JK -«t w i*. * : m***_ 5 *— ~ "■» - tW^^-l^P*!** ' '.*•?.*v;.- M.fi^tfl^Vttr^l*^^?iiteW ^-.Ufewafrl&£*:i^ ^--xV-T *- i£ fflaSStSSI •■rf^^5??8Kir«St«TjiRa-,5a;*!a»i -•I » -- VOL- LI FRIDAY, (aftbh^-cov) JANUARY 1, 1819, KWSksae^ ; .C.u-:.-s«^a-tr *CTa^;£^'^ac^TiasBCgira^^ kA.i&..:^'6 Ji *S^L?:4£&:.'.ALMMs [No. 1 j40 rr - -. < w „ _i » « » \ '71. T?. T R. Mi; lift, ?bi ****** of rl« . . - FOREIGN NE?&"8. |jto^r Ba£rt*» B^'nT* Arabfador, for.; A queftfon beinjrra'fclhv a member, 'iialty Worefor your fate reft Letthebcarer .....| ( b% fiiterferenc e> with a Statement, on j of the count a-.« to the jurtsdtC$Kin of the' 'ave is much calico as will make him • ■ • Trial cf Arbtithtwl iv Atnhrhte?* r RZIiTC KavI y-c L r • " l G>;#. fte \y; ii «• vtlt- »•" t "hiT. ••■5 ire \t! e Ptefi-JcuttoCoaar^s ' j J thr back of fine &1 tbeleUei^ of mu-, 3d charge and its fpeciftcation, thednofsj two fhhts. for his tr uh e ; he h-n nro- j j riiti- ns of warfc the enemy. ^ ij were eiofed, and after mature delib'era-j [miffed to deliver this in three, but I give | Charge id. Exciting the IndniifttOM tlon, they decided that 'his court are in- him four dav» j - t JaH !irrfdi; « Dtft'm'ivf next, >ts place &nl b* pub i had ;i P-3 >--i titled. The 1. £l 1,1! I l he t-liov. v.y ' uei, v^. • ( iiuiHer am: del oy William H.*mb]y (, competent to take cognizance of tbeoi •{ and "/c'mund Do^'e, and caufnj their fences alleged in that charge and Ipeciii ' cati m. thm t»? death. anJ the setzare o their [ Peter B Cook, a former clerk to the f m- f che ^o;:eedm^ol a ;r.| j ^; ;%mn..a uo-e, and cf»&i« their ri." -ur. o^. icrl ...rc-abW tu.}*^* ^th a *Jew to the>r d ■ide.nna- : CI- * i Hmg& r % * ? K - V * - • . • -. «^ • -— • PRO^PS TIT- n i: H II »1 1 pvoisi-riv. on acct»uflt oi" their &dfvifi and A- j r t*! lu'^ai^ GrBc^ J t ti-WcH exe-ti^n& ro marusin peare bc- Fr* \ *l K ;ks2^ri» pii ;£ S I' tAveen S^atri, t;ei]. State* a©<3 u< \n» ad a? ^R^i•l<.^ UiVi&ioH of the dia-v, ihevhci j* ciiizei.s of the S«a b- b^'ji h. i I i(l, i!Ov. rnmen't. " j? «. irsra'ion i-t In vii-ns? tht prifoner, and a witness on ihr part o^ tht pr .fecntion. bein** d iy fw «rn, ftat- I am yours, affectionately* A, AAHU'^iNOT. ( 7~» be continued ) n&* H ' \-.. OvD£R Cleveland (Obi*) N»v 24. MEL^N HOl.Y *mP'vVXE..KS, ,,,..,. , , . . . - Thr Schr. Indebendeiiec ef S«u*iuf- l:i*, the pu-»ner r.«*(i a large QuantKv oti ii,., ? r »_ »a -B,., , ])o.< oerann le-d bicuahc to ouwany in! iT*»Un rk-«t any in j#kn ChamWer. S anian. cl and fra« ed that about December or J intiaryi f n) 1 rhi delai! wi'i 'H*mp fe a/l-'eter r ike--'I I*" dated zotli 'U^..tt, f rhi pnlilic, cij-on f : : •»• » • r ;»t * p fen^vu;.o itiqp f mike Wit!: theii * v- -"• •" h %A fwfci) »y. tu r-«v<neai tfui* p t <*t:; 18-7 •J *l;«s3 ^av * 3 1 s« 7* atts ■•• ■ ?s • r mom ar ->i- ■:• v 't'PT ■, , 11 U;f» ;- ,i^. in*> A ^.nsulMiot ivubet't isnH < ii e tvt v " can in his co^ti to M - » • - • # „. rc'.->»- nr« !• ii'M :,'-';i' j. ;u.v \ rr;«ei ;!irJ «ach-nther- who I or- -irwre the! av,sf!.h .A t w'ltYh: •«-nti{y» . wh ck wa. taken potT<fiian of by the|i*" ' JIfl J"r.-i C vcfiy • 1 •,, en r j '-.•?r r« i u r » •■> • py-. ve ' itr> ea '{!>,- ,f '.l.-r J.-iayi; ani vviM reel Ibcra fi •.-• hi h v in.';.-!-■ ■;■". t fo.i h (r '>•« 1 r an 1 ... ... . ..... JO ■•> U'^ir j| fef-D, a ar:*y farnifb ih*."*. .v!-!\ « .:u y « «( I l>f?v ' u i.j o.t- of ttti'.Jrv ! 'h* V" :\ Bun'-.!- :. v>t "ii Q !e:* n.;.- 'K ftr .'tct IT ;i VVi'.U: f rl » ;.'.• . . .'rv.t>.->. e- V I (Vn Vol nic'ti n>, eij;ef ;;)• -,p t ••-j ■•{••(• cubet^, 4 n -i-.a :ry. '■\?.). te<v>i*f>iim* -y. 1; inh- try t .- * V o-, 71:: t; fint-y. v -h of the viveiiee' 1 J r.n \Vi •- etr a wi'ii-^on the fcart ! V »WOI 3, • m^'tii-Hf I) »r I »hn, Ki I 3«n ili ab-e to write a 'on^ letter. i we J of the p/i fecotien hen.' dul j Oated. th t o ns fl e '• fore lai j dv, fj it h neixfary to he bri*f tkf re my CRrfQ JmiSVi g -'f 6h ol it- e Litt:c Pnuce ifci-v rj a !e*ter (Wned • a* iivul here th* commandant had receiv-, Schr. Pan f»'^, wa* drfvrii ou flior Itra'i t kr* ro utb of an<i bi'u^i j her crtw saved, but her or tV Gaid !l vcrt pv fciality 'i: ^h" iidii frcu to j 4. * ■ > N r! R-o citcn:,.:ita»:ce« Vll1 he L »kO jci..«-' be p.-<*<i)it.c! jo b> «y!c tit*- vdiu - *f! an] ii «f i'li^eral in ittoiU^nd, 01 i&w-\ la -vtlv.-. ! W-»] aw-p^e •?" the • r v o.f., .!■< 1 ay, wor. •'• y* Lf Coh E?i«*t, fen V >1. •VTaj. Famtifr£, Car A> Maj Mititi<i., Geo- v'* uin, Cri«t Gritendcn, K'y VM. Li , . S.-hoooe- ;> xer lying in the month hy a V -r'.wth lZ. aleifrv,TrUeupper [ed« ex^re^ from thr Govcnor of;;fef Gra,,d Riy?r difmafted, bilged, and Ipattxfl '&■' nat/onto uui-c with th- !o-.v. • Pensaroh. inft>« miiig him of a large em-.j Ja e&mi' '.r chich in aaiityi and (iatirg thwt tlir |b»ka?ton of" tr ons, &c, under the tm j 1 , be.-t irt&ftz for t g.-p to ; p Jiexs .heo- j fc'.vv^ of their laii.-^ wQ \j be io wri;e to , i a>d that the boat that brought the di<- [Creek, bllred ; feer ere ';;i- fArb.ii lWt,i and he would fendij £»\'h icckoiifdeighteeii fail of veff-la. tcar«-n ;0fl dete wreck, crew faved Schr. Wafp, dismailed and driven on m.'ia-e c-mmand <>f General Jackfon ; J^,)rc lt t|,e mmtfi (,fCunn.nuham'i w faveJ, 'a J. M GtalTcI, '/th inf-n-o, ?- :'" co:r.nia.its t0 thc </ov.^ nor of Pr»*;{•■•« - ppalafhact:.-ia. By a defeiter that'I g^hr. Geo. Brown, was driven oa »-i«arv iH jo g.i 1 ¥S»i' ' "f J 1 • ■ ( I t: k t tJian- »> irVvf a&as '■:. 1 Li 1 ,1 it" toe r■ !h.ve-' t • t em th.-j. Ia./. }Vy h-Id I'm3|anch'>r at he .'.■idca.-fi- t.--e,;in the afte oon three -choonerscame to | Bricfffil Bmj{ Lor| WfHtagtoH. of inoiitM :» < . t I V of the rv.v, «d 'Caiad-, wa<> .oriver. an Olorc a; o»i t '... u-ui.:; ti? Z'n-, • ( '» tflt, nrM -aMy i,j the terms of lhe|jt. U wor*i»fgrhe American flag is seen ? vfca'.!e-'u, and r.ii. Burn, eX" Ui": »•.- '« 3fiK!i4;i •'•iV-.'-••^ mon h in rj -v^.-e. is 'f*n b\ fhenrif-r.er Who fill ing on th- largest. | ed> ^ui cargo Uft. i- (he'{ 1 am b:o<ked h^re ; no Indians will —.-r » ~ •- ! 90WQ by ?^v 'com with He, ani 1 am f.^ffo lug from] 1 (the fi^ijue <il cotpintj heic aione- j 1 : ;j .,:' "-'-.f j : im« u (nljiSt oi Cct tieatyo' Gh-.nt. l,y' ,; ?;}, ii . \v ;ii whom ine U ;iicj -laic^ , Qj-.^C jj a c a; • --..: - : Lit" v Prt.i e, or j, he k; "Vf>- ideation—That the *-a'd A^'foth«> nsmej NOTION [j ,,l),"l! "u ketwven th. n.onths o^ -• :-R. .-if j. kn..wn hy the aume of'. . j rr'i ai'd I.lv. ck so « e time in J*n*, f };T»fter«kke uopin, a»d h the fee .nd | d-itr y thr hhek no:uilation of Suwan f| .KS.^Ct^v ^^^^/Tlj l8 7 -r...e-:ktiei '• the ijttk Ptkce, ^b»Vf of the n».i „. ![Trd my friem Bol-c, that it I* throw 'jji.. ilion by the Prifner. Where h jliif^away ,hf»fiople to attempt to refid the leUei you a:hi je to. or in whofe j | fuch a pawerfd force aa will be down oaj p< fT(_S ? |j Rahwahncc ; a» I as the tr ©d^ advanjBti west *o piece?, crew ia?- tin- 4th c no iT\ » of r;ie Ca Adii • . :r* *ffJ M'c-C. an ' 0, m j t2 tn .; ...v , .,p. ,, a ,(j a(ix g K \)VT) „ t ro co«,. ; ,;;" ' ' j( ■ lv with i ,e ir»*a'.y of F« The mainlrift of the Americans is tc y To a.-< y oi rort juc^»- w., ilatmc -hit tUt CJ ze h oi the in iited e her-hv f • hid a t perf m c fcu'timj r d-Mro\irnr Pen -Itv of the ' aw A. M *CDONFl.L. Kin-lion, Pee. 26th. iSiB. 31 1 t':-e W'Tj ndri-i -u ©i>i inc tr<. ty t ' ;S trb'"i t. a. cl as he he leve , with >•> ihc 3"T 'Hmhei [j kll wk.f|^ Qf Lhe r!itf . (ag^ ac, ol tnh'n.s or ranyiuejj:h {] § sad mhM«g ibfi Uppei and r Ctk t • a i«e a «d b;e trie.idljr, I fining thai W-ii ;iafli {.an by was the cail of then uifj-ute-; alloc. ,v,{i g trie FVom /Aer Canadian Cturant. Miser!fanm n,$ 4 'ticism By « new organization of the Natioirrv' Grr-ii'i in France it is said the Ki: g'» biotber ceasra to command tbew Son^e d to dii- ^ j '....w Ans ItuaO.-fth, the pofT.^.n of ? j Ky 1-,nrf, fowih ihevcfTeUlyfea. En-| Eng'l'uh writers [J f€*Cil Li't e :'riiu( w' ei( 1 iait faw ft nMcavor to ^et aj.the goods over tUe riv- COieC SO«ie jealQUSy of ths Qut-fthnby t-<- rjrif:er. .ia* tbuilerina .?la e ef security, as also the PtttQ du Roi in this Occurrence Little Prnce no ujthei banvc than what j| skins f all s.-.rts; the corn mu a be left j ___a»d tfae« atfc-CUO ie alarm as vou ihite ? Ans. Not that I know.of. I Qjtelf>fi hy tl P pi- ne . D tt) itsfate. So |>on as the Sabwahfiec .JO you ! LOST, A »>:ai.' t Da .--•! !>ie!*et. Tin' i-- to h\ :'»iii *Hnfe wh - iir V '-hnn<r to fin-] v rat if i- or n . va'ue, laid Not i: vin peeti pa*.d. Earueft Tour., Dee 28, iRifl. 3, V iirv Prince To w»ite to the Governor fwcur that the \ iev a) n led t > was ad- o W'.v {'r.ividc .-.ce, who w- u"* *«t* drefFed t« the Little Prince ? It "his R ;y-o !i%h t.i's the PrinGt Kr.^tnt , Ans I da r,o* Ir vvas pvefentec! me fliort Mme a ro, a VOTE of h?nd{ hh- oiF' #hom fhe United .vy.atc ward I -r .?.'.!ed t a c moiranc with ttic treaty [Jot nhent. and aJviiaj u.em u.>; 10 !| _ 7 i v.-. .--. thei ]■: d-. u.'.dcr the te-i-y of jj fr- t javki' n, :oi t.r.'.t rile omiUiin jicirizen *vould be comp.-ded' t« giv* up h t ih-f-m all then U«ds", u nk-j the Lieaiy 11 v)f O^ent. hy the htltle Pri ,_e to read aid inter- prc! for him, which 1 did. Q •e<ho-> by rhu prifone". Are von i^kitroyed, I ,xnea the Americans: * the tranquility of EutOpt OQ will beT .ti«fiH &r-tire; tht* is finly my I ^CCOUatOt the VTiUieirawr,)^ of opinion, but I thuk it is conformable the Army of Occupation from to thedemaod made by Gen. Gaines to] King imchy sone 1 .. iths fince ; i»| fac^j do all you cai to faveali you can fave the hoi k.i panica'ariy. It is pro ! ">ahle the c >nimandait will receive S€>*»G trance. It is waid the Eaglish famili . 1 . . » ?n FY. j Cha^.- 2d. Acting as a Spy, and 1 aidh . ai'trtnur ai-.i eemfortt- 0 1 he et'se- V^j_ »tu on uy n't pritoner- f%re von | :iai;ic t^.c t* I'umsii-jdu wm receive .'•o-nc cert in tr-it 'he K-tveT 0ated that the 1' c>mn»«nieation from the vt-ffels to day thief n A&'mrate of tfte Tnit-d State*, i! when he will kn-w nore certainly whit coi'"1 h <vc no fenojwlcdgc of f t'lements j j are their motiveajn cenaing off the rort. mve e»n Indian fenda or iuimie« com- ii I thi k it is only to (hit up the paffa«je| tiQittidl I j to the Indians. Tfftntv can>ea went • rffiO E I.'C ,,1 for one if nor? vt r- s Sc irnme'iHtt i o(f (Ti -n -pr.rvei«, that | p ■ R.M*of ;u oy -i sv t. ].;>.z i Eat >n, where.»-i he kept a PuMif Inn ( simao;.! wiih:a i *'u e '"'1 1 q 1 rier of th- T-v^n ..f Kin - 'on F *r ?^r >.s lip.-'V to the ouh'cri'-.er Et.ij ■-U *l* CH. ! Ebgftoff, zjrj. Dec, lo*l8> 3 my. lupplyiiig l hem wi:h the mean a ot war. A-is. [The lettt-v dated .hat to be the bf'if of the j John l^twis P!"t?!,ix, a witness on the •u'ekasucky is said to bt ft »p;?ed- ulv 1 io ar'd : imathlo Mico were he w.r,.r Spe.ifi^ati -n is.. In writing a letter tion 1 he Fort «.t Sr ark- dated 2d >pvii, 18 8, to hi—o:. J h.., at rfu- -•■ai..\ ( -aikcd • ) d tsri.ii-g th.- ad- ■an co- the jt my under .ene.ai ]<u.k at in« 'her foncr, .no - ole > •>/e>- ■ p rt of the pr •'frciiti "-, being duly j ' (worn, lat-d wi,ifn regard to the iilj fi'coiruatian of r}^ «t^ charge, that | being ^t Suwany, f , tfrt town, about j the 5 or 7th of e\ „, j]( hG ^as av. .^en. down yefterd^y and woe forced to re¬ turn. The road between this and Hili ere l ••, ed i" rlid morning \t„ \/[r An-ihrifter's I have been as brief a* I c m to %'wi [ tec* ivw| 'v the ■ aBd:.* oif a negro, who* you the subllance of what appears fact .».«t it fir.iv. ^ir IfJfK" T_.^ ._ r._ .^ O *> \ *W v Aorift/.t r\^ fliMiritpn » frv ^tif**r itifi aiftht, to hear what vtfld* ; they will iemove al t->eir c?.»tle a<-d eC-.ci^ acrof*; St. Marks river this moning, ani per¬ haps wait near thereto for the event. were wit ntirawiug- in Haste from Ft2iTi$e3 in conseqa^nce of the proposed ev.icaa'son of that country by the foreign troops. The Frenca gove.-anient sra fit tin* out two verse's avRocije- fortj to carry some Chinese, and other settlers to their Coloniei 1Ljjat Cayenne, and Senegal, with Mil la view of introducing tht cul- \ A FOR GUVLS. va^iialik L"t of •_ 1 '. -' • » jtl\ fciwitljj *iif '!\v 1 Han.!-;: f>f the hi il u:diiy anri.-j; .1 k . r v w ' o ; * e 1 V ' 'g 5 ot I\o, .9 .-.j •■«.; ■ A-m mu v.iciiti* ■:• ti» i>c fo^'.r,■ :ii got ft tip« an In>Jjjanf a leftet frofii St. ate I to Dow c-.../: he Ch; j o-i the > rvlark'-j at thai "fme ilated by Ambria- uu ,-,y tCFWM^i F:?'f bi-- oore.nmeiit \ iter to hi from the^ pnv„nfr# •S-.ecitic -tion 2d In wntfog ih* let*,] Qti dion by th„ ' pr;fonfcr. Did you c' m-rked 15, with at date, a-.d e.. . iih • nclofuics, 271I1 h»nu-ry» 1S18, Indian fee t. 3k letter or .a,ear it rta^ > Ann I did lee t.jie paper, but did not I hear it read. thm! Conceffi a of C?.mJ, F0- paitie'ulaiB euiMii-c of the Suh (tv»pi in K'\)^iton. J MISS ;M)-M'>!-';>vi. , ■•d D eall< • a •* «« n- te ot ; k ." and E, wifiHvt't date, a p'lyi tg | t the Bntilh uov,-1 ftrnei t, t^rou^h ^i>v , , Ufc._. ... • ».. ineiou. for vui. itioin of wv, • ludianexmef ? -.. «; aSi ; -.nee fen ur r-emi-s ; waking J Ani So the blfev m3n that deliver- Qudlion by thle pr|for>cr. Did ym state tv t the lettc^ wag rectivcd by an K'mgHoa, i)cc.2£# ibi& 3,si!':ln- iccfckttUUutiSj ami alio applyingi iedit«jid. 1 . th t cannot be doubted ; to enter into details in the orefeot moment is nfeless. If the schooner is return-.d. oet all the yoods on board of her and let her ftait — off for Mobnther Cretk, in the bottom of L'edat Key Bay Tou will there on W have thy skins to hide away But no delay muft take place, as the yea«el* will, no doubt, follow the Iani a my and perhaps even now some have gone round.<—I pray your ftii&eft attention, for the «0W 'hat is saved will be rout tfvat ion of PEA in those places . The L^ndou Globe of the \2th of Oct. states, that orders lave bee» given by agents of L\q Prtuch government in the United St;itei ef America, io purchase there, seeds and trees >f the finest specie*, for the par- poie of their being naturalizeii And ealiivaied on a targe scale • 11 Bintannv, Gaseoiv a.ud other parti of France. We understand by a gentle- nan who lias iatt amvevi from I