Kingston Chronicle, January 1, 1819, page 3

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a; ffs of*n1vrere«vir*. Tfr « W¥\ tipence /he'yard migtii} be mhdt safe for them tt, be-ad incited (m lake the au'< Rem — 11 that ft MHU-, it can only be for wautoJ go»d »a.4>t rates : Anth* - r\y M'Guia, Ks*i- J. I . I am wirj to hear if. Gp.u:r-—The bringing pro/tot* from fee &0?**< d-tiijrec, when imdtr a eerttdn rait, is vera tyjurfom'*•iht farmers, m: i the- enmity tn gentfm ilta.—ti ie a^ain, \Sqaire M'Guin, we x*ant}uj)i] parliament, and it'you Gtfly go en abusiux fhe government I darv nay you will &** there. J do no- belt*vo'you knew altogether what you are telling n-,wbniit '</?«/# free, or, tain rci:>-> &e. &**. look »t i he act, '%aii:e! j Yoa na.ffc heard iomefoedy tudtUnsjfVtrfh j nh'at grievances, and bate* (fctt&hf I bold of the wrong esid—uutyou meant j wefM GaiLf.— 77;fr/ persons ts&nse mf- j /hrt'nsrs ar.d k'4'iiiu for the /tavern- I Ww/ ram great-, have, hy seme cap-i- ' afoni or in: eresU d persons, keen *ffw k cif ike U. E. tiaU r'o the gr***& imttru oj their jamiC;es. ami their 'luwn hois. \ zoe&sted azcay Jro-m '<he,u by some un¬ just mean's. U£2«.—.Vlost christian 'Ssimre. You j Would not fine a man *Q20 upon a .?//?- t iousty ret! e f *tio4 of itMtre**th, A? to j J ***h^ ih* weight of Hi r*™it. And-ti^yj i:iNGST0N CHRONICLE -aid truly. 'Squire: tnat has been tb~,| ert^tofiheTownsUipme«tin^. JUokJ tRIDAV, Ja#kM? 1, 1819. at the t£it|lHsll IM fcvcu at tile Am ;ri- j............................. ........ (ii pApei's, Which eoti>p».re tfiisj wretched contention of the deluded j t«*ols of* one malignant Jacobin, to the proceedings of the revoltetl Colouieu before the rebellion., and then Wonder a< our folly, and ask what we can gain ,!)V a revolt. They take those meetings to expf «* the genera! souse of tile peo¬ ple. We know, 'Squire, tliat every respes tabic inhabitant oi this y rov'mee, far from countenancing them, despises •bem, and ail who are gulled by th* in fixators of tlitfin ; and particularly ,}. j-'.-, whose oath requires that they We «re forry t« be Under the nrceffify ofqivm<g to fubferibtfrfr the firft number (•f the Chronicle upon a fluet of ptupet* rnferior to the one which we had proo¬ fed t-» u!e. From the anangemmth we h=i^ made with our < orrci; oadents, pre¬ vious to the publication at onr Profpec- tu^, we ha4 fu'ly estpt^ted the arrival of a new Prefr, a1- wcW a-, a ittpp'ty of pa¬ per, be'orethii tinie. V^e nnderlland ►Aetf IWd Bfit'A SuoJeAfi VWtttWJ to point out to ihc fnfrVren ihe wron^ that Wd* dowe them, neuhcr humanity nor jii(ti#ie withheld their gallant Genernl from (lainifig hiMiands in innocent bio ;d On turning our attcntiati It» the af» fairi «f this province, we fee much fub- je<fT for congratulation — Eveiy energy of Government appears to be dhesfteJ l that they h:ive arrived at Saeket's Har¬ bor, but in confluence of the early 'law lofe f the navier.'t'Ori it has b«c-n found ' q;,«^ dote r rne navig ; imp. ffib'c to forward them to this place. 1 i ! quell -edition, and not add their voice j j The lame eatife has alfo diGippointcd us io those of a few inconsiderate braw-H 1"?r. Vour Hepre>e»taiive!s, worthy 'Sqgire, never catled the people sedt* tious"3l>ut lamented that the rtforts of .-» few factious men tended to g:vo us that character in the eyes of our neigh- j i[ rn our hopeofHeinj! enabled to coajmu- nicate thciateft forctun int-rJ"i^ericc. tiihonarenot known amonrft ns—-corn lawo and commercial foftri&ions are e-. qi.d ft rangers, to our happy land. Thus" we are permitted io enjoy a'l ihc com-j forta all the privit-^e^ of £a^lilhmeo,i without being fuhjrcted to one ot the burdens to which England bcrielf is In tke ahfe'ice of other matter ii 'm&y J1obliged to lubmit, be txycTteH from n> t* take a enrforyi oimiuin «t«si bona nftrmt vTtrw "f the lnte tra«lact.rm$ in Europe j rtn , -.,. . , r , , ^, • . , . . r,. . ., : Ii 15ut tli1! it ha« bee*> tnnnoerea into and A me tea. I r>? general tranmnbty f! iar» »rt * W*J *WM to 1 far\ a! df, thfcirftrikjng ch.-racteri^« , i ,av ft tl a deformity fa general m. fc J r •-, a help tftcrming i. national, thon/h I k-. vy it admit ot very nriuy indivklcjil ceccp tiouf. 1 .'ave written it and iht a c'lt: i it wifhing to pa b it by ; but it wont clol —k i'i the truth, and to the i-;t. I must adhere. Cleanliness la he «.i€., to promote its we fare and prosperity.:— and too often in per too, is ilegicclid to We have hoard indeed, «f gi iev- a degvetf Which is ve y revolting to an ances, but what, or where ar« they ? j Englifh.nau. We confefo our ijruorancc on the rinb- cunday Sc«or>LS.-*^r*Lrn1rj<rH pa* peref the z«d Oct b, r, lines, thai the total number of Sund -y feho: -rs i^i Cireit Britain and Iceland, is about 550,0^0, attended by fjo.000 teacbei«.- jcci. We have taxe.,—bac they j are fcarcely perceptible— por* laws and ** »i Short Hand. NY Lady or GentL-roiM d -s.rtau of p ff<ii]iii^ a kn .w ec1 e ot Short Hand, ! wherewith they can with eaie br« and ithrnvMc V L^ I k 7 ! ollr «*»thu «riw..e«i ave, intloerable [Wnerewitn Cficy can Wiifi. oaie tt.1.1*, ana urs very true, , appears ti> be nndi nrkfd. the br.izcn, . P ... ,-., r „ ,xr • fcJ , ' Gbu r—Tkut tothing U more !,ane- , J* of war j. flt,feed The fclib(r.,. ?"«an^' do "'*• f« a .^'.^;, »' W and d,C/pr>e ■ U,;n3y C5 pellewiilW. . JcA., eft.MHWi ^"J*^ -iv «f i*g .»,h. roo krate fum of Twes.y is ._ i" _ _ , r _ ,•____\t_ •., , r ^ _ . WIT hi nit hrin.r fi ul ai f t nnt t hp Hfttii t, hra. ' * Iffe oaf/ifor selling ti^ivor without a Ii- j cence would vob ? Hat vm\\%i\\ charzel the p»3olio v.ilh wresting awav to%:nl Jots by unjust means, and hijain»)| -ico- ple'sfamilies, upon no 01 tn at all — 'Mvd ^tve Us! notfrmg t?*rt tiis r5»:voce's •word for t—tlvat*s candid, 'S.ibire* and qkri&iun. Gnu iy —It is renryfen thai 1he\ Wq-^h j^2,-i/ers rv-e-.e J»> d (•'$?$ fw\\v Gtcrg person they mn get c?» ?;c/n:i.\ We hum nr> such -trans of uxtrd-jihii are uU-r&ed (hen to sport «ifU the li- lr . ., , • r " u c without bem^ &uarf that the moit.uca-! ,. ... , - - r - r> ----- 7 t'i e*erv amu-able rt-bti nana firm ban^ »• , • , i! Dollars, ^n the .So iiKtVad of h.«iii" an pxamnle fn ; ►o. ' 1 .• . .u r«- ti m has commenced u-**a' no, instfaq 01 ©nog an example to . "There have ^en■ romrvnra that the Lm- ' ,,r , , ,, r .< • t .,.x^ ««. .«.,i.,A,4 i- st^ad of being an example Co Ij There have '-en rwnrwifi that the Em- fhinrfellow sohjeCtK, h-5til into tMt j} peror.of Ruflia ItitcKM ta pro rote the oioft U"err\ t> j minds discowTei t with 'he |<>ti-;rh.».;ent (^^ 0f fj^opwwto a more hea&ty thv^ are especially bound to maintain. j; c}fm:,tr_,)Ut we regard them as the fab- T'nat the excitemenf to dis- ! ■ I* Wehdvebeen told fomethinjr about I [and approved iVU dp C fuch i3 unfiuiiticd claims, fomething has alfo; rfc practliid m botft M Uiics of beenlaid Tefpe&mg corrupt practifes j. Baiiimeilt arid Contt< of Law been laid lefpcCtin^ corrupt practifes ; ip and the endnct of the Houfe of A - I paid ioi }oa. Gkizv*.— That persons engugeti tu> purt/Ctd'if duties, lutein ■; no I'uni. i?crc promised, seme to mth upmiv which ihev have mi received,, Rv;m.—Do, 'Ssquire. descend to par- HenHrs. GxtF.r.— That a Itrgp r&m&ftnmm is 'gtv n for the snnn-,rJ «/' '/'.•,/• 7«.»t* Dist: Gei-v G'*!srt rrl 1 nut *f is n*£tt%i\ In • ur preceding e-'umns will be . . ..11- >**■ rhe trfary of t. Mmmeree now on foot tar p»OPl>, weal over to tin- e.n-iny. ; . , . TT . . c _. . . , , ,» tt < f with the I r-;\rf>t Sfatea, We hope l'n'if . -. ,. .- .., rrf.iry t >.k foTrc M.fl , »*« -A* 11 i. rr /r j c' '*>nnd n part > t the proceed: n rr^ ot the! {i r coon Maitiainttitotea by -iaj-»r Gene-.: njar /he supp-jrt ofJ\ • /trer.nn&m be mede foe t&f iter* hv tl>r rs- • .- \_ ..> -• , rt., ,c' iJ ...^ J > 1 t t s~ * j inch inform'-'tioii as not to be tp .fl d hv I j /«wumnent of poor fjtmfes% or by i'mat medm lt f, .- . f L* ira • ,;. 1 . ,V >. /rn , ,. r i «ie art m1 rep»eK»t*tjo»a of otirambi-,; 1 i'/j ink- Inn i.ntotnt m Pol'.vie- t e Lref-nt V. • 1 • 1 ar j . ;. yj: . *\ - j tion': rival. 1 a! feck on. for th« trial of A»*buthnot j '" d Ambnftcr. As their condemaati >n 1 \nmtmr" 9fh:ef)!.nrr thtm, est--.? very extort > t> r ^«,_ cr._ •/, rr • » ' . •/ s , / i r ii "f'« rrtiR£ ^^a.»,m arFairs, we !>ave : srvc ar<rt wttbotti any k\a! auttonij. v • , ir «„» „.ki L x »• 1 I ' . rr> itit 1 ript-nce w ni,h can e re i-d on." Man! nnio'ihmetit have been for fome time; ■(1'1,-rs ill •e rni- .' , j a fiiCiji ct of genera] difrudiou, we com- Us m. ■— Vc ft \. '.>,»! re, wflt-ie's fnei*'. ."" , .....1 "a . ^'- *""' r '. '*" i." if iijer the documents relating to their tn- « 3 . t" 1 *■« ♦, . »It has ■ been the ■ pr ^«ce »ifthe ooiofite ...... . . ■ r . _u. rd.-n t and wnat 1 • the pre■ ent man-! . ,• • .„ , ,.„ , - Ul a ftilficient excoie tor nueniatf the: utenrbnjr parti-8 to pnldifh the mot! thuu R of w npnJrut have naped the benc.Jt. ni>o<:i |j yen navr* heard i»tt!i mentioii ifcem; HI"* "J' UK" "?" r<\ »o »Upf|klr8 us be a rote a letter to every sit,- tWhed" -"-"'^ f £v)(y> {i»-r annum ai>' d-vot suopo.t of the rowr.-h.ip Si-hoolr., which ar.j exprepsiv for the poor. Will je»«i, mo t contented *$quire, te|j ns of ano- fher conntrv under tJ'.e S).n that spiprrN one fouiih 'of its revenue in br.hooi* for the peer ? Gmik'/.— That rcc have great ca/nc of alarm* zchen zee 1r mem Oar it i&i# *■ toiiii'mlcd fill s line, in the that (he f.'.r. rtttrde mit;kl dispose of the liittiaWy, their Ii»rler«*n4en<-e will he tflab- UleMombrrof (he IJariia«ne»t in r^.:- j-*^^ f,f hsf^~'0 few a!{;,'lhe' JlitndaWotthem: nhlrh said Utter-, |! ":°'e fournern V^&*- siraitigrf! to tell, Hiej took 00 notice ci-', The Gov^riirncnt of rru' United' ! LkOods of -ij )erior quality. Coofitltng of all kinds of 6*m, j in- Tords, iuige Tools, drawing j Xnive , Jr'lane», Chefh ol Tooh, wood J5CCW3, Nafls, HaiumtTS, lh, c Knives, awi Bla4es9 but •■ler^ Kirtvea and Mceis, co;k Iknivtfss table Knives, and Fork.1, cork. ?*crcw«, tin'd lion Spoons j»bo Forks, b AUn«a metal P it" ^c pewiee q-ieen% ni if! am Lmttama metal i-Q> u»i [Cand eit:cks. bra<> and ^reen t\ irj, !tr« 1Mb, Fiyiiv ! a.«s, ta-J I--:.-, Scythes, M'-kl.-, >ra k. 1 and Penkniv , >cifl-'rs., Hazors, DietEng ( ale-, -wo -.- EXT li ACTS rnoM fttftJCBE ■;&-£ efoTes f*/;/ 7 j'jttruea n A> .erica. It !•• a pK^Ti'TttJCnon in national M'SIl :> i-: r i IV C b , in boxe<, avedle ;Jcc. uc. which will be Sf hi on the Iftptt e ona:'lc •errif,. He ha» alko juit roe-wed wi. • the . G^oda from Rnglani, a nuineraj^. to-f- ..fv/v* .,■/-. -,■>.• oiihonl a a uitnii-i _<■ (o mtvue >i.o-;ei}, them fur it. at ih^iime an eiqimv, icas\\ t> i \>. t ic. 01 i h e 1 Ii k >>: 1 ,•>• tt I of sever ■• v /■ 1 h > u - i tttndfniUQ'axi in the early pari oj Gov. j Gor<-\< udminitration. Rem.—D n't be U lightened, 'Sjui re. don't be frighrened at dangers i-st nw past. Get into parliament, Squire, 1 t II yv»n a^ain. Gr'f.f-—Thai of late the acts of the \envf a thing it i- to govern a jCouiitn Province are withheld irom lh« puhlfc, j so as topleaso ev-ry body : and the n || been i audscnte of the Magistrates have not shew nim the mamv?ryjame!y, by nllow- '• ^x^^ received the whole of them. i»& *0 taxes: le-liiug all men that !| fl.n«n< ef^ t%rn ,n J^eir 'ate tranfejre-sion^ Rem.— What, did net tire. 'Squire) serve ;he public starve, for the general j i ap^intl the laws of crations. m taking «of- j we r^wlirar of the krel of a 74. having! nll,ibled Wl'tjia8 much probability to been laidin evftry D ck Yard in the !«heir conciliating manner, as to fnperior Tt ir ,-exv pa--ion perhaps.fc,I j'Vtgrity ; thoojrh (he Utter has-been! the caufe'generally aul^nca- Thi> tenacioufnefs of natirinal cVia»ac-1 patterns, and on r?ie IomtcR tcrrn^, be; ja riiN nah r, General Ajjent and o^m, VtvcSt. lUvuitTral, 24.tb Dtcr. i8i'8e — iv»6 A. bo \ STEAM BOAT NOTICE. L). th/rfe Indebted to the frreaii t Ci.- \rlotie, are requeued to caske immediate payment, and aU who have aay de." and5; a^ainft raid bi-T.-t are rea eil-r) to jrfve in their accouuis get hi-arts? What" a p\(y \ But per-! fjood, and &»r the particular pleasure hap&the ignorant people cid not k&owjjot Anthony .VJG.,ii1? Ivq. J. p., giving there **« an Auvhony M'Gaie., VWi. \\ t;ic bitle Court the control of r the I V> I'L.i. __:it ;_ _ . < O ... ,. . eq ei j fusion of the Flnr^das—at hall ont. ()f : ter, under ail chanues of climate and |tu tj,e Sobfoiber without delaf. their own journaiiiU congratulated them I cireumibnees, of which the French af-1 By order of the Gommittee. it P. There will be it'o eiuroKe in fn- j; liberty of thesubj^ct; letthrg Lawyer* ure, so I hope the 'Squire will get all Hand Grown Officers work (or nothin^J J, P. i the act-, aid read, mark, ie^m, andji;. inwardly digest them. Anstrng the j Test, an act to prevent certain meetings., Gr.iap'. — Thai zee mknomkdm the fi-iHW of Assembly f:,y virtue of the O-naUiuiion) should he our shield and tuektt t\ Hf.m.—Brato, 'Suuire, biawo ! tneir own joarnanns congratuJated thena j y1**"*"'" ,,,*-v-T'» "* ""«-•»■»"« "*■*"' *" osi tbeabunlaut fupply of live Oak 1 ford many remarkable raftancfo, is the] whLn they would now be enabled to ob- mme coriovis,,aa it is not ontverfal among j tain from tlv.-fe P>ovince«?. A motive1! nalion3« thou h the German aff rd, I am S. BMVTLc/r. Kiogfton, January I, 1019. I a t 1.UILD1NG TOTS. we i ar<» a.1 rfzbi in some thin.-^. — 1'/?at ii is their d;ifies tore* %ui iht Ci?cr.jarii:,.u->;f\ of the Exeat* tire, audio wake the general tsrsk of (Ju ir cv/tidiiuent^ this rele >J /heir con- ( J;c/Jfihn< had enquired lino the wish* fh; of (h* jtei.pte.ihi'u hardi^ioculdhme tiiseried m lafre impatient of our at- teghime% ineiMhgJbr the period of our sir-eMgih as the time of'revolt. Rem.—Tm y said no <^m}\ thin* 'Squire, btftlM teil yoo what tbsy iaiii. They said tiiAt the disgraceful procee¬ dings of certain people, 'Squire, bad drawn upon os the attetttioti of other ee-uutries, of our -istor Province, r.od • if L. bvlieres there is a country on earth, where Mr. Gonrlav and his friend.^, baiting all their ingenuity at. work, could tind so little to abuse rtiihbut downrjj;i»t l» in^j. AS OLD INHABITANT. Northern Boundary.—The people employed to smvoy & fix the northern boundary of the. United states, have n- imbed incirlabors on tUe fet. Lawrence and its Islands, and have arrived at Lew is town for the purpose of surrey- ii»^ the Niagara river. is arrefted by tfce Vvaws of the Pacific' The war lately cvri<l on a-aiuu: ihc: beatiriOii luoians ;>• a ftain on their clia-l iecVr, which notion rr will be able to wipe out. Their if}]nftnooi general has! gathered laurel* i;:,detu, hut they arc fuch ai he will fi-ad rather unpleafent in the weaving It ^c€mg to bean eliab- iidled policy with, t|,al Government to Ufc wo opportuu^y ,;f planting a blow (i wem-ygot-o $m p0gilift for an TO LET, PTnHE Commodious dwellleg Hoafe } -*■ and premifos, the property of \V. even of om Parent State, as to a IVto- j \ Rofs Efq. lately in the poiTeihon of Mr. liyiaipatirut ot its a!le^i&aeea am! I'n-jjWoolf, for terms application to be made .......*■"•■'■ '" * to . Wm.4 MITCHELL. literate ? An an^lo American is aotj Englilh, but a Gcnnnn is a German, and j a Frenchman French, to the fourth,} oerhaps to the tenth Beceration. • f The American^ hive no central focus of fa(bion,or local (iandard <»f polite.e^s; j i S. BARTLLT. January T, 1819. it- - To be Let, AND pofT Hi n giv n imm- d'ltt'y, the dwe.'i >{J hoife, Bfa?<Jen A .. ttaefbrc remotenefs can never be held jiat^y occitpjed by Edward J. Hen^r, as an apology for fordid drefs or coarfej fnBf ul tlu- town ot Kin; fton . F >• :he cxpreffiv)n) whe ^cver trifiy fee their r, fill h grate.ful for the fosteiing nar: had oher^h **iHinlaJi^, lw>L\n<i aa^-1 r K*ngftoil,Oa. lull, 1818. 2W adverfar^ down^ or \^^ employ¬ ed with other o^no„eBts. Upon this principle they tttfaife] Great Britain in thelaft war, and ^pon the fame princf p'e iht y have coira|ne|lee|j their acjiref- lions agftkft the tcnito,H.g The tvoa;v oi Glfunt couid lj0t rc(irain them from the e::;p|,!f|{)|| ur tht lu&mn, becauU- chair foal a a. was mfcQ&t ^r.d i en c^f Spa*in. demeanour. They are Grangers to rural, fimplicity 1 the embarrafled ait of an awkward rufttc, fo fr«jueti? in Eng¬ land, is rarely feen in the United Hates, This, no doubt, is the ew>& of political j onality.. thecoiiscioaftixU of wuich ac j companies all their intercom ft, and may J be foppofed to operate mod pdw«rfnlry 1 on tho manners of the lowelt claf-. For high and low there are, and will be, even here, and in every loci-ty, fron caufesl n^oral and phyfical, which no political regulation'-can oronjfllt tocontrml. In viewing the Americana, an»l] j termes apply at the Office of Daniel Wafhbtim Lfo. Kingllon, G&L 30th, I Si 8 !$%( YkriltiftftAS .'AVE Xrii-v. rv ^7 \N i • , has Kir my hi d :. - 4 ><:ard without jus! cause -r pi k.j- ti n, tlii- i<^ t* foriii.l all p-i -. r- h»e- b. .i ia er tiostins hrf on >n\ > coaw * * 1 I will not pay any debts mber con¬ tracting a'ter this d&M*. \vuj.;\ vi t< MT \\ King-tun, i>LOeuiber b, 1*1*, '-

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