r.r,V>"t> tip tesefcr-.flf U;r- §Mi, **jt^t gtvfff'fQi fcfrfa "*.f» an I ferWn haivjj * the ftr^yinj »u-Uoli.ar y aftenslKra of ihrjj iitftn^n family — kO?.T. GOURLAY. 1tf&u (k* llppi-r i'r.huii'M Trteml* to Snqviry. Ktfgfi«n, 20.h 04. i8il. '£*BtVmcn, Reh J the Lieut. Go-»»rr..9»V .*>',*? '* *>?* ytfj -.Wi Kpa* *<l«r &kfe1fce&i — I era—vtiib flno r«"*s$»«*ct, Your lieeoHaary** obi. t,*ryt. ROBr.RT dOUULAT, IiE P. MAfTl*ff0, *C. ftc. Ac FVoei the N. V. Cntvmhia*. $f»'.«cb!—<rhoM the reply of your Honfe of AffMobly !■— wcrf-.v allH'oeHe.!"j Qu,xa<ton, a$fpii mile*. VHovr tip an i'coiti^'ii, and • m aiih fee've" excitci j I p-.ese:ji descent. The Table Rock "* foligHtitien. Let ar j»i»e *ay fce QO fuch J :«n in* Caa'dlan *ido. It i*e* ft OfO- fcoworthy pefioB :—ie| -.s be com and, rcfo-H^ ' Our heeour is at '"Ukc : lit; «j* maintain it. I, whohri y*»» ^ti. waij L*th to leave matte** unfinifhti. ihe! TPiTOC ut I \»an freed From • ic eccuf?- I I i • i «j;v't ?« o* op?i>*H *"d inadr, a* la.(I aut. <Vhwi thincAmpl^tei, |u>M$tr**?t will ex- i^ad.te out &-:rjuf#t «orr»ef from Kirby'viinii "■*•«$* n*% wfexrrw W iLa limit* of ibe Town,a Hmttfrgd! fiirta fe*r.ai Qlcett'l inn. At t!;e Ibwi I s«, mire' rti\l be*tm»Il mnglc^caroe.^ !y p«x*ptfMe n>t^**5«tand ttae^oce thr roaJ *iU be cantinm'tl. »« * direct cuni, tkr«e b'indr€dr#d3/to tUP concewioi road* hi frant nf Abbnf* hemie* Thi* m-w r#Qt* is rt^arh ..... T !«▼#!. Tie nu*vfrtilW M w**'- a*cr<wkM»e$* *ift*ntrft.vHli*g U. "™* di*taac«i How Okoit s to Ahhot'n, « fhr cAW road* it fenrhftwilriiil rods; by tiieeM w**df UTe hu»rlrrtl rodi; a rlfJiv mtShb of tjr»# Aftli. Thr i;npor'3r«rc of ^h*i \Tc;:rcrtrm#nti i° tfc« main COmutUnica idfl Jb^rw^fl tSr c^n^*of ^e Town and the wi|» c^utf^iatr^ is t^° obvioni to re^tilre rllns- Table Rock at Niagara Fallfc Tfa; Uril of* great part of ffop Ta h«* R,ock, at tli^ Catnract o>' Niagara, i.»to the guiph bel#w tiw? faUa. i* "loth.-r ptr<-jv^ proof, that thr rfi»sc&nf ■>f fiie sh&et of wai«r -»r«t onca at ©io three «ex( Fjftnd CoancQ da^!» will *c on Watlnetday thr HofOcto- !)or, 4tUand Li3th of Not. mbar. l"or/f Gazette* $ corral ur ticks art iiturmJaltyidd'fitter till another tusek^ J'VtlOS from thr> ^ha^* #f f"hc r."y*! :- rM*llVog hi the shape of a iablt ieat'e, « *r.iir-dj':-.t Mat? fhr Fallg. it ti- t-n.dcd wvcial foet hryand the con- jj ri ;or }3 0.t.,.^f i«: aid of it, thesuma gob I . aj < I * . • . f * ri ETU HNS hii »«fl fincerc thank* JB.?%i to Wis friends and the public, for uru fit kbt gjtoi krioideri of uic bank oC U^per Cartda «• requested, m Moored <' \fTre< House;on THURSDAY EJV|^ NINO next, at 7 o'C'ocft. Kingston, SOtti Oct. 181ft, - • igUcius edge ©t th'N bank on each st&e ti>o» of libel, ty two June* of fi*fnal it, fitt'd 4tran>«w wfco TiHt^cl tiu «*unlrv, I bafttiifed to N«.*' York.,—! fftad< anan^vuf r.t - fwf the ir.a'y,»*ir.ot»t returaci here fur tac ioic oi.pvv'c ot j ■fa»p:?rii :.r aut good caufr. Geotleinen, I a a •.> my way to X:a\, uaijrract, were porae times in 'h» habit of fi'.ij.Toarriin; ?h<% hr.nk. of tie pfO- ?• ! I ! 3 e the Go f-tuaie their audac-ity ; and ?ve»y means.' vil) be refer teti t©fwi my aanoyv,-,ce. I, er« no ftreet boxer—aci dnciilL My; scr'.Ksd tob« l.\; • oBiimdfTtoe direction of ^lewv. Mifojah P"r*fi It^nrtf Qusadpt fPU- linm Pr.mri^nni**1'"*** &Crat. a couiuiitt«« aupoitfte.* forVba^ »«rj}fts«i All fc»*taoii»,.-dU* lii.s.-.l toron.rib«l* l# *° valn^bl.- an oiyrf. bit i'lrlted i.> ad-* tiJt'O" »iafti:« io the \\t% wf»ab- *(. -MfA*. Ti;cxv wbocaswoi rwi.-^-ui.'.iulj pay uu5.icy% have i:*"-'1^"*1^3 an oppftrtaaiiy of ctttitrii»a.Ung to **e pubiic good, byaaawarife- ing wii&t .bay <?" *fr°1'd i:! *&**• a general aaJ well fciethd ftock of ;Groceries% Wines and Spirits^ iio.rld golf Ut?l«w, \?h^re th^r eoalH §.-- t*-e foot of t!ic KejUftftd deseeai of t'i* water. Thts was ao iodal§eo€e of iR'Kere, it i-. fafvi, exrtaln n;eru!oe^ ©t j j ft.jr«o.*ity a.W'.sya /"iifsmely il&t>serous*]j aSTe-T^iy are oifpole<i to i&yrW&t m«- ; •, j Wtton you 'j.-'sr*.,.lvj what ii .T^l'-d thf j J Tfo fofovi*; ** e'-'trivJt\l from *{|cJti5*"S i}tiUi# News-paper. J | BwkJj oq Fvid»y the luthof J*ty*j j at L'ooSmiji« ]*ons«, in the Dibliu, Alcxa^ef £kfe.patrick, Esq, gloomy ^y-aa'c* ovei vour head, yooH ASderruaP of thitt Citv.—To the af« o.-is?..-i.1 u»d?r tii«» TaUl^ Rack. A*»! paeons ihall not br ftitred up -x> revea-jc j j v*> lr*k-d up voa ?iw a little E»af ol the infu'tK of the vile, and L have Ion;; j ro k, extendingfroiH the mTfueftf the STemfciv are oifpole<i to i,n-*nfou ra<* ; •, I Wtton you descf<v/l^ vtiiat ii eatt^sthf- jj o4 to York. I vvi'- go in the face -f; [ larid-'-r. nomr cJisUifcab -lo^ tliftfaU, on =| vcrv danrer. With the cotmieaanee of j '•-. Ca::^ai*.n side, at»d ptutaiad »p-j| at his aid ft and, whick he is o'efernnjoed to fell at tU« mofi reduced prici*, vk. Vi *t Jjt'jsaicaSpiriU ". ?snnj iiotfaad Owl *. Whi3k#y Conine Biindj : : Fcp>^run«t * anrer. With the eetiotcaauceoii j f* vanaaian ,hjg<". ano pussau apj ?eiii«i\my enemies, no d-^nbt, #i)1 ! I toward' thi i:-ot of tho Cataract »*der] T'.va^f I' rftfliMci that tVown»d ftictloa aud ff»« with which the E.ms. licld it crime to prefe bldo-:. to the breaft <•> nt a tiiit-il, in coM j hank <*bout on$ hondre« aad Party or f 3 fe:low creatine;' tiftjr fofct a!)OTeyaur h'-nd. ii apjicar* [0cathofthkttB3fnted Father, kit hmait, Friend, Md Benefactor, i WINES. B^nc^ar!o I'on T • «-riffa SpiaUH do. ". liaiii'a Beit Pickling Vincgat, Li:..c juke. GROCERIES. Guapattdar Tea ; Grean Coppavaa f\vank*Ycn, it!i:-d his uuwciuus and stfrattiiBgi j ti^flAu fekia d«. fumilv and Cv-ndr..io?is? wiii be added j K-*>tf«e but" ^ there ill a viairn vvanr.-si f-r* | MJ tf^all to the ey« when At the t#pf ofj ju.a public refcrot for rhf lou of a KiQKt virtuou-Sj' wif BMffoi Magistrate*— One of my na^e .nd, I flatter my- .[ ' ««* evuiaion ««s awancy-uw* n €df,on«- ,.f my t\-,e father*. ^ the t^rfE, and fnm one to *x radn *id< ; I. c ft y fr-cond wha pertfbed ar the il'k<-, tn Scot land, for thecaofeof reli|wi»i hberty •—that p-'ori iUH ciule, ivhtch. »vhen Won, l.iuTih'-cd the pritfe of the ,»ap»l hierarchy ted czwaacipatfji the vvarid ir gd da-kn-fjtof a rhuwfAnd yeare. tf/nil \ VBbe&% reqciirea tach another lac tike, ttyry God £\*t mt iiic ^th as ha ivtn rr.e A'i!?. to brave e**-*» tht }i urnoara «>f the fisiAe for its e^tAb-ilfc^ucut. 1 1»hv,- bcen tw»«^ cried and acquhted ; but >u-w our Governor a-ii RepffilenUiiT** cod deflin meaad ib"oo.ia»il* ,r"»*"'? v.-ihoav. erveu ihe benefir of trial. I tte harry of the prefs cd t%'*m| «% ^'- fe^<A^ tart i »d*« odO"-'f«! yoo agon In the rt>V*rt bciiaf* like onen, aod know, thn wer- left ftanaiu^ by n-.alelf I w«uk! not %vt* \3o one tittWof 00r right* aid jjrirFctpl'-« •w^l would boail of our guud d*-cd»J»od thruft fvo.a me with difdain the i'i tooub jkattskf olEeUlty pfqt»al#f*^ 90 a in ft ua. The above communication, waa vvl"lt i;i i»r**fff exiravaitanta«xouutualess the rv?rk iifi* *tgWU for t!»e Last two 3Cais. I Tii<? rnriMbita-it? ca ihe- Cajt&dian iiarei> hid^ lias it hapj>ec«cd, that Kivfttgth *00 gcutk'Udfs oi toted ha?e Upe-a bbuidadl ^ happier propartions, iben thev 'A^.'e hi the bnast «I £hls E».iermbt« nva*- Tfec feiodiy cti«erfftl- [[new and sir^oVtcity of ai« tempai^ that urbanitv wJbU'h hc^ truly been de&t&rd to be4* bt-ut^oivneo w crUtda," and & the f> uit of f'!(jv-s.tetl j UK Inform ii*, that prcvloa^-to theJititfciFal df^ttUy, the fruit ei eieya-tecJ j:»t'-V."ar, there was a book kept ux^rj|^niijBentb?made i.U address uud $*- ; f.i.e i:a»is where visitors from all jj oar-T^at so pleasiogj ?••*• coaid jH*xcely Genii'-'icc--, sinu* in o j j'rart^rfl »*f the world entered tbeiai has |ua'^fiS S;,<5 ohaerratioits oa th;; \in~ n'aTJtncfiof the cataract, hat »*tries ooc-k "•» now nlfortunately lo^t. They", nljo s.«-uruhat thUbook boraftrldetic*?j that the falls rccrdvd gradually. a>th»ugh with extrepai; slowness. Thej ju-^-.-f that dariog ever) spring, t»;» t«'i- orwrttt'toii of tii« front, treniendaui ! tra«..jj»;nl* of the rock wrueli rorapaaej [rn i) iriclp*of tba IsaoU U-iotr (iw Fa4l*t| .■ iv,1 otfj and **j-U tb'* uilu of iu>oicte| r i ks At tne edge of die rivor. The ^r j.i" lege of rock over which th< rv.?r ffelta, probaoly ciiauges by it- | in log under milled by tin- violent ac- i Mon m& re-action of the »ate#sat tiifij|tugii oi RMigiou, uud" l:a«.1 it u*t been I fo • of thp cutiir'ici, and fcliea broken j •' dii-H n l»v the w,,:vht end vioience of the 'lii'staeikse j'heef t»iu.t passes aTer ii.j r fail t.^ attravt tsrcnKti-awgera^i—-<-------- B'ttt ft»os.« vn!y, vh'Q Liuw bin w^li, enld worthily appreciate liis aniom- '-,00 txceii-SiCc. BitttevoleBee \va art In him aa Ladoleat habit ©1 thf eoitftiiattoth <>•' u.s.-rrly an auiiabh- w aknesi ; it seemed to ha the pme« idisgOiiwijile v! ».is $w;ui\:', una ihf ivover siiil regelater of hli life. HpringHigindeed, ai if did, frtis i'j^ would scarcely hav*a e*>iu railed ul virtue, bail it n*tbecc» uudftr fk« k°- vriiimciii oi u cloar uu«tf«f«tAodiuj, ai»^ ^rt»l eatpetleiiCf, hi^Ui: »ot bbe^a hal. t»«ed bv tlrti |>.oira9t*tnd &ee-peirt fail- A) are Ciov« Saffron Giaclc Pepper Flintcr Suipbw Grot ad Ginger ; Vv'ic4*or Sonp • gM! com noc da. ; Ciiuubsr SaHl ; Pettri Ami ; Engiisb ^Jtifctarfl : pepjurioitnt Drups ; Sugar Almouda : Cod Pish ; lied ;!«»'- iujt • S:.it do. • Rti}i Bimer • Shiogle Auu • Tuueb L«5^ tfighi *f-Pwf&rmaiieci . William* BENEFIT. p|/jR. WILLIAMS rrfpccU.T^ lvJL iefwrmatlit Ladks and Gentle*. men «f Kina^Jlup, and its eivi-en*, th«« nlj Benefit i» fixed for f RID/IT iriNING, OQr. iids t8i«: whe« ••viii St }»rficmed, the Much a^m-rad Grand Dtataatic liemanca, fo % a^a-^ writt*n by Gio. H»ve&«*VT, jT.*q. oa^lad THE TALE of MYSTESiY. OR The Rock of *rpi»ri£Z. To which will be addled, the ronck aft» i»iretJ cTiebrofed Uarlcf^uc Coe»i» /$& TEULUDE, ia one ad, called BOfcBASTES RTKIOSa T)i» FveRin^'fieRteT^r.B^ept wiQ coa» ulude vvith the much admired Ceas5) Puree, ia % a61s, aallad FORTUNE'S FiiOUC* en T,^ Plouglmo» tvrxed Lord?* (For Charters fee BilU) M . *• Osil. « Twin • Catron BaJl» • Coiaot«d ila. • UWcl ThreaJ, | "VS site anil iiro^TB da. • \V rin t;^ Pi*ii%*r • LauerJa. VTfcoia do. r#duta Aasf Ewt rSrtft^l Aiin:a>aa I bjtiordo. a.Hinn Glue • As ajTorvnwit •fCteekery Wajf, Wo Qucen'i do. Befl Dutch Loa£ Pipet, j"Pieg Tefeaccn>*wi audit WicVj ' gould Caodlea—Dios'd du„ ^upcrioii dr»fc.d Ca'i' Skios, Ba6. Liquid Blacking* A few article! af Dry Goods. t*n, and, i.rthe hand- o<" thfl pnnU-r, . ^...r,a;n ^ ;^ that tl,e testiv-.moy of before tbc arrival cf the ftea.-n-b -.at^latt {? ..^ u,liti.J, ^..^ ^>aTS R^ ^8S nigbt, wbtchbroogbt da the sewa irom j^^^^a ¥ffav diiVrett appenrance little York. It will evince the h ,Pe3 i t^tD what they now -ear. The clitf euteruuied of Sir Peregrine Mat:la04 tu .; tlui, fe|Ma thc orlrA ^ jte pa!tfi is aofi rntberecipt of hi* unhappy fpeechjand i^^,^ break the frajsjeeta at X ihall fubjrnn a letter which mr«l more .j ^^ fefl| ^rhont muc^ diSoulty. A teinjpered by the inGdrfati^abie COn- stGjn-y, with whichiSit ihe c2|jc-ace mi Uls ovrn time, esortkoo, and intereat, he pursued 'the welfaira of oihsra, fcw.' wboixi be teuld bxpeect te re^eiva »e 11 ret urn but gratiteaie.— Nor was be [eRijiTat than goiieriiius Cast Iron fPar*. I g UST received, at the fabff riber^i tS Si»ret, an AflTortmtnt of Hollow Ware BOX atid OV^N And • ff w SfRANrkLlN PIREPLACEB: MaaufaAured at the ConrteiiM Worha^ and will be fold at the Funaact? p»-k:.--Sy being cr\ >ch lower than the prices I'M jt. laftyear, alfo a fV^ POTAiff KMT* tlesm* coolers. Thale who take an .Abutment will b'$ aeeeaane<iated with » liberal errtJii. SMITH B*RTLET. Khtgtkm, GRoler> \%\%. %t ACamm"ocii*m D-vflliaj{ MOUSE, to Ut —Enqnue <;f WALTER MtCUUIFFE. Kinyft-e, 18th Oct. i»i$, 2?: i-vnrr-tiESlEAS Fanny CcMn, <nj j V v wife, bat lert 't\y her and ooa'fl. Aljom^ ail ptliculatiy cxhihit cay own fcheweft and ^Infaeou i Toora faithfully ROST. G0U8.LAY. who knew hitu ^ m-'*^- will k»i ^ coupiad with the rea-**«jb>atic.s ef«ver>-| alb«*(fleat of atrtue which eonstiuetes ttva teodcrl DRUG N. B. Ia addition to hit pre-5 fent ftock, he e*pe&s maoy ^thsrw/ti " clfif l* bii iiUt in a few day*. Jfci^fton, Omebrr i^, iS'B. £F IIwithout aayjofi oaefe or pfxvocation, T -.. . tl this« therefore to f»rbt4 a« and cvtcy JS • 1 (ItiHfV^ ]| perron harboring or trofting ber on m/ aceouut, a« 1 will wst t>ay any debu of her coattaftiag after this daie. THOMAS ON KLIN. l.«u&hhori_m£h OQ. 19, 18 tS. H^§f A S juH received., ia addttioa te hiajj L :-jr>xcr iidck, a aaorc canftplctt'1 awLiaeT*-ia»'.-3s» 3V ffo" P i E e G KI.V £ M JIT La _V D, JT, C £?. «^(J. ^rc. *c. :laira«gor who psises from Niagara to 11 Queenstoa, must be impresaed with a] coiiriction that tue Immevte be 'n «.:hifb eujMindd ia the Barer at the husband, tha indviiigeut fitther, 1,10 kink land hard, the henest and up- rljbt citizen.——As a public ^*u it? DRUGS k MEDICINES. tUiW « BOILED OILS. Tie S.a quality of Dry fftHlTM W xaken,) latter place, vvaaonce the place wbere|j the oiostcriticatand ttesbubut periods, j the warrtng waters dashed down in Uwych have been kecown t» ^a lait^- waw. Lis fortOtte to hollJ ti/u' aJ two efj t LEAD, and ground in oil ; ugcthet It JJ1 1171R0M the Sail of Moore's Coffee*. »>alUn<r, whh uropricty, prew»t m>iriT oe-jj^icwlar of au bundled anu ion; D»rr voar r.lcallet*ey. Prow that cfearg-e IH- r feet h- h wilh few exceptiew. ^•a> aV-qL«ifed aa wall a* ftojoiajnifcer ei tae, • > S -j ^ f stages of hi>h Ki tory. i?'--,as tiigh SBberitf of the Cay of Dublin in thej Year I7h3, aud Hi|gD Stteriff of thelj ■» Ceonty of'-JD9-b.ti.fi ia the fear 17«ta.|j During boihoi thut* eiaergeweiei, hoi J wai einiotijilT distiinffoished bv tha* with aicoaft et<ty article of PAINTS, BGGKS if STATIO VARY. J!ii>,~The • .Moving D-YE WOODS a STUFFS. d^a r* -; !i^ a spirited a -tonipt to suppreai the vtojeat riots of ttaa Libert? wxti!?-" aue ixiquitt tiieu- aiuiedes l»y *nunaatt-ati»|; I j f-dlls, you see few or uoue ; at Queen- tfeeiasue ef the uaol^asaoi aeeiwreaeifs *%Utc.i j J ^ " a gaj CVei-gre.en trees of some h»i brot«« the rituiu ?f curr^oudrnae iud j .^^a.vabl^ke. What is thLs bet (Mave«l a*v return so **.u#tan«, -- ' Bavias set at re»f thee private eaeeeroa I j^tftreftn-iawiia to Casadato mvpuri tue -mb- lit eteaaareei wiiich 1 aav« ;acrendvi,cl; aud, I iW|,e toa« yoav K.un/tleucy wiU, id aatiy &:a*», £e^ geod reawrt to countenance a tuil I anefideace that the fallsbave- receded? agakttj you iiud along inside ef the bunk, 'and near tnoir lurlUc^ small roaud bobsa woru saiootn by the friction of tha waters. These hole-* ZFS& eu,uiry oatU^^bject. Ktauld Im«m ot tue wuiera. «.i,m -- iei»bJ thecal n»Kl.iofiwo»W giv* ^greaterIIawnaw au hundred and forty or bits •M the aid of a miUta^y farce.-------TJ*e lust yeart of his acti&O an<i naeful life were employed, in Bj/ite of growiag iufirtaitleSj in an as»i^lueea apprtcatloB to Jus 4ntv as Governnj and Direoter ♦f the Batik of Irelaoi: aad bis fasilly and friends w.<ere blessed to tha last with the* mild b&i enabetej Icme of his esenaplary aast rciigioas carae- died, a ft*r a few •a 1 > • e a -- e a • FdftiC. CjiRivrood^ Maddat Blue Vitriot Copucraej 1 r^iga. . _l~- ItouTe, this morning a la'ge bine lS'URTOUT, with Waek eel vet Cape, iyperfineeloth- There was a rece<pf in one of the pockets, givaw by Luther cc Co. for forwarding ^Rc br-x, one trurk, and a bundlefof Saws from Lacbine id Whoever will return f?id Surioot to Mr. Moore, at the '. ofFee- Houfe, Kinpfton. c at Mr. Whit"; sm'a, inu Keeper. Quemfton, (\vA\ be reafon* •ly rewaidee1. bv the fubferiber. JOSEPH PLTTEY. Kingston, 03. 5. 1S18. ^^'S? Ki«gftoa. .'• verv reduced price*. KinzsiWy 03. 39, iSiS. 0 iii« ue«j..^......- . _ yoarearviKsa. »eea««war .ur-.ed a #*M ^lau ofc^e.arious ftitb gi-eatec cha^ria. A., to the uolitteal v^nuoversy vvaiett baa tar keer ExcUewey in -.uv ftwfl«r. i,;« tlii^-ult Leoateud ««■ abwaaiBw* wittog Lt'"l£ deuled. tteeeat ?^noaiions t» i»e N^ft- j per.aiutthaven>eiyour«ye.| |aa4wy.w«iaej £ms loa'.h-ac-.e. XUatyon. fcvcvlU- -t> aaa? ' 4a.a o.)p«ir^Qity .a iraee rwit^ri fea«6 :b* U"- Siam«l*»a!Ualii th*V»herc> oi .).*^mga ^tceilaa ot*e»ira,ci»f«oai - a» Itutgara^eeufc- tar io ^forward-*' 10 ^«»» ■sr-'tlra^. Sba tke evidouce, that tae fails ot Niagara, ! have worn back sevea rollee in the tapwofages and still centiuue to recede towards Lake Earie. ■#«L^ KINGSTON, TUESDAY* OCTOBER, 20,181S. mm, 0» th»r§4ay laat* &e tub Inst, aftrr a liu- • m # « * [CO /^LUNH'ATr.D.] Tka airplJ"* ">11 *f Lioaawoa fa aiid eiUerf, for diseootiaaing tbe .IM^^aj ssraMKB !»>.-:> laid out, in KJi.«.toa,froja lka«ad at U^aid tb<» jenerai iiauvc-Maa audi- Bfou j | .v,,,ftiree( io A.bbol'aiau, *i= ©i>p#««l by a r „i,ii*ro«"a;'»"U^=»'"» »«* I a« m- a«i>«aa^iBaee-aigoeA»'*lew-e*«*«•*« er Ceroeo-ter,pitf elerai aanga^roi Uwlate p. i. R«ichet*aa, al tuit elac^- 8tcd 84 yaari t ii*,» 2*$ e tiontiit. _ j !«--X' i lie the village of ErueR Tawa. The ot ietmaiiaiBU of A* fewo t« u I^?i-...to. *«UW^*eke . if oih- j., p.u.t,, &iarr.cti ea.e, at tae Coert £ Si^« it^ ea«^.i aa*U wOUittf V- !]«&*£• *»*^ fe •* *^%»- MARRIED, 1 Oa TKeraday av^ning, Samtjt,3. P. jAiiTja, Ei'^uire to Miss HabyIPwV- ill da«^kiv^ el &* kp»« ^h"jel> J ust'^ It mij^kt have been taken by miftnke by foase perfon who went out in the Stabfa Boat Charlotte, thia morning. .. ., . e ,. Fafiengera cm board arc reqcelrd to es- Allofwbieb will be Afptt ei itl^M^1^^ f^ if rjj foiinu, the Surtont i* dtfired to be 'eft e^ above. J. F- ~iiL feUBSCiii -.r.Uh. E^EG leave to inform their friends j> and the public in general, that they have received lately from Moau&U an elegant ailartmeut of Dry Goods, Ready made Cloaths, Ladies and Gen- a tlemen's Far Capt, of the late ft FaHj- ion, Beaver and Jennet Gleve^ and Mit¬ tens*, Jem an Sktna, Jennet*, Wolf, and Raccoon Lariole lvob««, and Indian Mojcaxini. The v/hole will be fold cheap, far colli, or approved credit. MONJEAU ix St OERMA. Kingston* tth Qdohr% ISj S- ia N. 11. All thofe imdebted to them arie, requeued to make immediate payment, TO LET, THE Cxatnoiious dwelling Hoafo and premifea, the pr'opeity of W. Raft Efq. lately in the peifeiSoB of Mr. Wooif, ^a" wctt«6 a-p^iceuoii to be aaade Wo. MITCHELL. Kin^Soa, Ca. l^-h, 1818. 2© PROPOSALS ILL be rooeivod by Mr George Ham, ef Erneft Towa, between ll/a time and the firlt day of Nevcraber It. for the Ereaieo of a CHAPEL 5 it whereof is to be 4a feet long and I ',2 wide. A Gallery is to be ere&ed, a»d a more perticolar defcription will .begiventoaQyonedeliroascf engapnj ^bSe uuiiertakinj, on applicatioa to j« or before the G.ft at No.cjnbtr neat, Mr. #,or£e Ham. otfeerwifetheiraec*oot- wi.i]ae ^v» 10 v" — iMr. »«orgenam. *^A, *u At?yrn?y tei euiic*UW?i