arts) [TUESDAY, DECEMBER 8, IHI8] * * ' a as if . [VOLUME VIII.------No. 23] » -r.rj ^^r "* ► Kingston, Upper GAMM^~*£aiHTEfci AttD TobmsheB by STEPHEN MILES.— Price Four Dollars pur Annum—Exclusive o? Postage. - _________________________________________________ ■•■fcfflE j • W " * :r~»" -r^VfVjr;? rc^.-?;i* — v- 71 *E£~.?J ■.'?""" !&!£&$ J gent's for the Kingston Gazrttc. $tiwmTo»Ti>4A\n& RANKIN, F,*q. fork, WILLIAM ALLAN, L,q, Bftwkville. A. KHFirvOOlLEsq. BehVlKS. MNA'^B, Tq. ttoatrrel, N. MaWT- R. Prist**. i Not fee. ■ THE Cepartnerfltip heretofore ex¬ iting under »h Sen? f»f Taylor Esf Pr.'ker'\t this day differed by Mima conf «:t. The>c!'>re, :Kis i* to r«*qurft i ai ' thofo indebted to the faid firm, by ■ note, or book acC ►tint, to come forward laud makei'Tttticdbte payment unto illan I ! 'rav"or, wh h duly author ifed to re T«iw r i r m_ u • *:r ~C~A „f c tve the fame. - And thofe who have t .-.,i ti-rt. . f.i.„ iri *!/-•< ;« 'im» mii -hv i-*id firm are rcqucfted to th, ^l««M -fit,, KINOS u .,,„,.„ for «diu»m.«t. " fe"ttllrm, thatth-y-,ny K-•- C«ur e f NEWS ! To />/, ,4 Nt> oofTefTion ^iven the firft of May £"3l next, a number of rooms in the! lint- Barracks. Enquire of H. EARL. March 15. 42 TON G IZET-re. .11 „&* lrt*b*| :P*<*'.« «•'•" ^""r' ' • ©sytnest; and n!1 »fttd€ 1 -kbted t* ivm | \ • wtil fo* cbe fw#fl*i v r'f fettling U-. rbrir • 1 N B. The bufinefs will la tutart be taipt&ive aeeoUnt* without del*? — ' he jcarried on by C*«tte wi1! bcdir.on'iMue^ 1*1? 'be «Qth day »F Dcrembtr next, when a ='rw Wpvr wiM commence; fo that thole who are ddifous wi:! ha»e an opportuiuty «f; ^ T?PMPN MI'sES. Cazftte, Opfice> fwf/rt* A'ov 17, Is'^- THOMA??\RK M I TO LET, "Tp'HS Commodious dwetlmg Howfe a and -Tt-mi*-, the prop, rty of ^. Rofs Kfq. lat^ly in the pohefllon nf Mr. I Woolf, for terms application t • be made to Wm. MITCHELL. KJutrfton, Od \i-\u 181 B. 20 To be Let, Wanted,- A ND poffiffioo xiiv n<&fete\f, ^ the I QY A Cf.-°aK, of !T^.dy V.ibtts 11 Oi fiteatn«n in a oirtitine r^uTe, o: 1 ^ b i j. jVlic iuMt'-inTf"€C»ce of a etnicem : A- p ica'i m 10 nc »ade ti» the EcHtor. t 'Nov 17. 25'fl Kington B u«fh of the Man tr-tNil Bank. i Any fum re'|ulr,-J vay tv obtained at,^j | ^ e Olke-fcMr jpk^ ■•" ^o^^al»itiv« dy N IICE I ^^HF !»*•- P.irinerm(t»of '7>?tv-s P'Tft I le« €f To. bavHig diT- vfl'H'felf tW Oacefor go«...r bills ••" vion^eai*]jt^ (ly bt dir dr.-t!- iff '.©vrick Qeb--: Hilsof Exehariire en L^a&>«' |V>.-^ct« *-?.%. ?He ^«fir..-f- will in hitmej or fo«- !$pecte.^*-Ho*«s' '* fa **8 bt dK 1 j.^^ rr ,-j n hy tic 'nbicri-.e-, to whom j Counted at THO Af««?' ijwt.iu:.«t dV»f ; »v1 tKoi'e wh.- mat] Kiagfton, 3d Mcfv* 1R18. 23 h;fv<- c}ata«« ag^inU that e mRra« wi*1i for v'jnfL-nt rit, I I 'MPS '{ NKKN 1 TOWNSHIP of Ha;viI /fOH.!' dwelli \2t haufe, gar ^en jcc. lately occupied by EdWard j. /iendci- f<>H, in the town of Ki. f'flon For the tcrmes apply at Office of Daniel Waihbttrn £fq, Kmg'loo, OA. 3^th, 181 R ajtf J'IS I' tti-Jvc«i an. ior lale at this J Otfict, price 7-id. the MONTREAL scribed, shall be payable in Gold or Silver cmhi, or Montreal Bank Bills, currant in this Protiuce, in the matt- ttor following, that is to say : eitjrH per centum to the Directors, thirty days hftice of such layment hafiixi b^cn given in the Kingston Gazette1 another payment not exceo<litn? I* • per centum, ^h.merer they shall i»- j qnire it, at such tim« and place as tln>< shall uop-int for that purpose, givlns thirty daVi previous notice as a fore- • »id : and the rrtfiamder shail be pay- abb in sue h Instalments as a majority of the Directors shall aj^ive upon : bafnoaffej msta!i»ents shall exceed lew fitr centum upon the raoifnl stock. for ttie payuifttit of which thirty day? notice shall always be gtrea* Seci/nd. It is further mutualry aaffpedl upon tliat »httriisvef the nnmbor of two thousand shares sffiill be su!>- srrih^d for, fh.ft Carninhtefi, m\jl\\ no¬ tify flie tir:t and platus of holding a nwetfttsg 'f tb<- Siit).*:rribi is, which .^liall liv? at f !judi>t»!ncc of not i^s* than % \ \<-i\ rUy- (n m the Ctms such mtfiiirii- ! t * tlou foj [)r<)it:'MJi;i>: 10 tlie election : J »r th/sir *uhsriijrt.o»,s to two hiMulrrt I'itMj lift) shares ; ami if tht* aforf.«>ii< thfrjy, fivty, ar.4 niaetv'lays* • }j.^ rrf,..,s w'n. arc i'.dfbte'to the?, j (OvlAS MA.ilEL>l3 {^, ii -, wil • V»C: >ay rheif aco"::t i ALMANACK* \ For the Y». r {' our i.ord 18 19. 9 \ tho iiunibero!"Dirrt<;!oTi\as herein aften im^uioMrd, snd sucli eleeti^jj shall j 1 »hen ami ihviv be matlrt Jyy a't> j I of rhr-tf ?ot«»fl for in manner Iteroiu- , f4 -,"," ." " ., ;plc.tie p-cie-.t tocm for v'j ▼alaahle Lan^s, tor S ic m Me< t . ti»s » at A K W • 12 in the 3d Co»- .......400 Lots No 6 Dodo £1 *no 15 m trie 4tti Con- ffion, * "4 ', 45° jT>» da 10 in the 6 Corc-Hi »,a«*0 ! For Sa as ihh Office, A RE-iOY KE.FCOMER, Shewii.t; fie v .lae 1 f Grains o( varioUb Gro/^i Corns, . „, _ . . ., , ' i current iu ihc Proving , f Upper Cana A NO p.'Tin n gives i*ir,o-*->> • ^ ^^0, fi. the lower, ptth otthtf fei*i«S: 01 ] ------,^t,o r;K-ft T.vcrn.atft Sent. r»i« Mf to Let. Acres. J050 _ (i TTJl above T W, ,re ail M^ fa Ijt'tnfiik, sad wil* be Sohl on the mnij liht-r \ ut ns Fo" f#tb r i^ fi> fnati'-t^. ofHW t«na- Kfa- H-r-i'o^.! the '-i1 f-tibtfi Fo» particular*, app'y On the prvinifcs. ^ US.I \N<: £Y,Jvn. Kiiigft<^n. Nov. ?, iHtS. S4tf hand* for &ai** i I»Imnr.^-rd T >h - i*l ,he value of Grain i |1 of G Id Com... v- >cr $ir under weight. liV »i<|;ioe of FJw- Jona- tbe P' 2?tf ^1 •s Bup <fr 1 ! ii !"!u--u • •' if */ :r 9 V' rittft- I'.VOH. fa- at this Office —Vwn^rj by biiH .aoar 4° AiiU afiht'T j>r* scriof d, iti respect to tii« a:;- iiii«»] cjlectioM of 'Directors, and the rcrsrtns wlio jhail tlv.-n and there h< ch.t^fn, shall be the hrst Director-. and shall be capable ni serving unt:: iiip o\ pi ration of the day fixed tot \ making the annual 'lection, and tht Diifletors ^ochosi'n siiall «»s hoon thcrv- | after rjv cii\ urrtstauce« can c-nvienth j allow of commence th# Business and opi>rati'ii of the niid bank, but n' i^rttuk hills or Bank notes shall be issu¬ ed or p ;t in oircubttion, nor any hii of not.- be rjif00noted at the Bank no* til t'AO thon-and live hundred Shares siiall liavp bk?en Rubsc-ribod for and ii v. thoi's.ind P v.oids in Gold or Sitter or Mo'itirnt Bank noias, shall be actual- iv paid in and received on account of ,",.,. *wH-.>HiiMHM to the ia"'d i^MWflil Slock. Third. For the good management of tata'aii&frvof the vaid Association or •.» TH F. fnbfcr ib :r ■ <• ■ ■ • •. 01 fiiIh his fiu«'.d a id the poh»H" l^as received a • w fv x * * GOODS bUi 'Jl. V ' q»i re ct 0 A' LEY. j ^mttn From Moutrea fen, Tt,r/e w^ ctiiiem tr»H^ thetn or- th« er at privarc Oft L vvc.l adantcH.*! the'ea IFark- K -:f kit(y&n •/«*/ opened, then; aivd in such osr it may be Bompptent for any forasav sub-cii* )oror sub'cribcr?, to-increasg higher, d 1 • 'apttn! Stock ts r>ot suo-rrih< d wirhrj rwe months alter rh-said Book of sal*- cripti».ii v|,uU have beea opened, ti-.pj?, tnd h< -iufh cave, the deficiency ma\ be •nibsesibt'd for t>y any pei^cn or p*c- ons, bodj poliiicor c»»rporate. Sixth, it is hereby expressly and '.XpUctlv d^c'flrerl. to be the object ind tatPuticMt of tl\p parsons wiio as p* liate tht'ins.-ives under the style or da of the Hank of Upper C<mada, taat thej-.-int bt«»ck or property of the *aid Company, (oxdufiiv • ttt dindend" to be made in the qaanuer herei'ialVir mentioned) sl#a4l alone be responsible fnr th*» feists and en^ageweats of the ■"did Company. Ant? that no person, who sifiil or :nay deal v.jtn this Co;n« ;auy, or to whom they shall or m«sv h^co-no in any wise ind bled, shall en •ny pretence whatever have: recourse igains! the separate property of any .'e'euror futare oietuber I thH ct-lTf .rjiiy, ora^aintt then parous, fariber than may be necessary to secbrt tb .aithfu! npplication of the funds tidier f, to the purposes to which by tho^ presents theyva re I i Ah le. Butail p<!r- onsaeceptjug any bond, bill not'? »r 1 her contract of this company-, <iyf»«d by the Fresident, or Vice-Freside::!', ^nd countersigned or attested b) Iks (Jashier of the company, for the tim^ bein^, or dealing with it in any other manner whatsoever, thereby respech t^ei\ give credit to the said joint Rtock or property of ti.e *-aid Compar.), arid fhenb» respectively disuvow hn»- j ;ng recourse, en any pr»tencp «ThaV Sever, to the person ur 5eperate proper* ry of any prssetit or future m mberof 1 this Company, except as abovemen* t'oned. And all >Bita to be lur/vosrht against this Company (if 1,9 aLnll be) "hall he brou^Jit «,aiu -t the Fre^deni fc)r the time bein? : and in ca»«- ol bit ?• «fh jor rer.v\a,\ ■ from otT've,-. flfyit' uy my suit a^atnst omi, in«asure» nwii tse i a ken at the eipmce of the company for sohstltotinff his sHcce*:'or iii orhce as » defendant ; so that perSons-Oaviog demands upon the company, ma> nrt be prcjiuli'ed ordelayed by that event, ut if the person sain>4, shall sp en °.« gainst tUe person hr*t named as Jle- leadaut, (notwithstanding U'w d at'-, -,r Arties *f A-~*jcia:tw -*{ to* ^.,- rmttr, , .«.«.,<.» Ht'enipany 'theretHhalJho thirteen Ui- BANK ot UlPPfc ""-CAN \L>A. rwfoys.^Ur»?han be tmnually evicted *«l i by the propria tors or holders of 'hesaid . To AT^T, to War,-.-* THW^lCfti*]|capital 4ock, at a general maettn^ 1 98DTS 8HALJL COilS. I there •ftebe annually holdtt.; at :\hich -r fllauTiUal meotivtg the said proprietors MAfe ^, .toekholderfi .hall tor* according removal from office) Uisceaipayy .;•■ O f*«* «r2« ' ^m^/^^s :,rv./^- 1 i J *;; ,.. h?Tia?l|afteT ^aWHYied, in '«*• ;1« advantage ot ,uch proce.dt^ TO ' ...... on that account ; and all retovrirtea had its manner af.- resaid, shall be can* elusive, upon the company, so far as r> render the Company'* said joint lock or property liable thereby, and 10 further ; ind the Cora fa ny shall I etf .iif ^eormnt^M «r k.»Urd Lo~pmt- ] rfi ct;tr? ?ortl^ at ^-neral meetings; ..../..._ .... .J ,L, hje,j' ., .1 .r,».» •..".«/.'J 1 y?/'(i i \ K'tnvtton. 7aiV 2 11 ' tt> van m« ; or* litore ; 818* ij<tri .i hrivvc-, Mr. ^o^Ls'ti hou^e '" hand ■ r P wc-' it ^'^^ IjwMrh thv t -v S; f-/orec!.!V. i be 1 ( - ~ .1 in Inch a comniete end w >rkmnn ' vd//"'* Council Owl'£\ Yoa»,^ J'^- l&*' fOrfT'CE ; ! -'c^v k with <;«. 1 notice j '^^riS^T^wTi* *-* -. whU !Uv»*^t»>»^ I" r. r .. ...... TOt^na(fe. ak' vi'v - .• 1 number ^e%entcen in '«» ^^, on the Na,au-K,v,r.| the T.nvl^ie of Frcdu-KkfF-rou.j Mhin %■»•*«' .from this di'c. ^ th 1 witl bethiown opeOSvi other rppb.-j} tfaU*aM« Lllld.8. the IQ fame cants ixm^ JOHN BMALTo c. V^OR '«'?' v the fubfr»'«ber Lot No. t \%;m\ 19, in the tenth C.^ncrffirw, UWf! rtW« 18, in the 6tb co.-j Ot Pn-uy. Ap- vyto jv».......RNETT. Wffi„«, of the Toviroftsm of BANK 07 Notice. V. of v ana-3a, ne ♦ r.... »> acent >'.•«• to* j ^" Jill Sk« W note, for 1>,!U o- Montreal, Qt«t^c.c: U SP*etc LL prrfOn^ are hereby cantionr^ j :-% tetled ftefpafSng, in any manner, ^UNoth.-ii.ti.H onc^ after m.111 transact •'•• ■<.<*«, .v.v ^/.'A r/W «*«mI Company shall ii* bn*:id ami re~ ■ratal ed. First. The Capital Stock of the] -*'d Company shall oot exeeed Osw| EfeedrPd and Twenty Five Tnou^iucli' I ogtith current menej of this Province, ,ltvid.(l into five th^usantl sh:ue« of twontv iive 1'outids ea..h : and tor the .iorpose ol rai-insi «he riud Capifalj stock, a hook of snb^criptionshall baj t opened iti thh Towu «m Thursday the j IGtb instant, at MoOr,;'s C. H. from the hours of lento t\\G o'clock, aiubr the sup-M-int nidance or John Cuminoii) Ueniamin Whitney, .|„hn M. Balfour, »t this Province it is pmvded, it being eaprestcly anderatood and de» r.lared that all persons dealing »Hh the aid Company agree to these terms, a:.d Jire to be bound thereby. from time to time, .m up i>> death, resfenation, ab-enc: frotn th, r-rovince, or rem< tal as aimvoaid. In t ase of death, rp-Iguafteo, absence from prov'.nce for three months nt 8 or the removal of a Director by ibftsfoclcholders, his place in ease «4|t s:venth. These articles of agree* such removal shall be nllr-d op by the j j ^ vhall {,e published in the tv'm >toa said stockhoUh-rs and in the other !t(juir({Q for three months-, and f*r the eases by the remaining Oirector>,..or a jl ,li;oriV.atiou of all persons who may majority of them, to serve j|,..;vn-r.t t biissmess with or in any mau- oniy until the mc< eediu^ geneial meet- .^ iW,, j,ivec,edit tethis company, everjf imr'as abevv-aid. % II 801*0*1 Bill, Note, #r other instfu- Fourlh The Directors for the timelj,t v ccntract, oy the effector terms heie- shall hate ponei t5 appoint such j( of vMct the Company may to car d omcers elerks,and^ervuntsun(lertbc:n||nrheUi liable, ior the payment ot mo. Wm. MSTCHIU.L. the lecoud tVm, and Lot No. three in Hie leeoipu ,orccfiion of the Towuihip ot Camden, midland DiltriO. 11 A to urr»... *ttn • 1: •.- •*.if,{iIon even, a jc:it Aiua-« u«^ikAM. l'V>r l-wrtti* pai-iw Lgeot riam:»to»i. Helton, \$h batter, »Hl8. 2 j i » 3-nabuA sicjn.i ^9<i 1 *"« . ,^v 'JilOlC M\OtC«»OlilKi no 1 aaripiKl J,IJ,S r jOilN CLARK Tm^m roAOA 1818. ' iowiz NC) 1 ICE. ,7jnr-JE partnertnlp exifting between 'f t'v rufet-rihert, under the firm of j Snfl< ami WirfiiW* «* llli'da> <!l{,b!- "...: ;lV ovutuai conicnt. All demand* ,.,;ilUti did firm will be fettled by *r '.uiamin DeWlr. ro whom payment ,„iliU made of all debts due fa.d firm ueA r .DSLISLE, J. F. W. WIN-LOW Path, yb Siptmher* '*'8- '7' t it •itf for stfc at this Offij^ John Fernnsnn, M^,;rt Richardson, J James NielialU, and Samel Slmw, or any tv>o of them ; and t0 continue opeu under their supenuteiidauce until there shall have been an election 0f Direc¬ tors as hereinafter provided, which I Bock shall \a- headed w,th the pnsent Articles of Copa.tne,stjip ov A^ree- nK-nt, and shall couii,,UH open "until he Bank $oes into o|4L.r;,tiou, the then imainin^ number o\ fciiares m>t suii-j scribed lor shall be ai t|)e disposal of 1 he Directors for |U8 benefit of tin. Stockholdrrs. ISterji pPrsUu of per- mm* co-par'n?r>hip, body politic <»r corporate, \\ ho may or shall become members of this B$<ecb\^0Q9 may sub- iuribe for such audsn m.u,y shares, a: he, she, or they shall ($,,£ tit, not however exceeding it, the tirst instance two hundred shares, ;i,,4t u h heieb) aj;r«fid U^tthe tk#c* respectively s.ub- as .hull be necessary for exceuefi^ the ney, shall specie % declare in ^uch IhKiuen of the said eotnpae.y, ai)d to U|^m s> the Board of,lot, shall allow them such compensation for their prescribe tkatpayment Ml be ami* agreed upon by and b«tne-u the pnr- iies to this agreement iiiut il the said Capital Stock of One Euadrcd and IVeatf live thousand pounds is net ascribed in one moiitu aa«.r tl;^ suid t'Book oi ItilKCViptipe s af the said Uou»pan) uuieV* it ceutaig a lin.itattou or rc«« to the effect tbovc recited. And ihe C'oiprwity hei 'oy expcssely d» -avow ;ill re (ioo- tm............_..-ability tor anj A&t*n «es»iemee% hall have lieeul Iv.hUft u»4)'be Diadei^fcjJeiriBttiei uot ou>