THE Subscriber has for Sale at Store in St. Paul Street; an exten fivf assortment of Hardware and Iron- rjjrtHOMAS DALTON& Co. Hflh , • JL peafull v beg leave to acquaint the J3facfi '»: : /yji :7/i J oh * • £ t a Bowling, mongery, Goods of superior quality. Confiding of all kinds of Saws, Join¬ ers Tools, Edge Tools, drawing Knives, Planes, Chcfts of Tools, wood Screws, Nails, Hammers, fhoe Knives, awl Blades, butchers Knives and Steels, cork Knives; tabic Knives, and Forks, cork Screws, tin'd iron Spoons and Porks, brittania metal Pots &c. pewter queen's mstal and brittania metal Spoons, Candielticks. brafs and green Fenders, fire Irons, Frying Pans, fad Irons, Scythes, Sickles, pocket and Penknives, Sudors, Razors, DiefTing Cafes Sports¬ man's Knives, Powder Flafks, shot belts, ladies work boxes, sewing cotton in boxes, needles &c. &c. which will be told on the mo ft reofonable terms. He has alfo juft received with the Goods from England, a numerous col¬ lection of patterns, book* and lilts of hardware and ironmongery, and foh'cits the favor of bis friends and the trade in general, who, by inspecting the goods or patterns will be convinced that what are now offered for sale, are much fuper- jor to foma articles generally fent to this country, and may alfo rely on the ex¬ ecution of any orders for goods from England, being fent out equal to the patterns, and on the lowed terms. BENJAMIN HART, General Agent and Comm. Mercht. Montreal, 28th Deer, 1818___iw6 " public that they have commenced brew- " ing at their new eltablifoment, where they have now ready for delivery, fome excellent ____ MILD BEER, in barrels of Thirty fix Gallons each, which they offer at the moderate price of Thirty Six Shillings the barrel, which price they do riot intend to advance, un- lefs from nccefnly arifiing out of an in- creafed price of Malt and Heps Thus the Public can be regularly accommodat- ed'with a wholeibmeand agreeable beve¬ rage, at as moderate a rate as could rea- fonably be defired ; the Proprietors of this ufeful eftablifhmtnt therefore flatter themfelves that it will receive a fair por¬ tion of public Patronage. Orders left at the Office of S. Bart- let, will be attended to. Work. EYN ALDS fk Co. lately arrived ____ from Ireland, bfa leave to inform the Gentlemen and inlsbitants of Kings¬ ton and its vicinity id general, that they have commenced the SJorfe Shoeing and Blackfmilhing By/heft, In all its various branches, near the upjer end of Store Street, between Mr. Douglas's houfe and Mr. Powell's. All orders with which they may be favored, (hall be ex¬ ecuted in fuch a compete and workman¬ like manner, and on i'o'h low terms, as, they hope, will entitle them to a (hare of the public patrona*-?. Kingston, idtb 08okr, 1818. 20tf Kingfton, Deer. 28, 1818. THE SUBSCRIBER, AV1NG been appointed Agent for the Proprietor of the IRON WORKS, eftablimed at Three Rivers, in the Province of Lower Canada ; in¬ forms the public, that he has lately re¬ ceived a Very extensive assortment of WARES, Manufactured at that place. other articles are, Among Doable Sc Single TO VE Of various sizes and patterns, CAST ASH PANS, SUGAR KETTLES, POTASH COOLERS. VOTa DOG IRONS, and DUTCH OVENS, Which will be difpofed of, for Cafh, at 1;early the Montreal prices. The fuperiwr foftnef* of metal, and durability of the Three Rivers Stoves, under them worthy the attention of purchafers, aa they are not liable to crack, like thofe imported from Scot¬ land. JOHNMACAULAY. Kingston, 1st OSober, 18 18. 19 Edward Jones\ EGS leave mo ft refpc&fuJly to in¬ form his friends and the public in general, that he has jull ieceived an elegant aflbrtment of DRY & FANCY GOODS, Confiding partly of the following arti¬ cles, viz : Supeifine Weft of England Cloths and CafTimeres, of the mod fa'i.ionable colors. lrilh Linens, Britifh Shirting, Lines and Cotton Cambrics, Corded Cambric, Lenos and Muflins, Jaconet and Mull Muflins, Fancy Mufti n Handkerchiefs, Bandanna and Barcalona do. Fine Ging¬ hams, Black and colored Silks, Si'k and Cotton Shawls and fcarfs, Fine corded Dimities, White Jane,- white and buff Marfcils Quilting, Black Florentine, fine Undrcfied Calicoes, Bombazettes and Bomba/. nes of all Colors, Linen Diaper and Huckafuick, white and Col¬ oured Flannels, Ruffia Sheeting and Of- naburg. A well chofen aflbrtment of Thread and Laces and liibbons, Sttaw Bonnets, Ladies Tortife fliell Combs, Cambric and lace Footings, and a number of arti¬ cles, too numerous to infert. 4 Crates of Blue CROCKERY V/an. GROCERIES. Jamaica Spirits,Brandy, Holland Gin, Port and other Wines, Peppermint and Shrub, Hyfon and Twankey Teas double and Single refined Sugars, Muf- covado do. Spermaceti, Mould and dipt Candles, Soap, Starch and Fig Blue, &c &c. &c. All of which will be fold for Cafh or approved credit. Kingston, 4.1k Aug. 1818. 10 TO LET, OR any term of Tears not exceed- in Fifteen, on the mod reafona- ble terms—That well known valuable fland in the public lin:, iituate on the point at Ganan' qua, znd recently occu¬ pied by Seth Downs,together with the Houfe, Barn, Stables &c.—For fur¬ ther particulars apply "o the fubicriber. JOEL STONE. Gananoqua Jan. 9,1818. 33// ETURHS his mofi Gncere tbarrks to his friends and the public, for the very liberal fupport given him fince his commencement in bufinefe, and begs leave to inform them that he has laid in a general and well feledtcd ftock of Groceries, Wines and Spirits, at hia old {land, which he is determined to fell at the mod reduced prices, viz. Bf*st Jamaica Spirits ; Holland Gid ) Cooiac Brandy ; Cherry do. ! WINES. Benecarlo Port ; Teneriffe Spanish do. *, .Malaga Beft Pickling Vinegar. Lime Juice. GROCERIES. % ; Green Copperas '. Rest English Cheese a a Shrub Whiskey Peppermint w NOTICE. HE RE AS, by the last Will and Teftamcnt of the late RICH\RD PATT2NSCN, Efq in his life time of Sandwich, in the province of Upper Canada, Robert Gillefpie, William Oilkif.n, and George Moffatt, are jointly and fevcraliy, appointed fiduciary Legatees of his Eftate, and Executors of laid Will. I do hereby rtqueft all perfons having claims upi-n faid Eftate. to prefent the fame to me, duly authenticated, for payment; and all perfons indebted thereto, are required to jay to me the amount of their refpeel ve accounts. Debts due to fc'd Eftate in the province of Upper Onada or in the United States, bordering thereon, may be paid to George Jac b, Efq of Sand¬ wich, John Affcin, and James Gordon, Efqrs. of Amherflburg.or to either of them, they being didv authorized to receive the fame and giant acquittances. 0* MOFFATT. Montreal, 20th March, 1818. &.$.x\ C-mpo-vfder Tea Twankey do. Hyson Skin do. Coffee Loaf Sujrar Muscovado do. Mare Closes Cinnamon Saffron Ising Glass, Tttrite) Figs Box Rai?ins Common do. Pearl Barley French do. Fig Blue Powder do, Besi Poland Starch Black Pepper Flower Sulpher Ground Ginger Whole do. Indian Arrow Root Sweet Almonds Bitter do. A Hum Windsor Soap Best common do. Pipe Clay Glauber Salts Pearl Ash English Mustard Peppermint Drops Stigai Plumbs Sugar Almonds Cod Fish Red Herrings Salt do. Salt Butter Wrought Nails, ferent sizes Shingle do. Tapes Needles Twi.t Cotton Balls Coloured do. Black Thread, White and Brown do. Writing Paper Letter do. fftHE Snbfcfcribera refpedt Fully I* JL form their friends and the Public, that they have now received and jufb opened in Market Street, jull beW Mrs. Patrick's Inn, a very ExttiifitH flbrtment of Dry Goods, Groceries, nd Stationary, Like wife a grcnt qnan- tity of Clafiical Books, the whole of which will he fold very low for Cadi and approved Credit. Mcdonald & aykroyd. Dec. 1, 1818. 27 NOTICE. ANY perfon or perfons or (Irons of entering into an agreement for clearing from 15 to 40 acres of land, will receive liberal encouragement, by applying at the office of the Kingfton Gazette,—where the tcrm9 of the agree¬ ment may be fe^n. Kingston, U. C. "} 2%d November, 1818. } Valuable Lands for Sale in the TOWNSHIP of HAMILTON', Lots No. 6 and 12 in the 3d Con, ccfiion,..................400 Dodo i! and 15 in the 4th Con* cellion, •................ 450 Do do 10 in the 6 Concefiion,20o 26 Acres, 1050 THE above Lands are all lying Jn the Townfhip of 'Hamilton, new caftle Diftrift, and will be Sold on the moft liberal terms. For further information* enquire cf Elias Jones Efq. Hamilton, or the Printer. 23tf ' NOTICE. " THE Subscriber having been duly appointed Executrix to the Eflate of Paul Iiuff, late of Adolphus- town deceafed ; Notice is hereby given, to all thofe indebted to faid es¬ tate to make immediate payment ; and all perfons having claims againft it, are requeued to prefent them, duly authen¬ ticated, for adjnflment. ELIZABETH HUFF- Adolphuftovvn, Dec. 24, 1818. 3 T Cf Glue • An aflbrtment of Crockery Ware, do Queen's do. Beft Dutch Long Pipes, Plug Tobacco—Candle Wick, Mould Candles—Dipp'd do. Superior drtffed Calf Skins, Lett Liquid Blacking, A few articles of Dry Goods. N. B. In addition to his pre- . WA a „ fent (lock, he experts many other arti- 3" \}^ l,,e ProFcrly of ** Kev. 1 Alexr. MrDonetl. For further partie- To Let, AND immediate pofleflioti R\ven, that: pleafantly Gtnated HOUSE cles in his line in a few days. King It on, October 19, 1818. 21 For Sale, ON very reaf >nable terras, and fm- adjudrncnt. mediate po^ffiongiven, a FARM NOTICE. HE Rubfcribera facing about to leave Kingfton, reqaeet all thofe who are indebted to the Concern, to Make immediate payment ; and all thofe who have any Clams again ft faid concern to prefent their Accounts immeJiatly for N lying in Adolphuftovvn, on the Bay of Q^inty, one mile weft of the Court lioufe, formerly owned and occupied by the late Philip Dorland, deceased ; on which is an orchard of 11c large Apple ■mm- q -^ ~ Trees, and almoft every other kind of iviowat Of ISrace fruit Trees that is p]anted in tW«coon- * 'try WILLIAMS & Co. N. B. The Bufinefs will still be Continued, and as good an Affortment kept en hand as ufuaJ. ALSO, a good Supply of Sale and Upper Leath oh 3° . Execitttve Council 0Wire,, _ York, 22d July, 181S. OTICE is hereby given to CHRISTOPHERTHOMSON, or his Reprefent3tive, by oj-der of His Honor the Adminiftrator in Council, to make good any pretenfion to the Weft half of Lot number Seventeen in the feventh conceiiion, on the Napane River, in the Townfhip of Frederickihurgh, within $tx. months from this date, or the fame will be thrown open to other appli¬ cants. JOHN SMALL, iim6 C. E. C. ulata apply to the fubicriber. dun: Street, oppoftte MefTrs. Monjeau & Germain's. Apply as above. Kingston. Dec. St/j, I #18. AN McDONELL. c t. ^ BANK OF THE Rnbfcriber being appointed agent for the Hank of Canada, he will negotiate bank notes for b:\ls on Montreal, Quebec,or for Specie. Wm. MITCHELL. Kingfton, G&. 13th, 18:8. 20 EG leave very rcfpeclfully to in¬ form their cuftoiners, and ;he pub lie generally, that they have ieceived a more complete aflortmcifct of FALL £ WISTFAl GOODS: Consisting, partly, of 'the following articles, 'VIZ ;- Supeifine fe^ond and common Broad Cloths h Caffimcres ; fafhi nable Pellffe do. White and colored Flannel ; Tar¬ tan Plaid ; In'fh Linen ; fine Cotton Shirting ; India and ftripe Cottons ; Apron Check ; Turkey & other fttipe*; dark Gingham 5 Bombazette ; Chintz Calieo \ Cotton and Limn Cambrics; fine Chintz Furniture Calico*; corded Dimity ; Silks, and Silk Handkerchiefs; Shawls; Fancy, Silk, and Cotton Pop¬ lin An affortment of HOSIERY; Stockinette Drawers ; Bed Ticks ; coarfe Linen. &c. &c. (£/"An aflbrtment of elegant Damaflc TABLECLOTiiSfrom3-ioto 10-16 Crockery 8$ Gljss Ware. GROCERIES. Jamaica Spirits, C. Brandy, Holland Gin, Wine?/ Peppermint and Sl-rnb, liyfon and Green Teas, Loaf and Muf- covado Sugars, Soap, Candles, Indigo, Fig Llut, Starch, &c tec. All of which will be fold very low, £ Alfo, a convenient framed houfe and barn and houfes. About one hundred pounds will be required down, and the remainder will be made very eafy—For further partic¬ ulars enquire of the fubfeiiber, on the premifes. GEORGE DOUGLAS. Adolphuftovvn, Pth Nov. 1818. z6tf For Salev TfHAT Elegant farm No. 8, firft Conceflion townfhip of Fredericks burgh, 28 miles from Kingfton, (containing 200 Acres,) formerly oc¬ cupied by Colonel Spencer, and known by'he name of the Manfion Houfe. It Contains about 50 acres of land under improvement, an elegant frame houfe 2 ftory high with 2 barns and other build¬ ings. Perfons defirous of purchafing may enquire of the Subfcn'ber on the premilFes, or to D. Hagerman Efq. at Bath. JOSEPH BERGERON. Frederickfburgh, Sept. 8th, 1818 15 Notice. ALL perfons indebted to the Eftate of the late James Gumming, late of Hallowell, deceafed, are requefted to call without delay, and fettle the fame with Mr. James McGregor, now in charge of the eftablifhment, at Hallow¬ ell bridge ;—and thofe who have claims again ft the faid eftate, are deiired to prefent them for adjuftment. The ftock in Trade of the deceafed, Kingston Branch of the Mon- c»"Sa™8of> ™T complete affortment 0 1 r 1 Uoods well laid in, and very luitable treat iiank. to lne Country, is now felling off at sri- Any fum required may be obtained at Notice. THE Copartnerftiip heretofore ex¬ iting under the firm of Taylor y Parlsrh this dav difLlved by mutual confeut. Therefore, mis is to requcft all thofe indebted to tie faid firm, by note, or book account, to come forward and make immediate parment unto Allan Taylor, who is duly iuthoiifed to re¬ ceive the fame. And thofe who have claims on the faid firm are requefted to prefent them fcr adjuftment. (Signed) ALLAN TAYLOR, THOMAS PARKER. MelhtUe, 2d, Nov. 1818. 25wl2 N. B. The bufinefs will in future be carried on by THOMAS PARKER NOTICE. THE late Partnership oF James jRat. ken & Co. having diffolved itfel" this day, by the death of Roderick Mackay, Efq. the bufinefs will in futue be earned on by the fubferiber, to whoa all perfons vvlio are indebted to the a love firm, will plcafe pay their acconnS without delay ; and thofe who ma- have claims again ft that concern, wil pleafe prefent them for adjuftment. JAMES KANKEN. Erne ft Town, 21ft Sept. 1818. 241 NOTICE. THE Subfcn'ber forbids all perfons from tiefpaffing on Lot No. 32 in the 4th conceflion of the Town (hip of Camden, in the county of Lenox and Adding ton, Midland Diftrict, and does hereby forbid any perfon or perfons from cutting or deftroying any Timber whether lying or (landing, or Carrying any part of the fame away, under Penalty of the Law. A. MACDONELL. Kingfton, Dec. 26th, 1813- BANK NOTICE. THE Stockholders of the C.mfc of Upper Canada are hereby noti- notified, that the first instalment of eight per rent (being eight Dollars on a Share,) is requested to be pairl to* the Cashier, on or before Monday the 1st day of February next. By order of the President and Di¬ rectors. SMITH BARTLET, Cashier. Kingston, Dec. 1-4, 1818. c20 FOR SALE OR TO BE LET. Si FOR SALE. A A valuable Lot of LAND, con- sifting of Two Hundred Acres of the Grft quality ami temarkably ~*11 Timbered, being Lot No. 19, in the third Conceflion of Camden. For particulars enquire of the Subscriber in Kingfton. JAMES ROBINSON, Kingfton, Dec. 22, 1S18. 31s Large Commodious two ftory dwelling Houfe, with Kitchen, outHoufesand Garden ^o. 1, Front ftrcet, For particulars apply to Laurence Flerchmer, Efq. Kinp-ston, December 20, l$i9 CO A FARM FOR SALE nnO BE A..ET, for one or more years, -*■ & immediate pofltffion given, that or Kingston jot/j Dec. 1818. Noti FARM, of late owned by Mr. Jabez Eston, whereon he kept a Public Inn, situated within a mile and a quarter of the Town of Kingfton- For terms apply to the Subfcn'ber. ELIJAH BEACH. Kingfton, 23d. Dec. 181S- 31. 29 he Office fo, good Bills, on Montreal, Quebec, Bi.Lol Exchange on London or lor bpccie. —Notts alio will be dis THOMAS MAUKLAND. K' a. 1»» Agent. __ ingfton,3dNov 1818. 2$ NOTICE ^ f|lHE being -*- leave Kingfton, requells are indebted to him ces fo low as Will oefemd^daim the attention of the public. Caih or Country produce will be tak¬ er, m payment, and a credit of 6 months given1 to refponfible Farmer,, or others JOHN GUMMING, 1 IVM. MITCHELL, f Execntors Kingston, 0a2jt iSi7! 32 who about to all thofe «..- a.-c Hiucotca to him, to ma> -wrrediate payment ; and all thofe wh make h-vcr any claim, agafnft l^tTwS! tocTt. aCCUUUU laaicdi"dy foradjuft. Kin a r HENRYFOVVLi£H, Kiagfton, J«a. ii, 1819. 3 STEAM BOAT NOTICE A ht tUctIndebted to lhe Steam -i-x Boat Ch uihotte, are requefted tomafce ^mediate payment, and all who have any demands again ft said Boat are requeaed to give in thei, account, to the Subfcn'ber without delay 8 % order of the Committee. _ S. BARTLET. kingfton, January i, l8lQ. , THE late parnership of Rober Graham Sf Co. having dissolve! itself this clay by the death of Rod* nek Mackay E.q. the business iu fo ture will be carried on by the Subsci. bcr, to whom all persons, who are iu debtedtothe above iirm, will pleas pay their accounts without delay, ad those who may have claims agaiu.t tht concern will please present them fr adjustment. t« P • . r , *SCEUT 6BUMA1I. I oint Frederick, 21st Sept, 1818. FOR SALE. AND Immediate pofleflion given, the Houfe and premifes in Stintt- v'llc, lately occupied by Mr. Dalton, fuuatcd within half a mile of this town, a valuable fixation for a Gentleman and family, & no lefs fo for a Diltillcr or Innkeeper. The above premifes will be fold at public Auftion without referve, on Saturday the 3d day of April next at:ti o'clock A. M. at Walkers "otel, if not previouily difpofed of bv private bargain. t Y A DJOINING Hay Bay, in the XX. Townfhip of Fredericks burgh, the Eaft half of Lot No. 2, in the fecond Conceflion, containing 100 acres, and having about 40 acres under cultivation, with a log houfe and barn upon it. I or the terms apply to Daniel Wefhburo. Efquire, Kingfton. P. VAN KOUGHNET. Cornwall, Dec 7, 181.8 3^> NOTICE. ALL perfons are Cautioned againfl purchafing Lot No. 2 2 in the 7th con. of Frederickfburgh, or lot No, 27 in the i«t con. of Richmond,from the Heirs or Affigneea ofDivis Hefs, as the' Subfcn'ber holds an indifputable title to the fame. GILBERT HAKIS. Sidney, 4th Dec. 1818. 3 P For particulars apply to t!ie Subfcn'ber. THOMAS SMITH. K'ngfton,Jan. i4, l8io. nf I dens and good fuuation for Dwellirr mHF P T^.LET^ a Houles, one mile from Kingfton, I TZTS^^^ dweUing Houfi BUILDING LOTS. A few Lots of one Acre of GrowiK being- a g a very good soil for Gz- for Sale on favorable terms, apply Co ^f^ ^1 m the P*«M of Mr. S- BARTLET. AN elegant, well finifhed Double SLEIGH, for Sale, enquire of S. BARTLET. December 29, 1818. aIF1^ receIvcd and for fale at thie •i» Office, price 7-}d. the MONTREAL ALMANACK, For the Year of our Lord 18 19. January i, iS,y !f.f. Woolf, lor terms appl,ca.,on to be made K-ngfton, 0«. 13th, ,8,8. 20 KINGSTON, U. C. PRl.NTED 1'OH TUE EUlTOn^,