Kingston Gazette, October 27, 1818, page 10

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% Kit Vlt.GUL FAftLtAUStit tapper Caitadau Tmrftl>'y ifth Od. ta*i$. . Th* to\\n\*\ jj ftiUa vetre brought tn »..wi read a fit (I tio.e ; By Mr. jwue*—a Dill to W.ft the da- fiaWofl of an A A jWTed ia the 561k yt;sr 4> H« Majt&vf* &eigr, eati'dail, "An Ad for prantmgte His Majelly ?. cct- r?<a fv.aa f if money, antl to provide fcyr ;:Vic soocint'V.eot ef a Provincial Agent •or thi* PpoViwte. Bv- Mrr Joftei—a Bill to alter the Ls.*k*« n.ow iu force for grantjcir Lican- T 1 £si la Innlceepero Mr. Van fcouoknett ffave notice that Ke will or. tomorrow ruove' that tt be rrOiU'fd, that an Humble Addrefs be ^tfeated to His Excellency the Lieut. Lacvercot, prayiitif htm '.« inform tku Hotffe, if arw utdefi have Ween received F-ww H?s M«*jXly*a Govero-nent for fcv&nuug la^da to the Flank Companies, V'.tlnoeeer CtWfJ*,!* to the incorporated fSj.V'rt, f-^- thefr Cervices during the hie-tvar wuh the United States ef A- tacr.tca. Mr. V*i> Kouglwafct brangrht «Tt* tfcc pct-ktea of AoVji Oi<oo, of the Tq-.v.-,. iiif of CftMIWfttS, vvhich was oic>Jad tf# 'p->n motieft of Mr. Vw ICoiigfcactt, 2Jelf«, Howard, Kdk*i Cotter and jMirnhaw, wore &<pqe*nted to he acor^ -iiittee to examine what Statutes have ggpireli cr are abotxt te eapir*. and to repurt '.hereon. Mr. Jones' &*v&S that fclia Hevfe <&<* «ra in t^ a (an? rrnttce of tfee whole, to take iato coafiderat^n the propriety of impoilng <t rate or afferent on the land* of Noa-rcfi dents within this Pro- v-'.r.ce. " Carried. Mr. Cbiyfle'r reported that the cona- ml.ftef h/J agreed tnceftain Kefolotiont, «.hfoh he was directed ta report tor the t'Jtofdon of the lit-afe. Ordered, thir the report br received, • xi that it be Refolded, tfctt it w tha Pttnioti of this Hsnftff that the va£ !.;v.ft» of unaulttvated tondu, owned by ,* ♦n-nrudents, v.n'Lhin this Previnca, ««d Mot in any inantier rfctecVor j 17cfTodw fcre * great hi* to the rn>aravc«eat of the road« and tae f<.ttlenifl|jt aftbe country. Rt-tdoed, th*t it in fteeeffary that 3 Billfhaold 1m fratsed for imp"fing a iike rate 01 atl-M.T.vnt or the lakd* of fucW N*n-ref:d«i.i* as t* »ow paid l»y 4Unni P>.fii^ftia, \^itV. »l»* '.aft pjtfi»bl* pre¬ judice t* the rightt) «f facfe afcient»"«i. Refolvr-i. tKat the Spe«ke.r be ao* ?hori2,{*J to employ tt^di couafel t<» fr,>rce fn< a a Bill. A Bui to re pea) an A<^ paiTed in th» 0th ' year of Hi* Majefty*» Kri^n, to sitled, *' An AA praating tc Hifl Ma- jefty a fun\ of mmcj t«rkrd# defraying she expencea of the Civil Ada>iniflration «f the Government of this Province,5' &}$ hroygbtia by Mr. Jones, end read ft t>ifi tisne. Satonby 1 ph 03. The Frovineial A irent repeal Bill wm oa«^ a third t'r?ve autl pafledf and ordered h»t ii be entitled " Ah \£* to Ijiwi the siiuafu-n of an A4; paifed in tii« 5^ ■'.arc/Hifl Majedy's Reigo entitled, 'An && for &!anting tc iih M-4ely» « _ _ ItiBioFuiv^ey, "!»d :«i proude for The appa/.ttniciit efa Proviecul Agent fcr ;^'s Province.** The l-ifckc'-pcr* Bill waf reiJ a tfciri l-RJCi p'ftCcti, and ovStrid that h be 1 it titrd* « -A 1 i A & * o ait-e r the L1 w * far grunting Licence* r- Tnnktt'i.";"-*, «.nd to ^iv? to the JnittcGK of the Ffacv*, in GentralQuarte* S^ilioaa slfcmblcd, ikr their refps<Stiifs DiiVri^bs, autbority to rrgul.--.te the Da- t:cf ber«2iter t« l*c paid oa fajd Liatii- '.Co." Mr. Bisrwell ^bvtd tlta! Mefira, JciQci. Dureod, f\rbinfu«. ar»i Frakr be Jco«inute< t« u.vctligate the Public Fio^r.ioial A«f*o^cii, ^iid report tbereon. Cartiod. ■Masdey j«i* OS. Ths following FiiUa were liauo-ht is iswd read a 61ft tirr.e B} Mr. Howard—<s i;:Il ?g alter a.-tf kmcftditi A^t paicrd fa tbe jUth year v/f •Hit M--\}e'ly;a Retgn, entitkd^ " Aa Ad to aicvrU!J> aliaHifh c-n a per- fl»upr^it foaling, the boundary Lines of ihf different Tovrnihip* of-tbia Pr«rinee«M Hed I'nthtr to czund *'•'** piovilioan of .■Kr rajne, };y Wr. Frafer—a R,]\ 'to Rutkmitc *he eoqu.iy auU trial of eriaiei Cf.Tnri;- k.i w:'.l.»a thi-» rroviiicr, without l!;e ^"r?itjt of ai.y 6Jv.i»W'i T*>-v«.'hij? t» IW 1 /- v%^*/* fc he eflquiry and tWal *f crinie* aiH of encc! cooirr.itted within (hi* Proviuecj of ^ Uy Mr. Vnn Kiwetuiet^ ggj to repeal p^ t of, and imer>d t!i, Laws now tn force for dlnbltfhu ^ Djftrift IchooU in the fcttfral diH.^, 0f t^;-§ Province, a^rd to eKtt-r.d theprovifio;is *>f tKe fame. 1>.e petttto* of Adatt Dixoa Was re*d. Mr, M'Mpmin »«ved *..r icavc t0 b.'injr np the p«titiofi of "n.omal .vean an4 Je^hn M'Ponnelh Lfq:irc8j tkant* od, and >he petition l^id on t^e »&!«. Mr. Dawnd brOH%+t in § Bill, wl.'Mi tra? rtad a firft time, frtt s^erfiigr and arr.*ndi«j the L.»w« nr^r fa fbice for injpofinjr * Dnty for f^1in^ Wine, Brandy ar«d other Spimtioti Liquajrs hy WholafaU. Mr. WKabb nacrved f^ \^.t to briop np the petition of ^h< He^rs of the iate KuHph Oft^om, ef Sydney. Graat- cd, and the petition lairl on rke tahle. • * Mr. Ce-tter obtaiaad lc^»- to brrog in 3 BulffUther t* re«;twar« »he roannf»c* ttvring and infye&twm of flour, withtN tWi§ Proviaoc ; which was r?ad the &ri\ tin^e. Mr WMartin bronght ».p the »»efi- tion of foodry i»hyhitanti tf the Tows Ebfpal I.ancader, i»tbeEa5.*rn Di'SriA. Mr. Frafer bfwught op '.he petition ofc*rttfn iihabitantn of .he alidiaad Diftrift. The Jji»ifdic\ifi» Bi'l bring read a rki.'J tinrif, Mr. .'orwell is*rt^ .that the Bt'i be ^ coBttfiitUd. I& amendment, Mr Trufer movri that aftc-r the word " 1 ill," in M> Bur- wall% motion, the whole b: exounpe^ aad that the I ill do now pifs. aid that it be entitled, *l A» Aft '• autboiiae th fen«c without the li.Tiio v^f aay detcribed T wn tl.'i;' tfr 'onntr to b< had in anv D. > trie* thereof."^r-On wh;c» the U.Hifc divided, and the Yeaa an« Naja being r.Hkea «trt a- folipwa 4 Ynu — Mvfi'ra. C« ey, M^MarUo, CanrrOff, Chrysler. Burnharn, Cotter, Swayje. ■ eile-. Jonr?, and Fralei.— 10. Naya—MeiTn, Durand.Van Koygh- aett, Hati • Bin well, and oecatd. — 5. tt wa« car tied in the arnrinative, by a Ctaj rity ©f fife, anrJ tba ttil) tinned. The Merchant')* Licence kill waa. fe^e *; riird time, j-'flfl-ed and ordered ia lie eotiiUd, »• A« A to anuand tba I.svnpow i" farce for granting Wholo- f^U Liecuee* " \\r J-»ub* move'that '.be Hot'fa do povT r«(()ve tt«elf into a eomaiitcee a( the wh le to take int» c*'hficlerati«»u that part «f Jiii tzceUeacy'i ^eech at the •peoing of the pr> lei t SciTion, which reUtea to the w,eetio^ af Dtlevittca m Convention---^"errfed. Mr. ()umham reported pmprrfa a»d obtained le»"»e to At aipis tivmorro-,v. The Civil ArieA Biit was read tli- firtt timt. Thf peiitfon of Thon»a« Mear$ «i«i J«bc WDaucI!, El'qr* waa read. Mr Buruell movad that Meffr*. Van Kou^hnett and Cameron he a tee tv carry up to H:^ Excellency the Lien?. Governor, tb? addiefa «.? tbis H«nfe refpe^iou Lanes to the Militia, and to k'-o'.v wbt u be will be pleaiVd s<s receive ti*e f^rie.- Or-'r-^l. The Ilouir went itiio comntsttee to take in"i» ccr.ii.lrrM'on thai part .»f His Excellency's Speech at tbf apenina of fb^preirnt Seffion, which relates to th« anecting of Del elites iu * an vent ion, Sir. Burnhaoi rcporiad thai the coos- euiitecbad agreed ta lome Refalutioua, which he wai. direitcrd ta fuhmit f.-r the adopttaat of the Jioufe, tvaicb srrre re- •irived and £a»ptcd Ntm. C<«a. aa fol- Ifw i— 1 ft. llefolved—Tlwat the ncckti of the FaeplCiaf th'.j Province, individually or cii>ile«fTivcly, %> petition onr Gracious Sovercj^n fcbra redrefs of any pubtc &r private griewistfces ifi ttcir Birth rifrAt 20 Britifb Subjects preferred to them br 'h;»t free Conftuutioa which taey h-i/e received, ^.nd which by the geOetdua e£- er'ionr of oar Mother Country, has through *a anfocu* coGttli, bexn cuim-. paired. zA Reiolvcd—That the Commons Ilotife ©f vtTen-.yy are the only Coa- ftitn?k)ual ReprcicQtar.iteeof the People: »» *MU Province^ p\. Refolved—That the el» «4\.in», %$- fett»bling fitting and pK>c .ding* <rf cntain aerti'o* calh.;g th> njfc v« ■< Ivapre- 1:* i.'f've? «;• Dchrgatei rrojo th* diffevent 1^ n :ts cf tnit Pro*.ire.;:, sred w-.i in Ceti'^1 CcBveftloti &■; STork* for the f> » as^ti&rafe ai* detii?«fair.tft tW« OMft*^ «3f public co«ictr4i, in higMy dvrv^atgry and reao^nant to tl^e fpirit »>f the ConJtittf. tion of thtR Province, aad tends grtatly to difttirb the pnhli< rranquHity. 4th, Ref lived—.Tliat wh '- thivCow- «itree regref tbatforac Subjcrtg of f I as Maj ftv. whofe alie^iande and ddelity areohove fufptctoit, have been deluded bv the unwearied aad perfeveri 1^ ate terapti of the fa&tbttfi, to k«d tbrif conntefmncs to meafiires fci difgraeettil, thev cir.ftot admit th3t their example fhouW give a fanftion to proceedings a-.aaifeitly d.m^erons to the pcicc and feeuiity of the Province ; pr. cet-dS'iigs, which tt ia painftil at.d homiliating to ebferve have drawn upoti this loyal Prpvmee the attention of other countries aed'->f onr fitter Province, and even of orr Parent Mate, as to a C-Jony im¬ patient of tta Vllegiancet, ano'; urune-ice- fid f»r the foftermfj care that has cher- a filled ha infanay, looking ansiaufiy to the period of it- ftreugthf za \a> the ma Stent of its rrvolt. j;t*». Refolded—That to repel at ©roc (o f-.fll an imputation, t« unt'e- ceive the mi%u»jfeti. fa lli£e the hopes of the ontnrhers ««f public peaee, and to give to our Parent State and to the world the beft grounded allurai»ce, that the IwhiibiiairTs of this Province know hosr t£> prize their hai/pincfa iu beloa* e*u« to the m«>?t exalted Natian wo»o Earth, and deiwe fia mare than the feru-e polTciiioo of that juit liberty, which her awn mors immediate children enjoy, it is the opinion oi thi< Coiuoiit- tee, th?t fome inch Lcjrjfrative Pro- v;!ro,,.» S»4uld be (aftacled (as the wifdom of the Imperial Parliament ha^foGfid li proper to provide, to meet fimi'lar Occa- fion».) which may hereafter ptfc it out of the power of any de«^niujj penona to Orsftrtfee. diicontent, and, degrade the Ti^racterof the Pr»vjnce. 6ih Rrfolvcd—Trvat chwe Rewla- tiooi be-xttttSfffiunicateii to the ilouovablt tiie La»*i*!attve Council. Prefer.-*-Me^ 3uror<11, M'Martin, V;n Kou.'Hiittt, Camcroa, Du-aud, Chryfler, NiTe«, H-r.vari, Hatt, fonet, Cotter, Swayze, ! urnhani. [5 i'he petition ot fundry ir.h'ibhante of the Towufhip <»f f.aoc-ilter wai ruad. Mr P-a'tjr mi-v-d ti; «r. the pctirion of the Grt.i4 J.-.ry »|" the Midland Dia- ti'idk, hr uow rred. Ordered. Alf» that the pe'ition of curtain p*r- foci iii the Miilaiid D.l\ti& b« aaor r».ai. Ordered. Friday if// Off. Tba L)i 'inN School SafU being read a l,hitd mac Mr. Vjio Kougnett tnoted r-hf»t it d^ now paf»i auJ that it b^ en- t/:!ed •' An v;t to rcp*'al part of, and amend the lawfctt"W in force for eHk- fclifhing Pub'ic $cho>]a ia eacb and •rvery Dffti itT of • hi<i Tro*., acd to <-\tend the proviiioos of the ir.n,e. Car¬ ded. The fallowing till were brought iv. • ad read a tirtl t:\nr 1—- By Mr. WMar 1 in—a gitl to fsy«i and foiiftitute a new Tomrnilxip on4 oi ermin parts of the Toarofliip of Lt*\- »ier, in the Eaitera Diftri#, hj .Mr. Robiofoo~-a ill ro wj^Ute the IVade between this Provtntee and the United States of \n .-.rica* Ly Lr.d or It land navij e/ioa. By Mr. Moward.—a Bill (a prevepr tie -rofdoat iv..u r*f the I oi'4'« Day. Mr Howard gave notice that be will an Monday next move the Hotlfe to so iBrto Uom 1 hittta*, to mkc into canfitlera* r.i.«n the ftate of the Militia Fic^a, c*ol- UAed in tiiiw Province. I'he Civil Arreft hiii being lead 4 third time, all Van KLotl^huett moved that it do Bww pafa, that it be en- titl Lu C'vil adtioa*, imd to ta..Le further pro* t:«on foi-thr fame." Carried. Mr- Van K.crughnctt of the committee locarry up to His ExcclWnnf the A^drcls of this bmiie on the fubjeel of Ub4 to tie MUiiia, for their fertricea durii.g the luc vrar, reported chat they had done fn, ■*&(! that Hw Excellency iiiid been pleated to make tke following reply : Rcip-cciiiiT % Gr<tw of Latvia to thm Milit a, I especi from <- [|.Uilti'Ui'»r ^J1»| *«s» till* «l O^ Cll- itled *' An Act tc; repeal the feveral Laws nrr.v in fi«-ce relative to Arrefta in H:s L\|ajeft /'s 0pver;ic. eot an * fwer, liavlng prayed to be pat iii p^lieluwi o'i tlis Boy^i Hig&tkeSi the -P'-ii-cc ^ego^t'vs" pleaiurc oa tkzt fubjcA. Mmdtn i*ich On. The Lancafter dfviiuw BUI be'ng read a third t'ttiic, Ivir, M'Martin moved th*t it <k> now pafs and that tt be cntirlej " An Act for the better divi. fion of the Cotiaty at 0!tt?v pitf into Tov:afIiips.—C&:w rted. Mr, Ho^^rd brought in a Bill t« increafe the wages of the Koufe of Autmblfi which waa read » fir-ft time. Mr- Frafer obtained leave to brino; up the petition or the. p<'©pie called Br it iih Wefteyan Methodiilb and others in ibis Province. Mr. BurnhaaD bron^bt up the petition of the Magistrate* and inhabitama of the Diftrift trf New-Caftle. Mr. Van Koi^luiett breuehc up the petition nt" the rt>habi¬ tants of the Kailerit Diftrift, Mr. Ho^'aid brought in a Bill to increafe the number of- Vdth-mailer5 ill the feveral lowrtfliip^ tkraughout thb IVoviii. •-, which vpts r«ad a firit time. Mr. Van Kovan»hnett tooved that Meffrs. Howard, Nellcs, FraOr and Bur well be a icko* c^anmktee to examine the fta^e of the Militia Fines and t» report ;h--reon, with power ro {&ndiofperfoDS and papers.-^- Ordered, Mr. Frafer obtairsd lerave t& brintr in ^ Bi" fou-ncfed on the prtkion of fwndry in ha •■'•it ants tf tke Midland Diftr»a, hji altering the aral&F'vad near th:- Court Hcmfe iii the 'iV'wnuaip. of Adrlphiiftovyn in the faicl Diftrici, ^hich vras r#ftd a firft time. leave to bring; in a hillfoimdv^i on the pent ion of tVJutn l)i.^ on of tke Toum&ip of Cofn- wall, which wiirtBd tie hi ft tiii!«, Mr. Van Roucfhsett ed leave t^ brin^ in a Bill to repeal the laws now in 'fame granting Poundage to the Rrceiver Genefal, which ^aa rrad a firil time. Mr. Van BLtMi(*lmt*tr faroegKl in a Bit4 tb ptysvido for klw- payment o»* a i.!.'inr> to tlif HrHJ^iter G"»«»rj!i t>{ ?hij Prpvincs ii« lieu of 2-«vnn*lage mi m^nh-s passing throegU hU hinds, ulilvh iy«a ivaW ii iirst time. Mr. MeMartin brought in a Bill *p- uronrifitii;.; n <nrn o' (o r^im- bur^rcifara persons rncr.'in iuen?inu* ed moult- r exj?»ndcti hi tjfeein, uciiii Mr. Jotvfes brought iua Bill t« pro» fide fat (in; payment of ij !*',. qsmui to the late Chief Justice. ;-ud a Salary for the Speataur #i (he L >gisbt»?e Council, uht-h tfas rtiid a irs( time, :\lr. Jone» obtained itn/r- ro hnng in a Bill lo prevent ceitaln nirfji,,^. in this Proviaoe, v.nith *c.s jea« tke fitV? tiuitf. Tfaopctitien ofrhi? British Wcslj^wu aWcthcih.-tN 0!»ii others v.l» rcv4. Mr. itnimi'«04i hreti^ht up th« ->cfi- fion nf <»undn miiabiunfts ol ivx- lion* District, Hhlcfe hhi tvarf. Mr. Frb Kt*U«;lMietf 'K K./UI «r; f},^ pr'ir:iy« hi tiitf i/ihfibftuntii oi ?h? La — *crii L»i&jrict, wiiica sus read* .Ur. ft'/^itrsan gave trefvc* rh*f hf Viiil oa >lof.d:i)' ueat r^'*?. r>r Irntr x.o briiJij in 4 liili fQ astablbh n f5anJ» tt tit is ProfUiCd. 'jv'h (Jc;. The Raceitrr Gf?i*tr»* rv%5i.ndage Bill v»as rea«le tUir«i time,. jw—'.a^U .rdeftd iv be fii<itled * .^ m Aci '•. r** f- iij :lie »ftw£ f:.>»j hi u..•.•,:• •»]■ grotvciti^ e . \:)C>i^r to 0.- ltivcrh . £ .•".'. .:.' J.. M

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