is fub~ fished* TRANSACTIONS &.PFJ! OF Tin: ADDRESSES, TO T> Ills *"* a« nmMVF'S ttie n::vrK rkgent. \ •'. • C A JL m rilrecti, ble terms—That w a let, S y.ny term of \v ir» not exceed vs. in* so the moll eafona el) known valuable To be had ar t he GAZETTE OF- Stand in the public line, iituate on the point at Gauanoqaa, and recently occu¬ pied by Serb Down:;, together with the Home, Kara, Stables, &c — For fur¬ ther particulars apply ro the fubleribct. JOEL STONE. Gananoqua fan, <ft 181 fu 33'/ BLANK I v> ,„ . . . .,, a , ,.„ . Summonses Subpoenas and •JlCF^ncsbtomin luwiifc country,, r !_..„•,' /6 «o .Executions., for the COURT - J ^-r^p. -•■- -""Ml OF REQUESTS, »** l l^'L' .! Fur Sale at this Office tTlS7\-iEREA& by the last W&lji_______ V> -ud of ihc laief| THE SUBSCRIBER, &} I fcD PATTINSOH, Eiqi fa .Trj>EGaht*fe to inform his friends & I!., • me t Sandwich i . tru-p-.••tore,, JjQ) che public generally, that he ha- m iTppc Canada, Robert <^,1,*e^1^* j}removed fiom his former ftand to the \v; i ,n Crt'kt! n.and George Motfatt, I j <;lop-aU ;v .ceo pied by Joms Abbot & &6M?. W?HE *efthatfofL*t number 5, JM. on the fouth flt»c of louth or Prince Edward's 5ay, in the townfhip of Mar) fourth, containing one hundred acres. $a&j Lot is well timhered, and lettlements on each tide, which renders it well worth the attention of thofe who wifti to purchafe—Enquire of the Printer. June IQ, 1818. m BANK of Upper Canada. B are j.>i*it iy and ieverally, appoti: Led!! Co near the Market Place, where hf fiduci. 1 y Legatees of his Mate, and j j ;J3S now m j^pd, a Krllcra| aifonmcat of £.xecotors of faid Will. Valuable Lands. }^OR -de by the fubferiber Lot No 18 and 19, in the tenth Conccflion, aad half Lot No. 18. in the 6th co- • effi; 3, ot the Tow- fm'o of Piercy. Ap JOHN BURNETT. ply to i Kingston, May gth 18 C8. 5° c: -, *- jB E E ft. i I do i\< ebv nqucffc all perfous having c?--i.r.^ up rt la"! Fftate. to p--ient the fame to me. duly authenticated, f*-»r j Bayn>ent; and ail {Merloni indebted1 thei.-to, are rcqvilied to -.ay to me the* aroouni of their lefpecti.e lvCOtthts. Debts du- to faid Eilate iu the of U.)oer Canada or in the U1 sited Statev, -ordering thereon, may b< paid t » George Jacob, Eiq. of Sand- Wu h John ' (kin, ai.d Jatnes Gordon, Efur.<. )f \mher(tburg, or to either of them, they bem^ duly authorized to fe<.cive the lame and grant acquittances. G. MOFF.-iTT. Montreal, 2Gih March, 1S 1 8 (Uffl UtX--^-- jHV*rjf>^*m Hardware, Cutlery, &c. Which he will fell cJrt the moil moderate terms* To let, the (hop lately occupied b^ the fubfertber, and p«dieilion given ii^ tnediately. SAMUFL SHAW. A ingston vph Jan .1818. 32 JUST receive at the Store cf 8, Bartlet. a confinetnentof 94 bar reU of Beer, of a fuperior quality, foi fa;e for cam. May 5,1818 49 Tracts SMI fH & BU rTERWOR FH, j|j> iTURNthcit (incere thanks to JL \j their friends and the public in ge¬ nera], for the liberal encouragement that they have received fines they re co n- menced the Hatting Bujmefs. They liave an extenlive of Ladies * 4 CbUdres^ BON- NETS, ot various colors and fb apes, j rukmen's Beaver &c fine C -rli VIS, -'..:/; .viie^ Knapt and Wool Bar , W u l» thej m \ fell rajli ;;>r vt-d credit, ;Jr ijuw taken in payment Je -1 z vei)- low r... For Sa - at this Office, A READY RECKONER, Shewing the value of Grains of various Gold Coins, current in the Province of Upper Cana da. ALSQ> FERGUSONS Impromi Tab:; of the value of Gram ot Gold Coin, (j ^er or under weight. 1 Books F variou" T^fcti.jtions. can be had V JJf at this Office ; where arcefs may tfo be had to a ftrall Circulating l.i- H'aVy, on reafonuhle terms. June 10. 1818. ^ Jftor Safe b?j privatis contr \cr. AV.' Freehold Eftaie, con llitj'njrofaOrlfl and Saw .Mill, a lo \ Dwciling H.-ui'e. oiiihonfe«, Sfc. [Ki-^f icrwichaho I iwn acre? of Land, tii uit J im-tie li «tely in the vicinity of B M .lite, &ay of Qi.iinte*U.Catiada, and cum nei :^s &; much biunel or more j than aoy other Mfiis upoti the Stream a ow under Kent £u about Oir 'Ihuui-mj D'l;a"-fi per. Annum; the dw .. .g H die i^ well calculated fo» P■'-I'd t'lifi ief : many -the adv nta £ s^ ■ attached to the Premifes io.» nu \x,^\o- to ae'eribe. One half of rliej p >\:haJ€ Money w«tuld be exptc"ted 10 \ Iv • id &:wn, the other lialf by inlia Tj'.'. - if six twelve ^nd eighteen monthii feet cd by bond and fvfortffaffe upon the! ' t -' 'e«. Ac in4iiputable tide will be For Sale, Y Uk- fubfenber, (2 door* North jJ cf J- hn^-' li(q ) iihRRY Boards an1 lJl,ink 18 inch Shingles, and Cord Wood. JOHMTUTTLE. Kingston, $ct& May, (818. I BOOT, SHOE and LEATHER 07: WILLIAMS U Co. at the of the GOLDftN .S :f ire i:.reer. RefpeclfuJly inform the in >a'"V--t?; <;f Kingfton, and it« lv {h -hey ftill continue their L J a j* • •- 11 < 1 00KSwill be opened at Moor'* Coffee lioufe, on ThurlVjiy, the 16th inft. to receive Subfcriptiona to the 9ank of Upper Canada, and will remain open from day to day, fiom 10 to Z o'clock of each day, under the fiu perintendance of a Committee appointed for that pu*»»ofe, until the whole of laic flock fha!l have been inbferibed for. Kingston, July 13,1818 7 Notice. ALL perfonfc indebted to theEflate of the late jfathes Cufnmihgi Jate of Hullowell, deeeafed, are rec'nefitd to call without delay, and fett!p the fame with Mr. Jamps McGregor, "ow in charge of the eftablifhmerit, at Hallow- e'l bridge ;—and thote who have claims pgairfi the faid ettate, are dtfired to rrcfern them for adjuftrnent. The flock in Trade «f the deeeafed. confiiling of a very complete aflbftmefit] t (iood; well laid in, and very fu ft able! THE Fltibfcribcrs fflfpe&fnlly form the public that they h.avc j removed to the Store lately occupied by I MelTre. Johns and Finkle, and have n> ceived of the "late importations, and of¬ fer for Sal*1, a good and well fcle&tti affortmeut of DRY AND FANCY adapted to the fcafon, coniiftiflff" Dart!!^ the roiiowtng amcles, viz. 1 Black- Blue*, Grey, and Brown Sa*v perfioe ai:d feeond Cloths. White andl coloured Flannels, acTorted ftngle and Id Me milled woollen Kerfcymetes, La» dfe^ Pe'iece Clolha of different colours.- Ve'vets, Corduroys^ corded Kerfeyv meres, ard Priticeti Cord, Cotton Ker« feymere, Fnflians, Janes, Merfeills, Df» mimitie^ and Nankeens; Rufiia duck Brown Holland, Imitation Sheering* and coarfe Canvafs, Plain and figured Bombazcfts aflbrted colour.", White and j coloured Cambricks, plain and figured j fa<-konet6 and book Mnflins, fuper- fiue Prints and common Calicoes, tot- ton Shirting. Steem Loom wrought \ to the Country, is now felline off at uu-» 1 r- ., ^ .. u - j r /-,» n t 1 -li j i- mZ 1 • ^u r ottons, Gurraghs and Lone- Cloths, cesto low, as will deietvedlr claiaci the ri;.,um, a,: 2a - «#.^.> t f a. • 7 1 I Lrin^nams, itnpca cotton, 1 tirkey (tnpe- attention of the public. Cafh or Country produce will be tak-j n in payment, and a credit of 6 montht. given to refponfible Farmers, or others. JOHNCUAIMING,! IVM. MITCHELL, \ Executors Kingston* 08 27, 1817. $* Blank Summonses and EXECUTIONS, "or the District Courts, for Sale at this Office. Boot and Shoe \y*ju uficH •}■ where they keeo cunftantly n h?i,J. a lanrC aftortment of Lady's and Oentlemeir'a Boots and Shoes of fve<y de(caption, ! fkrv fc, a fuppjy of good Sole and Upper i .eather, of -ill kinds. • heir prefect aff'-rtrnent is much • ••ore complete, thai, they have blthctto To Let, AND poffefTion given the fir ft of next, a number of rooms in May the line Barracks. E March nquite of ■ H. EARL l3 42 ? ia ■1 Kingfton, June 23 1818. 4tf A Card. inform.* CkttR. be 'pHEfiibfcnber refpcafnUy has received a new fuppply of GOODS, From Montreal, well adaoted to the fea Ion. rhofe who may favour him with theft crt'com may rely upon it. ihall havt rhcra on the noft reafonable terms, e;,h- cr at private fale *r public Auftion, for Cafh. MICHAEL MQRAN. Kingston, July 2 T, 1 81 8. 8 \ F01 H a I e, np >tt\T h!errant fai :r No. 8, fird JL ConeefTion townihip • f Fredtnck' bu-gh f Blank Deeds and Me a mortals For fale 3t 'his Office. Hoar Plank. m J;). •uch a property i« fcldom to he met with and is well won h the. attenti(»n »f Sol gentleiiiaa fond of Mills ard Ma- chinery. J A quantity of Town Lots upon Ww Jtailk of the n'iv\-r Ekrloira iti BeUville, a p!f'.?e faft increrfing in commerce and population ; teims of payment mad*3 ea- . Enquire of Smith Bartlet, Efqr iugrfton, or Thomas Coleman, Efq ^(.,'lville. /h'<v:/le id da? 18 I 8. IO npH REE quarter and I inch Boardc. if. and one and abalfaud two inch Plank, fur fale by rbe fnbfcriber. W«. Sl'OTTGHTON KinglUn, July 13. i?i8. 7v£ > rt|lii*" fubferiber begs It;avc to inform hit friend* a ,•] the public, that he Jfas comu.cneed the tiX'i'iOS BUsjNEa.% in the Marker Place, oppofite to Mr l),stiKi btown's, where every attention Will be paid 10 t'rofe v/ho may favoui him with their commands. MICHAEL MORAN. AwdioU!: every day at eleven o'clock. 1/m 22. 4l f ND TO LET, immediate poiT'.fiJou A NU unweuiaic poiiuxou given ytjfc. tna: large <*' d convenient H<itile, vi.h w >. o.npiere Merchant Shop Watt li.aiii :und out houles, ay J an excellent Gird n, ftandm^ in t!u- ni'dt public pia^e !•. Ehc Village of Bellviile, front?- f^(p- yi.une, Water and tiridge Streets J*Oi '*ui:o.lar- apply 'o the lublcnbei in fht lowathipui Richmond* ANDREW l&ttM-E&Lir. FOR SALE, rHAT valuable FARM Stoatc on the bay of Qwinty, bounded or, t"e well by Col. Wm. Johnfon, and on the eafl by Mr. Booth, a' the convenient ( diitance of nine miles from Kingston, ■containing by admea'urement three hundred acre*, and about feventy acr s clea ed, all completely wew fenced this I fpririjj, befides about fix tholifand Kails on the premifes. A new Barn has been erecteii, fifty fix by thirty fix, fet upon a Hone foundation about fix teet and a half hi^h in th<. front, intended for fta- h'-itig undetiie.ith. About fifty acres of the ground was ploughed up this fpring, (for the h*r(t time this twenty- years; and fown with Peas, potatoes orn, &c. &c. which, if ploughed up this fall, wiil beta complete order for Barley next fpring. The whole of the Stock and Utcnfds may be had with the premif?s together With the bell collection of Fruit Trees 28 mde« from Kingfton, (containing 200 Acres,) formerly oc •upied by Colonel Spencer, ard known by fhe name of the Manfjon '-'oufe. It contains about 50 acres of land under improvement, a" elegant frame houfe 2 (lory high with 2 barns and other build¬ ings. Perfons defirous of purchafing may nquireof the Sublet ibei on the pre -.iiles, or to D. Hagerman i^fq. at B^th. JOSEPH BERGERON: Frederickfbingh, Sept. Sth, 1818 15 Just published ; To be had at this office* and Stores through the Pio^incc, GOURLAYs si <k/ IE).ID MESS TO THE JURY. " us triaiot Kinaston Assizes. ALSO, His NARRATIVE, and the TRAXSACTlOm e,v THE CONVENTION * OF FRIENDS TO ENQUIRY: Price 1/3 each. THE fubferiber informs the Mercb ant- and Traders of Upper Cana¬ da and State of New York, that he has commenced bufinefs in this City, an a General Agent and Commiffion Merch ant—Any bufinefs entruftcd to his care will meet with diligent attention. Benjamin. h<-rt. 'Montreal, 1 ©///'Muy, 181 8. 5 * m6 Executive Council Office* York, 22H July, 18 18. OTICE is hereby <g\sv\ io CHRISTOPHER THOMSON, or hit. Reprefentative, by order of His Honor the Adminiff ratoi in Council, 10 makt good any pretention to the Well half of Lot number Seventeen in the fixthconceflion, on the Napane River, in the Townfhip of Erederickfburgh, within ^ix months from this date, cr the fame will be thrown open to other appli¬ cants. JOHN SMALL, C. JE. C rkey itnpi and Apron checks, Irifii Linens, Linen and Cotton Bedridcs, Furniture Call- cw, T .inen Cambntk?# Linen and c«f- ton Diaper Table Ci©tfl«, St-ekir.etu and Stockinett Drsrvers, Silk, 'i oilnctt, MerfeillsSwansdown, and Patent Cord Vetting, Si'.k and Cotton Leoo an<| Mul Mul 44 6-4 7-4 Shcrwii, a fev7 piece1? plain and coloured Luteftiingp, Ladies coloured filk Glovei, Lardreaand OentlemenR Woollen Cotton and Worf- ted Hoes, vSi-lk Handkfs. Pocket do. Cotton Laces, Cotton Fringes, Ribbons, Thread. Tape, Sewing filk. Pins, Silk-., twifl and Braces, &c &c. Lik^wifea quantity of well flavoured Strong Jamaica Spirits, warranted good retail proof I iquor at 1 to 2, Cogniatf Brandy, Holland Gin, Port and Tener- n'ffe Wines, Lyme Juice, Peppermint,' Twnnkey. Hyfon and HyfonSkin Teas Loaf and MufcovadO Sugars, CnfTc^ Allfpice, Pepper, Indigo, Starch, Soap> Ftg" Blue. T- bacco and SvfT. WALTErt M'CUNIFl E, & Co> Kingston. July 27,1818. 9 fimti Fi'tHE fubferiber returns his thanks to I his friends and the public for their part favors In his line of INSPECT ING, and inf- rms them he has fitted up A convenient place in the Cellar of bis new (lore, with ail the neceflary appen¬ dages, for the purpofe of Infpecting Pot and Pearl AfiSes, Pork. Beef and Flour, j where thofe who favor him with their ; cuflorn w;l. find it done with the great- j efl cxact,i;cfs atid expedition: likevvil'e, Iflorage forone thoufand barrels in the 1 FARMS FOR SALE- IHE fubfetiber offer* f« r laleafann containing 33 acres, in rhe towa- \}\io of Erne (J 'Town, ztl cooceffi hi ba» viag a irond frame hoofe^a l'"^e Ram and Shed, an excellent ftand for a ravera and (rorc, and one of the beft fituationa m the country for a mecha-uc. dlfo-Ouv of the beft in the of Kmgften, containing roo acres, well timbered, and about $0 actc> under improvement. SViFTH BARTLET. April 28 »8i8. 4v>tf- ASHoaic ! R ags f paid for Clean COT- rON and.LINEN a a (Of any AT THIS JT Color,) OFFICE. * i cellar, and good dry ftorage for other!! » ™ ____. _ I 7 TIFIE fubferiber having been a[^;nin> red Agent for the Bank of Mon¬ treal, any fum required can be obtained at his Office for good Bills on Montreal or Quebec, or for Specie. THOMAS MARKLAND, Agist, Sim, 27th July 1818. n Ktnv goods, with the advantage of a Wharf for loading and unloading. JAMES ROBINSON. I EDUCATION. J5 o o o I t 1 5 10 o o above ever impor ed into this cuntry, direct from London, confiiling of fifty fix kinds of Goofcberties. Pair*, Plumbs, Cherries, Auph-s of their various kinds. \ cata!ogueof the Stock, UtenliU, and Fruit may be teen Jt the Priming j 'Mhre, and at the refidence >f the own- I '• on the piemifU, ad terms made ku< WW. j. C. WILSON. THELancaflerian School being dif- continued, R JOHNSTON, late Teacher of that cftablifhrneur, propofes opening a School at his pfefent refidence, on Monday the zrtt inll. i^ which will be taught, on the Following terms. Reading. p#T Qr. O !leading, Writing, and A.tithmetic- Englifh Grammar (nclli^^i With Geography, French, Needlework included ,n the terms ; in the different brdr'fne€ of which the young Ladies will be tuperintended by Mrs. Johnfton, in a hparaie apart¬ ment. A few young Genrlem;->ri m^y be ac- commodated on rea(J3i'abre- terms. Kingston, Sept. 19, l8i^« 17 Evening School. I A ^ Evenlog School w'1^ be opened j JSk as above, ou Mo.n.^ay the 5th of .iOctubcjv 1$ To Let, og Houfe,- THE Dwelling Houfe of JOHNS & FINKLE. &*$-$*' I4 JUST received and for fale at this Of' fice, price l/8, Poems on his Do¬ mestic Circumstances, by Lord Byron.— With the Star of the Legion of Honour, and other Poems ; to which is prefixed, The Lift of the Nolle Author. j Nov. 2%: a» * Twenty Dollars Reward. riTlHE above reward will be given by i the fubferiber, to any perfoti that will apprehend Hashins, and fe- cure or confine him in any jail m the Province of Upper Canada, to that he can be brought to jnftice, for pafli ^ forged PiUs on the'iiankof Niagara. Said Haflrina is about five feet feven if nine inches in height flim built, iighi hair, light eyes, and light complexion" * bout 22 or 23 years of up ; one or tw of his front teeth out on the upper part i his mouth, and others afroded, A'.RAM C CANNIFF. TO BE LET, JL TIATfubflantialfiatted-l , (with -table and Coach houfe of the fame materials,) at prefent, and for fome time pad, occupied by Lieut. Colonel I Fofler, alfo a Farm, of about 30 acres, jwith a comforcable FJonfe, Garcienv ! Barn, and other conveniences thereon $ I molt pleafantly fituated on the Lake [Shore, and only two Miles above Kingfton—The land of this Farm is excellent, and, from its high Hate of Cultivation, capable of producing the mofl profitable Crops, either in the Garden or the Field.—Application to be made on the Premifes, or i.o Fown M "jor Corbett. KiiigUun Sept. 28th, 181S. 18 N- 1> About 550 1 uuVis of Oats, and about the fame quantity of Potatoes, • •art of the prefent years crop, now fof (ale at the Farm. Kir.vslont feZ. JJ, :3i8. I.7P51 NOTICE. rTjPIH'E partnerfbip exifling between J. the <ubfcril-»ers, undet the firm of Oeljfit and IViiiflo'w, was this da] dilioJ- ■ •• by murual cufcut. All demands • -aiull laid firrrj^iil he fettled by \U» njamin Deh'fle, ro whom payment ' ill be made of al! debts due faid firm. «V>ed, , .DFLISi F, J F. W. WINSLOW. Pfflii $th Sif 'tender, 181S. 17