Kingston Chronicle, February 12, 1819, page 1

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CLE a VOL. 1.1 FRIDAY, (afterscox) FEBRUARY 12, 1819 . *M> * V **' •*7"»*•*>., = l«S '<i <n»v >:**- »&. T'yT *W W-"-""*"1 ^**v. i"i •*#!' : •%V- • [No. 7. PRICE OF ADVERTISEMENTS. TMT (C IRCUL <Cf/A' fof* and under <ls. Gd. Jjtarf to- **Al- En Lufher ha' sertion, and 7\d. each subsequent insertion : 10 tines and under, 3s. Id. first insertion, and \Qd. each subsequen; insertion : above ten lines, 4(L per tint for the first insertion, and id. per Li-:-: for every subsequent insertion. Advertisements zcithont written direct (ionsare inserted till forbid, andcharged accordingly. Orders for discontinuing Advertise ments to be in writing, and delivered f>r; WEDNESDAY NOON at the Latest. ~ No Advertisements received after TE N it1 Clock on the day of inthlirtitiim. AR.) viiig difpofed of his interest in the Uoufe of LttnSer & Van Slyck at Prefcott, aud that of Lufher & ^ext n at f.a Chine, to Mr. A. Jones of 1 refcott, Upper Canada, the Bnsineh* will, after the first day of March enfuing, be carried on under the Firms of Jonea & Van Slyck at I' refcott, and of Levi Sexton & Co at i.a Chine, We hc-r leave to refer yon to the an¬ nexed Notice, whtrein Mr. Luther makes himfelf refponsihie with us, for any engage¬ ments entered into by faid Firms. We feel fatiitied, from ojr late experience in Businds the number of Boats now FOREIGN NEIVS. ». « i • . • • . *•••*.. • • • • • ► w M>r.iTi.A, THE Managers of the Struts Boat Frortennc, having est?bii(hed a line of Durham Boats from this place, propofe forwarding from the different ports of the Lake to that of .Montreal, on the following terms, viz. Flotfl York, Niagara, Queenlion, and the Head of the Lak:1 for esJ; barn1 of" Flour delivered at the five millings and fix pence, From Kingston to the port of Montreal for each barrel of flour four millings and £x pence. From York, Niagara, Qneenston, and the Head of the Lake, far each barrel of Potafh delivered at the poit of Mon¬ treal twelver/hillings and fix pence. From Kingston to the port of Mon¬ treal, for each barrel of Putafh ten rail- w lings. From York, Niagara, Qneenfton, and — owned by u;-, and the commodious Stores at this pinae and La Cfai&e, that we mall P have it in our power to give general fetis- faction. A. JONES, CQRS. A. VAN SLYCK, L. SEXTON* frefcott, January i8th, 18J9 \ >ff r l.ut.,. rt. . i. *- 3 , ilj as alfo his florfes, Carls, SVigU** Cow>, H^gs, Oxen, Grain, Hay, Pot at «es. and Implements of lfufbandry, fituate on the River St. Lawrence, overlooking the beautiful village of Ogdtnfburg, and within half a mile of Prefcott, Upper Canada. TheDwelling houfe, which has lately been erected, con&ts of tw<- fitting Rooms, 4 Bedrooms, a KKchen ami Cellar, well finiftied. The Farm contains \cj Acres of choice laafid. well fenced, ipwards of 60 of which is Pasture and •-eidow. the rcviab- der'i illage and Woe i lind, with a young Orchard and goo» Barn, Stable and Koot- houfe, and a fmail Veneme-t for Labourers. To a Gentleman of "peculation, the above Premifes wheh extends a \~res in (front of the Rive, cuist prove of great advantage, as it tftoiic of the best Mtua- "tions in the neighburh -od for the erection Part of thepurhafe money, may remain NOTICE* "J^IIE Subfcriber having difpofed of his •a interest in the Uoufe of Lufher & Van v:lyck,at i refcott, and thaf of Lrfher & Sexton, at La Chine, t j Mr. A. Jones, the bu^inel- wil-tn future be cairied on Under the Firms of Jones & Van Slyck at 1 res- ci-tt, and that of Levi Sexton & Co. at La v'hine—;;e will notwithstanding, hold himfelf refpons>ib!e with them, for any en a -ment they may make. ERI LUSHER. " NOTICE ■*■ '-..frr nip #rff?*R rfrtmrhftmrQ THE Svbfcr'der Informs h';s friends and the pub'ic that he fl':'I keeps a PUBLIC HOir.E From the N. F. Spectator. The joint committees, appointed by the Chamber of Commerce, the honora¬ ble the Common Council, and by the manufacturers of Hour, all of the city of New-York, for the purpose of taking in¬ to consideration the depreciated reputa¬ tion snd relative value of the wheat and flour of this state, and whether any and what measures can be adopted to improve then' quality and value, nE^PIXTFTjXLY R,EPQItT- Tiiis subject embraces the most irn» portant interest to the agriculture and manufacture of this State, the wheat be¬ ing of m"re value to the farmer than a- ny other of his products for exportation, and of all others, that which he can the mo-; certainly and readily turn into iAo» ne;.\ Manufacturing "this article into flour, giv a very extensive employment and living to a great number of our citizens. The barrels in which the flour is packed, is composed of tire inferior kinds of wood, that would not be brought into use for <v.y oilier purpose. The preparing of v. hich, from the forest to the delivery of the barrels from the cooper's shop, a- mounts to more than live per cent upon the value of the flour, nearly the whole of which, is distributed amongst the poor and labouring people, and is probably, ill a national point of view, one of the most beneficial parts of this manufacture, for if seems to be well understood, that ?.....a r- -^ 1 Um piunurwft out iiSfW-of- t v the fostering care of every member of the commun:t). After taking this prefatory view of siied, has shewn its fallacy, by a total Peter Mcseir, want of success, in obtaining the end \V. F. Van Amringe^ Sought for. {{ these premises be true, Reuben Munson, and it is uot they can be doubt- Henry I. ff'ycoff, ed, it irresistably leads to the conclu- David Lydig, SIoiIhj that the improvement in the raw material must precede the desired im¬ provement of the flour, and by some o- ther means than merely by inspecting tint flour. Uirer these circumstances, well known to every intelligent dealer in wheat,par¬ ticularly to the manufacturers of flour, it is hardly to be believed, from a slight view of the subject, that this state of things has existed, as far back as the me- niMy of man extends, and continues to exist, amongst a people enlightened, and ready on most occasions to discern their true interest : aud your committee veri- Juhn B. Coles, Thomas Buckley, Joshua Under hill, William Bayardy William Neilson, Jr. John Grahun, Cornelius Da Bait) Guold lloyt. Francis Thompson, Peter Remsrn, Benfn. \V Rogers, Committee of the Common Cuuu* cil. Committee of the Manufacturer* of Flour. Committee of ft.& Chamber of Commerce. Geo. Griszsoldy John Mason, Jorittthan Ogden^ Henry A. Coster. An Act to regulate the sale of wheat in the city of New-York. Be it enacted by the people of the state ly believe it will continue to exist, tin- of New-York, represented in Senate and til the custom shall be introduced of de- Asstmbly, That from aud after the signaling, by some defiuite rule, the quantity of these impure seeds in the wheat, and deducting in proportion from the purchase price thereof: this will speak in a clear aud intelligible language, to the understanding, the interest, and day of next, all wheat delivered to the purchaser thereof in the city of New- York, shall be deemed and considered as sold subject to the rule and regulation, hereinafter prescribed—It shall be tfrt duty of every measurer of grain, when- equity of every person dealing in this ar- ever he may be employed to measure a- ticle, from the farmer who grows it, to ny cargo or parcel of wheat in the said the vender cf it, in the last or ultimate c'*y, to take one gill thereof from one market it may reach, and raise the quali- bushel of every hundred he may metts- iy and reputation of our wheat, as high ure? and put the same into a bag or ves*- as any in the United States: and then, unless the duty of the inspector of flour be most culpably performed, for which there can be no excuse, the Hour will be of the same improved quality and reputa¬ tion, and both articles thereafter com- sel by itself, and after measuring sucli cargo or parcel of wheat he shall take one gill from the aggregate gills so col¬ lected and mixed together, as a sample, and count the number of grains of rye, of smut and of cockle contained in such mand ten per cent in price mor* than sample, and make a return thereof ia that during the lew months that the a- a"u' t'hey let oul together with' a iuite of in the Townjb'fi f CR '• VI \H :, formerly called Goodwin's or NEK. where '"ien- the subiect, the faint committee are led to the main objevt for which they were tlemen and Ladies may find >W &** appointed, and" the result of their inqui- tainment Alfo— travellers foM not be xiifa<-Pointed cf finding good quarters for themfelve? and their Horfgs. THJ'S. !>, SANFOitD. Cramahe, l^thlan. 18 19. 6 BIBLE SOCIETY. The annn>'1 meeting of the m»-*mbprs of the Midland District Auxiliary Bible So¬ ciety will beheld at the Episcopal Church in the Village of Bath on Monday the 15th February next, at ten o'clock, a. m. AM persojas who may be desirous of join¬ ing this laudable Institution are most res- noctfully invited to attend. J As. RANIvKN, Secretary. ries l;as satisfied them, that the funda¬ mental cause of the depreciated and in¬ ferior quality of she wheat aud fiour of this State, has givwn out of the manner in which the wh«at comes to this city, the great and principal market, in large parcels or cargoes collected at the dif¬ ferent landings, l.y the wagon load, from a great variety of farmers, all mixed to¬ gether, so that Y/ry little or no distinc¬ tion in price can be made here, between foresaid agreement was practised, the purchasers of wheat, in conformity to it, found themselves exposed to inconveni¬ ence aud loss in two ways—First, many of the persons who brought wheat to market, would not sell, subject to this arrangement ; all such parcels went into the hands of those purchasers who had three catriages tcgo :|d vifit the celebrated field of Waterloo, the mortal theatre of the valour of the Allied Armies, aud of the genius of the great Captain who com* manded them. *w.--- ALTON A, Nov. 16. Yefterday, a worthy companion of arms not entered into the agreement, with ve- of Frederick the Great died in this town : ry little competition amongst themselves, Count Alexander de Golts. After com- aud at low prices; Second, the advan- batting under the Pruffian banners in the ced nominal price, paid by purchasers under the said agreement, was generally greater than the deduction made for the foul seeds, and although many of the most intelligent sellers availed themselves willingly of this advantage, yet so great on Mortgage, if areeable to the Purchaier.__ Bath. January 25, 1819. 5zc3 that which is, or is not, clean aud clear . , ... nf f , , . , ... t. , a proportion or them from prejudice, or of foul and impure seeds, winch practice »*' .t. t „ v J. , - ;* u„ i <•. ,, \t. . L. . \ 1 iromopposition to the new proiect, as it nai i« ft the cultivator without any ade- ',' , ., . ,, a j J was called, would uot sell in conformity to 11, thai a majority of those who enter* ed into the agreement, became restless feven years war, he was fent by the Kiug on a minion to the Khan of the Tartars in 1761. This venerable warrior has alfo ferved in Portugal, where he attained the rank of Field Marflial. He was latterly an Infantry General, in the fervicc of Den¬ mark. 7 rjuaf. motive ^n *»*piarate w»irb «r-pd f»^r»* Bis wh. at. NEYT..YOI1K. Tn,,-0rv91 ■ Application toW made to Henry Forest Efq. Montreal, cjJm Macaulay Kingston, or the owner PF/LVR O'BRIEN. Preecott, 26th Q. 1818. 6tf FOR ALE, THREE valuale FARMS, two of them lying lathe Township of Kingston, 3d concess,n • one conlttiriiig ^0 acres,beingapart'Waterlc , v.itli a good House and Barffan House, Bark Slill, and eleven goodttn Vat.-.—a good -situation for a Distille., there b iug a constant supply of wati; the other 'ly¬ ing about half a mile V* 0f VVatcrlc , .in the 3d concession, plaining 153 ■Acres and one third, bei tne F/.^t aud West halves of Lots No. ta,]ti gi^ u jth 40 acres of improvementMen (, nred, aud cuts 25 tons of Hay yejy ; n .oljj. er part well timbered, and sma[j t*reek running through the raiddlef f}„. Lot. It is a handsome situation f<^ Dairy, For particulars enquire Oi JOHNRYiR Jun. Waterloo, Jan. 20. 1819. 5tf TO LE1\ " FOR one or more years, and ffcfT]on given immediately, \ hat Sto^ ure) fituated in Store Street lately occecj ^y Mr. Medcalf, with Stable, Garo. afi(j other out-houfes. The fituation of the above pren,, -9 molt, advantageous for a -Dwelling .fc# Fpr particulars applv to FRANCIS X. ROCHELEA Kioglton, 15 Jaa. iBi^. CONTRxVCT POR SAW LOGS, To be delivered at th Mills, ENDERSwWi be received hy the subscriber, until the 15th Fehru- lext, from persons willing to enter into contract f'-r supplying LOGS for a Saw Mill, at the above premises, for one year from the fir*! of May next. Particulars will be made known on ap- pHcation to the subscriber. ROSt. STANTON. K •r^ton, 2$th Jan. 1819. 5 These impure seeds consist of rye, cockle and smut, which cannot by any practical process, be separated from the wheat, unless it be done by the cultiva- Kiffgstoil *nr> wno can at a veiT trilling expense eradicate the rye tud cockle, at that sea¬ son of its growth, when conspicuously displayed, by its blossom and ear ; and an NOTICE. r*ffE B:ard for ."ilitia Pe! N' sions, witt meet on the lafi Monday in February, and continue fo to do. the fame day in each Month, until the bufunjs of this Diflrill, as regards the fame is fimfhed JO'.N F* RGUbON Kingjlon, Feb \fi, 1819. 6 / SO'i'l r^VHE fnbfcriber TefvecVully begs leave A to acquaint the public in general, that he ke^ps an l.\N, in the red houfe oppo- fite the upper Barrack Gate, in the Town ofFnguVn, where travellers, of all de- lcn-'tions ; Farmers, or or hers, wh-) (hall vifit rbi< place, can be accommodated, with eale and comfort. He has likewife good (tabling for lories, and will thank every one who will f tvourhim with their cuftom. 3 011*5 HVNES. Kingston, 21 st Janii#rf» 18 J 9. 4wa as to smut, that i* now known by every wcil informed agriculturist, to be a kind of disease or infection very rarely if ever original, but perpetuated from crop to crop, by sowing infected seed—if pure wheat be sown by itself, neither rye, cockle or smut wi I be found with it at harvest, except from adveutitioas cir¬ cumstances, which will seldom occur. By referring to Jhe act of the legisla¬ ture, relative to the inspection of flour, it will beM-Mi, tint the inspector's own judgment is almost the only guide he can look to lor designating the different qualities of floor, and frail as that judg¬ ment always must be from the nature of the subject, it is not seen that the legis¬ late could otherwise define his duty. His judgment naturally connected with the manufacturing interest, it is believ¬ ed, always has been, and ever will be, guided and directed by the condition of wheat as generally brought to market, and dissatisfied with the sacrifice they either were, or supposed they were, ma¬ king to patriotism, aud was the cause of Its being abandoned, all calculated to prove, that to be effectual, it must be ge¬ neral, and requires the support of pub¬ lic authority and public sentiment. Your committee, under all the circum stances here detailed, as well as many others too voluminious to introduce in this Report, are most decidedly of opin¬ ion, that the agriculture, manufacture, and commerce, immediately connected with this staple commrdity of our state, now is, and for very many years has been, exposed to serious loss and injury, which can easily be remedied and avoided, by ceasing to rely solely upon the inspec¬ tion of flour, and by adopting the meas¬ ure suggested and urged herein. And in conformity to this opinion, they have prepared the draft of a bill, which they Latest from England. General Gourgaud, who was recently* fent oul of England, arrived at Hamburgh on the 23d of November. Lord Ellenborough ft ill continued very ill 1 little hopes are enteitained of his re¬ covery. By the monthly report for December* it appears that Hi*3 Majefty's tranquility has been undiflurbed during the lad month j his health has been good, but his diforder dill continues. The Onyx, and Peterfburgh Packet, bound for South America, full «f troops, failed from Gravefend on the 9th Decem¬ ber. Several other tnipe were to fail for the fame deft in at ion in a few days. They will be filled with troops. Lord Selkirk has arrived in England from Canada. Rear Admiral Griffith, has been ap¬ pointed to the command at Halifax in the room of Sir D. Milne, whofe term of fei- well knowing tb#t it is impossible to make the best flo^r from wheat contain- same, or appoint other committees for the ing much of these impure seeds, which is purpose of taking the proper and neces¬ sary steps to have this measure brought before the Legislature, in such manner as may be most likely to insure its suc¬ cess. All which is respectfully submit¬ ted. (U&Yvrk) ity November^ Igifc herewith present, and to which they re- vicc wiU fpon expire, fer as a part of their report ; and ear- The King of France has prefented the nestly recommend to the respective bod- Duke of Wellington with a rich diamond ies by which they were appointed, to ap- crofa, valued at 20,833!. sterling, ply to the Legislature of this state, at An article from St Peterfburgh of No- their next session, to pass the said bill vember 4, fays, " the ehip Suwarrow, be- into a law ; and if the said respective longing to the American company, has- bodies approve of what is here recom- fafely arrived at Con ft r ad t, with a rich car- mended, that they either continue the go of furs, from the N. W. coaft" ase with almostthe whole that grows is State. Th*» effort of this geuera- thec in th tion, as well as »hat precedinglt, has been to correct thg evil, in question, by an inspection of ti]0 manufactured arti¬ cle That effort. 1 \lQU^ sedulously pur*. article further dates, " that by the arrival of the Kamtschatha frigate, they learn* that t\v-> (hips belonging to the Americana company, failed a (hort tiwe before fur- Lima. % A Phyfician at Conftantinaple, and one* at Salonichi, have afcertained, that vacci- r.stioii ia a protection againit the plaguy . *

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