Kingston Gazette, December 22, 1818, page 1

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pyW W * *~ *W>"C ^JF^>!§8**«fl! 't»»»'1 -*•._. . *r"",T? i/CiHCSDAY, DECEMBER %% 1818.1 i" MS i aH ci Kg- * [VOLUME VIII.------No. 3D.] to Tr j- - £uta*.n>«, lh>i-k Canada—Prints and Published by STEPHEN MILES.—Price Four Dollars p NEWS ! ■ V er Annum—Exclusivk of Postage. zx^irs; cz&s&z-sii&a ' Notice. r fis t di« m, r'Kai tlu*y ma\ heir oou.'c; f y-AV^'- f ; .mi* a*' f:hoft iruieUtCil to K'tn To Let, \ NDr>nfTcffion given the firft of M^y /a. ne»t, a numtaf of rooms in the i * ^ ()V< JrV F !Vcc«;ih*ri next *■■' • i are \i Me t! ne ^jJpWE Copartncrfhip heretofore ex- V'-no r-inrler the fcrna of Tay-or & P>rb>'\± LliH-<ffty dlfloWed hy mutual ' Hoc Barrack.3. Enquire *f conle^i., Thcte! ?rc, thi-. U to rcqneft a?' th V pidelrted to th- fa id firm, by no\c\ or htt' k 3v€-*t*«t« tocotne f©iward j mi -5 a:: fee i • afc>li<tf# pavrm*M unto Mian r'iv:ur, wh - ;* duly authojifed to re cove the fame -' O'J thofe who have March l H. EARL. 4* TO LET, t |^HE Commodious (Welling Uou'e Scribed, shall be payable in Gold or Silver coin, or Montreal Bank Bills. currant in this Province, iu the man nfr following, that is to say : eis»h< per centum to the Directors, thiW days notice of such r>ayraetu having br*m given in the Kingston Gazette another payment not exceeding ».• per centum* nhenever they shall r^- |yir» it. at »ucb time and pj.*;ce ns tb^> «q wo^y owenm* «.one: snail a,;, i,,t !or tint pnrpo.e, ^ and urem.le*. Kt»e pw.rv ot 1ST.]JtJ,frh- days previous notice as aforr- ft.UKTTF.. Ol'FU'a. I 'Ki&-g&i*n Bi«T;ch of the Mwri-!! N 13. 7'Ht buSnefs will in future be • ca.i sicd on by THOMAS PARKER.! trval i! NO'[ICE. To be Ler, ! t«u p#r Centura Bpnn t!;e capital stock, fortho payment of wbrcli tliirty day: f'ttice --iini: always be ^ivn. ' ft j A ND pt'flVffi'^ v'iv 11 mm diatt-ly,j oecotiii. It is furtttei mutually j jf^\ ihr dwc: i :,• ho -ife. jr>r.!en &«, j 8«£r©efl upon that whenever the numb ■ •■ '! taid'v oci.unicd bv Ecw-rJ f Hcnd-:: i I,,? twotbousaud shared shall be siih Inu Al A S .• * A ■-1 iv I..•-1• xJ f iw! i o !vl .iH' {>eri*>Tis who *•"«* ' 5«vi>»ep to the j ^getvt- I ifeoyc {i':n, w'i1 picafc pay thfif rsci?oB*tt* 23 ■ wnliuiu fie ay ; a^ rl tlvoie who nan -------' K. ve rlainvf a^ainS That "flr*-*Si ro-c:- ; an. tor Ulc ai UM* Low No 6 uft4 i 2 ui Hie 3'1 tou*i • celii ■ n* . - •..........." ' 4OO t s * Kifig($o:\ ad Mcv fRlft- ^'i : wruvoui fit: ay ; at n iivuie ww qputy •A V,*Hia":'ic L:tn:s for S le in thciioUaie >ie.fcLt the* fiw w?juftrorat. '"rnvft T vfn, 2 1 tl Sept. 1S1S 24^ To Let. j •Jj NDp:ff-iTi n given istimesliateiy-, J' "5L she lo»*« MUisrREAL ALMANACK, n _ 1 ^ C 0 Dodo 11 and 15 in fcbe 4th Ucfl9>| €t,ffk>n, • • * • • • 45° Do do 10 ia th<- 6 Cownefii : 2 .0 | j > r »t.i ■ ■. ■ h- :ul f. i"Wer. For L>:ut!c;iiHJ>, B-rfpVy /tcses, icjo TV- E ahnm 1 flA*i>. Kit ai« VI r :i. the T.»'ft^*V> "t r.a^i't;:n, nc.v v Diilnc-V, and w)V- ^-e (t* ; o.. tnc 1'iem c . Ki.i^'i-n, N<»'. ^. '. r1 8. 24.f • For llic Yl y t»f our i.ord 1 H 1 9. For Sa »: lHj» Omee, •nribed for, theComntfuee, shall b< tifj -tMe, ttm« and place of hold in jj a ne^ling wf rh'- Snli.-.enbers, whic: «iiall beat thedi>tanee uf not less tlia» TMidav-tiMn the time such netifica- ii"u (•.? proceeding '-<i the election « t'\e nnmberofDirectors,as herein ^fi- • mentitmi-tl, and such election shal' then Q':d there be made bv a mijo:i; i j f tbein voted for in manner herein- j ittter on oehiie.d, in respect to the p.ii- j siual eh-ttioti of Directors, and ih* I j 1 ei>r«ns wlso lii.ll and lhe»e b< reli t*nfl MinH bt? tSio fust Director. j aild dia1* lw eapable oi serving uitJ th« rspharioo of (he day jbted for! j i^ukivi^ tbe av.uuaJ eleetiou, and tlr j Dir^ctots M) cho>eu sliali us soon there- £• • V- on JltWinl t..!,S F flt'tH r l= fO:.V..t. rf,. e q he * ©r tile —- - —■ m: 1 * i 4 A READY RE* KOKER, Shewing"ti»t v 'ij:- f Qmim oi van >uj) j,»it «;• tia cirru-.nxtanc.e* can ennvfenH) allow &? commence* the busineM an ------------—<_,. -.^. --..., v.^ •, . .w-. 7 1 .'pere.licn nf (he sairl Ba.ik, but nc V#l / -V* « ' ■ curinrnt in tilt Pr vy} c* uf * r«ptt Cau?. ! tienk k\\h or Bank n»>t.«« shall b^ i- ^u- !j<u, si J.SO ; -I or pet ui drcnlation, nor any bj! 6rd/ie/ Coins* • • 1 »n -j L Nu lll'c JO c fl 1 or *-et .-» • ^rn r-:o\s jv r note he discounted ot the Bank ur. I ftiltwo thousand eve hvuidred ^har^v ry1-' V, (u^fci'-cr tc!t..cC>ii!tv inf. r.t., g ,. ,M.i j _,, T vCj. t. ec ir ri»« '^O W i -am, u -er or iiiulcc ft-efaht. ]mrr>vcd T^ - ..f the val-itf of Grain Uull have Keen sub-crib,-^ lor and hv .2. IU hi rd- a-i tie. p -b!:c, t'iiai hej.^; if,,; .5, r)vvi,e c.ui,aWp t Caneleu, 1 j" .■ -• j From ouucw,l^:..; W- *< .„ -^-------------— -- -------- ---^.^^^^^^fe f0„. iS jTvJ.. j j Aftirlrs nf ,4 i->c>.\> <-m -j the \ Thole wtiva mav f«t-w«ni hi» -v;'h f ••;! . ; r , ., ?,»? n;i: cxvil r*« bpfc«v«-e»» ,i o », ■ ■ •' .a ni>.,,f-. ^tvj!>* I !io.t-.;;id pound*in Cold or S:lvr oi \ M'Mjiieal Bank ante:, shall be actlial* • !v patii niHud received on accouni* n [the sybvcri ftwa to the s. ;.' ..._ —---------—e=3 , I mrrf. Forth •canttfi >ened, then, ani in such cm it may »- competent for any former ^ofascri- » rcr ubrcribcrs, to increase his, h*r, rtheirsub)*^ieu^ to tu fiundretl •nrl riffy shares ; and il the afo:«*aid -'ipita! JStock is not Bubi>riibed v.ithin WO notrths alter the said ti«ok of srofc- ciiption hall have been opened, *hfn, -••d in such cae, Ihedehciencj msj be "lb^ciihed for by any person or pe»» •ma, body politicet corporate. »>'/>///. It is herein a.vpressly iud ••\plictly declared, to b..- the object "id intention of the persons who asso- a>te;|lterti«! !ves under tne s'yleo. lirrn ?f (he uunk of Upper Qtiiada, that te joint stock or prcrpertj of the ,R,d Jompauv, (exclusive nf dividends to •• made in the manner hereinafter necftoned) yhall a I »e.e be. responsible r the debts and engagements of tiie j tidCmpan\. A'id that no person^ • fi.)5hall or may deal ^ith this Corn- any, or to whom thr>y shall or may become in any wise i.-id-hted, shall on any pretence whatever have recourse gainst the seperr-te property of any neent or* member of this ct*m-. ■ my, r.ra><a;u.-t their persona, fartaer re the ppiieation »'< the funds theve- f, to tiie purposes to vvhieB by the-a orea^nt-He} ara liablci H t all p;r- onvaccepting any bond, bill note >r • iher rout met of rhi* co nflany, signed b) the PresideiDt, or V M?-Fresidentj u\d count'-rsigned or atte-t d by the Cashier of the company', for the tioie l.twng", or dealiag w'th it in any other planner wfea-tsoever^ thcr-hy respec- riv -iy !iir.i» credit to ths said joint siovft or propi-rty of ti?e ?airl Cr.mpawyj ittd thereby re pedjvei} disavow hnv- • 2 raceur,e, on any preteifoe what. v r, to th fv?r*'tH\ my ic per ate prop#a« ) oi any present or future mtruber ©I '.is Co.npipy, except as : bavenjen- 'wned. Ami fill suits to be brought a^jin.t this Company (!•' any shflli !,.) allb.' broufciu -d&lmt the" Prtsidenl m the tinve beln^ : atid in case of his l-ntr. or rj-(ru>v:i!-froni »i'i--•» n-pntrrra my s'oit against Uim, measures shall t>ft' en at the eapence of the comjwny >r substituting his succetoer in o.hce tan niaj he necessary to seen ■ mtifu' application ^:" the funds Thole wtivi mav 1-> <v;«b t' -n u r v Vv.j ^r ^ ,, r,;l.. n,ii: ^11?^ fcerwren ; piti\&fa may «ry u" "" "• '"' >l ; "•'"- S •'? jW■»uhk>'■*•^i wodc t'.e P.- r. -f the on •!>■•'«■:.■.* vca'-nal.1 _'- • ci 'u ,;- ;,7t.,vf.; /rvC,.., -A-,- thi da* !ifc j 8AMvoi UPPC;-CANADA.t rf r pi ri«;itt' i«ii£ r ^'u C *1 MICtt F.l* MOtUN AVrt •rfw ?»§ * 2i. r rs t r q . ^ : ,„i.ia! « nc -at. AVj detfiaud* \ j jist»,dt»{i 'aid !k:., viil b- fctltd by r | •r.^niio U^'iOf. vo wH.-m •• :yrcrrt i , ii:fM(. I'M me wood management ot •J the | tbr* aliairs of tlie said As ociatlon t>? ; omp:iuv, there shall be thirteen £i.|Jft*-&defead*»»M so thai persona havin u«et»;r-, » ho shall be annually elected j | hi fj* proprietors or holders of the-Tiid i Vo ALL TO \V,.i>vi THES'C PU.S-* J. apUnl stock, at a geuwal meetA.. demand: upon the cempwny, may not b« prejudiced or delayed b) that event, or if the person suing, shall yo on a« SEXTS SHALL COME. » wi. ' r « i-lw ol uli dvlvt --'^ ^'fl 6na I I-ytcuf ■'!•.' Cpnurit (iifke* il { %uc4, I . DELIAS E, r . o e ii I F. W.WIN-LOW • i0ij Per to, o,l h September, » S • H. 17 | itifrfcof to be annually hoiden; «|«ihtch IU»i«n the. person Br»t named a> de¬ ar,:, nal mr.tiu^ th'1 said proprietor* and kfWit.holders shall veto a.-cordiu. }ic tlvt%ule hereinafter established, \v. I- Qf frj.. ,.. lie v v j£'veu »,rhi R-^fiefc.rV?v. .b> • i#ei -v ^e:! t'lo' or t h-. ■ e.;v,j 'tyratr,. m C«wuct-, t^«: j BLANK BAIL BiJ F o r vni<j a v ! h 5 s 011: ee ri fi on the Wdlt- - iv 11/ na'f^f t.*J? tuieelur cvci.ic^n f,rh ci.ocefR-n ^n li-e V^ -a in the T'.vmfiiio ot prc^ ;-V.•:o• e, • • h., wi.hiu ;5k ^ot.tlv FjomtliisdaTc.^fthH ft me wilt bctlouwe .,pcn to other appfi C. £ s. Foi L> ASK. OF u PPERrL An"AD.4. mav , }>e | declare and n^rrt^ ihn' !h ' ll.rzi-t_>\ lino rw B A N K O * jr.eBt f«^r tht s k >f • tfriada, l^jj will ev-:;^'- toX »*rtt^ % b5:ls 0!'| Wm. MirCHE? L. Kmraon.Oa. t?h .S 8 20 _S a ^/Wi;.-l^•li, Qti.e j I which are uud<r i'^provirmc nt, with aj S [frame hosteand r»«rrj ihcrfoin, an excel j I lent \h\'\u$ of wa":v witjua a few rod f| * In. hou er And a th ive g rmd#iy of fix L-! &%\a hundred apple tr^«s» lonr.eofj ;vv'.j;c;': hc^in to b ar« stLSO, Hundred aereiijf !,AND, ^ith d GRIST ILL ti'c-rcon. O .v li.U', Co'/'P'Wjj ska,'£be bound re- .-1: luted. Pint. The C.„itai Stock of the ir! Company l-itl not exceed One uu-idr-'ct and Twv„ty F';v* fhoiisancl i .-und- crieut Bi«rnSY ef this Province, h<' removed or mal-administratton b. - tore the expiration of that period b) - general meeting of stockholde»»s1 01 unless suspended as hereinaft»*f provid- >j.:d) and at thi ir lirst meeting aftii "Stak election, shall choose ou' oftheii •1 i\.her, u President and V ce-l'resi- t\ tjt, and their place* respectively. j from time to timr, till up when vacant b-, daath, resignation, absence from the Province, or removal as abovesaid. (u case of 11, resignation, absence from the iVovie.ce for three months at. a time, or the removal of a Director b\ ilv" stockholders, his place in rase 01 :.i :• udant, (uoivCith-tanrlin^ h«> death r.r removal from ojHre) IhUcorupa uy chall ake no advantage ol such p«'.ce; ding ou that account : arid all recoreriee .,ad in maun r aforu>a'-d, shall b- con- lusive npon ihe coujjjan\, so far as o render toe Cornfmiiy's taid joint stack or propyllv liable thereby, and .\<* !\n(l;. r ; and the Compiuy shall iuinivdial^iy pa\ the amount uf Suck recovery out ol their joint, but not otherwise. And in case of any •*'dt at Law, the Pre*idt nt f*»r the time being shall have full power su his ov»n ame, and ono>ha!f of the Company, ^o prosecute to judgment and e.xecu'ion in the manner and form as by the la«a «>i this l'r(?vince it is provided ; it being expressely understood and de» cfared tiint ail persons dealing with the aid Company a^ree to these terms^ and are to be bound thereby. tie TO LKT, a S.'.VV an vcw'y rthmtt, i" the laid Townmip of 1', L .h'i'boiv.uvrh, wiih confidtiaolc ira It.iovcnrnt «Wtit the laiew, oa which jI near y 30 to«■* of bav wa> cut tke pte- MD taAr »***> «?*U A\("* t»f««U-Tht ab.;ve hnd, will be . . ... such reuu-'.al shall be Ii lied up by th d-vid-d into live tUou-and shares oi, ^ stockholders, and in the othei t,i-u»tV hve l OUti^eftch ; and [or tm- c.lSOS b> thn rer.uiuiu^ Directors, or a purpose of rae.;^ the said Capital ma;orit> 0f them, to serve however,! s-ork, abiK/kot -.,bscripfr»n -hall be | ,u:i} unti! the sneceediug general meet-I ..,,-ued in this Loj „ on Thur-dHy the ;ugas abuvesaia. Fourth, The Directors fvr the tine ..'7v > onve: ;cnt S •A l;^eoM.u'M'<<M. For 1 unha panic kjiars. rncuue of 1 n? fab enher. ' * El FERRY. TORS rfi the Vil 1! i" Id fcp-.n-a-.cor toother, as ma; hut j !'.fc-c:, and at a veiy reduced price ; F I (lili Instant, at *»i no re's C. ii. Ivor, the honr^ of U'y^ tc two o'clock, under the sup^ri^.t^uliinve of John Cummin--, o-.nja nin Whitney John M. Siaifmir,; being shall have power to appoint such oltteers, clerks, and .■.erviints under them S'tkc oii«half«fthc purchife money t -be , id down, ih.c remaindei in yearly pay r Wami!ton< 13/A OBoker, 18r«,_____22 "Irnfin I- NO'l^E, i^ hereby t giw, iW-JOHN WHITE, of tCUiUe, in the MirfJ«J Dv.x^a of Canada, Fatmer. ha> For further particulars, apply Uo.lW I'ubtc-iber. on tnop-emiles, or at ithePrtntiuP Office, K«agfti«». MICHAEL SLOOT. Ltuzhhoreuzh. Nov. 2 5, 1 S«8. 27 Upptr Canada. Isomer, ron mvie an a%nmentof hi- Good, and dTcfts t- the Subfcribcr., W w\v m hi«- dein. t»| aie Bo c&skc paymc^., bc»? e»p0*^«d tocoiica, letueaod diicltarg* all ac- oounts and clcWts due to him, and ap/.«-j Urn the net proceeds afnong W« Pj«iH m>, who ftfrti the deed of composi.u.n to. theptMpofe, ^vhicb^ayWe lcen b. •vdHIucvo r\l!anTayl»?r, Kcllvd'c ! .hall have been an el,clion 0f Direc.j able and proper ; all winch, togethei tors a^ hc»-inafte, provided, w&ich11 *"Kll the expeuces ot boitditifc ho^e- Book «bftU b^ hea4Vd\vUb the present vemt, and all other sluill .V:t.iclesof Copa-mu,hi|) or A<re- he defrayed, out oi the fund, of th. menu nud shall qvntinue open until Ud Company. the ^id D.rectois the Bank goes into0f)Cr;ltiou, the then' *»« likewue be capuhle ot exe,, isou *tHE Sobicfcnbera rcfpeafully In- ,-(.mainin>4 numb-r 0[ 8,ul,.s not sub- Wh otter powers and autnonUe* or I form their friends and the Public, bribed for shall In at the disposal of' the well regulatings and urderi«| ol th. ! Nov. 25 1818 rHOS.'v OLEM-vN SMirH 6\ftTI ETT. SAMUEL SHAW, ALLAN TAYLOR. 27*4 that they have bow received and jott opened in Market Street, juft below it*. Patrick's Inn, a very Extenfiv* a{fortm*nt cf Dry Goods GrocncN ardSta^onary, Likewifc a gaeat M»- ntv ot Claffical Book^, the whole of which will he fold very low for UAi :!„datp»oved Credit. MclH)N.ALU& AYLR01D. the Directors for ,jie ben.'lit of the Stockholder*. Kv,rv person or per¬ sons, co-partner-1^ ^ody politic or corporate, who m;y or <,\l3l\\ become members of thi^ ft*"ofjatiou, n)ay sub- •cribe for -uch aud,0 ina,)Y shares ai he, she, or ihey ^,a|i fl^fe {it, not ,iow#ver exceediu^iH ^ nrst instance two hundred shir. .(1,uj jt l% hereby a j} airs of the aid Company, as shall be prescribed hv the Bye-Laws and lienulations thereof. Uifthl it is further covenanted and agreed upon by and between the par¬ ties to thisa^reeroet»h, t'nat if the said Capital Stock of On« Hundred Quel Twenty live thousand po\rad>i is m subscribed in one month altei tha said 5 venth. These articles of agree¬ ment shall be published in the kin^t- n. Gazette for three months, and fort a© mformattoa of all persons who may • ransact Iwissiness with or iu any ma i- nei ^ive. credit td this compauy, every iiond, Liitl, Note, or other instru¬ ment or contract, bv the effectorterrill ol which the Company ma\ be charged nr held liable, for the payment of mo* uey, shall specially declare, in such [form as the Board of Directois shall prescribe, that payment shnl,'be. amde out of the joint funds of this Coirtp*^i/9 according to the present articles «/ «*- satiation, und not othvneise ; and a copy of the sixth article of this associ¬ ation shall be hwrted in tin*bank boofe if every p**rsoa deimsidng money or other valuable property with the Com- ,>ahy for sate custody, or a printed co* »v shall be delivered to every suck teraon bef-'re any such dentil sh-^li be ceceived from him. And \Lji* hereby xpresitly declared, th;>t no eu^a<e« Aewt can be legally made in The name ,f the said Cotnpau) unles> it cOktaia 1 Limitation or restriction, to th- el; ct nove re»"it^d. Am4 tne Omoaoy leiebyexprc.seh d, avow al! :espon- abilitv for any debtors easement, >nt)sCUL>CU in one 11111.mi « i- « i..-- »-.w ; , -......j • - . , - liook t# mH^Vpttmi aJ«rU fNr*« ^«*»> [[^^ way Oc m^ I* IMju uaiue» u»t

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