Kingston Gazette, December 15, 1818, page 2

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* a J}TT*fcifl«w ar aHHT.diaw |f hia raad sw*& fa«th&1 hehstfaor; aw?] jcv«r) ( lerfc «tM I'tk* condition and vote* toijsttreti *• ir' tucb snm as the DirectofS t* f»*rt Brfcl* ;a.f). Sitb*. The number of q0*c!i t*ti'Ji *t rk" ildcr >i*»r-<ckh Id****}] sbafl cot* dder adequate to ttot trusti*k« f..-- -ar m-tshi > W.iy '< «vnu- »-rc« :"Oi*ie, j j repo.«c? j" nun-, jb.iifisvr aork B th<- wtd ...tvt y, ji tijmwlo. The C-mra^y fV.a!1 lot •Hi ' Hf* entitle-! •*».! Bverv tccftSlQfl wb*n ! ho d ai.T Und* n*ul tenement*, rut invh {.» »> MfM-Tvtv t » thi- pr-•vi«is>ri- nnd re- qii'VAQ -it!, it .\\C'< 'ttrl^-«, th.-' vot* th a.-nuy be norrff^i^y i*t tJu tra*faciir»n I and at'O»B0a3«dnT(<yn of the bufincft. o^ ifo* Ifotfft AiaM l.c feld ft p,.y;c We for ^jl baltoof effhe fornpaiu f Ht(d <>n faiini«-|J fpajring tk« tf>the," injlalwui**, t)r any" of ihrjy, tl.e party nr pBMic, tofthg th. rein. Its'1 forfeit th. fceord d«pp6t of 11 ten /x«r centum* a d th* dividend* ftflpaM prwr to the tim* f'>r »§^,-,« fuch pay- mear, and iltirliijr tht di-Jav oi the femd. |?V<»tff the U. Oan&i* Gtzeiic i(t. If T.ower Canada. 1 IV And be ft fur then P F ir'v-flD -it!. >r" -.iie< rticle-*, the* vot*. Hand at'QuaasaodnHon of the l*tv{tiurffc erf ibefj T'tetn-'y i*:mtd TWe in{fj (.odi>9M ereof are to he ^iwen. pjrttl be hi tHe j j Bank and £*r no »tber purp- fe. It |j (hall not di ett*y or i<d,".c<$!v dot ir> tpirtioa fi«l'-»w:ny, that i« to -ay, i ■ foafl nrverthe cf' br %if*pe£eni for ^ejjatiy thin,-, excepting #;}]» of gLxehange irn'!- litre, au-i n -t mar ths-i twe», [j^irflSoT! , <jii behalf of the c»r»u-aoy, tojiyt^d ot fi'ver, baUi f.: or ir the («'< <»f exacted ly tjit AN AC T to regulate the TR D^ by I' authority aforesaid, hat A) m dIcs col- LAND »nd INLAND N iYIOA-|Jlec«d "»id-r and Dfin'rttte «f \hu Act •neVutej far cvk-ry t^vo ^karcs nb vc ;; t.«ke z<*4 h<>'^ cnori^;^* m pp»p:-T*ir tjy |j Goods real ly ftnd ten y pledged fer bk) tw •, ^r»d n^r vTccL^diM^' ten, one TotCj j w: y of additional ffetiltty for debt* c#m | i uey Iciit and p©i '«d^nfrfj fp ^Uc time, traded wirh thr r*id Cowpairy f« cfcCs.|or in the falccf flo-i-fe w!#de«dfoi »oocV coi;ric of t:^ dc^fflRt; hut or 71Q account [ j let, ^ad a«»t <« r«*<^<>tfirerf1 wbith fxi'; i inakiog five yot^ Ft tcu 4i«r>H ; for c*' 1 *• t .wr #S \tt< abpv^ 1 en. and not t*x- u: ce-^iu< t*»i'rv- bitf vote, mnfinr te»« TION. bcuvecn cbis Protiocc a tije Utii e^ Statc< of Amevtc^t Y^7HEREAS-an Aft-paflcdltiilHi 7 f 6ky fixth jrcaf of His Ms]cfty,> , Reign, eutititd^ ** .Ah \&. fbi rntikin^ j temp* rary punififtn for tHe re^ulaikx I of T**adt btrweeo >hia Province and the I-nited States of Anuria, by Land *r { luland NRvi^a^fo»t,, rath txr;r«£, and j wlHTeat it ii ucrtlTary to ra:ikc ocr^vin pr©vifioni fortlic Rr^n'atioD . f th laM I i n4|!ehV1 br paid it*to the heitda uf the Re j. C'fvo-Gcnetal, to and for ihr n^e- a His Ma^sty, l|i& Htirs at>d Succsi»ott| , for ibes 1 tihlic n&ea <f ifili JPro»fQca9 and t' w^rd- the frpp* rt f-f the Govern* m\ ne »h« reoS t«- be accour ted f©: tv» Fiih Majesty rh^ot-^Is tUa Lends ( oto- miwop^ri of Hi> Tia^-liny toi the tfue bfin^i in nijth m^nnet as it shall plrBjtf Hi V rjf ■ ty to direct. V. ,+vd be V juriher enacted I y the cv* \thority aforesaid That thi* Hct ^fl I [Ml m>nrfbelent tipQfi mortage, o? ^^adt a»d ftoefc fo pWg^d md u#t:/«j J Tradej e it^therefore i^acted by .he ke in * .u:c f,um apcj after Ej,c p.>vir!g voi« fi-r tl.iVcy |har<« j f*r we-y six upon !»iida «r^ <*thfi M^%( |.mt'enyf j J redeemr * fW! be fi>1d fey tht laid <. om |i Kn-g'« - "oil Fxitl'^c M^jefty, by sni :j ,jlcre. f u„t;| tj,r r.ncj ^r t^£ rixt g^ ahnr:« above ihi'rty, and n-t 'XrefJii:; ru%r fu-t he purchased by tUc cwnpany [jpaoy, at Pobiic^-'e. fc? «ny na r notlefs fixty, one vole, makiwg Hfreen vntes flpwa an> r«errxt.,'■xcepe in tbe fperikl i^ thao te* ^y- a^tc vtr p. ri d f r rt f^r «ix»y tbai-ev ; «nd f r crery' eig^it » efife atove recited, ' I]drmpio'»i j a^d if i^on fU4^ j^|P nf t'-sarea a'r«ve <ixty, and fot rxc- *d'**% \; Shrtair&j *ue total ftfffOiAlt r-f tb*|jG*»od oi >*t^ k thcr< fh *M V^e a rarplu», !j with 'sh< advice and e9J»itoi of the l-C-||( jj;:f].tive ComrcII and tfe^Hy of tbt-ji j Proving of U per (.aKada coallitutt-d !^ , ?n^ afTetrbltd hv virtue of at»d u»»d<r ;1 #r it-.a«f the Provincial Parli.:ffcr:t LA.Siv iNOHvl!;. onr hundred, one v te, «ia"kf*ijj twenty lhfe« f*»r one.h^ndrod. But »o persoo j I'Cfnta ow q pT^oas. Co pnr-Ner-hio boidy p 'litic : o^- co n ^rate, shall h-e e titted to a ^reat-! ei ni- ntvef than twe-ty v-ifc5, and aM ! defer, winch the Kow^paiw fiial) *' a»y |:aftei A*i> ftitii tft ^xLDle* of n!e.l! «brautfccmyoi an Ad e. nhc'bcr hy Rotrd, bilh 0^*1 J over the ■»y<7i^n' -f th*- n^ rev Inw Uteb ij Pa^^ment «^f Great Huuh pnfkd :^ thetjj. Uppai Canadn are b.>T*;fc; t^J. »at««. jj n«.fidf«% tbat the fir*t tti-tslmeni of i£ot4c ho'der- re»tde«t viviiin tki» P» vir cc, «f clsrwh.Y;f inay votc by Bf>>x*T« ! Jf he, .--he, o« th«y ^hali ->ec fif, prnvid-jif- r ftffr kttiYijj) a * ir cala f»J e*r i- o1 'h tt s««h pr xy be* si -tw^kholacr. aad , 1 the Dm <ft. ts, un^ti *v oi* atfm? if!* * d-» reduce a fwfRcieAt surh<*riry fr >r^ [jtfofl it fa* I h»^w- (ha be l-ia'b e h-r! h*s coh^ftn«*nt*i for .so repic^en in-; and the fame, in "hei m^tur? «'4- r-.vit- *, - Noe,oi r.tharcont «« whatl-rvrt. fa- •!! for, 1p, ftnl U paid t ihe pr»prie» raj] •'Atj Aft tii rrjwal certain ^nrtif >«df *n- i| cgiiftit' pet fe«nt* -C^lbiV ^"Ht S^lVr«: «w art exefcd trebli tbt a.T< iuiT «>f the c^rj | thcr^ f nfru ^'!%c!y. |{ '■ft palfed in ihelVortetnthy^air'of Hit^ ^ ^are) is t^cfn-^t d to lip t ;h 0> ital LWl^fifta'ty paid m (ovei ^d a y Tmtnty.tkird - rhrb *r4 of Direa I w 3K;*T^ ft«g»f e« ritfed, 'An Jd for ti,, ^ 0 - i. i - r, on pi t Vorl MuJfTaVt^ b->ve a him eq«i«' >»• Bf^omil t' inrb no n<:y, a» 'ray hi d* • * tc. in :h» P ttk r fe#t Biiig ) a c! th»t of hci» 1 Sicei* and j P °',ilot' ^,r ,J>'4 Governmwt of the fai ) fe ^ f»,avthrv. r-r « ^nj' r-ty . t fliao j]^ovii-oe/* aad by the -uthorny fthe - - riW . ..... , ^dm-ltttw n'ij-tr to tirr.t ffiij k rxy^dicfifj ,nri*' ^*l ft ^». and after the paiiinfrl v ting for bhn, her 01 the<TL, provHcd |; paciMe^. b«.t it fr\<v\ • ot wxt^r.t t room I* i>tvt IneofvMeirt uttl 'iw, or thee rti IjO^tbw ^«£l. in ii4ditioo ta the Race^aod to to; a- »'c r v l-i! y fo. ,-Wre<l te aake i; iV»k,,'K "^ rtfr«ft.-a' uiovifiou f. the j {s, fia^ of" F-bn:;ii, tv v! ^ "'* f.uh *thv. Ivcla^v n...i ,fir^<(,j0,1,,fo,.rG--r..n-.eI1t..F:l.c PiwwecpfQH«bec*| Bj^ or«ter «f the Ivo&idevt riid Di the yovruMrrnr of »Vc a#"ir* G* the 11IB ^ *Tt" T.ert a sr.d to -i.-i-kt Juithrr .! r ■», torSt t- mr^nv, »m! t*»at of hti. . sSeeiv and ; P °'""0!l fi'f tbe Government of the fai J j ft v] ,Tf] BARTI-T^f C'i-': Kingston, I> e. 14, !Sf8. ^9 > 1 i the general •ncctin^. whe-re the vatr of, th^ ntprk-h d^ers aie to he givt.H Nirtfi NTenr bot a-' »rk h dd*-, a* tu^' v re-i!eHr in the town >f K'togsten, t 3 1 holding a- !^: t en ^h^re^ I • the cap- j iral st'-ck, «n'beia? a nafQr»l ->o n snb- jr-t of Bi^ Maje ty, c»r a alj ct of Kis M i'-tv anattiraM£*'d i.y <*er ot the Rt it - oh Parliam^fiT, or a u»)]<ctof I ik v.a je ty, having beco-nc btir1) by th* Con. ^nc4 and c*s>ion i f thi- P «vince, or a«y pr-r^o^ who shall have resided •eflftjj ycar> ii. cither of the Ctna^i aad in aay of th<! abov# ent^H who ->feall iiave resided o*'^ yt-ar Jn this T^\v»f tbaTl be eepabJej of hriaa elected or chn-cn a D'-rcctor of | lh#* ai'H R^nfc or -hill *trve a^ ^nck Tenth Nine of the Directors in of fir? tha1' he re electe ' for rhc e\t KVJc-er- di\j \.x *vr ra »nths wf which 'he I ie-t- doi.t and Vi e-Preheit ^atl srfwayH b^ ef \h- rtum^er- MK(tQtf0th K a r*in:«tnr ^fc^r be eotitl- 7 fl C.ive.-y < flwata ^. di »i». t \ c*"i< .! fo« t »t ex .!el- pur |jttr4" *•'•« tbf hirer: tha« i -: to f-t*y ^Bbi •btir^ fi»oi i^ c- •• the*«fror«. by p*r*« •] 5 fr r ■• • c r a|ic* t: t c afic>« o» anv|! B**R| L8, or pQafBK in ca&s fix ¥.1 ? 'o . !MU j er 1818. -9.9 ing B-e provin-c ab.cncc-tor fhen .»-| ':„■ ,}HTn - £,$f, 4, r>,f cofpa.y at a yij fuch • • i»» ' notice ot e*» • i -f!..r j • 11 .1 ; !'r.}*ic'e4. thai iier-.m emi, lb- fhsrw f thetipi- tt'vdn * < i y. srd it*- r.lil*-#, (Va • bellB'nc Pr"<'e P«' GalUin. ■* ! * '"> " v rr. ?«1 "tu.-k (h»ll be H£j>a*Hc »->d tran--' ■ n .• lift. ; al rn< F*r»*»ne»!?i N rerafe r. ate* r. iv.K r h nile* «. d £oim»- 'j pen © |"v H -,;h- pfeii e- t the time w rray h« ettal Kflu H m ilmt V h" * 'y S »«r< . u. - ,( , |t.c|, ,'• ,lt;nj ; and ; rpvi- the board aJF Dfiv^ori hut no ff?t.||(\, »,.c, rt, ,,, I(.v,f,. , or Unvioimf! «al, unltCr Hfrfe f-fl^rrrtnt or t. »< c |t.. ,„ ft ykhuitVr?fe»fc< ' e-i >f be* nd fnefl be ent-r«^ ai Uk.i':ercd tn •. ^ . k (l-t ».. annt ofUv. hrv -r tht-V ^i«>. k or bo. k-, to k- Ictpt hv tKt PircM«t(»!j ': Auentv fifth ImireHt-wy r^RCKF :.jro tie i-.c;ofur- >.;■ jhc* P^;;rG,f°- .. . !»0 fuhfcM-ber.aBFlF^..nor,,«! Cablus .;.d TaaaiD 11* pe, ta-o ?-™,JI "T *" ^°" ?' hc' Z"^' ":li i% pence pc. p ,„,'. jjWmtthr.e yt^. Ai -r^o^rrt nta»R;D, two pence per yj • li M y I for th«t furpo •, n r until ^h- ye*to* i [difl ,m ,t^"of ;'i" rrfTci^ir efl^Atni peifonVufskJi^f tki fht£« fi> i-r.vf. fly diffharreal ik+t» Yt # v'-... k,v r in', w ot rhem, to the id «-<> ny u m I inty r x.-tfd in po » • > the rtman in«? ftnefc h longing to %irfa . -;-• r per. , a„ ,,,,., ,j, |r.. v„ ^t,. ,-,, proportioi f. n-, an.' n, MTeaA (l».a : . oy ' a<?i n I t^,},^, ,....- ,v,.. \Mt.,,fl. psi» of - fLav, r #th.r •• a pom :! I,, v\,,,f. „.|„.r ( »vhavthcr*m pi.t- (We w- ftauft-, V afR^rakk «..■ )to ir: ,„trf ai?ri „ >;;,l?A..n. 2; lag exp<-nre«. Jakvi.s w.;ar.r-N. T'ec 7. 2gw| t r*-c»lu'e <1 ;;:t k* t k H |sv ri i D'reetor tbrw exirti>8 f r f*'-ttpgp o" t" e c^ncrrni I ( o* t be o n pHiiv. »ttd ' r iS'vIr ?.,p the ra jtiral nt-<3 t rofii -• wb^b may re^^in. 1 iw^-lerwMe, h f« h ,. ■ \ r n IN. *--------- th«- *r,«f .»(t]lh^vv been all vrd »o him. j rWfch. \!cr, ul- (hall r* f- 10 m«ri fj A ^Y P'»' i " W lit . t ■ furnifli Sever. tv t jcnetal :n«tfti / of thr- Jock h id j i ner alorelVid all hi fUik < (hfrv* mU -* ' Hb»i«*d v . ^n ©• wo *J ha»d • • ■ • ' .11,. \ iin.^u j- , ... pound. • 'laying Cards one fhilling pr1 pac k ( Tali ow C ajjdles, thrc< peace per Wax or ^p^rmiceti Candlhs. Cxi : c nc< frn p ttpi CiDrK. ivc Mulling* per ba'tei of I thnf% fix call i •- J boLt Lkathl-r, three pence ptr j pOt-li". C*lf *kws,mdotbai Bclna, drefTedjI ^ N^»TICE. J a* tipper leather, one ftuRijtg and U»ce jr'W^I *" S b*cribi*r informs llli 94 vrSi J per pnr.nd. j -ft. lucidfeM f| t<w bhU staice 'a^t HARnkss LiATHfla, four pcuee per |.>/nr- •Slfca# b> Ben U HiCi>unt *>r ff«tj CIAtoR ibc en«fIof*RC of r^« / firtii; nWahnorthe U£ *f Sep¬ tember, a >TEE!l. The own.r ff re- cj4jeftpd to *vov h-M property psv ck**- ea and t^fcr hfrp aiuy< rH.ARl OT^e HERCHMKR. I!------------ '£ ars but tl e h>ck hoders-pay i^k'-MicI con- eosatio'* to the President o- Vic* j P-Hdent fc* (heir rt t» aotdlttary - t«nd- in re t !he B'«r<k, a.^ ** a!l apj«ar to th^o» to be rea^vuab'e and pwoper. iH*c6!» env, to aty Kg r.«'lN an, ^OOD hu a i-«-u.^y r*c*ivcd iii [|-ur.s. petfaf^i whv^v.-r. (h< iji fi*tfy£M e^o. f,it' ^f fcr* W- 00 Y*'-! iis ieq r#ed j *PU-ITS rftfti h-arru-, hei «fthl G*«>»p 9) ? .1 (h-.t' ,0 ^^ iT ^<^" l€ ■ cr* to xK Qfee[|ltli£ er ylJfJU. K*ti s, one • enny per pound. Salt fix pence per bulh.l oi fifty fix lieu from grain, one Chi!- *i y ptfr^oli «/r prr . n 9rh t! ,cv.!. ^ I». (Hall accent a '?.a-t.-i <•! /b\ *-***lr 01 tbt 1 ub of xr f#. b vi.h ffiurMj - 'mff, i* p"t. c per o-nnd. ;'•' u< 1 u- or .t-xr u h vi.h Ji ■ ur> I . U ty .OI ^hr . : C p. rftTV HP'.- f>f 'be Or. *r>v -1 *ha". eon^'i uc ^ hOTr.j, &,r the t■-»»»*-.- j jhccorrt an. hr- a tre-'bei of ib» ; ('3'tnr p ii.t Ftedvtck* may bf dct,' ti... of ferine*, w-he eef =he Pte.-ideoi pa y. acooir^jV,g i0 tfce'e ^ttrele* of a'ff ,j)«-n).rd. «r Vfer {'••e-id-nt shdl a wiys ^e o.ot, j jfectiniu ' •' f- nn y. 1819 lOoC&rdl. ex-ent in ca«e «^f tckness and n*ce aryj a' v i«.-, in which ca«c places v^v h' «uo^!icdbv aaiy other Doector whom1 rhc Prrsideii' or Vlt-e Pre?i^gj c &o Rick fV- fa&nfkt A11 hi-K, Krt n?, ra,t- •Mo co< jf'iafi "Hi' iiiKag^tfiet'T, 1 Jeh^ frith* v.-u-}>. - P-;.1! . Sir -o i 3r a- !u *<..... i ■ (X ,9. fco do. M ^ N V F AC . U R F- D T B.\ CCO> tU'O encr ;n p ur.d. •' n a ©the 1 Coons. W>rfs, or ^ fKCHASDisfe not herein t.f re eaii u-e» irei*, ^he CrtN wth, Produce! or Va- nufaiS're*f the a^d Pit ud t:itrs of fHftpnnwif n»,r hefore ihe *««! dac. HM»»*,„<•* a^»,M hh Mj|| nrrilhavefn put rh^mtn tbat tm'bW "fineneces/jr^ of being compelled u |>»y. TO LF.7. *"" I A KD '^nn^l'are P-fTcffioff rVenf i n*. DwelLfeg|H« -»ee rwrv ice'-ni fi ; >\v.-> far>!iiie«. in I «<»r k-. •pr' Office | Is*. j II ^"^'ca.aduryefTen Pound* fo^e* i; Barns;at Samufll Mbruill s Kingston, 7th Dec. 1818 2I liery Hnn<?red Found-, advtdomm on« j Is'-i GO'iDS \$..Ri.-S jr hRCIIANDJJ 27 i I'•ci.':^ fhi- (o..f thv Prn-'uc--, 0, «/ii,i;c. if I e SE LOST. i ?n ,i-ch notice the ticne and place for j|&aH aj*j int, t;f w.-.i'-h jK y Shalj i'v. : ,r>cr lX'" 8Hth meeting with the "hje-.t nr «.bje.-t« | (..vib'ic * •t-ct in t> * bTin.^t -n Qm* te, j j lv,M,t' ten Nov i^ r^i3.. 25 Baggaoe. I' Kor*e oril ! the-'-of; ati'l thrdireetors. o. a'.y scvi-o J j at. ka!t ninydsv Mmvc : rtrt' t e 1 >i of them, th^ll h; ve the like power Ht j any time (uu"n obser^teg ih-' i»ke f >r- n E r<^ot <haM eveiv vear at t>i e! iMsctiiM Fflit-tti-edi n thereof *»y ba*-vt I e^r//? t9 o **b fa, • in an es»*<St .mo* oHficrhir MatMf»e»:t i'he' ;w-iti. raah'tie-) to call a geWsra i»tfeticg a- j I the StockhoI-J,.^ tortiu" i above a*!cj. And if thr object for || which any geaeral merting cal!e-] either by *he 8tockhaiders or Director, a; gV-.ivt* '.aivl »ha'>! We Jo oonsfder of m pvu jo al fer '.he rewova' of the JVefidunt, j Vice Prcfiient «r *>ther Director, or j [are U.d. or ^oahHal ; as n! pt rtatinK the | j ^J 3 &iteaor«, for maladminiftramm, then furpj.i. ot no'ci-, if «By remaining:a&n J , />tf;r a;d in ftieh oflfc* tbe perfon or perfons Ue4ti&i«a of i.-fle- and u.ovif] ns Jot di ' , Toh fn t,rr,.,..,fed to he rcraoveri, lliall fr>m | vidi* d- — Prou'dcd.that 1 he r.^drn. . r,f I . a.-" '.yhe-i-'e ; A \Yptr! n wiilh-jr m r0* tra<^ to nforflaaf 1011,j £\_ rurn-A ORSES >nd OXEN Waff a j^HEtp n»id Hog-, and the Pergonall| ^ thank 1 .• hi. f-ie-^ds nn'i ti>* nub» Pic 0. g 1 era . k>r ifoir p«,} f «,r , J,.,ee he cQ^wenced h^fipefs aiK h"pe , by hts i\r»:\y attention, i© mc-^ * -.ontinu- ■'n-eeofii.. Work M aii kir..ja i,. the Tw%m%M*mox■/,/-;■# • ann£ae>ared a» hla (b«p, in Gra«e ?st. jrfcert cufTomers in " i:>vn and Coti"! y wi.l be r.gU:a'.iy g-.te- ^cd to. ..« the !h.»nc(inotKe.and ie»{ maMei r:„it JACOB N'.YLOR. Ncv. 23. 2$ N. B. Country Produce t ken in jiry- ment. fAjpropafed to he removed, (hall fe>m ttied; y on vtfefcti fuea notice fhall R>ft| be ynb^fhird he fnf'-.tndcd fr.-cn t!-,e ex- e-^'.ion of ij'-e duties rf \vi or their of-| fir. : ai=d if he»e tht Pufident or Vice- pt-efidv-nt. hi^ plr.rt fhnli •><• fiilrd -.'p by *i.c remaining iir^c^OJ^, to f.ive during [%- ttcne #f fuch »i»|Mni>ion fnurte*nth. F'«'-'ty L'n>hi£i and Ocrk »t she P»r.nk,kf7"-.> h* ent«rs upoa the Pm* idedj hat i lie r&pden ^ of fuch l^a'eintmta Jhall n t e'sttvd, t'» o;vc any rigkt toihe Stocfeh »i<hm not direc^ Ijtoiv t- iiii'ncd rhi ae* ant 6f am intir. rnotvMual; \rith ihe Cowuarry :du * • • 'h. fts- ptr da*. <ff Hwrjk & Driver, of Oxtft ciT Driver 2 P&irs cf H*r is (5* I Driver^ a TvL- t>f(Jx*» & *m Driven, Nw.i St. rrke^ ^ PCce, 7 27tia Nov. i3ia. J" Kin*ftou *7 diMtt-'f hh office, 'h?i!l give bot>d, u-v ! tffd r» moic weiii^ to thf satM« T<»^ i - t>t kri: Pirrct#»t ; th^*t fatfl tcy, F at • r ;r- :• *m p- t !e fe tbRi< t^u f «^M-..' iv.-34*f> tviih coaUiiian f#r { J <z*&fty frrsi. If ihcr fba'i he a far* nre in j ayatvirt of auy i^n of tfas uim r>i feares tl*j5fcri!wd by *ny pcriai or par- fua,,%*o p-trti t &Ip, body poUl « or co»' j. or^te the pt'ty fa-linp in t»yint ti^ fi< fl inflalmei.t of t*r\ per MM**!, IwccerJ- ing the depuiit ofeijjW te*t&ttvw herein k^f'ire required to be ir.*^tf. fhai r ipca<- tivcly forfeit ihe iuid de^oht Lu a^fl loi ,'thtufeof the feici Caw^uy. aa4 the J * A nOTI. Ew NY perfon ** ptrfons drfirou? wf rtitrtmg iftlo a» ajrTfca.tnt fc»r jcUnujf from i^ to 40 acres t,t lar,df uill rrrcivc |(b£r*> C'^owragcmtRt, by applym^f at the vwficc of ihe Kingfloa Gaaatte,—^bef£ lhc larms of the agree- niani may hr fat'*- , laii.j 25 /iou-;.s. I'r WFI-LING ■ < 4RRIAGE ^r ■ A KK7 A Gi*S of any perlon or perf:>n,j j ;»fhjc£U or forefgner«, who miy 1 wftrfly J Jcrati/jro, or reflde ;n rhi* Pro.ince, j Prwl.ud always that aothii^ in th•*•! ■act cout iiwed, ibaUexteud'Othe co ftr^j e*1 tfi extend to prohibit thr adi-tiffi ni <if f'Louk vx- th^ Pmvinire, f»ee • f duty for ex ortaiion only, j II. And belt further enatlfd by the \ authority aUrefa-.d, Th(h fro«ri snd after! * tht iaHi-got thia Aft, there (hall bej \ (laid on all VelT'cN or l-oats the pruperry 1 I of th* ehiz* b of the United States, e-'-l [ffling iu.oanyot the Patt&pf this Pro- I vince the f Hoivwg duxie«, na'^ely : 00 jail aeSel« above five- t»-n« to fifty t u>. j the Tonnajrr dtify «f thee pence per! ' Ton ; on ail velT (. a o*e fifty ions, two | pence ptr ton. III. s^nd be it further entiSid by th>: authority nfo>efaidi Thai Rothiftg * this ! / & contained (ball extend or be cooitru- % I r I ed to extend I > authorize the admi*ki_in j «f a^y HHch VefTil ->r Vessel, Bf*at cr J Boat*, thepri«pc'ty of ciTizeni ot the l^Jtad Stateb af America* to Trade J from one British Port to another, ex to be employed ra any manner whattfri% in the Loasiing Trat e af the laid Pro viac#» or between the M*;d Province and ] Pot* Baie. * |"T OT No 31,1'n rhc 3 I C^nceiRoQ H-J t^f kLroeft Towu. on which are 10 acre* of i provenwfnt —For te-ma n-d fnrth'f partietrlars, apply to the fua- foriber. E. PILhRY. Hami'/on Vfflag6r \%th N§memtert iii3. «7 TNl>!«io certify, thai the \afytm Trr.tTon given by n^e rtfpeAiag «?fc* H- Crof , w?w C3Ufed by a mia- tdke, that I have finae to'-od rrv pr ptrr* ty. and am convinced of his honor and boncty. ^ 3yw| FREDERICK PENCE* KingJUa* 3c3ik Nt>v. id 18.

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