Kingston Gazette, December 29, 1818, page 2

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? Iff***; * n**i¥&*n #r i»itff*fw*i &* Vfty-thi.- !*><> »'iliiic or ooipoioieJ •hi * e**»tiftd >n #v«ry ^cca^on, •rhnnj in t: *f r» ty to the pr -Yf*i>»M and he: ! n i«p--n it< 'f 'he* •vtiole*. tU^ vorr%j there A a»c to be $iv**, *l»*ll Wc in &f{l p ?» utiOM (kV *i*v ■ that it to JiaSfJ F )* o^r hi»e, 4*1 *»»t more Than t«. c v »te ; fiw *v f two <harci ah'»ve KI« •fie**! and foWKM feehan ^ffr; sn»4 ?ycpj Clerk ivith like condition aiii* nifties, m *icb mm a* tbe Director! Ii*l1 Ct-n^lrr adequitc tu the tru*t \c be ttotd any Ia»d* ;iad* u-uimenh, ^m' Gich .** mar Se nweC:'y it the: traafr&i •» uui *r.Q .fnro^darlu* of the buSnefc trt tk* t >aak itid f -r ho other fturpofe. It I fl^ci **« %t cw At RuWfc fAc ** ^ sat r rt faftcwf of the ewwpartv f ^ onfailo.c I rjllTR Subscriber haetng been duly "fpT'g ^w f!tk*'r,*al«>rtnm, or any I aj pointed Fxecuiri* to the F<;ate of then, the patty or K,t.|el j^g 0f fAUL liuif. late ef AaMpbus- therein rka'1 forfeit tb;. ffW>wj j^*-JJ, 0f |t wn decealed ; N< tice is hereby | ten j*r ««fcm. a* d I K< dtvlfertiil unpaid pmt I the time f^i ;^Mff fucfe ^y. IMS*, and du'ittjftlicq^y^j^fj^^ Ttvexfy wad. 1\ laid v otfptifY fcall B#tJiwdfcyoT j.cj;lc6iT <jrii ,"n any thin*, excepting ^\\\s of'Exchange gold (ii fi'.ver, htiMi- n. or ;n tfcr fcj, Gf t* , ana m»t ftccdi »g l<*», a«e ^»re, nraici»^ five vat.'* for lvti sb*'ff ; for f T\aB Ti^vertlitf^rs he carnucte-tt far the j { ii'vAiirs .n behalf of the c»?aj>anyt to j .ike a»4 hoid rrvortja^i«« pr^periy. by ! J Good* tcmliy and traly pledged fe»* *>o- w.^y of adciiti^nal i*t-tut:tv for debt- com j »*y )<:nt and «•» rt-dt ( ?d jp dwe time, cvrr/ Kmr «h tap ahove ?c», and not ce lag c'.rty, o^e vote, litakifif ex *altVfc<T Lhtfiy %htrva { for #vc*ywx fh^:«^bove* thnt?* t«d n-r ^X.-cdirii/ tls'iv, one vi^t, nmkra^ nf'^H » «?c< traAfd with thf (aid Cornp'ssy itj rhe conrfe of its dea'irijft; but on na aco^utt (fhdfl an rttiPf be I>i«t ttp»»n naortgajje, -»r Upon lands a*4 "thTr fcatd praaart j n«tr fu ii be Durchafed bv the -:o?».pH u "*o xij^ pretext, ex#eptta tlie fpetii} ; 'or in t!tt 'ale of itrck p^d'^fd for ! I*fft. -:a.I O t In »ruv» i»n eiren, to all thofc lujjehtcd to fa?d c:- jtate to immediate payment ; and all perf-ns having claims again ft i', ar< requ il-d to prefent them, duly authen¬ ticated, for adjufl mire t 4 fe1 IZ\BETH PUFF Adolphuttown, Dec. 24, 1818. ijrttf 7 ,— -s - died) which feidj g-oods .*nd H(ia4t In pi|^Rrd and rat f« v, J rsdecme*. (%»ll br i lU v v ri,c {^id i «»m .y I pany, at Pi.'W.ic S^ie, at aay tiwe not lefs lac i>cti:d f r re for *'.Kfv »ha*"C« ;- and f« r efcr? pi^**! [jtuft t1"* •?€ r# ttad. ah*rr* ah yt *iKtt. »«4 -'^ r**c«8»*£fi ^vvt^. ph« tot*' ftmoual f thtf •a- hnndr«d, o»€ v te, 'i»;k'-«^ t«ri>*y J ^«Wv* rlee Co^p:4^y (hali ar any ahrn Ear orw-Httadrad, jr »«» 9*it-*a c p^son*. Co p»r n£f\b»o hudy p httcj ib dav'a afi #r c »rp o-ate, A|I1 be r •t:!-<d t'» n ,rrat c« n tmhet th»u twenty v^tes 5*^ a^l at^A hoMar- r&l ieat tvit^iu thi? P v- ' tince, at fls.-tvb.^rt, **>iiv v<> e by p^" xy. IT he* >he, o« ihey thall ec nt. pT^iriA ! ed h^t «uch ?>r xy be » t ■kaol^f.r. Erad 1 tigia ortr?, nrh^haf by Sond, b6k *r ^ > af pi pth^r c;vv a*^i whatforvai, ^.)i*- a^irt t*l£i ^ed Er«Me the amount .A thr c-*jj it^l ft ><k a^'ttl-y paid ffi f*>y«r an I a my, a? r.ny b- d«i.T dlted in the B«ak f • (&U- k.r^i'.iir) artd ia cafa of oslc?U >hc Dir c\ *'•*, under w'»o!e ad niniA: t ttoH it (hkll h2/p«ru. fhal] be liai'a f^ri i lk*i «>B*t|tiietjt-», 'or »o reprwcBung aod I th< firne, in their natural and p iV^ta cd vdrt^forV*. h^r. 01 P^erw, provided ; j pa^iria^ b-it it iha'i i:ot s:xe.?>pt th-.* e^> n §Vj>, toat »frr- th. 4r^t clt*cti>n of lcci«rn. no ^hare c»r «htrr» of the capt-! t,-* nock of th'Onnpaay *ha"'i c/>»f«r a paity or the iand», trnewVnt?, jcwli »»r | akatteU thereof froip btioy aJlo J«h* *or ;».uh excefs*| fnah U^r ftnr« howcv *« ten flays a>n»t iSC p deenption < and if i;ptift (uch fa1e of Good o ttwkm fHtv. ft ill he afurplus [after ded.*6tiw,{ the tXpcnle< o\ ^a!e. javerthe ay meat <f the ^u-ey leat fueh far pi 1^ fh-ll b< r^id I the ?bcr' f r^eftlvtfyi Ttatnty tki*d pVfcmrd ©F Direc tmi arc l-.c»e»7 f.iMy e .t.oweied ttf-mfccj fuch «hei bycla*** a*3 reg.a'ior^, for) the yovrrnrpn.jn! of tfc a'ff-.irs, of the' vompanv, aud that of heir officrr> and ftftyarita, ei th y. *ir * ^aj-^ri.y f ther- ^*f] fri>T- ttme to /».'!-• think «x»edit'nt, t.ot tteottifttol wfth iWi or th«re arti¬ cle cf ^.{f eiati i»i *tj-focrtb. Ti ji aF civti n fhdl NOTICE. rjiHESubscriber*, hereby give nn- JL tic^ that they hare rosi^iird their ^iluatrnnsav Directors af the Bank of l',)pei Canaria, and hare a!c» with- Hra«n tiifir Tames frnm the list of I S«bscrib"i* to said Bank. f ROnftilTRiCHARDROX. N A N T110 X Y M A iilii aJ.L- 5A V1UKL SIIAW.a^ JOHN McARTHUR. JOHN CUMMIN©. ,.^g. I itiigbton, l4D»cr. 18i8. 59 1 j A ND ?ff>rredtate roffrfli'-h yiver, i A. (bar iVtafanily Gtnated HOUSE; | anti P •-. !<" IC, tlic proiierry uf rhe Rev. A!»xr MrDo tfll. For further panic- uUi« aj>p%" t th-.- ftibferiber. DUNCAN McDONELL. ^onti^ue twenty y-5r^fr*m the SHI d«yj « the H*>cfc h>lde*s ire* t? he giv^n. - NmA v>I©ac bat au'->ck ii>ld*r, aiv tuv i rc-!dear in the town S KingVtan, fin ! holding* Lm t en ?*h^re^i^ the cap¬ ital it >ck, on^beia^ a nararal hon *»fe- rh-Tj{r themf*ivea therefromi by plead in^ a»v^ proving fych ah.cnce, or fheffiag 'uch fri»;jies. Se*.& enth. Th^ Si \re< p| the (apt tal Mo., k fh-^] be a$£tiah)e artd Hkf**- fcet 'W Ri« Njc^ty. or a -aKj-ct of 4is jferahlc, ae«Mrd{ng tofnchfiller aiuKotm* j Mje^iv saSwaiWd hratt of thr Brit ri " ,% w........' hh ParUa n»a . or « -uvJ>-ct of :ia v.ia* Je*tyf b^viMf b?« >Tir jiuch by ihr con- qi t» ^n ! ce»*ioa if thin 1* ^vi*icrt or a'«y : <^ may !** eftahliffird in thai b -h*i-f ^y the board of Director , hot no *W\*t\ mist ortratiafer flaall be va rd or effret j oal, Uti}#C? fu-.h aflt^imviH or trMMtfti | perv-M #%a ^h ill hive resided *~v* • y ar» j ft^ 1 |»e entered or rc£ift«r«d in « bo k i. ait he- of ihr . an-ida*, i» 1 hi any of Joi h»i k*, t .• be kc,5?. by tht LJirrt r> i the -* »>vc who l« it haye rea led o<c y ar in thisT<w.-, ahall be capable cf bri»» eVoted ir chosen ■* Director of ihr »a Pa ik or *h \\ *erve a> >uck. T(?«/A Ninr of th- Di eit.»»* ia of¬ fice *ha I be re e'ecte l for the cxt weeetf- d! ti twe \t -n p*'^, >f vr'htch \\rt l'rc>t d . t a- d Vice-P'coVtvjt -hall always be Qi !hr number. edt^Ji'rv -al^y or •.ndjime-n, nn^efv i the name thai* have K\?t-« a1! wed 10 him fcv -^ e<ie »' ne-"i-.: .it th^T I;nek h^td j ti » bill rr-e -tock h»lder» -way wake uitii j * tT* ci>^ leotatton to tne rrrsi lent or v»..>r ^rrfideit f>> 'heir c*t atu^aary H.tcnd ; a>oc at rbc Bask a^ *-,a!l apprfli t..1 thrm lobe rea'^nab'e and vojirF. ' Tntdftk ^ *t le*s tfta« flve Dft«r^«r«] aha'l coostiroe a board, for tfe« t'Hn«-?=* , ter»*» ■} b ^i'^t, >vbe e«f :h» ProideHt Vic* pjeMd-.*of fthall - urayi be •?#«», j for that on pcir. nor aiip] 'tie peilnii peifon? coking rh*- lame, ih - I t rnufl y i a ' extent in rae ^ ickmaa and wt ce^afy ' a'- ijer-oe, i* #hich ce^e th -ir plac^n o:ay j hj -upmUc'by a^y o\h? Duecloi whumj ahc ^r^wt-len' or Vice Pfe*M«*l w 4ick' eir abftrttf, v*i«,lrt^pectiv<fiv by wrtthx^r, bV«rder. their han^*, appoint, for that tttv* i • e !'he Pnt^4e*H afi ! Vici ■ - F ^-i4mt. -sKi' J v>'«r nt ihe hoiH a^ i })ie^t r$, a1 d ia r;c-e of Jn"-- '«t)0^ q! • difcharcealJ tkbte si^lua y <'<> bv htm, b, r, or thorn, to the 1*>4 vo ■» »|iytWnich •n <y eKeeed in aiau *unt the . emai^in^ 't .:k b-l(»n!-i.'ij fo \a%\ b y'Jot> or per- f >as and in no cafe fliall any frational part ^f a fhatc, «r other t'*au a tinm pJet< fh^re .r iliartf&4 b- afli^uablc or ir«i* 'e^'Slc It - her-by further en vvfbj agreed apd declared. th^» aay! J fto&rih 'ider, wh » fbmlj ra^fer iti rn-in »e» aforcfaui, ^il hi !t ,k oi fl.a es n •' isrora ^ny, t<" aiy ottrfr r.r-fivi o"* •cio .- what' vcr, (hi1; «?/i /idTo ce 'eto> ui •. nit- nbei of j hit C »Bip-av a#.d th*t • y penart or pertons wh tfocv*r, wh i >ka 1 accvpl ^ naa-'fer <rf ^»y lf*iek rl •turr^ in ihi^ Company fh^.'l fa fa fitff*\ heo-»rr!- and be a member of th»a C »fi^«.]| f, »>a v accord inn io thee article* of a(f - ' • lacfjon. BifhteBfk. All bills, bends, notea i inri every co VnA vid engagexenr, o i h^ha'f ^r the iJ^mpa-iy, (hail h« S:jr»<?d hj the kflt o-; Vice- P etkk-nt ; 3pd j » fe r«*vjfe •: t^fcci t! * e a'tic e^ or anv if thern. or tr ff tve tKjc<>-npa. y at any]j fhnr ueri'>d ; provided, that i.o:ivv of,; «ttch '"t-e'nlg, and >t> obj^ft, fl|:iil he J* i>ir lifhe-.* i'. «^! ibc Pifwinoid BJrwi ^a [ aera o<" fix a^- nfh- pfvi n< to the t{*ne -'. ^ «it c I h>i Inch '"c-tino- ; and crovi- I tU i ij o thai ti ^ revili '. or s tt*ratio< of tkitrlV a u-'ffh' ] foijaft Eh*y twkhold- v or ft ckhdidM-t'* l>r v'^»nd be-y »nd I tir ^"•lonnr. .f'i<, her riheir Stock. | T*U'cn;yJtftb I-nr-edi-* # y i«n ai y jdi.T In ; u of thi« dff ciitfon, elleiS^ia1 fH^I'ii'e- Oia1' be t^km by 'he Dircdoc* y of ice* II Tritl of Arhvlhn* & Amhrtttk* OFFICIAL DOCUMENT. TrarflrrittedbylhePiefidenttnCOTgron. [vji utcs of the proceedings «,f , v;pe- rial Court, organi ed Kgimtblj ti the rullowing order, vl, ; Adj. t?.nt General*! Office, Fort St. Marks 26th *j,rii, \%\% HIAD QUARTERS, DlTlSIOi Df T1|g * SOUTH. GENERAL OitDER The foll'winjr detail will crwpr.fe « specia' c©»»rt. to c> nvene at this pr^t at the hoin of twelve o'clock, M. for fnJ. purpofe < f ii.velli^ating the charg« es hibited againlt A. Arhutnot, Rober Chn'Oy .^mhriiter, and »uch n\\km wht are dmllarly fitHatcd, as msf be brought before it The v oui twill record all the doca, rnerta and testimony id the (everal ca&», and their opinion a (o the guilt or nocence "f the Dri*"oncri, and what p ifhmtnt (.f any) Ihould be iwflided. P0TA1L. Major General E P. Gaines, Pieit, '♦ MEMBER 6. Col K'uifr, ^.th Infantry Col Williams. Ten. VJa. U C*L Gibfon, Ten. Vol. * Mt«J Muhlenberg, 4th tr.fanrr*, - Maj. MoRtgoweiy, 7th infantry, Capt ViKhcn, 71b iitfaatrf. 4, Col. Dyer, Ten Vul. Lt. Col. Lindr-av, Cor. A'y. Lt.Col. Eiiiot,'Tco. V»l. Maj. Fanning, Cor. A'y. Ms] Mmtcn, Gtf». Miiiith, Capt. Crit<:nden, K'y Vol. Lt J. M. GfaiTel, 7ib infantry, Recorder. An Orderly will be det^Pcd froia i - .he*- rxi"'fvg < r <.M#iff^jr all the concern* ..oftin* ctMi'pa-v, in 1 rilivi^jag theva I iinl anrf foalit ♦ \rii ch' rviav remain, la i«i>n ' *ii ^torkh *!dc •<. in proportion tO'hfiii icf."'*lMC int- it. Io Wii'.ic!- whfiif v\ c have to **? our »»pi<»ief» at Kiugtt n. b**r, to «hamnil pfrvo?\s^ uh^ arr in¬ debted tc the abov« firm. «i!l please i.i»y ttteir ar^ouafs without dHayi and •.i«osf wh»> n.;i« have claims a^ainvt thai i'otie&rn wiy please present them f«* adjuttment , gG KOBSHT GRAHAM. I oiut ?r.-dori.-k, "Zl^'&pt, 1S1R. N *a L# ■ T^c c»»crt tonccn^d purluaat to tia foregoing oxttr, vhcn,bcifg duly fwort, in the pre'lcnce of ih<? jiwT-ner. ami he * j bemg aflced if he f»ad any ohjedhms w ^ j uDy GOfmfaer ihcre*>i, snd replying ia lb* I negative, the; charges *■* j fpeciiications wtie read, viz. Charget *t A* jirhulbnsts ww fa cujodf* and tul&jays be is a Briiyb/kljrS. Chaij" nt. Fscitine ^ad Itirrfci op h&reuh *5 BANK NOTtvE, f I"lH8 StockhoM^ft n>f tliic Batik ct .2 Upper Canadd are hereb) ueti-1'. ^e Cretk Indian? ui War an»in*t »^o 'oiiiictl, thpit trte rir-t in.-talmenf ©1*11 .United States, ard her citiaens, ke(A. Aibuthaoi) being;,a fuhjeA »f Gte« F'>ritainf with who.n the United »tatee jt-^f tx Cf! til v r* hi f"a an * ihc pah It^gencraUy- that they haw rscaiv«d a more complete affortoacnt <>f JA-J* P >r 1*1 th-f; rn|tr» 1: #/?/,/, $ WINTER GOODS: \*ht percent (beiftg pjgh< D.'!I:pk#i» Ska re.) i.« loqiu^trd to bi1 pa!d rc> I t day of rVfoniary <irnf. By order of th»- Fresiduai and Di- J iior-. SMITH BARTIJ'.T, Ca-hn^r. f Kin»jhfDii, J>C. 1 |s I8ffl. «29 H VRDWAAa ' ll?1^ <uh?ciibt • $ r< far Sale, nf Hn- Store of Hr. M. C TriOM- ■son an a-r<oifm»i«t ©f Marrl'isrv ijfcf I '»'<s!iu^ of iron, Tin, '-h««>i i J On, insisting, tart'y of tJx following ar ticU*A c c , j~7 „ . iV;;!" ^"'!vs H-f^es. Bolts. Gf« . N»;ierhne lei-o.d a-d c mw Rr -eiL ,jttv 1 ,:.,, n,v t» - ^ r> %'tr i ■V' •■ «°**'N a£C. Sir. 8pjficatio..-Th;,t ,he »tJd A. Arhmhmu bc-twren ,hc ^nlha #f •-P»1 andjniy, orso-ret^c in W 18 7 wrote a letter to the Little Prinee exl.ortn.gandadvfi^k.mnotto c%* ;jly «r,th, fi-e tr. ty .f Fort JackW Hating chat the ettiser '» »f the United I'-tr^* Cafllvnevej ; l-dhi ;»aK':e P<!iil"t tlo. White and cofored Flan?icl; T'^h l.iocH ; fie O >tt< un P ai i I : ao.vfiiRT sTAvroN. Kington, »5rti Deer. IRIS 4Q I^Jlfi. w«renf,inK!neon the treaty uf Ghent, and, a* he believe*, with u, ,},. kn. ^edKe o^ tU Chief Magiftrateof th..- U. S andadTifing ,hc v?f9T l.o.vrcr C-e^k^ to unt'.e aud be V a i frletidW "e the Caft |J^h,'rt,nR ; I d«a and Brtpie Cott -n« ; A Apmn Cbeek ; Turkey v o h«r flri ,».; eouwteriijrntd or atte^ed fav xr ..? ihr C irsp-tjiy ; and the fuooV of') the company (hV-1 i. no cafe be held i<* \r . G,,^hhr,J Be^baaeite; j bfoti Caiiri- ; Cort ;> a d i.i-g . amhric* ; I hi:lc f<.*r :;uv eoiiir..ft or OOyaff*-] •lent wM.iitv«T nnlrf- rhe faoifl (ha 1 rye< Oil '•o ; rded - I H »*rt his ah e -e«\ thr Vice.Pre ideu Th ifr^ f -ot 1«? t-wh-tftyi wh« t^ict'icrljl\,K$k\w\ oft hi- Divert cws" hut na l'o,k !| •h S- nr -pnVior of twohuMdre;! inr!j[h.-idcr a«n Di*&ara (h 11 inft>ra the ' fiuf L hir.iz Ftirninjna Dtmh . 9w'> ; I?;:vT. ,^i,k, ani C (t n Po^ j Nhxtrrnih. The b.'ok*. fMpe-g, cor !!,fn '^n ?fr' «tl1' m <>f <'° 'I^V ; eq^l num'r-fr -f v<»ce« f.r and jjffa* *tf1fo.0^i4c4and o>uat .fi^a.rd, «>r autrt^d ' | i:!i>r'^'; ^'^^ u,tl Si ^ "^^erchfe/-;j kjv qurttinn h-f -^ hem the Peiieat, tja* af rrteid. !" sihi%*4, ■ ,r*-"»- ■ in Uk aS e er. rhr Vice.Prt idem, j Nuaxetnth. The b.»ok«. papers, cor- !! 1Ifn *» «ff-:f:tni.*t ff U l\ia"e«ca«%«etie; j IrslvomUi.AatH tnnd» ol the Cm-.^ay. •} •Sl"ck'a't,e Drawer* j Ii Vbrtct'.th. Any nunherof st-ckU il-j jfh,l> at aJl tim'ea be iVoici* t- the in-| jcoa'fl* :'f':t"' *c-**• lied Tick, fr' v harr-, vfir.M iH^p powCT 3t nnyj tf c hv thenv lyr o tha%1 IKO^t^s to •v:1 «4 irt^tftx' mtcri-Hf A theftt;*ckho1d | trc ti t ef any L-idividual or indivi-luals, I witti 'he s^nmuaray. Tz&cntUib. Half ywrly dividend ihal1 be f fo much df tht pi 'ntof (s«y a: ihi-l appear t> the Oi m KJ" iQ-a&.Ttment uf ?'v*-rant DaroaH< TABLECLOTrlSfr^mS. aio i«.?6 CtiOCKFRY %; Qf.AVH W'AHM. } J maVa Spirit«, 0. Hra^Jy, Holland JGi". Wi-e-, Peppeffniot and Shrub, i Hvfo'i mi Green fea#« l*o«fand Mm- NOTICS. V'VVA*. S h pith*? infrv.Rw th- se w|t« -!i ai; iudfbu-d t? eim A<-ce la i j-«r. «'flier i-v iSo»k a-.r.iunt or Jtfo*" J hHnd, i? tr.-y do nvt rowe f^rwar^ wfffi I'.innvi't on or h- fntto *h« fir--- d*) oi Janaaij n.->xr, rl»at after thai '[at©; tho' imuh a^aio-'. Ms wilt, ha rtnllhan t© pal the*n t.'.> that tmubla- 'uiiie uBCtbixty o( Wing ^ompe-Mod U^ !........ >ww.j.. .j^wuciji me rjme* |tHr©i^rli whom the United Ststr.' ! be railed t-> ^ c?moi>aiice with fh I»i; V R. CUSACK. rvuig.ton. Trfe D»e. Ifiig. 28. 1^0 J? Saie^ TT OT Nr,. gjf ;n tha 3d CWeflon -jLJ of Ernc-ft Tufim« om which ^!c l« ac^c«* ©t i.rprcvcff ent Fa r terra* a I Ratio* that William rl.mbiy «a9 the «atifc of their difputes ; ailoadvifir. tV.r Li«l:.Pr,nre;• wiite to the G©vcr0Qf I©*, wha w-^uld write ; to bra Royai B»g4ueii the Pnuee Xej^ e* wooii r ,-> > , . - he treat? :©f Gbtfnt, ar.d ad«fi«g them not ta jgiee up their lands under the treaty «f [?<>:* JackfoB, for that the America citizens would be compeJ-ed to Civt ua to them all their lands, Ut>det the treaty of Ghent. _ Charge 2d. Acting en a Spy, an| j aiding, abetiiig imi'the d-e. J my, fupplyiog them with the me3ui of war. Spfcifi-atin 1st In writing a Jelter 'f'ocn the Fort of St. Mark*, dated 2d April, 181B, tohi^on, at Sc- ^||vra«y. (marked ^ ) detai'ing these". •--jJva:-..e oi iht army nfifal general [ark. f«rthet particulata, *&!? t» the f.,«..]I.Vai 4 VT BT17 ^* ^,„;/,.„ zr;;/_ *" ifL"*\ •w^ and •nceauon*, to be commat.1. •nv 'im- (^ro n ov- ervtfif th* like f>r | •alitir-w) t« #r a (jtfTfCT1 rMeCMg ?■! »h-»? «-i! rVaJ if tV ohjfot fori f»h e' o (jr rt! n rt»uj cfl V* cither by 4/ S oc •.) -iv* or Di .ctor* 'ia a W ' *' .-•• u»" t»C'yhi«ir >(* ^ pr.) ^ f f rt reawya) of rhf PreSic t. V« e r^! ri le »i o» >thcr Or'ecttjr^ »>r U'""iirsf f r rfta' ^.Im'^ti »u, then 0 -J k f»icli cifr- tt* • nerf'in or itri'on* (• nr •?> «ff > v Kc removed fh*fli froui t>» ' V rep V tord he !Vp«"ided fr:-ai h ea- i; e ■.•:! '>*"t » d'Uc> "f hu i>r ih-i'Ikf. ; f ' ta»4 if hebet'K P-efident or ViVe. Jt*f«sb nt ^i-tS'a'-* <h-il! be ri-bfd .r> Hy tl <? r-»-?t'»?» r -1ir*rT#rt. to ftTVe d nr ■•) Becemg 1 fe e'ect • e'ecti -n tneco" lay befoj* The Annual Meeting tlte btoeltholdejfc for their information, jni7 ,k irr noivVv' fn naee an tmm aird particular ftaMwent or the illv . rJ j,-. T ,.v ..,: 1 1 1 (J 1 ■.« ...,, -r.i j 1 . 1 , IU.\At h SOU .1 * wi.l hr held ,it d.a.imi or the debt? due to, and by the ' « ><p.vay, fjseoifyiog the a.-nouat of! Ba kNotCatligfl i« vi cu:atk»«. and the! lawoaat of Ijch drbb a% fa their opiaiwo j aie kid. or dou'-.- ftal ; at alio, ttdti.i<( tile | tnrploaui pr^fitj if n>y remalatag Hft^« I dcjiiekiou oMi.fl'e- sad orovifimi k>r u» omihm Pillage, iSti Niveinber* 18 iS. J viJ» d —Providetiihat 'bereederi y of °" 'r* f.i4lhnotK« ft*] fift ;f«ck,U!e**Tittfhal. n-t extrti, tw giv« ».y r'i^ht 10 the StoeJdl iHor* not cfiree- tor* t 1 isijje^t the acet'unt of any mdi- ridudoi individual* witfj the Company T<mm»yjirtt If the •« ilia:l be a rail lire in ofaay ^.«rt <»f th: mm i 1 t'rx 11- +*' mc ■•ispea ton. Finriretlh, Fvery i-.h.'er a^d Oik •f rhe " ■ 1 !• >r* >?lurr--Terv ari"n ibe ""»rV" «-;-tofMy ptrt ef th,- mm1 STrnEUEAS Ja^e Ilorlfcare- ^toaihrd hy any p.-rlon or per- j f \ Wife has j§fji <"k if*. ,C.,p„t,r *i,.,U.lyc;pl;t.c «n cor-i B.-a.d *t Ou't tU t f*& 4< »r »f hi Ti«?. tiyili far 1 *»t»»« give h<»»d,, wr > O' «t> rr ««rrt «-, to tr«<.- sat!'- ' i» of ,vi^ Pi-<*. tor- ; lint If to 'h iwrare thepa.ty fading iM payiog thr fir<t inHaime«tof ten/»#r Mtfi/m luecc««i 1 t«.y Kite dqirfil .if ri^m prtenmm hcieia befure required to be ir.»d»<. fKah rfjec- c r * 1 . » . . . - 1 .rr*,,„,„„ , MtWM.'tiwly ti*.ii!de),«fitto»*d f.rr A 1-we.Mr , w«ft eM«i4i«u for ; tue uie «f Uie 4eud v»ia«or. ««a Ma ii paay. aa« Mie d Walker* Unci, on ^osb^y the ^tfa{ anuary next when £ geiteral attend¬ ance of Mitnbcih is p^'tictilaity defired. CHR A. ft.AGERvf VN. Secie-^y K C. S. Kingfrno, 2. Dec '»«8 'I here wil' be a dW ?t the Hotel at 5 o'clock «>f the fbove day, such Member.: of th- SaciVfy W dctve to be preient, will lend in tfeei* name* to Mr. Wa kcr on or before t£»c »<i January. .^t • 50 w 2. Nugaw, my my bed ard B<.<a.d M't outju t j*"-,U8e orprovoca- ti n, lhi< js fo forbid1 aH persons bar- bo i,ig crtm-tii^ hr1'.*" <>'• niy account, ?' i will not pa% an/debt.-, of her con- tracking aitfr ibis da^f* /'.. ,VVI1J,/AM X NUGAN. c X r ! FOR \\LE OR JO B-S LET. ,4 1 *npe Commodious tv^o ft r r'A. dwelling Hcufe. with Kitchen, out Hfiifesatid Gardt-* N« 1, Front il<eer. For particulars apply to Lauratice Htrchmer E>q. Kingston, December 10, ilig. 30 A FAHM FOISat J5 . 4 W0W1MO ^'ay B,y. in the j-A. Townihip of Frederick? huigh the- Eaft harf of Lot No. 2. in the iccond CoocefSwa, contamjjig iOQ sere-., and having about 0, apm under cuitiV;iti<»«, wich a log h.-o.e and bain upon ?c For Ieatei to Bowfcftft, ihc Chid of the7" *7 [j Stivany towns f-r hu ^ovemme it. 1 Spetiri.vtion 2< In writi«j ;h- l«j. J to marked B, with, nt' dnrc:,. and C. with eoclofttriM, 2yh' }*vir,iy, i8iSf [aad D. eailed a " a n tc of UJ.w talk*," and E, wfthoi t late, arplytVf to the H,it,fn ircvrMr.mfi.t, thratigh gov. cm r(\meion. for mmftiotu of war, a:id affiitance for • ur tntif.ivR ;. kftajtt'nf tallr r.e^relentartona} and alfo applying to Mr ag :t, Pritilh Am!-. iTador,' fr.r hw mterfcreme, with a Staremect, ca •thel>ack'.f one of the letter*" of BM jniti nb of wai fur the enemy. Chafjre ad, Kxcitinc the fodiawti !U- inetermi ^appiy to Daniel Eiquire, Kin^ftin Wcfhburu P V\N KOfTGHNET, Cornwall, Dec. 7, 18 iK 0c' wuriier aad deftroy Wiliiaw ati'J dmnrd Doyle, aad cai ii ant it. will TO LEI, A ND immediate poOeifion given, a JT^X. Dwell,rig House cenvicnient for two families, inquire »f Mr. JOH oaynb, at SiMimi Merrill's- iiiag-toa, yth Dec. i$ig. 2g. ig tr-.-ir » a view to their eonderM»a. Hon u< death, and the Bciattre uf" *M* property, on account of their adive 3>4 Zealoua exertioiis to quintain peace be¬ tween sSyaiii, t"e U. States aiidchl la- diai.j, thev beiijr citizens mi the Sat* ifn gov-ruineat. "jjecilii at ion 1st. In writiae the let.err. m..>ked F. dated 26th Ajzgtfftt 1*««7, G, d«ud May 13, iSr^andUr

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