Kingston Gazette, October 20, 1818, page 2

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%i«v. L W'xiMi -in \ VI. ,>vfin* the ft^ir.e—I hav* therefore Mir.UJr!,t fil with the ndr\>:o gad consent -*f HV Wajesfjr*a ConncH <f> pnbli«h I Ufa PreVelaniaiioa, hereby authorising *nd f^mpo^rias British Subjects for the -pae^of ;/;>*ec *»07tf*r from thedate hor^ef., to impart am' brine into this -Th* fol?»*rin3 i *••■ mint oi tfie.cnoi- •p^-nrM]^ -f Mt,» I'of-rmiti-n in i Carman Capital, aud of the Union • Tt*it twnuranrhc? of the Gorman Pro- t -\nt Ciiurcii, taa IriUheran amd the Reformed, " extrac- Ud foom the entertaining taieane vrr Lr.ind the ether- d»>jr» called, u An Jniumn nctr r.W? Rhm% or sketches oT v .li*, iocictj', aeon*ry^lc*. in some S&r<W (termanStatei ring oa tht> I,bine :' — tl I hann- tied to bo a* Darortadt en tt» Slrt rfOrt*er. thl? ""/* '^"H Sa«»rJI Timber «f an a; >• o- thr coraraeucttnerrf <^J ilia tuifof*! BsatLnn. Ti.e Grand Dnk« of Heave e dhbfamilv being Lntneta**, (U^ W cfer of Hfis-Car-*! U of the Refor-i i„ i\ rMigion,) tired*? wasi celebr«$ed| ■with m-tcii eeramaav and respect. Ji Vraf f*r more ctrifcincU fbaarren1 than $. 'ahbeth : f^rs io addition ?o the i?,*>i»lii'j{ of the «bopi, and the ampen* i- .ju of aB •>«•*)..*•**, 'che Protest*** ambassadors, neVilUr,au4 towns-pee* t*ic roada a morp cmtMentraus point al jUteudiag church hi their best eqbiaage &ud uniforaas. The evening of the £uth Hflttaf |j'CM)il#«(« ** a'W ilj* fcaaarteitofi cf I Wareyeni fa Ac^unts «,£ tnt Receipt] « fr*»m Ine {an«l Expenditure cf the Pra*tflctai| Ljntted Sfnt«s of AtB9'r?ca into thi« Revenue, within fefcitnateof what *MTj t'roviBci, "for tbfl phrpnia of rc-OX- j be required for tKc fupport of the Civil |r-rt*i« .•■•'n«cr«ted artlrle * * *, Gov<-rnmeii!a Honorable Genll^rm irid Gtttf^men. Conifeneii as y*u now arc for tV.e great parpofewf elfvatiag your Coontry | l>y (lie wif «m oi yo«)r Councils, yotij feel c/ich of you impreffed with the res- ponfibiKcy «nd dignity which rnwefb : Pro-rioce »V#m fhe EJnttei States of y?ru ; YoarccolL-d the celebrity of year Vmericij in British b-'ilt §\\\p* or rsi-1 pjreceeduifa : thefe eewfide»'atioa*i i v, i.; announce!.: by a foil chorus of : fSoicmji liyione sung from, the 'op of ihz $?wsr of the L' cWrcIl, and Iho B\ r va= isherod in |{ cky-br#ak t^- a v|Vpeiitioii of the »aiheii#pretf#te bot \\>n rus cere many. The hymns were of a simple and strifcrag wv:'i+t*j* and e.-fc-it«d with ^reaf skill a«)(.l eiflTect. Jki ten o*cto<ck the Wkole Court with -^heir attendamtfl, et? grc.d gala, pro- L'<»ededtm the ffreal chmrli ; the Grand JMtdie^saiid her ladies (bating a pret'y ■Catholic d&m ' tl'honneut y who stayed %t home *« bite her iips tit wish j^nrii»'r an diabfe) in the jrnad 9ttte ..cos-'h, with eight crea»^eolor#d pal- ^>ai .<*. ambiiag in blue velvet, truppinjj^. --A dusty pictuni of the reformer wa« 'r.-mrF^d for the •ccation from the J';l«* de vril!e, and suspended in thai x hori'D, adorned .with wreachi and v'-f^srri. The church was crowded to jexcem : and the Court and t^ens com- jii21/fuut eccupiod th» ^3"criei. A ■»'/* Ueum.y ixn(\ Komo f.rve pieced of atJuaic eencitidin^ *.i*h Die grand Irycsn called ;^*>' e0csUano99 *k L ther*h Ityttn," were ad aril ably ej^cuird l>v the ii rti- s*rn of the Court Chap*l, ac- «]3fiifiaoi d fey the swelling voieet of 4h* c«n^r<?|;atJ»n. Till effect wa^ .^•/••'"rnn *ut\ striking, u An additlona! interest wts liw.0 .'•* fhe day by it^ bein^ uiaH-. in warn AtVfesjth« |r*-i p--blir recef»Hoo of iho oew union of the two Fretotant ../•ct', t^* Lti£h*r*n nod the Reformed • -^av.'^ rheGruBo" Dwka ef Ifatttfo.. *!.t <:.rdt;r to »revent iiffercoca of *jfftli«»6fi amoo^ h^s children, biinel Pfjjig-a Lurii ran. nod hi* wife of the J': .-r^ ft Chiireh,) ha* been the first •to viec'-e?. and which i« 0#» vapidly *.»r*adinz fhouah the ether ••<ates. In a SnuiMia the sLlris raceiTeal the sacra- * , 5:: .ii. for the first time, eecor ing to t3i(?fomi :>fVu» EFnrteri Church. :ry••e ri'.oil nf the Holy Sosptr wa* almosit the culv asseutial aitifer#nce in ihe- worship of the twa religious. Tl;» U&1 <• •* ETanseHe^l Christiaa Cburch" idost tcrapiiloosJy unites them. In the L-sthi ran fo»m3 ?*r-aH wafers are iMiverad whMe to ea#> c-oimr-unleant: t-.- Reformed, in oSroro tloleal ap}>oet< l!>-n \n tiie Cathrli-', «!icei of bread) wklch an tuakeii a ad diitribu* ■{■■•■}. Kuch &ert jiow siakea a ■ifhl e^r.fe:sion towards alliance, anrl 'he li>w United Chvirrb usss a large Lutheran wafer, with the Caivabistic fona of breaking it. The aaisao^ity of •tfoetrhia] differences, which K) vears Hjfv dented fe the Reformed at Fiank- V- rt p. .place of uorsbip in the towa, titOBj|h iise Lathe rani were apon the nest frii-ndly t^ieratitii; <*<ut« With tjj-^irC tho)ic neighbours, hcru?^; now t.irbfVde(5 into the«*tost quie^'eui apa- i\if. this amai^atBalioRji of firms wa jad most all that retrained to be alone.. If thia amity oi spirit hud u<it existed. /!":.■> public.&if' as of edicts,and pre'wBii!.- .tiou. of forms, wanifS j,.dre.d be useless' Out i« a plaa^iiig evkleeee of rho in* created liberaUty oi ideal, that the spirit of bnion has gradually grows cp Wtwe«a the sects, tmd that <he foraa jnottipn was ail aow waatiag. From the N. V- Sp&ihittr. ;?/t'?"7j a S-- J:..-.Wj paper* received at tjus Oj/uctyuy the Pf, iiuk iioop Regent- M*j Hi* ExteUeney Major "General Sirucey Smith. Licuivn- ■eis -owned and nsvl^rt'^ SCCoramg J to La-* ; Scatitlltig Flank, »ta?es, Handing-Boards, ^kin^leS) Hoops, e.r inared limber ef any s»i"t ; 'i>read, Btseait, Flour, Peat, B*«rx3, Potatoes, Wh:ar, Bice, Oats, Sar<ey, or Grain of any lert; fid Britiih Sabjects during the »a:yo period, are hereby authonaei and empowered to export in British ships owned a.ud navigated as afore^sid, ail «i- any of the said herein before eoBarer*ted articles, to any other of Mia Msje^ty's Caloniesor Plan rat teas. Given a rider my Hand sncl ?*eal at Saint Jr.lsn, the etareoth day of SejatamfefiTj ia tfee Year of oar Lord ©tie thousand eifht hundred r and eighteen, and hi the Uft)- eightfc year atf U\% Hajeaty's Rfi^n. By-liii EloelioBCy'p Cemrnand. h^alVBT. YORK, October 15, £a^^#rsev Csmhl OMc* Tw%\ 14JSI Ofe&er, 1818 Hw Etodlency tke Lieute^sst Q*-, [tremor ra Council it picaied to oircc^ ' this Paklic Notice to ri yieen, tk*t no I Order ft»r Land will in fuvavc k« iaua*« bat oa coadition of s& al fitilcaBc^t J SMALL, Ok. Ex. Coat. jrtnr Eaneuenq/** aisnVencc ofkearffr r»-ojiv raiiffe, The inresti^attoa «f the Pn'^Jio Aeeanats, whea isosiitted fo ««, and k* proeiatoa tor hf support »ft*f Civil Govemmtqit for the carrent year, \\\U neees^an'Iy »ogafa our care ; and. i«Bp'-egs«»«: witfj » uvoper rea»e of tn» re?- ponsibilitv of one do tie*, and how iftfpnrtani i' is that we ehonW faJthfnllt discbarge then?, we trust we *^a!l h<^ acma><xl>iii all onr dvhb- orations lij a spin! most likely to lead to« happy resolt. Tothu Editor otTaa KtaoVrojf (laavftt Kingston, iwbO§eU*i \%\%> jalU, On rettuain^ to this place T have exilightened nsaanrrs, and the beneficent j ioinence of Re%'<*n, will no doubt • looked ever your Niwfpaoers of the 'art reffalatethe interccurfc bctw'eea fsemt \ ejgtt week*, and ha«e a few obfervations au^uS AmedbUes. r# /% *.sc*H*ncy Sir P ERE* KIN £ HaIT- LJtfD. Keigfit, CtmmunJer of the Moti Honorable Mmltary Order of the Bath, Litn- Untnt Qcutrnos of t/ie province &f Upper CanMl»% ■> ..i Sajtr Genera I Commanding fiu to jjtstfi 'Forces therein, 8f«. t>c. ijc ItaY IT PLEASE YOB R J^XCt LLENC V WE, His Afejesty's aseai dutifsl and loyal Icojeets, tare Le«iil*rj*e Coa«cil of L';-:- per Canada, la Prov.ucial Kaniameni ai.-ea-.- fclert, b*g leave i<> w|rVr our than fen for you Speech at fh^apeaio^ of tLis S^MiOO of lit*" Lcgittatere. Wrareaappy 10 eo»hra^e ibi- opportunit) ot cenifroiulai uig y*af EieelJenej on yoursaf arrivaJ 'oaa^nae the tiun»s of ^otir eaaired "stotioa amongst c». tt it ^i'5 r«5fret tkat we learn froai *o«y IxcftlJanrf iha? no akcrauor. ia- takaa fa\retgr tf^nt .?owj> yrurp-.o al'^> ef:< peetaUy wh«fn it i? thro^ into yaar hand by people who would ufc too ai tkifr cat'a pave for tar as^ft mfidiooaaad a.t. It^nant por-tafei. You lite l»r oriatiW^ as your Hcvcread fritad bad*1 you Ue V And yoa have a wil* sni feaaily to a>spa> tairt. See then that yoa det chew fa* rice. Allow no one to accofe another through ihe mediuwi of yoar newf^tpcr* without pjfidocing hi3 real S^uaturc'r leave efbeif;g a c.-imrwent»tor yoyrfelfti «n^ fee that you cmrcct the prefs care- rully whaa printing for another.0 Thrrtf* nev«r was 3 Ward, correAly printea>, fa your newtpaper, with the authority of" my figaature* Which I wonld rctrad, un* der the ctreumftauces which gave it. vesta a«d it M to be hoped before I am ajaii^ oetTecuted £cr my publicaUona, tJsat the J t0 make, which you will lx* f^jox>dfi9 "nferr in your next publication* Io ynn> Gazette of September ftrd,] you conclude my aarrative, which had,' •- [for foase trW, been fufpeaded ; tat, {■:&**&Omen of Upper Canada will ' rake oecafjen to confefe that you were I S» ^ac^ *• Schaal, and their 9chaolauat not the aathorol the article waich ap- |.jtar t,? College —1 kave-written kecaly/ hut aever iaa p^ESon ; and the only error which I h.'jve here committed, un* «er u\ch influence, has beew puhlicly ac« peared, a^ yours, lathe Gagette ofju-j • iy fevasth. I hii was a duty, at once | due to rae, 10 yourfelf* a«d the puhb'c i j • audi nad yon aaerely made the confes-j than Id have been faii «TZ ] I ' Co", r.a usore \ kn< wl^d^cd. vis. try having lifted (wy h?.nrl ar*d defiled rnyfe'f by iiiikinj the* ; the fubj-a. e\e how^Ter you £0 net 'j ;n*"ri3te<i maa who alTaultcd me is the* I ft^p. Yoa go on to fay *'I mult dtarj j any frxeud, wh•» holds a ^ovcrnRient J pi*cc, nam ceufurc ; 11 1 - an« alio correct] firsts of Ktnjf{to Whan addrcrTinjf the Convention st- Yo.k I believed that the Duke of Rich* mond. cow Governor »f thefe Provisoes, : -i rtaccrreut of Mr, GoorJay's, where he, piaaoio tsw iasltspaartroa of oar woeralte fta-J fays that I told him 1 was at Montreal N Vv'a- t^xe ^u^e of iiicbmoad who nobly r,lV'fr" ... — - J when the uaWtUHate perfon, alluded j| declared ia fa^or of Britiih Rights and t", w» unaer eaaieinatton, fcc. 1 do! not r*c*lk$ of faying that so exkmioa-1 PARLIAMENT. of Upper-CaeadiU Meiniej. Q&for 12, if rf. At 8 o'clock tisn day, Ki» Escel- lency the Lieut. Governor, proceeded a btate from the Gartifon to the Lean*-J Idtive C-iiuucil Chamber e where, b-riog j i«alcd on tire Throne, iii» Eroelicucy . directed the Gentleaaaa Utter of the lilack rvod, to dearaad the attendaocci oftht Houfc €ti AvTeesSiiy ; when tire! I ib ' Excellency *k ple»fed to ©pea iiefken with the following SPEEuH : Htitrable (jissikmrx #/" ihe Li*gijf*tm$ j /ifftmhly* \ Theto'ai want ot Feme's, to saesit the exigencies of the Stale, ha* com pal¬ led n:e Jo caJl yo*« together eai':cr taaa j t'ne tiiuni petioo, bat I hope it is st a I feafou which iaterfanas Utile with y«ur t^>^vcnienc?. I hive to announoe to you, taat ao I alteration ats taken plaor in the iadi»- ? 9 -4rion o' aur vcae:able\Sover<*iga. His Roysl Hi|hnefi the Priare jRegent raaeives fiom tToreigat Powers! | the Rrongert ajararroei of their friendly j j cifpofitii b to the Britiih Empire, and1 of their earuerc detrc t» prai'arv* IB* 'geBerai trsn^uillky. The profpeifc of coatieaed peace is peculiarly aufptctous to tkn ca>uctry «— Veur undivided attention will be given to its iateicfti ; you will enquire into its [waais, &*4 find resaediei far it* eaibar- - raamaats* lh the courfe of your iaye§lgatioa you wfij, 1 e*ouht not, fed a juft indig- Datieu *£ the sttampu which hare been 1 ma^c ie exciie difcoosent, *ui to org-aa- [kc leeitioa. Should it appear t« yoa that a Convention oi Delegates cannot j rxiti witkout dtmgtr to tfes Cooftitatiaa, I iu framing a Law o1 prevention, your n»aie wifdana will be careful that ii Isall ri.Jt uawarily trefftaft ofi that Sacred vight of the SubjeA, to feck a tearcf«af hi.-, grievance, by Petition. A i reaty ;s ou foot with our Indiaa neighbor* for the put chafe of new Ter- Tn* ftnasjc aosenaaees whteb Hti Ro Highnesstk* Hrinee fi'-$w- hai raceiveafepjn for-ijju Powers, of rU*irfti«uslly. dijposUroii to the htJiti.b Ensptrei »►"" of their earnestilc- sir* ,0 pr^iorr*- the general trao^ailiiy, aJ- fbrdsus ;ke kig..r»t jBatisfactieo; coHTinecd, w4th your Ezeei.'eur-y* l^J 0 co*tiiiuai--on of I P^oee will be pecel',u'l> auspicious to this s'lo-iuce: a> ke iatofa*t*of okieh we will be- wow oor otnoi atien »«n.— We will iaaaire iito id wan*!*. **3f' ea^avor 10 iadoac ressc' dfe' for it1- embarrs*«aaei:3tjJ' W - soell 4 ail time faelojtwt ied^eatioi at»«very aneorpi wuici* naaj oxclte di^eeatei (, »r •■lja>..2e.i!«Jitinr;; oad if tt shmS! appear n» utiteai a eonveution of Delegare* eannoi fn< wiihoatdaafrrtotke0*jB*tuot)on Maframingt le»w of pi'eveauou wrr *'H k« careful taat h .fn»ll ooij auwarlly, trespass on «6e ifter*rd ria;k»ofrke»j«bjeei loseek, oy Pei:tioa« ore dreu offcis s;> ievaiee- l; -# j. u» pleasure to learn ti.v fh<?>e i-a TfaW oofeo aitk ouf Ifidiau neigbbora f©r rhe porches* *i *?* y^rrJiovy, iDchrdiug eef lain 'recti »h'ch, -_*rv#,k) sheir*t»u*fvautim 10 dis-ceaueci tie Westoro aVulemeati «f i»; Pro»ince, W en- porsua«ied tSatn© ol>J/«?i -vo }*< t4" 'norr inlrf(.ricvaluelu thin Ce!> tiianoa iaer-a- <»d Population, a>id a« wHlue i»jhJ;. ••co6j/- ■rau* in »'ie» mea«ure«" a* may render aJUtrtr-. eoce ro oece.-siicoui Ku>ijrraui wiio way c*k u> :j?couir8"tiler> <i 0* • *■*«*»*• *ce.. iff wtllatteod carol nl!\ •© ibe laws tfkrcl a"" exptrine«wod lowuir^asirave espired. We thaulcftiUy rece*ivr yoor ?• .e- Uei.t-v" cif«r ofro-operatioti tff e*rrj iuro fll «'tf«-r :./- Lawi ooieh roo.y ky sneered for be coin- ron, safety or Kcy^n-, «f :hP mbjecc, • fo lisfeaeraloeoeut ot :VJ? pr(,f,llCe. Hemrakh Q**telm»u •yaA# r^««tt«C!tos»*( l»« ranch erattfleti; bv toe *c«imr-nL' -o have »e«8 uifae-.l ro «i»r.»M. Acceu t'laok^ for your eoMre*.*. i lion dCiuaily took place." Now. fir, I your fricrtj ( -r P ingle) is not to be^ cl c c To hi 1 Excellence lir (PEEEGItlME afl£T- LAND, Knight Co.Miniaini.-i' o. be mo*i Honorable Military Order oi' the B*\b Lieuteaont e\>*refn«r ^ 1^0 piofiove <>; Upper Canada, ami Major Qeueral Com- iMvnuiag Hit Majesty', forces Otereia, Sec 8c c. <\c. Uj.y it pleex-e your Eieelleacy, We Hii Majr^ty*s dnHfbl ami lo^vl ubjrcts, the Geasiaoaa Hoase cf A^sem^y •• Provincial Parliasieni amemMed, nrg ro offer coyour Exoeilene} f>ur»incereco«sgraa»iaiion!. on jt»ur accoiion to ibe Goveroinent ol'un. Proyince, an.I to rexufn tbsr.>:s for your nn<t jcracious Speech Froiathe Throne, at tbe upan- ii-jr*f the present session. ♦Thiip wore^re: td learn root no favonshli1 change hat. take* place io the kf^ita of oar b'-ioTeo .wUivereijn, we view ryith ranch saris As to your eorre&iaa of ory R3te- rernt, 1 deny that i< required c^rrea^io!i ; \ hvr*< perfe^ly can-eft ? hut it waa by! no meaaa tioon yoOr evidence that the affafrof the unf-nunate peif©a wa& ua ticevj by rue. Public notoriety was my tti.i'ho:ity. a<»d fuch notoriety as made vh. (lihy. ct fiit to he Ipoken of. Yo-ur individual evidence was osentioned only becaufe »f the eadcavour to b'ink the tnich wbicK wa« artfully introduced into the article ^©ft bafely ^sln^d upoa y*er fimplicity AlthouEfh in your •*i**eT e»f Scptens- hcr firll, y -u ifftirt yoar •« mtteh mJ^iSkd patrms** aato yuor afterward?. <bferving 3 ftrfil neUtrslity, you fcr^et tai-: pledge \h\ 'he 2Jtd of the fame nsonth, and very c>firtfoAy l'*y la that <$xj ■ pabLcation, • "vVr think Vfr, Qourlay lien under -<\ miftake, a we do not rrcoilett of feting the hand btH predd&iowj.hcre alluded tof Bef)4e*« had it \ fnpported the caufe of porliamentary re¬ form. I havtj fiace learned that the* P'efcnt is tht, nephew of that Duke, i meat ion the circumftance onJr left it leared <(ccn£wt hy ymr mere u»ffl ta}} ^ouW he fuppof-d that 1 w?i<» infinwn? leir bios. He di^ five you the arti* 11,fl w^at ^ ia'^* Never in my life did £ le,alsavc fpoken of, to infert in the Ga-||€ver ^r the great or flatter them ; and I aeue, as yoitf* ; and threatened you by jjBever, I trait, fhall I (loop to do fo. Oaf taying, if you d;'a u#t comply with his |UfO?ernar in Chief, I hope, inherit! the w'(be«, he would ceafe to take yOUr |{ virtue as well as the title of lu's Unclcf Newfpaper; Thefe &&a I n*w Kate SI a"d 8S0* heartily do I rchfh the repertj. ! upon ysmr own authoriry, acclared be | cvery w!,i-'re on t,A« wtna^, that our Ue«- tore a witneU I tenaat Governor is ntantfealing, not by words only, bnt by dteda, what wr had aoj<iunfi.y looked for—energy and honor* to revivify ii»c drooping arfuirs of the Province. There is an exprcSon in that pad? of roy aarrative; which you pobfirhed in tliL* Gaz'.-t'e of September hifc, which a was told would give offencf t*» the k& of Methodift* It was tlsjh *■ Mr. Miles if autWardly a religious mas ; at preach* ifig and prayer meetingi he i* a eowSanp ar»en^3*it. T mjff)f {?»♦ o/ith Hlmi in t^& Merhodift asceting the iafl: Sunday I w^v in jMii^lon; but fee now the r» uits of the tiec." L was fuppofed that tl^ trre here figuratively introduced mc-jnt/ tbe fe& of Methodifta, while, fo fta, it related folr'y to your individual profesft lions *r-.d external behaviour. U would be among th< laft of my a&g to hurt the* feelings of any religious feci. Were £ to attach uayielf to any it would he to piibli&cd ta dny piper. ivefi'ie-, had it I that of the Presbyterians, among whou« been the cafe, the Editor ae«i would J j I Was hraughr-tip \ but it has V^ng hoao have <raeV the foViowiag reaaarht which! ory deteriviination not to bind myklf t^ we eepr from the PbejMts/' New, Mr. riires, I am addreftinjr v*u ohlcay [or yoar edification, for athe»wifs this is a matter ©f scry iittle confequeace; vr.d, I afe, why you uV u'd think yourfelrV a' ^ny time, frr^ ?o fet yoar rcttfitieljvn a gainff my ttferti&n ? Why yuai did not the creed of any fec>, aod to hsld all ir> equal rcrf>>cci. being adured that ftneerity iu religtoaj whatever be the particular eoui-fe of tovnsaor o£ faitk* conftkutes '.he efTeuiial point ie the ayes of the XU aaighty. When fit Montreal, oaore thaw a yfev ihinkil aaceWarj to fee every number, ofj n?€f> T bad the ftrl opportuuity ©f »u tk*Fh®n«beroreyourenture^tofpeak| teodihg workip in a Hwaaaa Catholia as to the contents of that Newfpaper ; and h. w vou could be fo fthfurd as d<-aw mferewrei a« to my ^i/aro under mutake% -____......—,..,.....^........,„_„ ^ ... f-orn the auotat fac «on ta.- happy prospeetofeoatinued peace j \'u \ The a,-ticle which I i'aid 4* Obtain¬ ed a place in the I 'p ?eri.-anada Pli^Hii^." [did fo ; and, lam ia poffeffif.'U of the number of that ;»a_oer which oootaiafi rhe article. Ii is a moii iiamefnl one ; and aeeav would have been remibliiied by J » icbnrch.asd, i declare, nevei found my* I.if wore difjsofed to join with the> to «y qmg unaermuwM) prayerii of any congregation, for every jtstiooss given by ye>» a»t af j j face arauad a.e ware tbe appearaaoe 0^ 'T George JL. r.) </'^ Governor and Com/nu/z- rl:■: tn Chief oj the frevince vj A7t;te-HrunouicA, I;c4'c- 4"c. a^g 2/%«4W ^ ' c&mtittcn. /.,', tVilFRVtAShy Art of Parjiaaiairt, i»as«td ':»• t•■« 48th > ar of Hi« preiient M .« "•t*>r ivfijtJi fewer i.-. fiivi-n to thf ^4 •' rtior. L: *• Go*, or Co mm au der ?o .. .. ? >i ji.t- 5 lovinoe, aith the idv^ae and cojR?ot »i 8"» alejaity's neisjBBGr* 101 tr j.itory, it\c)udin»r certain trads, whieh iarvc by ihcir intervention to diicoanect oor vVefteris ScttJemeuts. It appear* to rue thai ao object ean ?^e ci aaore intriaac value to this Colony, than an uacreaied population ; nor ssy, e.c the acquiiemei.t of which, a fraud 1 eaaenditure of Revenue i« lively t^ ptc- leht the Stale witii & greatct rat urn. Whether it rrou'.d uot be aaviiable ta tender a£iiia*c>! in fame eJeoiual mao- cui to (bole oavir Emigraiits who maw it* ' Icck ia» MMBuasc y*ur countrynxtn, u a liibjed 1 rt:coQiiu«»»i (9 ywr icnoub coniMaiciatioiie Your zutcnti»n will hz directed to Certaio Lawi which arc*xpin'njf *nd to othere which have expired* that you may decide on the propriety frfc«uunuirirtht oiicor rcfifiag ike oibct4 To carry [aity Laura vriiich yoa osaj euaA r#r" th-r cu&iloit i&fcty, *r a^xA\ty #f tiiC bui>j ct, or for rhe gcnoai brOrfit of rhc I Province intu full clkctf yod m depend on niy heatty cpuperati ui. GeniUmm oj .hi Hwfi of Jjcmblj. had pro»periiBy to his Subject*, ia (he assur¬ ance of tiioj fri*Rcl!y dirpoftitinna ef foreign powers, rrcc*iv<?d 07 his ftwyal Highn.-ss b- Prince" Rrjf-ut, We fet! ;b«; to aoporfiim of hiat BalaJBbiw'a labjfetR etc ibis prospect br rn#re auspicious» than to tbh ini%j3t i *>ionv ; a*)d our 010.1 anxious nipfa is 10 ca-^j>eratr with your EictilenCy in iiaproving tits period oftraaqutility by every measure tha< tnay tend to relieve ihe Pro4iace frojji any (ertnporary pB(3arratt*sjieoi, aod to ad>ancc iu g*?ii«rai pFOBperity, We fee] a juit indigB^tioa at Ih«5 ayBtematic attriflptR rbaf hare been oiade io rxciie discoo- teutauil orjf«l)ixe sedition ih c!m> KappJ Cplo- nJt while the usual aad c«aat»!o(iouai mode of appeal for real er tuppot^d gri^vacces h<.- ajiv- ef ben open to the People oftliis Pioviuce, j never rrlusodor even appealed to^aud deeply lajBent thai the iasidiowadefcignsofoiie faction individoal should bat*e iuece«ded in dra^ieg ic.0 tbe piappert of I*;s vile KttftCbrsatioilS, o Uianv hone-t men aad IVyaJ fculiject^ to hi- Mar- jt*siy. Vfr reauetnber tha-: chh favored la .d wa«aii|;Ded to our Pathersa* a n*trea" fbi Buffering ievait>, and pot a sanccuary tor sedi- (ien. In t ho con rite of i^iirinves*igation«skou)H it appear o riiia Hou»^ thai a conv. niion uf (Jelc^atft caauoi exiffi without dangrr 10 ijir* CoriaVtitiilioD,mfraiuiHaf a Lav\ of pre re n lion, frr will carefuU) di^tingai^h between sneb convention* till thel*^t\il act of tbe subject ih petitiomsg fei a refdreea of real or ius^in- ar> arl«vaneM, thai! M»crt\! right «!**>vory Bji- any vwic* of icnfe and feetiag. The 44 rtterV* wiaicli accotepanied it was bv i»o means an excnfe ; hut iferle stiia are mcontrollable when opjjr*rta»ity far gratiocation ocenra ; and the whole i-* Sttiuaj enough f*r the Pli«p«ix, which could iniuit its racier*, for week? to- getbeti with toe ravings of a fcatter \pe&3bti* bras'wvd Rhymfter of Talhat rtoaa—a man who had the audacity r«ot only to ridicule toe, but tct invent fyrnbels talie- ?y to prejudice the public mind again I iny character while I *ay under ih*"' moil iertous charges vvhtck a vindictive mini*- j try could contrive for <ny detLuc^it>n, s^ well as fo*" extinguiftting the vital fpaik of liberty in tki* portion of Brit- ift dominion. After fcieh ex»«rie,icoi, «vcll ntay we eselaiiti with the poet, •' A tcii 3 ,1 f'ulJirr, an<i */«oPs a red."1 1 tme demotion l#i\ Sunday L attended ♦.he meeting of flaking Quakers near Aloaay, and there I trasequally iajprca^ aafifa fympatlietie CeeJiagi as in the eat he- ticchurch—eq-u.^iiy diijoGed to former ta* pecuiiaritica of the Se^ afldjoiw in t&c j wot&:p of God. Indeed 1 way truly1 adopt iue language of Sterne aod de» crare*1 I thuuykt I faw KeliVfon njij. '. aX i*h atttyect which »ve Hill ever bold iuvialit- i?!e. Vfe percieve in yow^r F/Xre!lency^ro«iCiQ- oi cation of the pro^ostvil pi:A*baM of new ter- ritar\ from the IridiaA' • u ituponanti and in- '!^u m neceeMiry to r-lia* grown* of^ur W#etv ^•e ^etUementf, a dafi'-tering |*lrd^v ofjaur Bieell -ncy's sincered»^-^' io W^ne(it the* pxv vu»ce, and vrill pfive *>*nr be-? CoitaidcFration n> vmir ExCdIlrtte}'$ rrc*omn.fcudauon, (hat -ow eafe<stual a-siaianee ihec^« if|>oj%iliU% be rx en-1 ded to tfawat* poor E««»if-'ant» who sr*«ek tobe- eome em couut/^wen.* The Law- Dai have? erpirrd, or arr* aboti u expire, dhaii reafeis^ °f attention, and -i -v stumor res-, inuing aefc ••! lh**nj a aay !» quired, m dofaaiuc rpA }.'r. llHes I—im your paper of firft i t SiAiia^otr, ;w? proaa Oataci (ajaf U^aaVftfid, »» M hWSW ^ Hto^'wwi I Scptetn! as-you,*eai«metid-e«^yo.iN>H into the hand- of Hisn wlv> is the be it j dge 't yoni h< in the hnmWle affiiraace that He v. %] .. ve you wiidosn " -si do you thi .-. that God. aft< i ke k* ji ven you a real nabla loni, is not t© re q:ire of y<>u. even the QijrhicSt eie^cfe vif that livloe gift r—that He ari I e -un- !eu^> c* y"u when leHeuiaa; the eredi- biity of any one, tkron^li filly lui.nife* and 4 finV j^iiment- ? Be.icvc i*s *.•> be ••>•. fineere ag y bj* :e-ee"id Friend ■* ** ing in the dance*** After all the i"can«: del wkfeti has been launched out a;.aiui];, the Shakers 1 am coiPiuceid that thef srr generally £inceTC and faithful (e chajr |£------..... They ^&:i I believe, the. belt patterns ever exhibited to the world of mamy important viituea, andj X doubt not j tvili p'ove of high value in advanciirg tke grai«d fcheoic ttf Pro?!* dence. Afitothe Methadifts, it has unouefti* onably been thro' their ^:al t»a[ tUfr |ame oi religious wor/hip has been. kept alive in England. Had bo! tiie- Uperf fir ft triia^ned ky Welley ani Whitfield been fanned by theii foiiowersj the Clergy of tke erlablilk-neut would have let it, long before now, (5»k rfiifl in {(» iocket or perhajM eatio^iuik b its gre<ae. I» America, the Mcrhodii- are j>e»'lraoS the very befi barbiofcr* u( fpfa pel light—tbe very befi agents to peaa* * In the Gazette ef S^J Sep:. v*b*re< ij is toe Rep*ii of wy trial af KroekviHe, u& r'ui of ^e prats has totally da kerew* rft^ Stfrnrn in our f ia o~<be warai •* .a»/ b.-irj;; In tin? lain' Report, wcicit wid to<*bari*4^ Tvritieit, ! d^tsMted avasiiaiH1 »i«v w»uM Ua\«f titaiKl 1*1 ta prareatttlius, aft^r fc* v^^r<| r*.. a%erv#ihas ^(^ueapremian «rui !mp. ^t^ ^* .»«/»".'• f rap- i aai H k«i»• r<pftt"fl| M avH-i ', ceyoutheia ,*U -b■ ut put , , .ifc j , « i f urns ■•'•• "'.v !o '.idfi osuc «A '^ t/ii »*v:i**.'

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