■*-'-' BMairi n ©astute f ." G S )«tt*r wtfR •«fp-..^f«:'y *o rd- .?■ JP form h** fawotla and ite public- bV*H tW^KS. •' * . -8-P forftrflfe fewu'1- >4n4 t*e p ' ...... *.....• • ""; •' *' * :•' V V i» ccnrw.1, tfc«r" fee he* jutl hfccittd an *f T;vo W V^olntmentfi f '*'- DRV'fa FAN<T.GOOD5. f .•- fs . - K<t. ^ Ff/£ SgZSQMBER •jf~j?'*rG> Iffive to. inform hi«. frfcwfo JO and fir ouMii g<"ncrally, that h* bf, reetivcc' am! now r.Scre for {a^t) an vxfwBve afl" nui«*»t-of Kingston BrareVoF the Mo* . tr-al Bank. Anv ^um rct&irfd <*ay be obtained ar Q^ ebrc Kin of F.jcr'^Di'r on T 6n<fcje Doitbfe <mi ^intfe •' tt Specie -NVi- .«o ijil r* di* _„_ <^s- counted at tiiirry flxlv, r»nd nmcty daj* • - • , exl . . m sb -m m %f P4 ^Km THOMAS ,v'AKKL^'D. .* ,-- - * - - ■ ■ rmV ■ - • rpo or ihf iVtetefrii t$t sni-^ Ar-y taR,n^ s *r* trotted 10 his CEJTC »* ■ c- v C5 r r i " *? U^.-.t' e fafeb^tf bd fo'^ for £a& «r *" ^:^-'^ t?tA%Oct iS1&.££ - J i r j Scot l TV.TOTICE is Nr^y ^«Ep* ,,Vo «t!>I* RqjKiftitiiatJy^ By "r::ur i-F H'ta *^ -■ Aft **r\ v r._» J^ _■*' H _ -^ of j I:.. • i;mrr;i...r; £f*- } t8 fed S%if.g3s»j and . •- -Cord 9Vr.od. ■ •■ ■ ■6? *Qfc'0.yi';tf*- ^ o,kc8.^a,y ,.-.::«-eon to-litr *>» . ;-r^ft,, .^JA^; iBi«». 1 JgLJ&LjL&SL' ^» ^-^..- ■ •',,• m. -„•„-] a Mfif«»Fi.rji number ***#•• WW mt^ -" :;.y- .:..:itH?-f^e.i ■■ ^ t-» . ^ ■ ;; &*i --•■ ^»B« »VA^» ; wi i,u. ^a oio.^s from* tj«* d..</ -r ine rtft-rirtlra r.efrfuvpply • f t^A/c t • .V--.- >»* t •' JO T^ I .t ■ .1 « «&^ * 4 i':- ; y,' -,■.;-." ufer^«i nay^m. . I* a. • -t •*• • ^—! • '°^ vr V'r • Mo«:i«.i&l.Q.;e*"c-or f*.i Spw«e. M>.!ack Klnvsr-i, y****» »*|S- /Jjp ic^, '- PI F#,-S.\N'1 ;-.Y -«ta«ad -on h;itl ,h, ft J bafjfM^o «»« ,iwfi-li>--*tiB-notlrrcrru.k^ah-: r2r/1a ^ J>? -si/ **» ■ II. ^u»l,*l,-5. beg jravc t^sforta , M0MJre%n given rSefirftft^. . hue• Barracks." Ei.q^eof H. EArvL- T0u:r, * nntedioti* dwelVn^Hool> [if©, tlltf plOP^'y Of /- :-!y in the.pojtffinr. of Mr, • erjri9appufa:ioi> lobe ft!--.dc . Vm. "MITCHELL. na-r 9'-" A be Ut, i.,n givn irim^iatfly, 1 thit ^ jp Sife» M> «d «f ^" ^ » t P.>ag^« *?r^6« tb, disc^ioo of tU-Gom.mUeo. Cl'—V r „,,"u« : • JO■-•&.PL »-'5-KC;L,^?-tr i>y-n^r, d ^ .nntity o^ To«L ^TJ^ . ^f-de ^v,,.. J^^i.^lL^ ^0«N WILSOX, •iiwe.j »-cr : ,^,en. . .,......;1V ;,-_ bta -—t : ^T^.-0 %M Com VCOCCU Lhtf . • x> to :»A -. -. -•«.•«• da* -al.cl«vw»o'felpC' 14 i2- r. idve ,.b. afet Kf*r\y,'<.xuK.ed f' JOSEPH H. SMITH, N B. All order- In tbeakvj h* raav re *c*i N 4t ^ .ui^ t-: » Secretary, - £ot Sa > ax ^»'«s CXSce, A UF.AbT RECKONER, Skewing ^ihe v.lae of Grairn. ot v«fi.«« current ia, ;ht Pp»*J.ic«'.^ Uppir Cana¬ FEF^USON'S 6M»W| Tubh. of Sc val-.r of Gnms of G-.ld ; loin, a ier or a*** *?*%« JLMANJCK, BorthtYcr t .or -ord . > ■ - * 1 *i '..Rags! Mag*} TON and \M H ii A G Js, rOi *ny Col v?/. AT THl^ OFFICE. ■■ .* MULTIPLICATION - ■ Qgce_-.\'r-™.zr.'£ Tf7J0'^ fale '. .-- - -r/uf«T 4.& Tables.- For t'nc uie or befools, 'For ^e at thia Offlc* by S^S Bvl^".