Kingston Chronicle, January 15, 1819, page 3

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' llui'ilrf hr mat* than *«*rv «pa>ioptj i*i*ut*fcfyti& t fiRtft *-**era1 tfftHM Wti Irt M< ,o., r,s .,,....,> rv-i.-.,t ,.r.^n^^, rwq**iw M Cohbett lived noarh h.yri ■•.*•»,••• sa-.ot |t«i«i*#«siaiit9 U«»: r»fcp«wl rtisfnncG frcim me, and I. mi uftWd »Vom •ft***: b«' Hi- irroai fttgect i> ie luted to attend Wiltshire Counts • ilv-.i r.-.W-i ,1 irn* st«a\i;rr :| io rial wn». ; • mre( J ngj w | | nav<> heard him Bl «,«».« .fima, .ic,nil- hini-i. .Iv.... k an(, whf.rp , h , tiny ma ■riaiisrd taM romme ffn*fl I W •»> .' . "u" * c**" Mho-. «• Mii«;:, H,'|*'-at for innrm-noa or relief, ivmtinn with him. In many things i a. J ou ihTi.'ewi i^riiapb u»a»* it oi'lnm %u,t am nn admirer of Mr. Cobliett ; and Vittoui He i- unknown. li PtaJ ili:M» KINGSTON CIIRON1H-F ' * • * « - 4 4 fc FRIDAY, Jisvjry 15, I8iy. 0'ir r^a'l^rs will "n^ *H '^is day"* paper, a x*ran from Hip Niasara Rprcia or. whirl n*»' part of Mr. '»»"rla\'* i»un s'ttenvm a ui.* fact of !ii- H',vi;*£ hcrn pr^enf al i!» _ NOTICE. M VOLET, /"V* SUNDAY'"., 7th rctmttrj ,&■ ^/VH Irt,. f.:i3lt poffdB«l «'**, VJJ aSbRMON will he preiurbed #VTI thai *c)I known na.><l f r < > hi. ftct Oiluia! G. O. *fnart, Jt^avrin, theproperty of tfr John n.Zb m. George's Church, for the beneut of - firua-ed in Siorc Street Kfngil,,n — For lie Sunday Union Schools, fc f„ ther particriton, apply at the Oifice Kingston, 15th Jin. 1819. 3.; of -Man acUan. 5 l)\ in* as k en for parliamentary refnrn SBin: • Vattrhl* m^e-pi*.— v':i ' '< ™rl *i1!lie t\ •- ■• ^•Hia2samrHi:j'T fur i-K /$ with these Cierttlenien, that I Stood *.*<i\—Th».*(i3'>.e br*toft i> *v>eie!y 10 a>.'; J forward at the Wiltshire Count V meet- l-'/c cvrience of Mr, Tvaior. or of that ol ihhfrieod.hA'-evepniredtii rhar^e Mr. Go^ir-I ri in iha: alRlir, oor do *w AL' XR. FISHER, THOMA-0 M \RKLAND. PETER S ilTH. Kingdon, 151U Jan. 1819. 3 0 Kl'npfl »n. Jan. 12, |R 19 jtf BUG 11 C. THOMSON, of KIN OS TO X« Proposes to Establish i candid, impartial\ ivd> pendent rtKW.^l-APR!t, to hi: kmitlkd / The U^per-Canada Herald: Which will be pufcW&ed w-ckly, as Bfoofl a« 'he nercfTaiy arra; jrem-nt* fir Jthc purpofe caa be made, and earned in- JtoefFrft. ' he I'.'litor aiturc- bU friends awl the t. Tftn ^^5 J never rpeddle \\iMi nrt!»tirs, hnS ",? anirrcr msflrf TV svriivA--**: «»t :heg ii-ttr;^ i*nrd to v:iHii'.;U(» in L Tftn - .e lauHi^ '"o .........e- *5»rt)i ba«-.S " t> >Hf**W to v- the >r tH..-^'ffVteir.v» vftfWffi^'If&i ;:;.. Si HiiTIOtf ('IrCMV- •••• ri ri >\rs. fte hirl ;»n !••• Iiv;<! "1 Robert T> It.ert, P'ter Fi ft. J- scph Cross, 7 **»*, 7* • * Stoughtostj J W »«*, V *#v.i tf-- // r hmer^ n 5 tli janoary, 1619. Thomas Allm^ Amos Ansley. i\/er RArioti A tli ./. />. i>V//./;/ //«*, ./., ,«« ^/wrn/. -W.i/y Bart left Lie 1,or Bak- Vt\ Phrll. BvmI" A. L ne'er, %Aug'isius &?nn U+J ii. B'./■■. /.*f/, J&slhiit'fcs Hifd TUi>mas UlatY^Ephrlam ^liLtmii'trd* El i I dgtt Elizu Board- 7/1, Mary it s-.L'j^ Aaron Hrevser-^ iJ'ihn Biwct?t\ J»,nc$ Buit), Darnel WRrv&ffi) 3- George A. liurr. J ;t.t 0/.7.evi>«. J»t>i Ctimpb IL Wtitiuni \Garson 1 J .u'ph th am hers, tVulmn Zkrinningi Husannah Chi rs/&, .LAn [i 'ochrane* il Ulnm E. Conrkltn^ Daniel Cook* Buplhie Couvnne^ S .^/' Minder Ctttfo e//>, Christopher sUurrw. f'tixn'ts tifoxqg* J:jhn Dun* >0\b' ri lifr-vtfjjj Uun#, Std'Jnou EdJjfa - -n. n ; tli ■. v r * 'Oiucjlf »•* , O v** re-^*;tvd fftf ill* ilifiirn.-'ition. «;i,!^i';>,1?ro1 °* • •f""^1 ' '•iV^r ih-e^;!1. hi- n;;a~?- Kicfia>\tEr beck.Elizabeth Em NOTICE t&i 'lr vi ir i.\M. J"' yp'Tfi', Iii\.i.AM^ A «*"K'.i>« K quire. . . If'U \M " •"» ItVT'E, .. ,f* «v i IAK4C r>>yi£? r.'tPT, >■: 1 -i.-\ '. s f* /.?:, Tn in< 1 M.-r-. '• ire, M J s «■•••« i*a ~ I. ?.ir A 'I- 1 T \\j \ rflfV, ;ri4 ^.«i •*a' ve< i»i— ii' Vw%H.h est • 1*0 a. -if n* . • i* •?t"Ta'\ v FO.-c SAL ' «tf« Lfu.'.'jis. B idget L,e. Mm Ltr- rtrt. Dmiel LobldL .hscuh honey. " A Mr. 'i i.iui.t. .jf flie Gommn Rgfn, t« to the public, and havt- left then sarii', sat oj.po'ifp f* w at dinner .|j.c,jydu^ forthcnHel»?<i,ar iht- tilsG whet.; a-'i. hnviu;- mad.- him-Hl' at ea>e a ^4 jjenttcinau »»«• in tli« J r> *:|i..| to'be rbsta.'.th.l pj»r«. tn«k ecr»<M<<grlerbim| lu- kneW#OJiie«hiiig*Ii©ul th-i irr...-d««><-1\ nf't.-r ) l.ud helped biir "||ii(!t^, and aeeuyed Mr Gonr'ay to hi platf of tn>t, to :n(!k me hard in (l.rggV,,..,. vVliy did Mr. GiWriaj shiink| Jr.<-': .>nd»or.'i'il\ a«k, if i had notg*b,ulied1 and ati-wer iiei!dti» ? Mr to'd h m t.'iat I »etit with Hunt »o Sp .-|^!it,oilay iud*ed is pteawed to say h-1 fi-l,!«, ami a*si*»fd kIA the Resel.J.^!,ve '» some l?ilie explanation." NovJ of t.i-t M:>r-r:ng. Oi niv ■*•&»,« aiHHiseJi Mr.Trfanor of roadnefej TO CO;Ul^ro\i)F,NT^. The Cornm.n,ic:Mions fr„ni B# J# B<p, rt ^ 10 LET. ceived,aud wUlf f^°R °r. mo™/«»f«' *J P"™ ^ .,„„ iS.-w on givenmmedtately, hat State* LIST OK LBTTORS. mmining ^ in trip Posf-Offif* at graeat Town, 5th January, I s 19. BROiiti^itt the i»»anfivR, Mr. i.-air.- r^-,,:6j bring*forward his Spafields proJ g.M into nltiltulo. nsmie sperisil ajjul-p ^,.difi»s" Htth an air of coiilidiMic? M cniirn to'ach individual .-f thf- C«tn-g.,u| fee ha* caivM > walled till th/ pn-.iv for per.nisMon to sprak on {h*^.^Ufl#roan in •• • r.o- .,-• mce he ua>.2 si. hirrr, and iii.n bmki- out into » «f meddling with the mtytctJui sir-in of \uld nod almost in.ctr.pK.--^ lithe 1 ri'vio. i h-.vMWe excl:iKiiRti«ti« aboni Hunt imdg 1 am, Sir." veur obedient. iBj-^ir and the fewrots of Sya-icld»ja HumbleSerTOiit, In r-'tnrn, 1 expie^sed pifv fur th«£S P T '. • 5^A* J • J. i- pimrnai s siacc* or niinr au( rawc*l _____ sne-.e litHeexntanaUon to the crmnan\ .Rd cease of H wMeh, having here amjililied, 1 sh;t\, leave to the v^hoic Morld lor coutra-|?/B" A'f LOST. .,, .- . _ LOST, ^Sis Ili.ks Riias Ctmterson, V\:l!.,a f^r Majesty, t!iere.®r\ Km«sroii,b) W. P. BnrteK on^rringl'% Johu Mo-wn Jnsi«ft Booth, oni be no A^embjy on isihf ' ' ' •- --------* ilnstant. bove reiicor-nlre, h;td it seems, beej; iljonta'nirt^ ATE in tkc evening of Friday theg **W^2jf?!£ 14flM&W« h Inrtani on the maia r.;Ad, heMmdland ^^MTT|rwaii^ ,& thcroadfa /^ »//. ' v Jl " .'^; 6 if 51 array'i Speiiing ,€ Mr.Tiainer. whose nsme or pro/e^g»t\vcM. Ai r. Bf.^ch'i iavcm sioalkn-u n«.rhiii« of lillafier the a-feeading to Waterloo, A ttUNDi.B,^Q,.arter Se<?ioiiR r CrturiS cuerai .. ftf the Peace for this« ;>istn.-t% w,l be 1.,,^^ at thf: Cour, lMtiand H.m.I: all of «v..ieh is tete&M the Subic.iber, acd i.c rcwardeil,' Me. Ituul, !i,-s abo-.t 25 mi ■-« fr;mgif ricce suy. J. UeCU ,!G. thcfaun^liichloccupicdiuVVutihiif^ true* Town, Janmiy >J, lUlo, ts by reqwv*. ft takc no(i a(K- E, .-\V MH-KAN, Sheriff. , bherui »OiJiee, jailuary 14U| l8l9; ft. the 4th January, 1819, a AiRMO-v£li»*nr> Votings, Ntney H.tchenS J. ilAN:)UM JiOOK. eontaiainii a Ta-^gllutt iiii^on, John Almirl^oiise. ha vern Licence, n nr.te n^aiust (hrivTi.--Hrtf'eniam, Akxatide1" Nt»rkin*, Jniu [pher FraKck, and a few other papers.'^(*. Iniieid, Wi'liam Church, Jhihc-s Whoever will deliver ii to Ihv suhsrii-iffCanniff, John II'>«^h, Jane Mawii, jber5 at Kingston, shall be handximel)?SAI)ralia ji Iri'-h, Jo^rph GmkiUi., Juno irewaided. fgiiosey^ John S. L>. an, v. ia> Y'\\ •, DANIEL BROWN. SMichael Miller. I\t>na- Cook, Dan- Kingston, 8*h Jan. IS19* Sw^i^i.-I Voting, James Pnrday, Thomas „7 T ^Oinipeli. Rol>ert WiiHfoid, DtMiua P^^-iin id ( V«>;ik, Jn;m i, , j (f ^, THE HoofelatdyoccapiedbyLieti.^D.Awry,--------------Derine, ------------- ^ tenant Brifcoc (Koyal Engineer ) • , AiMUms, (Ctondeu). J »!.u Me ?tw ^ 'the piopcrry «.f Jamth Riehardlou, Sew ^L. Pinkie, Sni^aan Johns 2, JameV ptuated near Mr Hugh Earl's. For^t>o^u>, AmosMarnn, J-hn Datyes tierna* apply to the lublcnlxr. =^Ca-»pr Ooeh-laden. W ill;*.n I5, lira itOBi RICHARDSON. *u>n, Jo^phS BahsoiK. ifm^/w, pijmtiierj* l«l«- ail JA*4feJ iiANKF.V. P M 75

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