Kingston Gazette, December 15, 1818, page 3

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Presides Message**0)nduv'|Mrc!ttfIf'MjT^;!;al <h*y *m «*«« * ' «-***t*^'u* w o H rtit'Mu utfarL otit ii^awvabte inhabitants. A cted. p T^* civil war, whtdt U<m so lonj po*v*i bri.vvf.. Spain ur.#1 Hie pfffvtueei in Sou til mrn'**. Miilocwitiitae* iiMhani «.«} pwi |)»*c. u lis «>•* l* •■*rnt«i<a'.oo. T'n* .u.crma-.ion r* pfCiWIjJ t'i«* Cii'xlri'Mi oi ttiflbCCOtilurif*tj tvltie- ha* Usrift collected l»y t«r OqoinusMpar^ ■♦- ojfiith roianivd I'.um tb-'txre, *uJ t>° laid be- ft>n? l-ungrehS ■ » i/'»pit"* of (iuMrreporiiu win. Btfdl o.u«> ■r.fonast.ton a* hk* b«*eu received frora ntuer agei.i*«f "***■ United S met*. 1: kpn^r*. from tfcese cova<*v.nionao<; , clva ...cgoverntcteitf «f IS-jeno* Ay.'<?* declfti- ed » »rl4 iwAcfWldrnt in July, ISifi, ;»au^ urev.o-iMyexerowd in< power of an indepeu* a.\ ■ tfj»iihrnwten«, ir.o"£ii .f> U-e uarm* oi" Ui< K»i X of 84,aiu, I'rora tne year -tSiO; thai i>e ItaliaOriental* limre Rro>, and Parag taj win aw ci»> of S;una b"ee, <*ui irf wbicb a? »Uo uiJ^p^iiJtoi, are iiocennectftfJ with tae jre»riv j5i»veu;meiu of fewness Ayre* ; cfta ;' mi: «asdt"i'JHveii nseJt independent, a..d i p i «i\ rmxueeted ui.n Qoecoa Ay.e.: ; (ha V i tf eia)m*ah-o decUuul itsetl jtaifepe.nd eoi, and •■*>« taawnauis uu1 eouofK wun vsn- tiCCCbS; andllia* the remaining pan* of hop? »& -en. er1 at Red thai lln.s in^smf . il) iik.HLC bo productive of much good to ..(»tribes tnom <■..*<•* ; especially (u uromoi- i.^r.-uly IfteOtijcCtirfHieircivilization, tx- p/rt^ncc ba>cl«url>demoiihnatpd, that indr--! pendeni ^a*stgccojiuuuiutescaiuiof I6ngexi«t itlfhiti ihr UuiUs of a civilucd population. frte progress of itie iauer na, aUe'oit Ittvfcn- | aiily^ir- anoaifd w; toe exunctioti of thr fbr- m-T, especially otthe tribes b<Munjjing to our portion of n/i< hrmi-^he:^, among nhotn, lof- UiOtS oi* ?»MJiimen; aiid gallantry in action, a- c been COnspirtouB. ToCiviliZ€ liirm, ami irii jo prevent tlwir extuicuoo, it seems to ■e rndiapcn^ahle t/tat tfteir independence, a- 'emmuuuie^hhoMUl fase, and Jiai tlio con- iiCHilof #1ip U»iaed fesatca over thera should tie complete ar.d undiluted. Tbe Outlier state tttli :heii 1)^ inore casilj abandoned, and iv- roiiiM* ^#!l be !:a'i to I be arqui nion ami cul- .!■;• of land, and ro oner pursuits tending to i&xrive ttte tirb v»i!i«ii ronneci tliem together ar. d»vnge i-oir.mi.nitj, «ftd »«' glive a new c.»a s.*:iei to f very .iKiiv:il»ia!. 1 present Ehia feubjeci to up' cousiderauon of Congrest?, on ne^restMwpioiitba: it ma> keftioiid expe? I unit a:«ri juac.i'abir to ndiipl M>oe benevo- Wl5 s . h».,irt Auui-i^a, fK I»t Mont? Video, audi n«.taa:.ri buc i otliei pinion, ot the Eastern bank or ;ji< j j l^ut jjiovImous, tevm|j tNe oUQecw in vn-v%, rtiauve to im tnui's wi.'nn oiir ^ettleraei)is^ it in* been ufC^sftry., during in** pre&est ve^.r, to mai l»»n asiruug navai force in tiie A;t .lnenu: <xui,a».d in Mi* Gulfof jiiexico, and •i t». J fom* public sttibfc along ihe eonvbcii BUCil ot.iei p LaPjaaa avetiVW ov Po. i.i^al, aie ^ill t»* E»vpve«.u».i of spam, or m a certain d«gree uu- ^r ner in..a«*:;t*r. Bj a circular iio"4 addressed by the BtiO»^| terof.Spain to ib« allied po^ew, %viu» « Ibej ar:a resw*e;ivc]y accredited, it ai>p ?v thai tneH?tie*ftftve artdertfcJwSii lomrd^a.- ^ tw*cea Spain and »'»e Souui A»r^i car. provi Ce , ana v^a; ae maioiei k n ex-eni of* i:i-*ip»rtiiou would be tettied b> a Confix.- tohlch wa^i^nave m^ a: *ix )a I'hapvlle I Brn^emna ia&i Horn i:v ge^ii-ral pidsc %AA.cow»e ol p oceedang ob^eived by Uie&Ln edjittwetSi mrr^d o ai&eom&u »» i* wifer- red -iiH- t^e> »iM «m»*tfe »ii^t>' io.e-po-i:..i-« to :bf xpreU'io'wf ..oir^oi]meiitS; :tb^a(.i- ini*...v?MOh, .r-.u. Eo ce w*H ooi.b*rappl:-.'0» witfe thr i«:* a-e-i ea u-.acoo*, became li b a.coa:»e coa?it a..a io toe Pac'jiC ocean. By Ibf^e mea s, a-TiCiiuip relatione \\\tb tbe Barba*.^ j.iMir? nav£ oi en pre.*eiv*d. our comaierc. a? been proi-cied.aod our rights rwpec^ed* (•neaiigcKuia* utot our aayj is Rdvancing, vim a sitadj pft.-^re?3, toward? tlie limit concent *a »-4 by law. 1 cor.inri'uea.e, wirn great gatkfaeiion, tlte ac<H- ion i.'fauotaersvaie, ll!iaut»9 to our U- iof; beca ee 5 perceivr, frosn the"prorfaaflbr-1 led by t:»caddi.lon ulieadyntad , ti.e i g -J o,' |» n£.c*j -..mi Hire eoOftClfiQZU&lion of a ftfil- i . y <«t hin^h i*i ior% aiiordN ut> p\ai;^Se, and I-of ftbicfltbegood effect cannot b* ^oo big:»ly unentered into, i#c*r1 tmf eo«-J »Utcfts ajjp^in^d, pfl2«» di^ributtd, public shows Rnd oxhMiitioh* attended, orations, arfdtow*. r#l*0^{ advertise- mr«t^ & tras -Spubli>b^&c - & ..Such P'or^t'din^n. attPiid*-*' indeed with a degree of boasting slll^ vanity, h*TC, Bpeii tbe whole, n bippy^ff'ct in dif- foMnx a general spirit of emulation 6f exertion, which eanflP* f*tl to adtratiee (litir iatioftftt j»ro«;jrritv. fn the mintage of 'he President oi" (lie United Stale*, uli'u'h »« ha** pre- ««nted to r-ur •nder*, it «s olTiciail^ etatad, that negotiations for 0 Com¬ mercial 'Pretty betw'Pn Great lintnii. •nd th.' Uuited 9tattf are "' w |»«nJUo(; and that, to gi?e full opportttWitjf I- • completing them, ihr*' xistinj; Cohtrii- lion, uhieh \\n- aboutt-i exjiirt-. H pro- il«>fiured for th-' f-irthcr period of cijjh- years. Thru indicate » good ffndyr- «tandinp; between fhftiNi %' WVBmwrts. |and a mutual f-npeet»Hou, (hat t»i , 1 eace will be « lasting one. TU^ M.-j- sage mentions the C"vrti nsartkJ Ri the trial of Arbnthn^l & Artbrt*H«, <fc , thatcopic of tha pffWrttii"^ '" ,1,°1*' eases will b* laid bel'i*^ Co.-" •-»». N»» co,ngnenti,i made the:<> in the ^t?s- sa?:e ; and it does n't appear that the; j hare been the wl^aft oi any commnni- dalioti na the part of the r-iitie-h Go\- erfiinent. Mr. Mauroe r> presses hh opinion, that theallM pnweri af R r. rope, if they mediate between Spain aud the Spanish Aw^rivan ffoviuce*;. Uillccnfina fheir interp'-ii<i-n to tk i p-ecnaiarj •mbaria'Omftati fea malti- plied. Let »"rpry rultivat' rofan ief> of ground be sensible of Mii» truth, and feel Bmbitioufi <o *h4 an pximple o/ improving hin farm, and iurrea itu lH« marketable produce of the Country. Greot unprovroKMitw mny be mad*, il people would only think km, and ^xert ttiemsfclve^ for the purpose. They will thus brcome n.nreuceful fo the commu¬ nity, v; ore tndltpencleitt in their <ir- rut»fitanc#8? mere respectable and more happy. FRANKLIN. 0« Friday tbr <H)in N iv. the dwol- lifiS Iiou^e of Roger Bat«s wa^consn- TIu* United Stafwf1 Nary t«Bri«f* Tf IS b: II f.(l,Ol 6 71 , V /, ln«; >'|JM kilH, li.drpeuderut1, a..'J VVa hin^toti—^' live H fiijjatcs— tlircf .r>: — t* '^i —oirr ^(jVun ?e»^t.*I—tea 18's—Li k»dri M-Vtrai smaller one-01 1^1**5 1*.. of .smaller di'nominati'-ns. Th* ' *• g rtHiPfi uaiioQ, w**1 co-wUoe ri.u-.ii i*i;:«i>^ .vaiibcwfo m es- I .<H.abtyd«m»ni-h«l. i aaV^«t\-ii- ^uiu-fari.on i-. r'Rifnj;, :hai oar ftr* ct>rtiiudfron itoe4DM"i fti-faalj baswi |m doia 'mic coj;ce.ns, we Have asapk !) ij*' more appareau, and ftu &e tttafflrtsiitty admitted. iDcapa^i^ of e^e *.r;ri* toval u^nort y, ezce|H fei Refter©' our]Ki ^ .«ne general govtroctem «nll np lo. - j /r*r b^ ii *.':ul<,a. l» rlW«e ea-esof a ."ce) n*t- SS»; d«ru«>h£ threefi«t$a*rtesQf uejj I im»i *.«• ■«<** g*"«« J««1>™« ^JS" yr&i. x.«av* c*- I e^d. iii' • S*^v■'••Hru'Eii will arr,. . new hire*' collars. .... . r- t i_......1 • .. .1 .. .v..._. cr iVt.w(i/;ti af «c in1 , vUi:n *u>- Otferr iae. limaLte advui ca^**'* Cfti Ktoi &WW «« ^^ de^J^id, hev, j j J^H^ nevi Pp^ni.h Amewau fe;afe<: hat re. of impartial neutrality. FiUNCB, - Bv <ke bt- t RurAp an iiiteHJgffnce^ It «ippetitsf tnal Fr«nee i<nt ^uttli to I be H.* a^d fr^w the c« t-dv n| f« ,;i nru\l br ftrf>. '/he fire broke out in Hi-• ii|>p!T atWV of thp lionsc, and <;n :o f«rin!.' the rof before it was iscp- *-ird. thai it was imp .»s*ib!e to extln- <nish if. It was w\(h much difficulty (hut the property in the kou*e wa- iirarlY all sov/*d Roger bates (he proprietor* fA! dead a fow yards Irorn t eh'-u**, whii" a>«ivtii)){ to get thu rurmfure nut «^if i? His rvtnnins wi?re i *ti rred, this after- 1 • ournt f< nr ffVto k, in thfl presenct1 1 fa numeroui enft^regation. J. A. V. ffojSf^ Noc.2'^ IS!8. Mr. Editor, I a»rivtfi1 in lh?fl Country a few four 74's on the SforU* :-—b- -ide< rj- ^atib aud arnalter ve&H'I*. We ^ on adding to our nkvy, as t.;st a*> «re eaa obtain well sta o^t^d ti*:ib» r— ••.»nd it I is tnui we may gooh, unta we M'aU bi - omeas bishopV\ af-irnon, r, liie greatest naval powtron the f»!ob€a AM. fteg' : ^ f .it a in^e-ng or Hw j *■ ^iiiltrate-. f r the MMJh: r! Diincl* *vv;i, i>e holdeii m MO> D -V, the rWENTY HGuTH day of I) •:. i EM VH inlli.t, t4/fi:iog, at rhe ^onrt •-ionic, hi tlu- Townwf KitiuHo»» at \JY v-n .'C ck ot the ft,it:'f> n ; for th<- rencwa' im ftvtu the- ..rice vf 1 n- Kcepern*' \ ricencc* f 1* he t"-Uu\ g ) 'i-, land t3 receive «e* ap;; icat» f'iwa [ fuch ifeer • . f'H*« >> ».j Vc *! I'.r- n 1 f jo'^ainrw Lfce cc- :or 1h*«^ im the lard 1 ^ i DiUrict. AL1,AN. « CI-5 ■ V, Cri ©/M/ /V.r^. Midland Disk \«t Dec 14, i^iR. Z9w* mra ?h- fince, and cftabjifeed myw'f in] this V.:iaKe, whert- 1 bad not feqjrt] \ftkW/if £+ 'f>rW*i Keen f.-tt!cd hefcre I heard !«uri c- n,.'1 itMWW WC C» JE>/ «Cc, plaitttfi made by f^m* of t:;e People j| (t9^0 ^ea*< wry 'cf^ccttni y to it>* against gticvancrs «a-4 t«> exirt in tKe|jiSJJ Form th. u cufto ■ e^ am. th« p»ib* Itc generally, ihatth^ hav« <^«:ived a oiotc complete aifortment oi Cimsisiings partly *t *h foiktyb&artl'chfi Fit # Superfine rcro,. ■: a=^r-ns^rn Rr ^ Hotbic % C^Jfi n.rr« : f-fhr n^K'e n '-'^ d^ W^i!f a*iit rol^c^ F' -- ; fr:{7l ' svi n ; f\ ^ f [admJnitiratioii »f miMJc affairs h this! Province I foo began toihiak, bnw-' ever, t*'at they wonhl ()o tht-mfcives much more ct^. it. »:nd thefr Coun ry In&nftely grcter rervl«.e. w- re they to ; h ok a Jiule fliaircT i>t -h»: h-ter»al! aconnrr.v of their Village and net :h* nnr- a^ci t talk lefs a hoot th*- blow * • h -d . | i;Bjj lip of i>Jt and til, ^ ov e York au I th d 1 ! -M- F b e 4iffo^Brr^ a real getettnc* f« tbti p t f rhi* C^untrv, and rrufl Cert n y ackoawtrdft- thr G^vtnKncnt ou ht to he eaVed t> ar> rin P'aP Hbirtincr : T Ah »n' ft :-r r0jt ft u i, ri.>- !-•• tfrcKlitiB jbnor«>ftfjatiOO»Jl n*OL , ■«c,,i.n*t:>eunat e^MCijoii ot -e o... _.u . « ir ^^ ^ (^ anMJ|1I|i/l|, a. ,„,,, „«.;,,!' 4 f bf. r'!' n^tl fr«m r!;r c« t'«l> > l':«>: -'-,: .account f it. — [n ih littlr Villager| A?>i-"i Ch<H*% Tnvfee*i h»^e i}-' tronp , and ■ 'Tru-t o one- KM»t*' In l'h* id le-are • \cU tvj-an. '■< va d?r< «F -•».»;, ■ ^- rk C-n -l,im • D» •.K!7.^.(f. . c * mrvofl rso.'t VVInth-r t.;,- (!&icra-| |fnafT.a (* U&icfloj I had •iw-.y retn ^)p»i Cptf n a*d ?.•' B S^-v, . . rfafion, fj.rr.M.h wUcil sfe« lia^ 1>U' ! hteuftfMMfd t» take m ic-Uc »U.»NVHP.-e jfiftr ^imr Pitr*sr»?re C^ro* « '-4 wll, te*M he uatwv^l «,Hit S?u-^ulcd i j0f --0u{r/and I ,«d th^ feme Mtnan n IpHw'irs "*i'kf, rnd Sjft ^a^e»rS!e ; Midbit»ken) orouty exasperated >»*• i tto indulge in t > h.^mh-fs luxury here ' <{ • rronatfeiif ferawon^ortunlt} to r tali-]Ub»t i bMi a: i.onie I fern t>> one of ;•'-« i, »- '!'-'■ th<« RTOS8 rev ■». «.•• Li* -or: -j u« «« ni**w " i-i-t.dtir.-of ih-.- H«- • atr, nu:-t fap M.t n-(I b> t<u? HfMK. tl c v. nuer« of I his and 01 her CiCh ?rtl- j •n aT r|^ nr rrf Ri rfcftt' f tt «•'.■ r- aL C *...i bnl.MltfJ« tot u:^l> ^ ^i bf i"n;ierbo-^1 -Vhrr - ':; la oi d*H* -.,«, rna> >>** raumiit^ * at .lot le;» ifian tnrntj- * QtiUtOnS Tue sale of ihe p<.!>uc la. d* V f j - iHry6ar na-nbogreatl) ej^eeded ua^r. in aiaafuy and prite, iWc of a»> fo m ' * Hr; and .Here !ajll*l rca^-»n to Expect u uiom'Ki^ na^iovfineut io cluil |OUfC« •>* re- * It t^ratifying ut know, that, althji^ii toi un;<al esp<r"»idiime fta been ufcreabeB, by tbe no; of tUe la^i sesMon oi Cou{{ics», ;ir - «4jhj for revolntionarji pn*i»iOuN ,tfl ai. - mani.« a'loviifeanatiOfctiap'v^^ °^ tQ? i*" ternalriuifb ^o:*-b were th&u ni*eaied, ttot: revi-nue fwtaeVllsbiWgJ^arWillb* popaa- ■ufrbi. *tifMintedApd it»a. wfetM the puoHr trODg^trtewV ir rr- itiial in!e-,r-i ea.i^iea . The i^ ** i»"Ol -;* Di^tnrt, it b tho"g-i • Spain gnd t.'t( Thf relet a nf h>ttiemti the Onii -' cle^forh^lfa ouad ut one rii«ne and) 'l !.^f a pottfld aiioiLer. Vty aci ouot 1 f*ft fc in. but what &zt i^y Re1 . ii- wa* a' jaftonfftmem on finding a charge ofofn^ ice f V --arh Vi -'f COarf*- f.fpen. ,»;c *■*.■ i. - J, TABLECI.OTiiS/rnmfi-.orn fa.|£ CXQCKF.-Y f Qt./t*!^ W.i HE, i ■Midioethe bevnal coUeetion la»«, -'^ »jtte*wmed, secuf-ed todamesric ma....Uctuie all '.ne re'u«-t .na cim of aertved C«n, tititiiOQ, '.n? pa« ei <>f \-^ '»«««« " '";,;'p1" r,jvJy ve.i'>d in .»;.-• Co.rr'*^ «-1 Re Ui'i;« s:a *'-s in ib-- pxcttci* of «h'«s prtwr, in .h s.c<>(.ir i,.-..« ,.n partieii.. ino, ^•f'••- erew'for-tlatra l«aii*,a«-e>,dir«'e.t>.«i the »o-.. ,, ,itr,.r, I, r.M,cr^o.Dt ...f !).,nn. As ibb li a de j^r-, htihwnniM »»} tj»«« ^*J" pgrte«r,iar« ,..-,•.al purpose* fro-.r. :ii<- &pn-jlWrnt. Oti^r <-Iti^lre«.mam onntrttu-n. p-a» pniiPiplfs <tf out Hvstein, ti n,*v m,r;' 1 qm tha r.thrr bawd. *»(» •<" n his a «"'■ aa/tti ibr p«riW»r Interest of rhe people JStatM J if I >«ir., Kcd wffinfnl • ,n^v r.o. bedovisod, wUieU will neither.;>'-|| sources, and waauot er.bniia .ilwi'l) ii-».ige ihe coiuiu-iion, vtrr affect the 0,,^r'1 |j »^e revolt of the S^iai • i*Ii A n*»rh'an 1 rntmefw. n^r tutm ie4 w*'i» lh* em- br<-i'l?ry ofjpetlCBta Iter the Vi i", yi.TV, he s»9'iUl pro^hly hir ' f1' c I a red war before tm* time B-»l 'li «an< of spirit,wA ♦r-n«,fh a -A ou>«m«. e:ub!--» th: UniteiJ SimHm to B*«me => ioUy tone on fie •"bjevt of itcir *h- tional d^ff rrnee^ evawoe>l 'f t'ch o'her the i-ri.-f "f thr'r ,» v?,'o c'"-b « co"*. rI»T<llf«, InrfijfDi i - f >< I dt&rent artie'es f Bjroecries, aid H« ' ■ PI? In- Ri-ir^h ke. %i>. r.uftUy nursed to li* -i 'tandard frwa wbt>h ' \ \" «f which w:'! ^'e f *d very :o\7 rci'hfi fhtn'd deviate on p^i.» of *>ci"^ \ C-C(\. c nfidercd a S'n> ■' : " ■'■- . \\ Vfor*t& '0*5 L • eie. Sir. I*, a ««- 1 abftnafayfe'e i I—— Dec, i8<S. '9 he " \Vhei vcvipw ihe crea-e»t blewtap* wHh l,ou l5 • ndthe mean* wV. ',w- pow- ttui con»idcrar»en- *k Av'o^> look fr •<* »'T Iat5il«**g for the N -w-Vnrli Mar^-t, fit Satnr. Idaj last, upward* »f lw**¥*» tbmwsn^') 1 w si'ifkl oi Del*« M« li'^-r. b«n| mad Jin Ihe Sepfch Serti-» I of tha' 0*w- ty„ in thUS*'»t«». And ire were wb- gritva'icft, a grivvBtrePf »t oinfl oc a^ icttnwledged on ail baifd* that the Dn- rerwrn^nt outjht to »»e aft^tned 'if, and Itcettatttlv envht rn h-* red cfT d. - lr ihu hint ot!1 n©r frtflice, I (balJ ^s r*r. taiF.W | rootle Village Mee(iJatf% qo n :nt Oeh ytf*9 and fend a QomxtmAm \o Ulirher ai-itH*iri v — - \ rtmaiu r>n, yonr hurpSV Servt ttoAAvAkfe% D.H. -f New Cattle 76^h Nov i8i«. rff"R!?flh*eribei fica tha th*ij on- •hir 1> U i I V "j. 3K^h*eriber*, h-tehy gTr *t/juTti<*»«rai IJjryrttt.t* -f ffcr B«« V -.f I'n^rCsr.a'!*. and har° aUo with- rl*awn fWeif ^amea Fr»»r« &he r-t of ^ebscrib' •• ^ c-v'd B»» k. AXTHONY \l\*% L.LI,. pa vujrr. waw. • JOH.V CUMVIXS. Kingston, l4D?cr. 1^18. 5 >e n-.'a,^ of defen<*. auinavitfi 'v „ . v; -CTOX UeQuenM) a touted |« leirn. that rp- ^Vae«^.vA.e«K8bhBporJa«ra»o^e^ l«l«. j rilHj h(.m that County ia'fa TH% K'NG' OF ENGLAND. li s Ma.itt'ty U n«»rferf!y blind, and 1 Tenses d k»n§ soil of rooms, through whit-buri» almost continufEny stroH- TAKKN tJP, ^y ffee fnhfi-rihei, at Rorfe ^hne 3 ffhnd a BOAT. The cnvciv avc ' i>* tentivc &tid gien-, au unrte. tir.i. *. ja%* : v\ of ooi man.itnc and inlandfron(iV(Y h b<#i- coaUfHH4'*» d»'d it: «iiv: points s^tiere - wa-<l«cidcj io etect loriihcanons, the wi»> * hpbbeeti cuwnieiiCt'd, and, ia*ome io> ance ,tauv>ii)eruaif j»;o};res^ .«a> been m4de. the rT^Li'dtfif i'eiiiinissiuberj were dueled in Qi<b^:iiie in dpii-^cMlui'tnauiKM* the p*iri> <> tii&ftca't therein dfriguii.ed, a«vd rti npor ttunr ueioioA of the mnftt suitably fci%e* iu. tv\onavai depots. Tbis work-in % crau:ui suhjeci, v.iih a p!an of all tste HWks nece^' lary'tua general system oi».eiVnct*, ^o far ^ ftbasbcaa'forced, will belaid Ocftwe i's'.i- ffts* in a peport from tbe proper depar.- fht, br^s: hh U cad be prepa id. In caiiiyrmuy wan the ap}iraf#iiation8 o-i have been forme- f *>R THE ElN«STOS GAZFTTE. 1» is frequently ren-arked, aod ie nndonbtedU trae, »h-.t the American ,FKlersbi tJiw » rewwecom^ara .w fffrieeaneca, tkan the inhabitants m ho ^rebornlatbeVrofitice,or la tew )(her parts of the BritUh d<ttm " striViogl) excropiifi«d Urt. ab ut the -r>v 'imp. Wo,rh*r--j for--. pw>*»fne, tbal rb« Rin«Je artwlej ofbi'ttor will return aof abort of (or<y| Ubovafind dollars, ravb, to tb^ C-.«nt) ■" l of IXauare. Its ch«a?«e, beef and I dais's Oiat«rios and proceeds OH hi"! walk. He dine> ah'.efly on cold mant Vbh .set.« mions. io le pork, ino"H a ff-w ,;i „nd mhWri d .ufilo ttftl ■• a»d ""eQQf?t >' fM* ^TS* ^D immediate neffr^An g?^-n» ^ke revetwt proceejliugs «>f the people in lpr?arKuts Townships aodl Districts • hrons.hotit th<* PrOTince. There are 11 xreptinns it is true, to this, as their *;re to all nther general rules ; but it i*, oprenhflefts, foandid in truth* llnweTer it n>a> b^ accounted for, or whatever i n f v ren res m« y be d p? *evr. it, the (art itself cannot be dent- A Bxnisn-BORN Subject >r£ row rd. o! the pr d» ce cf » BtajfA* Cijmafj! i'> tbis l'loviure ? Tbe pi>e y{ b-«»t'er in J >'sn-York. i»- about the g^gg as it UJ {here. Tt.? U»tdi|0 *fe oouMtry are1 iu! la good bodily health, ROOD and RADSEGNS. m % Cierm:i"i <. *i ■:■ v f-s aoove. 1 iOngsto* T)gc. 9Hh% iSi-S.- m It lr 8 if" S2#7J to see a Karmer Ohio, audme M.chi^n larruorj ; «.«a » fee«aamv I >>> whie" veTJ T ! ' lerrato ^" beej made to du - Bailed Swies. Negocaiioas w» "•** ktadiiiswnh tribe* in Ihe ilh^i-t^.n.ot >. Wdw.ib iheCl.ocm.vN by which" '>"r;- edtuai ou.cj Mtensivecessions h'U oe wan 1 il vaL* great inierwl o. »taung that <Je c-e»s»o; ir.adv »Mde. which aie coa^darc*^ i^i"-- taai .o.iie United «.*iea, iwv- been ojuu. edon eond'u4>i» ver> satitfactory/o Ik- Id a- •• Wiibavn-vty tbe ser>iiii> «>» onr n.ln.. frouiici., »i ha^ expedient u» e tabluhbtroiif: uoSsai uwoiouiiiol me xeiw iiui.en«e.',ai>dmt<ie Ma*n villaje, on » l.u-.-ouii ; and at th»mou,o of vSi. I'e.eis, oi. the Mi»-t-,H.|n,ai noyeai dU»a»ice trom o» i aonnerii boi'Rdariea. '( ran i.ardlj he on'- [ 'umtd, while wcii t»*»u*•« uuunia>nc4 to the Tarty spirit, which, a few years since. J$Z»!** the UoitecJ States, • ,%r. to have subsided, and Is a**C :.;dedbya.rirUof:k«iproTemeDt,ea- .:,.» i., agrlculUre, »»d rwrj i;ra;ubof indu,try connectedI with .t. v iudce Irom the?r New»-f*- it «ema Rars,tbil is now tha reiRiimg I ton m r- •;ea e . •• I «1 r us : and it is \0 where raore i [ni^ht. Tis a very pood ^t^n ■n»'i >,»«■" • ■ . nnnniT i in mane us , »«« •« ■•• io *%«-. •■ w,.--- [-■-»-- , . . nM „uV,i,l.oti.byl.r£»»a ,1.. SachMtRi at* fomad, lo 1 4' to see nl'-J-5'.c-'rn\ri,: { ;*:: e prcreul tt^m loi tuvel* I adjustment.

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