fr&tcf, hasten M<* A i0 c*«-le t,i€ fconest indignation of every rft!kctt»^ wun, who &•• **d an ^P^tuw,t>! t;t 1**" roitn* thetacts *\hjch have been lately acvelopoi ^ the A mortcail Ton-rets, as they appeared More tho^r^;;^ eourt matliul which hie:1, them. It would appear, lhat tins most re* inov.ned Grm-wl P1-^^ hhnMf noon the little moun.-Uhu-h I'auie has rni-ed for him, incnmnn■..- rvtinn of his good for- fpoeat iV"-v Ort-eau*, that h mj^h * *&M 7<iiw* 1. united Aeree, < Jiu' il»o:i-XnM Acre?. l.ltvi'ii hundred \cres, TwHv hundred A en -, TO 16 1 7* 10 2 8ti 4 3 93 1H I The fees on ioo Acres, being the al¬ lowance moil ufually granted to Emigrants, are not to be h.creafed, but to remain as before, viz. £t 14 1 J. SMALL* V C. &*svl Cll Ex. Cowl RF-Vi.1 KlNiibTCkN Ck-tUOMCLli vslfh a Mih loo \ ks p;,u '••■v upon r and eom":iis, *"& the com mi :cIOii of • • • • ■ ■ ■ • FRIDAY, January 2% BI9 « cr,.^, »hieh can only h* cl;:;ved with tb.emm-i,.*rori|.iW»»*»<J *« dmbohea jiiui blood>' scenes tfiih I. c!;i:actenzcd the reliti of Robespierre. Tosa>^ol" tLicfcSen's unprovo¬ ked violation <& <•>"- *** (,i" lll<i,",s- »" invading v neutral sine. todisrt^ard ih 3 inhuman manner :." widen he proseeuteil me war a* liusl the S -m-noles, and <o pay r.o attention to his asra^in-liko conduct ju burning am! plundering defenceless Indian Towns and Villages: for these, v/i will admit, m re ftecessar^ as con- ilfsc*\ - to Use pi'j'ism c of the blood stain¬ ed tyrar-L an* &'* ihey were impediments in *ho way ->f an ambitious commander in his march fo fmiqaesi and u Extermi¬ nation :"—hut with what emotions of In r»r fchall ft? w*g»'rd his m rciless treatment of two ftftoffeftding subjecisof n r nvev in porfert a.nity with his Gov¬ ern n,eat, who were draped from their families an? hemes, and arraigned before ft miiitary t rlli una1.. Lrtit be r 2 r.5 e n 1 be r- cd thov were British Sntjeets ! without the shadow of authtrit\ they were tried, mm of thetci vva*) coudemn'-d to death by the Chvurt Martial,the other t»rmprison- metti ; and yet, will it be beSievced r they wore ^o/A EXECUTED! One was shot, theotht^rliUNC 1 ! and that at the beck f>f a military despot—the arbitrary nod of General Jackson, a tyrannic wretch wh» laekv nothing but poist rand eppurfuniiy to -mid to the e«immiVsIon of crimes which make tlw blood curdle, and v. ill rend* r his name us odious to posterity as 1! at of Robespierre or Ma¬ rat. Yet, notwithstanding tl.e painful feel¬ ings ivhiib t)hlrude upon the heart, when we coutempIat-Mh'r diabolical act, which calls so loudly for retribution ; we are much gratified to obsorye, that in his own country, (where this u Champion Gf New-Orleaus" has been u lauded to iheslsieje") all honest Wicu unite in exe- Ciatiwg the man who has been guilty of this murderous act—and hiviealu>r. vvhen lite **hero of N«m OrlcHw»" i^ iMtmiitui ed5 we shall remember the wut'ikr&r of drbiiihnot and Amhrister, A foul stain is fixed upon the national character »f our American neighbours, and it remains with their dmgross, now in Session, U declare whether it shall be i'nh!i(L\ tr s]»ow to an observing w»rld flint t; laurelled power ' shall not pre¬ sent the murderei fioaa being brought to coiidi^ti punishment. 1j. \£&£y*iKX'<2c*rm& j*or*ju 1 oca" issvm 4 • • • • • ,«'•», I I * catioe, - — PROVINCIAL PARLIAMENT OF LOWER GANJDA. We have -concluded in this day's paper the trials of Arbuthnot and Amhrifler, There can be but one opinion, at lead on thio fide the St. Lawrence, refpe&ing the conduct of General ]ackfoo in this afiair— it was marked with arrogance, injutiice and cnitity. W« feave perufed with lome attention .'.tr. Adams's Ulirutiions to th« Mioiftcsr Plenipotentiary of the United States at Madrid, which were to be com¬ municated to thi Spai.ifh grovernmtnt in ord-^r to juttify the proceedings of the Li¬ nked Stales in the late Seminole war. We would recommend to this fiery Secretary of Stale a little more temperance, when another fueh talk is impofed on him $ he. ha* ill this i*(lance overftepped all the bounds of mod-ration and truth, and like every oie die wdio has a bad eaufe to de¬ fend has made up in paffinndte declama- n'on what he wants in found argument. He begins with advancing aa a proof of the Prelidcnt's pacific difpofition (w§ w»uld rather call it, of liis fear for difa- greeable Confequences) the «rder already ifTued for giving up to the proper Spaniih authoiine«\ Ptofacwla, Bavancas, and the Fort of St. Mark*. Would .Mr. .'-.ion- roe have fo entry rtfi-riied the conqueds of bis galknl General, if the high tone which Spain has lately.held, had nut a little a- lar^td the good man ? It was certainly very necefTary for Mr. Adams, i.i fearch of argument for juftifi- t© tiace the origin of the war to Britain and her ap;cAt3. and if poffible (hmw ihat her hollility was noc lefs again* Spain than againtl the United States. For Spain had afferted her determination to obtain fatufa&ion for the injury done to her ally Great-Britain. Now, fays John Quincy Adam.-., if I cat make a breach between thefe friends* I fliall hear no more of the dtterioiuatiou of Spain to fee her allv lighted. Taus have we feen a cunning knave rattening wpon the ani- mcfities of hooelt plain dealing ane«, which vc.y animoliu'es he himfelf has fomented. In this manner the wary Secretary goes, to work, but his proofs of what lie af- feits are fo defective, and his pafuVn boils overfo much, tint altogether he has made a very bungling; bnfinefs of it. We would recommend him to find Wetter teftiatony than that which the renegade Hnmbly can furnifh : who ever thought of paying any attention to the deoofitions of an ac- ? Or who but this paragon of a Secretary ever thought of advancing fuch as good and fufficient evi¬ dence? If ©tir litn'ts would allow, it would not be diiHcnlt to tlievv the fallacy of all the arguments advanced in this able docunent. En paffant, we would advife John Quincy Adams not to indulge in fneers in grave matters, and fnggeff the DeetfSty of a little improvement in his (lyle, aitd a more careful atte tion to the correefmef* of hia metaphors. What arc we to underdand by " a principle btiig en¬ graved in adam2ut on the common fenfe of knowledfred rotjue mankind"? Who erw heard of "a "His Roval Hf^hnc's the Prince F.e- gent having b«.en pleafed, in the name and on the behalf of His Majefty to ap- LITCISI ATT. I'. COT'NriT,, Tn.SS'nAV, ."»:i:-••;i \ tw"h, ISV8. This Day, at tco o'clock, His Grace the Governor in Chief, came down in itate t<-> the Ltgiilative Council Chamber, and being feat d on the Throne, the Gen- tlenan Ufher of the* B'ack Rod was fent to com na*id the immediate attendance of the AfJembh', which being come up, His , ,.r . . . Grace «r«< pleafed to make the following (( "¥*? ffWff being W enough SPFECII • to bc 'Jcard acrofs the Atlantic, or entr* '*gittc enocgh to tranfpire beyond the ** walla of the Pnia^ce, from which it itfned, tl and to which it was borne" ? What dqes he mean by a "fm-lrtncls toreti* ? Wc beg his pardon—he was in a rage, and the language- of psffi m is feldom cor- ft&. Towards the conclufion of this pr$- mm American dale morceau he breaks cut into a very heroic and petulant tone of recrimination, and not only refutes but even demands fatisfaclion of Spain. A man in the wrong, when too proud to own \m eiror. i< never content with a fimple defence of hi? character (this is nntenaWle ground) but dire&ly turns accufer. This ",tU quoque" i? the only argument which can be reforted t« on fuch occations. Up¬ on the whole, however, if we may judge from the fentiments exprefTed by the Edi¬ tors of Newfpapers throughout the United States, and by fome members oi' Corgrefs, the people at large are not yet fo dead to a fenfe of national henor and jnlliee as to permit the mere fhield of Executive favor to protect General Jackfon, or to allow thefe fhameful tranfaftions to be fo quietly hufhed up, even mould European powers be difpofed to view them with indiffe¬ rence. point me to be Governor in I hief ok the Britidi Pro-vinces in North America, and to corT>R8it to my immediate chars;e the Adminillrat'on of the Government rf Lower Canada, it became my duty to Call vr-u 'oeether for the necefiary defpatch of nubile bnfinefs, *; It i?, kowewr. with infinite regret, that I have to communicate to you the melancho'y intelligence of Her Mejeily's death, ^rhm-jii this ha- not reached me ofnciallv, vet the manner in which it has heen an-rounced, leaves me no caare to doubt the fatal event to have take'1, place, on the 16th of November. I thetef.;re conceive it to be incumbent upon us all, to adjourn the public bufinefs for fueh a fpace of time as may (h w our re!pect to the memoiy of Her Majefty, whofe conduct has for fo many year5; made her an ornament to the high rlation {he fhe has filled. " it is therefore my intention that this Parliament be now prorogued to the twenty-f-cond day of ibis moath." s^u-exf. '■■ .s. era Executive Cf.uncll Office, 1 1'orJ:, 5//; Jjm.ary 1 8 19. 3 IT is this day, ordered by liis Excel¬ lency the Lieutenant Governor in Council, that to relisvf as much as pos- fible the Provincial Revenue, in future, from the charges attending the Grantitvr of Land, wbiefi it lias hitherto fflflained, the Fee on the Patent on all orders for Grants of Land, pronounced after this date, (hall be according t» the following Table : Sterling. Two Hundred Acre*, f\c> 17 6 Thieelnnulrpd Acre-, 1?} II 7 Fo«r Immlred Acre-, :<:± 5 ft Five hundred Acres, m H> 9 Six hundred Acres, 4 7 IB 10 Seven hundred Aerr.«, ,r;5 7 Si Bight bundrea ictes, 63 2 0 CO MM UMCA TIONS. Mxssieubs Editors, I see it is again insinuated, by Mr. Gourlay, in the last number of the Nia¬ gara Spectator, that the Lieutenant Go¬ vernor kept the House of Assembly wai¬ ting a week alter the public business was finished. I have seen this contradicted once already in the Phoenix. Now, Sir, 1 cau positively assert that this insinua¬ tion is as false as it is base. The Speak¬ ers of both Houses, I appeal to them and to all the Members, if this is not thefact, had notice, that the moment (heir busi¬ ness was at an esd, the Lieutenant Go- vernor was ready to prorogue the Parlia- meit, and the day after they made a re¬ port to that effect the Parliament prorogued. ff» 4eing inisTfcfM *eek Mqtg 2? prorogation ta-ok p^e, an important Kill was passed on the '/<>*» u Graining to His Majesty a aum ofr"0«»q' for the survey o! the waters of tl.f Saint Lawvrnce, and for other purposes therein mentioned," and a great deal of other business was disposed of on th:>t and the preceding day : So much sofkat on a reference to the Journals of the Assembly 1 find the record of the proceedings of those (wo day's occupies fourf'^" page-of folio post, close!/ w rittftu. ^et the euod people of this Provinco are ftUdfteiously told that His Exeelh'ucy feffitthc two Honsas for a week -;t'. count 'heir linger.<.r' it h true ilia l-jxcellency had not quit- ted his reom foi-on»e (bus before^ and hU disorder, i understand, was contract¬ ed during his «ervli es hi Spain, from ex¬ posure to the climate. K i- \u> wonder that the s.ime di>m^nwousnnf;s whin woa'.d make the mTviee*? of His KxceV- lency under the j>uke of Vtvhlngfm a subject of ridicule, should attempt to raise a faUe aalumny from a eircnmstani'e which it was, 110 doubt, h-ped had ari- n from His Excelleucy'b indisposition. 1 am, Gentlemen, Your obedient wranf, JAMES FiTZ GIBBON, To the Editors •/ the Kingsfdn Ch ronicfo* York, 5th January. 1S19. t Gf.ntlemev, You will do a favor to a subscriber by inserting the following anecdote, in consequence of the death ef Sir Samuel llomilly. A Geatleman now in Kington, some years ago beino;embarrassed, was anx- ions to obtain the opinion of Sir Samuel .Homily, & went with a Gentleman who had a case to lay before him. with a fe« of 10 Guineas. Sir Samuel looked at the case and returned it, with the fee, saying it was impossible that he could answer it, fioni the- press of business then before him, for three or four mouths. Upon which the gentleman told him he would wait his leisure. Tb*» other stated his inability to j;hp a fee with his case, which wa« known to Sir Samuel : upon whicb Sir Samuel desired him to leave it and call next day. (0 !>• informed the time he might expect his opinion. JHe waited pursuant to appointment, receiv¬ ed thecal nnsweipd : fa the fee given the evening before by the gentleman he ac¬ companied was handed to him as a pre- lent for one cf hi- ehildnn. Sir Samuel and the b'fr. Mr. Percival were concerned for ni-re paupers than (he wholeof theLawyefsat tl"' Chanctry buer, and their deaths m"^ be lon^lafien- ted by rvf^rj person uh-' had the honor of knowing them. The British Packet rilh (he Norcm- htr Math having air/, d at Nets- > ortc sometime ago, I lie lelte"s\h>r the. Upper Province may be cxpseled by to-mor- fozo's post. TO 'CO&XESPQ X&ESTS, No, 2. from J. B. ii under eon> id:ra¬ tion. The Communication from a Suhscri- . her in the District, of l<<>re, cammt be inserted unless ice are intrusted ip/th the name of the author. The Jen tfEsprit of our Friend R. S. requires a revisal. A LIST of several TO UN OFFICERS chosen and. ulected at the last annual Town Meeting held in the Towa of King-ton, on Monday the 4th Jauua- , ry, 1819, for the ensoing year, viz, William Stinnetti Town Clerk, James Atkinson, Church Warden, Robert Stanton, Daniel Ferris, jvn. Smith Bartlet. Collector, PATK WASTE&S, Benjamin Olcoft. East Ward, Benjamin JiJtitnsy. West Ward, Bunjamin U hitney, Prom Kingston to Cataroque LJrid^e. Joseph Ferris, front show Cataroour, Cornelius Knight, -Rest part'2d conces. Lewis Day, East part to Kingston, A. McMichael rente »f 3d conceision. Charles Odell.'Wesi;^art 3d do. Daniel Pickett, Eastoart 3d do. Jacob P ore ley, 4th concession. Elijah Ward, 5th do. Jsaac David. East Ward .. do. William Pozvley, fin concession. Emeriik Snook, 7th do West Ward, Nathaniel Ca-erfy^ do. East Ward, John Tattle, from Kingston to the Milli. DITTO FOR '1TTSBURGH. John Grant, West 3ivision, Thomas Mil(on, ceitre do. Silas Livingston, Eist do, Frederick Firman^ 34 concession road. DITTO IOll VOI.F ISLAND. Frederick Fanning Front Road, Thorn (is Davh, Cress Road. POUND KEEPERS. William Ashly, Town of Kingston. John Knight, Id concesiion do. John f intent, 3d do. do. Daniel Ferris, Sen 4th do. do. Daniel David, 5th do. do. Tunis Snook. r,th do. do. DITTO FOR PITTS BUR CH. Smith Seaman, Front west part, Abel Gates, do. E&st part. DITTO FOR WOLF ISLAND. Isaac T. Barret. the To*n and Township of Kingston are not to Tun afe large in the roads and streets aft** this publication. ROBERT *QVm,High Consume, SiingstOB; January7th: 1S^ Assessors. Hogs iii ftY AUOTION, WILL he sold, withoutreferve, Cto clofe fcveral conflgnaients,) at the fubscriber's Auction Koom, on TUES¬ DAY, 26th January, 1819, A quantity of GOODS ; Among which are the following, viz. Q elegant seta China, men, women and ^children's liu'd Glaves, flannel Shirts and Drawers gentlemen's and l.idies Fur Caps, feal skin Mitts, utter akin Gloves, sable Muffs, ("ollarctts, Tippets, Ruflia lamb skin vests, S or 10 dozen sauces and pick¬ les afforted—swords, do. belts, •hummer's swotd belts, drum carriages, pouches, do. belts, slings and breast plates, &e &c; ALSO, ■ An clef-ant Double SLf JG1I. Sale to commence at 12 o'clock, noon. McDonell^A ft B. ► g lO b§ ioU by private fale, the whole JL of the prenifes now occupied by the iVoicribcr, eottfifiing of one new 81 one Houfe, two ftorks and a half high, a Imall frame dwclliog houfe, filled in with Hone, a Stable. Barn,, and Bake Houfe ; fituated on the eail half of Lots No 271 and 273, containing two fifths of an acre. A fmall part of the pur chafe money will be itquired^on the delivery 01 the proper¬ ty, and the remainder paid by fuch inllal- ments as may be agreed upon.— For fur¬ ther particulars, apply to the proprietor on the premifes. GEORGE SCOUGAL. N. B. There is a valuable fpiiug of wa¬ ter on the premifes. Kingflon, January 21, 1819. 4 For Sale, VERY valuable FARM, situated near the Village of Brockville, be¬ ing the rear half of Lot No. one, and the rear half of Lot number two, in the 6e* cond concessifui ef Elizabethtown, U. C. containing two hundred acres, former¬ ly tho property of Reuben Sherwood, Esquire, but now belonging to JohnShu- ter. Esquire, of London. . There is a ve¬ ry good dwelling house, with a barn and other out houses on the premises. Also, l^ot number nineteen, in the ninth con¬ cession, and the west half of Lot number ©no, in the eighth concession of the same Towoship. Also, Lot number fifteen, in the first concession, and nomher fifteen in the second concession, of the Town¬ ship of Yonge. in (he District of Johns¬ town. Those Farms will be disposed of on terms peculiarly easy and advantage¬ ous topurchas( rs. Apply to DANIEL JONES, .Tun. Brockville, l.1")/It January. 1810. 4 Dissolution of Copartners hip* DHjyWVt subscribers, trading heretofore JL under the turn of .luliu Strang" cy Co. have this da) dissolved partnership by mutual consent. All persons in¬ debted to the Said concern are requested to make immediate.payment unto either of the s; b-«ri'i«:s, JOHN STRANGE, THOMAS GRAHAM. Kingston. 28tn D c. 1818. 4w3 rglHE fubferiber refpc&fullv begs lenve M to acquaint the public in general, that lie kacps an INN, in the red houfe o-v>o lite the upoer l>arrack Gate, in the T w.m of Kingflon, where travellers, ©f all de- fcriptions ; Farmers, or o her«, who ft all viGt tins place, enn be accommodated, with eafe and comfort. He has likewifa good flabling for horfes, and will thank every one who will favour him with their cuftom. JOHN HYNES. . ffingsl$n, 2 1st January, I 8 I 9. 4tf to C1 A ME into the enclofure of the fub- J fcriber, fome time in the month of November, a Bay Mare COLT, coming two years old. 1 he owner is rcquefted to prove hi\ property pay charges, and take it away. RICH4.RD ELLERBECK. Kingston, Jar?y. 2, 1 S19. 2 ~ NOTICE. THE Magiftrates and Inhabitants of the Midland Dillrict, are requeued t«> meet at Bath, in the Townfbip of Ernefl Town, on the f«c©nd Saturday in Feb¬ ruary next at 12 o'clock, for the purpofe adopting fome plan for affording relief the Poor of tho Diftrift. A LI-XR. FISHER, THOMAS MARKtAND. PETER SMITH. Kingfton, 15th Jan. 1819. 3 notice] ON SUNDAY the 7th Fcbruan. a SERMON will be preached by the Rev. Official G. O. Stuart, at St. George's Church, for the benefit of the Sunday Union Schools. Kingston, 15th Jan. 1S10. 3 TO LET, ' AND immediate poffeffion given, a . Dwelling House convenient for two families, inquire of Mr. John Bayne, at Samuel Merrill's. Kingostn, 7th Dec. 1818. 28. To Let, THE Houfe lately occupied by Lieu¬ tenant Brifcoe (Royal Engineers) the property of James Richardioa, Sen. fituated near Mr. Hugh Earl's. For terms apply to the fubferiber. ROBT. RICHARDSON. THEATRE. FOU THE BENEFIT OF TUf. KINGSTON COMPASSION* ATE SOCIETY The Ladies and Gentlemen pf Kingflon are refpe&fully informed that on MON¬ DAY EVENING, January 25th.wi!l be prefentC(J. for the hemfit of the Kingston. Ctinj>office.ate Society, a much admired TRAGEDY, in five acts, w.itten bv G- Southern, Efq. called ISABELLA. Or, THE FATAL MARRIAGE. Tie part of ISABELLst by Mrs. Williams. This ■ lay is built epi n the agonies of a mind oi keen feirfibiiity, ml/en invum to have w'dcVd a ftcor.d htfbar.d while the firfl is living. , 44 Tct>0 husbands and not ti.t ! " ftlarrJaf to lot/j Mud yet a wife to neither !! I" Between he Play and Farae, Comic Song : THE 7IDT ONE, ly Mr. IVjlhams. T<^ which will be added, Coleman's cele¬ brated Comic Opera, in 2 acts, called LOVE LA'. GHS AT LOCK¬ SMITHS. In courfe of the Opera the following SONGS, DUETS, &c Duett—Sivtit God»f L$9*, sweet God of Sleep —.Meffr-4, tinntly & Wi siams. So kg—Oh \ nvheu my farm is ta hen — Mr. Williams. Quintetto—WeflVs. Williams, Thorn¬ ton, Delany, Huntly and Brown. Song A Guardian there was, o c. Mrs. Williams. 5ong—0 Mifs Ba'dey—Mr., Williams. Trio — MeflVs. Delany, Williams, and Mrs. William*. Finale—By the Characters. • (F§r Characters set Bills ) ■ Box Tickets Five Shillings, Pir, Tivo Shillings and Six Penee each, to be had at Mr. MOORE's CcfceXcnse, and at the THEATRE.—D"»»rs to be open at SIX o'clock ; Curtain to rife at SEVEtf o'clock. *^* Gentlemen art requested not to smoke in th.- Theatr Ctj-Thc Box Book of the Theatre will be kept at Moore's Coffee Houfe from 10 o'clock in the morning until 4 in the after* noon ; where places m3y be taken for Boxes No money taken at the door. Ej*No postponement 0* ttcccnnt of weather* informed Hint efficient means arc token to rendtr lh» Theatre warm and comfortable. Kipgstir-p nth January, iSiQ i ^ftl'J LET ami immediate possession. JL giveo, the HOUSE and Preroisie-, lately occupied by Allan McPherson, in tho Front Street cf Kingston. For particulars application fo [>e niad.a to John Kirbu or William MitvhctL I'mn - who are fully authorised to enter into1 arrangements with persons disposed to rent the ^amc. Kingston, 20th Jan. 1819. 4'f WHEREAS there appears to be a ■ecessity for the circulation of Coppers, for tho purposes of conmon. trade and dealing ; we, the subscribers, will receic •. as small change, the various species of Coppers, which have heretofore ow m current here, except those den om in* ated Brock Coppers, and Waterloo Cop¬ per-;. Kih&st*** J.m. 16. 1819. Robert Walker, John Moore, John H\nea, Elijah Beach, Wm. Taylor, W. Mears, Thomat Smith, John BiiUenrorch, Dttncnn .McDonald, A. Norton, Damei f>ro;vn, Rhody Cu.aek, Charles Daw&ot, . AV. Re«nie, U. McDonald, Jodn Ferguson, McDonald & Ay-ktfoy'd, Jameik Meagher- Sarah Patrick, John Blake, Francis Carlisle, Benjamin Olsotl, James Atkinson, H. W. Wilkinson, * Robert Talbert, Aiiraliam Snucx, P. Wetse), Ebenezer Lander, J. Balfour, J. Ferguson, Edward McCalleu* Henry Cassady, Joseph Scott, George Douglasij Michael Moran, John Darley, Samuel Davisou^ Jolin Watkiotj Edward J •net, N, Palmer^