Kingston Gazette, December 1, 1818, page 1

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'■- ' -• ?.>.. L T* (• rTVJE8D\Yt DEC EMU Ell I, 1818.1 I I *• ■ -■ ET •t*^t [VOLUME VIII.------No. "27.] ■ 1___:__ Wi • Kingston, Upper Canada—Printed and Published by STEPHEN MILES.— Price Four Dollars per Annu M Exclusive of Postage. 2-s- • TJSE3afS2GSSBa*KrtEE£THr; 7-rT^-Tf««!3aBB.t*i.TV r. •• r---, • .7" vt *.*•• Agents for the Kingston Gazette. Erswvt To- n. I \ vf$8 R \NKItf, Esq- York, W i CU A M A Lb \N, Kso., Srockville. A. s»?FR >V)op, Esq. Bellvilh-, 8. MS? ABB, V Ov Montreal, V. MOWKR, Printer. SopV.a^-ir'u Mr. SAMUEL ftOliWRS. Notice NG^ ! i ! TTV fubfcrihcr ha«in* difoofe<1 of. the '•" .bltfomewl o'Mn ^IMI-S TON GAZ vr • *fl t*H' ...Wo* cla{»< o^aiill Mm ai."-quri;r ° '_'**! feot th-n», that th/y «*a* be i cnur*e^f| payment; and al' fb«?< i ,*^bted to h «; will fee the necefTv y f f wfi* f «- i& i 'motive account w '••-.. -t del** —The THE Copartnerfhio heretofore ex- illino un«i<?r th^ firm of 7 ay J or ^Pj Parker i* thi- da"v duToUed bv 'nu'ual » al' th fo iniefett*<Jto th- fiid fir^# hy note* r '"• -kacc »*nf. to cocru f<vwa»d and '^ak:* i <~ nv 'i'ltr pavnr^nt u^'O Hiri Tsr? or, writ h du'y KUfhonted to re c«-ive the<\ * \nd th »fe ifvbo h^vo'i 1 r ".i 1 »h h fan* fi* *• arc reausi* :d to ' oicO* t «f-m for adj«:{|fftrfft« - (Si^ied) vl . "M T T\<S&i THOMAS P .KKEC . Bi-U 'Hie, M. NMa 1%**-: %f>* 1% '. N B T*i€ bufinef« wil! in future be To £e*, ANDpotfeflion given the firfl of Vfay next, a number .>f rooms in the line Barracks. Enquire >f H. EARL. Match 13. 42 TO LET, 'j^HE Commodious dwelling Hnu'c aad "remifes the pini*erty of W. R '- ivfq. In y in the ■». fTeflioi « f Mr. Woolfj for terms app-'iea* in-i t» be made jto tom. area £ jul. Kin^fton. Oa rjh, 1*18. 10 I Gazette wtT K- - -<- . e §" ♦be day »'f D rr Paper wi: c^- tbt* In 1 -it »b le Who sre ^efir u^ wi'; hn-* M o^portom't*' f»f ftili beiuvj inn -'irci S FP'-IFN MILES. iX'tn"sim fV©w .< 7 '*'"» car. ice; on by THOiVfASP .A&ER* • i To be Letj Wail ted —^' I A ^Dj»'{T(fion jjvrn immediately, ;i i*\ -he dwcl'ing Wife, garden &<:. • #2 Y '. CL'^UK. i.f ftesdy habirs ! t'Kc t i' j; e tt.r ma ..irnTiuv; Hun'*', or . „- n , r dc*.co: 1 (."one rn. : k:-*y .ceu'jiied by Edward J. •Sende-- • fi>n, m th.- town of Klagft 11 For the termes apply at cbl Office of Danl I K •• :|No, 17. a i 1 t.-i tie <ad.- to the E»l't inq;ston B :v c r\i ■.. the Mf>n-,: uval Bnnk. ■ Ap'v 'tn rcquir-'d mpy be obt u.»-1 ai the Offi f*f £0 -d ^ilK .n .VU. ! eai,l v >np.E. j ft IF h*« P-..-J '-erfhio of ftniie* ^^ a /'f7 C^ C^ h. vi-MT (rifl" vc ' f.felf thi d y Hv th^ 41 -ith «f RoA-ncfc e ^ [] KingLlon, Oa. 33th, r8i8 *, 15-f ~iy<l.^r re eivec in4, for {ale at toi — diJ Office, .me - d. the MONf\EAL iQ^eS- Si-K-al ^J»aa^e on ».««ntonj, ^fq. rHe Wirt,f. wdl in i?ntiir* 01 io- ^-•-•k-.-- s'..^- a'fo will br drs j!h ^ rt;cj )n. thc fu,,r..ris^T(, pl^j C;>unt;-»J it Mihy. fixtyi and ninety Java.-;?j g^ v^/ . ^.h.^ fe h tr»J rt Mi'r.y. fixtyi and ninety d's A klftcft >"r Ji V«vi I?l3 ValaA^le bn;s f r S le in the j TOWNSHIPur H -'I VOH. j L«>tfc Ko 6 K^d i^ i;i '^ *:i ^ou" tefli n, Dod Cffiion, - •••' . ^ro Do do 10 in the 6 C««w ^J 'n*;ii' ° 1 jh'Vi l;r>ti, wil' wV-T. • ay thrir acc-n *&t •{ •:«"'" ' ii.fri;h.«nii de'ay ; a H a «ie w-c rn-.v ! 3 h:*c claims ajrat'nft tbai e 'ctv, will ! ALMANACK, For fhc Ycai .»f our Lord 18 19. ■ r-K-Q T-;wn, zi i S-pt. i8«.ft 24?! For Sa at this Office, A READY RE .ICONER, Shewing t it v 'lie f Grains of wan -u «rribed, shall Bie payable in Gold or SiWercin, or Montreal Bank Bills, r.wrrant \\> this Pr«»vlnce, in the man¬ ner following, that is to say ; eighi o»r ceutmn to the Director*:, thirt dnys notice of smch ;;ayment ha?i been ^iven in the Kinir>totl Gazette motne'- payment n*t exceeding ti* per centum, whenever they shall r.1- I'dre it. at juch time and place a^ the J *na!'I a*tpniiit for that purpose, gtviog *iiirty days previous notice a^ afore- »id ; and the remainder -thall be pay- s»bis* in such insrnlments as a maiorit) of the Directors shall a^ree Aipon . bat no after instalments shall exceet '•m per centum opoti the capital itot&j rorthe pay merit of which thirty d:»)s .io*ice !*hall always be tji?"ii. Secund. It h> further mutually agreed upon that whenever the number of two thousa d shares shall be sub- srribed for, tne Committee, shall nor rify th^ time and place of holding n 'n°er1n4 of the Subscribers, which tial! be at thedi tanee of not less than t n days from the time such notifua- 'ion fr«| proce* (Vh-j to »he election ei the nwrfiberofDlrertoi>,8« herein aft 1 >r,entio:>ed, and such election shall hen and ther- be made by a majority >f them voted for in manner herein* after prescribed, In respect to the an¬ nual election of Directors, and :he Persons wbo shyH tben and there be chosen, shall fee the first Director* j /. :d ha!! be capable ot serving unil r«" •■ • * • » • t 11 v*4 15 in th'* no Con VI Hf E :*K ve nds Ai »C^ if. CO 1* 1 To Let. WD ;>• ff Hi 11 pure1.'! ijt Rfltdiatel y, he itivwer, art *A the Hoaft of '•f - ro' particular*, apoly th-o picmife-. > \, [■[• L W FV To Kiui?ll..n, K..v. 7. '^,K- z4Tf Gold Com*, Cana da curreat in the Prov « ■■*{ upptr Tmpr wed Tab! • nf -be vvl.u of Grain . ' "i hi '/"ohi.,»' er orunier weight. ugltonj e . i') < 11 fufth- 1 ' o 1 :v- 1^,. r v»nnSip 0? l:a;r»iHen, new calVe Dt'tru-i. an■'. wil i Jbet'lt-r** F iiqitire of &l«n I the Printer. tor sale* or 23tf 11 L'i4ghbo . c b -buru; inr »hms . o that he rjlHE lu'^"c"Ser returMu'ly .1- his iiivtuls a >..4. th p .biic, tas received a 'ew fn ^ v • f ^Ftom ^'-outtea , well ;da >ted to the fea- Thole wb • mav fav«'Ur in - *ttw tivir cultom mav r,- y «u>-n it, (Ml l*8*r themo" the moft rea<-'.ab' rrr *-. ei'h «r at private talc or pu fe / ^i-«u f« «am. MT^HAELMORAN. • Kin ston. "July 7\. iR'lH* ? ft siilti J rou:h. Percy, ti qu re of Km*ft -n, 71b nov 1818. 24 jr/1 ;•< fa»« ,t this Office—Standard* } bv liuB >HORT. 46 I .■ - . .S - *-- ►-,*^ and i'itr.8- j Arhcf?s of A'wcia'ion oj t f BANK of UpJ'iv-CANADA ? B'arh Smith JVvrk. To ALL Ti> VVbv)M THESE PRE¬ SENTS SHALL COME. i I Ip)^- f k'\07dn-nd made metnifm ih it math ■ * t'tscri'^t's 'jj wjh 0 txeeufivs'Qfit** York, 22 I J-'K', iR^. ■flnj *".YnI •. LU S Sc Co. lately armed " fS * f( tin I e:.iM-l, bea leavr t inform \wt Ge«ti en »nd inhabitants i.f ,; m$rM. t n and it- vicn.i v ;n eeneril* 'hot hey . ha e c -.'n-Hence'th*- Horfe shoeing md 1 Bh4?!ndfom$ Buftnefi, \ al' »•" ^n <M b ancbea, **^ tOC uppef e d of <tore Street, bfwcm Mr. Don«lfta9i boa e iUnd Hr. Ptwelt,«. .All orders wilh wed ;; Js$<>t:i,ttwn or iz uited \jo-pa.» ■1. a n. mid Ha hcr-'bn wrrce wttheuc- • * .other to en >i dw 1 B a s k isg UusitifAf j ik the nA'iner nereint/ter specified anu [tieMVi'ibidi by and under the name ••'/ • style oj iae jlUnk. of UppertCanada. And 'f do k*rehi) mutually cove -a • declare H-i it^e, that the jaU-wi# ire an I shall ix: tin* f^vida-nentnl A iiwhjch thev may be favored (Ha1 br ex jf^ 7f.:* our Assocdtion and a I <c*«*d i- fuch a compl. te „nd w rkmao : ^ ;/ .,.. ...^ ^^ ^ mfmh :_ P^ CHRIST )PHT*RTHOMSON: 'ike ma..ner, and on f :ch l-w te-^s. «s ;, </;2c/.,, orhi« Bonor ti.# 'Xpiratimi of the day lixed 01 diking the annua! '.rcti'on, and th- Tirectorv Kochoseo shall as soon there- t r as circumstance^ can convient!\ '•'ow of commence the business and Ojjerati' n of the said B«M-k. but \\t . ank bi!l» <r Bank notes shalt be Issu d or put in eirculati^ji, nnr any bi • r not« b< discounted at the Bank no- ?il two thousand ive hnndr^d Share1 j :.nll hav * been subscribed f,kr and nv.1 : thnn«a!,d I'-^uikK in Cold or Silver or 11 Montreal bank notes, s»haii be actual- !y pad iu.iud received on account of if M'.bscriptioa to the said capital Third For the good management r>f '!•<- artuirs of the said A-ociation or \ 'oni|>any. there shall be thirteen Di- nsetor.s, * ho ^hail be nnuMally elected ny the proprietor* or holders of the said a pita] stock, at a general rheeting lereoftoi n annually holdeii; at which >:lf!fti re*^etiltg the said proprietors i\ ^tDckh^ldprs Amt\ v:»te accordirit; -i the rule hereinaffer established, in pect to voting ut general meetings ; >id the Directors so chosen by a ma- >rit) in confonuity to snch rule, shal' ■' capable of serving as Directors, frn we^lye mouths (t»nle*s any of them shal. • removed or vaUadministration b - Tk the expiration of that period by a eneral inciting of stnckiiolders^ or id ess suspend *d as hereinafter provid¬ ed and at th. ir first meeting after •ucU election, ^hall choose ou*. of their i mber, a president and V ce-Presi- « CHRi^.}pfj^RTH0MSOK. 'Jke manner, anuou r.v-..-- ., ■- , , j and .,_,, .., y |;, ^ko at any t 1 Lore^ «ter of His they b-v. w.'U eotitk the h t > a lhare ;, ^ ^ ^smtm, ous/rirs, ^L»fk« .d.~t".ir*'*tn'!« C-vnncil. to ..f ibe euhlK-oafo.n-vre. -,\ said »#</**&« u shall be bourn f „f Lot number ^eve teen &***• ------— ■ j ^. ;•-,: Capital Stc •?■.?.»#? 3^o ^/^ •"'.</ <*v*e ffer«- bound and re n i**fnfL«t nnmber ^eve teen m flu. fjfrnc^ncefil-m. on the \ra ai- ^-ver. I -the T^wnnSio of ^redcruknVur, b, trr>jhi mx mw'Ttbv fror; th;s dare, wtbe, feme will be thrown opjrn t<» other vjpH TitS JOi?V^MATT 1 L>.'"■">«•» Pile Capital Stock of th ;» -nali not exceed O" ;.\ventv Five T limo C. £. C. B A N K o F CJt^dDA i.' * 1 •■".■> T'-IE Miblc in • Sigtiit ton tb" a will i&$0t-ftt« b !>k Montreal, Qoe!»»i! " *Wm. ' Xin2iion,Oa «?tb K, . ,t 51, > liltl' I ■ A T I., p^rlo.! a-- •» fe » i' a> ? i -I >r ! - ■- .- 4> r. 1- i fc' .. au. >»J ill ouftbc 'ownlhip of Carm.fc.., JO.N CLARK xQih Od tSlS. 20WIZ j i(jth in>tar.t at Moore's C. H. fr'";i tiii'hoarv of ten to tvvooVlork, onder h, . by cautlb\e<i I -t!lt> SUP iri«tendaoce of John Gumming, tS-uiamin Wiiitnev, John M. Balfour, d ; i4 • i'";.i^ 1-j? « ny rnanner, \. j, ..■ i i'.e 6»fl * 01 cei- in she iecond TO U AND immediat.- r- ! convenient ^7 6 la^eo' a-ni'iton. ro Ulan,enquirev>f the ' ■■■ r . ■? ■ •r ■ ■ n t-. :t 1 .r ^ . J 3 . o*- . 1 'Hamilton, \yh OE .^>* \ > V ■ f. ?i f j^aNj ip .^.ubui J%tu.«J ^i«d ioj 00 ^ t*iina , si is nMdn^o nuaid . +■ ^-n«4 p«« a«no j JV« nolk^:. I I S nitnerfhip cxiftiug between the u^U-iihc^. undci the ti r. of tji/ifle and Wivjlow. wa- tbi.s day JiObl t i,y m ma, t n;ent. All demand- .ramtt ,4i to: '» Will be fettled by Mr. 'mamin DciHte f« wh,:n Pay;^rtt wili he made of all debts due faid firm J. F. W.W INFLOW !tt*"**l puaiBAK| lte» •i»ti^. •*• \ 'l*^1 I . Psr/a 9#£ September* \%i%. 17 Jty. >_ t«r »dAd at uub Oiiiac Joliu F ri-'-s 11, 11 bert Rickarasnn James NickaSU, and ^amncl Shaw, or any two of them • and to continue open under t4ieir sup&rintendauce until there shall have been an election of Direc¬ tors as hereinafter provided, which liook shall be headed with the present Articles of Copartnership or Agree- uvent, and sliull continue open unli the Bank goes into operation, the then remaining nun*ber of Shares not sub¬ scribed for shall be at the disposal »f 1 he Directors for the benefit of th Stockholders. Kvery person or per* *ous, co-partiiership, body politic pi corporate, vvl^ may or shall beconn members of thjs association, may sub- ciibe for auch and so many shares, a- he, she, or ti.-y shall think tit, not .lOwevT exceeding in the tirst instance Cao hundred scares, audit is hereb\ a^re«i teltbgj sk&rev resuetuvely t^ib- '. *nt, and their place? respectively, roiri time to lime, till up when vacant ) death, resignation, absence from the rovince, or removal as above-said. In a-e o: death, resignation, absence from he Y rovince for three months at a iraOj or the removal of a Director b) hestockholders, his place in ease o« -uch removal shall be tilled up by th» aid stockliolders, and in the other * ases by the remaining Directors, or a majority of them, to serve however, nly until the succeeding general uieet- lu as abovesaid. ^ Fourth. The Directors for the time ,eing ^hall have power to appoint such >thcers, clerks, and servants under them as shall be necessary for executing the business oi the said Company, and to allow them such compensation for their services respectively as shall be reasnti- ible ami proper ; all which, togethei with the exp^nces of building, h >use- rent, and all other contingencies, shall be defrayed, out o\ the funds of the aid Company. The said Directors dial! likewise fee capable of exercising -uch othar powors ami authorities fcr the well regulating and ordering of the t(fairs of the said Company, as shall he prescribed by the iiye-Laws and tte^ulations thereof. Fifth. It is further covenanted and agreed upon by and between the par¬ ies to this Agreement, that K the said Capital Stock of Oue Hundred and twenty five thousand poands is not inscribed in one month alter the t>a*nl iicv*. s>f »ubscri^nou shall hftre ^vtu ■ opened, then, and in such asf it n" iy ij competent for any former softscii* ■>'ror sub^cribers, to increase hi«, her* c their subscriptions to two hundred id (ft) sbare< : and if the afmesaid "a i>i * a I Strck is not 'ub-cribed wi»{.ia wo month*- atfer the -aid Book of sub» ripf'i in -hall have been opened, then, 1 d in «oeh ca^e, thedfheiency may be bscribed for by any persoq or per* «>ns. body politic or cotporate. Sixth. It is hereby e^pressly and •xpUrtly declared, to be the object and intention of the persons who as: o- • ate rhemnelves under the sty Igor firm the Hunk oj Upper uanuds. that he joint stock or property ol lUr *aid Company, (exclusive of dividend" to oe made in the manner herei' mention' d) shall alone be n-«penMble. 'or the debt- and eiuelements of the ^aid Company. And thit no person, ho shall or may dial with tfaia Com- any, or to whom they shall or may •.ecome in any wise iad btad, snail on oyr preten. p whatever ave recourse against the seperate property of any • re ent or mi o member < f this r m- ■ in ny, or against their persons, farther thaii may he necessary to secure t;»e nithful application of the funds there- f, to the purposes to which by the.-e presents they are liable. Uutal p»r* :on6accepting any bond, bill not" or ther "ontraet of this company, signed by the President, or Vice*!-resident, ;nd counter1-igued or attobt-d by the Cashier of the company, for tiie time «e im, or dealing with if in any other 01 nner what- 'ever, there1:•* lively give credit to the said joint sto<-k t prop rt) ol ti.e aid C'lMnp.i,..,, rid rhereb) respective!\ disavow hiv. ? reconrsMp, on any pidterttre whaw *■ o-, to the person or seperate pre, -i- « o any present or fntore men b r of this Company, except as .-ibovcrn^n. lioned. A. ia!lLuit- f be brmiebt a ainst this Con)pauy.(if 31.1v shal I .>. all b^ brought against the } rend?. : lor the time being : and in ca*je of h»» deatn t>T reawval Irom office, pe**dina inycoit against him, measures shall ba taken at the expeftre oj tlie roaipany :or "ub-titniint/ his successor in office a- a defendant ; so that persous having demands upon the company, rra-, no: be prejudiced or delayed by that event, or if the person suing, shall go on a« gainst the person first named a- de¬ fendant, (notwithstanding hi-> death ? removal from orfice) this company * \ lake no advantage of such proceeding on that account ; anri all rr>> -mv: had in manner aforesaid, shall be con* elusive upon the company, 80 far as M render the Company's said joint tock or property liable thereby, and no further ; and the Company sr.«ti mmediately pa) the amount of sues recovery out of their joint stock, but iot otherwise. And in ca-e oi any -nit at Law, the I resident t*r the tifnn. being shall have tull power in hi- own name* and on behalf of the Company, •o prosecnteto judgment and execution in the manner and form as hv tho U1.-.5 af this Province it is prov ded ; it b.'ingexpressely understood and d<* dared that all persons dealing with the said Compan) Agree to these teiins, and are to be bound thereby* $ venth. These articles of agr^e* • meut shall be published in the Kingston dazette for three months, and io. the information of all persons who nurv uansai t business with or in any mat - uer give credit to this company, ev» y Bond, Bill) Note, «r other instru^ meut or contract, by the effector term . of winch the Company ma) be chaiged or held liable, lor the payment of mo* ney, shall specially declare, in such .orm as the Board of Directors snail prescribe, that payment shall br muds. out uj the joint funds oj thh Gamp* / ^ according to the present articles of * *«• s.>ciation, ana not oihericis ; am a copy of the sixth article of this &£* ci* atiou -.hall be inserted in the bank I) vk :f ev ry person depositing moir i- . tber valuable property A* ith the Lc - pafty lor safe custody, <*? a printed 1 « py snail be delivered to every > fi person before any such deposit shal! 1 e received front htm. Ami 11 is in v xpres&ly declared, that', men! can be legally made in the 1.....- >t the said Company unless it contain -. Limitation or restriction, to the eh move recited. And the Coinp:. aeicby exprcsseiy di avow all ve■■_■■■ - ability lor any debtors enga<iit» winch uaoy be umwt in then uamc

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