Kingston Gazette, December 29, 1818, page 1

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» - • [TUESDAY, DECEMBER %% 1818.1 KIN *■ [VOLUME Mil No ^1 ] r& ■ KaNosr>N, Upper Cakada-Pr™t»» and Published by STEPHEN MILES -P^ck Foua Dollars per Ahnu m—Exclusive of Postage. Kingston B•-•irch of rht M©n- rreal Bank. Aov rism require maybe obtained at the OfR r Mr ^rcy-H Bilk ..« Montreal, Q_ efoee M b of Exchange an London ©> 'o Specie —N.*res t'To will he ilk Uounr d at thirty, fixty, an 1 ninety day9. THOM.iS MAliKI/ NO Notice. razg* r*.a»v gwy .^y^ i^yTT'*^iltB>,ffggriiaL TO LET, rtr %w ■ scribed, shall be parable ia Gold or ■ THE Copartner mlp heretofore ex V in? under the flr.» t)f TVry.'&r y Parker \>, ihi* day diffolved by mutual confe t. Therefore, ilii* U to rr«»*efl a!A thofe indebted *o the- faid firm, by ||«»rnb-d, sh rpffl Cnnmodiotn dwell?** TW« *****«*« W Montreal Bank ft)I 1 IlRieglton, 3d JvJov* 1R1R '1 h bad rte able, or book acc-UUt, to come fonvard Aj.{Cut- | and makeimmediate paywent tinta Ulan 27 ; Taylor, who is du^y authoiifed to rer | ceive the fame. yI* and ' remir©», the p?inat-nf of W, fcof« F.fq lat 1y in thepotTeffioO f Mr. Woalf, for terms replication to be m; to Win. MITCHELL. Kingfton 0£t 13 h, 1818. 2* - ■ —-—-j- To be Le\ currant in this 1 rovinee, in the ma; ner following, that is to say : tftgh per (Tlitnoi to the Director*, thir days in rite of such aywut Imvi • been givmn in tho Kington Gazette another payment net exceeding i p0t tentum-, whenever they shall r«* roll* it, at such time and place a- th- shfcU app©in* far tfcdl purpose, glvi ---------—•-------—----------- • ! .ceive the fame. «.Qd tbofe who have . \ , jshall appoin* for thai purpose, shi EfuHferiber re*pc&fully in&rms! ;cVafmtoJi the 'faid firm; are reque&ed to'i A ^D " " T n\*w'* ""m^»ateryJ thirty day* previous notice n« efoi is h-icnils and tht pub'ic, thafhe: [prefe' t chvm for adju^meot. [1^ tfcedwerrj ho-ife or.,r »cn feeJ anl*: a lid tho remain^ rr hall be pa. civctl a.-ewfii.M>>lyof , (Si^ued) aLUH T YIO^, 117*7 c m red hy I'.lw,..' J -cni.j »!)!-i„ su.-h i.n talm»Mt^ a a *ajoi* /7 0rfc71CT THOMAS P RKE.t. ' ('n '" th'} lVV" ot, !s r J*"» F«r the-. Mf t,lf, Dilators vhall a.ree upon G O 01) S, onttuv, well adapted to the fsa- Ileli Uh\ '3d, Nov, LB 18. ift« 12 ;.! ti-r.-r.eK iD'ly at t lie f ili.-c of D^nicli N B. The biifinefs wjT jn future be' ' Ftom 1 note wh-> rony favour hi.-n rtrrtn to-ir: | THOMAS P ' R K.T-1 gKftem may rr'.y upon it, fhall have!]--------------------------------------—_____1^-' tWem on the molt reafonablc terrs, tith-1 j NOTICE er .t p«vate ia!e &r public Autt'ui^ fan ifW^H^ hie\%>v>ef 'Wj X-m- Cafh. j I' ' " - MICHAEL \fORAK. <}\h\ Kingston, ^a/y 2 1. 1^18. Si m r , j ., . - j !bitc-ir<!cd Dii by me inmcn *•&■* to tvn««i ' I ' •, 1H i8. >• a- ■-iir » • ' .o-ovr fcr;.-!, w«' T;U*ate r»«v tb<;r accon>iti: e»ve=n to „.;,k, „, j.jmJ _ - *i .- , K'n>.'lo-. Oft 30'h. !Ss8 2jtf I re. ci«# .<n i for Laic Jit tiiM i rat.', p. '• c . "d the MON RE kT. .;^ ,<^ Co. havis* c-iQ'-: ve-i iife'f i :;^y bv tlie death of Ko-'cvick f lM.ickav, F.!c>. the fe«fin< f^ will \?> -ut«f " j. foe cirsiccl on by the IttMcrihev, to ivha« York, 22 TWOTtCfe iv Leu- > lx4 CVRlSTOPHFi m rmmcv, ;te,e cla;n>, /tfi,r„3 tfcat ikmi wivo fwriv > .. „ * . . r .j. ..---•..........-.»■.............. c ««•*■*» win rri^ ^e ,cie i:nv-,by /rd,r n|; d«. kafe pw^ li|WJ| foradjua,Tl^t. rJo««Oi- tk.• 'dirii:. iiai'i m C- to.i T4.MF8 UANK^'N m'iki t; tt 1 any prettv-fion (o the W«&' halt of Lot n'imbi'r ^e/«>tt«en m thf.l fcvc.nh c"uctfli n o» the Nai*an Kiv«-r,l is tbe Tuwnlihip of Frcd^rjckfb 'Vgh,; ] wihii; -'ix nwii tHf fi«5fs\ ^<;is ddi£., --rtlit: fame wiil ucih'Ovy;i op«--i U? otiie*' apyi.-j \ iLMJSACK, F<jr the Yeaf of our ord 1 h 1 9. ADVERT! KVLN . r !^g 1 1 E i««Wtcn'bti nt'ii":- hi Si->c«vej ;/ 1; but no after u^talment» shall pxc.....' «'M\ ^^r centum upoH t!;«* capital --toek 'or the pa\numt of which thirty dav nnfif* fhall alvvay* b^ ^ivn". bacuml. It is forth^l mutual' agreed upon that wrbeneyj r the numho'i of two thousand ^har^- *ha!l b<» Ftjjj scried for, tne C'nimiiitcc. »HaM no- tify the timr* aH(l place of holding 9 R*6t*ltft£ of fap SAib*crir>cra, v\ hu. shall be at thedi-tanee of not lc-s than t •< \%t\y»trnm tiio lime -^uch uotjln-a- ti■■••! fi» psoop'-dif.i; ^ the election ' the noclr-i of Ijirect-rs^a^ herein afl • mentioned, and such elocttoii Rnw *i T-.? wn, 2 j ft Scat. ifJi 8. 2 < t f > • ,. '. uls. Jim 6 JOiiN SMALl^ atteotKtf, to -merit-. >#«t,n«a-f j wnal eUH'fion wf J>i rectors, and tl llatteeotit Work «t a!" kino- iii tr.e:: J'■ er.-.oi: ^l;:--hiil tl> i\ and «he e b -«k y. .* . -3 .1 c 1_ 1 1 l , . V* \'l IS, 'I li. MHO _ III HWS j ' ' "■ '" • ■•" *»'.■ IIP 1| «FM« I HIT IT i; /% or*ce• y / / v > - , . .• 1 ,o . *.< - sj i •1"^•":■^l7R,l '-• «* *w p^*»- fk I L 0:T»<m* 5»f€ ncrtbv eaotiftn©! ? s .auufaAiii'Vu at his !h >i), l» Uvave ot ; . fc - .. t. Al , , r £% . . f ^ - • I , . ' 4 MtHQ exmrafiAii ot t\u> dav hxod fc> -^ Si ac«WlI ?fCl ».iU.ttl£, in ;my KPSUJlieiN Wh. r« fliWof«. « )»j own and ^i>Htiirf i * . . J . KntM] i>ivt No !ni4 im the hin Oitei- wi i bta n gw a «\ a.te dwl tt* *>« thtr S ,,* . , (l /1 1 • *> Ov J^- ri. BANK OF "rrri i.M >«ibu-'ib-r bei tc ^n |,r^:i _^i a^errt Fm the a-k «F ana^*. I 1; j V'b e- .'iaic bank m»ics (ur U(:h. on!1 - fciofit* »• OnfVc or fo c m r^. J x; 1 r,r:-r->/- C .•• • i A i££ ■: «n thct Rin^li.>n (X £ 13 h. lH 8. S-'i'vjjoi & •■■; •>■ si's 0.jjt&\ P^Ori-Ti-- htr(ny eiveil thit f.-n't-i \' proof'1 w'.i'l I e rec-ivc.i ?t tbi CfH.-, ooorV^o«< t'.- 2cvb j Mua v next, 'nhc oJpe»«*d a' ICVvea 'c! vk iti th-; f "*n-on^f ike **atr >lA . f i Sur- 4»0 a-. ■• r ;aiTciu n givfi -j> may be 1 x_\ convc.itr^ ^g n iw est e ni <-t F H V» i *« 1 • , « cj ",^ |)|M 1 lie*. C ' » C IVCV'» L*^*ft« t>« • -'-v/oiesi ue.i»'« &•• b . jl p.. , » , »n *v„.«, SFA'rs ^:i^LL COME. opened, th.?n, a«-a in stick ase it way be cr.mpetpat for any I.-irkt iuh*crV beror^nb^cribci?, t© increase bib, h-r, r th^r m h^crrrrtiHiiK to t»o tondr^ •nd fifty snare* : atari if the afore*ad '•'pitaI S* tjk is not 'tibtcrHh d ui«V/4 •• i rwoi.tit* after the*airi b«ok ot -ulti- (liptioii -hali hav»» bfteii opened, then* n in such ca o, thedencifhr> i^as l>e *rr»bvn for hj an^y p*»p5on or pctfc* ml, bt'rfv pot if iv *r < rporate* SfM, it i^ horvhj trxprr-fcisiy % u|| •<flirty ^flared, to he feve ofej»g| M iutfAtinn of th-» p rsoils \. ho a.** *W iai - Tii^r».v Ives U9 !rr thr s^>!. 01 Jirna ^Atf HaiMt of l7/'?*" CmiUi . rait • joint tock or prop, rt\ 01 the sd-d Couipatvjv (QxclnsV? I di«Vdfnd« to rf.- made in th»* manner h.wii'a'tef livQtioiifd) shall alom b i. -.■« <. ib'a r the d: b»v nut) «i .i^. v *> cf the (id C mpa'i\. And tl»u no per'sm^ 1 bo -ball ©r ma) deal ftit'h thi- Coma anv, or to whom lb v shall or n.n.y" •mcome in au> wise bid bf,--!, shall on iny pretence wS\ntKver iiave recourse -ain't tiie sepcrate prcperty of anjr • res-cur 01 fnhirc raomlur .f thi& con*, may, ora^ajnM Hielr persons; fartasr ■ an may be necessary f«> secure tU^ •nitbful application of tht- fuudn tii^re* f, to-the. purpose* to win*cb by thR»o presents they ard liable, B. t a'l per* -nnsaccepting any bond, bill note up >ther contract of* thi-* company, si ne(f by the President, or Vice-1 resident, md coun'ter.Mjjned or att -f d by tha Cashisr of the company for the tlma • Oil, or dealing with it in an> a.n^e manner whatsoever, thereby re«o'<%i hvelj t,nve credit to the s:iid j-inr si ck» cr propert} of tne aitl Lnmpany, and ihereb) respectively di ;jvo>h havw g it*iour-e, on 3113 pretenef wbaft* v.-r, to the person «r nejftetaf- pro;j»r« '» of any present or future n smbt* ^? lltUtwo thousnud fife !:■.;. !»•<! K'har<* 1 mSi Company, except a^ :\b -v men. (I t ink ••' hi fie-. Ii and fch- puVj fn«n and rher** be made by a m.ijontt ic i i t-»a!. for ••h: " ai r^.v. rs, 6«ue I «'f them voted for in manner herein he ioi. re eed ;- fi.sen . and h » e«, by! j utter prescribed, in respect to the: an- , i/tr-r'cior- sr-ohe-f ii stioil a- so(»ii therr . .V I vun a f(*j t pT ] ,r ,W:t' i>c dJMiomvted a( t'be Bftnk un ■mni' ■ i il'i .tfaati Iiavf* h»cn ^iihncribw for and • TUX a n tiiv' vjI ■ uL»s.,«. nqnt*Y« «»f .Ue i«b'ribci, i mi.. u-j • i • j i '• PirilBV }l> Pa*« »"»'*" received on account c i 'S'-»-.*.a: d f '....*',-V.i G< rrt im ' v i i>i ?:Urc';;M-nt!va: iinuk ml.-, shall be act »'- I M >. .v_ c -• Artless »? ihwtiatim '4 t'-.P i HANK oi l"^?Rl^CANAl)A. 1 ^/.J:'0 Stock. 1 ffiffj* For the ffoo^ manasi°mi:uf nl MieaHaif^cif the saiil A>-or!atimi 'm i ompaiw, t i«re shall Ihs rnirteen Ol- j rectors, **"bfl hall be ami "aVI) ^fecteVl I! bv the proprl tor-or holders oi "he-aid ri THESE PRE-'.! »i:- 'al stoell, at a !»i»n'«ra! m«t*tin there* ftobe armwallj he'iAew: ai »h»eh tU H me OiftrsA, and Mi .n« fati 5f ^ rt.n,Tatc ^ ,0;.»ther, a- aiii- W deuWMi (ty ^ juifa fa *am* W tym, comaiui^ each about G6,cc* - Brch.;fiM.K| ,fd R^ a vt,.y re;.uc .& ,-n c ; .-s/^/.e/ //.•<• J-'inr ouchalf "f ilu iwjrcfeafc m< try t be J Cvsfv OF LtppFFw?Ca»<ADA. 0„inf. Ut,,f ,oo a„Seaeh, W\*S^ ***^ -^ H acre-. The whole t« be Surveyed and MffdJ ' 'to i be fui»fcrlb,r. «»r. th-'p e i.ife-, ui at twelvemonths ("nle-- any oftheni -ba . h.- remov d oi mal-administratio« b - fore ti." (-xi)i; ;tiou of that period b) a general >u»! ti»v; q{ sf.»ckholders, oi unles- >UNp'.nd*d. d hereinafter provide ed) ami at tail fir-t meeting aft i i' t» g^.artbe-.—eof the (outrac^r. i fo,m their ftfcwb and the Pu -He, /(y.,v/. Tlw 6^fd ^^ r; ^ j^ |,r0floce for tnree months at a fr ^^...tHalujlibeim'ivd t r ti./> tUat they have now reused a^o mix . \^:,{[ (>,.npa-y -I.,h ilrtt --vcecd Oi •;'.•...... .^....,.,.^.,1,,. n niroAW h. that thev have now rtifcewed aadluftUsp;vi (,'cmpa -y -tv Honed. A.M n!! «eu\ts to be ti'oii^lie ft^alust thi * Company (i! .n-i!^ sallji- hroujht a^a.a-t rl^ } i^mh,,' 'i the time being: and in rate of his •"•>': -•• renWtal from \T ■ ktui a ken at the t xpeoce of tin. ce i.;.*;iy ••i -nb titutine his soccei or in otiiCa a-, a tb .'-nd-n} j so that person^ having demand-; upon th»» comp.vny, mil) ti:«t ()■• p;rJHdiivd ord'lay .-d l>) rbaf t\ .,t, or il the perion .-«»io4, ••hall •.<» on a. 'ain-t the person iiii-t nam -d ^. •,!(•• fendunt, (ncitwtlbvtand'ni^ hi* death .- i removal from offift) ihi>C'»:i-pan\ .. L »ak*» no afctvauta^e o) su« h pr r- ding •n that account ; and ail r I'oreri^s \ad iu manner afor^-aid, shall be ion* elusive upon t.e company, so tar as render, th-1 Company'» ^uid joiiti mh k or pibi-erf \ liwbie thereby, Iviitlnr; irnd the Com pans shall immtdtatwl) dk\ fha amount of mctl i covei-y cut ot tle'ir j iti t.'ck." but ot « ihervu-e. A"d in ea-y ol any ! dt at Lav\, *he i resident fr»f ttie time iu ii\t, stiall i«Hv«- full ^ower mi hi «.uq ■ame, and oiibvnatf of ttlt* Cnu^pa^y, .o prosecute t** ji:c!gnj0iit ami oxeruMoii 4« the manner »nri tonn as bv ih U^s •o this 1 it is provided ; it *,> ii.^expr«-sst l_v anderstood and de- .liir; d that all per>ouj. dealing w.thths • ;>id L.ompany a^rea to t«« -c teimaj ;iud are 10 be bound thcrebv. links, the lots me to be botinded tsehti r.; ice, ?'of the vricTtli of |peh»!nr,)jj Dec, t, i'8i«; 27 thV-rbv 'i'i-K' them a double front OftU e&eli tiincwiiion Viae. __ TuOs. RI350UT. JSurvtyov General » TAKE \OTlC£. ran HE s,,! £'>ihers wifK to i«»for«j "iBth infant, at &tj#fers C. U. fioie- jtheh^nrs <»f Uw.-*$ fWo o'clock, nnd-.'r ' the sup- >rintend»M..e ri- jollM (;tlninvinjS, llenjamin WMtatf J0hnM. Balfour,] JjL the Fuo'ic that ihv-y hsy* provided tfer^ifelves with Proper "stage »Utgf.s, 'fort! a i-urpoicof i^miof aline of Mail J J StatfOb between Km^on a»d Yo k, M'd | Fourth. The Directors for the tim, being shall have power to appoint such ofiWers, el^kx, and servaiits ivndcrthen: to. Nick«VlN ,ndSamttKSamw>OTih»^Be8|) .1 the ...d u>n:pan>1, a..J i; Mi two o! (h ,.; (1..j toKonti„ue op.,,. »»o» them g«ch co'.-.p.-..^f.^r ,h« . u,.-l,r ll.Hr M|i< fifciB^kwe <mtil there "">•"'- «*pMW| a^ iM hf«*. ■«»- ^ itertth. Tutsi articles of ai;r<*e> aiewi -liail be pubis hi-d in Ure Kiuj-t a Gazette for tnree months, and f«r the ,.ii' m.^iioa of a.ii p. r-oi'i< who t.-iy rausact feut-iuess ^ifli or in n^y maa*- j.-i give credit f» this ena*in»u), e^ ry •(;iel, Biil, Noto, ar • titer in iru- mento. c 'titract; b. th* elf* tt- ^ U-iraa * ». rtlrich the Compan) may o- chnc^ <i j r h"l \ liable, for the p-,; meat of wo*- ry, shall specially declare, i.i sucH orm as the Board of Directors shall ov-> i\[)^ihui )>tiyai nt •■■■(.. he n .. out of ike i>..M j iii .-./* »•/ (hi* &>m]>*r. , wording U> the pfnsi'.'.i articles • <-in» v. ciuii >a, and not cihgruise ; a ' i a (•oovof the >i\th a it tele of this a •■-■. ■-» ation Rhall be im ite.i'm M^bank lv„k /T"/TTIIE Subfcribcrs Jl k-vc Kyij-aou, rw«*^ i:4'^' t,h#arc imJcUed to the wwcfi ^ M kc imnudiaie payruo.t , and «i1UJ*»U wb UavCauvCiu.i.».!i!aindta.U corner 10 | u-k-ML ibctr Acccu;itbim^.H^tly lor a emit menu ,->, WILLIAM- & Co. N B. The &uiU«t *# sviil be Continued,.oJi* B^W *«HU»t> kept on b**1"^ ^* u**•■*!■• osrtoid iOviuy or Will be 4<i | cr n.iie for e »ch r-atTefiger ; i4lb ba^gag* »a»fee a':;ow,d to. each t'aaisangtv A i •'"k. wiU be left at or ii Upper .3° ,,' CoffceeHoU^, ia Kmgfcw* r>f entering 3J«*^. ^hen thc ^J»^,«lfl u.h.l be paid foi .ne haM the dif ao.c &A UEL PURDY. WILUAMMcMlLUN. .erinftu .or snau ^«j tj,e (jmpo^al oi) ne lVrytors fo: tue bemht of the.j StockboYdars. Fvt.ri. p,-rsou or p< r- *eus>, co-par!nei-.y,,^ i-0(',y politic or :orpora$e, who n-y ol. shaii becomej •^lemuers of this u.-.i0Ciatiuu, may sub-j -.•ribe for -ueh ?.ij s0 man* sfcafeS, fts affair-of the a'.d Company, as shul be presc ribed by the ^e-kawh am. Reflations thereof. V>f<n. It is iuithiT covenanted and agreed upon b> and between tho p-!- i^ei:UK^5Ut>-n •I every p ' or Laer sui nab improper! j with hi fo©» : iny for safe cum J\, Ol a printed ci * , "shall h«- defend to every »uc]| person before aoy »ucft deposii skaj b# reuived from him* And it is he<l>y '. \j»r •• 'v declaiod, ttiat no cO-«.*« -,A;r • >n bttlegt-U) made in th» i»koi» tHo said Com pan) unless n :otrai»s limitation or re>;:.. f1« n, |o m« crtc t Pure rec.l.d. Am-1 ihc L nf leichyexpr* • 1\ tli avow all re^r»ou# . its for anj d It r« en i >«v ■:> i*i': wits b* «•• i> & •* ^^ *%*w* ••*

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