freedom p ral flier a inquiries fta ic»s wer . town as Lle^e ; that her con of her hatband and five ftout boys, to which number (he hoped, being already m the family way, (he mould fopn add a fixthi but "your Majefty," foe added, « I hope we are CO have no more wars.' The F.mper.r.—" I hope not, my good A„gic. A ™.t.y P*v»*«; ^JSKAIS^S%3T? be assisted by props Rev. Prelate, a deputation, consisting of give y 1 U" ^^nrin/Yncametothe (hould not have thought it ncceflary to workmen were preparing, in «mejo jne u ^ ^^ E,ccllency thi3 afTurance of our they are to give credit 10 Hie as-uran- •ceivc, Ihe* have a rigM lo look tor- agan besides, if ces thev rcce.... —-% - . ward loalong continuance of P"^"!* render this shew of external preparation unne¬ cessary.—London paper. Rostov, Jan. \3» %uAAm k«« **-n . * r Governor Clinton's speech occupies IiolteU ; but. at all events, you fcem very c. ,A A „., f ., * \ . /f six close columns of the papers ; and is well difpof-d to give your fair number of far| 0f ^vise and energetic recemmenua- defeniento your country." tion of measures to advance the general r _________ your The Holtefs—« Ah! Sir, 1 truft my boys will never have occafion to go to the wars ; we want them at home; there is not half the number of young men in the world now that there \va3 when I was n girl." The Emperor.—'1 Thac is tertautfy a fad profpeft for the young laiica Liege » The Hoftefs —** Indeed, your Majefty, they complain very much ; the wars took away all their beaux ; 'tis pity—for, I af- fnrc your Majefty, Liege can boaft of its beauties " The F.mperor.—" So I perceive, from the fpecimen before me." The Hoftefs (courtfeying.and Mufhing to the eyes).—1* Your Maflclly is fo kind ! I did not mean, indeed—but your Majefty is very polite-------M The Emperor—" But is there really fueh a difproportion between your male and female population here:'" The Hoflefs.— "They fay fo, your Majefty ; there are at lead ikree females for one male in Liege." The Emperor —What is the number of your entire population ?" "The Hoftefs.—"I am told, Sir, e< bout forty-five thoufand." The Kmperor exproflcd his regret that the young ladies of Liege had fo much ciufe to complain, and hoped that the peace would reftore to them at leaft fome of their lovers. He again prat fed the fare which had been provided for him, and was fo pleafed with the attention fhowu him, that he called to one of \\L attendants for a cafleer, from which he took out a gold clafp. fct with four rows of brilliant dia¬ monds, with a large emerald in the cen¬ tre, and prefented it to his hoftefs, whofe tvei fDarkled as bright as the diamonds themfclves. upon feeing fuch a magnificent gift in her poflfeflion. The clafp it* cfti- mated at thirty thoufand francs. At Valennieenes the Duke of Welling¬ ton paid his rcfpe&s t-^ the Monarchs, and his Grace's carriage- having been in tcadi- nefs, their Majefties proceeded at feven o'clock tibia Grace's hotel) where a din¬ ger, dOflfiftingof eveiy rarity and delicacy of the fearoa, was already prepared, and feived up on maffy filver plate. The def- fert was peculiarly fuperb, the fervice be¬ ing entirely gold Bcfidcs the Monarchs, the Princes and their fufte, tke Prefects of I-ifle, of Biuflels, and Valenciennes, as well as the Commandants, partook of this magnificent dinner. Several banJs were in attendance* who played alternately.— .After dinner tke Sovereigns, with the whole company, went to the Theatre, the play havi g been delayed for their arrival. 1 he Theatre was crowded to excefs. Th" review took place on the fubfequent day. Friday. By the hour of 6 o'clock in the morning the Allied Troops (the Hanoverian, Saxon, D3nifh, and Knglifh) appeared drawn out r.n the plaios between Valenciennes and Bouchain, and prefented a fpeejlacle, to an Knglifh mind, pregnant with the proaiefl and deareft recollections. Atadiftance, the polifhed arms, claac SIB, Ere I proceed wit. my illustrations and criticisms, I must >eg you will per¬ mit me, for its greater <*corum. to adopt the fashion, both of anient and modern Reviowers, wko concel, by addressing their readers ill the pl'ral number, the unbecominsness of Eg'rism. The plan we pursues, to take up the Spectator over our cup.if tea ; and we generally find matter dr criticism in the first paragraph that caches our eye :— this evening we have fumbled on one which appears to be pa t of a letter ud- interest of the State.—He gives a most flattering account of the progress of In¬ ternal Improvements, particularly the Great Canals which are to connect vari¬ ous waters with the Hudson.—Of the Common Schools, for the encouragement dressed, by our autho to the Lieuten- of which he informs that 60,000 dollars ant Governor of this Province, from have been annually granted, besides New York. It runs t«us, « My detention in t.nindn, in con*e- " (juence of these pros<.-utions, had de- u ranged all my plans.a*d I had tohur- " rv oft* to this place n receive letters " which had long lain for me, to have Ci the latest itilelligeno from mf friends " at home, and to quie. their anxiety by " communicating the ssoe of the un- K pleasant occurrence which hr.d bro- " ken the chain of cor-cspoudence, and "delayed my return ti-England." Here, Sir, we behvld an author of great talents and keen diseernment fal¬ len into the gross erro* nf Imposing an intolerable insult on tk,» understandings of mankind: and we c*q only vindicate his reputation forabiliy, by confessing he must have been driven to tlie wretched shift by the exigency of (he dilcmr.a. What—(ravel six hundred and odd miles to receive and answer letters ! ! ! Was there no Post ? A similar absurdity is the Dean, Sub-Deaa, Prebend^ Chan¬ ters, Sub-Chanters, Sextons, Sub-bex tons, singing bojs and all, humbly repvesent- fa»; to"His Lordship « that the?r Church was the noblest and best constructed of the world, and great sarr.lege would it be to prop up the Church of ht. Jeronimo." " N» doubt, Gentlemen, said the Bishop, the Church of St. Jero¬ nimo is. as you say, the best constructed and noblestedifice in the whole universe, and heresy it were to say otherwise : and foyalty and attachment to that govern¬ ment, whofe proteding arm has ever been extended for onr co«fort and fccumy. bad not the malevolent intrigues of a political adventurer, feduted a number of our in- habitants to addrefs your Excellency m the name of this townftip, in a ftyk- cer¬ tainly not diftatcd by their own fechugs, and in a mamer too that cannot tail m convey to your Excellency's mind im- prefllons not a little unfavourable to our political tenets. bandit ceVtamly wouldagai-stall the or- We now the.efore beg leave t« afTWe d nary occurrences of nature to the end of your Excellency that the Pttt»«rrf- the world, but this, Gentlemen, is an dreCes lately forwarded from tbj place, Earthquake. " No matter, whether or. do not exp.cfs the true fenfe and fcehngs ' of the Ttiunjblf. They were unqucftiona- 4000 dollars distributed to Academies.— And adds, that there will bo a surplus in the treasury of 800.000dollars, to be ap¬ plied to any other objects of public util- ity. Curmts article of Commerce.—A Lon¬ don paper says " It is perhaps not gene¬ rally known to the commercial world, that at least two vessels are entirely loa¬ ded on the coast of Hampshire every year, with fine red sand. For this market, which is used to sprinkle on the bottom of bird cages. This article some times experiences all the fluctuations in prices of our more staple commodities." dinary or Earthquake," thought the Dean, Sub-Dean, Prebends, Chanters, Sub-Chanters, Sextons, Sub-Sextons, singing boys and all ; " to prop thegreat church of St. Jernimo would he no bet¬ ter thin sacrilege."—The shock was re¬ newed the next morning.—Near Sunset, the Dean, Sub-Deaa, Prebends, Chan- bly di&ated by one who has been for fome months part labouring to feduce the afTeaions of a people whofe loyalty had never been doubted ; but at the fame time, that it cannot be denied he has in fome inftanccs fucceeded in totpoftng up¬ on the good intentions of a few loyal fub- ters, 9ub-Chanters, Sextons, Sub-Sex- jefts, we mult aflure your Excellency that ton*, sinking boys and all, were assem- many of thofe who appear moil active irt bled round a h*ap of stones :—it was the ruin of St. Jeronimo—the best construc¬ ted and noblest edified of the universe, zi- hose foil:: us to hare been identified \th the dissolution of the zcorld 1 xa I am, Sir, Yours, ire. I. B. CONGRESS. A report from the Treasury Depart¬ ment was laid before the house by tho Speaker, containing a statement of the Exports of the United States, for the year eoding the 30th September 1S18 ; by which it appears, that the value of so well shown off in th<r scone o* a Farce domestic produce and manufactures is carrying the date of the French Ilevolu- SIR, Bellville, 16th Jan. 1S19. estimated at D. 73.87; K437, and tor fo¬ reign do. D. 19,«G,6f)6. Of these ex¬ ports, 41,425,552 were sent to Great Britain, and 10?GGG,79S ouly scut to France. Untied States' FORTIFICATIONS. It appears from a repott made from the ttar department, that permanent fortifica¬ tions are now construftin^ near the Missi- fippi, ( hesapeakc and Delaware bays, and New York harbor. At the first point, the works are con- Itru&ing at Dauphin island, Mobile Point, Rigolet and Chief Menteur, which when completed, will mount 364 cannon. Their eilimated expenfc is D 1,800,000. Otfcct works of defence on the Gulf of Mexico, are in contemplation. The fortifications intended to be con- AruAcd at of the Chesapeake, are intended to mount 300 cannon, and are oftimat'd to cod D3,ooo,ooo. The Pea Patch, in Delaware Bay, is fo mount i20cinnon, and the expenditure is eftamated at #300,000. The only v/oik progrefiinjj near New- York, a cattle upon Hendn'ck's reef, at the Narrows, which will rnouit 96 cannon, and will coft. -0275,000. The works at Rouse's Point, on Jake Champlam, have been suspended, until the line between the United States and Lower Caiada fhall be ascertained. Aib* Jrg. From the National Mejfcnger vf D:c. \ l. Mr. Holmes's refolution, as amended tion that we ivd i>ive ourselves no other trouble than to transcribe it for our rea¬ ders' amusement and instruction. The personages brought before them are, Isaac Dupe, an honest believing lad, ser¬ vant to a Mr. Democrat, and a shrewd fellow of honest Isaac's acounintance. called Ferret ; the scene lies in England. Ci Ferret. Where's your master, Isaac I ajrree with Mr. Gourlay perfectly that it is not apropercomparison between Lord Sidtnouth having refused to receive a petition,' and Sir Peregrine Maitland having refused to receive a petition. The Petition Lord Sidmouth refused to receive was one, purporting to be from the inhabitants of Westminster* The Petition Sir Peregrine Maitland refused to receive was one from a convention of Delegates* But Mr. Gourlay says his friend Mr. Hunt waited, two years ago, with a petition from Spa Fields meeting, at Lord Sidmoutrfs office, whieU was received. But this was not a petition fro; promoting his defigns, are people who from their (hort refidence under the go¬ vernment of this country, have not yet been able to overcome their prejudices a* gainft it, and from not being able there¬ fore duly to appreciate its advantages, are new loudly complaining of alledged ^riev- ances,at the fame time Jiey would feern to be courting them. Your Excellency iffill therefore do the loyal inhabitants of thia t iwnfhip the lat¬ tice to believe, that, although fome few- may have been haflily led into error, the great mafs of his majelly's fubje&s are not to be led aftiay by the machinations of any factious and difcontcuted perlon, but that they will always be found ready to repel the inroads of (edition and dilorder, and to fpu:n with indignation, the malev¬ olent defigns of all turbulent intruder* upon their quiet and happinefs. Matthew (Mark, J. P. Henry Simmon*, Wot. Johnston, colonel Timothy Nmm.iwrf, A. M. N iiOnil.t- Anir\. Robert Clark, J. P. Geo. V. VfileoiiliCirgb, bathe in the Sea than tbou art. Thou hast carried letters, Laac, to Califs, to one Citizen Red Da^er. This man, Isaac, 11 the head of one of (hose hellish societies that lend arms and money to — (Isaac looks astonished)—•dos't twigg, lad, eh ?— u Isaac. (With (motion) oh ! the smooth tongued villain—a thousand things rush upon m)' mind—thank ye9 Ferret, thank ye, I see it all," frc, &C* As we Lave been so fortunate as to find so apt an illustration ready to our hand, we «ay proceed this evening with ano¬ ther paragraph—aye—here, are some italics—a criticism, it Speech from the Throne. u When it is fold thntoof sapient A** " stmhly has afforded seasonable aid to u the constitution, and that the constilu- m, it seem-ij on the , by Mr. Cobb and others, on the fubjeft " tion so long held up fo the wontd as . of referring fo much of the prefideut's u mode! of perfection h s(oo(j in need gnno Maltlaid has uniformly both recei¬ ved and answered, as I iearat in that pait oflhe country through which 1 lately passed. I confess, from the style of some of thorn, I was as much astonished, tbo' probably not so much disappointed, as the Gentleman who boasts of being their author was, at their having such imme¬ diate notice. As to Lord Folkstone's having presented the petition, it may be asked why should he not have done so ? li was not a petition from a national con¬ vention, and it in no way bears upon Sir P. Maitlnnd'i refusing to receive a peti¬ tion from tkree delegates, though magis¬ trates of an unblemished reputation. The truth however is, that unless these wor¬ thy gentlemen have told Mr. Gourlay one, and every body else another ^fory, that this unfortunate1)", like most of the . . statements of the same author, happeas to $**£*** »SuS%S John Abrams, Samuel Clark, Daniel Praer. liammnel MauJen, John Stover, Michael Asselstlne, Thomas Kwpey, junr. Henry Abrams, Jonas Abrams, Jacob C. Flam, Jacob Caldwell, David Boice, John Amev, Daniel Farley, Abraham Snider, junr. Frederick York, Isaac G iin, Peter M. Davey, George Ifam, Robert Clark, Jonathan Parrot, Abraham Amey, Scnr. Charle- riagadoro, Ely Peters, brae! \mev John Peters, Peier AwM>fine, senr, Peter Daly, John _\-M*Mitte, CJenrge fioiiUr, John Van Sickle* I* liabcork, Abraiiam Rvadin^, John Snider, >"irhoi;j- binder, Jacob Stover, Kenjaiiiin lliek", Martin Lamer, Dennis Lucas Lewi* riartmaty Peter More, Jacob More, Benjamin Uuntft, Janie- Alexander, Rei ben Granger, Robert Alexander, Philip Daly, Jo-eph Amey, Peter Baiter, • „ * .1 _, t r r 11* ' r\' 1 ir wi * ■ . r.----------- .......""* '•........."" •«««• «o-rieeo of be not quite correct, and this commission T.,m„, MarMcn ingm the rifing fun, formed a fine oHight m^age a, related to the trial and execu- "such aid!" What Will be the hhj could only boast of two thirds of the im- &«££% Rnsrlanri? Why, truly, J,»hn Bull from one extremity to the other. Tho tion of Aibuthnot and Ambrifter to the u in agairs was, on u will be quite staggered ivirJi (he news portance Mr. Gourlay has bestowed upon ""kam Madden, it. If these twogentlemen err not, their 2S2 SlS w r ,. ,,, J rhomas Empey, 3d. Daniel CauipboH, John Howard, Isaac A>seUtinf*. Michael tlaliorce* ajono;thc fleady and ftern ranks of the ar- tnie% prefented an interefting contrail. The review laQed till half pall five in the afternoon. The Sovereigns and Princes, together with their fuites, then proceeded to the Duke of Wellington's houfe, where ihey dined. The houfe not being large enough to accommodate all the, military gueftstr'.om his Grace had invited, a mar¬ quee was ercfted in the lawn. Intertpng to Military Men. o*T^ndr'rrr,',a,">n<,f ;tK' Cablnei «« reduce »,ciuoof thea-my bas occasioned .10 little aU tercaionbntueeo the Commander in Chief and Ministers. S.r Henry Torres has been eloeted for hours toother with the Earl of LfrernooK tod ,t is stated that ihe remonstrance of the fhtkt of pork have boon supported by the Prince Becmt Tbe Premlnr, Irowever/ta so and an outrage upon humanity. In brief, under the information that has reached us, it is out undifguifed opinion that it was a MURDER and that the commanding general and every officer of the court-martial were accessaries* Baltimore, Dee. 12. A letter of tlie 10th of OAobcr, from Montevideo, received in this city, via Rio Janeiro, and by the arrival from that place at New-York, mentions that Gen. Artigas had fucceeded lo far in the laft campaign againft the Portuguofe, that he has a&ually blockaded Montevi- eleo ! Gen. Artigas' troops occupied, grown up men should be found in a country of such unrivalled blessings as this, to "be the dupes of elo¬ quence like yours. But tell us, gentle author, for wo are weak and ignorant, what have been the suspensions of poor John's Habeas Cor- pu», that Jih .should be $0 surprized lo hear of aiding the constitution. We have considered these suspensions hither¬ to as aids to the constitution ; and wo hold it a species of aid, Sir, that has been too risible afar off by its effects. When the Mariner sees the mighty swell of the Ocean come rolling from the North, he can with certainty affirm that the winds have been violent" in that quarter. So we, 1 1 * « * Zirii^rri,r,!1,hCi"<"n,wi,y,,f,',ona- Provifions ""as experienced by the Por- rorndation »f il.e inpas.,re. Fi.ding Ibe Mjn». ■•r mflMiblcas 10 (jtevminiariirndiwliaa. Ibe um toplcof awtroversj ha, bee»th« mode unmolefted, all tlie lines in the front of when we behold wen of unquiet charac- the place, and the utmoft fcarcity of *er and Captafo Smith, of the brig Stephen, _. >f____wru.r.u««ir arrived at Newport on Monday lad, 128 of effecting it—vvhethrr b_v the redaction of days from 1 alcutta, reports that on the -whole r "ginients, or by reducing the complement __.t «• ■— of each. The DllVe of fork is for keeping a steal ounibtffol -keleiony, no aa to have Officers, .Serjemw, and Co noraN rea:l>' to till up the corp , and drill 'ie-n u'hen occasion should re- •*|nir<» tli""i to be h;u'?£hr to the war cstablUh- moiii. Thi* courseMwM not merely entail on the country amnch ^reat^r expense than if the infant rv were redur*-d at once to (he Hl)th, and the cavalry lo the tSttl, whkh i- would nl^o require a more n*i« h:» 1 snare for raising the •Jiiilcr the pretext* of draft* to for proposed, but it teroufi S:a(T,and rfjrimentsimiierceptibJv. eign corps, by 20th of laft his veOel watered at St Helena. lionaparte was to good health, but he kept himfelf entirely fe- eluded. ^ He continues to be watched with unwinking vigilance. A lifesizestatutcin marble, of the late lamented Princess Charlotfe, isnowexe- cafing, by command of Prfnce Leopold previous to his leaving Eoglaud. ' revolutionary principles eomino- into our Provinces, can assert with some decree of certainly, that the Suspension of the Habeas Chrpus ha* taken place in the mother country. But now. Sir, in return for the old story of Giles Jolt, the application of which is stolen from Col'bct, we will give you an unhacknied aiiectkte of the Bish¬ op of Usbon and the ChH^h of St. Jem- nimo, trhich we relate asco»^iscly as we Can* The tremendous EartBSPake which de¬ stroyed the Capital of IV^tugal, was pre¬ ceded at intervals b) entity minor shocks: in one of tbesej'kegreat Church Was 9 Jittlc deranged a; Lhe Xorth Et8j The melancholy intelligence of Her Majefty's death having been received, ft is hoped that every clafs of His Majedy's fubjeftsin this Province will evince their grief foi this fatal event, by appearing in decent mourning according to their ability. (Rl. nr^r ) CFOROE HH HFR /» ciecy* His Excellency the Lieutenant Gover¬ nor has lately received the following Ad¬ drefs from ihe Town/hip of Erneft Town. To Bis Excellency Sir Peregrine Maitland, Knight Commander of the Most Honora¬ ble Military Order of the Bath, Lieuten¬ ant Governor of the Province of Upper Canada, and Major General commanding His Majesty's Forces therein, £5V. &c. May itplease Your Excellency, We, the fubfcriber9, inhabitants of the Townftip of Erneft Town, in the Mid¬ land DAI rift of this Province, feeling our- felves called upon at this particular time to vindicate oarfelves from that odium which might too generally attach ftfclf to the loyal inhabitants of this townfhip, beg leave to approach your Excellency not only with fentiments of the warmcll arTec- .•neration for that government, James O'Neal, Allen Leamon, Peter Parry, Andrew Leamon, j'lnv, John O'Neal, scnr. Joseph Brown, Andrew Leamon.senr*. Jacob ti. Dies, JM Sn.nn., ' Jacob Siornti,senr. Thcophihis Brown. David llov,erinan, Daniel Frnscr, Daniel (lark, Richard Wnrffe, Win, J. McKay, David Kan kin." tion and ve . _. t..« which many of us, on a foimcr occafion, chofe as an afylnm for our misfortunes, but with every refpeft alfo for its adminidrar Uviij under the direftipn of one whofe 010- John C.Clark, Philip Nam, John Hughes, I^aac Assc).«tine, Lewis Clement, Joseph Kurley, Daniel Clark, David Fraser, Pelv.r A'sschtinc, junr. Joseph Peters, Jacob Laughiin, Abraham tris;h,juar. Matthew Dies, David Gain, William A^ely, Joseph Chatterson, William Perry, Francis Pnryn, The following statement accompanied this &t£ dress: We, the Subfcribers, do hereby autho¬ rize Matthew Clark, Efq. Chairman of a public meeting held at Erneft Town, the 15th of December, 1818, to afTure Hi* Excellency the Lieutenant Governor, and the public at large, if be fcould think it proper, that in figning the Petitions or address heretofore circulated in thio I ownfhip, complaining of grievances, &c. we xvere irnpofed upon by the falfc .epre- fentations of thofe who called upon us for out hgnatures ; and that it never was our intention to join in complaint, againft * Government With which, as well;as with its admimftrauo., wc are pcifedtlv tented : 3 co1*- William Ward, Daniel McSchoutcn, Daniel Clai7(, dajnn o Neai •