Kingston Chronicle, January 8, 1819, page 2

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ft ifr^*S?n f' MrtM* i.fff^^^f^e^^^J^^ f the U* i't tttv c'tHci % f nt .K ^ ,.'; »e (e i by pmare taw* v. ,.. 3 h« • Ton pe.*« f'«n» "■"* !,«cmirt'e«f the voyage »ay r*qin*«.] tiP -^s ol fc'*e*J "1<: v'c'.iu' «*e *' be iked to Wa&j'nft ir hvw**n 1 t- jthc . c •> ;• j ~,:-*n hr* oVGre ? I htf* h* tfci U0 r 1 .tiwiH 5v I the WCW ™ ifertC*! I'tr'cr-;. w"i'e h< til dsi'v ,*n<*f«n tHefr fen^ IT £ may fee t>'a i fcy ?We lmc-iean ^ovon-r-cnt that *o v~*roa Kmtmn htw N&S »*&• "' thai t". «ar» tKn- ftiil «®rd «*e Kj.Ut Ir ral gmrernm, ivt fans* «* be *tp*"ef j devi?fj,>„ necen,! rods. It roi**t (ft #ng »o the riaff • i_. :', !.,««■ wtofed f#rr«Her "F coo that j .-■•V rqi'ir.°? ? v n 1.1 M*f»#n ; K X chev* the u»rn.v Se^ long «M —Her „« ^~ •rrthr inteeitofthe MRmk. having| :rationality. I! rsrt tr-ntf if cini -•• « ......— '---■ - | . fn-m ;hc partis mterefted fe *hflr des- tr.en\>i. .m.'1 iVn-ir iT'-'n tine KJ time,* to• thi Ameriean :C*a%*'fte», accounts nfj mre< murder*. &c. c."iimltterl by the; In m<ji»s n the Frontier 'feft'tjuent- or'^iej tinned ^tatts, fce a ^«ei -h the Iu-| «•'..! «j intritai! ib< Atrcwcan* ■'© fcothtm.} //O/V/a AFFAIRS. and tli o'lo\riuii. '* ffh^p«'i «ill ^* eoasid- ,pr,(3 ai»*farr«vry. Wiwa* on son'" j fi in. i o<; nsion-. in an ?.p;)Ufation ff>i j r."!i; f, by pftr^^ns *• nrcnnisiaiwed. ponr LammUt^i? rtrdfarored to ptmiiri •t ircn- the pr«*|»er --"'.rco, th*v met The foiowmg frotti the l.^wnflx'p ©f Cor»waHf has l-ecn f rwardfd to H-u Exccilef'cy re LJeu^cra- t G vcrnor. by Arch-bald m Le^n, Efq. wirJi a letter, in which be fU'cs, that tht ltcnffs of the fe*fan and bid fiare of th« roads, ka^e prevented its rcceivifij? a great number of •tier fig- natures. Address* ftre t§r»8 »!»•*■ « 8Pr'i- ; cable tout, and that amoi r* uf,thnr KriMtii or Supp< r efli wid fiftd scituer couuteiiaLOC or lu|p<»rt. Arci, buKi WcLeMi Q * C. Wood, 8. And«'&oo, JohnMcGiIiivray, S.J, Botitoi ^. Scoti» 1T« HrOJr-gii'ea, Peter Eatriu*scu. oa^t 5. M, ' Kadal fap'man, J ajrdema, U* C. *. M. G,-.^ • • »*...-••• • # * • ■ i J**. Oliver, 'Tpor&p Robert.-ou, .iaraes RcbartsOB* j<ii.ii McOoneU* Daniel £ar,ie-ir,, J. Cozen*:, ,l- i*. D. McAultv. J. f. J. VanKoi'j;*n*t, Jouu UelJaacllj Capft StDrmoxt \i--iria. A- tlie annual maeffn^ of tfcf &.*"$*" row Gompa«si*"ata ^o*:ietr, h Id a' \Vs1':er^Ii^« U pa Mondaj the I*' ! Jajirary. 1 S IP, jnsreasnrit) n-u«ieH mueii mcotive- j T* EiS Excellency OlK r &*£. . DeM#tf. John ii.n :(.!,,, I jia^ee. i' "^-i iiico«*#qii>tii:e,deiete* U-iinoVisatfi* <« faruMi rtf!i.;i*, in ex- t-n'ie can ». »' ^ t*i k<t") an aic»im« of gut k£ his maji4y% p>wn»neoi aHLTV^HT Prorida-t ia the Chait: ]{ \ta jinrat^- a> ft* AfrW 8essit?ris, w oi >« km a<T«mc, with folVp'Jwe^ ro ©at j j. .^ fe" v" ' »•.<,# h»jw thaHhvy wP rffrect it to hi rfpond n-iih hi, m-ijofty^ ?ffbJa^.M at J "t,' Vis «iKf«fl Ksa. on* of[ di^har^l from the falid« of the Div r \\ Opened as r«*'tb< rr-ocw«- tkft- ii>i1t Hcei ! t Arv^ii inHicitltia"-,. a w-il a: the I! i * t!fT b >' fi T*'»t--r C v^ «#■**!•-' tuT* a sain fo r - ||m- k s 'a--'1-.* ,:icf &*} ,':,v•,, !"*;i- !•.; iind?^ m «"*iit '■ rorniatjeu .:■ . • ii«» L.-'U-t., Jl •v»t^r, bf"tfcersfafc • — j » I: :»(T.»# ' e>» ^ A \ isry w^ieh »t G.«/N2; MAITLAND, Knight Commavdtr of the Moji QrJcr of the Bath, Lieutenant Gpvermr and Commander of His Majejlfs forces in ihe\ Province of Upper Ganada>\\ l5'c j Qe.t'tn. Freoch, David Sft0*k< I wre-al; of the Havana* j h«t ifyr»o■ ml) | SECOND HALF ^^*'M/'f ^>'- : .,tl : fl.i.I'Vi; ;.. *- ,s- *unafi n.-vi r|»leaf«a to lay iUi< Utter hefure hi«| FORT Oi-' Til IS TO";";, * • " j ;Mrr:;il **};, j !? ,,p0n. v ..•.»■ ll. a , !an: Alea. M'.::. uuhl, Hmorahk Mllit*ry\ j*nahkFrench, AngstFraser,capi.&afi AbrabaiiJ Kiari;.*. jr. Duncan MeDuralo, j Angus llcPhate, i) K. -MeDermed, AVx. (ain-roii, Lt. WE Hii MajcSy's dutiful! j &***?« Lee, d i ' AuJUS Aie:>;'n;.!tl, Wil'iaia ti- '.'i'.rrN, i Palrfek Me(luire, Panic* Toll v, Alex. ^lc^)oJ^•,.l: (Le.'k) t« oi the rl owftfbip of Corn-! ^^ ^JJoan^ Jhww »cfKy.^i, i :.. »t.~ fetJU** nSArSA ^r! PhlHpp &iyers? Allan McPan HI, i wail in the E&fteni Diftrrft. at » j! 3 period when yeur ExccUcm^f t""!:i«» Petition's and Ad*- j .Wal McU-aa, a>l. 8. W. John McOdaalS, Ghrey'i C»;:ek. «*n.tUHS to b«eon»a Wa jajron., eat! j| i_. . ,fl v., , (f BW< &.-&^ Tsa-..W' yifld 8 tad' approbation j R»caid McDfvM, AnJC«» r.!.i j*w. id* Ale*. Mi lirjt»r Dcn«-<»n MoL-'l" >n4 Ailaa 'v.nOourU, C h:ir(t!-. .-h'J ■ «*ii, Robert ".f\;. U, DouaU Mel melH Elijah HuijH o, T. Ctift^r, i r, riidiam hav* ceded t* th* U< i- 6^n? a^ ^rfe<?tly m cU-r t... :1 : and, 4*0 **t«», whtt lies t*tae 9ouH. of [Wf^«"«*ft« of i»ther cea?>l-rafior^ , "" f luao;.. -\td i.Ivti at**,' do. iiujju (i li'i !5 0 tit unfe. 'I h e-".wni-'-loners will ran fwoofh- ♦r ^ -#;/',;«» Jt(»' iouHi »»*-tfjnn pud o| L" . ' Jili.-ih.iiw. ft tnt» iihtiois riipr. 1i:- (in iv,i; j.»e parallel 10 ea.-h oth¬ er, tod ttvenft'/nites ftuart- Thcv «rill f>! -'it th^ shore of loe la kit, nt ptin* <e rnjit-t nortii and south r»i !hlea§':. ai •: »s«!i /:-*/SPS;e the iifflft rivers Chi* «a&o a,:d pJvin, aud m<? can-iios,I pliee ban*oen iia-m^ Mr.Jii.en form t..» ch«ntitel oi I'oinmmii^ati^n IretiPeer X/3.';.- :'i;.-hi<:;n fiiid ?.-,© il^inoifi rivi.T T> Indiansuavrex:d>d to the Uaitec nit] - r Kttd i' ifc si t» rs r grant, li Hi • •■ n • • • m m | The . o^.rrmnicarioi betwean thelafcei fitii'"' an ihe tliinottj it a Ax ike att utJon of i\ t.'i- 'talesman, Phey an increa e <>» !m*«t.-, ;ic will fee instantly obtained. A'r*»dv j trid cd%iafhts fiff \ f•■•. *i,;.?;> ^-i1*. X' ij JX':r-- t«J 12 l 5 c b?u jeers in ifei- Province ; bu* f;We rhat whaie^cr may * - I'M? h" oan*. ar d however pan* loifnairen of JWiefK* in .'.;- itreaK and in three di^Tfot TownsfeJpy of thi.^jj I rovtnee. Rencie if may net b.* nn*j rea-onnhle f« h'fn f-hul at unsntrr-J rupt^H rhahi of SoeiefitS, ixf^udm^ ! jtf'-e!: from Quebec fo York, «KJ sona « he foi.-Ti«-<f. AfM ihen w»«i Ka)igrants j }>.* pr^vidad with fhaf mfoTHMHon aa<? i n^si-faM-;e, for 1hr- tranl of rhiefa ixith- [ I " j mi * biev ,u& Piny be the advice \pU : , (',oi life ill eciuiiJ ',■ >W"til>*JtiU>\-UU« j ManuouK* Crydet'maa, 7i zc/;;Vi Mis Excellency vcmj \pleafcd to mk* thtiiUvwtrig tc* ri?Ih 'ft """ , Itgai • the t('rch oi Dikon- 136 u fJ tenf, rh« f*)ad imft of His OiiNTJ.EMaW, / M i^fl\,s »u; jeer* ^iil ulti .'.TT'Ve.y rneviil, *nd point not j Fr.-.r ,%,.,,,. j : to rjkecai *re too Ja'e\ the Hap iiOMj\ .wa. ,u*laV. LnWii vrhkfa fne [chabftaKts 0 Tour loyalAddrcfthas 4ford- cd Bie much ii.istaCtor : not j rhat I needed frefh proof of y< ur devotion to the Cor-iru- jtion, norot vour frimdlj dif- • location to the government f Mfdirul astf-tanee ha? heenil i , point whk-ii irilljj?****■■me peran«s. The eaiei of ie nu-niia.r a«d; lh** nf rtlia "»mbi?j- iffi-iltH beUw. - ....._... ...; mi] frefa ^ t^eH-J^^f^t-'^^Cf.rrrr.rn.tlaMooi.Oii'o^r;. ; gc wh n r t- op; = the iio»ther« JcaJ [Hfi*« fe*.« feee« giv « fc* many fauirfe | into the vaUeys o! rhe 'Wfffiffipi, and I0" ft*™ ****■**& rhrwifl Klogated.] wii eh «s t. eonnea >rw Y rkai*) NTc«r||JEn?Plo>',n?n* b*.s ^k*wl'V &e#n »raca- Gi ,a- by a water Juie which the c«m- f ■ U> ^veral in:flfVj4»ats, not inciu- I feiiuj i:. vf - oJ' .he *vCn4 cannot cot * }-d*sd"'** ■'tt* »b*Tr nu.^hfr. ft r. .-i.f;.^ a ,,,j,7 ij«»Mitfijta. ; ti • jv< -»} tndivi ual- indus- * t-i?. Nc.vtr dkd ii»e work ot nature re-i r}>'i - loiiitit from the hand of art, tei Ifo. ].--j'r>/vi/;/.■•.—*!f"hJs UBforto- G. M. jM iIk, \-.jj, j t A B1 H nit, '.-y, N. M- Lt.■ o, Jonw Jv C- ^.. H ;.;Kb*: \yr. '■' j. S;-,T.*tary >//</• nkt'ch « cp4v Resolveds oi u- andci^&n'Us to /Wr np | to re diKinfuiihcd not ids I:for tranquil and at-it kbfttiily ; itBI , ^:*j. T-^aMircr. i ■ i jeaioufv, defiruft, dtfa^tent J *^ca»®«" m> Rwr, «bt» fcr a a. ddiln. h),in a Provi-ce. Wv o£ Lojik? md gallantry whe ill Ins arrival, Corfi- "«War* d • r v e *tj t: c txovern r» c n t, Pejsce and P ofpeuti in alii Y^ur a^drefs will in a greit i of the v -onus u try, and mealure r<: move t he evil irr» prey- fions wbfck late events a d nw^-shcupnn otir!-gMn*,«d|j fjha of En ■CJ ntwi»e M'flifKppi Jkr.i nn hi|l$] o- f.-M..; ra::i- ii.t. j\ ne to prevent the' crwji. eiwn. C' the contra--; the' gr ii d titriveen i, /"at and ewered »tth ; y«o ■- i« vvnw -ai'.cr, whteh tHrq their' w::!e"4 pai- y o the 'afce and partly »o th* ri»er, Th. Chtogo a«d lie F efn j j 3 e he f'>rnir- fr w. »Ju:e _• n«i<; "fhey I ev n whose 1' -:•• \i A young tp5o •^e- bfcrve w;fb : uch ue-iur chit vour rx</e'}pncv ha* f:b n-TCted^ <-.rocreHi„*, wbieb||tfee imerelb ^ tfe _........ ........_____ have already taken plwtc ib the!! |yorfc,anJoth«rMac^, b> bfiielT"^! p!"'^:; ce- £ d v. iiich have ! •'youi. addreis i * » J I J ropean enngj ition. rhat th*'SoeieJif« «f 54 }\Ureal Ifi thii vie%, fentlemen, rs- itemingit hk;hly beneidai o e Proxince T ir»ia particularly fatislied v^i.i Jherx^n<-<.*,»,„wd(!Bri0»hiS f4l, Society; nkicfc »ili (.5,,,(isI|> u„(!, ,;..c..t a, a *.. , . ; .-, r, a^Mnt ««.defray from ti„- f„nd, ||., ,,rcLi, the ,»jccu .1 U. «, «• j } ', .n ■ r* ,1 '"'^ ft!F •ru«.s»nrfy : hi, friends, .„ „.,.. j \^„ Un\\,«\m.. ' < Le4>iila«tve ( on (.aeration. ii.rou-.lj bgTio,. r(,f«„.t| to i.Hcl;,,,^- 4/A,—Th»t B app^s ftcecson f"!1 ^ ki'* *c h ve ioi-ccfit an. I'll m, - .!• i' ■ /v • ■ » N :lo r). ■ ..... d t. , , fth Society (hs wait taeans, more ef-l ftuHig -*n i?iif nee O: rhe anxi Atanuw^A. entrant,; r^I«nf than the* ffbldi already^«i f.j ery of i OUT ^:d!r,Ky, ^o f frn •• K'jvcf i cuioicaieH »hr«n^h 'hi* chanrw] /inrt th« l< ri-r.j, nt of tfee . nun- ♦'•r-. I bi\hwate», boatsof ten «r a A 7".. l. ti . pf,»k without of .Or- ©ton U Tru-.- v fraf.jna, rl.cj rr «r,'o-H,'t '. p!»C<r« o. .«*■ < •-«, a<-,- i^.. n ' a ox- OViT a fOtl'dgt Vif «i •-*' miica. auj I [to hatch ,d ant «•.'. |hh v.li4t:vr. •» an ennjrani, arritPd at Kiag»tn« HHli «i-r hnsbaiiil aud chilcheo, in a M iiTAnmi and r.ard^i^ h«d brovj^ti jon ^ m« ict«'»^euawouiiunaM. I! 6//:.— ihat r»* thanks e>f fHc SociV- ty be presente. to J)rs. Gedd^s ,\t>d Vrfu hiiii, for ti^if in * varied attf»n ■-..Ms to the ii<iig«Ht8kk9asrt:nortbc5 l#y i he Societn 'iiic Meetinj then ndjournad. i,^>. a. liACJiviauN, Aa»V. 4.. u. 4*. traanji oi the uovernm«at :<ir.?j oui <:;'ji\id,on that th 'Pbbli, G.od j:,, iind will be it jii arj •':' jeet. ♦ W j $ your ExceOencv Mates oj Ciper-CmmU, An ^-ct to prtvert CERTAIN MEE¬ TINGS wi-'hi,, tliia Pioauice. HEREASthe Ele/Ho* or appointment of ; s. semblies, purporting to fent the people, or a»y deUiip- tion -f the people, under the pretence of delibenxine uijou Matters of Pobi of preparing or prcfenting V&> itions, Comphints, RUron. c concern, <>r ^»<i0ttatfc*jttfiicttofaeife«vj yinat ixiiwonteiit aadJDIfiopjt) ' Aiaoceiflmd iwlaratiors, and other aodnflts to ib«Kii^nr jQ both or either r.ooj,-, flf IVIi.invent, for altcraucw of ftuittiai cUaiUiiUied bj Law or

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