-^ rr&*r atfro^rAKlt??*?* * . [TUKSD\Y, OCTQtitiR 20, I8l6.1 *. {VOLUME VIJI.------No. 81.] TT t Kingston, Urpca Canada—Printed and Published by STEPHEN MILES.—P^ice Four Dollars per Annum—Exclusive of Postage. n&xrtzri >s$k ^w ^sarotucseiiwniii^^ ^ %.«.'.* Agents for the Kingsttrft QiazciLe. few* Town, J A .M KS RANKIN, E>q. •Vark, WH.L1AM ALLAN. Esq, Brnckville, A. SULK,WOOD, Egg. fiellville, S. M'NAPU, E?q. Montreal, I*. MOM J.li. Fruiter. Snphiavliurglt, Mr. HA Ml) LL SOdMFS. AF FOR ALE THE SUBSCRIBER, j[ HAVING been appointed Ag<nt|| for the Proorietor of the ! RON WORKS, cftablifiied at Three Riven, I^JLEASANTLY fituated on the! in the Province of Lower Canada ; in £ (hore of the bay of Quinte, and, ; form the public, that he 18 in Letter* remaining in the P~&*l~Ujfict* (U f\>ngslvn0 on bth day oj Ooobtr. TToiui A-bercrombif^ jovoli r\bvaham-, \ $JJ Allen, Kdv.ard A,lvord, i)orioi And*'r>w R.;jn-'U. Arch&inbr.'&u5 Daoiel AdSjrtis, Tlmm a$, Allan. .Toon Baittte-, Mr. Bafeer, .lames Barry V, Saintid ttarrv, Wiltiaia lientle\. l.om JJc- zeu. Jame? B<%bre, William Ri£gp'<\ !>lih;< fcijvn chard, •,. SUidgei, Francis lte**llv. Lo** is liourr4.;* :, Abraijuii: Fio\ct>. «U>Hti BraudfT, \V, P. JfeayiOB, .va-ns^f -/moic^ l]>:i*.l^-l K:im-t.% ic*»a'>^J iirovsn, Mr* Unu.cien, J»aviJ IS> ,- cM>, John BucWanau, Jo^ph Burt, Royal b'tn, Frederick &\i>li,Ej&ra RuzK Pierre Cai*>e, Tatrirk Cnliii^h&j) 2. Dun* ccn Ca?n**r«iu, Joint OmpbHl, Jame* Car1, * ft, WUHan Carter, Jt^eph ( arw<!l ?.\ Jui.i (•astir* t-juuta Charroo di*. i)nekarme, iVir. 'O>lem<io. Curj .(op if-r P Colli in S, AWianam Cm:khn. jttiwtf Cowwv, A^ahrl Cook. Juln-, M. CavHlV/i'iioma-C'utAlilv, WHliftm Ctmt- Icfrd2, Juhn I). LVay 2, Henr> Qi>x. W |!iam Dartev, It-- ty lltirliug* Men-»w IDei&cqv&v, Francis |>uw . Madame ila^<Au;a1 Amhoiiy 0"faii %ctA% > rcui l)ifkarro\.JtMi 1 v.i: lVma*ais«, Ai<?,.jrure il'ciuarat^ J-ttifpis iJen- pte. Rev. J3bn W* Patron ^ Lven lie Vfciti €ba. !»"5 !>'unn>oii<l. .John tdtnsiKr^en, Richard Ellei Urrfc. Tfeoma* Even*. . JoKpph Puu\ PretStriTk F.mi.i.i^, Ai>x. ,;. ferric Tim mas Flafj;, Jo^pli Ktoteber 2, P. C- Foe. 5I»ses i'olJMHi;-, Jfihii Fu*b*\sa Capi. Toy, tttst-rjf Fraixi^ l)anici Ferris, J. ft-|».t^« Gaifobe, Tho:itas ("!«rdiuer, MkftTA« •frilben, Mexaadev Giilr^,rihojit9i8 i4oe-i f R'»* b "it Gourlav, Betty CiruUaffl, Jultii (iran;^ L i'-ynor Hall, Fannv Wall, C;)lhoiir.r Ham- iitOH, Tlmma- Hand, lh->ntu> Hoid\. G.«;r*i' iia-l, Stej>lffn HavfU-y, W&ry Ann lull,Sam- gionitei i^ior, A-*a Hough. Ma^aiei How* wiiitdm H(marth3 John Uuybaudo, Juruos Mav^arM .)<»iiiiMm%Tli)hort Johnston, AKaxiH"\ |l c\ P.Jones, John Janes. «Mtti Kavana^h, Nathaniel Kellogg 2, I tancia Lagrandctir, Mrs. Landrit*^Rich¬ ard Lanpr\K John Lau^hcug, ?V;ary Liivi^nc, (Jcorge L^iwrriiCc, Louis Ueblane. l-^ne Ley- ik? Snsanuah Lohcy2, lie'aey bolUir^y, DkvM tow*. MoH\ McAUi tor, Mrs, MrCnrin^v, "Wil¬ liam MeC'.^a^. VViVluim M./il.^lwm, Jvuw V. WAekny ^ John $*avM»y, Mi.or; \k*Mi- chad. John Mcl/:iii iPru burgh) t>- McLewi, Kandol Mcti^mtJi, liaro<-> iSuNa^e.., :Te. - jv McNaUr>, Fauo IV.cNeii *, VVii- on: MeNisU, Micnael \uhr.:iPv. l.ev.^ >li.j>-»' . Tiioina* Mar:h, ttah'toltu McQtiMfy Nal&a-.u ! Merrill, Mt^ M.iivr. Maiy M'ni.i^v, .Vaai'S ^lom-oi, .\iichact Mofrvitoti. Jamca Mov\d ., JoJin M-^'^to;*, \Viiham ^iu^^n. Ft'.t n\ Norn, Mr, O^ar, ltd ward O'Ctihuor, Charles Odle, lin njaiom Oicovt, John On. J. Paninron ^ immediately opp*oQte the Upper Gap being the KaS half of Lot Up " the fi: it conct-iiion of Frederickfbutgh.— About 4Gacre3 nrc under improvement, w« '<[ friiccd, and a new frame Houfer with a good ceihr on theprenufes. The above farm will be fnld together With a i)oir of Etftmg WMrk Hocics, a Waggon and Fanning utenlils. Application to be made to the Prin¬ ter. July 27 9. Joseph Scott public, tnat tie has lately re- Iceiveda Very eset^nshe assbrimertt w A R Li • .' of for sale. ; [Mannfaclijred at that place.—Arrrong N Reafonable Terms, a farm Containing 1S0 acres .f Lund Ikuatedin the fixth Town of which 140 acrea are undei Improvement, for further Particular inquire of the printer. Kingllon. 14th--t.pt. 181S. l6| ! other article" are, Double & Single i ADVERTISEMENT. • "1= ^ HE lubf-riWr refpidfully informs a_ the inhabitants of the 'Town and "ownmip of LCtngfton, the townlhip of Pittfljurgh and V/ott lfluiKi, that he has THE SUBSCRIBER MEGS leave to inform his friends, and the public generally, that ke has received and now offers for faie, 0X1 extenfive afinrtment of Double and Single EdO or %*1 r r*t H ipply DaUliSand CHE* ICALS: Confitting of the following articles. Genuine Alcohol or fpirits of Wine, V onceritiat'-d Vitrii lie Acid, Barclay *a rc'ay's Biloius Pilin, Barciuy'n Aromatic ipts of Vinegar, Crurije Tartar, Red Lend, Vermillion, Shell I ac, Gil, Turpentine, Epfom Baits, Mace, Cloven and liimamon, ^al Ammoniac, Arlenic aifd Boiax, fo: J'aldering. Ktlig*i9*t dug. 2 [ft, 18 1 8. 13 N- B. Soda Powders. Edu I Jones, varums sizes anu patterns, CAST ASH PANS, SUGAR KKTTLES, POTASH COOLERS. POTS, DOG I!QNS,atMJ DUTCH OVENS, Which will be difpofed of, for CaHi, at j ne;.riy the Mon! real prices. The fnoerior foftnels «>1 metal, and durability of the Three Kiverv Staves render them wo'thy the ai tent ion of purchafers, as they are not liable to crack, like tbofe imported from Ssx)t. land. JOHNMACAULAY. pure ha fed th j5 POTASH WORK J Lately occupied by Air A. Maepher- 1 .o\s in th^vJ-ioi.-y of thib town j where Me will receive pood A ! Kir.vtfon* tst Octoberr ib«B. I ilEGS leave moft refoeafully to m- JLP rotrn his friends and the public! in genera!, that he has juft received an eleeam affbi(merit of ERNEST TOWN i .\\ the rate of {even pence H. Cy. oer Mulhcl, when delivered at the Works, sOci fix pence when cr-llrcied in town ; the Afhds to be paid for in McrcLan- • Hze. A Sleigh or Cart is to be fent round Pown to ci'l'cil the Allies ouee a week, r oftmcr if necefTary. Houf'-holders, Stc vvill do well to fave •heir Alhes, as the quantify made in one houfe will amount to a eonfulerable fum in the covrfe of a ytar. t. NORTON. Kingston \ at/lap. 181^. N. B. Care mould be taken to keep the Aftes dry and clean, as noi>e but what is of a good quality can be re<*eiv- ed, iotf of new and elegant patterns, which ne will difpofe of very h>w f.■■• calh. J. WATKINS. Sept 28, 1818. ' 18 Kin?s ton * ! PTflllE R<-v. Mt-n Fletcher & Mr- .It. Me Jntoih have ctrmeiiccd Ecac^Qg ;Ur following-brar:. he* of Education, ,'„ Coupling partly of the following arti t'3. V17- Mr. THOMAS HARRIS, LATE Teacher in one of the mod refpeft ibie Schools at Quebec, for j the fpaee of two years, has opened a j SCHOOL, in which will be taught on THE SUBSCRIBER ]p) ESP.UCTFULLY informs hfs ILIL ftiends and the public, that he has removed his FURNACE utenfils from Camden,to the h-^ufe formerly occupied by Benjamin B--oth for that pbrpofe, in the front of Emeft Town, 16 miles rioiii Kin (Ion ; where all bufirefs in hid line will be done, as ufual, at tl.^ fhorteft notice, with this only excepti#;fp that all work mult be paid for on deliv^- JOSEPH H. SMITH, N. B. All order* in the above lists may be left with John Pift, Kiugrfton. Ernest Town, Stugust 25. 1818 I ifit DRY & FANCY GOODS. |jt,ie KrlIE..rTown A»Ic«r. ««..«l.ej|,bcf(,„owin terlnfc lTr giiflvLanguage^rairatJcally.Writjfjngjt! 0 Saperfiue Weft of England Cloth.-, nd C'aifi.nercn, ol the mod faihionable colors. . Irifti Linens, Biitilh Shirting, Linen] jan AhdCostou Cambrics, Curded vumbne..' Lmo:- and Muflius. [acotlet and Mall Muflin-j, Fancy Mbflin Handk rchief-. iiand,;iui:i and Barcalona d.--. Fine Gin;4- hams, ti1?ck a"d colored Silks, Silk and €'•uon Shawk and fcarfs, Fine corded Dimities White June, white and buff Mar(ViJ" QnihJng, B'.at.k Florentine, ■Vrhhmetfe S owfc kennr.;/, Genj^a^jj^ with theme ot the GLOBES, Ma thematic*, Raicitation, Gompt'fitinn* j Hiftoiy with the Latin and Greek] es. guag X. 15. .) ■£ Rv»Hin?. p<*r C5 Martyr. Oj RoavHw^, Writing and \iltliuictlo, I = V.i:/li-vi fri:rr'r,ijrinc!uued, \ t WithG<H>^rap1iy, 1 : }{) \ir. Hants rvlpe^fnlly informs the DLilVlic, that he has removed bis School The former attended a completej I from the hwufe occupied by Mr. Hob t. c«v.ufenf;hi'ii^al Sunlics at the College* j] Johnilon, to the hotife lately occupied by Mr. Pitord, now the rcfidencc ot" Mr. ANK OF THE Subfcribcr being appointid ajrent for the r^ank of Canada, h*i will negotiate bank notes for bills oa Montreal, Qnehec,or for Specie. Wm. MITCHELL. , Kingiton,Oct. i'3ih, 18.8. » Black Smith PFork. ) ETNA LDS 4 Co. lately arrival ofGJafgowano Kdiuburah j the latter! received arliWcrall Education at King's | C tine Undrcifed Calicoes BoHabazettes and Bombaz nes of all Colors, Linen Diaper and Huckahuck. white and Col - loured Flanmls, kuita Sheeting and 0f« j naburg. l\ wellchofen afTortment of Thread ollege, \berdten ; and, from their ex j eri--nee in, a-id adoption of, the moli 1 - ilaikes >.ci>t. 22. 17 1 ^uomOlcua^loUn^r. ^ Tell chofen afTortment of Thread Mr. Pope, Pierre Pioan., J. Panin.nn^ ^ r/{lces anti .ub'oor.i, Straw Loaml;, ^^t::Jtre^:S u**r«** ^«;c^ Ivd ,|>iUh.it«n,Kieha,-dF«at«,J4ime^ Pfta- and lace Footings .arid a^number ofatti- pemnce n>, ano aoopt Succcffeful and au^prceJ modesof ruilio they l>opr to morii the approbation of trreit empplr.yerT,. Boarders cam be accomodated in reXoeftahle privale fan tiics or. the moil icafonablc termsu i ErneftTown, Oa, 6th, 1B1S, 19^ Co h. wa 5 Jfetp* !(K..S,.r, Mrs. R,ad,.Fo.rpl,R.a(!,r, r»auiol HrMd, Oa*f»r R^d, ;|auxes *«^ ("liailes R^ucoi.r.NChri-nai, Re««wrk, W*i Pow-vsrlb Michael Hoy. John h u-ol. Reliant ^.ackleum, Uirti SrnitJt, Marv toa, Watthew SwnrA, i-<'"ia- 8mkhlVi.e^iSm,tb,U.B^.a>ih. A*kr- (Kaikfi, I-dwu-.d Siarne,. 8. « i. b***•-, LircH.e«av, M^ha-1 ^ftr«a« rg.aa Syer, .Tovun i5. Severer, it«mphce> talii. " Louis Tapn. Ikujamir. Ta/lor, fori* ^ ;,,omustaral.r«o.MLV.!oh., rjoin." , >» cies, 100 numerous to ruirrt. 1 4 Lrateaof Blue CROCKERY Wave. GROCERIES. Jamaica Spirit ."nndy, Holland Gin, P,ni and other WineR. Peppermint ^and Shrub, Hyfon to, ' Twankey leas, double and Single refined Sugars, Muf- jcovado do. Spermaceti, Mould and dipt [(Candles, Soap, Starch and Fig Blue,! :kc &c. &c. AU of which will be fold for Ca(h or Xmta&fe Ti.'Mnic, (t^rfotiv | { appr»-,ved credit. ton Hr.orel Walker, Sarah VM **£*• Ma Willi., Aaron W,l-_un, John C ftrhon, Mr,, .f. C. Wilson, John Wiiw, James Wil- 4»n, Thomas Wilson, ^11 V«a«oWito. K.>luc> Y«oa*aui>, Georgf xouug - 1'dfl ar.i 7.i alnnd. J OH Is MAC A l) LA x, )*, M. ....."' I» if CHEAP LANDS for Sale. TO be f«>U on reafonabk terms Lot Ho 6- on the Carryino; Place townfhip of Murray containing 100 acres 25 of \vhi« h are under im provement with a good houle. and well fenced —Jlfb. \ <0t No. 89 in the 3d lc>uceffiotjof Atoeliaihurgh, dontaraiitg 200 acvt-.— F01 term*, apply to the' Printing Qfce. KingMon, or to th.e Suhfcriber, at the Carrying Place. RUFU* WELLS. Carrying Plat e, Sept. 5th, '818. 16 nil DISSOLUTION OF Partnership. . FfflH's Cvpsrtnerfnip heretofore ex- M ifting under the firm of Jonas Abbot o< 'Co- is thii d?iydif^lved by mutual conltnt; all Pctfonf having ("'aims a gainH Said concern will prtfent LlieiO to Jonaa.Abbot for payment, and -hole indebted to the faid concern of J mas Abboi 3*. Co are requefted to make pay aunt o Jonas Abbot, who is ! duly A-tahoi'is&d to fettle all bufinefs of t-iie concern. JONAS ABBOT, THOS. S WHTTAKER. MontuahSept. Sjpth, 181S. 19W3 TL from Ireland, Keg leave ir> inform thr Gciititrnei. aiio inhabitants of i€ing£ ton and its vicinity in general, that they have commenced the Hwje Shoeing and iBlaekfm'tthing Bv/incfo, m all its vario&s branches, near the upper end of Store Street, between Mr. Douglas^ houfe and Mr. Powell's. All orders with which they may br favored, mail be ex- ecoted in fuch a complete and workman* like manner, and op loch low term?. asL, tl'ey hope, will entitle them to a fliarrf of the public patronage. Kingston, i©fA October, 1818. 2C?! Notice. A LL pevfont are hereby cautioned 1_\.. againll trefpalling, in any manner, upon Lot No three in the fir ft (.'onCcr> Hon, and Lot No. three in the fecond concefiion of the Townfhip of Carndsrv Midland Diftrift. JOfTN CLARK. Kingston, \cth OS. 1818. 2owl2 - Kingston, \th Aug. 1818. ______10 "EDUCATION. MRS. HILL, moft refpeafully io- forms the Inhabitants ot Lings- ton. audits vicinity, that (he has taker, die houfe lately occupied by Meflffc Lhl r,f Utters rt'iintinins in tue &r ueu Tom &4 Ojice, thi* 5th o Uctobt'r, 1S^^- Daatol ^rang..M'2, John Youn^, John Smith, "VVtti* Las;on^, i'oUy Thompson,Ttunoas WaU Ua», Mr. Williams (Nat au« River) David B, fcrt'os, Richard Outbivns^ Wiii- Lansiap, Jairit Shaw, John Moon, w<iv\ IVvkins, Herman Sci*, JaniM Forehee^ Thomas Variy.. Jcwryl. IPori, dirUiopher Dosiaden, G<*org« Wergui^ Cyril Jnm^, iVUViam ?. Braytmi, J oh a Wour- tW»- Ki>k, Jame^ Fonu, Jot in Mrlirvan, J- Ifflb Morein, Abraham Iruh, Altfcxr. Cia; !i. w option jAMKSRANKt'V. r»»vr W«*"* *" MULTiPUCATlON Tables, For the ute of Schools, Far ftdc. at tUiu WSflfr , day the 22nd inlt. and hopei, from the attention weich the will pay to the im¬ provement, morals and com tort of her Pupils, to merit the approbation af the parents who will entrult their childreu her care. She will teatrh Reading, Wri¬ ting, Arithmetic, Grarhmar, and G'-o ^ra^hy. v/ith plain and fancy Needle ork- Embroidery will alfo be at the of the parents, under the follow¬ ing terms, wg. Small children, riding only, 15/prQ^ Reading, Writing, and 1 * , 1 • k! ji 1 r 20J Pr- do. plain Ncenlework, y * * Grammar, *Vnt hmetie. Geography, and fancy > 30/pr. do. Needlework. J \ En»broidery, extia 1 c/pr. do. .-. rb. Hiii wi.l take boarders at the moft moderate term-. Kvgitetlt *8//i $e$t. i8;8, %yw6 TO LET, A part of the Dwelling Houfe and JUL premifes occupied by the i'ubferi- ber. and poffession given about the mid die of Odlober next. JOHN FERGUSON iVmgstost, 14M Sept. 1818. 16 Kingston Hotel. ROBERT WALKER, retirns \j his fiuceie and grateful acknowl¬ edgments to his friends, and the public in general, for their liberal fupport dur¬ ing the lall eighteen years, and takes, this opportunity Qf acquainting them, he ft ill continues t0 ^cep the above ele¬ gant Eftablifhrncjit, where travellers and families can be accommodated with fep- arate rooms, andevery attention paid, j Kingston, Septt 22, t8l8* 17 THE PAN OP LIST, For the year 1816, For Sale at thie fc>fgce. Notice. jn AN away from the fubferiber, a &\.< Servant black woman, by the name of BET, with a male child, two years old and »r,wardf —Whoever " .ill j return the fatd Wench and bo^5 to the fubfenber, or give information, fo that fne and he may be broocht back, (hall receive fix pence reward, and no charg- | es paid. All perfc.ns are ftt idtly forbid Harboring or trufriojr himou my account, under tliQ penalty of the law. R. LEAVENS. B.ellville, 29th Sept. 1S18. 10 Runaway iF John Drlahunly, formerly a Sol¬ dier of the 84th Regiment, who drew the well half of Lot No. 28. in the Townlhip of MaryhSurgh, between Clapp's Mills and the Eaft Lake, is now- living, he is hereby calle<i upon to come forward and make good his pretenfions to faid Lot ; s<* Aaion Conner has been detected felonioufly bringing forward a Certificate, obtained by perjury, where¬ by the Council has been impofed upon, and granted a Deed to the faid Conner, j«jin Deiahunty's name. And all pe fou$ are hereby forbid taking a Deed ot con¬ veyance from the faid Conner for faid I ot, as he has no juft claim to it. JOHNMcBEAN. Kingston* 08. 7, 1813. town N. i». Said Conner, when from home f-equeritly panes himfelf by the name v*f 0'« »nner ;—and faid Delahunty, if liv¬ ing, muft now be upwards or 104 yeava of age. t^ropictcj 2o FROM the fertrce of Mr. George Stanly, Merchant, Montreal, a boy by name of John Cramer, 12 years old on the ifUh'of Augnft laft paR. He left the houfe of Mr. Stanly on or ab¬ out the 29th January laft, fuppofed to be in Quebec with his Grand mother, Mrs. Michael Cameron. His Either vviming this publication to be inf.rted in the Montreal, Three Risers and Qyebec papers. Any one that will give inform¬ ation to hi* father and mother, at King¬ ton, or forward him to Kingdom, (hail have all cha-ges paid. ( All perfons are forbid harboring him. under the penalty of the law. Kingston, Od. 12, 1*818. fOWSP FOR SALE, AND immediate poffeffion given, ehe HOUSE and prernifes in Stuart- ville, lately occupied by Mr. Dalton# jfituated within half a mile of this Town, a favorable fit nation for a Gentleman and family, and no lefs io for a Diftilltr, or Inn Keeper. For further particulars enquire *f th* fnbioriber, or at Mr. Moore's Coffrc- Houfe. E BARNETT, Kingston, 08. 12, 1818. 43<£ "blank bail bonds, For sale at this Olfic^