Kingston Gazette, December 15, 1818, page 4

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John Dowlin s rj ETURNS Hi? w»« faoete tKaafc.s %j to biafrtends and the public, fw the very ffaerai iVpport given hica line* lii.. com<ae*eamect in buftnefs, and beg It vt to inform tbe« that ne ban laid m a £*n*j-al cad well feh*c,V:d fcoek of Groceries, Wines and Spirits, tt hw o^ ftanrl» which he is determined to fell at liifl «Q«fc vaoueeei prAMKi *&. Bu?«t Jamaica *pm is 1 !»arna Coaia* Krai»4y I rV^permittt <.*to*rnr *h>. WINE* Be*«aar»o Port I Tovsnf* JtyaM V Aft. * »a!a*» |Beft Picldiner Vinegar Lime Juice. GROCERIES. THE SVBSrjmmU, TTJl ^ VI KG hem anoint ed A gnu JDI f ? the- Konnet«« of the ! RON WORKS elHbHfhixl et Three Rtwr*. in 'be Province of I nwer C -naa ; in¬ form* tut pub ic, that be ha* lately re¬ ceived a Fere extern fat atmrttneid oj WARKS MaKufaftnred at that place-----variant? other article arc. 8 nd ! Doubie P^fP <y Single **,*» Skioda. CaffV-» CRdVft SafiSni E*>a Raisin* J"iS Blu* P&wdw do. E<— Poland St&Ffb* Pepper fiowcr 8«lpb«r frj^l.d Anger "Ii'tl... . Arrow Root luflk Green v'eaaevas Be« Englrti C.v»««a» Windsor ?*<fcip tic* ro.nt: on da. PipeCf»\ • Pr*rl \.ii I • l'.ngiM) N* *?ard • P»*-jif TUiin. Drops J Sugat Plimn'JSt \ Cv<L Hah • Ree" Herrings I • Salt d<* • Salt Bstter • Wrought Nails, * ferent tie;* • Shingle do. • Tape* • lfcedlai j Twist • («>• eu Bails • Cnkmrrd .lo, • Bl.u-v Thread, •' WLiio ami brown do. ' Writing Paper I LeiUi r do. Of various lizei sad palierui, CAST ASH PANS, SUGAR SETTLES, POTASH COOLERS. POTS, DOG IKONS, and DUTCH OVENS, ■ jp /r£ luofcrfocrrrfpecxfolry iwfbrm 1 the inhabitant of rhe Town an. Town (hip of Kiraftti,,, the towvihip of Piet&urgh and Wolf Iflaad, that he ha* purchased the POTASH WORK Lately occupied by ft.r A. Macpfeer tdn, it I vicinity of this town ; whti? ♦>c wfli iecriv« good House A fees, I At rH< vstt of teveii pence H. Cy pv^i Butbel9 v*hfnd€livererl ^t thr W »k»f! aad fix pewor *Wti r<>iUA*?cf j« t wo ;' tKe Afh«M to be paid tori* Mtrchan* A S'eig^ •* Ca»ti% to br f«rt round Town toe I'd \kt * flits onac a werlt* * i or oftcw?r if nfceffaiT* i H : itbolderH, ^tc. will do well to favt-' EEEAS, by tb« bit WiT affl Teft.iavnt of tb« laf RICHARD PATT1MSON, Efq ^ his lire time of Sandwich in tb' proeioce of Vyytv Canada, Robert Grflfcfpfe William Gilkif.m, and Geotge Motfatt are jointly aad feeerally, appohittd fiduciary ia^X0» of his Eftate, aiW EKec«t«»rb of i'aid Will. I do hereby rt€|Be& a1! prrfous bnTint claims npvtB (kid Eliate to prelent th hwe to me, duly a*uhentic*iedi f*« payment; and all gurfosM lodebud t^ertto, are req\iirrd to oay to mc tb aiTJWint of their refperftive ai counts. Oebts doe to i'aid Ettaie fa the frovinc-e of Upper Csn&da or irs tb* £rited States, (.ordering thereon, racy i n the M !i. h'v- rVrend* and the paWk, tbatbl lias comn.enced the ' V70Af SW!NS3:st /iarto Place, O^hiSu; u, *v?? ; D.irtH lirovw's, where ewiy atttnj^ *i]l br paid to Chafe wha jdiy fev0^ inni witb their corarr.aao.8. MICHAEL MORAK. A uAioas avory day at cievfca o'aiajfc B Edward Jones, |i£G^ l*?ave Rod rcfpe'Afaily to'm* A^ form Li^ ftiend^ a/rd the pufejafe n g«nwtal, that he Impfk uV;;v,d aa el cry ant afforfc«*wit «f cles, viz ' ! 'Trbichvillbediraoiedtff, forCaSl. at, ne?.r;y ibe Maotrt^5 pricen. ' i The Cm crior (« of metalj and Ic^arabiliry . f the Three River* Stoves lf«mlei thc-jr worthy tue atttttition ol pnrcHfcr*, a- they arc r.<Jt Viable to • ctadc« li« tlo'r rropo'ted fro® ?.r-»r-ij ~ ..... . ^ uTcnTTP'P 1 ,_, j) t an favnr> rn be- 'we ' f |NSPl!.l#l . tbefi Afhe . a.-' the ora-»iitv n\ade in »ne! * \w nfr- va ill imonai (a confiderableitwn| \m the cotirle oi a jx. >. I* NOR JON King jtorn ut dug. i % i %, N. H, Care l^mj d be taken to k<f4p th»e «A(hi«' di~V and clean, ab no?ee hot what >6 of a g-»od quality caw be rettiv *4, ietf DRY & FANCY OOOD6 r be paid t« George Jacob* Efq of Saij«6V{J Coni^mg partly a/ths fofieciiju arci. wich. John .• fkin, and Jarr« GoTdon. Efiqrs. of Amheiirbi.rg, m X<> cither f>f, sb'Cm, they bein^r duly anthon'iaed to receive tire f-rue and grant acquittance?. G MOFFATT. Montreal, 20!b March, i5i8 44yi Snperfine Weft of England Clothi and Calunifcrey, of ihe niott feCbtonaWc ^jolcxs. 'frw. iC. fc>«• i^SfSM i ;>. 5 HF. f«Krr-her ♦'*Min>'5 his tbank« toj | i \\\f- fiit'id* and the pul 1 c for heiri ;.«c- : JOHN MAC AULAY. I ! iNfi, a^ f' mf' rm* th rv he h.« Stted up I li:fli Linesta, Brkffti Shirt/cff, ^md Cotton C&mbrietr, Corded Lambrit Lenoi end M;rQin«, Jat»n«t and Mult MtjUim, Fancy irluQin Handkerchief,, fiand»4ia and Barcaiona da. Fmic G;q§* harr.6, BUck and CQrUred Silks, Si k and Kingston. i ,7 QQohef% i * t ^ ' 9 j T C - THE Bubfcriber feetnj* nxmtta f^i'-t! Kingftonina few dayM »rqueft>-;|9 every t . rf n indebted to b»m *« Settlt their accourtr. without d<-'aBy, tfi-t ha may hr' enahlwd KSfclofe bi* concern vcnrent ■.■■Wr ii 'he ».'eMar f h i«*:w ftore with a • the ntrrclTary appeii <t*ge«,:ji r tfw purpose ►i Inl* . ftinjjP■ t; nd Pca'; fcr^ P. «k IVcf and Fl'Mir,; w - re th . wh« fav*r I im with tb«iT SMITH ^ BU ITERWORTH, ETUKN their r*ncerc thanks to r their friends and the public in y* tt'-ra1, '-«rt!« ihera' encouragement that jJj j'i<»y have rect:v»d Guce they re ux^- rrenced the fJsiting Biffinefs, Thvy have ae fxten£ve >rSWnaiei t of Ladies aiid Chiidreii's BON- NF.'iS. of varlfMis colors and ! ott&n Shawls and fcarfs, Finecorced | DiMnitier-, White ]«nz, v^iite *ni hu$ I Mar&tla Quilting, B>ack FUrcmine, j faie UndreifVd Caiicoe-, Bonibaref.'c* j «uid Bomb^^'ues *»/ all Colors, Liuca Diaper and Bnckabtick. white and Cob ourtd flaaoeUj KuiH'a Skealtag and ■Of Jftrburg, A well chofea affoftroent »f Thread aud Laces aid iilbhoos, Stiaw b^imtih ! rui'ortt'l firrlft d|>m with tin p.reat-', j ih.lpes. j'nfl exajftuef* anr' s-xpediti n : ikew-te,)| G^ntkmen's Ecaver & fine JO -1LPH ^COTT Surgeoo. 11 ffor a-c ft,i or.f h'":ni barrel' in 'he j Ladies Tortile iVitll Cootbs, Caia^rk land lace Fo ', and a number oi urti- re Ao a&rt»ant of Crockery Ware* da Que**'* do. %D Dotch Loag Pipo*; ™ lag Tobacco—f anile Wio)^ Iftou d Candlts—Dipp'd <5o% Si.nx • i> v dr- tfed C»'t Skiaa, L«i Ltqoid i lacking, A few ifttctn of' • Dry Goods. K. B. In addition to M< pr fe:t dork, be eat-ar,« n»t»r»v otb«r»rri. dei ia hi< fine in p few iay*. n^Hon, CXtebw 19, if r*. tt Kingftcm J^th New. 1818. ; j/J ii r»lar, and so- ■ -^v '»«» sjy. fur oth-:r; — ,c>0".,>. wrh t'e a^tartage f a ^'fearf Kingston lintel. 'Hot loading" a=v u*l *tt»«, I J • Vll-vS ROB1NROK. OBERT WAITFR, reHwmcj I Vis fircatt an« gtarefu1 seknOw! f] Cast $?*oa Ware. aye*1, a jiiTortmrnt >A Hollow rd^jrentPt' hi* fuVrd., aid-fa pubJfei; | ^sr receive^, at the fafekev&er'i in general, for their liberal tuppert dnr-j ^ 'v ing ihe l*ft tiifhteaa year*, and takes j' thi; 6f?r»rtw»ity of acouamtiag' thi*,l be ft ill continues to keep ibe above ele-1 jj^nt Eftablitbcneat,wUrretrracllcru -aca fcnsiilie>. can he aeenrf*i^©dated wrth f*p- ar^;r^ rr., it^. and \eiy «<»enetoa paid. KfygtoK, Sept. 2 2, 18 x S. 17 Cart or HaTS, Like wife, Knapt and Wool ' vats. Win", h thev wPl fdl v^ry l«w for caltl «i approved «redii. Prf.ducf t^kciiin j>ayo)erfla fan. 2. 1 ? JJW. for &z/s 62/ dea, 600 BttftierouB to tnfert. 4 Uacvi of Blue CROCKERY /Tarn GROCEKIES. Jamaica $pir;t6, ftrdiu)y, . ;o'land Gifli Port auad nth* Wi«e,, Peppermint and ^hruh, Hyfoo and TviBnfcey Tcai. d'uble aaol SkhjL' rc6»efi Susrari, Mut- ijcovalo do. Spermaceti, HotM aoddipt j! Caadlcs, S..ap, otarcli and Fig Bfafc r... >l »,-» o^r STOriRS Anil M i - ■ A ace &c. &Cc 1 PRIVATE CONTRACT. Va'»#ab:« Fret bold Eftate, can- firting • fa Grill and 3bv? ^iiH, a.^ood Dwrljlr.jf Honfe. cWtMouaas- SfC. t gctfaer with about lw<> acraj tvl* iituated immediately in the vicinity <*? u.«liviPe, Bayot Q^uintc U/'wnad*, t\ ci . All of wkMh wiil be fiu<i for. CaA of approved credit. Kkigitw, .^ /leg. i8«8 10 >r hale, ~^V very teafonabli ttrce», aad im- * paff iion^ifeo, a FARM JV. Paimer 1 I J AS *n*./l raceivea'. ia addition to bii" 1! forrr*r ftoek, a m*>rx eorapiett <ffoitme«*r *f DRTJG8& MEDICINES. JtAH % BOILED OILS. The ffrfl qmlrty *f Dry WHITE M.E4J5, and pn urd in oil ; togtlk-ji with al*noft every artirle of PAINTS, ^pt>a S % STATIONARY. BYF. VOODS & S1UFF8. If CVl^t. I O^rvood, •. NfC8r$t{tr% • . Fniic, • • Camwood, • • Kad^a, • • Bine VitrkjJ, • • Copperas* • • A Hum, • ' Indigo. AD of which will be difpofed «f atji •wry redm-«;d '• rices. . Aingston, 03. 20, 1 ft (8. * r tf tail j with • charge of the eil?b]ifbntent, at laf'ow-jfaceommoilater! w:: 1 ell hii<J|7e ;•—and thole who hav«- csMW9 [tgaitii tbc faid ef.'ate, aie drii:*^ ta ■ preient them for adjuftment. Theio.k in Trade of the daaajafed, j S'« 1 TTTTi 1 £7 ■ - 31 - « • cor»fibwg of a wry complete affortwrntjj grj^G %ae t.- '%" j of Gooc- well laid in, and vcr*y tollable ; J3 Brtj f} r (,„k . . |-te the Country*«»«* idling . ff at rri-{jjiHy [ia» n-.eiwrl - raaa faltw, a> will defe-vedly ciaim the; m cicg-„> af ltff,.n- attention oC the public. } »^. I Cafc or Cowiuy produce will he fk-s Jjrl ▼ fi * 0 jen in paym^t.ann acreilt of«* RC|M?y ^^ Cl<)al!lN | M^ given to .rf.?o, Sb a I pfnvm, or othct^|L]<mr », Fw C r.y- j ij...-..: a,r \;or>ry would be eicpfteXtfl to jat- jjw* pgiii down* itreothtff fealf by inftaUJJ Iifte»! ■ f •*". . wriva -.nd etght^^^a months, V'HM by !»o«jd and MoTtjfagt* ilpoB tb« ^.te"i'cb. u indifpucable title will be * ' ?•• eh « pr-r-eity i« fe'Ayn v* be maa •s • i ! wiih and is wc I trefb the attention of • t . ** * * s S •Zrull? I Sxrctrtor, Hw», Ber.vvir and f iii^jt ( 11* . d tHCNEliLt} te»8, TeunctSkm.. Lnn - W-#:l JOHN CUM MING WM. A Kingston* 08 27, 1^17. it try. Alio, a convert framed hoafi d barn and hioia». Ab'-tit o«« hundred r*an4« will ^ j required down, aud the tamaii<iar wft| be »ade v*ry e.iy—For furtbar parti* nlari enquire #f tb« fabferiber^ B| the prewiiw* GEORGE DOUG AS. Adolphn'towo, ftb^ov. i9t8. zQJ ■ ciuantitT of Tawn L»t« vnnn the! s « • 'he "fver IVfoira in Bc'iville, a* ..•:'.• »>n i e effing in commerce and 1 » * 1 ^ Farm < »lion ; f pava^fn masd* 01 3< |itcjiy, Jeunct Skm*, J i* ' .i:- Rao V- en )'■ i-qittr if .vfoiiL*i Bdrrifii, Efqr.} Caira • Kt be, a;;d tf^ar-i» Ki ■.'■'■ >r,f «-r Fh.joia- C« lea FOR 8ALE, LEAS^NTLY fttnatal oc the fhore of the hay of Qamia, anj -1 Hi auk Deeds ami Memorials^ For fnk ?.t 'h's Office. 1. I N t hands for sate* i THE SUBSCRIBER, TJF'GS If ave bn infoim hi- fri^n^R &' i* 'e public ^eeerally, that he ha" Yrmoved frair hw> former rrao-d to the jhoplatr'y >>ccii> '*ed by jonaa At-bot S: C«. near ihr Market P'ace, wherr be oBiaownp Vund, a pc-ocral affo'tmeut of Hardware. Cutlerv, &e. Which he will fall on the moil modaratc To Irr, th** fap lately occupied hv ihf 'uMeriher, and poffdfion j^iven im- 2nrdirt«ly. SnirFI.SHAW. tmgston. 5tl J<w.. t8i8. N Hungerfor d Loughbo rough, V erc>% and i itts- jburg. Enqu're o^ N rOHJH D Alt LEY. Aing-P.^n. 71b Nov L#lS. 24 Stack Smith aiogaains. The whale wtfl be fend dia-'p f.«rfj am. or approved ce^'t. tviONjKA^1 3? .^t GEHMA. Kmgstim, M 0&bbtr% i%^-\ u} N. B. All ihore indel te } t'> them a«e: jre-quefied to ra|e in »' e<!i*te paan err on or bef ic the riitt or Nt'ffm^ * jr.xt otherWi etheir aacouni^ wi'l he ^ven to an Arun-aaa/ for e* HecHnat »iH-c iaa, Eiq. * i^medbtc.y oppofite the Upper. Gap— !j being the Ead half ef Lot Ko. 18 i« hti f.*ijle \d vW 18 1 S ?» \ LE. • m* a ' i- G > leavv to ro*»-'m his >*f!«d» j|jSJ3 a*id 0ie -uii'ic L"',tera%> tlwt ha \m rccrivco -id in w v^ 1 . foi feVe, <*e a 1 x^e:-ii\c iiff-r n«t*i.t of I)outfit --ni >:x?'e j the S. ft concaiion of Frederickfhurgh.— About 40 acraa are under irnproveiaent, well fenced, and a new fra»« Hoi with a good celler on the preraifea. The aiiovc farm will be fold togethta with a pair of ftreag t»«rk Huiks, a VVaggcm and Farnsij^g utennls. rVork. FOR S C*^ K Reafunahle 'W <i»v a farm If Containing taV> acres f L *na [Stuaicd ia the ftxih Town , t-f which >4.o acres arc nndcr Impic^ecnent, lor furthei Particulai inqaire oi tht priuttr. a.ii)^noa 14th N.-]>t. iSiS 32 FOR SALE, h K \ ) i'nr; - f3te pofTcffi. Hi <>rr<." . r_j>r n HOrs'E snd prennf*- in gt««». ETNA LDS Sr Co. lately arrived lUi from Jreland, beig leave t'> inform j the Gent'tirof, and inhabitants of Kme^. j t"« and Ha vicinity in 5cr*CC?l, that they havee mmenced th- Uorfe Shoeing yrd IBiachfmithmg Buftntfi, in al! it* various, j branches, near ii'.g uppa* end of Store j Street, between Mr. Douglas's houie land Mr. Powe-ll's. \\\ orders with j which? they may be favored, ihaH be e* iccuttd h\ Inch a complete and w-rkman \fflcii manner, and « n ii<oh low tei'ma. aj., ithey h«?pf, wilt entitle them to a fkarc i4 the j.ubltc p?!tronhtf. Kinpsion Ioih dJl.'lfr, 1818. 2ctf ! 16 •t u> w :i 1 ie^Hnt patter' •, wwioli he will «Jil|> ic of .eiy i w fv»r calh. J. W.sTICi'Na l ter Application ta be roade ta the 6rii> rfW -7 • * For Sale, TO LET, • ■ Bank ^J^iiAT Elegant farm No. 8, fi>t Jal Cancdrtoti lo^vrifoLp i>f Fredi ► kaj bn^h, eS roiitJi from 'vui^itun, ,j [(containing 2CO Acrca,) fener y oc- Copied by Colonel Spencer, aa-»J kuu*va hr tW name qf fh« M^n.ivn fio'-le. U gvtOR any krrm of yea X in Fifteen, on the ^rs not exeeed- molt reaioaa- bW terms—That wail known va.uuhie Uand in the public •?«€« fituate on the X* J v / 1 I contawis abont 50 acjc* of la'»d uflvUr OI U DpCF l^SlllRyS. jimpxovemest, an elegant rramehuflfc* j ftory high with 2 barns and oiher bund* OOkSwli be opened at M«i>r's ! A-3 C« tt t iiot fc, en Thurfday, the] 16 n ir.rt. t ractive Snbfcviptioas t» the Bank ol Uppei Canada, and will vi'le. I^te'y orrtir red by Mr. DaHoijj »ptnat( d within h?lf a mUe c^f this T©wa, afas^ab'e fjtuarirn for a Gentleman »& 4zn",',v. ZrA «o ltff fo (nr a Diflj^hr or b.h Keener. Fo; further; rrs':'-nls«»3er.qiiM- r-f the fabfcaibai, orl|awd half Lot No. t8, in the 6«h eoi- at Mr Moor,', CoffVr-llonfe. j l^eJBon, of the Tow fhip of Piert y. Ap- t; bARNETT, jplyto JOHN iTKNETT. | Mi&Jm a1?, it, »Zih* 4pq! Xisjstm ?daj <ji/j, 1818- soti: Valuable Lands. ■ WfOR fata by the Cubfcribar L«« No iSand 19, in the tenth Concrffion, point at Gana»'>qu3 and recently «*Ccu ,, . pied by ^lh Down", together with the! " " a;M. l'Pe? fr " <W » ^ f^ ld Houc, larn, Stables, &c. — For fur¬ ther partienkrs apply to the fubfcribci JOEL STONE. CimsnoqHM Jan. J» \&\%. $$?/ FOR E< ^FTR! wefth If«f ot number -«! a»n t.'<e Gautk ft^ of fouth or Prf F...iwa»d*a Bay. Mar^Jbvirgh, aon t,4> 2 V. ck of each day, under the fu pciu.te: .'-at ce oi a Committee appoint d |ft*i thai turpofc, until the whole of i^d not k lh • have beri iuhlrnhed £©r. <\ ttfgstm. ')ttty > 3 1818 ! L NOTICE. pu*. ui 11/uiu ui r 1 nice") .ja_-l nUl the townihip of) Eighfi it^win^f one hundred j /• ays. ft j g" OHTInthf rro* lh of November incel! -B i ?* i Marjfeirgh, aoatjPHiinjf one hundred j 4/«yj, to J->m t h T^wpacy, beii»jj en- ao*r«?. Said I or i- weil timbered, andjlr'uivd by faid D *?.feyt the suheriher fiett *em^nt* on each idet wldch renders it I only. i% can be <f I t.r* to any per Inn weil worth the a't r.ti r- «.f ihofe who! but the "Wrier Whwvr »ay return wifh 'o parrhttf5«—£ooiQi.c of the] J the fan^e (hall be rewarded. fnntth |j M. WILLI MS* Co. >nc 1 {5, iet8» lys'j K^a^p, a^UiNov. j3i6. ^73 w il mgs. raarnms dea«oubof puicbafing raay r nquireoftbe cjubicn'ber on the pre-' i&h- 01 to D ita^erm^n Efq. ac fiaih. TOSEfil LiERGEKQH. Frederickibarg-h, Sept. 8cb, * S ti> THE SUBSCRIBER- MESP.XTFULLT inform* Lu hlend« and the pvbiie, ikr.t i»e has i\ana*cd hi* r U&KACE uteaCai from j Canuien, to thje h -ufe formerly uccap'al } by Benjaaiin B> oth for titat purpofe {1 a the front of Erne A Town, ia n"&* 1817, a NO F OF HAKDf ri">..m Ki^. «,.o : Trbr-r» all hntub k n ).)o'lar« of 'Vte^-rs WMard &\ h,-k Utie wil he dene, as tiWi *' the lhorfcrt notice, with this oai*/«**^,M,,<b tt.«t cUl wo«k mutt be paiV&f * elei»*s# My. - JOSEPK«. SMITH, N. B. All aVoe. if* -li -ho%e a* .»a» te left *iti, Fiik Kmydu". \\

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