11 "T WING berfl an»"i4.trd vg*nt It J for thr Proprietor of the IRON W..RK-, eftatutfed at Three Rivers : lbs P-jritK-e of Lower Canada ; in- •*" .ruw the public, that he has lately re-I on- --rt a 11;// extensile a$8ortiM*nt oj " WARES, Msrr.f.ifrured at that pla^c.—Among O'.'t :.inii:lc; arc, Double & Single iTOVES Of various sixes ami patterns, CAST ASH PANS, SLGAK KETTLES, POTASH COOLKKS. POTS, DOG IRONS, aii<J DITCH OVENS, Which will be difnofed of, for Cafii, at nearly the Montreal prices. Tli" fuperiot foftnefs of metal, and durability of the Three River* Stoves, rcudei them worthy the attention of j p« rchafers as they are not liable to crack, like thofc imported from Scot- JOKNMACAULAY. Kingston, 1st October, f 8 18. 19 j 6UMMF.lt AVI* FALL FASHIONS >1KS. BARKER O RSPECTFtTi " Y mfbrma the Itjb « adies of Km git on a.id its vicinity, that (be has arrived from Wontreal with a fartnnnahfp dFnrrment of Millinery, Dreflfa, (loth Pdiffcfi, Co.fets, Thread Lace, liibbon*!, Si'k and Mnfliu Trim- mings, and many other things, too te dion« to mention, wh'Vh flic has for fale at the red** re, op olite VJf Fiflc's and adjoining \fr, Mennett, W<teh-maker, in rt'»re ftr-*et. Eingftbfi$Oa. 5th, r«t*. 19W2 N B. i\ir«. B. intending to maktf a fhort ftiv, folicitnthe cai ly attention of the Ladies of this place & its environs Taken, ERNEST TOWN Tl HE Rev. Alex Fletchei & Mr. Mc lnlouS have comepced teaching the following branches of Education in -the Krnelt Town Academy, viz : the Engufll Language ^ramatically,Writing, Arithmetic) : 00k keeping, Geography wiihtheufc of the GLOBES, Ma thematic*, Recitation, Compofition, Hiftorv with the Latin and Greek languages. The former attended a complete! c. in i'e of Llailical Studies at the Colleges cf G:al'c;ow and Kdmbur^b ; the latter received* liberal Education ai King's Coi'ege, Aberdeen ; ami, from their tv- ptrieocc in, and adop! i«n of, the moll I Snccc'oful and aop.oved modes of tuition, they hope to merit the appiobation ol their cmpploycrs. Boarder* can he accomodated in rtr -r;'»tl' pTtwrue t&mritixS! nil :\u itiuJ} Twienable term?. Eincft Town, Oct. 61 h, 1818. 19tf • •____________________________________ FnOM the [Jail of Moore's CovTee- Houfe. this morning, a large blue StFRTOUT, with black velvet Cape, fuperfine cloth- There was a receipt in one of the pockets, given by Lufher & Co. for forwarding one h^, one trunk, t and a bundle ofSav*8« from Lacbine to j Kingilon. Whoever will return faid SurtouttoMr. Moore, at the ( office- Houfe, Kinrdcn, o at %Ar. Whitham's, inn Keeper. Queenfton, fhall be reafon- ably rewarded, bv the fubferiher. JOSEPH PETTEY. Kingston 08. 5 ! 8 1 8. itjv^p It might have been taken by miftakt hy fotne perfen who went out in the Steam Boat Charlotte, this morning. PafTcngers on hoard are reqnellfd to ex¬ amine their baggage, for the purpofe of giving fatisfa&ion to tlie owner ; and if found, the Surtout it* deiired to be left as above. J. p. '>• MfN" l'">; Vlndi McSrilS, WiUtara |MeRHi, Mie.aH Hahone*, y^h Major.■, Thomas MaraujMftlrnlm McQuale, VaCbanm Merrill, Mrs M«lfl.r Mfln Mrt0nev, jam^s Morrison, !Micha-| vorri<i ^ jHnie)t Mov,oV\, Jojm M-.imfnrd, WUU:tm Mm,tu ranii} Ni*i" ••• Mr. O'ear, 1 Ufn^ O'Connor, Cliarles Odlr, BeiijaimnOlrnll, ,oh|| 0lf Mr. Popr. \'tvxre ]»arnnK ,t. PBiUnson & Co. Andrew I'auit na,lt. ,»aill> r-ranris pem- J b«r ^, Tiuimv PWeWal, «am«^i Phi'lpiis, Ed¬ ward i'dkio^ton^iehard Pratt, Jauieb Tnu- clr, William Pyt Josepli RatlSief Mrs Read, Joseph R.-ader. Daniel Read, i^ge Reid, Jnint-s Reekie, Charka Reaawir^ christian Renwick, Join; Itowbwoll, Mi«ha-| |{ov, John S.-arol, Richard Shackleton, Lrois Siraond, Wioholai %\^ Michael Sloot, Calvin Srahh, Mary Smiy,, MattheM Smltli, Tlioma? Smith, Miri.ar! S^|ht U. B. Sin>ttl, Andrew >lark?, I>duard gtarnes B. & T. R-4niw4 ,fame>Stewart, Michael Sweetman, Thomas SM^r, Joseph B. Sylvester, 1 iuni|>hre\ Smith. Louis Tapin, Urnjamiu Ta> l*?t, Joseph IV ton dil Bri idami>',r?, Kdvvard rhon>as. John Th.Mnas Sarah tWniaS, Jehu Thorner fc2, Mr. TiMougheood, Amiahlr> Tiemble, ( liailoUe Treradeil, John i\ Truman, Richard Tomer, Jacob Vanarnam, Daniel Walktr, Sarah Wax&on, Stephen VVcbster, Tiiomai WeUraan, Anne WilUns, John Willi-, \a'*,„ V>il>oii. John C WiUoni Mi>. J. C. Hilso,,, jut,,, Wrisoa, Jam&s Wil¬ son, Thomas Wlbmi, WUIiam WHson. iioraer Yeom; o>, fJeorge Voung 5. I'.fluiird /,ral.i:.d. Trovpcillr, 8n6ij Baf—ytm. Wnddinehara. JOHN iACAULW, P. M. DISSOLUTION OF Partnership- ^"•■y?HK Ctjpartocrflnp heretofore ex- JA. iliinjr under the firm of Jonat /•b'oti Co. h rhia day difs'dved by mutual confent ; all Pctfonfl having Claim* a painrt Said concern will prefeot then* lo JouaaAbbot for payment, and thoie in icbted to the fail concern of •J'nas Abbpt Sr Co are requelted to make payment to |ona« Abbot, who i« dillv A-irtl prized to fettle all buiinds of t.econccn. JON. S AI BOT, THOS. S WHIT- KF.R. MontTtal, Sept. 29th, 18:8. 19W3 Notice. AN away fa m the fubferiher, a .\; Servant black woman by the n; «r.c of BET, with a male child, tw » yeats old and upwards.—Whoevei will u» rn the laid Wench and b \, to the ft.bicriber, or ^ivt infounation, {•• that fr.-- and he may be broa^hi back, (hall receive fix pence reward, and1 no charg. f* paid. All perfous a»e (Itidtly forbid h::tboiing or trurtinjr him on my account, u::dci the penalty of the law R. i.EAVENS. Be'llville, 29th Sept. 1818 19 THE SUBSCRIBKCia, BEG leave to inform their friends and the public in genera* that they have received lately from Montrea" an elegant aflortmcut ^f Dry Goods, Ready made Cloaths, Indies and Oen tlemen's Fur C ips of the lateft F'i(h ion, Beaver and Jennet Gloves and Mil tens. Jennet Sktnfi, J-untts. Wolf. an< Raccoon Cariole Robes, and Indian Mngazins. The whole will be fold cheap for cafli, or appioved credit. MONJEATJ&St. GERMA. Kingston, 6th Qfloher% 1818. 19 N. I>. All ihofp >WJ\T«»d t-> them *r% requeiled to make immediate payment, on or before thf firfl of November next, otberwife their accounts will be given to an Attorney for colledion. w\ H R I? E A S roy vvife Mary Madeline, has left my bed .tnd boart' without any jullcatil'e,this is there foictofoibid all perfons harboring or trurting her on my account as I will pay no debts of her coi.trading after this '-late. Robert Thomfon Kingfton, Oa. ift. 1818. Jun. ipwz 2 j Dollars REWARD. \1 yTTHEREASa Bay Hode,about V lif.ccn and a hair hands, high. ms. ':.•! right ili)uioer ^ai'ea bj thf bai b.-avy indin and lwluh rail, fore feci lliod, w 1 a ic i ...,c iti l,W rwbt thuu tier, and a W"hitc Rripon nU unle, be!o/ging to 'lie I \sk€ i-er. wa> Itolcti hem m) paliure in '1 hu.'uA. on Saturday night the 26th Stplunbv i, Ly a man of the ua %c ot JOHN SPARROW. Fill.e:. dollars will be given to any icifon or perfonSj who will return irfid Voile ; 01 25 dollais for ll.c ihiei and Abraham CannifL Kingilon. Oct 2d, iri'o. I^W2 I Litter s fem (rifling in the Post-Ojji; . at hh.'gsfon, on 5th thiy oj Octobt't, 1818* "I'O.ni Vbrrrmtnhie, Jo'iah Mimhams, \r$ tl) Vllcn, I J ward AUnnl, Pncioi AiMer-i** . »iari' L:. Arrlmmb* an, Daniel ^dkln^Thoui as A llan. .Joiui I'aillie. Mr. RaLor, JarnCS Barr\ 5» s.imui-l Barry, WjlJIam BentJpy, Louta \>c /j-.tu, Jauu*> Bcbcc. William Bijsger* Klibu lUanehard, f:.. Wrtil^e*. Francis Hn-clly, I ou¬ ts Bmtrdou, 4brabaoi Bo\ce, John Braiui-r W, P. Brayfnu, Jam»s b'n«\-. llanieJ Bronc [rlial.ni! H;oun, Mi. BrUiJ**i>e», David BfJ- tlt-n, John BuebarKiif, J«»%"|)Ii Hurt. Ko.n! Hun, Kmlerick Su^h, F./.ra BulK Pterre C'aisae, Patrick (.'allagltao S« Dun- ran Cameron, John Caiuporll, James Carf«T ?, Uilliam Carter, Jcst'pli C'ar\\:U S, John (a-H*, lAiah Gbarron dii Uucbarme, Mr. Colotnan, Christopher ¥ Colloid 3, AbraJiam (onkloi. Jamo Cnnner, Azabcl t.*ook, John 11. Covrlk\TU>ma*Cuddi!>. William t'raw- ,owiv\ John D.CVaj 2, Henri (ok. VVilliani Darlrv, If■• |*> ltarl:ri£. Mar^ar* f Delaeq»tay. Francis Daw. Madame i;a/.cni;i, A n r I»o 11 \ Dcnn ;ed, J<"an Dckarron loci l^»i- I Ji'ir.urai*, Maiiraivi I>;-marai^, Jo>* pit Dcr- m», Rev. John De Hmruii -*i, Bverl De Wicr Ciia les Di iiiimimh.iI. John Edtfii.-.|iergen, Richard Hllerbrck. Fliomos I \i-ii . Joseph Fair. Prerfftrirk Panning^ Alex. J. Ferris. Thoiiia* I'lairu. J«>"*|»h Fletehef % tJ. ('. Fmc. \lo-e' |*olui>hv» Joan loibes, Ca|»t. Ffiy, >lan Franci . Daniel |-V rri-. •\ l>|»ir. (niii'oJj*-, Tliomas Gardiner, Mar) fiilberi, Aleva. ilrr (iil;»\Tfcma* C»o<*n, Ro¬ bert Pourlay, Betty (Imbain, John (■rani, Jnue>Graj, Mary <iw*>ii v, William Green, JOii-|.ii (inilio, William finicer. ),l«-anur HalJ, Fanuj ilall. Caibarino Uam- 1**011 Tl oin.'i' IJ;p:<|. Tbouiai hard*. Ilm i:t li.if , Steulien Uawley, Mar\ Ann 1 i»11 $?i>>t I'el Hinckley, Sj k«wi« [tof4ea,J'»&i Holuii s, Snoirl lli»;i<'i\ \ia Ho gh, M«u(j»u«*i From the Giftciuatt Inquisitor* Power of Conscious Guilt. Three fuetfet* ttf the peace had met at May**I?ek« in Masoo county, Kentuc¬ ky, for the purpose of taking depositi¬ ons and to try about forty civil causes which were Rtt far trial at that time and place On a short consultation, it was agreed that two of the mrtgiftrnfes, to wit Joseph Desha and J"hn Youngd, should retire to one corner of a large room, m which they had met, and attend to taking the depoitfons, whilst Jon* than Stout, the oilier magistrate, "hotrid try the canics. A caufe came on to br* heard, wherein the sum in dispute wal seventy five cents ; neither party havinc jmy testimony to introduce, VIr Stout. f■ r 'he purpose of obtaining some know Udge of the situation of the claim, pet mined the parp'cs to go into a free con- versatnn on the subject of their dealings- In thecottrfic of their eonvcr.stlon, it ap p aied that at a day notion? previous jtn the day of trial, the defendant had railed on the plaintiff to settle with him rclai ive to the cxpenie of taking up an es my ; and now in the presence of Mr. Srout. the defendant was asked by the p)a tifi, ff he did hot iccollcct falling >liort the sum d fitly cCRtfl to pay ilu expense of taking op rhe estray at thi time above alluded to, when he railed { ■ fettle it; the def" udant said f.e did — upon which the following dialogue en-ii- ed : Plaintiff'. Had you any more mo¬ ney with you then day than yon gave me towards paying the expt-n-e of takin.- Bp theeilryy ? Defendant. No. PiaintiJ Did you borrow amy money of any one that day ? did you meet certain young J men (naming them) on your way h >me? Defendant. I did Plaintiff. Did you rettil with them to my houfc? Defen¬ dant. I did. Did you afterwards pitch quoit* with their for whiskey in my yard ? Defendant 1 did- Plaintiff. Did yo lole two half pints of wh'fkey ? Defendant I did— Plaintiff Were they caller* 'n by you at my bar ? (the plain¬ tiff was a tavern keeper.J Defendant They were. Plaintiff. Did you pay mc for them ? DefnJjt/t. I think 1 did,— fi ftcr conJi'lerable affirmation on one fid*.*, a^d denial cc the other, the plain¬ tiff t- Id the deh-ndanr., if he would fvvea* he paiil for iwo half pintR, he Would Itrike them out • f his account ; defen¬ dant lain he would, and -!ked Mr. Stout to adminidcr the ia: . but hd being ronfeious from the .qi coiifes funs *)f the defendant. c;.at ft was im pt fliblc it could be lo—iai to In"** I. fee! a delicacy in doing it, and you had] bett^ r pay U ; it** a trifli...* fnm, 1 would not take the troiible to fwear f*9 ;t. Surncthing at th*t mo- \i* : ' *• attention of Mr tout ft z& I tf< took neither refre^btnettt tor sleep that night J but appeared restlefT, (as his unfortunate wife relato) and rolled in bis bead from fide to fide, like one bereft of every earthly enjnynfcuu Morning came—but with it brought no relief to his perturbed boforfi.—Still [taking no food, he went after hrirakfaft I to the field where a number of reaper.- bad met to cut bis grain ; he gave then* fome incoherent directions relative to the harvest, and returned to hi\s houfe. The whole day was fpeht in thoughtful muting, and apparent agony of mind— another night was fpent like the prece ding. In the morning, a fhort time aftei he had left his bed, he was feen running upon all-fours through the door yard, and exclaiming—u John Johnfon (the name of the conllable who attended the trial) and the Bevil are efter me." lie was picked up by fome men who were about thw houfe and fet down on the ftep of the door. In a few minutes, he luddenly ftarted from his feat, and again commenced running upon his hands and feet as before ; and exclaiming moft awful'y—" John Johnfon and the Devil are after me." In this manner he J made his way into a fmall field of corn which ftood op*m to the door yard, and as he ran between the rows of corn, tore up a number of hills by the roots—and whilft thus engaged, and before he could be reached by his purfuers, in the ac3 of tearing up a corn-hill, he fudden- ]y and initanianeoully expired ! ' Reader /beware.—Avoid diifimulation; but admit not a thought of perjury to meet a fecond's entertainment in your bofoms. In a rafh and inconfideratc moment,., this man caft himfelf away, leaving an indelible itafn upon all his connexions, and carrying with him to the grave, an odium which an ocean of tears can never waft from hu name. I The Mrttfml of James Atabrifa of the lfland of Mew PiOvi.ice. ]" ' HumWy fhews as follows-^ Your rr.emorialift's younger} fon Robert Chriftye AimbriHer wan born \ this Colony in the year 1797; he frr. ved as a Midfhipman in His M;LmVs Navy for about four years ; he afterwards obtdined under Admiral Cochrane I Lieutenant's com million in his ftJaieftv^ I late corps of Royal Colonial Mariucs deltined to be employed during ihe |a^ war with the United States of America in which capacity he ferved with Maj^r Nichols in the Florida*, and from thence he returned to New Province, on the cflablifhment of peace .'without havin* been then, or at any time fince 1 From the National Intelligencer of Mon¬ day. An unufual number of Britifh (hips have arrived \\\ the porta of the United States within the laft month. In the port of Norfolk, particularly, there are a great many ; eight or ten having recently entered that harbor from the Weft Indies in one day. The Navigation A & of laft feflion, it will he recollected, provides that, from and after the 30th of September, 1818. the ports of the United State* ma'l b"*clofed again!} vefTels owned by .ritlfh fubj< cV arriving from any colony, the pom of which by the ordinary laws of the country, are clofed againfl vcffcls owned by citizen* of the United States— this piovifion not to be affedled by fuch veffph having touched at a noit which i« open. The law further provides that, ■fter the d;te- the owner or agant of any Bricifh vefTe* loading with the pro¬ duce of rhe United States within our port? (excepf necefTiry fea (lores) fhall give bond not to land them in a Britifh colony or territories not open to our fl*g It has been declared, and wifely decided, byihe comptroller, that this a& cannot be evaded by the eftablifh- j ment of free ports in Nova Scotia or elfewhere ; fo that the objeft of making Halifax a free port, and throwing open the port of St. Lucie, &c. is counter¬ acted. The objeft of the refort of Br'tifh veffeis in fuch numbers to our ports at this moment, it will be feen, i* to take in cargoes and depart before they fhall be precluded by the operation of this law from doing fo. Halifax and St. Johns, Nova Scotia, have been declared free ports, by a Britifh order of council :—that is> American and other vefTels havf? per- miffion to t;;ke thither certain enumerated ajexdes of provisions, &c. on like con¬ ditions as other pot Britain has followed the Spanffh policy,! of excluding all nations from her colo n»al ports, in order to monopolize their ;* ide. The recent order is an ameliora- jfion of the fyftem ; and if we are to *> con¬ firmed to his laft mentioned rank, in any way whatever, by his Majefty^ Govern.. ment. Some fhort time fince, your Memo* rialift's faid Son, when on a vitit to the Floridas, as a paffengerin a fmall rading veffel from thefe Iflands, certainly on this In ft toccafion. without any Military commiflionor appointment <i"any kind which your Memorialing is aware of, wa» (as your .Vlemoiialift with deepell pain, has lately learned by public accounts from different quarters] feized upon at his Catholic Majefty's Fort M. Matki. by a military force from the United States of America ; tried b) a Couit Martial, and condemned to be fhot, on fome pretence of crime not yet k own to your Memorialilt ; adually executed in purluance of his fentence. Aayuur Memorialilt understands, hit fon had noc been on fhore more than l£ days when he was thus fatally prcceedca againft- By the fame public accounts, your Memorial!ft further learns, that Mr. Alexander Arbuthnot, a trader of thii place, who is well known never to ha*e had any connection with military lire* was alfo feized at St- Marks, at the j fame time with your Meraorialift'n fon, and executed in purfuance of a fcntciu* of the fame court martial. Your Memorialift without being able to conjedture what poflible offence either his fon or Mr. Arbuthnot could well have been guilty of within his Catholic MajeuVa dominions, which could accor¬ ding to any known principle of natural law, fabject their lives to forfeiture to this inftance, within the fair jnrifJifl'Ofl of the invading force, refpc&tully repnr- fents, asachara&crirtic aggravation of this apparently fl.igitious mockery of juftice, (fhould the fad prove lo bci ** is rep^efented and believed) that the principal witnefs produced againft tM prifoncra before the extraordinary !«• bunal which claimed the right of bring* ing them to trial, wai an infamy per fon of the nameof Cooke, a ven(|(;C mafler's clerk, who fome time before quitted thefe ilJandi,in conl'equeuce of having robbed his matter, and v»ho was afterwards irnprifoned at St. Marks lor a fimilar offence againft Mr. Aibutauot who had the misfortune to employ },irn in his mercantile concerns there. Your Memorialift then fore trults that your honor, in kind indulgence to the natural feelings and fob'citude of a paient at fo dark and malancholy aa event, as well as from motives of a more important general charadcr, will be plea fed to lay this (tatement before his Majefty'fl Government ; vour Memorial. lift humbly but anxii.Ay hoping that your honor's communication may lead to an enquiry of high authority which your Memorialift confidently believes muft redeem the memory of his fon from all juft imputation of difhouor, and (your Memorialift begs he may be txcuied for adding) the Britifh character alfo, from thoie fabricated tales and foul af;>er. J lions with which the public ear is ..bu'fed, particularly in the U. S. of America, s they enter Liverpool and' ul1 J,l(lihcation of thc above mentioned t< iu Great Britain.—Great || fa?8»«na«7 meafnres of their prefent military commanders. Your Memorialifts will ever pray, &c. (Signed) James Armdiistek. Naffau, 2yth June, 1818. uW o \ m [and before he ag in hxr l h -y- u | [credit a fpeech afcribed to Caftlereagh, ddfendajii he haH Hept \^ . .. I i'-te fame libcrab'ty may ere long be ex- joneed" the majfittrsm 1 -, j JUnded to her colonies in the Indies. jcorner ofthcrou^',;::)^ r.: ;. .;. , jH^lordfhip infills on the policy of the "" lU'M'verfal freedom of commerce—of per- [mitttng to foreigners a participation in trade on the fame fooring as Britifh (Mjcta, This principle, if carried into jgeneral or aft ice by commercial nations, j would 'loft benefit thofe who enjoy the had he Itoratd ^bour to inform Mt.\ :f*%fce* flltr? °fm**g*&>* t COlrfecpent- iStOiM offiift- fectfie&fii! attempt ro com 'y V1 Britain and the United States j .would be the seated gainers by its i nniverfal adoption. I mod lolemn m 1 ne.- 1 xht ^ c KJf the moiiry, of wide; ; • -j eoiatciy informed Mr. ;t. ut Until thi avvfii-l .e- >cS, the defendant 1 had retained hi* ui»ial appearance »f bea'th n J v?g. u*r ; bin a-a- ! so footer j ; w 11 u \,\" V ?"UrT*"y fWiV"limit the heir. eriMTie of perjury, than a Willi.-,m HouuiWi, J«miii 1I1 banrti, Jaino11 - r ■'* j ili.lo. WHUaio In id*. .Ma ia • ■'. J01 iw>n. Robcr! J< i.'.;o.i, \-a' 11 John K.. iftiro^'i Na.anu '■ *M ;r..an Kiiti;. ' ami- Lap*indrwr. A.r*. la:..' > * I su»gi 1 . .'»•' ' 1; ' - 1 " Lumh i?ce, \ o I ' !J .1 F ,$ I'le gtt mu ivfike—.Standard !<<,«* j*. tijc batuc oj ttliiyT— 1 v.,..,ai, 1,:, rv r% |,(. . , ! I ••.-. '" ^ eAll, •. • y- \.( -, , , h£ !' e'»- 1 II -11 II Vlli i'V, W |. jdcihlik .^ttuc-JS wis viiible in hU 'col tenure —th" people in the room [fimtdi '-e iifly remarked, with alunifli ^••-ni. e changS* 10 mftantaneouilv ef- |fr;".d 1.1 hi8 :ii'p:arance Mr. Stout I r .If, umarke-d, when relating thecir ciii' ll.11 res to i|j." wrilei, ehl the ■ Alb. Ars. O 1 1 »..*!., by JJOB OHORT From a London paper. The foP wine r.*mortal in relation to (therrcenrexecution «f two Englifhmeo I [ArfathnMzM Armhrifler) by the \- he had j}m**rivan army fn Kalt Fl .rid... will be ** a nan already tw, ..f.^ u,' ,, Jnter€fl J. ,'. a.vhefTed bv the d.^dea.i.-J^gme't^ rm^d f. p ifl,*.^^,, p. c thc / % Utty cn.is. and Fbr ret| ed from the ...ne l< ti. C, v . , ofvh Bahama, F r 11 gud. l;.,iur^che;1:u!,.uat,. , , a(! a ,., y ■ f|ii ^,wi«, we ^re iudd red ' 'W fca^tn. 1 p]" aiaucc >;oh.. ..rnhii Ti ar.\f • A . wjj-nm uui wrr-^"*» 'Wftiyawi 1 ai' ,a r(.| y • im < r^iiriff1 we m ml 1 l" From the Montreal Herald, OSober 3. On Saturday laft, at 1 P. M. a df. putation of the citizens of Montreal, waited on His Grace the Duke of Richmond, with the following Addrc-f*; j TO His Grace the Duke of Richmond, Knight of the moft Noble Order of the Garter, Captain General and Governor in Chief in and over the Provinces of Lower Canada, Upper Canada, Nova Scotia, New iJrunfwick, and their fcvtral dependencies, Vice Admiral of the fame, General and Commander of His Majefty'a Forces in the laid Provinces of Lower Cana¬ da and Upper Canada, Nova Scotia and New Bruufwiek, and their lev- era! dependences, and in the (fluids of Newfoundland, Prince Fdward, Cape lireton and Bermuda, &c. &c. <5cc. May it plrafe vour Grace* WT-\ Ris Maiefty'H loyal and dutiful [jfnhjecV, rhe Inhabitant* of Montreal, ppmach your Grace* and re co;igrati>