gfti (., ?! is jrffC ihr* Pfctpij of tht p uvMit'f ftM-i h-H z ri»(con'<rrtf they Jjr.vr t*ng u"' ;wRtJ their urafitny finis J:,r fnto tfmfwii *«, their lafvor -tt at n;W: Ht, ff-tff| tli f« tnijij t»y \i» n/qui -•!. orftii^i I fee* aiJvj^ntu 'o Mf want ->f a «rt u and virtu hi* P.H n ne-it, who kiv< hi'ecito **rfy bid thea.uce vr*tffi mi de- (jri^rvifi*J k. Wo art* Hj-)oy an I c n- t€- n * icjcf'Hir Co itrt'ir on, and when $he Pi >•«■we'^tt'iri kftf i fry h \i\*ftt mtn^ jtfl\>Utttflf Um)1 Ctafc to a«pe.!l\ Th v-ry g*i we of fcltvioi we (hri'-k fr-iin with horror; :n >i|>p »intiM^ deU'ijat-sf as we have done, wc conceive it is, 2 cr-Wstitii ItO'val *a<m3b »f ohtaioiiig ^gwf^ of ait the mcV-l dr£vil>]e as it prtve-nt* himu't S u^'s lA^vtfajgi^ and manifest afpitii of 0r **cr >nd Peace 4We therjW* pray that y>tir Excel Jene* vwil r*5tr.o tinon vvH&t fiw been iafd t:«) don :. aaii bImi m!L-;.j >f ecMt*tteii j srtcin^ a law ^h'.Teby the tight- of the Peoak wHild be <efic>ij$v a:>d wrantnn- jv it (tick? 1 \ that *ii« . v ir; Pa.^ort |bt- J c<yvf;r»t-/M7 in r?« Icj/iuYnate $3te, and! dtC^ve the p^aft'it Parrume-st, who\ h/ive fb j ^ ih?vt £*ty, jwirl uh*rn-f,il y} uSiT • j ii:? coufi ic-Mct of i\\c\r Con'H- tti<eriV8 ; this neat-arc will %>ut a fla:> 'o f fo if** &** ,/ Jtewtf, ft ttljttil* j fortify fy Hmfelf ?«1 ** rfefctoai offaii » hy the Mew*paper* of the United <U!e*. botanized. They have e:ea e,d tnetr Governor and State lAgriL ,,r.-, tudthsaV Senators and abprefeoutivei . ;l<, by ame>ioMting; tt*&r * >ttditlon«' aud malting improftmau "» igMcuitmc aud '1i»»cftic arts. — i IftJitn Ti/kj mot'tHftifoei.— It f^ an- A StUith Thoinfoit, Chief Jnih'ce of the j Htn»rof M vv i'.)'k i^a.poimrd Secre-I nry df the Kavy«f %%e Unttcd Star^.| ") l>e place of Benj ruin CrowninfhieM »f Miti>ac|iUi«:tta| i-.iigi-d. - — JrruMem u dfi'ciScd hy Cajjtaio j Ljjhi.Plat* Engifh ffafre !er, tat*m ! t.»*ii due^.Ofidred and tw.-nty th*.il%nd| fn'bjtbu«4it, chiefly MufTe'.aen -»d f w.«. i ^iffiosiaTles aiefeitt to ireaeh Ch i.i.r.J i:y i« that ivy anJetiw parts «t Pa ia ] I "T'-t SI Li?,df'- !?Ptr 'J*lhc 'V»b.ui33y.mor age; fe, kCCn (>:h iitft* that Thi^ai HfiMfjTB4D E»«J .pafled tnroMli that pla^- n the 6ir> for th • <&l %f jT.^er.MTirni, with a Treaty iccntly edndlf^H^ at ">*• !*•»*.!•» b-t^ten the Anieiif^ii conouitili ncr*- and the (^i«ot»av<r r \r-katii*** I diin- By >!iis T'tat?, th<- ! ' Ks* tide-1«» ■<!! iht Country be lo>v <>• f.Uih ft he vik.a-ai, Kivcr, 11 ctded ;• ih Ut.rcd State^. Lost sow? Lift ht« father'* reft Jt^ce, m tKe Towr-flifp of L«uf)hhor9ugh, Midlaad l>iltria, and of V?fr Caai- dA the i9'h rley of November, 1807, Christopher CviUrd, who if now, if liv tW^r v;>ic • of dffjoutf <t, a":<d »line th V 1 nnn-«jii>al accufitio-i o?f veditiau. N^W-O' !H1lS, Oct. 13. P nsscoia.—\VV hafi»t**mtrfrvcfli with a •entlemaii vs ho ^m* fMHaenger in Ch'-' schoonef V-.u*'^ Spartan, from James Hamilton, the murderer pf 11 1 e . at- la. \Xbcu %* U& fhcrB, iho 'O .11 had b. i?ri desert ;«l hy rao-t of tit S,»aui-fa ivaijj .iiH| *«td eniigrants !ia(} reaped to come '»>• fifery kind f r>ti Mtr>§ and -i>v(u!atio<i va- con- »q«f*at!y ar a sra-'- Irt'* eitiJBju-<. • •.eluding S;MuMi*is sirm a-OJ|.i».r* Jifnt the Utttted Jita^s should rvtaiti |f7W±eswoti, and <t *&* tlw (ircvailiu^ (•[litiirtti aiaorust t.i • Q io.t t«» ■• A n ■1^- M j r .-.rrd-a'1 tvas lately executed at \ ha v !>h- exectit' n is fai:) t hav- hoen t roded hy -en tkou'ai'd fueda-rs tic <ck io.vIc i^ei hin feotencc to b« j»sli and .lie-} penitent and tegsned^ It I 8 reo-»r'ed that 4^0 Spanffh troon- we^e aSnn; r. fail IV fn 4av-ia a, o r-K;-.-oss 'Ti mi »f PMufac-ila* w«»c^ t f » - ? ell leu a' t i« ij fft-J stite- hid aiHsrt i to he riftmaefi x>\ ti:o Spaniiri>. i-au u«< would «H.Wf be di pla »-tj tro© the iJaiancs"*' i' via* j»a;d. t uowevrr, tt.nt iuJo"'"l ii'"^ had iy ?VHt'; Exc'y M-ij. '..ien. Sir Pef^vj^fl 'Vv^o&ie^hed of G^nfnitife «^ntI»nJj>eiTtvd **&»&.*»4el^r t'JI «iw P©*fN fchitlar.d K. C S »rfe it^nant () -v- ;[ed to h=»ve b.;en latsly difcovfred ar i u-,co:,ciltio',a'i>v u's"!,t*Vrr lnc'^ Iu'6tl ernor -f Uuper Ca--^d' k •. vc &e* ■ C'.•ve.'-m.i. on -hr south fi 'e tVf LaWi &t propt-fl/4« XH* hn.nMe ^odrcf«» of the Fn1»aSrtaut>{ j lirl- (% the nwrth fi fe ;.f t at '. .kr r<y«'nfhtr>^ of Sydney and i'i the i.on.l-.M D?0»-r*^ of iWu {*r viuue, Gypsl'm is alio found. read If-'A &e$<n Fn& fa* lately btvn built of t.he Rawdon in tfc^faid f*r vince. '_Msy it ples-cy".nr E^c-Tierjcy. *^e the und<r ij»iied hawia^ ^To.u*\ •'VR9 kmey'-f .Speech co t-'a; iiament :|ni C^'n»*cft}Vut River, ;tf> be ernaioyed f;c it a du y to exiurelN ostf tegret, c!-.3t ,ias a Tr.w Boat on thst river. ] y-i'. h^v- c » ».ni ed an c,-ji 'i*»i« a* t . itae j ifx?>an ^' or ^ediiion in c<»i» Province ;* j The Univrrvty of G^tth^en in the Bnd C'Hi^Jer i; 't-elT»y ttn: a 1 >w : j r-lanov*r;an {>vni.iioM-!, has'betr) »»rr,r fildnid he ena^ei tpabjuy,;: Pablic lib- ma no ■I. r «'-T ^^ W< atf feh* fV)oYe fidncfrntiJ ^c *'•» fp] SV poll!, wtc:*i h^d'-jj frd n ciir r-o<v tBe 1 1 ; iy *w "fesrfl u-3 byaa i'«C^rc«tie4i of the I in conreqn*nce of a fra&§\ 1 'brants. a«ii the mwodue-' . j! Sit. k-nt«. b 'he ;nl ■Nuitihei*of Hn On s >»j »' w«.0 &«&'■. -t •0 i..e L'..u-i S.a.ex. ji»d ia>e »i>,aoi- Or .:■■€». 06 froM J a • •>- ttii? i*fi«aai, L^>. tb- lrt ]'s- %"» < •0:oi a "H ■ : tor-. .00 <u:.. '« a jf J.acd in U^p r i an-*••*..'»• w \i fi* •.' :a o' .\pnt ^.iJ i»i^ "^ •• du. o y.-.oh-r, i.-ish .Vkciittiocs 17 Me^i j I '° outest, 4i v ui.ireri, »j "?»•'• n SI ^ou»n, £.-fi i'h.!.):eo, — ivie-.i Wm, Ch I. r^raaer*, p •' I I j:j '. .1 itie & f | SCv-.-r v, 1] military t» f[ jpref^ the >i <4 5^ Vvs vv ^ie CoHJ-oQM I ill- c/ V«H*j*"ni3 vr 1 hai }«"? < h *•- nrH loft «« 'he ' Eoallsii Me^haaie* 17 «*•■, LV yo :r ooiajon hr.-. been ■.•o-i6r FiN ->y f ■ ,f , I Hyh Qpholn-l ftiM9t% the Fh-xes It i* kilv;—aui fiat ttwaaid h -••iff h *ht-re- «ue4 in a V^tr^iriJa J^^i^er rftet the H ' 1 f»v p'ed^eVI i<j ^p'ceed with o.t--"wrcs oi",! Hyd' >ph ,UU t*a« raiffng; amans' F xrx rctt-aii;: P»*r '""t »< in me ft-ft 9 ^..4e, and thn til the County .»f; \Torthuiaber , iO'h»raiat«D ,j»i kii -vv! '•;•»{ ,u feditioo •,.a «>;-r partn, **H t«> queiii »n the nwh^tity. | UiifJer tbe i •/! ei'cc i.f ".)>;ch you? u-x-! ccHeuev has hern rr.-a-i-r to be kjve, I th it »*»v rh! )** of ' ;*j ktn I i*"t ex-1 |j]p-a to a •..)^i' 'Me if Per-wit an to I t>av i'H'jI To ne .•>'. oof !ioji1 1 h**e Si-«en let ' fo h before • vr p hfteaib hv^ limed ^t>! A i-iHj«:t *« alar ••■ i'-.y, ar.d a c«>«« so «^ 1 ant- ^ - "I*h«-attn k whichViSs been made by, t!:e " ff-'o' y or; th* ebrteailv'f of a>: tii.uividuai, wt- > o ic»iv«.. sfltigethtr uw- | wtrratiwide, after th^t radi^ioatl had i |»ee*i twl •* tn'e-.! and bft&Htthiv a-.-n ott ed* '.jencruis tveirtti 'h^oulij bene* fj.ith beefl tilled with different fee'fn^ twv/srds W\:?\ thin tn^ie o;' cjDmplaint asd. r.'ur.i.-'atton. annas to tne peop.e of the P.ovinee b. i.t^ the D'foe- of _ 1 FUra er#, 14 WoaeB, S<; Ctoldrew, SI kt»i, 17 W»j.ii&o, 5V c'no! eit. -0 ii 9J deraoged in hit mind fi«m hit birth Diligent h was made for hio» at the time of h.» tlepart ure but nm t-ace of bis exigence could be found j and havinjr' lately beta iuf«>r.r.ed tkat he was fcrea in' the Town (hip «f G.ce (eld, ^*araTo^a; County, N. Y. loon after the snore j mentioned u'nne, at the bo«fe of n«e, William TboTiac (then a confaUe) his' par etlta are induced to publifl* this notice, m hopes q/ gettr-g ibme ioforiiatton refoetfinjr him The following oartic j ular« are therefere ancntfouod :__He ca I* himfelr Cu$t% bit father Brum, and mother Frew ; his htighe ab«ut five feet nin • inches j one fide of hii he^d ^ bald, and oae eye cantidcr^ble h>wet than the errh^r, oecafioncd bv a burn ; ma joint fbe little tiirjrrr i-.fFj wa h«a Hit e lame with one leg , is very much ei'itrd when jri\en a knife or an a^e ; whwi an^«v wil1 tear hiw dplhcd off ; hai • t fnt&eient rcaf a t.» obey the leot'T-on c>Lu of aamre with cleanli uef* '. ff)c;ik • in a Uammsnojr way, and j haul t-> he underftood hy chafe who are nacquainted wirh him —Whoever may hive any k«"wledge of the above defcri Bed uofortunate perf a sod will £ite in¬ formation of the fame, whether living or dead, at the Printing Offiee. in Kiugs- ton Upper Canada, will aid the aaufe f hnsr'.iniiy, and re ieve the anxiety of hi- difc« n'olatc pareatn. G^£diLor» of Ne«f;>aper« throughout •he United*. will do aa a*l of Cha 1 ty i.* pivvw the above one or two ia- rrtionn i-; to it ref crf^We papen. /.ougMerav-b U C. N9V a8, »3t8. ■a Team WorU. ANY perfua wi \'v-g tr, fumifb .'OHSE^ <n d OXk&i Cortt;, Wa^, u 0r bkiv^, aa may bercquirotl brfv.«b ibi iK ,». >. f and jift ueeembtr, rtfy, foi ..ji .». jef*y's Naval Yardj ^ requeue! \fr bnd Pealed tenders to tbi» Offiee Dfl ih- . z\h n xt moil h. fcfjj *rr&f t P.ur Cf H*rfe, tf Dri**- ., 1 / t/*f •/ 6»x/7i 'Jf Driver, »♦ 2 /»/r;V/ */• //V e» (3* 1 Driterx 1 • a r«i* a/ 0^« gjr enf Urivir^ »• Navat St• •rtkec'icrV 0%r, 1 Kin^ftou, By b Soy. 1818 \ i? » A Notice, NY perlon or ocrfjnri 4rflr<m* iff «tcrin§ into an ajg-^fcrtitnt far cicmring fro rrceitc 15 t * 40 aci^a i.f land9 J will rfeeivc libfta! $ncQiiragefrifi|tv Hy a^ptyi^jf at the office of «he Rinjf'lon Gazette,—* th« tcfo^. of the aurov ment mav br feea. ^\'/a;'x/o*. i/ C. "I <i/r, t g.i 8 J %$d Noivtslx i* 1 • * t For Sale, laud m i'>at Sr ,t.% a naiifepT o» d-^s and domed:c anioaU, and %»eortwi> children------. , Imm.tani t» (J ^o!c Dic/trs. A' d • ; ton of the J,;d^-« of r*i C^utt of S. ny;- Wr.iH'h, exr .o^^ly im¬ portant to,'f»- I'^itim-ttfi |>r:». titjou-r. j j ofsor-i- rv -'n ! (in y-:r. ha- tn)% n ptjtf ij it Vori; duriiu ihf la-t'V j-'ti in t.--';| raft** of linker rs. ^i ^«itt, rj) wisiph it i%*tlpt^nniue^, that p^psoiw not doly lurtiifi'fi toftrsrliue ft5* Phy^tcMni or SiirHP^tfs iiccofdini? *o the la«?s of th" pT.ovism*?, a.r« not legally entitled to ant,' D*y for tfeei* sftrficteS&s SdC4i. Q. Stotcb Mechaoic^ 3 VIe^, i Woman* f*ragefa> S 1 ..ilurer^. 5 en, 5 x-^ «wi nf S f!; J.lrT.. -rAl."o WnuCl " {5 4 ri Men........, 1,'S Wooteo, ... ..,1:7 Ciiii^irea,.,. . 4*6 701 W 420 A ND pofleJSoi given e? rnay be *Cj* ^gFeed iV">n an extclient F R VI, pleafant'y fittiated, in the Townlliip of L'cragh*»*«r*iiJ^h, containi»^ rifingof 300 acres aF rk'h foil, ab«ut i^q acres ©f which are under impTovrraeai, with a f-ame ho> fa and bain thrreoo, an excel ;.*nt foriajf of watr-r within a few roai- of he houfs.and a thrivhg nurfery of Sx ■• ef^bi bovidred aople Jrecs, fpmc of whien }>et;in ?*» b »?• 0»-e Hundred acre* of I.AMD, wrtk aSWVand GRIST % ILL thereon, iK-w'y re built, in the faid Town<bip »f L. u libor ttgib, v^'ith Confideiable ire provfrirut -tbout the fa^ne, on which near y 31 ton. of Kty wa- c >l tbe t>r« f>-n' f-afon.—• fbe ab'>vc Und» will be f Id frpava-e 0/ toother, «s eaajf fnit ] pinch jferti old at a very redueed price ;| . LOST O^ STj: b.W, FiOMnn b ard a Bati^a a% on Fri¬ day evening last, at V!r Th mrv b*iW«ff,iCA« WW R s- K. |, cpniaiaing Tin CV^qred Nail?. Sh»ulditbe ir tlva p ,ffef5on *f any perfon through mift^ke. t^cy arereqwefti td to jrive information of the f.m?e. to the lub^criber and any peifpj apprehc*difig the Thief, fhail receive a liberal reward* ......R' rPANJ.aN. Rifl^fton, 24th Npy. i|;:8. 26 WOOD CQFH'HACT* WANTfiD for the Stta^-Bmt CHARLOTTt, EjGHT HT/M. DRED :»RD/5 OF WQ'.'D. o' wbicb threr fartfa isxi^t tee L^eseh and •laplr, and »ne f .rtb dry Pine, o J arc-rack, all »*Jit fi e, to be Mfrered V the fHowinf oUee« so as to bfl con- vmirHt topat <q Word, via. at Pre*- cott, Broc*vilKt Ga«ina.4Qqiia Erafc-t Town, Adolphn.toWq, Hallowet', lioK Knr and Solmos ia opniiubur^h, < cli- rilfe, River Treat and 'be Pfrrytng Place. . J Taoders for furafiMnjj any psrt o»* «hr abovc.directed to ^mith Bak^IpCt, w'il be receive*1 Hn^jl r^g rf? ef Dece-. ber next. Kingston, Not. if i$it. *5 V. ! 1 Bast** folks arr full uf 'lOtifBt There h how liytutg i< »»" o a ^en ileaiau who iuswed hi* MbetN filler**I'^ *>»«halfof the ptirebafe money t-<be hi- mother'. (IH,, h>'-. ana ,.i. .-,ucc h. »U'5*down the re ..nindet in yearly pay, hi* Bbtfcr'h n««i 1 d!| «*»<«'—F«r fartbfr par'scidars, apply moilicr' CM; U!M'A. June as. j I niece t »v hi*, r w awt.anJitce 10 bi- j Lrftfrp f.oos Cliand'h of the jtfiiib ififer hi ft le!'s da-iy-bt.-r, his father and, Hw inf"«« that rht- chief', Ginu-a moiber** d^itizbter, teis inele and .uini'^j bro or any individual, we co«cn'-»e h is • Sinir. h.\<\ been KK>n art.i the' I datigbter, ind hi- y -nti —in aii ne a.1 1 in ntttng to us and to 41L /JV:.- ■ .1 »h '! ;,{Tn.l(. Iv.n.' near thr- ramnart* woifid- ■ , but .oo*wive& a-kadwlrd^rHentR and f-.ich fe«t*-r.e>ts doclarcd bv tieo*e{ant%tive<4 in }" i'i l!.- ment, we mult out ot rcf,*ecl to our character 3«? a P.-ople, f^ifciy fay, tH;it <•.«• cono imee u^ lmnfc 'c'ls th«r»»-; and we *o tn<>!l fervency prav for a ditToluTs.rt (J i»he y.» :fe:it Parliament, th.'-t. by aitofcherel &j * of Reavefea fnfnrmttfi' • ii '<,nf- 4. If- Mr JOHN MU-< K Vf Who [afsVik, lyo.4 near the rampart* watvid- \t led io t^e aT n . When aiEHance was offe-e i to him by o\u tro i.»?«, he f?id it . was uQiiec- (firy, rts he h-d taken -o:f >n, 1 and 'f >oo after exotred ' IqH.mtitv »f treafnie ha ,,-■-.*,___, ■-=* - - ....,-_,_,. , in -".-hand-h, a-' it wis eanfccted that Ij now living ?ud i^» tim Coaniry, he i me'e woold foon n?-.k.e its appaareaee. 1 rc<|,n*r|ed to write hi-, arfchefo to lJ^trirk The Peifhwa i- v-id to <e ?.b at to iur j \ ajxuirc.CwnfeC'io MjUu \ttu liufb.ji »h, to hi fuMciber. on the pr« nifes, or at the Pti'itiuyr Offtco, Kin^fton. MICHAEL SLOOT. l,9U?hbarcugh Ncv 2-, \tii. 37 i>tTB! I ' NOTICE, is ber«*»y E ' .^ve* giiii JOHM WHITE, of Advertisement. THE iubfcrtber return, hi" ft"car/> ^ t'-auk^ to hi* fritaift and the- pub- lie in genera', for rbeir ppn; h^'Ttj ftnee be eommenced hufinefs. and h^pe-, ha *is fteady attcntl »n, to merit •< tontina aneeofit. Work of all kind, in the 7 /V* HtfQBT f^OVWVS ManufaAured at hi. (bop, in fJrave where cuRornerg in Town arp pom'tr** wiil be regularly attended to- ^n ih. fhorteilnotice, and moft reaf^nablc t r^n JACOB JJAYLOR. Nov, 25. jr N. B, Country Produce taken in pa* . * ■ ment, "■• c viic. A eo ifj.l-rqbie' arrived a1 Qji<h«cfforo L)«i li"., i the d b'-esi found j b;i;«£ '-laiy 3c 3eli. Sth }u;y 18.7 is ; I'uD-r in the Midland JDiit* i6k of am^, Farmer, ha> made »n tat'ven, the wnfif *>f ihc People *t larg*-..{^tiered bi?ii{*iF rtne^ndit!-nal1? to ?Jiav be brtt jown vo l ov JLyce1'^^- fLlf>Mn«rv?>* I ht M;d And Di&tict, Qpper Ca a^li Ftiatcrs iu i-'wer Cft^ds a«i;a lTni- *(rij;.T«cnt -:f b& Goods and effects t«» (he $ubfcriber»* to wfcoaj hi- debtors I aie t ir. ikte p v^oi-nt, btin^ cnr»pav¥crifd 1 <© colore* iecL c and dfjcKarge all ac- j eouTifh ad dc»ti due to him, ftnd appar* (tjaii tbs n^? proceed I attnong his credi-j . ^r , who ti^'i ti»f <\c<-d of compositton T Hr. >vvV-rcfcriKerQ re^tAfuHr ? form their friends aod the Pit1 He. that ther have low received and i^'V *«. Opened in Market Street, jo* be'o-v Mrs Patrick's Inn, a ▼»rj- F.jcte ,,;ve iffcrtment pf Titr f5ood<, 8r«aejrie«j and StaltoriarT, likewife j g-seat qn-o- Ititv of C'lOJcal Boobs, the wrhole of whieb will be fold veiy low for Ca(h and approved Credit. McDonald at ^YRRpyn. Dee. 1, i3i8f 37 TUESDAY, VECEM'R. 1, l«1^. ^ -#.. • » o o o- o' »• O" • 't • -o '• # * m # • • a • • *■ • Si*., ob1*:!-*-! y. Tho fecurtty they r'OJsVs;* iu iiicif jofifj'e retreat*, ft ird> th' tn hope iaof) eonJjdeoee.— Pbe Britilb troop: I 4 f Erni fl T art. on which ire so acre-of i provt»aent —For tern- H"d '▼ to the fub- furrher parttcuiar., .ipp fcri'-er. Hamilton PVF*fr \\ i8/a K'tiw.nkt*'. (SiH, E, FE.vftY. Nov. 25 1818. *7*4 ef* ( ©RD WOOD, *7 itf .VAr',i Ibrahim, died :t Cairo o| dy- Ct i-> laid hi.-* m^rju-cript-j have] * bee o forwarded to the African Society. r .{entry. Iy noticed with iuipilV- the proceedings of \nw\ry inhabitants of tUc Tow^nfhip ti rVdoiphaiifiwn, not fo ir.uchtnun the rp'irter contai.-ed in tlefr ottblicati n ( vVich h'k* sil others of a InV&fV fortfcilj^ ^ jfl^g ^^ $MX W 30 i^ t,«:"n tebd tobefidiVulcri) as fram th ■. j__________ ______ urcu:n'v^.-'t> of it.-, b«. fo^ dated fro'n the Cwri *«jS tttbft -lice*« the M« cri-hate- ("-Kofe conlent .natthavc brell' i l«c w hr't m toe Paihdelohia paoerH,; firtt obtaWoilhr^lda^hortfrapiMie | that Geo B T,r. Prefldent of the Uay- tbin ^rpub't'ehad met the invading ar;..y . Ii., to cvrt fvf ihat the f.for- natton %:vei by me refuc&iug ANY Perfon willing to furnifb Sevei Hutlted Cords of good hard WOOD, fuch as i* ufual'y received in the King** Wood Yardb, is req1 efted |! are the following, v'a * Credit r>Y *u.aionwill be fplfj pofitive!^ 3 withoot refeTvetoa Monday the 7th December next, at the Suofcfifcer's A«*> jtioa Room [olit;g ^t.reet.J ^ eistWei.'. ', aiTiwtment of Furriery, f^^npfl '.vh:c:i FKOM THS ^%£T INDIES ft w t^ H-ttcd a few day (iuce ( we be- T .,........... . :ofc8H Crof-.wa-. /anfd hy a mta- j ty foj the due ptrfermance of the Con-1 t^ fend in fealed renders to this OfSce 00 the 15th of next month with fee tin- t^ke. that I have fi-»c^ f „,nd mv uroper- ty. and hco convinced of hi- hnnojr and honety, 3 7vv'3 FRED-7 :[CK PENCE, Kin^fton, 30'h Nc,v. 1818. i LuildiM;.», appropriated to the faced aSe (j of C«»nrts or" JnHice, ro be «ade ale ••# • *«t Xuttft 1 bim.rpbe in tbc h-ld ; ai*<! a i by p-rfon. affe.nb'.ed for the ex,r Is puff I Ucfper .u co fliit rbc »atte. kfi £C*0 7 r .-..,.. ETicu on the Sela, W« are r >w rnab ed ia sir •nounee the rep >rt a ihe.r fibri.-itJ >u wh 1 y dcitit'ite of truth ia t.k>c »»ott re .n tc viegu-e. Cant. Miichcll, ar-ived here vlonday evening 15 days from ^a >c 3«a y, inform* that tUe two f«r*l Chief , tra&, the Wood to be delivered at a«y part of Point Fiaderick aa n»ay be des¬ cribed. January, ill9 200 Cords. !>&".« of ibwartiag the coat tuted a" th uit'ica of the country fe^H i'l v fe ( £tni itfoHy Wameable, b*n the Um ']*] «iia-.h inorc hiw'h'y cdored vr ie-» known thu th u'e awitU-aW** <^n a !t l1* i fo "^ rOKE iftdtha c-nc'ofo-e of the O ubr.ri-er a la.ue »hv v1 NrlE,©-! thez. of Nov r8»g. Th- Owner is reqni'ftjed to call 'n.\. prove property, p:ty ch j r^ 'tad tab. h'-i awa|r E ici <\ i i d kyja Kinuf.o .. N"-v *if tSiS^ ?7WS February", T * c March, J 1819 ceo do. Naval St King It on Storekeeper's Office 1 , 17 Nov. tfil. j MOTICEp S" OSTinthe month of November Getitlcmeus blaak mmcpvf Caps^ Do, jjray poUnd cat Da. Do. black Rabbit Do. Po. prey Do. .dc* Ladies black Do.. <d5« Dc». Do. Sable do. Do. Do. Mufcovy Muttfr Do. Do Rabbit do. D ». t>'> Do. 6Sollare^tfl| po. Dy*d Hare dos Do.. Sable do." G.ay P<dlandcat flcia Mitts8 Seal din da> Grey and btack Raffia )$$& * Vets. me. occafioa,'rVnfed the uf. of the lame I a puo.ic sSutidiH^ as a p'aov h wivica Sieliijol mi*bt be ojened ! — l.»confitU'»ei:a of coudvet. I as Hei'l (* ta. ir.«'« btfiag eftgaged" in hoiiiuie wci« each ifai>t<>V'Bsj; 'heir xcptctiv- do mini >ii». v brittophe wa* baft / paga^cd, vN. % • II ^e.Wfn^'^oiEccri, are iia, srnb theUihj.a* %M fuldtcri,tareptii ' nr' tur \ 11 del at .^an» So i. ttyyed b^ u^k^A^, whii NV Perton J fi on* of fuf>u)yinj> uc \r acn -en yotti ^e^'. Wih 2v»-> ttptb^a.* tJ0 T t rO-iii a; a re. hers, ia repai. || '^-W1 r,ltf* **' rr"-«" *** ^w lUx iiici.Ulelydcf.1 l»?C- °" ll\,Vcfy ,lF:l P**»*^ Ij 1817, a NOV E O F H \ N D for I Sai* ^ ^"^"^ ?? WW » c C.,,,tten Dollars of Nieiaia WiUard <f \\p«&** Map* to Joseph Dempsew, beirrn ea-- IV f « i lor led by fa-d Dcaapfey to the Scbcnhea ■ i.W, it can be ot" no u« to any perfpo hut the owner. Whoever fliay rcturc the faoic ih.-iil be regarded. M. VVjLLIVMS"& Co. N. B The above ^rtitle^ Ifta rttvped a| aay tip* f'«*v-"-:-' •• la'-.-—and l}lo|e v/ho pofcfeafc t* amount or .tSj 5 2nd upwa^rdf, -'• n ' (ou.. rro-thsi -re '.it, i>y Jkjraiftv;>: u, Broka* iyUfti/ S^yj4 **&**& :'. >