Kingston Gazette, November 24, 1818, page 4

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«/«%.« DowIfasTi !! ■yr^ ■ i U ft \TS liis .'i it fafcere tli -.«•■ ». \- t • .:■ f'i '• and trie ^ivMie, f ' ti-,.' irtv '•' «l Ii ppdfl L-i en him <i '<■ h. ,ra t" e.T. t id I .'i.c-t'*, and h lc > • ta in* Tm the it th it he ha* laid ii a getwcaJ ail' well it:c:"t .1 it icfc ef Groceries, Wines ■ and Spints, at ki« o'-i •' m'J, W. ii be fa determine ' tc Wi *l l c rn rl* rc:h,-e^ ppfcea, the. 7VP mH8<mtjB8&, I JFIT AVINO been appointed! *gent iiUi f-.r t' <• "vo iriiftiM of tfte I HON •VokK , efHbnfM at Three R-j«c», i th.- P'oviiicc <'t Lower Canada; ip- uini- the pubiic, that he ha& i<*.ely re- . ,Vd a {'erg extensive n*$nrtmmt of WARES, Maniif*#ured at that place.—Aeronfi ■tlitr article are. S.irub !*' p. - u>i»t] ; - 'vp^ra* : ^; ;•■ iles ; I'tijpii tali j p ups -- p„ ac hrafcAy WINES. ?* ;;.> I'Art I I '** do. * Via a Iku &ckli**g Vinegar. Li j e J nice. GkO. EMiES. Dmnnow If I:■«* 'J ;♦ - • U. H .., - .ui alio. Cu e L- •" * "^ fcj o\ado 'Jo. C: ^"> t lumA i ■ itass, T r • ( 'tgl L«)\ !{&.* >.l* f rhunni '»:. !'• /) Jariey pi* iWdm L- Vih.»I Starch R .-k Peji'i r i >...-, S :>iner (; | nd Stayer V • *•». 1. In I WW R.OOI JR r Jo. j> m C ^ ; Afi aflv>rtm£r>t of ^iockery Waref no Quetm' do. £r!t pjutcli LoBg Pipe*, , rlucToh^qco—i audit W.xhi Mi M r' GandWs—Di pM du. ?<••;•. J.-r ui Iftil Calfs)t.U!Q, Lcit L^quiil lacking, A few artictce <A Double & Siwgle ■ I S ^a; PI i in Us • (V Kisll ; Sia 'v'i* : Vi - ^'s ' * •>' ti ./.(*♦ • i U)*V. • N *'<ii«ss ; 1 \-i i ■ « oi q PrHlls • Cbloi r» d do. . \\ aae a*ui .own <ic> • Writing r^sr ^ Leaer uo. Or vanovs sizes and patterns, CAST ASI1 PANS, SoGaK KLTrILLS, POTASH COOLirS. POTS, BOG IRONS, and DUTCH OVENS, Which wi>' he Affect d «jf, for CaOi, at Tiv- f,?: rn" r foftuefii of metal, and - dorahtl»ty «f the Three hiivera Sr->v^«. (Ffinder th-n-. v/o"hy -he aitentfon o p'tc1 fjfrrft, a? they are t»ot hable to < -.k, i ke thofc imported frotr. Scoi- land. * johS macaulay. T|^ //A iubf.;riVlr rtJ;i, ^fully informs JL the iftKaBtrihti 0f ,hc Tni»n and • 'oivnfl>ip of Kiowftp,,, the towilhip «-f PirtiburgJi and Wttjf IflaT.d, that he ha, purchaled J.he Late1? occupi.-d by Mr- A. Macpher jfon, in th. vicinity of this town j where he will u-cu»e good * *,t the rate of feven H. Cy ttvL Bufttl, when delfvere/ at thr W <ks/ and fix pcxt *vh^n co'U-Aeil in c \vu ;j the Afhes to he oa&& for in Mtrchan-j d fase- A Sleigh or CarUs to be fent round Tow- to C'l ( & rhe / fhr.s once a \vc< k, or ©tt'-ner if m t'ei^ar.y, Hcirfehoh'er , &t wiil do well to f^vr tKeft Afhe--, a- th quantify ma V ;n ont •Fu-ufewt]) omo'.n? to .-« co; fidcr«:b e fgm b tilt cou* ft of d year. L. NORTON. Kingston ui Ay. i 8 I S. - N. B. Caie fhouid br taken to k.e. i:>e Afhej, dry ai/i-tlr^' as Wot vrhat ib of a g;i;od Reality cdn be na&ft VCj, > . Ii©tf i W0TTf.«. I)nrH" fi»>r»^ tog, lenve ir. Inform WHEREAS, fcv the last Will - •-- hi. fr.c-d^ and the public, tkat be and ^eftim-nt of ' the late ha* commenced the KlCH\RDPATTlNSOk, Eiq in At CI JON BFHNEVS, his life time of Sandwich in the pr u-inct of Upper Canada, Robert Gil'ei-L William Oi'kif.-ti,and Oenrge ^offair kre jointly ami fcvnally, appointed 1 fia«ef?rv I.eea'ece of his Ell.Jte, ar.d Exe?.it.-rs of laid Will. ] -A- "AL^ex I dohcrebv rtquc-ft all pprfoli« having (I Vane 22. j in th.- Market Place, Oppofite to Wc; j Daniel Brcwti*rf, where ev^y atr« ution will be paid ta thrift who may favsur him with Commatid*. Mk;r-L\FL MOUVM. pei y day at eleven o'clock, 4 •dafms t:p n fa:d i' itate. to pr< tent lh> farr.e to me. duly auO'er'ticted, f r pavment : and a'l jierfon. injehtel rVrfhto, areTeawired To pay to me the anoij1 f of their reipe«ftive arcoMhts. .' r>bts rifle u> laid ElVt'e in the -■ruvi'ce of Upper Cartful* n* iri pii t-?. ited Statesj '.or^tr'ng the-con. rtiay(j be pa^d t^ George |ac"b, F.fq (vfHand-jjj w'di. fohri ' fk;n, ft'nd janes Odrdor?, i. '. iHE fubferiherreturn?hittliauk-to ! I his frienC? and the puhlic fot their I AT • • • \* i* 1 \Tt"'IM?/1T P/^?-. ■ £ Amh«*i ttbi.'-w, or to either or b! perri .hem, rh-y beimj duly anthoriapd to j ap,|(afTP receive the fame- and gratfl a^qi-ittan^eH G. MOFF 'TT. Montreal, 2oh M-rch, 1818 44yi >• Kingston, 1st 0Sobert !bi8. J9 ERNEST TOWN ,.aft ravers in hi line of INSPECT lNO,an<l irifysrm*thr.m he ha fitted «p i crmvenfeiit place *o the Cellar >f hi- [new llore. with a * the necetTarv appt-n »':;o^, for th* purrc1* <-f InfpcSinc Pi M ^nd Pearl Aft ^.V*'k Beef and Rmir, w' t*:c tn 'V who favor hirv with their l< nftnm wil" fip>*: it C*W with tr>c yrcar- jeH cxac?.':cfs an-.! rxredftt'jn : ikewjic, r /rf ' ■ lj »\cv. .-^ ha i ciuir^i ut i»>i» ({^ora^c for OPf th^Hif nd hrir»cl in #he .af Mc In^ fh have c r: encto teachm? iCeUar. and Ko <i It* "o^^ for oihir the f<' lowing brqiidifii of Education in |jj?ondh. wih ti e |^van*age « f a Whari the r.rpeli Town Ac?d'fi-y, viy, ; rhejlfor tottSiog-and ui& ^iftii *Tn«E Rev. Ates Fetch-, & Mr. I i D/ry (roods. • v b. f r> addition to bi« rve. fr t »'. '.,!>, exr>e*>8 2*any other ary c -"'j l Hue m a f'-'w dftv' 2! Arithn.-rtfc. ' oik kcrphigj GeogtapHj wirhtlieuie o» the G-t-ObLS, Ma 1 hematic-, Ueci'ation, Cornp&fhion, hilt-iy with the Latin aod Greek languages. The former attended a corr.oVt Cdurfe of ( lafiical Studies »t thr Colieec* of Glafgow and t rii« bun^h ; tf*e lat.C* received 3 IjKer?! Education at K; g'« Gollg^i •' berdei n ; and, trorp their e*-- f<eri« pee int and aJopi on of, tKe n-oK ^uccti^ful aud approved w»ih^oft«.itiont thev bor> tn irerii the approbation o< their eipppinyeri- Boarder ran he acc^iri^dr?^<-d *n JA WES ROBINSON. - Cast Iron Wart. JfUST rereivc^, at the fubler^r'; i K»o»e., n-> fiffortcncni *.;f SMITH & BU 1 Ti RWOR i"H. flTl ETURN their fmceie thanks t:> thJh their frit nd- aort tl.c public i"n ce ncra!» ♦©* r: t# theral eiicour^^crnenf that fUey haw recced fiiige ihcy re coa- a* enced t he Halting Liuji'^/s. Th<} have an cxteofive dfortmei t of | Ladies and Children's BON- NETSf^of varieu. colors and laapes. i G'nbica's Beaver & fine Likewifej Kuapt and Wool Which thev wi'l fell very low fo. oaill or aoj>r ved vvc lit. Prnduce taken in payment. [an. 2. 3^t*. Edirxrd Jones, ^j^EGS leave njoll refpclfuPy ;o Jo» ftjl form hk friend-? arid toe public in genet«U that be ha- Juit received an £l*$*ujl sffortment i?f_ DRY K>FAN[CT GOODS, C01 filling p.vtiy of the foflowing atiH r);-flj viz ;* ne Weft of Enghnd Ciotha i^ercs, of the caolt f?rthio:iabIc I Circs. fa. *^n^, BritlPn Shirting, Lincfi and Ccttou Oa^Sric^, Corded < atrljfic, JCenos ?.n^ M^flia*, Jaconet A^d Mujl- N|uftios, F nicy Muffin Han.^krrehieni Baad^uta acl B-frcafona do. FioeGma- hamsj Blrc& n. d colored Silk^ 81 k zufi J0"'ttt)t] Sk^wb '.rid fear fa, Fine corded I DitTiitifis Wlate Jane, white ?sa\ huj vlarfrih- QftUclngj BTaek Borentfnei fine l;ndi (fcd Calicoes Bombaze/t^i and Bombay rres of z.\ Colors I i«en Diaper and HttckaKuek. white and Co\« wrrert Planiiels, Uuih.'. Sheeitugand Of- Whiirg, A well chofefi affortaert ofThrc^d «-> >k," 8 on the mc fl • H 0 i 10 w ^ n r Ware OVEN BTOFM tor Sate by PRIVATE CONTR ,CT. v TT * S jufl recriv^d in addition t^ few -l f« or »i"tk, a mop tomp uc air 1 - 1 u of D,aiGS & MLDK liNLS. i H bo^ * b oils ; T , fiVfl quality of Drv WHITE\ ] ' ') a»': pr< •••d in oi iriih a rroll ev« 'y arjkr'e "f refhcftaMe private far' r.'t rc»<i<n«l l« Ktmfl. trncll Town, 0<'l 6th i B i S : !9tf TGLET, A • ■ t g» iher ! * • BOOhSk sTjriOVARlt s-lfo,—' hr flo"iac NtV^raqu^ M^d?, ftlui V^»ioJf C inpaas, i^ V'un. •J ndi.:-<. Al pf which '-vU1 be di^pofed of ?,t i i * part f the Dwe'Mag Hoafe and prrn-.ifen rvecopied by th< febfen- bet and f.vflession gi^cfl w jut t*»c mid die of OMober next JOHNFKRGUSON Kingston, iqih Sept *Ht8. 16 OP-FRT WA! KF.R, n^.m- ' hi, a A: ii d h vv PRANK LL\?3lFF.pi.A<a». Maiiaf?^)i»ed *t the r"o-Oa .if Work« itaudvi he 1 !•' at h ' pmi,,-, prict* Li ■. ,;.rr Mjrl) * av • * *, ^ the ■ > zi \ fd ^f j aftrtar, aflh • ' , / /> s/y Kkl rttSmt) COO i A >Th itvho-.k* n rffoument vi'IheJ _ acconiir.o.»ate.H wi^ii ^ !ihn;»l cre«Uc -svkh H vRTbET. Kington. OSob't; i 8 ; • Q o. t > ~;*»;liG Ttave i' inform their friend** jfe^ «i»d the [.tli."i- in ^r-r era that th«) bav< rrelvc lately froog Muntrea* au elegant aJTivtm rtl if Bn uoods, Ready rr a-e Cioahs, ladies and Oth* I V;u*y-h e Freehold Ellyu-, con \ feline fr.C-IIl ant) jfew - i»f good Dw.Mi. 4 H- ufe O'ltfioufcs, See, t •»;< ilicr with a'-oM two acre- of Inuatfd immediatefy in the vivi.iitj nf Sci vi^ie, Bay of Qjii tcU.Cannda, a d o'» rnanda a<= much bufincf^ or more ban any other Mi>" upon the Strenn. •id V)w under Kent for about Oa<- rhouf-mn JDoflari p*-r. Annum ; the Jwe'hVig H vfc i* well «cuia?ed fo Ruhlic Bnfiifti : m^ny . ther advanta¬ ge-- ar- ;tt<ici rd c<> the Premifes too nu mtrou«; lo deXcfibe- One hiilf of the ptircha e Money w^suld be rxpeded to *>e paid "own, the e*fhei ball by infH!- ntcn^J1 fsix twelve aod eighteen montf^ iciitc'1 bybof>d aud Mortgage uu«n the ♦>r©*rileb. An iodi; >ntfcbie tit t wii be Such h property rt feldoiB to be met ariih aird i we I w--rh the attention .?f •3!^ '2<rni)cT»*i»ii fond ol Milfe aad Mj chirfry. A quantity of Town Lots !ipoo t\u [Hank 01 thf Jvrr Mwra i» Be'-'-iJh , a and Laces ana ^ihbapsi R**e* Bon-- Lsdieg Tonife fnell Comb^i Ga^Hc at\d lace Fo tingsf ^nd a na^iber of art?- ■rh-*-, t<#•" ntimerontj to i»v!rrt. 4 Urates . f '■•1U C R OP gT? HY «Vf GROCERIES- jun'rioa ^iriMit-.Bi i;c!y, o'land do, i Pi * 11 jutd ' the> Wines, P«ppermin< sv.A iShniK, Hyf-n and l wa, k"J T<«* d-ubV-an<)'Sirtol, r* ti c<i ^u^ars M«i cov-arfo do. Spermaceti, Vjould aajj dipt Candles S>--^p, Maich aud Fig B!u^ Jkc See. &e. AM . f which will he fold for Cafo or 10 - Joseph Scott, ai i-r* ved crcdiL. . ?! Kir-zttorii ±th stag* \9i$. .! . bUiiGEON, ftr. 5?r. ITTA'S rereived by th« Hrta aniviii,* J. fie ill lupply «>f OHUCiSa.u; CHE ICALS: OudiflinP of the foi|rW^V| W'/i'fft. Geoltine Alcohol or IpiriiV .1' Wiue, C# ucei'trat< d V:tri, i>e rtcid, *-% RwC ■)•'« Biloirj* Pi'ls, Barclay's Aromatic fpts. of Vinegar. L" ude i ^rtar, Red Lead, Vermillion, Sfcell, iOil, TurycMtire, F.p(f,m %|ts, MRee, j Clr»v6s and t ion a TO mi Sal Ammoniac, Arfceie nod Porax, for (a dcing. filingsion, dug* 2 Jf. 1B18. 11 Jo 8 ? 2 • N- ii. Soda Powders. I Jrarm tb« oppetiumty of acqijaiuting theaarj he 'V: eonvinm^ ti> keep the alcove t-U t.« t F'ta! iiJhnirct, wliete tmvelkrs ;inH £a~ i".ie< r^:» be accrtfime^afed w&h fet - araf- ro^mv. and every Mtertiou |>aW. ■ • • THE PANOPLIST, UrHville l-Uliwile id 4ug 18:8* 10 : ny zips. 1h wh»-V. wi" lit- fo'd cheap, fo? i-alh. r a-ptovi c! tr f^lit. I HOMJT- T! >< U GERMA | Kingston. 6th Wmi-.r, id18 ,9;:]f5KG*i 'cave lo ,ntorm ^ fifejAi ! IJIJS and tlte public generally, that lie rft/. U..B-CRIBE& N, B« All thn-ie indebted t* therr are TME SUBSCRIBER, ^GS IcTive t inf.. in hi f icsnjdsi &• the i>til)2icgeivraUvi that he ha« ;^ oved fiooi his former Haul ;•> the ft r att'y -,cco;feJ by Jon*s Abb.>t 5: C cea* ft* Market P-aee. where he | For the Year ioi6, > For Sale at this Office. | [complete] n , , .. = [has r-vcive-i alio anw olRtb to* tale, at lueJteo tomasc n*meciate payrrent, « r ir r ,-r . - i, ,v , ; FcXtCi live ulf'.rirmsnt of or bcr re the arit ot Novembef next. | • Double, cind Single 28 othciwi ethrii arcounr^ ui;l be -iven tuj an Attorney for coikcHon.- c Notice. ALL prrfons indebted to the Eftate I LE. r<?TTOS. a fa rm ha- 0pvy <>n h-n■!,_» cr nci-a afTurtrriecl ait X\V of the late ^«»r^.t Cutvtniw, late *" t\fiT >\ fee. • ut tiaUowell, deceafjed, are le^ueltvd to ■call without delay, and fct;if the fame | with Mr. JAM^s McGregor, now in [charge of tbt- eftabliihmmt, at Hallow T1 l nt ■ vil 'eiloathe m -ft msdemte ■ e" h'i^ge;—and thole who have claims I FOR S \^N Regfonable kjf Contah.ii <? 180 actci f L^ud jw' mated IP U<e Hxih ! own (-r which 140 acres arc u'idei Improvement, for further Partic ulav inqtinYoi the printer. Kirglfon 14th stpt- l3i8. 16 iS 11 i 1 FOM HALE, LEASANT1Y fixated or. the (hove oi" the bay of Qmrte, and in-mediJiU.v oppofitc the V\ per Gap—- Hrir.g the fesil half of Lot No. >8 ip the firft con< efils*n of Frederic kfbnTf»b — About 40arret; are urder improvemettt. well fttictd, and a new frarr.'e Hoiife* with a good ccllcr on the pitrrifcs. The above farm wii) he ftOd together vcfth a pair of ftrong work Horicj, a W*agg"on and farcing ultntii?. Application to be nude to the "Prin* -ter July 27. 9- juf n w a- j tlegiifit tatrern-.s which he' J l wdi diiu'ie of very low fore^fh. I For TO LET, djfpi • J. WATKIFS # Kingston, Sept 28,1818. 13 U^ iV K ' ■ 0& any term of yearn not exceed t* Th th- Oi p fofeff occupied bv thr 1 '■ic'^r, and » (fefEon given im. mediate \ 1AMUK1 SHAW. tfingslon <;jb 7an. iV|«, *a ~~~F0 tiliA LE, A ' r eJiate p« fl» iTv n givtaf th^ jT ^ I tO* -li and 1 rr-n.ifrwin Stuart- vi;tc- ' *e V •• Mi ;^i by Mr. D-u\nt, ftf . \ ' ! fll ;j mile ot this ! own, » 1 e Hiu ion/a* a Gcaiieiijgij j: 1 r » d n- !cfs la for a 1 r T iCecncr- F->. tu the* ; ■ rt ■ -• e<f thi lah!cn:>ei» or ftt - r ■ C M 1 ifl r (ftOUle. »agi it the f id \date, are defired to pvefent them foi ac'juttrreo-t. Thctlovfe in 1 rade ot the dweafed. confifting oi a vtry complete afT i tment of Goodh uel !aiu in, Btld vciy fmtabte to tIk-Connt> y, i« no* ft Ping ; ff at j vi ets !o )o^, a? will defeivedly claim the auenti ai of the public C*(h or Country produce will he tsk- m in ; aym-ntf and a credit bf6fRcintho given to ref-or.fible Farmers <>r others. JOHft CUMMITG } „ WM. AUTLHt.LL, jE«^^« Kingston* OS 27, 1817. Mll?OR -lj J3l in Fifteen^ on the moft realona j b'e ttr^iei—That well known valuable fraud in thepobl'6 fine, ftuate on the prim at Gan?.n..^"a and recently occu¬ pied by irxt^h D« >vnM together with the [joikc, Barn, Sfahles, &c —For for- t%#r particuiaisjpjpp y to the lubicnbei. Gonanoqua %W 9, i 8 1 3. 33//* a ;ARN£TTI ium^iw, O*. 12, Uilk 3* Blank Deeds and Memorials^ For iaie ai (hi& UiUce. in FOR PAL «y^?HE w ft Jh.^f of rot number 5, j9L on tl e/ontH' f»Oc of foyth or Prince Ed*ti'd's Bay ,n tfce townfllip of liVtaiyibttsgH, cipntaiwing o c hundred aerts. Said i.ot' B vrel! rirnhfiired, and fettiemeptepn ea%eh Ode, wni\h ic-drr* ir we worch the Jttt*nti*«n c>f thofc- who wi(h to onii^lc—Enquire of the pen« ____ of Upper Canada. SQtOOKS wii' he opened at Moor's JlJ> Coffee l.onfc, on Thmfday. the 16 h fnti. to receive Snbfrriptions \m 1 he Bank of Upper Canada, and will remain open fr m day to day, from ic to 2 o'clock of each day, under the In puintenrianc of a Committee appnintr-d for that purpofe, until the whole of {kk Hock (hall have been fubfciibed for. hingstofl%Ju!y 13, 181S j Books Sf Tracts, TaF various r^efetiptions, can be had 1? at r hi - Office ; where- accefs maj *llo be had to a fatal] Circulating Li orary, on reaionuble termi. June jo.181S. fby the iinn;e of the Mrii r . . c ntstns about 50 acres ■ irr j rovem- nt, aiKetegani Fritter. jiuic l6» 18ill- tf3 I AConunoiii- u* DwelliMg /JOlfS£% to lei —Enquiie rrf" 1 i I —tMiqiiiic <4 WALTER McC VNIFFE. Kingitun, iStbOcU t«i#, M |.^r?IlATElcga»U%m No. 8, firj ■ burg h, 28 fiiilpS fi i »m Kin" l^:,n> !(c itt'iininy 200 Acrt:*- ) formerly oc- [enpted by C<*< nc'Sptncev nm; known >y the nnmeof the Mrini-.i b'.oi-ic. It • L 1 S of In-•;! lillUe r fra 1 e honlf 2 high with z barns andofHcr !n:i'd- []ing5. PerloM defironj. of pHrcl4afing rnay -n.nift of the vSnbicriheMmihe prci- i(IAf or to D flag-man I fq. at Bath. JO EPM bERGERON. FrvderiVkfh-.M-h, %pt. 8thf i M t W 15 Til E SrUBSCRIBER ■pn> ESP :CTFIU.LY informs his l£u./ friewdt and the pnhiio. ihat he hai removed hi^ FURNACE iumTiIs from Camden, to the h«'ufe f rmerly occupies by BcTJamin P" <>th lor that j urpofic, in the front of Erned Town, 16 m^i fr*>m Kin^ilon ; wIkic all bwliivi* »a his line wi'I l*e dotfe# as uinnl, ?t the fnorttfl notice, with thin or»! 1 hat all woik mull be pa JOSEPH H. SMfTjJr N. B. All oider in rh<- ?V»ve tine 1 of»iy ?'xcvpiion# 10 for 1 u dchve- MP J may he left with John 1 lk K . u**-rM- ErnM 1 own, A t^vs{ Z§} k fe s 2 ' 3 ^

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