Kingston Gazette, December 22, 1818, page 3

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,.l,t.o .. >c ■• i.« -7 ,vfl, r„'at(„, lo ,|v n,c fwliownVk{ j, a #f a jTat6 fui In-cmt; b i iw i.c!oi\ mentioned letter dated rr.,v;,t *o f.-r a< they it* v.mied ..r Ai\-i.a Chapelli. Oct. 3. rl» uuc« ^v I 111*, WS. {hill aiirl civji Ujwa C - ..>../..,./. u 1 r cl' i»"(*< ^Y 11 It i <A% fhlll Stfld HTfi iuTC hy ... i.M.Jfi to Oicli lJ.-enc*a a* afore h d\ niv fcltftig l.-i-Ui *u it \\ncd to the gOAti ft ry n;vt\^H III!a*kl!'**{% Ill .-jrns S: i> nu-ibtr ena£t?4 h the tttitwitf ufo'tUtui, tiwit fit?* Juftiee* f»f th« H^it^a i'1 fc-M^h and cve*y llHfritij ff*;t*^trvcvlv, \\l'\]\ rl ivy; pij\\vr an i ■ U 1 tltoi tlv t* *iPkUfl>le o^ ihe hit Mon:Uv! ib !>tcv w**e* n*M% si th«? iifaal ft! p-v^itf'. D'Hrivts f-ir i%\e purpifeui car the • V TV"ig WMI KiTCCl, ...............------ • ... Act foi tli< prefeot year, in y fir -*vts|•>!!$ "f I hi the fame] ITt>innei an^ >+$ rff'1.^ »i1:v ** thev a*e ail* ttimtfed bv rh*-« \ct to a 'ioUi-Ti rhe faid • Q«Arfet Siffi ui t<j the ftrtt ^mrday in ! iX-or^hoi, f« c c!i and twfy entiling tar, rJu-tfim* (He cnntiuMn* ce thereof. IV fndhe U further enaSed hy the au- \ - fh*riii ttfi>r.Md% that wi iff <nttrig filch J ccuili<pe .•» ^ff»rrfn{^ it fia!1' and w*yi j raq"ii?fd *«i '\\rc*\ the !nf;ic<4oi»| nf ihtfi-vevU l>ift.-i^s r^f »cfii/cly, to j native f-' irr. thtr perftiM t ik*flt{ "^>ut siiy J Licence for kffprng fitch P'jMi'c H««tfej or Inn a« a o-c'Hi'.l, lut'Vi tarn a% they or; Al\-LA Oll/VPELLE. Oct. 3. •SV.r o'clvvlc P. M. T fnVo thv utmost possible despatch in informing you, tliat the mosi im- • r?rf}iuf of the business of Congress »i*lr^ady terraijiHted. Ye sterling at .••»««, unU atfhe end<>f the Fifth Con¬ ference, the Evacuation of France b}/ U-: Al'iet IVtiops whs agreed upon.— uni.<itv i j" -'fiKt i'aniiuHrt, thf* A:nbavmJ(»r of lice ->V\ \ •','»",i•'«-*** at Vienna, hrs the ij. «rer of :i!- (ant and pleasing inteHi45*»ic^ '■> iii-; S:»v<we;j;ii. Taough I heard •*ie ri'*w« ;it flh PiiAy !i'>or this m»m- ii5, I i*««lia not oVain aoy th'tniis, *>r even l^arn the fuiifidatton on which it r& ic'l nfitW nmv; a;»d was unvvillinjj tn • g <:j>e the KrtgtHi* Pol)iic by ra$UP rmoiUN. The iliorfne-J of the (i-)ie rnnv p1 afl my opjvlog) for setiding at] A***". <*>r tot the^viipuation * f France is «i-t yet gifned, but fh« rrtUi>«JMH sfat"m'M»t may lv raiieii u;)- M!,;—*ftie alt led troop.1- are (o leav*j I 'ioa of A.cstrt»,—»I cannolltjuffer de- ny the heart; to 6uier*» further particular*." EVACUATION fP FRANCE. From a bmtttan Correspondent of (Jet, 7. The letter frnr* Aix-la-Chap«lle, which appt-arad ifl some of th« publi<- papern thrs mornir**? has of course ex- citrtd a strongsen^Jtion. Some persons itf.-ct to duMfeff the iute'Vigence al- t.;etU;r; and think, that, although it is probable (he Allied Soverei^m will remit t«> tbe re>€»!»»tion of evacuating France, they ha?^ not yet urrifved at it. For ur own fiafts, w« di not hesitate to^iv* Cr"^ittotha main fact, b'CHusc we have tfc's morae«it left a gen¬ tleman wh qnitc«l Aix-la-Chnp-^He on j the evening of t!»« 3<1 instant, who] cxcJbftni^d at AW-b.-Chs'pftlU, iw tV J couisa of L5da)k,oF sooner, if powibte, in the faltl* of which tUe respective Menipot^ntinries baTtt herewith signrri their natnt*s, *ad athxed <o it their sen! and arms. Done at Aix-la-Chap©Hp, the 9th oi Oct. ia the year of Grace 1818. O ! 1 I Krnnre \\\ the course of tiw pnj»#tu motsth, or t:\r\y ill the be^'rtiiii^ of irK'xl, vJ "i»ch mterv'i!^, and by sat'ii ! r tufa*, an ma? be a*tor«»rtIs dfofrer^ i th«* m->i t'irv of the*n a^Vm'^led as arore i fat!, (li .11 **fit'%€ ju'l a -d pwwier aen co-'fn.r ri» rte fitoatr-tn nf furh Ian», Frov'-iL-l ahuivv: thit it Ola'1 n-rt be: lawfni for rhi-?'i«-i jtnlicesora m-tjorttv «fates that it w»s generally known thtre that the gr<nt point above re¬ ferred to had foaeri determined. Trie following fVixsage is copied from a tetter which he. Krottght with him :— Atx-t.a-C'h \rr.r.T.E, O f. 5. Biiibt o'clock* P. M. " Matters will v-iy soon St* cor*-: ci.ifi -H Uere. 'IV great point of all j hn- fcoMi finally settled -I MViu,, that j the allied troops 9««il q'■- Fi'tnce as] •»:nlv a-: pns=iMe---°m<> *9) tes.f«H» the KINGSTON, TUESDAY, DKCEM'H.%% i»l« ....................... V Tuesday next, tfte\ Mth in*tmnt% ike last nu/nier or the KIWGSFOW GAZETTE rm'L be publi^h%dt Sublet'theirs who are tn arrear of payment, will please take nntiee of tke name, and " G >*■ vern themselves accordingly." -»!'.-<} to l>t? rnost c^nv^n'init ior all [piidof th« monttti Any tfeittg f«rttwr i rff'r^ Tfcfr Alllea hw^s are f)frf- ctlv sffCi^fiec! nhh iho ijf6'*ent oi* Fnuiee, and i\u; ge.c,ur:tJP*< I do iftj kuov and, if did, i should not have tiff*** lo 8?M H yott.M tf i-i tnifl (hit, up to a !<ite hour this ;»i.-h she offers, in her inl-.-mu! con- j j afternoon;, no dispatches had come to th* hntuU of Miners.; out the form- i lawftil for the siid hirtices or a m-tjortty . , . ' . i 7 i-^j k,,* tw<. fm-m r . .. .- J, „ i ^,,i », ; i'i'i o. f«r the per^'iftfion ot the I 'he hands of :Vlsni«^r}», outtheionn- of ^Uena-a' refaid, to o',cr ano ov«i ' ' f ,u j(....m(,.lk ■ . r - * t ■ u. Jt m^..j« f('i.:--"'i;!l fvauqutlity. i.Vy are lik»- si prefaratioii nI 8*ta aocuments rrn- -f.. nny f*» *^*'«« ^f5lff[iiW navmont of the ^ntriuution^ lU-rrton of a ft^r «»* in a private ^^ MURDER !--On Friday evening, the Iftt. hr-tau?« 30m<* Indians went le the hquffl of a Mv. Jalm Va.j'o'-JVHn, in the barn ^ dp-n^n. of .ic owirhip vtt Lunghbaro^jgh, when- a ;| :hc;v vooii neramr noMM^onf, vir. V. *n1f*a- voured :« p^rsnadf th**m to i<* a^a-. T re I*i- duins proving nbstinat^, a-.itl gracing st.ll more *av&gHn th?iritii?|»a itionh,ir ivas a^ffV proper o call in om** m-.^fibarfi to Ufiira**- -i lance. Al^i^ndfr C. Vavoojf, au .um»p^: ^)!'i Ca: a^ian, was i!j# fir r li<H arrived, who rud^avourfd 4n |-acif> t ^m^ but .o ;.o flF'-ci; 'vhcKaii fiidia>i, eatied Jack, d*** n«s knif^ and wtabbrdlum in flip Hnast, which canned Uih ri**a.:. r?vrl\ the n*jt: rnu**iunt;. Mr Vau- lotfvejQ was a!-o vabVd in he arm » : Mr . V. ua* cm arrjfs her narwl. T<\c» ; iliao . Jack and Mtsmel haw unli»-»j.- an n- a ""natio-.- before a '*l>}' *r«ii ■ a H ar • n HP ui a e*"- ,Jcr fnfflA'w f*c»w P-.vj »ds i.en_ SMil«-»rs v* » i^*"*' l,,;" ,,ti:n °')r Ponni* ^xc-ep' '^bill^ir8. st<*^'■•■^ : a**d the -d.!i:i'm:»l sum of '1 **aty "ihi'**Ojf-v, «smre«e^, oow 'm.> »ft-d by :a*N J'^y '-^' to the '• >"tr»r| there-f 'ii any not- | wiih'lao.-lina. I V- ,'hclh it further ennH'J hy tfo n-J- \ ifortfy 4&refaid> 'VhMk faAl a-.-l m^v! h N>v!"u! forn^y "?cT^»n i»i' i/trr-ou--. ! S'-ie^e .. onfribotioos are all to be d:s-; Tito a-.itheiitici!) of t!je pi.ara-r.iph j harmed !:i th;- co-ir-e o;' nine RUiiithHJj above taa nSCiibed rflayb© relied upon: i from Hie 4jsnatore of the Treaty. !j if, at least, srhowf. that w«*t i.t staled j Fluv tot ioKtatment is to be ^3 peri vva- the current r» port at A.i\-h-Chn-. .■■>r>t, u*m the whole .<um; and foel p-!K It will be ob-erved, also, rhatj ri'Oiaioder h to be paid by ^tial til* j j it h dated two htfiir* biter than (he >f everv two1 la'rn^ifrts nt the end iRonfhs. T't^ ii"'-* paynieol of' ^5 p*'r| I Govern*r*«t CQntfQCt* York 1 4 i> t Jbt3. NOTICE fs hereby gfven that frtled projjofaU w i be received at thia Offi*e, on Of before tbe 2cth j-'uary ncxt> ttfbc opcrcd at Eleven o'clock ia the foren on of she ^ame rav, f<>r 5«r- ycjlng the ra-iraining on-f.irvryerf pant of the Townfhip^ of Alftftand p.«'»"a- pentt :n tha Dittrift of Ottawa^ ibe farmer containing 50.000, and the i^t* ter nhout 30,000 arrea • Also ihrae Townfrip.?i in the Vfiffiffague Tra;», fn tie Hv«f DlftriAa and Pi\\r& f G're, containing each about 66»oc#" arve.> The whole ti» be Surveyed »n^ Ia?4 out ? 1^ Lot* of loo acrr§ each, upnii the UkW principle of allat-mc.nt (sea HOtf)y and paid form Land \y 1 pef centagt on each »oo acre^ Mir^cyed. Two sufficient Suretjai will be req«J*a c4t tha? the ^itMvty bt completed coa- fmroable to the IiiHttudiban Inch U'ti 1 hr delivered from ihi> Office, a-d rJt^t any inaccui^c t% j« the Survey h' n^adc g»od at the caoewe iff ibf Co -vr actor* Ao pr u»(ifr*l will be ectivcd for the Survey of lefs than oae of the iboa Townfhips. r %ote —Between every Coacflion Roid (d'ltmt f om it U .» c 66 C. 67 T,.)a line in t> be Surv yed ;n the ce*. jtre uf ihe faid i»n! rem Wiiiea, at jri^ht a .g'e- at the dntancr of 50 [linkti the Iota are to he Soua^ed ifiiht t tn\ 'th, (of (he width r,f -jjpchain-9) a\\ai heir tr'ral? a< n^n^i »*ix?-. j j thcre' y jivi i^j 'hern a double fr< nt —Tiw- vrrd-'-Sof^eC.i.'or.r-NJ-'ry w^ w than j «e^ CfiflCcfGoO llfte. M t. C. Vavong was ^iifailv S: malirio'^iy it „ -. rT^^T-r n iuiif;rV,;r, ;h< b»?a «ilu knife, by an V'-l dsati called 'ark. which wu^ih* aicans of ids At Er|ffft Town, on Friday the iothj iuftant *1akia J-iHss, conf^tt of 1 ? -»»**, tiff* 29t;i *■ p«H7rf«iw[pm, ........... - , (eiit. will take piaca on r;."* zvra «i • ^l^fti^i^Jii^"?^ no;ij'».rf-:;b,rn[Hif t»r2»e«t y*ar, |%ej h^vin;! ohcai e,l a Liseooe for «e-;«'n* I j fc ^e <;{. R.jrhu ^ Co> supported by! a J d q Inuoi .lo.iie of Pub'Je K^!eri'V"'J liaeir fri-ntU o! the other banksn^j tend on tfe« 4tii ii^rant. H» eon-J u'Mf, npnn a CevfJa-^e fro o tn«| j ^IKM ;)f !^,ir,vo-i. is 'th*' seeutity. jfirm* wfcaf i ahov« atat.'ii ; and he j jiti^s a'Tr.i.V.e.i on t'ie 'a^ %Um ! j ...^ ;v,r;1[:, Vt ffs ?V.tprda v ea lied t■» a [add- farttt^r, thai t»' AJited Troops j av in Dtfce.nlvrr, a- af r-(^i-i. f »r the; ; ....ti;,*t! .■„.,? a,Kj ...■.,,;,!-..« «aii!«far-' wra In ij-«*1t Prawcs fey tae end of tlie ii:r:-. vie- :f »rei"-'-It or fnvnthe a V'"'::" | j.... y {.. ..,,.;,.; -,« »s> T'„.. d.Jr'b.i.toM »f. i present month. ; i> ..►...- •'., "" n', i:i pai'h a ■". <"■'■" v. S . ." ..... ... 1,., ,.,,.<.;\t» ..! < ,,-.v,-.' imruji — tetr r onJili-thed in t'ite W«vivs^aperi«i, lu addition, **Hav« se«u tbe p*n* \ tle»an who brought uver tbe -loc-onnt which ha-bvpn f».ibli bed. fT'- arriv- -.U-ithe Ifyfrgfrthi ana |ftUt«l O^- j j" ^g* refcjnXtion ^o c^paiare. , Ou O'dny the t 3»h in ft a tit, her! TnOs. "iTDOUr. Surveyor Gecveraf. ______3° "r s. fv^ "I R « -DOT,. THES..bfc.iberrefrectfulyinf,rrr^ I Solomon J.hns, Merch et. in tht aothjfflei,ed Srcho°1 ,n Mi»ifd*y zU zui iait. yea, of her aa* She fmlaineH with ! I hour8 of Ht&™** (rf9n 6 *> *• fortittije her Ihopj. bnt painful fickneoa, ! and rryt the appioach a! deaifa vyitbj GEORGE B X ER. Kio^fla . Dirtrfct Shoo!-Howi't 2t December, 188. 30 t pnrpvfcs .!f»re(" = :-5, or from tr.e a ;om::-- ,? _ ^ ,(;,:i^>^ 1>e> d.-Jr-hnitOM of e;3: (")•la-i'ter S« H-.-ns i=i ea*"H a»d ev •? v. j. • . . , H}..|:,.}* ..{, < nave ye^r d-tr:-.:;r t h»-% c^in:j^nceo. tUM ^^ij^y^ j> :i-u aWi^ ir^wii^y ■> avr.Ar- 7 . V.r*ing ,r r; tirOtK ■%..*■ I ■>*.», -j '1 <i)rt I'tii'o^. i 11 ^ ;»r ' tnr f>:rtiouS r*i PnMte lf<»uV, M»»P»lv ■ *T I >• a y • ; n ,ti:<| trt fij« ^r -m.-i ,) ■ kt> fid*-, in t"J.-n- al^a.rtw- '^'b '«4 ,,!"- ^': j hvd, anl i< <h ill be lawfol *'•'■ '^"-' W ]\ !>•!• i;i '.v-H ).-c»(v« 4*< miliums «1 r'aecs. .« .. ., ^ '!•>. •\" i-.i t.'ut ■( ■ 40 «'*•• 'i' .* % • ... •Idrtrf* ^-> *«>, *t.». Treaty for the diva*nation of France. Art. 1. Tit<»Hhr*i»fM romposiu^ trjp -\r n>' of 0.'eu,»a*r m, shall be wit!i- | ^ 1 i rrmaini* wn-% ^acndel t^) the .h-nch9 by ! . a wniicri'ua affenahly o! frit nd* a.;d ac- {tj^aint'^nce, to vyh Qi *hc Rev -iLfeX. I f*LhTCM BR, PfttCCQE .»r of the \ca:ie'ni/, I drlive^d a m dt a;>pr.»piire an J patke tic discos I'c, before the int. rme«n. Mr». Iohns9s midurfh uf tcw-jer. a^ieeabe j a maulers, aflf bil^y, ca(ii>ir, piudtitce good fea*e. and hrr cMe»ap!ary ! i I'vi fr-"r. tli- Frem-h ferriterv by\ \fjMk\twnt ofiUc dutiei icfultiufs fro n the StOfh of rauvaaaser next, or sooacr if p'vsio'e. I be te "'cr icbnioiu of a dnu^h. -r, a filler, a wife, a mothvr, a friend and MA ONIO NOTICE. 'Mil iiE Bretfiar«* of c-t Joho, L.dsjo, -L .\o 6 will dioe at the Lo'^c PO.tmf a: B. KoSt. Wh krrs, on Mon¬ day, thr 28.h Dec. bun* the celehrj. tk)0 of St. Jvitin :he E.van^diit. Tran- Scit Bre hern who wfli to j in tht F^ltva', w;l! plral't give their names to fr tUvatr", in *t*W'>* aw3 tvr tbe P'^'v and under firefe r^elati «*!» ^-jl reiii««J * a- a«-e h ""• ni '<€•' ra /e m<»» d- VI. /hit* ttfjriUr *#&* hv th> uth,rUv aftrefay Trnt it Hull " " Walker on "»a.ijrlay, JOti.-a W. Fi^RGtNOY, Secretary. KinijlT n, f 7tU *D"cf 188. f'uri %Lb UK .O lib i.Ll.- 4 I ar^tt CoTitr»€»v!iou8 two llory Tsl dwe?tiof Houfe witU Kitchen, 0111 Honllsa-.d (iarden 1N0. I, Ftont Il ee». Fo • '• idaraapp»y to Lauriwice Herchmer Eiq. iSkiugitouj December 20, 1818. 30 ia. Couti'-iH of ih» AUVed ^m'M«*rsilarrif(.|en{ th?convention. eonelad«din tofatam arecttiWtiaa »f W.-r, or realize [ Uiiidi Na'te hit- -*rto ^uich a Hi a>, ons a- arC ■:{-n>-e raitivi t o Tn:tij a IJ "^ H-ffl*# Ac etniiieu ex 'W-yfitn <,f tlio ft,;i article of the |j hi» own \t*U. treaity o" V'-f^inber 20. IS18 -\it. .^. The sun destined tr» pr >Videf>»r 'b^ iiav.theeaulpm«nt^»iid I .• . Communicated, ceWthintHH H-ovi ^re. ! ^711 /fff(f 'he ii farrier *ifl *** ty the \ .uthon><*Mfn^ ^^Jt^Ua^nmay: 1 1 ,--1' i-'.r •b- " *<** '"c Peace m, repi^seutattva •a i I d »f thi provtw.: j each a«d 'very i>? m« > .Kibeifeheibv raqtitled t> tra^mit V!ij:-'y of I5ur«5{je,|jl81j 5 js de:laitively settled at -itj.1) I have terminate <i in ttfteen da/s ajjini! ;(,n? a' fr>nrs. •\rt. 5- Oi' •hi* sum 'be amount of l()())nii]!i.•Misor.-ifrctive valotJ sflall be P4r-!j 6) a'T'utseri|>ti<»n ©f rent> on rue i'":at booko*1 hMMijyss wideb bas en^a.,ea sp "J,),!1* tiftoaud aux.t-ty f>r ?hr vears ; audi UjUfiins hnws s,itewn tba» t*a <*&a#€^.j i w^« ^s K^ * iih ivbcjti ^er j *»»asy | the* .u J viewed, ara on "tw* ui l: ftt ,ar' The next Kington Asv.-mb'y will oe held at Walk r's liotel on Tnursdav Rve.nin^,the 31 -t hist. _ m I " TO l>f'; SOLD t>V AUCTION. OV W^dnpiday the 23d I) *r-m- Oef, 1818,at hia .Vitje-ty's 6'0/w- i/usyttriut Si ore, viz. A u'lmlv/- >f empty HUM ounr.h- eons, BH "F Casks and FLOU.i «ir- Fejs,—»i.ilf to commence at 12 o'clock,. — W on. Kn^ston, Dee. 18, IS18, JO ^TR ACT fo"r"M \ SO >' WOltK. | ilENDfi IS will be received DOtillj si Monday n.-at the 28th in'.lant, for Baitdiaer a Stone Vmit for the Bank NOTICE. T7HE SnKfrrihera brint? about to ieave K^iglton, requ«-t all in Te wuo are in i^hted t.» the Concern, to *vl ke immediate payment j and a.lthula wh have any Cia n> again il fafd concern to piafeot -heir ^ccoaatiinawcdtatly lor a j iftmtnt, 's WILLIAM* 3c Co. N. B. The Bniiaeft will still be C.< ntilined and as gopd an AfTortraeat kept on haj.d as ufual. a good Supply of Sole Leather. and Upper 30 1 ec*." ,,a.....j >•,-,..- ir* viewed, sr«* u^ *tur at «^i »«« ,,rvVittg in-tame ironi »«.-»«« »» —• Ou,.i,r!v t/. the IsfueAor General oj | | -! — ^ ^ ai.pAl,a; w!llic ,h, | i81 s> ^ ^id j^cir^Oii* ahatl be tMslV^-i c^-a detvlei Matement'*f ? ■ U0^*f..siUv ^i.h t fa-it a-'ion eouters j r ■<• ^^ M the rate of the fond* on the heWite:a^tff|a^|qftJ^ Ktfromthe^d of %*&A\bq***<* % BA.ITL^T,Caflaar. Kiigllon, Nw»v. 21ft, 1818. '""mi.fheaetrt. tthfrfa they #V twai I 1 Order* of m-Mh relative to duties to he nken bv the [aid &***& l^i ,,,.l,(|(>^ nWv i,e r^and-d at a graal n!e:] llm'erl ^araotcc^ tWr^»iltiy. Tm^u-. '" c ol onlit fpe^or for .v.v Licence « the an Honty >f 'ha '«. ra the ;ui ^o'iTy .... ,, . ,W ^ « A;-A^r mamdh fh animitv, in a ^.-at meamire 01 p«uty,i tid-Mice «•> 'lie general rrat»-> VllL '^-? ■"'fiftruxr ****"» "-' ■. ,4itfes conud-Mice i>i tor M"""1^1 ■*"•' 4W?.-v •..'irejSii//, ."bit c-aeh f t^ ^'i j ^ililUy iilKl |s raicuiated to dU» U-) aheor p foA* a-,CO!,nt Fw l^ >' * otner clouds thai may partially d^w.n 1 r I 0,! in the iams- 5' • O-t. 1818. \vt. ft- The remaining 165 roll-. H*Hi «;!sall h*» paid by nine mnvithly » ,5,s'-i!m.°nt-s,eomm!,nce"mj( with the StHj vl 4 in. *»tt. by dnift.-on the houses of ll'tje & Co. and iiarin?, Brot ^ers & j :'°- In tha same lumnir tie iwscrip- U of tb" ranis. -nf'^urd in ?h; {» tha famemanrar. and oay i» i^c la-oe- . | ,lMr;Z,„. As tee *oaa- lo the Receiver Gancra) at tbe fame. (^iwmctprlttdi^Vy to oa tha | ^-Ve article, .a i b, deltv redt.uem %\ „c he is now oblijscd to pay /^? p ja«amof Fraoco, t.e-ir .w»ouaJ p- p.,Mic M-nie, which e*w« W b.shao#, |waC8W|i| i>.-.£.iven no loi.^r than ttu) and in def-uh. of Mk ^f* °r ^T lara fer^ati-d. The MihwW* w|H r,- .m fh .11 be 'i .ble to the pen.ltxs ^^ ^^ ^ mmi ti;Tl(. Umuer, to taC- The Annual Meeting OF the KINGSTON COvlPVvS- ION.vTK 8Q. I«TV will be held *t| Wdk-rs Hotel <m Monday the 4 b] January next, when a general attend ancc of MemSer- is pattieularly defired. CHR V. HAGEUvJaN. 8cere*ary K.. C. b» Kinaft«a. 2' Dec. >8ii. ill be a dinner at the Hote' rfifnt, Hv.1 imp Ted by sny ! aw now ■ » s It! force re-* lie some other matter* trt !**■ w^; I lance J bat as they are solved B»i tj, door fnr^nural discnsMon, uf| to receive, like an Amptnotiu-.c Uoun leuation of tn? tVonch turnaory \rt. 7. At ^e same epoch, the l,onnmis<iom>rs oftne said Courts shall llelWer to the royal tie i-urar o! Fran.*e it-,) not tneut, an ,,.,,.»,.. fl^yh'S, roWib, 1 in tie lift of mrm» the.- . &co be United nnua, nuo; t^ r^ovincaftee fram^he rtmeat^ 30 iv 2. t>0 re a t/« martttj 'ati.)usand persuasi a manner le,s 9^^'^ ^^ °f ?evea uty of 2^ Pc Note - cpnri ue liable tot^ a byibe4utG«o.lli • c,^#/ a a i :pe»r. Mil «>* |>r»P'»"u "/ "' I ■«•»■ >— —■ u„ettl«<U« differe-c tet»««. h^ta. tfaMAmtf Bad... TUi •»" kwl1 .Vrt. 8. Th. 1 » cnillions of psHta, crated in *»rru* of tbe Sen artiela •{" the saftl colaeatiaii. praseut convention i>a tba ratiacatioa^ r-a-rfl^RSAS Jane Nt^AK, m> \'\ vVrfe, has left my H«* anr ard «*t.outja-t cause or provoea- rioti, thivi, to forbid hUd—on bar o iig or tru tint her ou my account, as i will not pay any debt, ohierc-i trading alter this dat». WfMilAM X NUGAM Kington, Decembers, IS is. TO LET, AND immediate poffeiloa ifivao. Dwelling liuaseconvtcmeai i«* two faadlia., squire af vlr J«a TAKE NOTICE. <r3f~V"HE Subfcrihers wifb to- iifbrqi it tbe Public that tkry hayt provided rhvm(elves with Proper Sfa^e ^Ifigi-.s, f >r tht purpofe of i*rming a line 1 f Mail Stages between KinHt»'« a«d Y-».k. j. d wl c»cn i-a ru'-a g as Toon as th* • 'eiuhing will be I'utfLiently kiuix. ;«. d will leave Kingltpn and York Mondaya and Thurfdays, ar | 2 o'clock, and wi I arrive at cac;« diftiued olace ou Wednei, dav and ' vening«# * Stage hu e. Will be 4-d per mile for each paifen^er ; 14.1b baggage will he allowed fpr eacrj Pa ranger A B*nk wid he left a« Meows' Coffeec Houfc, in KiisfHon, for entering Sam*., when the Stagefaro nu.t be paid for oae half the distance fram Kingllon t > York. S\ .UEL PURDY. WlU 1AM McMlVIV. ________3^_ 9 -* - A FAUM FO.t -»ALb ; 4 DJ0INJNG i^ay Bayf in the r\. row«.ihip of Fredericis ^urgh, . hi il ft half of Lot No. 2, \n the fecoui '."'oOfefiiaa, cufitaining ap acres, and having about ^O acres im cr cultivation with a loj h mi e a'»d hmi upo" «c ?oi .heteri'u appy %o Daniel Wc'hbiira £l4ubc« Ki kC^-'"1 — P.VANK vtghNET. £orowall,Dca 7* iar.K§ «g

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