Kingston Gazette, December 29, 1818, page 3

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gkrratetK** \h»m mhk4mh% aVegmp Bfnrog caWea, one mine* each | and ane? igttnrt thrai fal(e ar-d l.h ,•,«»♦»*■ charg. -, mi J'V '..tif meoni \<> hi* •lowei to pTj.-ifc iWir arrclt, A 1 which writing* •»'d ay in«js excited, and l ad ,\ tendency \ to i ". tie, the NegrMCH ami ludiao-. to! act* cf honihty again it the >-nited tflaicb. Mky order u« tic Court, J. M G^AS^KLL, reorder, To which charge* and i|>eeific.uiouii the prfl.-aer ohad •! tiut .-uilty, ( fa if toniirSH-d ) I hm«ecHraplayed fit the farm, coUiert, &c.t h »8 h ui (our ounces per day. F*»ur hun¬ dred Smd forty four (beep hiVv ha.I four ft.ttnj oi two ounces each, week ^riv#-n » .<! twicr* nad on dates. The adf.iota^t of tah for (h-ep appears to be gt<at, ; a^ wc have h- I notie die fiore w«/hr,ve j c mTraced giving fa t- In other year*. Wft lo'< *oate (if our y*Min4 ti?e> and we-1 lh-er*4 in vvh;n wr c-ill tht fickle*-. Our ' ( co\«s,'Ac have theii bit (given in learned ., ^ baff twic■' a day. which makes them cat [W«Hav«aoir«oMfj t©iVfe!tthcwholfe;|ii tij a« weil a-< ohr i>if-ri >r food ^ proceeding! m 11*t^ om aj| pnpi'f Ir fj Th* h irfes ha*e their given among , apricjii that the Coii't decided tnat tb.y ;itht ir lteam potatoes twee a day, whi. h . sv*~«e not c*»ipt<c :t t r*Jte ocMiiza.'cc ' !nak««.- them cWan out th ir crib?, ani i. a / ©t the offences aliened in the y.\. \ -^.m! heri' fit to theii hea'th and condition, ch^'^e atid Us ^ucciii.-ai-n. i he rci'uit j i Our e ;'t e have been in the higfocft a I ' 1 i i i % aA i * . _* , I friendly aid. A at* **L wll° havebeea in thp loa<t instrumental in promoting h'- prosperity* will pl^*»ft to accept his thankful ickaowf?*fm*n*** Abet* all,-his gratitude i» due to that kind Providence, who makes r.s instrumental in hi- hands of bcin^ isefol to each ota^r7 and who hascom- andcri us to " fraareach other'sbur- t :-ns;" whoie ro? »"cy anrf forbearance have brought us rr'ar to the close of .•mother year, f liat iir »^y 5raMt the aacrmis of tho 6a**et?« ^ ^/JRV ^«» i ^c/r, and give tii^™ heart" to inipfite iheMegsiujCN Uustr?1*6^ H!>on thpn',» from vearto Near, in *»ch a manner, (hat al * i tlic trial ha* lai*jjj ^ tw knowa.1 L.-fe»lTV.VA\T f<SL-»W.KL f.VA'.'S. C. S. i.N Ci>iti>*it*id{ g a An.-.* ifr.,*« h.-jith ever fiace we have commenced • the tife -f iwit."' I have now kept your j I cattle fot ten y^r»|,and ih-y were. nev?er fo Jong without fome ii< k-ess ; j [theywereftirmetlyfubjeclto 'bHrir-tions, i ji'iH inmati*n*. Sic. I have n t bad; • j jjrera^ ii to ufe any rorriictne fi-ce the • with when years shall W »° more them, they may HP Mtnittcd to a state of more potf&U rl»PP*wes*j '"• a better world, i. the parii^ Ai^n a,jd H^yer of ti^eii friend. ST^IUKX MILES. tnaaft •-.!.» a; *. !^Mti't;i, iJAv,,:g ,ira«i [f?9'h November lad ; and I can now *i<i» ov'.'-'b ©Ji-.€*»*:,i --.a; you arcaSKM' ifavFlfii w 125 head of qatllc, without ihe j ••; 1«jircj>! ug .tj: -nicer* r«.5 eu o« .ae ec< mo-jiai.. wi..i H.*«>r»«Wii «Tanv <>ue animal th<t is out! Jj'torJcr. I I.Hiievc- there i n th' -^ that Viee»*n.4tler« an infnrtni'.u?c>y#kaMuat»e< jjwi'l ordmnte the lie.-lth of cattle ana ; to tltsa «> ;;ja' >•■)•- <><• i-^n-jv.-a i-^tu m - , j t>.r:r r« >d condition more than f-lt.whea ! tW the Cw.a..i.»i.t, >.•{...-..,-,, » n - i v,i;, or Ut«^.vj rcgu;ar|y a.Jniiru{l rd eVtieocy■■ Srsr P«-:c|r.iu:e t»in*:liMiU .axe» j-lar : •. <\ * . fefWtew («* -n,-i^ and^-vrHit,-| »* f *J fP«f (7 ibi* repa.t to ui*v.«mj v»tvie.»>ou ha*e-oeei ii»a«l*»«4av'*e '• JcjiiantitT »f fnll which Mr * lirwen has in acij! ;•; ;,;. joa «-»,ihi .. i>« b<se<J f"i!;*'-"'t-!'j • i.--veri t.; bl* CattTe wth the rn rt c'0> a..d *vbe^v^.-„ftifi rt,h.;-; »,r.a*« h»:>; :•>:H ^ Mcc^. i(. m£>re .hau doaMe what tTttl? tfAYT— itt progress aai fvt-' |pect<. At .< mfb'mfton—A line of bat tie fhip nearly fiii(h«d, an I the frame of a frigate ready to be put oa the (Locks aa soon aa the 74 i» launched. At N§rfilk.—\ line of battle (hip building:, a«d the frames «f another 74. and a frigate, are colledting at that place. At Philaddfhjp— The keel cf a 74 i* laid, an<£ will be put up eady in the faring—the frames of another 74 and frigate are a'ao colloilin^ at that piace. At New To'-k—Aline of battle fliip on the flocks and in ao fiderable forward¬ ness, and the frames of twa frigatea are drpofited here. At Bbjion—The k-el of a 74 is laid, ! the framt collected, and will beset upj in the apring The frames of another 74 and a frigate are also collecting there. Jt Portsmouth, N H----The keel of'l a 74 i- laid, the frame is collected, ant) wiii be set up the aex* season. Mate- His E*ecMehey S»V Pe'eFn»* V^tt- laad, ha»i«p Ween p\t+n%.A t>» cammfi»»- cate to Mr Dirked hit wifh, ilu he Oypfura on lie Grand {liver mi>|ht, for fo'ne »im», Vie fu« to al Hi* M | 'lv'# ^uh^cc\«. VVa are a.'ihonzd u» th-»t *^r. Di>-kfan has, in cocrfequrt,cc# pronifed His Kxce.lency, thdt th« Gyp- fum or lainer ot parii in the T\nTnihij» of D'imfiiet may be taktn the efroili free of aay charge, for rtiv fpace of three year*; lolely for the piivate utc and eonvsnieucc of farmcru. U. C. Ga%<ttc. v wu.'ii: •!:-.«»! ewtfii liftitv lij*ve w-'iirfUten •re'- af aitj tiii-» lov.a .aft»i :ae badi^:: s r«y*.lf v.'ii fiJi,.i:-1 r«Mpi«C! for aubioi .-.>•, a-.«» w fhe iwldi 1 /i J -i.ive a*iC« 1- :|i--.ri -OTjcvire u'Vd The '.ffcCTS of " *-.'iihi\u!r f f f»k in Mr C»uwen* fatia j yarl'i at iVti«-kta|H *n \M* a^d the e.«;r#r-! nets ■>*'th CHtt:e f® obtain it, have 3t he O'v.i » iiUUf , Ma. Mtt.ES, Si*, . . In looking over tS- Gonstuntion of the F. t> ( Bibk Koeietv, p«nll«hed '" >m,r ( a'Mir tti" (He •>'. net. i': w*s ft|-.!&*iaea regret i i.otued i.'i.- fallowif'tre.ears. the word »-DesjJ^'wry a'^4 (hro-is'ioni for •• (>po itary," itaie*athao «-.--' tnae.*- an rn-or,vv,,.ch'mak^aS'«'a{ P«*« «*"^ t'«"- ■,vUttiionajJi»careiti5«jra«kwa^ or "rir-'*i*»- "In tae ^:a arrirJp " :rfl?t in r<>!*li" :ns;iad of - -ao<t neefi.n" :—1*? vvo,d " gvaiuitOus' in >.i* vu4.-e H'".t-e '!ii.:F""- 'j fa ii>e 6th artirle a aapital ;n the word] •• -si •* Af" erpw Jet»« l*' l!,e 7fli art« aflfV| •• TV acirer," a rt.!"n'i« *h'»«ti 5 o;;lci .»e nm»t- fed. and after •• < n .>' preceding ijie vnul " di«iT','" ;i eHaima iiisiead of.a Seiaieo- bo-and alr-V i):-|*^"tar> a c*>«uroa. statrnj -ho •!<) b«* fuoiited. , In ih- R.h Ar.. H«'*r " Swiety, a comma ija!- t :rnn:»rher 74 and a frigate, are al- the M a- coUecking there. We gather the above fro ryland Censor FROM THE BOSTON GAZETTE. It is expected three more new state* will b< added to the union, before ma¬ in1 months. The lilirtoU wi!\ he rh< U^We are de^ire^ t© requeft those who n -.y not wifh to have th-ir »^.ver« ticmcrl continued ia the Chronic^*, \-% ^ive im«Dcdiate notice thcrt^f at tUia of- lice I e,».il-.,!^d •>; >«■«, ,-e.v«..-.». -v. »'np-i c =.^ j; tr -tL-d the atteflfion-of theftimers forjaur reguUr, w s>err«'Ct <.»n t .'*.ti-r.ui..-.'.. g atilca >.u* a. al-. j, ps^nj j-i.iic- r.uTi, and kuadr-<4» of them tun** ^-rV»g y;-.< e..;-..i..a.j.'t «lfa«ue« *e-:Jl^^' ^^ lcs8ee t|(!C cafrle. J fcv»«e] t«e Ttoaoa aad iue Iuua«*i«a«w »u g.^»-1. .... ., ..-.,..,- iaaaamaaaBai On TneTdaj the 17th day of N'ir. j iff8, by the lift. Official Stuart, Ma. Elisha Waai), to .vlifs Phoebe Fe»- ris, by L.iuencc M& Benj'Mih Bird, to ElizA- B'tn Graham, by Licence, 0» \4»nd.ythe 7 h da7 of Deer. 1S18, Thomas Dum?hii, to J*s9 K.^ARNS, after publiratiou uf t'aiOi>. On l'hurfday evening by the R«*\'»-r- •iUt in the ttisntriaai order of the R. O. Cottois, Chaplain to the F.vces. sfatt-B. Th-legislature me{ in October Ma E- P*ice, to Maat, ddett daugfc- and appoints two <enaei>r« 10 lit in thetl t« of Mr. Badoily. present congress; a representa:.^.? -a" been elected !>y the people. The Mis* so'.iri I\-rr/lory, i' is »-ai<! will be form-j . d into a stav? this winter, t\u\ will be | So. lll. Noxt I'rlUws t|ie AitbaMa\ fcU*.. A»i« e.;a: ■ L^oirested «*-»•* are, wirn t^e seatiiaen s j »f '.,MN<3-i.-'w vail e-.i'cm (or vva a- «i.t ««**- j at;i.ial .♦ -.a "wi'-e-.-'SC: a>' oa:.:»a:u!;-g ■ Hfie-v j *j(cCtfU- •-"• t'lies h-avi 01 jua w;fudi.-t-e*p»ei« leg I 0«. o-a tV:\eni a ^'es. lota <W>V '«?r,HS*] Wit- y« ir 6u».U '.! = -"> wSWii 3-.. MMfe o«-..- I SO Jca^r -i> -r.i)^/.; i.»r>onr v.e.^re uudp'Ot- j Bo.i-.j kfcrongti hte. _ J KINGSTON, • * • b .^aJ'ttd. t« the Hiij-Art r-regular,*" in* w0,'d " Yon*. 13 a< once I Pf^eiae.perceive rt»* p-op'- -tvand «♦"£« '•!" °T ^ekaOwleiljcing fh'»ge Urrorimpri tin: in y-"1" »«•«« 0*AT-t« af«- . t 4 .. . , »t.*i-ii f« I erp.w.n/tj.i s^ iiKii:-pr-^iouon He aablie|| (h? eoantry which lies Koutu ol it to- 1 mjn ' mi^! m:i**r«r^ ]-u' "i.h-r evir* mfl> eo.-.- j j wards the salt' f Mf«XieO. The next jlf.» ••!,or •-.'■)* 3 ,-weeeof«gfl ra:-c* u.-ssil.-ea.. i — ' '" rj tr /•■ ed to :\-f iryir.'-'f «>f iif* !'■:•• niii-uico i I ^ 1 a Territory. a«id wi'l be called No23. The po^iiiition of tne laftvr is •nppo- scd to b« upwardi* of 10,000. Two new territorial ^ov^» :i«aen:s will b* al- soere -ted : first, the Had River, and (h? eoantry which lies south o! it to- t To the Patrons of the fl j !>.:•. ur- i..n*i.i»n.wi;aaeteaa.teaj|a. I ' Re«;>f.:it«lly, I trtik'*">*_»eri/\ivi i"^" ■l'/|-v!,rr't7 Wei*&»eti»e feeoar to be, |j 'f H^^r^seMt b**hiK the eoncl t^rvij; j *w» _. . ,. „. lj,:.;r.-.h.-r of (he C\/;-.ttf., the MUor}| Toar most obr-aieat, i{ • , { and v^iy «n;,u>i» '•rmats |rn.,iinr :-r th » OpilOl tUl»j(« p»^, «.U.- Robert mcknrdsoitt J- Fi |■[**•* p»p^n« Mi Btttitt* to ■ ^IS. j I pfoiis i'nblie, for the I M-.;)fv-rt he I ..,.!:./------. iu **.*■■■ u\-->i:\ i tr.i-*. ne j he**.] Sir, Ynn.-s. .*/e. F ft*. %R 4STRONG. mtrs>a<efL D'« 7M, t8(& *s'tfte Nmifi Western Tefriioryi K i^ fwifd a* targe a^ the -tat^ ef Vv. ^inifl j ai o i-. »;npri«t^ the ancient French set- I !-eie.r.t of Prairie du Ciiien aud Green i5av * i° J. P. > J»^a Ask in, J W&i. CMxeU. I P- Hubert I Mites, J P- Gvorgt B. H:d"., J P. Jj.tfr r^'/sdfiis C- r7efr»;/^ JaV/pfa fVkft*ti l\ Warn Msir. Ti\„s. b'a*iav//, i..<-zcix tr. G-ntfdM3 Fmiwis \Jultwet% J) t.ii. I Ffekefi Geo. Iroitn-'.lc. j v. e l*z i'-av^-.a a*a ire 13 e. KrmtTWz. thm \ uumbev ~r -he •■ F,rrof«**ae aa he*a piea*e-( I COTTON. It ^esK many ve-r« after the close ot ■ 1 hia *»rifu*te to e ».an--j «»'po nt oat aanbav*. w^r* r«!l* erwg i« ; 1 the war of the eeohitisYa h«*re Loaton ',Uf' , 0 ",'m t&eM. leojjyreirtUfj *»i«» waaldbo*aa»* j j 4 tHon<sh« of a^ an ar'icle nf expart hn, weeired, *w* ih M'M! „ & i^wadaas a^^anynj; rke aSpaa. 11 *roasth« Wn^ted S ate». ■ It is faid that al _ III r/i___,__*\..^^ aa ,%. A a* . if 1 I i"N - e^!r: i"'i;<!.mept. jxh^cr»p of Oeorgii, ih« year, will hr abrut IOO.OCO •;• »*,-\rf«! (hat 'an jna^e »u!'. ial: c»i do-{ ------—— 1, I .. ro*fvc to lite •■(';;- heart. i| T-^the ro:Toa ot raa Kfaaefea ttasaTTas.j; eight nnUnm >»on- -n*. Ui' of ff¥'-*«.» ^ 1 T r fl led tou will hevC the •"*• 'v»--f ; or ahont f ity- Tliia, at 25 e-ots tke i w rta/r^/rf m'tMion do.lla*rs. Within the ?e'"»^*led^fd ■irnir* orrhe United ^tiit<H there are at lead three bun The next Kingston As-»embly will ha neld a« Walker's Hotel on fhitf-MJa/jT j Rvening-.the ZUi inst. irrTnOMAS DALTON& Co. rj»- public tltat llic* have connmenct'ai bits»^ Ing Rtlh^ir UlW eiLiU j Ii"; ;; >.l, Vi-.-.t'e [they havl now ready for dciiveryf i* ao# AI/LD BEffJ?, fn bnrrc-(* •* -htrty _ fix l.iv, ?.->* -^rH% which tht?y off r at the rno 'eraie price of Ihitty Six Shilliaga th* . arrvK wj.jcli j price tii*>> 1=» m t tnteita to advance m- I j !ef^ from n effity arifsio^/ out af >m**. create I i rice of M »lt «n.j Hfos f*S»i the Public cao^be regularly^ero^mod-it* e^i with a wholefome and agrecab-c hcve#- ra;^, at a* moderate a ate as couM re t- fanably be «lcfi'td : :be P«"«t •?< -if th-If iifitfal ei blfhm. nt rhcrefnre fl t cf thetiifclvts that it w\\ receive a fair por¬ tion •( putiKc PatTttna^e. ■ AN elegant, wJl finffiud D^nb'e SLEIGH, for 8*1 c, enq 4 „| ^ iiARiLhT. Dtcrmber ia 18 I ^. _______, w1 BY AUCTION. W t* ft* i ******** ' ^ -- -^ j ^ rt ■ -„ h, ra«e-rfi«fii r* vn»r *m M^ ?° ^T brMth,*r of "!'. B«fi*ethe twelve n.iT.aa dollar, wortn • 'Y-W'W :V\ *? -a '* re aJ U.-r, "BG wi h a dn. Laid to the j uf c^ton, Georgia orodnce, andvqpml 1 h7S^TTi^ —'Ir l°: c«.,f.icrab'«q».nt.Va,ofRJ«;F.bacco; 'Xl^'tf ^AmSTS ^IlK- --itradia.nthe erof, M^L other .l.hlc a„i,^nd feedaand| h,-re dtlucnlt the'tavk, sd P«t*urlh-«||wrttl»afci - r. 0.-url,y a^ p..M ^d 1 Pftf»t*«*r«?tt -»F'.rrirr.'.art;a'it>.wi.ieh|:i.i ^eNi^ara Hpcftat«r of the tf tua«'ever been hi. aim. Has fai * If l'»'H'it. n#ams a popaHtv»n of between ttw and four hundred ih««ufand foiil«. Nat Intel ijj hai ^.-reeihd in that reject a can- TV, rC were few Offices did p'vblic is t!v; best jttdj U no 11^ b«*4S jCatrwIa* d- n -o th- War, whoweico' Sid p. blicis th; be,t j'.due. n »-^ —-ia. »«" n '» """ • ,nfolnaH,ur«Msn...rhrn-P^rudpHt- kn,«%t«me. and I Jwn wrr he^rd mos, that wa.t of su..port, bHa »^ t, a thrm ,^k of you mil re;?,ct, and ome H^ve -uppoved, been hi- mduce- FrcoiVrntW i" trmm f admiflatj**** i • o-Tie have <uiipo*Tu^ w* -u •>» --------- ii < v'l*1/ , ,. I „, „t f„,. «JZ„|:,.,inz Af pubU-t.onll _ I 4. ,hW«f«r£ rtep 6»^J»J'^, It e — - to'tF^Ha I ?«*»r yOM nv^rm'f mv io-:-ai bLt«:l\\* ■' i?j^ E :e H^ucv Si: ;\t<*^-\ir Mu.tUtui ] MELSON AWD B»ONTt IK PAaTMEt- SHIP. An old wterau tar reading tht rati- are aftHe attack on -oulo^ne, fifned We'f.n and Bi■»ntc> thus addressed his I say Ben, do y u know ■ got icr, a | Dr. SCOTT, R. K. a qnanti y r»f H«»rifrhold! Faraiiuro, Cooking Mater¬ ial*, Lar-e'inis kc together •vi" a t.oii'e, SWigh, Harwefa Saddle &c. Sleigh Robes, a good Can and Hatccft also a quantity of ilay *"d ">ti-w. *J* Sale to e n nance at 11 o'clock. Ki"gi>on, 18, D«Ca i 8j 8- Mr. rvecvit being ab*>uv u» leave VT:n^» f\»nf ag-iin teq el-^ ih - © isdebtvd C# film to Uitle their iCc«Ui ts witfco it He- l?.yt as he hi* umtvoi lably oHlftr«d H> Itr^ve about the Middle©f January, it LOST, Amort time ago, a NOTE of hand . in favor of , , rrl.-H-sii-h th- .rduous t«A of cm,, j «». ^d .Suh, on«r ■« •—««J ,;,,,. ,uich i,, of itielf, a diiiieult »«d to o.,r Rlorloo< fncceflfo ounng the 1.1 lie i^U it a duty due to his friends, ^^'^5-^ Thy."- K™- »t - «* '»d th^ .,,,.. 8,. E:c "'»cy Si. 'W ;;»»J ^ I ^Hd, „, ,ek»o*tHlRe the mtrny f»- |e>: re cfCa the fdfch od of Vir. G u-ay*. jh-: at left it was determined that he mnft nv^u^tUon thefubjea of the | bc lo,,e Wdier Offi. -, who w, to afT,r> ,vor ot Nicholas, Amty, against Daniel Picket. Till* is to in¬ form thole who my chance 10 (3 ad it, ifent it \* of no va-me, f^id Not haviag been paid. NICHOLAS A "-.Y. Earned Town, Dec *S, i 9 . *. 3« vf,. art ; tnorf hjireeu of iaMVoViiV'e'iiir.K, •!%.■.> to 'i^U'"v.....'.......t. ,> . , • i» . '^ns o* which he fp.-aks. It u ;„ a defeent on the eaemy's co,..,. - ■ ..^.n,.-:v ;, ll.i.'.iistiatton ol rne Gov-ni men I ot (ht^ jj with:;, ^ know'.edge tbnt the anfwer of', but nothim , in their opinion, c«ald ex-1 *>™* l?.ovul Hi-hnd'-o the P-ine* Recent! or.crate ibe aero fcf the Nile from takt*gi mmons Hoofe a utjrtner. - * ■ * Hint to the Fair S«c»—The com*ittee of health, say1- the G ze'te de Same ^ar.B, havingr inquired into the came, wny head, tooth,and par ach^s were' , • .^.,- , - . more violent and common to the female i 1 ' vf: h£i- h^.ve casually come to my j^han to the male sea ha«= .finally cb'fcovtr-: k-iowc,(3j.c ail4 1 «hialc it ?er^ r^ian • i^d that this exec (five disproportion ori \ HO'c \b fuepafe that the ol hen have been I j ginated from women weaving gilt,copper' Ja"v attended to. \m bid gbli tar-rii^s ; that the persona1- • \OW ni-nl tTO*flt«M J,•:. Col. CutnoikiDdhig. { ?!l0MTUEL!Ve^OOL MERCURY. AGKlCUl/nJRAL. The following rncc,t ot j the^ilkn..wnufe.fs,LTo.thefcecn^ jv their s lb-criptio'.^. H^iVeLrateful for thnir patroiia^ IS Gontlemen trjio have nccaMonaMy j enriched the column^ or the GAZETTE J alth useful communications, h^con- tnhuted aineb toward, the amt^-m^t equai'y . Jorc • and therefore 't*** ot vts reaaars . an« «« • vvivifi'the thanks of all. Kditors who hate kind\v eichan. • rpd their papers n ith the (Jazette, are uititUd to his ackitftwl*d«ineitts, and or catue, i-.«-« - --- ■■ , - , >1C , h,v (iniv to regret, thai?it has no? I •,Tnefol.,wo>,Uacoireaftateme:it fv .oreaecrtments iu giving «alt to ux Y I' *I care brtfk«»g Mov«:m^r e under my care, "'K i> that time until HoW, of t! «^ »^i* Fiona x«w i""v "..... I '.'ii*rosit>. „1;0'df,i,„aHUa,.alrf.,.,theM.t<.rof iie Mn.rral Cour-int, deserie h i Aetata In |«tfcW r,m,mbr»nre. 5 M4 «**a t*» rniiwii; tw«iily 1 have «h< honor t» be, G-ntleirn, youi very faithful and obedient fnvant, JAMES FITZOliiBOSJ. Ca^ GUn. Light luft. F II E »i Oa Wednefday morainp, the i6«h; iaftaMt>the Malt Kiln attached to the | Urewgry af -Vtr. James Robinfoa wasj confwfcfd by fire. . Asd tvn Frii«y morolajj laft, the Malt Kj]n attached to tha Brewery of j MdTi{i GUlcfpie & BurUy, wa* alia j coni"u^rd by «he fame devou-ing cle-, meat . togirthei with about 25 bulluHj nmitf the ,aller fuapofci to be d* p»« ' °lao iaceudiary. taterinc \ tion pradaced serdigiw, which •hcly.uph^tic pans of the bloo i oceanon violent pair.3 which retided common re¬ medies The N:asara journal mentions a re* pari that (heschoatn rlieT 'tile* had been 1 »v recked in a storm, ♦ n Lake Mir hi I e,ao, near Chicaugo,and a,I on board perched. Li-oit. Meileu, and aaathef officer, were paFenger». ERIE, (lenu.)^pt. 10. Fifty-one pai senders, mostly from Ettg- 'atidf via Qurbec, were landed at '.iw place fro u the team-boat Walk-in«the -water, Captain Fish, arrived here o« Wednesday last. They left here tot j ir*>oi> county, Ohio, whore Ihcy iu- tend settling. r-g^O ! -F LET, for one i.r moi\- v r», ■- & immediate off: fiion given, that p •, RM, of 'ate owned Wy Vlr, J »S' » f p.t-n, whereon he kept a Pu'die Inn, sttaatcd within a mile and a qunner of the Town of Kau'ton- For terms aoolyto the Sublcii'ser w ELIJAH BKACH, Kingd-a, 23d. Dec. 18 t 8. 31. FOR SALE. a valeable ivc t of LAND, cos- f\. «iftinge»f Two HunHicd ftesca of ike firlt quality and -amark bly w«ll Timbered, befog Lot No. 19, in the third Conceflion of Camden. For paiticulais enquire of the SuWriSei in Kiiiiiidon. J\MES ROBIN^O.V. Kingfton, Dec. 22, 1S 13. .4»« NOTICE irir^HE Subferi.4-4t forbids H perfms JL fr»'n tte^.ui^wn t.Oi N» 32 1 the 4-h oacvflio» ot the Tpwnfti>'p of Cauid^U] »n l',e cai»«rtty °t" Lenox ani Addii-gton, Midlaad Diftrict, -n i d>et hereW) forbid any peffoo ei pert',ns f«- rti cutting 01 dcrtroying any Timer whether lying »r lauding, or Carry* t* aay \>«™ ^ lnc ,,nc i4vva)'» un^r Penalty of the Law A. MACDONEl L. ti"ja>3aI U<q. iOth, »#i$. Jt

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