Kingston Gazette, December 8, 1818, page 4

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John tng, V. . . - • -. -1 - • ,, *t V , RTURNS his muR fit^eterjtW i., lM;,,; Ba* Rpd the pnWfe -" the »t:y Kfcera, support fjivenhim 6 =«■ hi- ^mmeneer**c»t in bnllnefa, 2nd be^ ihat he be* laid in leitv to inform them 11 s itcriei -! Q«u well feted "A ect d ftoek of Gioceries, Wines 3F' f r rj- PtoorfctoT of the t-RoN WOR"ft;\ efbb (Hied at Three RivtfrV, in the P;ovii,« of Lower Canada; in¬ forms the public, thai be has Lteiy re- ceivod a Very extemtio^ ansorlmttftl of AWVtRTl8B*4i»T* NOTtCE. rff*S #-£ lubtt-nhcr reli. "*V « it A LIES, 1 L * * and Spirits, ^ at hi* cM fhfld, which he is fammi*A Xk .*li at tie moll reduced prices, viz. K, st .W*nftiea Spirits ; S*rn*' HntlaadOid " Wln>key_ iVnTiae Krai^y : Peppermint) Ckcrrv do. ' WINES. " ' Rencrarln l%i Spanu . Ho. jBcit Picklingr Vinegar. Lin c juice. GROCERIES. Maunf»clored at that placfc—'Among other articles are, : Double Sr STOV Sing I Mnlaea ; (Sreen Coppeaa*. ; lsfs» Eug\i -• C* ; WinrJhOi' StMjl t Ileal oo m.: t>ii do. J Pipe Clay ; Glauber SaMl ; P«irl A-ii , • pepp;- Mint • <roys • S:-£a. Plumb* J Siuai Aimoadi : Co«\ Fish 4 <3unpn*'!«v '"a MiuKO ,',°' •I-.s,itt Skin do, &?<<* 2b<W P'-.'far IVownvadod©, Jtface Cltive* Cinnamon Saffron ikiig tfttatjl Tv:ie\ Fiajl Bo\ Raton* Common Ho. IVnurl Barley Frr&ch do. fa JUw? Fn.vdf-rdo. ft»' Poland fttanob pPuwrr H dp her Go id '5iD£«r iO'^A" Arrow Root fiwfv, A1 mood* l*iaerd«. Aii-m 0'i'p An aficrtment of TTockery Wafi» do Quettz'i do. Bjfft Dutch Long Pipes, Plttg T<»bacen —< and'c Wicl% MouM Candle»«—DippM do, SivprrLr dr. fled Calf Skins, Belt Liquid i lacking, A few artier ol| Dry Goods. K. B. In addirion to hU p^-e*. xfr.t 0<>clc,hr expels many othtrarti- c5ef in hi' line in a ff w d^v?. KaD>»f\ori» O^ober iq, i B i P. fi Red iJc.rir.g8J Salt Butter Wrought Nail*, fcreaisisstt Shinjj;letto, : Tape* • Nmli« • to- o.. BaUs • ColOMtvd do. I Bine* Thread, » White ao<l ;:>owndo. . ttiiiine Paper d Letter to Of various sizes and patterns, CAST ASK PANS, SUGAR KETTLES, porr\si] COOLERS. POTS, DOG IRONS,and 1>UTCH OVENS, Which will be dtfpofed of, for Cafc, at nearW rhtr Monrrral prices,. i Tlie fin erior fotinefn <-f metal, and diuftbility "f the Three iivcro Stow*. trade* them worthy the attention c Ipitrchafer^ •* they are rot liable to 'crack, 1 ke thofe imported from Scot- tend. JOHN MACAULAY. the iohabttinn Towr.ihfp of Kfrgfton, the townfhip of rfHttfetftgh «nd Wulf iflsad, ih« he has pvirchafed the POTASH WORK Lately fxenpied by kit A. Macpher- ffln, in the viiwity of thi» towD ; where be will receive good !ouse Ashes, \t tb« rate of fev^n pence H. Cy. pw Buflicl, when delivered at tht Winks, and fix pef)c< *vhen colU^ed »n t* wn ; paid for in Mcrchan- ^K'lyinio^lhntTHEREAS, by the U* m\ of the Town and { V V affi ^eft?ment of the late RICHaRD PATT1NS0N, Etc m 'his life time of Sandwich in tile province of L^pper Canada, Robert Gi^efpie, William Gilkifn, and George Moftatt, are jointly and federally, appointed jfiducpry Legatees of his £fi-:te, and Execntorh of faid Will. I do hereby reqtteft all perfons having! ,«laimji up«n faid Eltate, to prefect tht j Came to me, duly authenticated! f«T (payrrt-nt ; and all rerfon^ feideoted 1 thereto, are required to Day to me the! TH"?. fiibfcribej'Ke^s leave to infoau h{* friends and tl»c public, th«t he tuts commenced the AU( TIGN BUSINESS, \n the Market Place, oppothe to \ff< Daniel Brown's, where every attention will be [jai'd to th«>fe who may favtw him with their commands. M1CHAKL MORAN. Anc\iotR evecy day at eleven o'tiock. "Tone zz.____________________ Edward Jones,, amount of their refpc&ive aeconfitu. the A me* to be paid tor in Mcrcnan-1 DektR ^,. to faJ'd Eftatfi tn the a,1!e- ! province of Ul>per Canada or tn the A Sleioh or Ca^t h to be font round! ffnited State*, oordcr.'ng thereon, may Town to col cci 'he ftftel *noe a week,', bt p.nd fc0 Gtorge r3c..|3, £{qt <Y| s^d- or oftener ifnecefiary. . wich, John ^fkm, and Jamen Go-don _____p..... H^-tifeholder^Ac will do well to favel : Kfqrg# ,)f Afnherftbt.rK, or to either «f| 8upClfi8e Weil of England then Afhes, as th, quantity rra-.-'e m one, | lhemi th,T bei^ dl,|y ajlthori»i to | and Cafiiowrea, of the Bloft fa hetifewil am. tint to a co. fiderable lorn , ) reccive ,he famr ancj ernnt acemttatieiKi. \ Llors. in the C«'Ui le of a year L. NORTON. Kingston iff/Jug »8"8. N. 15. Care fhou « be taken tr> keep I tbe Aihrt dry an"1 clean. i> ni*RZ boti what ib of a g-'od quality can be rotvtiv- • ed. ' i©tf jEGS leave moil rvfpv6tfuily toin« form his frtendf. and tbe public general, that he b* juit iteeivtd afl el'gaut affortment of DRY k FANCY GOOD6-, ConMing partly o^ the following artii • iick»», vi?: i Clothe f^ grnnr acqnittartets- ."cplcrrs G. MOFF \TT. |j lr.ffc Liretw, Britim SWrt%, Lincl Montreal, aorh March, 1818 44yt | j and Cotton Cambrics, Corded i arobrict j Lcno- and Mudin«, Jaconet and Mull • Mttfiin»| Fancy Muflin Hfurikcr;:'mef\, ' .£U~i .±t> s !! j Banda^ra and Bafcaloua do. trueGimr-- ! hams Black and colored Silk1*, Bf*k ^nd ? WITH & BU ITLRWOR1H, •■%«** *h?*]* ""J fcarr*\ .Ffn* c,,r:,e^ TQ fc.TU KN thetr (incere thanks to ^T^' •* ^S T ^i"" ^ , IJfll .l r • j « u Lr • mzrmU Utwime. liiack r lore in me* iJLUL the>r tnends a no tn-- public in ere- c f - .^a , S .. 0 . * i; fine Undrcffed Lwicoc., Bc.mi>ii2Cricj Kir.pston, ut O&olrr, 1S18. fcRNLST TOWN *$ ! PE fubfctih«r 'etiim» his t|ianfe« to his fu'iiuis and the p' hlic fen ben oaft fa^r, in hit- line -f INSPECT . nrra, Qr t] ;ib<ra] encour .menl that- . ING, and inform tn- m he ha -fittrrtup !tDO-i,ave recrived fince ^-------------;' ^d Bomba»-nea of all Co'<fs M a C'-i'. t plare " ihe C'e':ar f his new frore with a 1 the nectflary appen dages, f*T tl • pnrjvole f lnh %4km$ P -t and Pearl A(V»-. Pork Beef and Floor, wt rre t! fe who favor birr witli tHeir Jcutiom wd fiiidtto^n w;*h great- et" exacii-ef* and .-xpediri n : 'ikewiSe, .f oraijc for one h- • f- n<4 barrel iv rhe !• e'da*, arc1 good "y *<**& for 'fOnds. with ten '•a'-a^e t*f a Wharf; j hey re com- • They I Lineei Diaper aiul Huckabuak. white and CoU Ca#/ Iron JUST n Stores II iV. Painter* AS |i:k reci ived in addition to hi fonder tt»»ck, a more corop'tti tflbrtruent i>f DRUGS k MEDICINES. RAH k hOlLbH OILS. The firfl quality of Dry WHITE JLFsiDi ?nd ground in oil ; together fttth alonoft evcty artteie of PAIV'IS,' BPOk&b STa'IIO\ARY. l DYE ^ OOPS & STUFFS. 1 C, cwt. I o^-wood, Ntcaraqua^ Fuftie, Can^wo*>d# MarWa, Blue Vitnot C^>peTa«, Allum, I • 1 lidl\ro, ^reo Paner*, &c. ftc. A V of which will be difpofed of at eery reducrd • Ween. KiBftttm, 03. to* 1818. 211*^ ir>,p\ K Rev Ales ratchet & _tf Mc Inufr ha^e co-retried teacliirg the follow r.g branchc* of Sd.ucstion hi the Frr«cft 'T'own Acadenry ^ 2 j ihe , f^r !■ sdirg a»r in I -a' ms- .In? i<h Uin^mge mm&dlfW r,fi N ; J v vi liS ROIUNSON Aritbmetic, <ook keeping-, Ger^iaphy with the ufe tfl the GL0BE5. N't■( thematicr, Rcettation, Corr.p>>fii; n, KitVry wiib the Latia u:>4 Greek languages. The s.ttended a eomoVte 4 couile of i h-vfica'. Stndie^ at th^ College* ! of Glafgotv and Fdiubnr»ih ? t^e at'et i received « Jfberal Ectaeattun at KingN | College, Aberdeen j and, fr^m their c^-j{ pern nee in, end adoption of, the mofi! Succcfkful aud rpptoved m&dcsoftnuion, | [they, hope to merit the approbation of J their emppioyerg. Boarder** caa be arr^m^dated m .Wjfpeftable private famiuee on tbe moft Erncfl Town, Oa. 6tW, 1818. Iftf o'her -nenced the Hottmg Etfntfi ..u, . fiaua,Ut l<afo shewing W Of nave an extenuvc uUortme-1 or ° J Udfef am) Childrf n'g BON- j; f f;n chofeB a{rortfr,€Tll cf Thread fNETS, ©f Various COiors and; (and Laceuand '-ibbons, StiawBon: rt*t 'Ihipes. j Ladies Tonife iikcil Co^bs, Cao.ferie Grn-lemen's Beaver & fine 'and lace For tings and a mmber of am. .p-flrtf.u ,'I'C . cK-stoo numeronato jnfert. ' Likcwifc, knapt and Wool,! GROCERIES, I Hat** j| Jamaica Spirits.Sr.r.dy, o'land Gin, Which they will fell veey low for:] porl and otn'ar Wines, Pt-pp^imint and cafh ot apprc ved credit. UST received & rhe fubfioriber'i a, a{fortmenr of I?,i!!ow Ware, Produce takeo in payment. fa-. 2. 3*t/. FOX undG^'N 3 PRIVATE CONTR- CT. Valliable Fret hold E^r^ce, con- fifting . f a Quit ad S«w ill# i Shrub, Hyfoo and Twankey Tea* !double and Single refined Su-tu-s Mat |covado do. Spermaceti, Would and dipt I Candles, Sop, Starch and Fig Blu^> &c &c. Sic. Ail of vhieh w*l be fold for Cafh of approved credit. Kincttm, 4th Aiig* !'Ri8. CO ^7V\ ^> If ^'W^f C*t »>*(*9 P**^ H->«fe,orutfcoufe«. Src. j of O' ^ Jt* <*3) T jt'K^htrw.tha;lont two acre- of land,! FRANKI-.uNi ^REPLACES. Mannfaa«»cd at f^ CoHUnrh Wo ka. and m i be i Id al ,he F^rnare prtceu, bc-r^i ir-ach km th.,n the prices toM at la« vea^, alfo i .,, PQT/JSH KE7* 7LliS»iu\ COO, ER.% Thv kwhorak. n flfortment will beJ nriHF Snbfcriber bemg ?bonrto'tavc Jl Kin^onica few d.ys teqwrft •' !««««^""inlattd w, h a liberal crvdit. For Sale, hi''-d immediately in the vicinity of! j jf"%,N very reafonaMc terns*, and »<«• PM^jile, gayjii Q „' tt.U.fanidi, n d O mHUci (1 ffiiiigifto,! f ArJJ co"intend* a- much bufinefs or more . lymg to dnlohuftown, on the Bay KI [[than any other Mill* upon the Stream Qninty, one mile weft of ib^ Court ad i-ow under Rent for ahout Oac j j houle, formerly owned and occupied bf Thuofand Dollar* per. Annum; the' I the late Philip Dorland, deceased ; n* ! rdwellinff H'-ufe is well calculated fon {which iu an otttbard nf lie Urge- Ai-p'e j Tret», aod a1-moft every other kind of rr attached to tht Premife* too nn- i fruit Tree? that is planted id this I P everf pcrfht) indebted fo him >o rttle'l'j their accoubts without dt1^', th.^t he, may V< enabled icrcKne hi- c neero JO VVH COTT Surgeon, . King ft on, 24th Nov. 1818. 26 SM[ 'H «\RTL£T. Kingston, OBobfr. itt8 ti TH-Ji l 10 n 3 3 • - • • • - - — Kingston Hotel. ROBERT WALKER, reeoma h hits fii'Cere aaH gratrfu.1 ack1 ow EG tave tv inform their friend* and th^- puiVic in genera'-, that ti y have receive lately frott M<»ntrca an elegant affnrim ni of Dry (xoods. j ! Ready made CWhh, La«< . |jtleBBtjl,i« Fof Ca«i. of t! - re* and Cet edpment.f. hi- ftl r-d*. a, d the taiMeMr^-" l'H \V^ t: ' !*,cft Fa& " ion, Ueaver and frn net Ci ove& a nd Mit in general, for then lihcial iiipport dnr- :! " ' V ,,t1^"«^«»»™ »" in« the lefl pqri tt«n vera, and take* !-** J"*? ^f'/inu*' W*,f» i*n- thai opportunity of ^arniine thrm, i Ascc cn Car*!' Kt^^ and Ibdiar; • • • • • • hv OiM ccintit»ttt'* to kwi-' the above c\c- \ iu "t FOt'.1 lilhn rat. wh-ie traveller* and | fa"-i)ieh can be acef-mfpodat«d wrth fei <:ratc roem:-. and every atremiefi MU4* A vision* Sept. a i, 1818. 17 I THE SUBSCRIBER. |fj> E G S l-ave to inform hi, friends & Jf J the public gfenerally, that he hai removed from his former Oar-d to tbe fliop latt'y "ccuoied fey youas Abbot fie Co. near -he Marker P'ace. where he has now <-m hand, n genera1 aiTortment of Hardware, THE PANOPLIST, Fo. tht- Year 1816, For Saic at this Office. [v. ompicte ] IViOg :Z The wh^le wi"i be fold cbeap, f*M^ caA. r a; ; oved credit. j MONjEATT&St. GERMA. fcingstoo, 6ih (JSober. 1818 \§ N. I.. AP thofe indebtedt them are requf^ed to n ake inn e<iatt paynenr on 01 b%f >e the hi (lor N- vcmber r*eyt otherwi'c their accounts will be given to an Attorney for collection. nnerons todefcribe. One hMf -^>f the* porcha'e Money we-u'd be expected to bg paid down, the other half by inltal- ments' f *ix twelve aod eighteen morth*, I (ccured by bond aod Nfortgage upon the premiiet. ^q iudilput^ble tit'e will be itiveha Snch a property i« fe^dom • be met with aud h we1' worth the atiecti m ol a'A gentle man fond of Mills and Ma¬ chinery. A quantity of Towa Lot* upon tbe hank of the ii'wer Moira in Bellvillr, a ft'ace faft incerfing in commerce and population 1 term* of payment made ea- y. Enquire of Smith Bartlet, Efqr KfngOon, or ThoroaR Coleman, Efq. B.'U-Me the n BelfoUlt $d 4ug 181ft. 10 i Cutl erv, Sue. Which he will fell on the rn.^t moderaie tcrtn*. To let, the (hop lately occupied by the fubfcri',er, and poflcflion jiven im- mediately. SAMUEL SHAW. 32 FOR SALE, A \TD immediate pofl'efli .n •.;. vc,, ^.. X' HOUSE and pr miir* in Stuart vi'c.l -.-y (Kcu-ied by Mr. Dal ton, fil tot d * thr'i. hdr 3 mile of thi<- Town, a-^ .a'jle li ua'ion f>r a Genilemaii 8B rtorlv. H d U" Itfffl (n for a r I-»ri Keeper. Foi further prrfed^vf enquire >( thr fubtcriber, cw at / Mr/ore's Coffee-lion!e E BARHETT, Notice. A LL perfon- indebted to tie Eftate i-iv of the late Jathto Cunming, late of Haliowell, deceafed, are rtjqneltcd to call without dc'ay, and fettle the fame with Mr. Jamis McGrkoor, now id charge of the eftaWifhment, at Hallow- ell bridge ;—and thole who have claims eigaintt the faid eltatr, are dcftied to prefent them for adjullmcnt. l%he i^ock in Trade ol the deceafed. confiding of a very complete afTortrra5>]t of Goods weil laio in, atiej very fuitable toth« Country, is novv felling off at pri- lces la-low, sm will defei vedly claim the attention of the public. Cafh or Country produce will b< tak- en in payment* and a credit of 6 months given to lefuorifible FarmerB, or others JOHN CUM MING,! ., WM. MI7CHELL, jtxecXiior% Kingsion, OH a7, 18 17. ^t FOR S A L Ev <jN Reafonable Teim«, a farm Contaii log i$o »crea f Lant j tit .-ued in the fix.o !\«wi» of which 14c ( frcre; are m.Oei im;mDya a* "t. for cuithe' "articularinquire o£ tht printcf. Kngfion J4th -ept. 1818* |o »EGS leave to inform hie rVrend" aud the public geDerally» that he has received aad now offers for &le, an Ktei.-uve aflx>rtment of Double and Single TO LET, 37^0 R any leriM of year* no JL in Fiffecn* on the moil not eaeeed- ft realone- b»e terniH-— That well k..own valuable i (Uiid in the publi* line, Gtuate on the f point ai G2nano<qua. and recently occu¬ pied by fcieth L> woo, together v*i;k the Home, Barn, bitable^, &c___For fur¬ ther particulars atpp-y to the fubfcil'bef, JOEL STONE. Garwn9qtt3 Jam. 9, 1818. $pf fir-w a1 i elegant patterns, which he will difpole of very low for calk. J. WATKINS KingUdn, Sept 28,1818. 18 BANK of Upper Canada. Blank Deeds and\ Memorials, For iile at thu Oitice, . »■ FOR SALE, FlpH% w-ft m If of Lot number 5, Jt on the foutrh Hde of fouth or Prince Edward'* Bay in 'he townfhin of MarylBtir^h, conuaining ot,e hundred acres. Said Lot is well tjrnKered, and fettlcrt>«BtK on eacch fide, which render* it well worth the amentum of thofe wbo wifli i*> purcbcafe^-En^uire of tbe Printer. ^f^OOKSwill be opened at Moor's JL3 C(-ffee liouft, on Thurfday, the 16th into", to receive Subscriptions to ! he Bank of Upper Canada, and will remain open from day to day, from 10 to 2 o'clock of each day, uudcr the fu- perintendance of a Committee appointed f«»r that purpofe*, until the whole of ij}d ftQck fnall have been fubferibed for. Kingston, July 13,1818 7 NOTICE. LOST in the month of November 1817. aNO'E OF HAND for I Eighteen Do'lar? of Messrs IVWard eff Mays, to Joseph Dcrap6ey, bcilg eo-» I dor fed by faid Deaapfey v the tohetjbtr' only, it can be of no u*e to any pcrfon but the owner. Whoever aaay return the fame (hall be rewarded. M. WILLIAMS & Co. Kiag&oo, 25th Nov. i8i6; 273 coon* try Alio, a convenient h u& and barn and houfe??. A bout one hundred poinds will be required down, and the remainder will be mad* v*ry eify —For farther panic- alar* enquire af tbe fubferiber, on the prcmifes* GEOKGEDOUGLa.c. Adolphuftown, Pih Ndv. ic?i8. 2f5rf ' _______ A Farm FOR SALE, pLEABAKTLV fitaaleo rn ^ (bore of 1 e bay of Quinte, immediately oppi fite the Uj.per G-a; being tbe Eaft half of Lot No 18 ia the firil conceffien of Frederick fborgh «-• About 40 acre* are under improvement, well fenced, and a new frame Hou£c# with a good celler on thepremifes. The ahove farm will be fold together with a pair of ft rang work H'.»rfe», a Waggon nnd Farming utenfi's. Application to be made to the Prir> ter____ July 2 j.____________9- For Sale, THI AT Elegant farm No. 8, firft Conceffioi! ♦ownfhip cf Euderick* burgh, 28 miles from Kui^don, (c-'ntatning 20a Acre?..) formerly oc¬ cupied by Colonel Spcstcsri and ktiowa by fhe name of the Manfion tionle. It eontaims ;.bont 50 aciea of land lituler improvem»nt, an elegant Ivan e hollle I ftory high with 2 ham* and o'her btiltlb 'mg\>. Peri'ms defirini*of pu:chafing may enquiteof the Subferiber tm the pren-ifiv: h 01 to D Magennan Efq. ai Bath* lOsEPii iiLKGEHON. Fre&rickibuiglt, Sept. 8ih, 1H1..8 te THE SUBSCRIBER ESPKCfFULLV ii.f»rms hi* tl/ friends and the public, ih'it lie hai removed his FURNACE utcnnls fium Camden, to the h ufe formerly weenpied by lienjamin B^.th for that putpoie^ in thefioniof lirnefl Town. i6 milef from Kin. Hon ; where all btlfifrf* Hi his line will be done, as ufflitl, at the (lioriert notice, with thiis only e»cepttot^ that ail work niuft be paid tor on delist- JOSEPH H.SMITH, N. B. All older in :he »bQ*U HaC way he left with John Fiflci Kit»u^«m' Ernest Tcifiti) Au&utt 251 181B 151f

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