Kingston Gazette, October 13, 1818, page 1

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[TUESDAY, OCTOBER 13, 1818] [VOLUME VIII •No. 20.] * *_ f • . Kingston, Upper Canada—Printed Agts Published by STEPHEN MILES.—Price Four Dollars per Annu m—Exclusive of Postage. t»r «**» - v^rzrrx&isunwxiix •w Agents for the Kingston Gazette Ernest Town, J A MKS RANKIN, Esq. Vork, WILLIAM ALLAN, Esq, BrockvilIe,A. SHERWOOD, Esq. Bellville, 9. M'NABB, Esq. Montreal, N. MOWER, Printer. Sophiasbur^h; Mr. SAMUEL SOLMES. NEW Druggist, Paint and Stationary STORE, PALMER, rcfpeafully in <* forms his friends and the public generally, that he has recently opened, for fale, near the Market place, a choice and well iele&ed a (Tort me nc of N Drugs, Paints, k tkc which he will difpofe of at very reduced prices^ among which are the following arttcifes, viz. Alrhohoi, Aloes Sue, Alum, Annattoopt; Antimony crud Aq. FortU L>up0 Argent. Vivuul Arrow Root Arsenic Bori* Camphor Cantharidlee Cassia Cinnamon Cloves Copperas Cream Tartar Conserves Elix.Vi'riol .... Paragoric Emp. Diachelori Ess. Burgamot .... Lemon .... Peppermint Flor. Chamcem. .... Stilph. Fol. Digitales .... Sennoe Gum. Ammon. ♦ ... Arabic • ... As-afoHid, •... Copal .... Guaiac Lac Shell , Mvrtii Lytharge Liq. L:\uilnum ___Blacking Lozenges Mace Magnesia Manna Flak Merc. Corros. SubVim. Prnecipit. Alb. .... Rubr. Musk Nutmegs Ol. Am>pd. Dulc- ....Annisi. ___Carui ... .Tinnam© b... Clove" .... Peppermint ....Olive ___Ricnii. OL Vitriol Opium O ran go Peel Pi era . * « . * * - • • • - ' ■ ■ . * ♦ • • • Petrol. B&5. Poland Starch Pearl A-h Peruv. Bark Rat-ins Muscatel Rad. Col umbo ,... Curcuma? Dianshos Gentiance ... Gljcvvrh. ... Hellebozi alb. ... Jalap .. Rhei i. .Sup. Virg. tSenekau Sacc. Saturn. Sugar Caddies Sago Sal. Ant moo. Glauber Rochcl Salt Petre Sap6. Cnstil |___Windsor j .... Common 5 Sem. Aunisi ... .Cauii ___Coriander Sp. Cornu. Cervi. ___Nitri Dulc. Sponge assorted Suec. Liquorice refi'd. Sulpher in rolls Tamarinds rfWivur WmHic Vitriol Alb. ___Blue Winter Bark Male Syringes Court Pfasti*r Gmit'iVs Cordial Auderson's Pills Coil's do. Aromatic Vinegar Macohoy Snufl'opt, Lady's twist Tobacco Paper do, Bri:i^h Oil Harlem do. Leo's Bilious Pills Steers' Opodeldoc Ginger & Spruce Beer Soda Water Tuiliugton'a Balsom Rose vVa'.cr in pint* Tooth Powder Ointment for the Itch Mercurial Ointment. rocco ft eel fpringed Money PnrfeS ;| Profile Frames guilt, clothes, hair and Tooth Brufhes ; Playing caids, corn Brooms ; an cligant nfibrtment of Paper hangings, Englifh fole Leathers &c. k.C. Sic. Kingston, September '^t%, l 8 i 8. I§if io DOLL \RS REWARD. WHEREAS a Hotfe, the pro-l perty of the fubferiber was found i}e/vd in the field's of the widow Ryder, on or about the 23d isft. fuppofed to be (hot, a ball having entered the breaft, and fcveral (hots in other parts ; the above rewai d will be given to any perfm [ wr>o will give information, fo that the I pcrfon or perfona offending can be brought, rojuftice. EFftlRAlM BLANCHARD. N B. St raved from the fubferiber about ten or twelve day*- ago, a two yesta A-A Heifer, the brufh of her tail cur fquare off.—A generous reward will be given to whoever wil' return her, or give information where (he may be found. £» Blanchard. Kingfton, Sept 2$th, 1818. 18 — A Farm FOR SALE, LEASANTLY fituated on the more bf the bay of Quinte, and immediately oppofite the Upper Gap— being the Eatl half of Lot No- 18 in the firft conceflion bf Frederickfburgh.— About 40 acres are under improvement, well fenced, and a new frame Houfe, with a good celler on the premifes. The above farm will be fold together With a pair of ftrong w rk Horfcs, a Waggon and Farming utentils. Application td be made to the Prin¬ ter. July 27 9- Joseph Scott, bVitOEON, %«. %«. HAS received by the late arrivals, a frefh fupply of DRUGS and CHEMICALS . Confiding of the following articles. Genuine Alcohol or fpirits of Wine, Concentrated Vitriolic Acid, Barclay's Biloius Pills, Barclay's Aromatic fpts of Vinegar, Crude Tartar, Red Lead, Vermillion, Shell Lac, Oil, Turoentine, Epfom Salts, Mace, Cloves and Cinnamon, Sal Ammoniac, Arfcnic and Borax, for faldering, Kingston, Aug, 2 [ft, 1818. 13 N. B. Soda Powders. ALSO, Raw and boiled Oi- and Paints of al- moft every kind, viz. King'? Yeliow Prussian Blue Vermilian Umber patent Yellow Gold Leaf Spirits Turpentine Verdigis Glue Copal Varnish opt. Yellow Ocre Spanish White .....xftrown Red Lead White do. Lamp Black Putty Paint Brushes. —-• ALSO, Perfumeries, School Books, Stationary, and Dye Woods, VIZ : Odoriferous Honey Water, for clean- ing, thickening, and preventing the hair turning grey, | Bed double diftilled Lavender Water, Improved Milk of Rofes, highly cel¬ ebrated for its agreeable quality of clea¬ ring, cleanfing and foftening the (kin. Antique, Jeflamine and Rofe Oils, for the hair ; fweet fcented Jamaica Pomatum, &c. &c. 1 Edinburgh new Difpenfatory, Bu- chan's improved domeftic Medicine, Children's Toy Books, Murray's Intro- dudion to, and Englim Reader, Mor- fes and Key ; with blank Writing books, with Numeration, Addi¬ tion, and Multiplication Tables ; blank Books, Wrapping Paper ? Murray's an* Weblter's Spelling books, New-York and Philadelphia Primmers, Qnilla, Ink Powders red and black, do Stands, Wafers, Penknives, Whetftones, India Rubber, Slates Lead Pencils, &c. Logwood Nicaiagua, Fuftic, fcgar cafes, fr.uff and Tobacco boxes, Razors, Ctfcs and bo*ei, Podtci b*>k* *nd m°-1 Edward Jones, BEGS leave mod refpedfully to in¬ form his friends and the public 1 in general, that he ha6 juft received an elegant affortment of DRY & FANCY GOODS, Cot.fitting partly of the following arti¬ cles, viz : Superfine Weft of England Cloths and Caffimercs, of the moft fafhionable colors. lriili Linens, Britifh Shirting, Linen and Cotton Cambrics, Corded Cambric, Lenos and Muflins, jaconet and Mull Muflins, Fancy Muflin Handkerchiefs, Bandsulna and Barcalona do. Fine Ging¬ hams, Black and colored Silks, Silk and Cotton Shawls and fcarfs, Fine corded Dimities, White Jane, white and buff Marfeils Quilting, Black Florentine, fine Undreffed Calicoes, Bombazettes and Bombazines of all Colors, Linen Diaper and Huckabuck, white and Col¬ oured Flannels, Ruffia Sheeting and Of- naburg. A well chofen affortment of Thread and Laces and Ribbons, Straw Bonnets, Ladies Tortife (hell Combs, Cambric and lace Footings, and a number bf arti¬ cles, too numerous to inlert. 4 Crate* of Blue CROCKERY War,. Education. - T 15 o o o 5 10 o o o HE Lanaaftcrian School being dis¬ continued, R JOHNSTON, late Teacher of that elUblilhmerit, propofee opening a School at his prefent refidence, on Monday the iift inll. in which will be taught j on the following terms. Reading, per Qr. o Reading, Writing, and Aiithmetic, Englifh Grammar inclutlcd, I With Geography, 1 French, 2 Needlework included in the above terms ; in the different branches of which the young Ladies will be fuperintended by Mrs. Johnfton, in a feparate apart¬ ment. A few young Gentlemen may be ac¬ commodated on reafonable terms. Kingston, Sept. 19, 1818. 17 Evening' School. AN Evening School will be opened as abeve, on Monday the 5 th of A WANTED, Man and two maid Servants, one to a& in the Capacity of Cook and Houfe Maid, the other as Houfe and Lady's Maid. A married couple, without any family, of good character, will anfwer, good wages will be given.— Enquire at the Printing office. Kingfton, Sept. 14th 1818. 16 F OR SALE. O&ober. 19 20/" pr. do. EDUCATION. MRS. HILL, moft refpeafnlly in¬ forms the inhabitants of Kings¬ ton, and its vicini'y. that (he has taken the houfe ktely occupied by Meffrs. Johns & Finkk, where die intends com¬ mencing a BOAKDINGand DAY Si- HOOL for young Ladies, on Tuef- day the 22nd inft. and hopes, from the attention weich {he will pay to the im provemem, morals and comfort of htr Pupils, to merit the approbation of the parents who will tntruft their children her ears She wil'I teach Reading, Wri¬ ting, Aiithmetic, Grammar, and Geo¬ graphy, with plain and fancy Needle¬ work. Embroidery will alfo be at the option of the parents, under the follow¬ ing terms, vij. Small children, reading only, ic/prQ^ Reading, Writing, and plain Needlework", Grammar, Arithmetic, Geography, a^d Fancy ^ 30/pr. ho. Needlework, Embroidery, extr-4 1 c/pr. do. Mrs. Hill will take boarders* at the moft moderate term%. Kingston, 1 Zib Sept. 1818. 17<tvf> CHEAP LANDS for Sale. TO be fold 041 reafonable terms. Lot No. 6, on the Carrying! Place, townftiip of Murray, containing 100 acres 25 of which are under im provement. with a g^od houfe. and well fenced —Alfo Lot No. 89, in the 3d conceflion of Amelia,(burgh, containing 200 acre?.—Fot tprms, apply to the Printing Office Kingfton, or to the Subfcriber, at the Carrying Place. Rl'FUSWELLS. Carrying Place, Sfpt. 5th, 1818. 16 TO LET, Apart of the Dwelling Houfe and premifes occupied by the fubferi- ber. and pofTession g(Ven about the mid die of October next. JOHN FERGUSON Kingston, 14M &#, lglg. 16 ON Reafonable Terms, a farm Containing 180 acres of Land fituated in the fixth Town, of which 140 acres arc under Improvement, for further Particular inquire of the printer. Kingfton, 14th Sept. 1818. 16 ADVERTISEMENT. ti& fubferiber refpectfully informs the inhabitants of the Town and 1 1 Townftiip of Kingfton, the townfhip of j | Pitt/burgh and Wolf lfiar-d, that he has purchafed the POTASH WORK Lately occupied by Mr. A. N^c^tie*- Ion, in the vicinity of this town ; whete he will rec^ve good House Ashes, \t the rate of ieven pence H. Cy. per Biifhel, when delivered at the Works, and fix pence when collected in town ; the Afhes to be paid for in Merchan¬ dize. A Sleigh or Cart is to be fent round Town to colled the Afhes once a week, or oftener if necefiary. ' Houfeholders, &c. will do well to fave the!* Afhes, as the quantity made in one houfe will amount to a confidcrable fum in the courfe of a year. L. NORTON. Kingston 1st Aug. 1818. N. B. Care fhould be taken to keep the Afhes dry and clean, as none but what is of a good quality can be receiv¬ ed, iotf Mr. THOMAS HARRIS, I Tl" ATE Teacher m one oT ine moft I J_J refpe&able Schools at Quebec, for the fpace of two years, has opened a SCHOOL, in which will be taught on the following terms. £ *. Reading, por Quarter, 0 : 15 Reading, Writing and Arithmetic, 1 : 0 English Grammar included, I t 5 With (Vograufty, ^ 1 : 10 Miv Harris refpectfully informs the public, that he has removed his School from the houfe occupied by Mr. Uobt. Johnfton, to the houfe lately occupied by Mr. Picord, now the refidence of Mr. liarkes. Sbft, Z2. 17 Five Dollars Reward. RUNAWAY from the fubferiber 1 on the night of the 30th Septem¬ ber, JOHN WHITE, an indented api prentice to me, aged fixteen, is fhort and (lout built, fay four feet fix or feven inches high, pock marked, had on when he went away a black round jacket and fuftian trowfers. Alfo, faid J. White took with him, a fmall boy by the name of John Myer Blunt, aged about feven years, is frefh faced, has large eyes, had on large ribbed corduroy trowfers, a new wool hat, is very light uf his age, when he walks his toes turn in a little. Al¬ fo, on the afternoon of October 2d, J<i- nas Corridor, a boy about feven or eight years of age, freckled in face, very [lout bu/it, had on an old ftriped flannel (hirt, brown flannel trowfers, a black cioth round jacket—All the above boys have other clothes with them. Any per ion that will return the above Boys to their mafter, or lodge them in any jail in this, Johnftown, or Newcaftle Diftri6t.s» and give the fubferiber proper notice of it, fhall be entitled to the above reward, or Four Dollars will be paid for John White alone, Two Dollars for J. M. Blunt alone, Six pence for Jamea Corriltor, and any reafonable charge! paid. MOSES CARNAHAN. Adolphustotun. 08ober 4, 1318. The above unfortunate Boys have had no caufe whatever for what they have done, and I muft obferve what is moft aftonifhing, thefr behaviour for the whole feafon has been GOOD, and not the fmalleft difaffe&ion is known to have exifted.—If the faid Boys will tmmaSm attly return to their duty, all will be-' well. 19(2 M. C. ■ •- PROPOSALS WV ILL be received by !Vfr. j George Ham, of T\rneft Town, between this time and the firft day of November next, for the EredipQ of a CHAPEL in the village of Erneft Town. The lizx v-s'riercof i« to \>e 42 feet l«,ng ai»4 32 wide. A Gallery is to be cre&ed, and a more perticular description wtU be given to any one defirous of engaging in the undertaking, on application to Mr. George Ham. Eruefttown, Sept. 26:h, 1818. l8wj , GROCERIES, Jamaica Spirits,Brandy, Holland Gin, Port and other Wines, Peppermint and Shrub, Hyfon and Twankey Teas, double and Single refined Sugars, Muf- covado do. Spermaceti, Mould and dipt Candles, Soap, Starch and Fig Blue, &c. &c. &c. All of which will be fold for Cafh or approved credit. Kingston, i(fh4%* 1818. so I Twenty Dollars Reward, THE above reward will be given by the fubferiber, to any perfon that will apprehtnd Alpfous Hashins, and fe- cure or confine him in any jail in the Province of Upper ( anada, fo that he can be brought to juftice, for paffing forged Bills on the Bank of Niagara. Said Hafkins is about fivc feet feven or nine inches in height, fl|m built, light h«iir, light eyes, and l,*ght complexion, a- bout 22 or 23 years bf age ; one or two of his front teeth out ^n the upper part of his mouth, and other^ affefcted. ABRAM c. CANNIFF. Kingston, Sept. 1 $, ^iS. i7P5& Kingston Hotel. ROBERT WALKER, returns his fincere anj grateful acknowl¬ edgments to his ftieJUj, and the public in general, for their fiberal fupport dur¬ ing the laft eightecn yeaf3) and takes this opportunity of acquainting them, he ftill continues to i-ceo the above ele gant Eftabliftiment, v?riere travellers and families can be accoa)m0(jatc(j w;th fep^ aratc rooms, and ever^ attention paid. Kingston, Sept. 22, l^Ig, jj FOR SALE, j r"|lH AT valuable FAR M fituate on Jl the Bay of Qu'nty, hounded on the weft by Col. Wm. Johnlon, and on the eaft by Mr. booth, at the convenient diftance of nine miles from Kingston, containing by admeafurement three hundred acres, and about feventy acres cleared, all completely new fenced this fpnng, befides about fix thoufand i\ails on the premifes. A new Barn has been ere&ed, fifty fix by thirty fix, fet upon a (lone foundation about fix feet and a half high in the front, intended for fta- bleing underneath* About fifty acres of the ground was ploughed up this fpring, (for the firft time this twenty years) and fown with Pea3, Potatoes, Corn, &c. &c. which, if ploughed up this fall, will be in conrplete order for Barley next fpring. The whole of the Stock and Utenfik may be had with the premifes, together with the beft collection of Fruit Trees ever impor cd into thi.i country, direfl from London, confifting of fifty fix kinds of Goofeberries, Pairs, Plumb?, Cherries, Apples of their various kinds. A catalogue of the Stock, Utenfils, and Fruit Trees, may be leen at the Printing Office, and at the refidence of the own¬ er, on the premifes, and terms made known. J. C. WILSON. 18 THE SUBSCRIBER EGS leave to tpform his friends and the public generally, that he has received and now offeis for fale, an extenfive affortment of Double and Sin^fe STOVE. of new and elegant patterns, which he will difpofe of very low for cafh. J. WATKINS. Kingston, Sept 28,1818. 18 TO LET, AND pofleflinn given the 5th of November next, the whole or any part of that houfe in front of the Market, at prefent occupied by Charlec Dawfon, Auctioneer, and others. For particulary, apply at the Office of C. A. Hagerman, Efq. or to John Duncana who will fhow the houfe. Kingfton, Sept. 29th, iflr.8. i8w5 THE SUBSCRIBER " TQ ESPKCTFULLY informs hit JtlL fri' T HE fubferibers offer for lale, hundred bufhels of Barley. JAS. RANKEN&Co. Ernest Town, 29//; *fune, 1818. 8// BLANK BAIL BONDS, Yqv sale it this Offi«c. iend1^ and the public, that he has removed his FURNACE utenfils from Camden, to the houfe formerly occupied by Benjamin Booth for that purpofe, in the front of Erneft Town, 16 mile* from Kingfton ; where all bufirefs irj his line will be done, as ufual, at the (hortcft notice, with this only exception, that all work muft be paid for on delive* JOSEPH H. SMITH, N. B. All orders in the above line may be left with John Fifk, Kingfton. Ernest Town, August 25, 1818 I3tf _ ____________________________■ NOTICE. THE partnership exifting between the fubferibers, undcv the firm of Del'tfle and Winfi*w, was this day diflbl- ved by mutual content. All demands ^ gain ft faid firm \yill be fettled by .Mr. >enjamin Dcliffe, to whom payment will be made of all debts due faid firm. •ii^ned, B.DE LISLE, J. F. W. WINSLOW. ■7 J. Piftki ftb SefUmUr, ibid, *■ - - -

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