Kingston Chronicle, February 19, 1819, page 4

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i? THE CHRISTIAN RECORDER To Appear m Numbers, one Number ■ every Month, at twelve and fix pence, Halifax'car. brew THIS publication will be iffued by Mr. George Dawfon, Book-Seller, York, under the infpection of the Rev. Dr. Strachan. g It (hall be devoted to theological and THOMAS DALTON & C- pecHnlly btglenvo to acquaint the public that they bare commenced ing at their new eftablifhment, where they have now ready for delivery, fome excellent MILD BEER, in barrels of Thirty fix Gallons each, which they offer at the moderate price of Thirty Six Shillings the barrel, which T<> Let, g> THE Houfe latejy occupied by Lieu¬ tenant Bn>Coe (Royal Engineers) the property of iame3 Richardfon, Sen fituated near Mr, Hugh Earl's. For terms apfJy to the fubfcriber. aOB'F. RICHARDSON. K'ihgston, 7<:, January, 1819. 2 a Tg LET, that creafed price of Malt and Hops Thus mifcellareous fubjefts, and particularly to .^e Public can be regularly accommodat- intereltimr religious intelligence, and bio- ed\vith a wholefome and agreeable beve¬ rage, at as moderate a rate as could rea- fonably be defired ; the Proprietors of this ufeful eftablifhm- nt therefore flatter themfelves that it will receive a fair por¬ tion of public Pationage. Orders left at the Office of 5% Bart- Let, will be attended to. Kingfton, Deer. 28, 1818. price they do not intend to advance, un- /7/ND immediate poffefiion given lefs from neceility arifiing out of VRJB? $/jL well knowj, £and for a tavern, the graphical and obituary notices. Befides occafional original matter, it fhall contain feleaions from the various Britilh periodical works, moral and religiaus. Thefe works will be regularly received for that purpofe ; and the readers of the Christian Recorder will thus be furnifhed in the fpeedieft mode, with valu¬ able and interefting feleftions from the lat- ci Britifh periodical publications. tVhile it (hall be the obje& of th While it (hall be the object or tne Jour¬ nal to record important religious tvents in general, particular regard will be paid to thofe which relate to the Proteftant Church. TheChriftian Recorder will prefent its readers with a paffing map of the religious world; and fkall be, occafionally, enriched ttuh the fentiments of thofe matters of theology who were the glory of the days that are paft, and whofe writings exhibit the foundeft views of Chriftian doctrine and order, and the highetl fervors of picus feeling. Whatever can advance the interefts of religions truth ; the purity, the unity, and the profperity of the kingdom of the Re¬ deemer ; and the faith, holinefs, and confo- ktfon ©f the Chriftian, (hall, as far as practicable, find a place in this Journal. The plan, if executed with tolerable ability, umft certainly render this publica¬ tion ufeful and interefting to all cla{fe6 of Ghriftians, and the price of it is fo low as to bring it within the reach of all who can be profited or iiiterefted by its contents. ; It (hall be printed with a handfometype, end on good paper of a large fize. The firft number (hall appear early in Llarch, and a number will be published regularly every month. The work being itfu< d folely from an earneft defire to pro¬ mote the interefts of religion, with the view to its general circulation, it will be ' furnifhed at the low rate of twelve millings End fix pence, Halifax Currency, a year. Agents (hall have a commiffion of 20 per cent, on the amount of iubferiptions fot wmcrt ttioy btrcorrre retpontiofe. Subfcriptions received by Mr.G. Daw¬ son, Book-feller, York, to whom commu¬ nications, pott paid, may be addrefled, and to whom perfon3 at a diftanae may tranf- nsit their names, with directions'by what conveyance the Journal (hall be fe*t to them. Tori, January 12, 1819. • (D=- Subscription* received at the Post- Of¬ fice, Kingston. r BlackSmith Work MEYNALDS 8c Co. lately arrived from Ireland, beg leave to inform the Gentlemen and inhabitants of Kingston and its vicinity in general, that they have com¬ menced the HORSE SHOEING AND BLACKSMITHINGBU6INESS, sn all its various branches, near the upper end of Store Street, between Mr. Doug¬ las's houfe and Mr. Powell's. All orders with which they may be favored, (hall be executed in fuch a complete and workman¬ like manner, and on fuch low terms, af, they hope, will entitle them to a {hare of the public patronage. Kingston, loth Oclober, 1818. 2otf Edward Jones, EGS leave moll refpcctfully to in¬ form his friends and the public in general, that he has j'uft received an elegant affortment of DRY & FANCY GOODS, Confiding partly of the following arti¬ cles, viz : Superfine Weft: of England Cloths and Caflimeres, of the mod fafhionable colors. lrifh Linens, Britifh Shirting, Lines and Cotton Cambrics, Corded Cambric, Lenos and Muflins, Jaconet and Mull Muflins, Fancy Muflin Handkerchiefs, Bandanna and Barcalona do. Fine Ging¬ hams, Black and colored Silks, Silk and Cotton Shawls and fcarfs, Fine corded Dimities, White Jane, white and bun Marfeils Quilting, Black Florentine* fine Undreffed Calicoes, Bombaxettes and Bombazines of all Colors, Linen Diaper and Huckabuck, white and Col¬ oured Flannels, Ruffia Sheeting and Of- naburg. A well chofen alTortment of Thread and Laces and Ribbons, Straw Bonnets, Ladies Tortife fnell Combs, Cambric and lace Footings, and a number of arti¬ cles, too numerous to infert. 4 Crates of Blue CROCKERY Wan. GROCERIES. Jamaica Spirits,Brandy, Holland Gin, Port and other Wines, Peppermint and Shrub, Hyfon and Twankey Teas double and Single refined Sugars, Muf- covado do. Spermaceti, Mould and dipt Cartel, §33p, %\m\ 38a- Fig Slffit Sec. &c, &c. «A11 of which will be fold for Cafh or approved credit. Kingston, $lh Jug. 1818. • x o property of Mr. J0hn Size, fituated in Store Street, Kingfton -—For further particulars apply at the OfiLe of Allan MacLean. Kingfton, Jan. ,2, 18 19. 3tf FOR SALE, At PEW, in St. Georges Church, %TjL Kingfton.— Apply at this Office. Jan. 12, i8r9r 4. For the Courts of Request, and various other kinds, for sale at tins Office. John Doivlin RETURNS his mod fincere thanks to his friends and the public, for the very liberal fupport given him lince his commencement in bufinefs, and begs leave to inform them that he has laid 10 general and well fele&ed ftockof Groceries, Wines and Spirits, at his old ftand, which he is determined to fell at the mod reduced prices, viz. Best Jamaica Spirits 1 Shrub Holland did '. 2******, Coniac Brandy I Peppermfct CUerrv do. - WINES. Benecarlo Port I Teneriffe Spanish do. *. Malaga Beft Pickling Vinegar. Lime Juice. GROCERIES. : Green Copperas ; Best Eflgfeh CfaeeSfe ! Windsor Soap MO TIC IE. THE Subscribers refpectfully In¬ form their friends and the Public, that the* have now reeeived and juft opened in Market Street, juft below $«. Patrick's Inn, a very Extenfive alTortment of Dry Goods, Groceries, and Stationary, Likewife a great quan¬ tity of Clafiical Books, the whole oi which will be fold very low for tafr d approved Credit. Mcdonald & aykroyd. Bee. I, 1818. 27 an A for NOTICE. NY perfon or perfons defirous o* entering into an agreement clearing from 15 to 40 acres of land, wdl receive liberal encouragement, by applving at the office of the Kingftoo Gazette,—where the terms of the agree-.- ment may be feen Kingston, U. C 23d November m er, 1818.J 2& H TIIESriiSCRIBER, AVING b?en appointed Agent for the Proprietor of the Iron Works, eftablifiSed at Three Rivera, in the Pro¬ vince of Lower Canada ; informs the pub¬ lic, that he has lately received 3 Verv extensive assortment of w AP .1. Manufaftured at that place. er articles are, Double Sc T Among cth- Single S T O VE Of various sizes and patterns. / For Sale, ON very reafonable terms, and im¬ mediate poffefiion given, a FARM lying in Adolphutlown, on the Bay of Quinty, one mile weft of the Court iioufe, formerly owned and occupied by the late Philip Dovland, deceased ; on which is an orchard of 115 large Apple Trees, and almoft every other kind of frnit Trees that is planted in this coun¬ try. Alfo, a convenient framed houfe and barn and houfes. About one hundred pounds will be re^uiied down, and the remainder will be made very eafy. — For further partic¬ ulars enquire of the fubfcriber, on the premifes. GEORGE DOUGLAS. Acolphuftown, 8th Nov. 1818. 26tf For Sale, CAST ASH PANS, SUGAR KETTLES, FOT ASH COOLERS. POTS, DOG IRONS, and DUTCH OVENS, Which will be difpofed of, for Cam, at nearly the Montreal prices. The fuperior foftnefs of metal, and du¬ rability of the Three Rivers Stoves, ren¬ der them worthy the attention of pur- chafers, a3 they are not liable to crack, like thofe imported from Scotland. JOHNMACAULAY. Kingston. 1st OSober, 18 l 8._______ 19 Kingston B» inch of the Mon- tfeal Bank. JN 1 I urn 1'quired may be obtained at . the OfficAfor good Bills, on Mon- treal, Quebec, fels ol Exchange on Lon. dun, or for 6p>cie.—Notes alio will be discounted at th ,lV) f2Xty, and ninety days. THOMAS MAKKLAND, Agent. Kingfton, 3d Nov 1818. 2* npO be fold %y private faie, the whole JL oi the premifes now occupied by the fubfcriber, conf.fling of one new Store Houfe, two ftor-es and a half high, a imali frame dwelling houfe, filled in with ftone, a Stable, Barn, ^nd Bake Houfe ; fituated on the eaft half of Lots No 27: and 273, containing two fifths cf an acre. A fmall parr 0f the bizrehaie mon-v will be requiied>on th-* d- !iv -ry -. • or.- ty, and the remainder - .. • ..'rai¬ ments as m *.y b^ a^reti u r - - fur¬ ther particular^ apply to i*-.e *. rietci on the premifes. GEORGE >• 01 J • N. B. There is a valii-M- V;, • of wa- te; on the premifes. Kingfton, January 2t, 1819 A Gunpowder Tea Twankc) do. Hyson Skin do. Coffee LoafSugar Muacovadodo. Mace Cinnamon Sail'run I^iDg Glas3% Turkey Figa Bo\ Raisins Commofi do. Pearl Barley French do. Fig Blue Powder do. Best Poland Starch Black Pepper Flower Stitpher Ground Ginger Whole do. Indian Arrow Root Sweet Almonds Bitter do. All urn Best common do. Pipe Clay- Glauber Salts Pearl A*h English Mustard Peppermint Drops Sugar Plumbs Sugar Almonds Cod Fish Red Herrings Salt do. Salt Butter Wrought Nails, ferent sizes Sbingle do# Tapes . Needles Twist Cotton B3II3 Coloured do. Black Thread, "While and Brown do. Writing Paptr Letter do. Valuable Lands for Sale in the TOWNSHIP of HAMILTON. Lots No. 6 and 12 in the 3d Con- ceflion,............;.....4°° Do do 11 and 15 in the 4th ceflion,.....•.......... 45° Do do 10 in the 6 ConcefTion,200 r on- L-* Acres, 1050 THE above Lands are all lying in the Townfhip of Hamilton, new cattle Diftria, and will be Sold on the mofc liberal terms. For further information* enquire of Elias Jones Efq. Hamilton, or the Printer. 2^tf T Glue • An aflbrtment ofCrockery Ware, do Queen's do. Beft Dutch Long Pipes, Plug Tobacco—Candle Wick, Mould Candles—Dipp'd do. Superior d re fled Calf Skins, Bed Liquid Blacking, A few articles of Dry Goods. N. B. In addition to his pre- fent (lock, he expe&s many other arti¬ cles in his line in a few days. Kingfton, October 19, 1818". 91 * * * Executive Council Office, York, 22d July, 1818. MOTICE is hereby given to CHRISTOPHER THOMSON, or his Reprefentative, by order of His Honor the Administrator in Council, 10 make good any pretention to the Weft half of Lot number Seventeen in the feventhconcelTion, on the Napane River, in the Townfhip of Frederickfburgh> within Six months from this date, or the fame will be thrown open to other appli¬ cants. JOHN SMALL, nrn6 C. E. C. ■ NOTICE. HE Subscriber having been duly appointed Executrix to the Ellate of Paul Huff, late of Adolphua- town deceafed ; Notice is hereby given, to all thofe indebted to laid es¬ tate to make immediate payment ; and all perfons having claims againft it, are requefted to prefent them, duly authen¬ ticated, for adjuftment. ELIZABETH HUFF- Adcjphuftown, Dec. 24, 1818. ^_______________ ______3?* To Let, AND immediate poffefiion given, that pleafantly fituated HOUSE and PARK, the property of the Rev. Alexr. McDonell. For further partic¬ ulars apply to the fubfcriber. DUNS AM M^no\TTTT fc Also—A fmall HOUSE, in Store Street, oppofite Meffrs. Monjeau & St, Germain's. Apply as above. Kingston, Dec. 8tb, 1 81«. 2Q BANK OF THE Subfcriber being appointed agent for the Bank of Canada, he will negotiate bank notes for bills oa Montreal, Quebec,or for Specie. Wm. MITCHELL. Kingfton, Oa. 13th, 18:8. 20 ■ \ NOTICE. THE late Partnership of James Ranten &f Co. having diffolved itfelf this dry, oy the death of Roderick Maekay, Efq. the bufinefs will in future be carried en by the fubfcriber, to whom all perfons who are indebted to the above firm, will pleafe pay their accounts without delay ; and thofe who may have claims againft that concern, will pleafe prefent them for adjuftment. JAMES RANKER _ErneftTown,2iftSept. 1818. TH! AT Elegant farm No. 8, firft Conceffion townfhip of Fredericks burgh; 2% miles from Kingfton, (containing 3co Acres,) formerly oc¬ cupied by Colonel Spencer, and known by the name of the Manfion Houfe. It contains about 50 aeres of land under improvement, an elegant frame houfe 2 ftory high with 2 barns and other build- rngg. Perfons defirous of purchaffng may enquircofthcSubfcrfberonthepremilTcs, 01 to D. JlagermaD Efq. at Bath. JOSEPH BERGERON. Fredenckfburgh, Sept. 8th, 1818 UJ3L 110a r 24tf lS TO LET. Notice. (POR one or more years, and poffefiion Ji- given immediately, That Stone houfe, fituated m Store Street lately occupied by Mr. Medcalf, with Stable, Garden and ctner out houfes. The fituation of the above premifes is r*oft advantageoos for a dwelling houfe. - -rorparticularsapplvto . FRANCIS X.ROCHELEAU. kingfton, 15 Jan. 181 FOR SALE, RY trainable FA'ilM, sftuated the V'illa-cof Bi .kvillv, be¬ ing the rear half of L<* No. one, andche rear half of Lot number two, in the se- rond concession of Elizabethtoun, 17, * C. containing two hundred acre?, fornix r- J\ ly the property of Reuben Sheru'-od, Esquire, but now belonging to JohnSha- ter, Esquire, of London. There is a ve¬ ry good dwelling house, with a barn and other our houses on the premises. AUo, Lot number nineteen, in thf \nnth con¬ cession, tiud the west half of Lot number one, in the eighth concession of the same Township. Jtso, Lot 11 amber fifteen, in the first concession, and number fifteen in the second concession, oi the Town¬ ship of Yonge, in the District of Johns¬ town. These Farms will be disposed of on terms peculiarly easy and advantage¬ ous to purchasers.—Apply to DANIEL JONES, Jun. BfQchvilk) 15th Jammry, 1819. 4 NOTICE. HJ^HE Subfcriber forbids all perfons 'A. ftom trefpafling on Lot No. 32 in it* 4rh C' ne:fiio:> of the Townfhip of Cauidco, in the county of Lenox and iddi-iot >P| Midland Diftriet, and does hereby forbid at y perfon or perfon? from cutting 'X deftroying any Timber whether lying 01 (landing, or Carrying any of the fame away, under Penalty of the 1 aw. A. MACDONELL. Kingfton, Dec.,26th, 1818. ________31 FOR SALE. valuable Lot of LAND, con- 'iftingof Two Hundred Acres of the (irft quality and remarkably well Timbered, being Lot No. 19, fn the third Conceffion of Camden. For particulars enquire of the Subscriber in Kingfton. J\MLS O&BittSON. ' Kingfton, Dec. 22, 1818. 31s TO LET, FOR any term of years not exceed* in Fifteen, on the mod rcafona- ■ ble terms—That well known valuable ftand in the public line, fituate on th^ point at Gananoqua. and recently occu¬ pied by Seth Downs, together with the Houfe, Barn, Stables, &c.—For fur¬ ther particulars apply to the fubferibtt. JOEL STONE. Gananoqua Jan. 9, 1818. $$(f FOR SALE OR TO BE LET. JL Large Commodious two ftory ft. dwelling Houfe, with Kitchen, out Houfes and Garden No I, Front ftreet, For particulars apply to Laurencfc Herchmer, Efq. Kingston, December 20, 1818. 30 A FARM FOR SALE 3 THE LAST NOTJCE. ^/!lJjLc persons l"«tated to the late fOL firm of Taylor 4" Parker are fcereby notified that uale-ss their respec¬ tive accounts and notes are settled by the rately be put mto the hands of an attor¬ ney for collection. ALLAN TAYLOR &»,!W Jan. 1819, HF*0 EET and immediate possesMon -^ given, the HOUSE and Premisses lately occupied by Alla* MsPhersos! i» the Front Street of Kingston. For particulars application to be made to Jvhn hit by or IViliiam Mitchell, Esqrs who are fully authorised to enter into 5wS ' BUILDING LOTS. A FEW Lots of one Acre of Ground, -A..**, being a v— i .. - _ > and good fituation for Dwelling Houfes, g a very good soiT for* GarTeTs! ont mile from Kingfton.on the'Tv'ew IJoad Si?;;:Stote, ***• **s^ »S >ordDJ. term.5, apply to — S. DARTLET. Tan ar7 h l8ro. 1 If. ALL perfons indebted to the Eftate of the late James Cumming, late of Hallowell, deceafed, are requefted to call without delay, and fettle the fame with Mr. James McGregor, now in charge of the eftabliihment, at Hallow¬ ell bridge ;-—and thofe who have claims againft the faid eftate, are deilred to prefent them for adjuftment. The flock in Trade of the deceafed, confiding of a very complete affortment of Goods well laid in, and very fuitable to the Country, is now felling off at pri¬ ces fo low, as will defervedly claim the attention of the public. arrangements with persons disposed to Cafh or Country produce will be tak- rent the same, en in payment, and a credit of 6 months given to refponfible Farmers, or others. JOHN CUMMING, 1 - WM. MITCHELL, j Executorfl Kingston, Oa 27, 18 17. 32 &FEJM BOAT NOTICE' ALL thofe Indebted to the Steam Boat Charlotte, are requefted to make immediate payment, and all who have any demands againft said Boat are requefted to give in their accounts to the Subfcriber without delay. . By order of the Committee. S. BARTLET. Kingfton, January 1, 1819. it y r>ay, in trio •denrk"? ruirpti* 1. 2, in the kcond ________ ..______________ Concefiion, containing 100 acres, and rpO BE LET, for one or more years, h^S about 4° acres under cultivation, * & immediate uoffeflion given, that T a IoS Roilfe and barn uPon **• For tbe terms apply to Daniel We.Oibura Efquire, Kingfton. P. VAN KOUGHNET. Cornwall, Dec. 7, 1818 KiiigUo^j 20th Jan. 1819, 4tf. Notice, ^W*111- l^e partnership of Robert Gra- .7. . ham * Co. having dissolved itself tins day by the death of Roderick Mac- k?«y Esq. the bussiness in future wijl be carried on by the Subscriber, to whom all persons, who are indebted to the above ,rm>.*»ll please pay their accounts with- out aelayjar,d those who may have claims S thaJt.c«nceru will please present Hum to*, adjustment. 29 ROBERT GRAHAM, roist Fredrick. Slst Sept, 1818, F-\RM, of latt owned by Mr.-Jabez Eaton, whereon he kept a Public Inn, situated within a mile and a quarter of the Town of Kingfton- For terma apply to the Subfcriber. ELIJAH BEACH. Kingfton, 23d. Dec. 1818. 31. FOR SALM, " AND Immediate poffefiion given, the Houfe and premifes in Stuart- ville, lately occupied by Mr. Dalton, fituated within half a mile of this town, a valuable fituation for a Gentleman and family, & no lefs fo for a Diftiller or Innkeeper. The above premifes will be fold at public Auction without referve, ou Saturday the 3d day of April next, at ti o'clock A. M. at Walkers Hotel, i£ not previoufly difpofed of by private bargain. For particulars apply to the Subfcriber. THOMAS SMITH. Kingfton, Jan. i^, 1819. jtf TO LET, rilHE Commodious dwelling Houfe -*- and premifes, the property of W. R'ofs Efq. lately in the pofleflion of Mr. Woolf, for terms application to be made to Wm. MITCHELL. Kingftop, Oc\ 13th, 1818. 20 3 o~ NOTICE. ag^infi: ALL perfons are Cautioned purchafing Lot No. 22 in the 7th con. of Frederickfbuxgh, or lot Nc# 27 in the ist con. of Richmond,from the Heirs or Afiignees of Davis Hefs, as the Subfcriber holds an indifputable title to the fame* GILBERT HARIS. Sidney, 4th Dec. 1818. 3 . AN elegant, well finifhed Double SLEIGH, for Sale, enquire o S. BARTLET, December 29, 18x8. *™^^^ - ■ ■ »-^ * JUST received and for fale at th:f Office, price 7£d. the MONTREAL ALMANACK, For the Year of our Lord 18 19. KINGSTON, U C. PRINTEp FOR HIE LUlTORa

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