Kingston Gazette, October 27, 1818, page 12

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- John tevwltng, ETL'RNS bis J* fl tisft»i»ttetfes '4/ tw hisfrvtoc^ »bd the public, lor the 'C')' Irb*.isi ioppoti {.ivcnbifii • cc hi> . ofl»8 civctffDc" t it: hi fiiO-'Cs a • "ff- U-vi to inform thc» tbM ius ha* laid W Sj.etier^i enducil tt-eclal ftock'of Oncer ies. Wines «*MWfe6fe ##* ¥-'-rir?^ TIWJMEK*: * • « *- fen. i* th; vi' umy of this Iowd } \i'Un« N& \vi:-*ttctf«t.. $ o©d " ' ;:;iyt^ii^E;: ashes, - • ■ 'l.ii-1 jUluv • .CAST Aitf-V PANS, ; . ■ * • . / V* gin &,ii ton ; Craeo f eppt*» • ij ir ^■» *«* i ■ « POTS,.LOG IRONS,and tiecbflaViioaWd with a iltjcv?1 credit.. ©r otteftef if ticcgf&rir; ." Kbtgttm, Odbter... t9\8« .. ' .• SCI thei *Afl&/»> *hj %«tfcnutj rvatfe moos • i >EG>te*e.. to ift^TfC tlie»'r fta-njV NQ5.TON-' ^ : £i<|ht< Mutton J g rat Flufcto P , iCt^ci thctti.u-c>iV:y ll» %»tH?Hrn t»f >x Radius w\f bine iiwrcbrfcn .»> ^cy »« not- IbMe tc ^ilMtf« F«V C^ of tht «Ajd) .f-Oi- "J/ |u\. fiUUvi., ana' pf.&t fo. Lcif <Lv8ck; like, tlofe«rd fioE 8tot- ^»f ^ awl J<ftn«j5l*w?r4Mi &$ \z>» r't »«: hi* !n*e «f 2^^^KCT. . s^lte^^isaoi4l s.^ck'; ilk«=.. tlofe »fc|Wtird fioE »• ' ? Sail *4* . ■* " JOi^. MAtftyLAi. • lf ft a^r r*o C& i©» t &r\;t*». pikJ 11 tJkw * Shhigieilt- • hmvi-^T I OWN ■4 I ■v. i i r dw». ♦ * ♦ < oi oi. SftGe < ! V^ in.e and >rv«,B to. :••% - • . ' ' : - Jeft*Dutch"L«»nj! Pijji»«, • • • fiuglVifotCH -' 'and ( WiVH ."A few articles «^f ! N 'J. n*.f' ftrfl rm »ivt n» lie ha-. fiii« (I up e c..Mvr;i'it't j !ju.-« tr. tiw t^llw uf ^i$ fi'ew ftcwre, with a') the nfceifery appw^ d*H-*,h r thr <p if.-;—f lnl:^6i.- i-M _______ a** P^:' ifh- PAt BfiM.iliI1i?it»tirJ ^> ^ ^ * M^KjTA^SfSt OFRMA. w..,*,. tk- :V w^. f8„;r# Hn- «dth tUir ^TJT"' I 1: F^v ,*k* Fletctfi 5c Mr. W, r. All lfc*'itt!4i«*H 1 thenar $1 jST. J aimer 9 - H^S ju# necchtrd in andKior t«* t>i« |0o). aicnt of • • lljf fe'-fw ng Vr*ncr<~ #f EouGSt'ot - iu The Ft 1.eft To\»n itdrfry via S »Kc flftijf ifr. I-a. gbapr |^ofh«tWy,WmM .^ Ari'hrfttk o«V kfjgpjt (ic-ferap: y wiihthcwfc »i «hc Co-GBES; r^'a thtmattc?, Ken'. ti.-»-." ' «.o«v^.fi;i•■«. H.O ry 'wi.h the ' Laiia ai.ti 6f«-k fengciag... . "fee f-nrmrr ntterde^ a cmn^'»Ctt rrr t« tf - Wfical 'Uldtc* "t tb« Uol'eyca of C 'aftov snri ' ' " bntkb 1 the iat».cr .w^w'vn? a Hbaral F^»ic»i"". at Ki g'i I*, e-pe, be&&! n ; *tHit' fr. n« ihn'r Qi e?i- nc r ip.'a':^ »• -vpixiii of," "the rooft ,v fcifcfi.ini ai d a- I MJfja ir,<,i<4' >K*f •»:;«-ioo. tfcjCy hot to iteii' tiw apjH»i.aiiaii </ tb^V.fc-rpp^'e*. * . " -; • Boardefv c*1 he' a'oa<»Btpdited in vtj- -ftahle prjwie ia-i ► »*a o" i>W fei>ff nflmc t€» rTf»» Erubff 5IWa, (Ji ith; l6fl »flf i|tteIltJ to aake iwjT^nata w ■*»*> (nna-'r 1o,°;u' m««*rtia-tn«r«i. in., rn* !'<yr trf ,c iha fif« oJ N- v. m^e. miet ,V-»^l» "■•'■ vavrrfry 1^ a^t for oc^rf hert« eArf*'»<6 ^13 wiil ht :.Wvcn'iO ^' ft*-.**"rh ! * «fl««n;»jl< • f a '"'". mas on Cthcm-eth*i"acr' "'rr* will Wc ;.Wvcn'i6» F F O R SaLR" fintattJ i« tl'.c fixth Tt>iW *.i which 140 scf****£ttA<$V( ln^TOMimtj t: for f^i'fetf* 'artn-ii'iM-it>qiiirc <^l the.r».ru;t jf. Pai ftawd in the ^SI'c i»e' fituate • ■■■'^c c AN, >rjt ^Hr-e »• tj Gpr.vviiient H utrt ■ P A I A. I 8 • •• •• *, J *; C*la 1 opv. rrdt I 3 t t 3 I • • * • AH of U-i-irli w{!l te dfrp^l ^r *i fcry r^c?u.*«-d "ru^v, . ] kimsi§nt Off.' tpf l8l8; * * tnf C K EAP LAND* .ftn Sae- ^^CVc fold r«;T5a4i8W« ttrms. o£- Lor No 6 on the Carryjag I5 ««.;- u^rf '} ct .'irray e'-ct£»i:i«a "K>6 Tirrf *j \ F v.-1-irh aft O1 ii«v ire feicxAiC,^6 l.t.rK'. 8« h. the jd f e S5chUHT<«i','al the C aT»yfn| PVt. p1at« fr the Vrjln^e df B<llvi»U:; 4Yorjt>- iag M»i«ef Water f\nd siritSy^ ^"f^ F*>r p^rtiCiiinri aptJv Jo thcfubfcriLci in (lie TtiWnftip of RichnrnuU .ANDREW Kl»iM£R Y/v lakAw: i8i»."-- ut> ■ • ...... .. JOi-;- -STJMF.Z L 4» <l • ' - - . . f\r>ver e>vt :ivu^ a j^t>: d hc-uir. and vk-' Jenct*iw^> Ix'ii'r. g^ in the j £teO frOic^^FAi; Vnr . apt 'y ^o *:2 Priot'KV/-- Cffiitr" KJsfifton «t 10 to Notice. '. A LL p^Ton«in<kbtH to the^ftetc yPMm Of- Uk: late jews Currirnzrgy tare arf hl'pMovv4t«<'ahs<i. «>r r«fj«^0'ij to c^tl vfithoDt deiay, ard fettle th* latfte w-fii ro pirchafc-.EHllir<r of-tii Fntftef. • 1 . — r. aliiabie'L . < ■ lO LILT, ■ p*rt r. the ■:I>v»€Jlirijr' te'wfo tpA pifeS)jf6fri«ft\pi€d by fei»^ fwM' r'< Wr and j%&nwon givtn ihdui t&ie g|k> ■JOHN F£fc£U >CM. agaxnft the Cid elVaw, ju^ tltfiicSd to tirefcirt ^htr-m fnrftfiuf^aiCM. " Th^'ftock in Ira^c oK the d*«ifc.4f- ot Qo.iKi.-r-TrclMaio in.atTd Very iunahle ecs'^aloMr, is. will defevg^W «Im«b the *JtOR Tale by t"Hc Hibfa-rSer i*t ^0. an! \kW hot N • «8, iji 'the 6,:h «k> CfcSRoft, of the Tov-rfrir, Df Pi rcy. An.- pjyto., s . JOfiN K'RNET-p/ ' •■ KtygtiOKi May <)(/j r'fh P.- ; *?tf ' '" Notice. ■ '■ -■'■ A IT. pt'rfov.s are herehv*cautinr.«wl ^q&O^>0bVm A T L'rf9'^ri? herebycautioesd -Oi^ or Cm.rry ,.«*JuCe wJH he tak- X^ W ^'OhtJ. ««J»y »anner, net, u p.' 11 I^'t Jf0 tkt. e. in -11) e-. "fir ft. >; oitQef. Kingston Hotel., . 20WI2- THE SUFSCRIBF-U ' -V> ^ f,rf*tf/.""^ a«fc--cjwi- EOR l« ?ve tr mm c> F.-.VpoN fir f^»«^\» ^J^St ?? P"^ the pV^ftc eeoe^Jy, that he &h lkJ S*** f°f th^ hfc*ial !°PP°U ** one to thr a^ >\uv of O :e Hunrfreti aud 15 015 3S ^T W A I. K E R, no<ms ▼ V fttt ov^tf hold;» N'w * ^raiofi NO i.ICE. -li tl'.v fuSfcnV-Tevfi, imtftf-the'S-n of Ekfifie and Huh^'jW, wftii tl>to da^ 'rfTol- rcirove Ed fr O'?1 hi s former'ftaiKi to the l>? lht U? ,Pgh^n #**> l* £** fcnp?ateIyotcur'ed fe^ Jottis A^K*t & i'n rear ;hc* P*iwSe. ^hrrf he lias row "^ Jv-r-^ a rctttra1 affbrtfMnt cf Jlardu , tar aw are. - (Vilefv, &c. - be fti!1 ex 11 tin iv* to keep be above Ue- cwt EOal -iiCTT tot, wfa c traVrlJenj aoad r* ilifc* cen be acc«»flO«t odAtf*1 with fcp* erau romif. at <J tvery fttlet'tlpa pQK2« "Winch he will !.«1) en' the l»wR mo derate terms. To Vt, thr- fl*f n Iflteir ocvviifled by thtf ft^»fcri^eri ann pofleRion gi«*t) »ro mediateW. s -vrn SHAW. ftingsttm. id "fan. i^.tP: * rt TH& £re»st 7"<ww». z<Hh Odabtr., iS 18 TO LET, 22 . 9^6 $/$, '7 - *. PANQFM&T, ~ ■ FOR SALE, • A. ND-iamWiatc- n ffcffioo giver., a a ND hineiliateputTcffi n gi»eoy$il r<p £X iootwieni STORB: in the \Til- J^ UOUSE ami.pti n.H^i.n S«.anrt. For the Year i8i6," Far Sale at tt'«, Offirc.- I - 1*£C of arriito'ii. For tbrthei jinrtrt- Ular5t require «f the fub crfrcr. Lv PFRRY. w. vflle, htc'y obcU] i<nJ by Mr. Dn;f«8 fituatt'd withii, hAr a pjile ofl^is Tc-vk a favotable JiH^'ton ff»r a Catit*l-/«»' V BI^SK BAIX EC1 pa For »ie at this OtLte. -•■A

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