Kingston Chronicle, January 15, 1819, page 4

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fTl IK 'ubCWVr has hi) 1 <H6^m *t Pad *tn f^nrmOMht DALTON 8c •**« 1 petffully beg leave to acquaint the public that tluy have commenced brew cci; ■*#•.-*%*« «f._ _. .u .-.. „-.» ^aKKAmrnt. where fi C *.wortaient <tf Hardware a moue.y, g ifjexcellcot i;.K»<.U of superior quality _ g A///,/) BEr,/t, Confining of all kinds of Saws, ^""Win br.rrels of Thirty fix Gallon? eack,! cr* Tools, Edge Tools drawing » Wch th offi r at the moderate price ofj Knives PUnes. Chefts of Toofc^ wood | ^ ^ Shi||; g the harrel, whichJ Black Smith SALE, ""T^" fiifis at their new eftabli&mrnt, nd IW-MLj^ hav, now ^ady for delivery, fome Work. fr EYNALD om Ircla a favorable fituation for kton and its vicinity in general, that they I jtw 3 the Gentlemen and inhabitants of KingS-g HE StiMcfcribcrs rcfpeafully fn, ANL> immediate pouciiio'i k,vv"» "'"^ .*_ form their friends and the public, HOUSE and premifes in Stiiart-g|tjiat tney naVe now received and juft opened in Matket Street, joft beiowr Mrs. Patrick's Inn, a very EfttenfWe fTortment of Dry Goods, Groceries, ND immediate poflcfllon given, tri T1 31* Co lately arrived? ville, lately occupied by Mr Daltoo.l Set ws, NjjSW, Hampers, (hoe Knives,« ^ they do not~intend to advance, BflHj bw» GMe* btttckew ivmves and -u eels,||ff neceffitv ariTimg out ef anin-^ Ml ««***« co.k Iv -; table K. ive«. and Forks* f , ^ ()f Malt J H Thusiand Mr. > owell s. A I order. have commenced the //oWe Shoeing s [A...... "' ' " " :- —' bra 'Street, between Mr. Douglas's houlejj with $2 a Gen nd family, and no h(* fo for a andlDiniller,or Inn Keeper. For further ;3* ve commenced uie /7<?r/e owcfin^ «"^- - - . .■ ., f . . ;l teM^J^,M«I] its vanouB^p3rt«cular8Cnqu,,c«f ^j"*' anches, near the upper end of Store*, at Mr. Mm** ^*^F*T E. BARNETT, Kington, Ocl. 12, I 818. 43tfi and Stationary, Likewife a great qnan- tity of Claflical Books, the whole of which will be fold very low for Cafll and approved Credit; Mcdonald & aykroyd. Dec. i, i8i8. *f Co rk Screw,, tin'd iron Spoons an(',|;thc pobjjc can be regularly accommodat- d Sgreeable beve-: ate as could rea-1 Proprietors nf* fire Irons, Frying Pans, fed lron«,^J^-J/^eg^jj^^ftt tj,€rcfore flatter Scythes, -nekles, pocket and Penkmves,|| ScifDra, Razors, DteMng ^;^P°^-$Zn7™Wc?*uom<re. man's Knives. Powder FW*s, rimtsj 0rdcr< left at the Office of S* Bart-| O'ttOtlSjJfl .,, , j j . let, will be attended to. Kingfton, Deer. 28, 1818. which they may be- favored, (frail be ex-j ecirted in fuch a complete and workman (like manner, and on foch low terms, as,j they hope, will entitle them to a fhare- of the public patronage Jo fin Dow ling, s> 1 :;< "githemfehrefl that it will receive a fair por- Kingston, 1 Otb 08iiber* 18 I 8. £TURNS his mod fincere tnarrksjs to his friends and the public, for 20tfWihe very liberal fup'port given him fince A leave belts ladies work b"Xes sewing in boxes necd'es Sec. &c« which willbej Bold on the moft reofonable terms. He has alfo jutt received with the Good* from England, a numerous col and lifls of Edward Jones, TO LET, r . j Ha general and well feledcd flock of FOR any term of years not exceed-p *> in Fifteen, on the moft feafona K(JrOC6ri6S fektlfte*—That well known valuable^ ' iland in the public line, iituate on tfrc| Ipotflt at Ganancc|>ia.and recently occu-j NOTICE! NV" perfon or perfons defirous \A entering into an agreement lot [clearing from 15 to 40 acres of Iandj will receive liberal encouragement, by :-hH commencement in buiineG, and bejrsBai.plying at the office of the KingOori to inform them that he has laid inSGazette,—where the terms of the agrtC^ *menr mny be feen. Wines Kingston, U* C* 1 November', tfilS. ) 2 ^d IV ( 26 and Spirits, pnt terns wi 11 be convinced t'r».it m DRY & FANCY GOODS, Gananoqua JaR> 9' I'Slo. D "' ^Cherry do. D i ejjpermint sv patter06j ant] on the lowed terms. BE\J V-IN HART, Generd Agent and comm. .>!ertht. .coiors. IriHi Linens, Britifh Shirting, Linen PS, . rf . ^ -. .: . ^ . , ,. • • rashts lite H nd Cotton Cambrics, Corded Cambric, NU1KJL. S'JmTarlo Port 1 Teneiifffe HERE'S by the last Wilmspanish <K ; Malaga and Tel^ment of the lategj Bell PicklinC VineCfar. IllICHARD PATT1KS0N, Efq^ ml Lhm juke# ^ ^his life time ol Sandwich, m the pmvmcc\3 n \? r\( 'V i> [t; Q »eer Canada Robert Gil'efpie.ff OKUtt-U^. iValuahle Lands for Sale in the TOWNSHIP of HAMILTOisT. Lots No. 6 and i2i*n the $d Con- cefu n,...............••* 4°° Do do 11 and 15 in the 4th Con- «*»,'■—a..............450 Do do 10 in the 6 f U PP VI H F orentme,^ form* the public, that he has lately re ^,,nr J'narrnea CcJveda M Bornb-zme Ke/^/ extensive assortment oj WARES, Manufactured at that place.—.'v.-noii other article!- are. upon laid huaie, to pi.-ieni rni'Hn«>rt to mc, du v a,»'Jventica?ed, f ^m{ 'uuv-i:viin '^"'"^payment; and $ prions nidebtedJ^^0" .. Wfv , ,_, , . , -. • j r. , Ekihereto, are■ reqiniva to pay to me tne^sr.-rUr» .'"9 SDmperand Huckannck, white and Co..»_ ; .fiI.. .H....v...ftive a;roIlhN.- iUR^'i^ feifa Province of Low Canada ; in-^Warfeil,, Black............^^ K§,nne I'ndrtifed Lalteoes r5omh?.zetre- s of all Co'or ^ .ci 1 u it, «sv -^ , ^.SSamonnt of their rerpeetivearcounts. jjonred Flannels Kuffia Miee*»nS and Oi-fc 1>btf? ^^ ^ faJd Eflate in thel »» O — - — v^'ir/wiacp r\T i»n»l v-liMJ D STOVES OF various sues anil patterns, CAST ASii PANS, SUGAR KETTLES, POTS, DOG IROKS/and DUTCH O^ ENS, Which will be difpofed of, for Cam, at kpeariy fhe Montreal prices. The fuperior fofen* fs <^f metal, anr'fr 1 c'i\ pDAPR-ffov n/ R-1'.hem, they being dll!v ajitnori'/ed to 4 Crates of n\ue IKOL l\ E 14 Y Ivare/iM • , ' - ^1 nn,\oT>uuc kjrecetve the lame ai,cJ ?rHnT aequttlanees. GROCERIES. p Jamaica S» :i its, Brandy, ho'dand 6fh,l Port and other Wines, Peppermint and3 Shrub, Hylnn and Twanfeey Teas j.!* double and Single rtfiiied Sugars Mut-g| covado do. Spermaceti, IVfould and dipt. Candles Soap, .Starch and Fig Blue,* O. MOFFATT. Montreal, 2-oth Marcli, 1818 4471 o*nc«. > All of which will be fold for Cafh 01M 3 , ,r. ,. ° . ,. 1}$ -X (cave Ki»y!!on, request J approved credit. -9^ ah .11 ( Hit t»>! thok Kingston^ \th Aug. 1818. For Sale, s — ------- ... lmioii, req gjwho are indebted to tlie Concei IO ®$\M 1 • ,. , .i'U, tO Wmj&.£ immediate payment ; and ai j . V very reasonable terms, and im-ji^ajjt;(lmcnt. FA-RMN a^ they are not lia! Ie to^'ying hi Adolphuftown, on tie Bay mi durability of the Three Ui?er« St©ve«Jf/~\N very reaf.-nnble terms, a render tbtm worthy the attention or%&\J mediate pofl< fijon^iven, a F purchafers, a« they are not lia! le tcms'ying m Adolphuflown, on tie fe»who have any Clams a^ainll laid en ^to p?< fent their Accounts immcJiaf pow:uofi do. \ • VaH Parley ' * I rrnrh do. » ; !■ »■» bine POS\dtT ('O. iie-1 Poland Starch IJ.Jack l'<'|)(.or i'lov < r S< lpL'T 'ifouiul riiBg*:f VVhole dn. Indiati Arrow Root *\\efi Aloioiido 'JiMrrdo. UU\m (Glue ' An alTortment of Crockery Ware, clo Queen's do. i^A x^^A fe«s P^. PIoi;T"!)?-:ccf>—( andle Wick, Mould Candles—Dh-p'd do, Mrperfcr dn dec! Calf Skftts, i.clt Liquid lilackin^, A few articles of Vci I'n»iiMi (Mieese WiiuWv Soap t$P9t conrnon do. Pipr Cluy (•lai'brr Salts Prarj \^h IMitf!i.-h \J-istard Fep'periniai Drops Sf^ai i*Ii>rnhs Ku&rtr A imomlti i ^; Kivli Him! Herrings Sell t (UK S;tlt liiiiHT Shiftgle do. Tapes Twist ( ot.o;i Rails Ctfin>iri*i| iio. Black ThrrMt VS hite and Brown do WH *u*i>: Kaper Letter do. AereSf rofo THE above T.ands are all lying it< rthe Townlhip of Hamilton, ntw c.ilt^e" •Dillrift, and will jbe Sold on the moft eral terms For Fnrtbcf info!matinr»f •enquire of Elias Jones Efq. Hamilton, 'or the Pi inter. 2*tf "Ilib I ' kl 31 *$* NOTICE. ^IlE Subaniber having been duly appointed Execntifx to the Eltate of Paul Huff, late of Adolphus- town deceafed ; Notice h hereby £efveri, to all thofe indebted to faid e><- t.ite to make immediate payment ; and all perfons having claims afgatnft ic, are requeited to prefenr them, duly authen¬ ticated, for adj'iUmcnt. ELIZABETH HUFF- Adolphullown, Dec. 24. i 8 1 8. _______ 3»f To 4 ND immediat ,« . ----- poitefllon g-ivrn, .«_ that plcafanrly fitnated HOUSE |and PA R K, the property of the Rev. /tar. MrDonell. For further partic- hilars apply to the fubferiber. DUNCVN \ff.■>-••— 1 ALSo—\ fmal! HOIKS?":, in Store Street, oppofife Me(frs». Nfonjcau & yt. PGermafu'H. Apply as above. Kingston, Dec ftffj, I 8 1 S. 29 WTLLIAM^ & f* Dr f» N. B. The Dufinefb will o. ry Goods. y->: BANK OF *'dl he, nuedi and .is tr«od an AlTui;.rnent** S/'rets, and almoft every other kind otU Movfit & BrwceM'a*TlTtlmhvh?e*? th;™»-s T ^Btry Alio, a convenient iramed houfe |3 EG 'cave very rcfpeCtfu'l;y to in Ugand barn and houfes. tjj h>rn- rhefi c utloner.---, and the pub lie generally thai they have received ; more comp'ete afv'r rtment of *nCt>nti kept on hand as nfnal, SlLSO, a good Supply of Sole and tTppe Leather. ^0 •& N. B. Tn addition to his pre-; lent (lock, he expels many other arti- eies in In1! ime in a rew a*vs. King lion, October 19, 18 » 8. 2F frjTlfTE Snbfcribt-r he*? ^ awp« intcd IS 'I a<rent for the -"ank f>f Canada, will ncpoti>Jte bank notes for bills Notice. Executive Council Office, Yorh, 22d July, iS iS. fie • ■ ■ ;: r: <■/ ' ;•: :iiv ;m •> ■■ ....... OM fVJontrcal, Quebec.or for Rpe/'te, Wm. MfroHKLL. King/Ion, Oft. 13th, iS 8. 29 bank xotjc •:•;. txJOTTCE is 1^ CHRISTOPHER THOMSON, , . . BmFIR Stockholilprs of f/ic Rank of ne^eny Riven tog | L:p|,,.r Cnuadn-ire hrrob) notj. onsisttngi p Shirting'; India and ftrfpe Cotton- ;^(Co[,ta,nmg 2°° Acres,) formerly oc Atifrm Check ; Turkey 8t other ftripes ;lSruPJ:'(' n>" Colonel Spencer, and known d-'ik Gingham; Bomnnzette ; L>fr,tz^' 'Y L ne narT,e ot" »he Munfion h'oufe. It Calico; Cotton and Lii'tn Cambrics ;^'J!'nlH,ns hnOUt 5° ^eres of land undei fine Chintz Fnrnitnre C*l»co • crrdc ^ln,Provcm,nt, an elegant frame houfe 2 Dimity ; Silks, and Silk Han 1 kerchief, :W?ory h1Rh with ^arns and 01 her build Shawls} Fancy. Silk, und Cotton PopJfI,n£6, P«rfons defirous of purchaiing may lin. An aiT-.itment of L'OSIER Y iSarnil,n'r50^tnc Subfciiber on the premiffes, NOTICE. ufinef^ will in fiitirt belT'fHE ^^ ^bjd. all perfons^dreet, For panic. S ^ frofr' trelpaffingron Lot No. 32 m.^Herchmer, Efq. » Stoekfp tte Drawers coarfe Liner. &c. &c. r/'.'.n aiTortme/tt of elec/ant Damaffcg TABLECLOTHS from 8-10 to 10-16^ GmCKKWY % GhA.siM Ware. GROCERIES. Jamaica Spirits. L. Brandy, Holland Gin, Wines Peppermint and Shrnb, K> Ton and Green Teas, Loaf and Mnf' eovado Sngarv, Soap, Candles, IndfgoJ Fig idue. Starch, &c &e. | All of which will be fold very low, f. cafli. Bed Ticks Mor to **• Wagerman Efq. at Bath. JOSEPH LERGEKON. Frederickfourgh, Sept. 8th, 1818 15 THOMAS P.\RK£ll. BclhiUe, 3 J. A7w i». ISIS. 2&w 1QM N. B. The b-^-^ •••-" ' * '■ ■ carried on by re: 1 1 TUnu a c D» nrrrrn %the ^lh conceffion of the ---------------------I^_MA^PA£C^.|Ca(ridcU) ;n the county Qf Uno% and.. NO'J'ICE. H.Vddinaton, Midland Diftrict, and does FHE late Partnerfllipof Jam? Pan Shercby furb"J ai;v perfon 01 perfons from *™ ^ C,. having difTolvei itfelf8!c"tt,.n notided, that the 1ir^t iw^alment of pi^ht per cent (being right Dollars on 1 Share.) is requested to be paid iet [the Cashier, oner before Monday the 1st day of February next. By order of the I'rrsident and Di¬ rectors. SMITH BARTLET, Ca^hior. Kingston, Dec. 14, 1818. 29 FOR SALE OR TO BE LET. "~ A Large Commodious two ftory dweliinjr Houfe, with Kitchen, font Houfesand Garden No. 1, Front Jars apply to Laurence Town/hip of|| Kingston, December 20, 1 g 1 8. -D A FARM FOR SALE ; § JL ken & Co. having di£hx\ itfelfRcutt,.nff nr ^eliroying any TimberH A ^JOINING Ihy Bar, in the libit day, by the death of Rcderickpvvhetner *Va% or Ending, or Carryingls f\ T^T1? of Fredericks burgh* IMaekay, Efq. the bufinefs wdl rViHnie4aBy parC of the fame away» underS™ Eajj ha!f of ^"t No. 2. in the ftcond Notice. be crried on by the lubfcriher, ^hanMF90^ of the La w. all f« A LL perfons indebted to the Eflate w£A_ of the late James Cummin?, late pt Hallowell, deceafed, are requeited toSpleafe nr {call without delay, and fettle the fameS with Mr. Jamfs McGregor, now tn jcharge of the tftablfihment, at Hallow¬ ell biidge ;—and thole who have clai 1 perions who are indebted to 'he a bove firm, will pfcafe pay their ac-ountai without delay ; and thofe wlv' may" have claims againft that concert, will, efent them foradjuftmerft JAMES RANKIN. Lrnelt Town, 21ft Sept. 18 18. 24x6 A. MACDONELL. Kingfton, Dec. 26th, 1818. 3* ms Kingston loth Dec. 18 18. ffiagair.ft the faid ellate, are defi.ed to Kjprefent ihem for adiuilment. 37o/t ee, Th ellock in Trade of the deceafed IT I nlT Pr^ °f ^ inaofaven-comnlete **""M±» S?^^ 60. hafiug disolve^l tseif this day by the death of tode-| [rtekJViackay I'Xq. U.« bussiness'" fu- Kingston Branch of the Mon-^c?ni!,1]r,g ofa v*ry complete affortment treat Bank P° ?°??8 wdI la'd fn' and very fu,'tablt Any mm reared ^ay be obtained atice, fo lo"t^i!I 7S£Sf £ 5ffrW ^ bC ^^ °" ^' «S«*^ Ibe OiHce for good Bi!l4 on Iviontreal, |JtiX„!t^ V T' ^-horn all persons, who ;,« in- ' " ' ^ "epnoiic. -vlcbtcd to the above «W will pi ease Or !o* 5>p FOR SALE. Avalnalde Lot of LAND, con- sifting of Two Hundicd Acren of the firlt quality and remarkably wtH umbered, being Lot No. ,9, jn lhe third Conceffion of Camden. For particulars enquire of the Subscriber Kingfton. ir- a J^MES ROBINSON. Kingfton, Dtc. 22, 1818. in Conceffion. containing tm Bcrt.St an(j having about 40 acres under cultivation, with a log h-mie and barn upon it. For the terms apply to Daniel VVcmbum Liquire, Ki-.gfton. P. VAN KOTTGHNET. eornwall, Dec. 7, 18,8 3<, AN elegant, well flr.ffhed Double SLEIGH, for Sale, enq.;irC oi S. RARTLET. December 29, 181S. 3 l6i |HT^O RE LET,fc <"'th.gtl.ose «l,„,„;iv hav,• claims aeaihOh,, tben.Bronccr»«t|| piM, present theH fo, -"Taw'* skt - «-* - -.....' iiiO.vl \S Ly.vK.LAND. KiigiUu, 31 Nov 1 Zi8. given to relponfible Farmers, or ot !f\ JOHN CUjVMING, gent. ,| ///;]/ MITCH EL /6'» 1 r xecuto V meat. adjust BOBCftT ORAUaVI. Point Frederick, 2Ut%i, ib3. 2& ■ „ • j. or one or more years,1 & immediate poffeflion given, thar .'iRM, of late owned by Mr. J^b.z^- Eaton, whereon he kept a Public Inn I utuatedwnhiaamile^nda quarter of! the I own of Kingfton- F« apply to the Subscriber. Kin ft E?H*H REACH' Kingfton, zgd. Dec. i8i| or terms, 1TUST received and for fafe at tbii ti# Office, price 7]d. the MONTREAL ALMANACK, For the Year of our Loui 18 19. 3' KINGS ION, U C

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