.•+*■ -«*»> m *Tj*i ^.yT^^lT^^ KINGSTON, TUESDAY, Ml JSJNt. S» )8i8. % # • ■ • ■ * * • * • frothing later hm been recenti •from i ark. ihua v/hut hm ulnatljj bci-n \i a, nrHin:, \v:\t\ at tht* l.anr^forinn Cnion Sunday MiindsSfl Kingston : The K< v. tt. tt. Cca-iuHf.in t&fi L^iair, Is:, ni ;*at a SkH t««i Ke formed, tii fce der-Afr ir^tedTufi I'nton b"wa Smoor. K<m jktv. itglinr per Ami. be cuu%icd iaty ; tafclf W ke paid jti advance. tfdv— ThAi <-vi-Ty prr-nn sufonrS ingone ODI* *&r prr Ami. be a member of ium Sotieiy. jth.—Thai riirU -mUcil ttw buc i^iy be «p- &ri>|vriatrdigiiierall5 for tf»* j«*rchai< 6f »i*rb tlrtii rotiittiiuoii»*r ol children dunrifs cdura* Committee^ artairapanied with a return oft)» number of children. .Vh,-*-TI.;mh<* barfiuM-of this eotiery bo tyti&KledVy atr»ncial < Duna-ittMi cau^miKg 00 a President, a Hocre..ar>, a TrcaMiror ;-- :*y.-u,i»rrs, all Ministers of ftcUgiun, n-riilrut m KiMg^Ort, being audi e*4»ffk*i<l; fogtlher wnhtitte*n l.avmeu ; effi-tmni was *1w»M '»<' «>f Hit* Church«f 'inland, three of the Uoroaji Galhritifl I'inuch, timet of tbe PJWbjtifiap, p tjnd fhr'-c from tb* V*sflejiui Methodi*t>,^ tr*-\«n; avtiilirn *hMI form a tyaorjunt. fiift,—To;it Sulj-t'omuiiit^s befttrafrp*, for fin; purpdtt of orgauhdttg M-paratt? Srtomh for t&fa N&gkWv di;:n':-T(inHi1oii. aadtbr irautisrt- i:§ synv or'i':r lw:.!m>s crtunrcted Kitli the fclHietafwfck-b f!.r\ arctiieCemmittf-^ The Hi'mSii'h of tut: Sftt»<teniimHv«s to bp-£h9>c i*o?hall &eitemed for the gpfterel f'nmniie- Cw* Rcccrdirg to their n&pwiVe Uciioiniua- 7th. Ximt the Oencral Committee Gaiet O'aruri} ;«n- the Kraii««riiiig nfj-uch b.«»t-iie«8 a-may be brought bffiwv *'y('ni. The fiist mtvji-ig; to be «»n theVd^f Ntfwmhi*r. Tlio Mjcrerdiag mcutiugf 10 be ;»*.%WI ou the tir>t ■Miuidaj ia Jaeuary, in April, in July, and in ivtober- »rh. Thatai tbe^mf Uwh the Children of &*rwpective Scho«i!b »>" ai-it a>c*mbltMlin the Lanra^'nwi: School Floo.^', (or tour oiIhm con- verJeot plan*) w be ht*pwtwl and cxamioed b;. the Mftmbcnrofiffe i^mmjticM^ .or bj any ;i.uT porMHi-.) Ind ibtt! aw addr^b?, iucul* billing proper brtiaiVfwfr to pareob »ird tench- • r.t anii ^c"t-i] ppad comim'L !«■ p4#mounci:d *j iUiii Minister an the Gt?ii«raJ Uoaitniuee u r. jpi oiiit. O.'lh That an annual Setincin heprru<h«-d in tTic month uf .(;iui;a'v, in th« C'hurc'h'of each cc^ieetivereligions dvndmii^aiiou,for the b'-n- eflt frflUe Qffeeraj Sutofcrtptidfi—notice«fthB daj lob^givon once Iti tin* Klng-loxi Newspa¬ per. 10th. That tlu>e lUwlutions be printed rtice *Tn the (i.izinie. i:«..,i a|)|wm«i:nU » "<" ..:U.:., ,„ ,;irrv U110 rt'- fVrt ti.,. i»...irtl»If M.-v, wfa,H m^ul.ff- vi/. !». St. (•■ ii'-p-.-", I^q fHMSrs. Rnli«*n J. Kerf, Alexander .MeJVi.iM, j^rrmittj, Hiiit^it, Kikr- cn-r. Niuullf&d, Ao..ai aM£li ..)uJ K,ailCi:. uif*v nit vity hbenu ,npj>on. Kvs*r> tn*i> (ion »ill h(» o»atle to !:UU. tjie ^3id tiiiii(5:»>5 he madtf i«>cui w n.t.rk. ^,,,,,1,0^ of ill** c^ui- tuittco. _ 2Ao Editors »fihv X KC.. Canada J'ppen ard yaiCu-ti'i'ifi}! fnnu..ti-d vgiuc IJicaboUO «!K uf wcsteTii pan of tb«- I't.if'd StatcS; »kite tl» Far-tfaclttrs «>f L'bihWo «r« ;mli:ippil> eiigaired i'-i ru.nuu> teulieti^ mid bmife. C0!»- -.•lore i;iv«.J!j/Ms ^7c«», dJar.v/ Constitution,—The New • • ^TlicFoilimiog Gentlemen were iben nppoin- f'fifl Mfoibrr- ol the ConnisitltS'. THOMAS w \UKI.AKI), i:>«j. President <;. MAKKl.AM;, ^ .t.(.u:>!>ks, M. M!T< il» U/, J i» MvDO^f 01.1 5 V *V< » Mill .^ EaqulnV Ai.rovLE, S S. BAATi i-T, A. J*RlXGLK, y Ktqntrci A. MARSHALk, C. r.M.KiLN. ;• P4quin& .f. n.UtDMitt, s 'i'-(4-<\iei.\. \'i.. on, r <j5 t». cr.-.aiA.S. Sli.\ \», 1 .*!|. ^'H'Unu Ti-.N USTF0I1 &m r.xioy trsva school. .>.'/"■ .v. *rV'i!>u ^arklririd, Ikwgi* <*i!.il (smart, *■ rLiutilt. fin H bu?fburf .jru. > firddf*. u <"* 6 j . o 5 a II. i;% TSfuuiaOg. C*. U'l.fed, foM. DvFutroq, -'. \m tUi£**rr\tw9 .Jvan \\ \\-ov.% Licnt. JI..vtn<kl, R. X. R, G. Cofiote, >iil>!ri'i;>riMt> vtillbe rc< mved by the >Tf.a)- "jrr. r.; ii»/ ( i.iitunicv. af.it l»\ the r*ra'«ror. *ig*u&A KAHVLi. SJiA\V,be£rctary. 1 * • 4 >. E. Tbr ?caix/!K miiIopen on St.^NDAY .tvai, i'l Lbr L.tiu%;i.;ri;tn >tM:joJ lltma* ami at ita VVtvte^au Si ihodtst i inuvtt Pareuu #"1 r« (ji. -U'J .»j « nd ihett ciititlreu toifiu for- 10*4 ^uhctoalh m 3 unlock. 5 he'ice to Peltiers. JL for tome iiuw i^-:. irgrxuted tne kehoiM ii &iVt:BieM»e& suifvicd b\ ih^setilers duA) ari ivifi^ here, un then- wu\ to t^<' new T<»« u- sliip<oa R<?** i.;.k., iu«iii the v»;ou ol* hunse* fai Aeirtemjwtar} ?iccoiwmbfaMoo^ Aoatioos m rcnHK4 ;t- chj, '*..«; j.;*iU,oic.us for«&p09- sihw, tut'Cjiiiiviin; tju t^ttlersj 3. uuinetuua r:;.*< rc\p-c si'i*- mtvnn^ot tj-t- u.ti.ibuir 5 i*i' "fiupe Jild Lxayjii.ijji ttU&COUVftitcd MH Ctltf i('ih *i .. u 5iT.*iti*u& i'.;ii.' 3 Tavcrii, (or me 5>nrpc>e o;';afe. g u.iu cun.i6eiaii<>u the r.c- V m.v tif eifCiin^ h\ pniniC Sub-CTipuoo. }J':iltiuir fb' tit u icin|u>rar) aov taiwodatiOn, i («nl resoldtn ? 1 ... ......;. (. purrui^ 1;^ f*u Hi : . -w .^ u J:._, u Circi. ert.-caValif r. ., au.i.;- _ ^Wemim- *« ' M' * ~ i;W i"M ' . : . . a? uira %«iiiu.v lufeuto, aKii |>r« JwJu: iiutctintuu. Coni'iM.ticn of I oi.V.cdu;uiy rcpo-rtecl by i!ie Ccnvcniic:j ^Las bceu adopLoU by 1 he iJeopfc. 7& Gmgr*fseftke United Siaia are tt> meet at w^lbngtoa. en moiiaay, lh« 16th of November. —^_ * Ccunftlkr PhiPtpi !,as been again at¬ tacked by thf Edtifbing Kuvuiwci^-, i«i a citiical Rrview oCoucof btt Sptrcbea rfeliircied i;* ihc trial cf a catile in Iic- lanH ; aad Las pi;b!ifhcd9 m U?-: <lcfcuecr s second cloqurRi and fcvvte retort# iti the farai ot a letter lc the Editoro* the Review* TrnmbulVi Declare }ett vf' InJeptuJctict. r\\\t ccicbiai^d Aintricau Fainter, TvMBt?I#£i h»» fii>ifted a piece c.i paint'* ing for the United States, rcptefcaiung Co'igiels, vuihcadoi" Declarrng lnde- uctitiiiue, July 4th 1776—The figures are Eootiuht to tie ttykiiig likrncfici or the principal dclors in that Scant ; ai;d the whole performance is declaied to he In the very hrllOylecf historical pa&tifig. The fubjeCt 1.^ Hatit>oaU and the painting i» at the national expense. It is. now exhihrte-d in New York, aud b to be removed co Washington, as foon 35 ati apartment flv.ill be prepared for it in the public buildings. Mr, TeumboU, we belie^4, was apupicof Air. We5T| *ho for maov yearSylua been at the head t-f tl\e Royal iiritilh Academy iu Loudon.—^ The reported rumors of a CciSon of Floiida to the United SvaUsart aicribed, in an Anjerican paper, to certain Spccu* latots, tvho, having obtained a grant of Florida land fioui the Spanifh Crown, and wifhing to fell it to American citizen*, are endtavi-urfng to ratfe xta valoe, by rtpon^ thwt io fciOQ to be a pan of the United Statea. It 18 affcrted that K-ing Ferdinaad of •Spain has applied to the Coiigrcfa 01 I'^uvopcao roweru to mediate between bin* and the Krvuiud SpaniOl Provinces. Anoih* repiHt ii that Cha^t> ^ lA a boot fcclatming -.he Cu,mi of Kpakf and that the Congrefa wiill be appealed to in his behalf. Donald MrlQtoOi V.(*. Bn'tifh Confo! fertile State of New Hairoihire and the Diitn'ctof Mriiu, lately arvived at Bolloa, froai London. &?m 1~orl Flour.—Th* New-York ( lvtftnbci of Commerce appear to be taking meafurcs to improve the quality ot FLur matiufadurcd in that ftne, and exported to market from that port. J4 not then example worthy of imitation i»i Canada ? The thai after, wliieh the produce of any ctmntfv obtains in f*Me'Vu markets, u <.f greai c*mnxrefc>l aud agvfctiitural impurtanee. i___m A letter from St. ITioiKaa's, Sept. rji men tie iu a report that u>n. of the lfland of Hayu*. had tots!iy defeated thz M.aiy under Chaiinphe^ between bt. Marks and Port au pvinoe^and that CiMilophc Ittt -fcco Jfccoj coi the field of banle. Mdnchestejr Cotlow Spinnem The Cotfccil Spinners of Mauch*.«ster ho^r npptahil 10 tho public. J)y an Aildres* intiuduafionoi thriieondnrt, in mnKtmg npofi b;^her n.^es. They eoitciucie u it'll ttiefollowingpsfragtapli. ' •* We ^ohuoiiy dcrlure as men. tfS father, as loyatl subjecfn, and url! wishu-to a coiibtitutiou, Ifete apiritand lettci of whiefa iriH not roiuafeiianee any thing likr^-lavorv ami (>ppres-)io!^ tljftt we cannot obtain wilh tire ^reat- e>l po.-sible itu!u>lrj , fhe common com¬ forts and necessaries of tile, a1 thcpre« srul low prices ; to labor hard 1^ not anea**) ta^k, but io labor hsrd and want \* impossible. Let our nnaatOKS co:;-oU theirewn hearts, and a;T tin* seal 6f justice and huiT.anir\, they uill n^« Lnitg hcfitateto grant our ju*t re- quest." a- id;' (rcops arl? morntaimd i>-r j^;/. public :*':»m!. ot I'brt national txpru^; b* tlw: wealth and ji/'o-periiy ol a uu- fjou (!r^F,»od ver) mu^fl t'pon a duva{>^ pftcatis ii oi (he active [abut of ih4. ;6^ d?vidual< cotwpGMfi^fke ntmcni | ^ f\^ iiiM»rov."mt'uf of public road1 is aii <*'.. jeef of uncicnal smpoftirace ;-.asrriH i0 be hnpi d fixnl the es?Klin» pt^are \*,;ti be dtfiable, and live vertices ol* th& m&* drer5 uot.lcr a k-i»g tine, required frf a; ti.al v. fti : I cauuor t'o-bf ar wisli'(;._-y thai {hcv./v\ho e ri^ht it is to dir&et in fhe>e i:i;;Ucis. may lin-dit cni\sifti*tt| ^iih I ho* pub lk service I*? »i>ply Miiiiii port ion ot Ihr labour #1 the frocy< tc~ w.i 1 ds tin ivnpiov^im ot of fhw Kind's Il'uliwiiyy, lor fli(%I>cm l.t of liis ti;\* yebt)f> (ii'urnuu of, and the accou»a^ dation oi hi.s btthjoct^. PUOJKCTOiU 1 FOR THE £1.\<:*TON BAZ£TX3r The fnhabitniit* «;fotiier Tnvn.sMp^ It is said, are about me«litig ro fnlUv^ liw example of this place ar.;l Kincst *JV»wn 10 p^filiGinfUi : '\\\i\. ii;dc((f» e\*r> honest >i»au and u»\^i suhjcil tit ffiv profine-e should ha-tcu fodcfclalifi (he kli-B * I*.sedition, since in^rro-.\:or^ of ics t!xis(cncc lutvc b<*en ^viun^hiUjf nunlo ot 1 iJie instill tif rtia {iu?en»or. As the- materials and objects uf In- PfetiltOHhifl can do i«> liana and tfi»j d« bor, in tltiss lioviuce, are manifold, compared with tfie hands to prrfniii* t!»r labor, this trannot be a mauulactti¬ ring country ; that is, la^;/* manufac¬ tories cannot he established and sop- ported. Agriculture is this firfit hiter- e»t of Upper Canada. Its second, ia commeice ; but Obmrstic Manufac- tureemight be, and ought to be? moxr* eficinira^adatn^ngu • Iti-^a act,whioh no man io lu% se-*ises .au doubt, that, at present, the coBf&mption i*f this Profinrc exc^ids its exports in vaiuo. Of course, the cfrcn(«tiiu[ modiirm, M In ti1 :v nvntiey or bank blUs, mii^tRiid v^ill be drained oif; and the inuviiable eonsPQtieocej is and will be, such a *carcuy of ca<h5 as stagnates business, leavea most people caajbairaised with 4:1:. and man) bankrupted and ruin* «*d. Thia ivait evil which <nerv body laments ; buttoo many ne:.»hct the on¬ ly practicable rem* dy, rvtn nehment of ftioiHy aud personal exjK^nces^ and nu ro iudusii v vpaiticubsrl\ that branch of industry, which is comprised in Do* mnttic Mamtfttctijirts. Much labqnr, thai is either lost, or il!> applied, in almofll all our fauiilies, in \\w eoursn OJ a )cai\ niidit bens fMly en.ployed much good« From the St. Lt>uls Enqulrsfy fif Sept* 4^ E;;pciiition totbeyelli)vSton& 0« ^urniav the ?Olh inlt. a baitrdioo of the ni^c re^fnient, 300 ftmng, cn» barked at lielle- Fontionc to afetad :.'.,e MilfftUM river to the mottth of the Yd- low ^tone. 1 ae expvaiflon 1^ c^*ni- mrriided bv Lieut. C*fl. Talbot Cham* bers. The captains MartW, Ma-ee ;md ii.*Uy ; the lientanawts S «adc, Cla k, K«^vnaugFi, Flefdn and Kranciu Snuth8 go out with tfi-tH vefj^iliwe com- &\\&i lc i* intended thar the ex,e-iitiV» (half ewfttip c'umitit the winter fchove thr^ moDth of the Kanfes ; and continuing K& Vayage in che fpri:igf tba'l teach it> pohit of dcliination in the courfc ot nevt lumnur. " The Yellow Stone enters the M'i* fouxi in latitude 4.S degree! Ritrthk| n^j) in longitude 27 depteefi wefl from Wsfh^ ington city- Theimeadcd pc>l wiii I* at ita mouth. The t" oud $Ux<$ v-JI then have a mdi.ary rftibhfiimeut »"^r thouho-'i eight hu.idred mih;i w« li of the IMiflillippi. and nearly ^ttevbuntired nukp fuH.li.r hot^tbtbant|w citv ol Qncbc:* in mauul.H'*uriii^ various articles of The ofm.-cra *r rry ^iui them flw *^» cU.thwig, {or which <^i; ^noow in- tnd inams wr:ich ate ^?rCxv<\ to th«v currcd at tin* mer :«:aiU ;, and costs c vrntuaUy paid bo ttttpifrey's aud col- lectin^ oliu;ers. Improvements in ihis branch of itidit*try and econotwy would do more touurd* icIirVjng the pre set it scarcity ofinouey, than a new Bank, which, how ever useful to those who are diligent, and can calculate and ceono- emize, will 111 in those whose policy it i^ to put oil", instead ofprtvpariuj for pa; •day. inllut climate, that che poll may b»v4 within itfctf Come rei^urce a;r^ir,I{ A, failures of oontrad x«. Whcar bar! The St. Lrxts E/iy'rcr^ a Paper published in the Mib^ouri Territory, west ol liie rivei Mi^th^ip}>i3 has the following paragraph. w The Uudnon^s i'ay juid Ni>rtL \\ e?t Ompaotes, loi u long time enemii^ and rivab^to each cti.er. are now Fepoit^d tv be united uuder the direction ollhv Karl of $v\- kirk/1 In C-anado uht re the hostili¬ ties «f those two couipajwie-* are wilUus- sed, tuch a report appetf^S strange* Craps,—By the Xe\*s-paprr* from various! quarters, itbp{npurbtlha| Crops in general, the la»te:isoti. have* beea abui;daniin Engtmud, Ireland, France, aid .thter p:irts of r.urvtpv.-, aud is tiie United States, exc\^it the Corn and C ttmi Crops in Carolina*ndr€reor^ia- which lav- i.iih n shott.- etjieriatl) that of Coin in Georgia. The season las been Ia\fuiaL! \ ;. n*Uh - Vlons good, rpB tut: KlNC^i'OV OAZSTTE« The Roman Armies, iu time of peace. wer&einployed in wnrksof utility, par*, tieularly in the cons(r*icti<iu of brid<r« c> and hiinlmays. Not only in ftalv* bill iinots^huut huiope7 those Roman wa^s if it«if ir.ed for ages, anil >oa;e of fjiem aiv to bv seen a.t tlie present d»v. Till* part ol* the Milium hlston of Rome has been e<»nsol»ivd honorable to that warlike lunion. It has not been without Rorae iiisianros of iniit.-i- tloa if^njodern times. Sir James H. • Crai((? while Movent or General and CuijimanoVr ol liis Majesty's larcesiu Canada, if we have no( beet: mi-iul'or- aied, directed a road (o Ije niarlc by th"e Soldiers under his command, iu Lower Canada. The troops of the V- ttited States were last season fcugasfd in eon^roctitig a public road near HattiburgL : and, »t is lately Minettfis ced, thai thev aro to oj>eu aud make a road from Saekot's Harbor t« 0»d« us- bvirgh. Tfai labor oi' making a u»ad is siailar Io rhat oi constructing lorlili* eationt, aiid bv no Bieahs unfits sol¬ dier* for military ratigue. In a ^asou ol peace, if u» military buildings or Vorfcs require their &xertions, why rr.:;) they not, without injury to their health or discipline, be more ti-eijuenfc. Ijrismpioyed in inuno,vJng Uie King** public roUds, ttifbin a pfcasonable dis- lance *iound their respective stations ? To thu-'jujcct there n.ay be objection-1, iu t!rc vmw of mlliiary exj-ierii uog, \\b- 'h at>; nnlyaawfl ti m- , ** ••• j jrr; barley, oats nrc expeiSM to do w>'l there. They afUf, uetfcctioii even n{ the earl of Selkirk's eftafeilmoieot en UU MV.wh-w, three degrees furrhei- north. The Marxian corn will find «i*elfiri its own climate at the mouth < t the Yellow Stone. In im a}i the !« RAM K Li N. p aii.s, plants and vegetable* w hich (kur. im at Qoebep or Montreal tffcry be t« pr'itcd to be raifed there, is the' elirnar^ ni that inteiior r^iou of the North A., nie-ricaa continent is known t,> he near ten degrees milder than in the fame pat. allel on the.Atlantic coaii. Our fellow ctticeiii Ma-nuel Lif3/ f0 well kiiown for hi murpi.V, will precede tbc expedition, to prepare th^. Indians for itN reception. Iu' iv*il oia'ct their appvehciifiuits by fiiewin^ the hcjie- voicnt aud humane intentions of'.he A> ntfVican ixovernmeni ; and wiil lilence the Iiritilh eniijforics who Ihdl reprei«w tlie expedition a> au ajit t.i war agai^ the Indian nations. The eUabliirnpent of tigs ppfl will hz an era in the hiiloty of the wvlh It will ^o to the Vo.irce. and toot of t'Ust fatal b.itiih it.fiuenrjK which baa foi hi miiiv year* ara.cd the Indian zguii.U our vveftern Routfeitf, tics the aimi aud powev ot the Sic.tcsto the emuud whuL has natjdes It cac- Lmicd berets ioic. been exc'i-tively cccopiici bv llitf Lriiilh North Will and Eludibii's liav CowyatlieF, ana which has beta the true feat ol the Biitifh power o*er rhe Indian mind, hc.w the Aroerioaa arms and the A merit an j obey will be difplayed upon the lame theatre. Tbc Notth Wett and Hud'uu's BflJ cotupaniVe will be {hut oat from tic com* incrce u2 the Mifhniri and Mttliffippi indiana;t;he American tradera vinl pcnotiatt- iu i^friy the rereflcs of the Koefcy Mount tins in fearch • I i riefc furs ;, a Ci'muii -..■ jrjcj iu^a it.i!'.ioi'-ti*i ani.um \?T «iclcc»jid the *v; 111,^.-1' uui ■