZAWTll HUIF- Adolphuftown, Dec. 24, 1818. attf To Let, AND immediate poffeffiuh given, that i.Tedaarlyfitoated HOUSE and PARK. th. \ roperty • f the Rev. Alexr. McDoi til. For further partic¬ ulars apply to the fubferiber. DUNCAN McDONELL Also—A fonl! HOUSE, in More .Street, eppofite MefTrs. Monjeau & St. Germain's. £ Opfy as above. Kingston. Dec &/$. 181S. 29 BANK OF THE sabferibtr beng aopointed agent tor the ai»k of ( anada. he ^ill negotiate t-mk notes for bills on Montreal, Queltc.or for Specie. Wm. MITCHELL. Kingflon, OQ. rath. 18:8. 20 to let, FORany tern of yearn not exceed- in Fiftc*\ on the mod rcafona- ble terms—That well known valuable fland in the tiuolic line, fituate on the point a: Ganan-.qua. and recently occu¬ pied by <:e*h i i.'wn*, together with the Houle, u>ar-, Stables. &c—For fur¬ ther particular*.apply to the fubferiber. JOEL STONE. Gananoqua Jan. 9, 1818. 33^ A FARM FOR SAt&i ADJOINING Hay Bay, in the Townfhip of Fredericks burgh, the Eaft half of Lot No. 2, in the fecond Conceffion, containing 100 acres, and having about 40 acres under cultivation, with a log houfe and barn upon it. For the terms apply to Daniel Wafhburn Efquire, Kingtton PV'.N KOUGHNET. Cornwall, Dec. 7, 1818 30 NOTICE. ALL perfons are Cautioned againft purchr'fin^ Lot No. 22 in the yth con. of Frederickfhurgh. or lot No, 17 in the !vt con. nif Ricbm* n^.from the . Heir* or t ffignees of Davis Hefs, as the Subscriber holds an indisputable title to the fame. GILBERT HAIUS. Sidney, 4th Dec. 1818. 3 A N elegart, well fii.ifhed Double SLEIGH, tor Sale, enquire o S. UA&iLET. December 29, 1818. j UST received and for fale at this Office, price 7{d. the MONTREAL ALMANACK, for the Year • out ;,ord is i y. THE Managers of the Steam Boat FroMenac, having Cfitsbiifhed a line of Durham Boats from this place, propofe for warding from the different pom of the Lake to that of Montreal, <»n the following terms, viz. From York, Niagara, Queenfton, and the Head of the Lake, for each barrel of Flour deh'vered at the port of Montreal, five (hillings and fix pence. Fr*om Kingston to the port of Montreal for each barrel of flour four (hillings and fix pence. From York, Niagara, Q^-enstcn, and the Head of the Lake. £uf eich barrel of Potafli delivered at the pCit of Mon¬ treal twelve fhillings and fix pence. From Kingston to the port of Mori- treal, for each barrel of Potato ten (hil¬ lings. From York, Niagara, Qneenflon, and the Head of the Lake, for each Karrel of P<*rk delivered at the port of Montreal eight (billings and three pence. Fr >m Kingston to the port of Montreal for each barrel of Pork fix (hillings and ^ercirandize will be tnnfported by the fame means from La Chine to Kingston, at the rate of five (hillings per cwt- An elegant PASSAGE BOAT will alfo leave Kingston every tenth day for Montreal, which will be fitted up in the mo°t commodious manner and prevent any delay to padengers leaving the upper part of the Lake in the Steam Boat Fromenac, it haviag been built f-r the purpofe *f leaving this place immediately after her arrival. Thefe arrangements wfll take effect at the opening of the navigation and be con¬ tinued during the feafon. GEO. II. MAIHCLAND Sec'y. S. B Com'y- Rincjlon* Feb. 5, 1819. C TrJfE Subfcriber offer« for fale hi, Houfeand Farm,together 01 fepante, as alfo his Ilorfcs, Carts. 31: igha, Cow., Hogs, Oxen, Grain, I:ay, Pot';toes. a.»d Implements of Hutoandry, fituate on he Rivet St. Lawrence, ovet looking the beautiful village o\ Oirdtttfburg, and within half a mile cf Prefect, Upper Canada. Th Dw< Iling hoMlV whic' has lately becnere&ed, confL«t> of tw*^fitting Rooms, 4 Ped rooms, a Kitchen and Cellar, well fi lifttfd. The Farm contains 107 Acres of choice Land, well fenced, upwards of 60 of which i Pasture and " eadow, the rema:n- der'i iUagfi and Wood Land, with a young Orchard and good Barn, Stable and Root- houfc. and a fmall I enement for Labourers. o ? Gentlcrnah of fpeculation. the above Premlfe? wliich extends 3 Acres in frof.t of the River, must prove of great advantage, as it is one cf thtr best situa¬ tion- in the neighbourhood fur the erection of a Wliaif, *frhw.'y©r Distiilery, dec Part of t'le 1 rrchafe money, may remain oa Mortgage, if agreeable to the Purchafer. Application to be made to Henry Forest Efq. Montreal, John Macaulay Kinpston, or the owner PETER 0'BRIF,N. Preecott, 26th Oa. 1818. tftf FOR SALE, PlpHREE valuable FARMS, two of ML th^-m lying in the Township of Kingston) 3d concession ; one containing 50 acn?s,bein» a part of Waterloo, with a good House and Barn, Tan House, Bark Mil), and eleven good Tan Vats.—a good situation for a Distillery, there bring a constant supply of water ; the other ly¬ ing about half a mile East of Waterloo. in the 3d concession, containing 153 Acres and one third, being the Bast and West halves of Lots No. 20 and 21, with 40 acres of improvement, well fenced, uimI tuia 25 ion* of Hay yearly ; the oth¬ er part well timbered, and a small creek running through the middle of the Lot. It is a handsome situation for a Dairy, For particulars enquire of JOHN RYDER, Jun. Waterloo, Jan. 10. 1810. «f T fffM Subfcriber informs bis friends and 1 the public, that he ft'tll keeps a PUBLIC HOUSE, in the Totvofhip cf CRAMAHK,>r^r/y called Goodwin's Corner, where Gen- tlemen and Ladies may find good Entet- tauitnent. Alfo—Travellers ^all not be difappomted ef finding good quarters for themjt/ves and their Horfes. THO'S. D. SANFORD. Cramahcy 24th Jan. 1819. 6 Post-Oj/icC) Kingston* 10/// February, 1819. PROPOSALS w*ll be received at this 'ffice until the fifth day of March next, from any perfon defirous of contracting for the conveyance of His Majefly's Maila twice a week between York and Kingfton. B.N. The contrail to commence on 5th A pril FOR SALE," AN excellent toaed PIANO, with ad¬ ditional keys, and two fets of fpare ftrip .s. made by Br -adwuod, and reoiaik- ao'e for keeping in tune, only eight months £19 a Lt'tfland.—-For j>art;yv,lars, inquire «tfj>c£di|fty 7 — •Esnrs. HOME AFFAIRS. acVric'u'ltl'it-al SOCIKTY. At a meeting of the Inhabitants of the town of Kingston, h*^ at tnK ('ollrt House on theSthd^y cl'February, 1819, for Hie purpose of DSfablisMng an Agri- cuUural Society in Hie Midland Dlstrktj THOMAS .M AUK LAND, Esq. in thr Chair. It was resolve-1 uiuuiimonsly, 1st. That a Society shall be established to be denominated. il The Agricultunil Society of the Mi.'land District,"' for the encouragement of A^iicHltureby all such methods as may hereafter be deemed ex- pedient. 2d. That all prions subscribing ten ^hillin^s Halifax Currency, annually, shall be eonsidiTed members of thi* So¬ ciety ; and Gentlemen r^ident in Great Britain or Iroland, shall be considered admissible as honorary members. 3d. That a Committer of seven 5-halI be appointed to draw up Rules and Reg¬ ulation* to be submitted to the meeting notified to be held at Bath, in tbe (own- ship of RrnestTowo, en the 13th day of February, and thai the fallowing Gentle¬ men form said Committee, viz : The Revo- < T , ..- Tr.rtv. ' (Jons Wilson, Thomas Shaw, Benjamin Whitney Alfx'r. Ikingle, Antuon Y.vl & nsilALL John M. .iAi.roun. ^ Tn con^e€5in*nee of the foregoing Res¬ olutions, the following Report and \{c«- ulations were presented, by the Rev. It. C^. C'Ttois. of the Commit'^e, to thr Ma^is*rat?s and Inhabitants as- s» nbleJ at Bath, in the Township of Er- uestlawn, on the 13th February, 1819- REPORT. In proposing to the inhabitants of the Midland Disttiet the establishment of an Agricultural Soch(y? your Committee an; of opinion, thai a stimulus will be gifc veil to active industry, not so much by holding out rewar4sras by throwing open a field for laudabla competition. 1 ^.vr^^.V 'IisVjii.- potimu o, #8* Y*ro- vinr" is, oi advaivtaRos,every way sunt?- rio.r5 i< i.*' lanu'tifaWe t<> ob^-ivc tin- very li'Mf progress which has hitherto been made in Agricultural improvement. Unhappily there exfcl in tliiscountry mam inducements to turn away the at¬ tention of the farmer from th'- true ob- j<7rt- of bis prolosMOii. One is allured by (ho ftpparei tly lucrative, though at all time* precarious employment of lurn- herlng ; another i$ seducodbythemlstn- ken notion of respectability and caso, which is attached to the occupation of kf-pin^a Store : nuc] a third, if, uufor- tunaicly tor him, his Hand be situated on the public road, csunot resist the torap- tatiou which Tavern Keeping holds out. Of necessity the^e tarious employments operate a* so many hindrances to an hus- banrimnn's success. Without anv other ob,se*Tvatioit, \t may be sufficient to re- mailU. thai two avocations rarely pros¬ per i n the hands of one man. To give a new bout to their ;nclina- tions, to point out to the agricultural part of this community where their in¬ terest really lies, must, your Committee are assured, be the desire, as the result of such undertaking will be the benefit of every member of Society. The object of this Institution ought strictly to be confined to these purposes, and thftfe should be n-» methods, which seem in any way calculated to produce them, wliich should not be tried, and ii" 3ucce>sful, adopted. The distribution of prizes, your Com¬ mittee are of opinion, must of necessity be chiefly confined to the productions «*f the grazier, under existing circumstan¬ ces it might perhaps be impossible to make awards to rue farmer, who produ¬ ced most grain or* an acre, or who had his farm in the highest state of cultiva¬ tion. But even \i it were otherwise, en¬ couragement seeiOS chiefly to be required to promote more generally the breeding, and rearing of Steck. The war, it is said, created so great a demand that scarcely any cattle were lrft to continue the breed. But surely if a proper attention had been paid, as the cause of the deficiency has s# long ceased to operate, the deficiency itself might have by this time been remo¬ ved. Upon this consideration vourCommit- tec hesitate not to affirm, that much good will necessarily result, from furnishing to every individual an opportunity to ac¬ quire distinction by his superior skill and superior attention. The proceedings of the Society lately established at York, under the denomi¬ nation of the Agricultural Society of the Upper Province, have not escaped the notice of your Committee. Keeping how¬ ever in view* the vast extent of the Pro¬ vince, it does not seem feasible that this Society should have any closer connec¬ tion with it than that wliich an occasion¬ al correspondence may form. In a preliminary address it is neither necessary, nor would it be ad&eable to take too wide a view of the subject. Un¬ doubtedly there is an extensive field for trp.roycnu'ut every way, and ^ereaftej many useful suggestions may be offered fur i.doption. RULES and REGULATIONS. 1st. That the a flairs of this Society shall be conducted by a President, three Vice Presidents, a Secretary, and Treasurer, and a Committee of thirty members, tea of w horn shall reside in the township of Kington, and nny seven shall form a quorum for j he transaction of business. 2d. The Officers of the Society shall be elected yearly, at the meeting ia the Town of Kingston, the first Monday iu February. 3d. There shall be two half yearly g»- neral meetings for the shew of Cattle, fee. and for the distribution of prizes; the owe t« be held at Kingston on first Monday in February, the other at Adol- ph« town the first Monday in October. 4th. The Judges formating the a- v.ards shall be appointed by the Com¬ mittee on the day of Exhibition. Three Judges Shall be required, and no person who i.> not a member of the Society, shall be chosen a Judge. 5:h. All persons bona fide residents within the District may become candi¬ dates for prizes, whether they be mem¬ bers of the Society or not. Cth. The Committee shall apportion the prizes! (according to the state of the funds) at each half yearly meeting for each next ensuing exhibition, and shall publish in the different newspapers in the District the amount of prizes, to be given, aud for what to be given. 7th. At present prizes shall be given chiefly to encourage improvements in the breed of cattle and to promote the in¬ troduction of the most approved imple¬ ments of husbandry. This regulation is not to preclude the Committee from as¬ signing prizes for the encouragement of pbughlng- 8th. According to circumstances the provisions of the foregoing regulation mav be extended. 9th. The names of the successful can¬ didates and the premiums they have re¬ ceive d, and for what received, together with the other proceedings i»f each meot- Vb%»iM betriiftftftd ra the B£WSj&pEF§ of the District'* 10th. The premiums shall always be in mone\ or in farming utensils. 1 Ith. The Accounts of the Society shall be open for inspection at each half yearly meeting, ftnd shall be audited and closed at the meeting appointed for the election of oflic< rs. I2th. The funds of the Society shall be exclusively appropriated to objects connected with it. 13th. The Committee, whenever they ma) deem it expedient, shall publish the proceedings of the Society in the form of a pamphlet; but not oftener than once in the year. 1 ith. All donations shall be appro¬ priated to the purchase of works on agri¬ culture, to be placed under the care of the Secretary for the use of the members of Hi* Society. 15th. The Committee shall rje em¬ powered to meet at such times and places a-the) may deem tit. Upon a requisition Signed by not less than three of its mem¬ bers, meetings of the Committee shall be called by the President, or in his absence, by one of the Vice Presidents, notice whereof to be given once in the Kings¬ ton oe»> paper. lGth. The Committee shall likewise be empowered to frame such Laws and Re¬ gulations for their own guidance nncj conduct as may be required. Provided that no infringement be thereby made on the fundamental Articles of the Institu¬ tion. 17th. These Rulrs and Regulations shall not be altered or amended, but at the general mc.^tin£« of th*> Society. The following gentlemen were chosen Officers of this Society. President—Hon. Allan McLean, Esq. Vice Presidents—Alex. Fisher, Thos* Markland, James ('otter, Esq'rs. Committee—G. II. Markland, Wm. Mitchell, John Kiiby, John M. Bal¬ four, Laurence iierchmcr, Benj. Whit¬ ney, Thos. Shaw, Smith Bartlet, Antho¬ ny McGuin, Mieajah Purdy, Esq'rs. jvr Kingston.— fsaacFra?er, Davis Haw lev, EsqVs. /</r Ernest Towji.—W.Crawford, John Church, Esq'rs. for Fredericks- biltgi—Thomas Dorland, Benj. Clapp, Esq*rs. fbr Adolphmtavon.—Henry Mc- Donell, Esq'r. for UTan/abrrg.—John Steenson, seur. Samuel Williams, Esq'rs. for Hatloicoib—S. Munro, Jacob Crouk, Esq'rs. for Sophiasburg,—James Young, Bcdal Dorland, Esq'rs. for Amriiusburg. Thos\ Jones, Gilbert Harris, EsqVs. for Sidney.—John Canilfe, James M'uVabb, Esq'rs. for Thurlow.—Allan McPher- son, Andrew Kimmerly, Esq'rs. for Rich¬ mond.—John Carscallon, Esq. for Gam* den.—Col. I). McPhersou, fur Pittsburg and Wolf Island* Treasurer and See'g*—G. H. Mark- land, Esq. Resolved, That two hundred copies cf liicsc resolutions and proceedings be published aud sent to the different Mem¬ bers of the Committee for distribution in their respective Townships. ?d. T;^t SuUscriptioa Joists il^ll fee drawn out and subscriptions solicited generally throughout the country. Sd, That the Editors of the Kingston Chronicle be requested to give these pr^' ceedings two insertions in their paper. (Signed) G. II. MARKLANI), Treasurer and Sefffc From the Upper Canada Gazette* "■ His Excellency the Lieutenant GovftJ nor lias received the following addreflcs ; From the Magidrates of the Diftrift oz Niagara : To His Excellency Sir Peregrine Mnitlandf Knight Commander of the Mofl Honor a* lie iMiliiary Order of the Bath, Lieuiedr ant Governor of the Province of Upr>ef CannJijy and Major General commanding His Majcjly's Forces therein, l2c. &C tffc. ' i IJay it pi-ra«f, Yotjb ftrET-TEvry, WE, Kis Majcfly's dutiful and loy^l fubjefts, the Magillrates of the Diflrift cr ISiagara, !n Genera! Quarter ^'eflion af- ferrhled, andjthe feveval Inhabitant!! J" the faid Dillrift, beg leave to crave your Ex¬ cellency's indu!gence. in deviating frorb our ufual municipal duties and fuu&inns, in adilrcHing His Maj'fly's Heprefentative in thin Province. Wc believe the occa- fion requires it, and the character of <h'4 Di'lrift demands it. The liberty of the is the pride iff Biitifh fuhjcAh, its licentiuurnefs their de¬ gradation ; the one ia pregnant with mo¬ rality and public tranquility, the other with anarchy, vice, aud attendant mifery. Happy, peaceable, and enjoying every right confident with rational liber.y. and prizing our eonflitution, £nd the Wife ad- minidration of the government and laws, and perf^ftly fatisfied v/ith our Kepr fen- tatives, as to their duty in the Provincial Parliament ; what caufe can we have for complaint, or for any political ferment, or • agitation. Nevcrthelefs, this 'oyal D?f- tn& has been calumniated ; and from the wicked and infidious diffufion >f the writings of a very few difcontented, viru¬ lent, and malignant chara&ere, it is pre- fumed that this Diiiridl is the concentra- ff'll'-' ,r"$ •!'■*"- ■••-^ rs^-n'.vi an^ tioo oi folly, and the locus of fedition and diiloyalty. It would ill comport with our fctling* and the refpr& and confideration we bear to your Excellency, to condefcend to no¬ tice individual immorality, however bold and effrontive. We trud the arm of th-r Law has vigour to reach, and the country virtue and wifdom to punilh fuch. Witlr fucli fentiments. we are and trud your Excellency will difcard from your mind any impredioiH unf-vourable to the gratitude, loyalty, and peaceable de¬ meanor of His Majedy's fubjeds in tW Dill rid of Niagara, and that our fellow fubje&s elfewhere, and others may he un¬ deceived regarding our political allairs and feelings- Tflomas Clark, i. P. Martin F).usliim'et Robert Krrr. J. P. Joha UcMickffie, William Sainp-no, J. P.John DeCew. Cant 2J Cn»«dl Wilsdn, J. P. L W. John Sjtulngtcn, J. P. G-oree Marlatt, Richard Leonard* J. P. Samuel -MwKorlie. Alex. Hattilttin, J. P. StephenBrown, Jam^s Kerliy, J. P. Edward Defield, Tnoma^ Cumming, J. P. James Rutham, Thomas IJushbv, J. P. Adam Bnumao^ Thomas Racy, J. P. Wm. Row en, J. Muirtirad, J. P. Jelin Knot, Robert Nellrs J. P. Daniel Rn*>\ Wm. Clan*. J. P John Chi»bolm, Peter Ball, J. P. ThOr. McMickioe, Cilbert McMickingfC. Thos. McMicking, J2jf| 1-aac Swayze, M. P. Conrad Dorsbiiacr, T!.o. Meiritt, Sheriff: Hugii Rose, James Cooper, Captain John Powell, E?q. 2d L. M. Thos. Butler, Esq. "William DfClCBOO, J. P. John D. Senoss, J. P. Thos. McCormick, J. P. John Bat!, J. P. Robert Addison, J. P. Abraham Nelless. J. I* John Usher, J. P. Wm. Crooks, J. P. George Conelly George Ball, J. P. J. Warren, J. P. A. Foster, Lt. and AdYt; Samuel Sr-rrp|, J. P. Lincoln M. John fcnrch. Not. Pub. James Sampson, J. P. L.M. Accompanied by an addrefs from th'c Grand Jury of the fame DiftriA: We, the jurors for our Sovereign Lord the King, for the Didrid of Niagara, beg leave to reprefeot to FTIa Majefty'6 Juftices of the Peace in Quarter SciEon afTembled, that we feel hurt at the reports that have been but too generally circulated through every part of the world, which may be condrued in an unfavourable light with re- fped to the loyalty of the people of this Province and in this Didrid particularly. We hereby beg leave refpe&fully to repre- fent to ycu, and through you, to His Ex¬ cellency the Lieutenant Governor, that we for ourfelves reprobate, and highly dis¬ approve of the proceedings that have taken place to give rife to fuch fufpicfous, we are alfo convinced that the body of the people in this Diltnft, with very few ex¬ ceptions indeed, are firmly attached to Ufa Majedy's Government and the excellent Conditution under which we live, which we confider quite fufficient to protect our perfons and property, againft the hand of power, or the machinations of defigmug individuals: and we deeply lament that fuch proceeding* fhould have taken plucc^ as have given rife to fuch reports, Niagara, 13th Jan. 1819. Walrer B. Sheckan, Henry Nel!es# Daniel Si-cord, John Welles, John Starke\, Samuel Cird>all^ ; Joseph You0£> If to. McLean, VF% Wtar, |,op£* Wihofc

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