This day is lislied, pub i TRANSACTIONS Of T*!F. V2PBR cj\j»:4\ coNrmnon*. jfiJESDS tO BNQOIUT; to MT* I'PIU''VE SI UTl A^-D, Si c. X e. -\-'. the G.\2EtfE or- j^lGR any turna of years not excee^- S_ in Fifteen, on the molt reafohs- ble tei ma—That well known valuable (bod in ihe public line, fituate on the point at Gananoqua, and recently occu- j pied by Seth Downs, together with the Home, Barn, Stables, fee—For fur¬ ther particulars apply to the fubferiber. JOEL oTONE. Gananoqua Jan.<§, 18 J 3- 33{/ j it To be had FICE, an.J Stores in Town 5c country, pr. ce i j SS, NOTICE. BLANK Sum monies Subpoenas and Executions, for the COURT OF REQUESTS, THERE A S; by the M Will;., , For Sale at this Office, Store & Mills. V\V and TelUment of the falelj GAN^NCQUA RICHARD PATTlNSOftt, Efq in j fcs life Lime .-f Sandwich, in the province J of Upper Canada, Robert GiMpiej I j Jhffj ^ RLES McDONA I.D having Wf^taA Giikifoii.and George Moffatt, |, |^ , u^ hjs broihr. >A« Afo/W Mt jointly and leverally, appointed ^ .RtQ partneirhip .the buiinefs in fu- fiduciary Legatees of his Eftate, and] ture will bc eonauctcC] under the firm of FOR SALE* ■ TJHE fffft half of tot number 5, on the i;M:th tide of fouth or Prince Edward's B^y, \n the town (hip «*f Maryfljurgh, containing one hundred acres, Said Lot is well timbered, and fettlemenu on each fide, which renders it well worth the attention of thofe who wifh to pUrchafe—Enquire of the Printer. June 16, 1818. tfj Valuable Lands* FOR (ale by the fubferiber Lot No. 18 and 19, in the tenth CoiiceiTion, and half Lot N". 18, in the 6th con- cefiion, of the Towi fhfo of Piercy. Ap¬ ply to JOHN BURNETT. o Executors of faid Will. I do hereby requeft all perfons having claims upon faid Eftate, to prefent the} fame to me, duly autheuticated, for j indebted i payment; and all perious thereto, are required to ray to me the amount of their refpeili'-e accounts. I Debts due to faid Eftate in the! province of Upper Canada or in the United States, bordering thereon, may j • i C & j. McDonald, Who keep for fete a genera! aflbrt ment of DllY GOODS, GROCERIES HARDWARE, CROCKERY. Jllfl for be paid to George Jacob, Efq. of Sand- j. aiKj moft a).tjC:es squired for at a Coi vifh. John \fkin, and James Gordon.;.; try §t0Tej which thev offer low : Efq-&, -f Amherftburg, or to either of |Cafh,Saw Logs,Square Timber,Slav ihem, Wey being duly anthonzed to j potafbes, and zftoft kinds of country receive the fame and grant acquittances Produce. They have a good G'ift- and Saw Kingston. May gtk. 1818. 5ot BEER. TTUST received at the Store of S. <til Bartlct, aconfignment of 94 bar rels of Beer, of a fuperior quality, for fale for cam. May 5, iS 18 49 Books o G. MOFF^TT. Montreal, 20vh March, 181 8. 44yt F tJJ&LsL. SMI FH k BU iTERWORTH, I J ■ t U K N their fincere thanks to \j their frjend? and the public in ge ftera , for the liberal encouragement that $t«sy have received fince they re com¬ menced the Hatting Bujir/ejl. They have m. extcufive affortment of Ladies aud Children's BON-j NETS, Mill in full operation—can Manufact uie FLOUR, uqnal to any Mill in the Province ; they will fupply orders for Sawed timber of almoll any defcription at fhort Notice. c. & j. Mcdonald. Gananoqua, Jan. 10, 18 1 8. 33//" Allthoft indebted toCharlss McDon- jald, whofe accounts have become 'due, ire requefted to to make immedi¬ ate payment. <$• Tracts, F various defcriptions, can be had at t hi- Office ; where accefs may ^llo be had ro a frr.all Circulating YA- 6rary, on reafonuhie terms. June \0- 1818. BOOT "SHOE and LEATHER QiapeSv Gentlemen's Beaver & fine THE SUBSCRIBER, f Various Colors and i]T5>EGS bave u> inform his friends & _I_i# the public generally, that he ha' removed fiom bin former it.n?■ d to the ; fhop lately occupied by Jonas A.bbol &. [Co. neai the Market Pfnce where he 1 has now on hand, a general aflbrtmeut of CaUorH VI'S, ^ I.Vkewife, JCnapt anti Wool VTlnch thev wi"l fell very iow fer Caih or approved credit. Produce taken in payment, Jan 2. For Sale VATE CONTR kCT. V Juab e Freehold Eflate, con- h'ftinjf ofaGrilt and Saw -,jill,| a j«ood Dwelling Houfe, out houfes, S:c. t. gethet vvitl! about two acre- of J and, fil-tated .immediately in the vicinity of j BelJvtile, Bay of QuinttfU.Canada, and I c<v nands as much bufinefa or more j thnv any other Mills upon the Stream ftud »tow undn Hent for about One Tn« '.-ten-' Dollars per. Annum; the dwe'1:':•••g- Mouie is well calculated for Public BnfiuePi : many othei advanta- ge; ar • attaciied to the Ptemilcs to<> hu- I One half of the Hardware* Cutlery, &e. « Which he will fell on the moft moderate terms. To let, the fliop lately occupied bv the fubferiber, and poflefTion given im mediately. SAMUEL SHAW. Fiirlgston% $th Jan. f 8 1 S. WILLIAMS & Co. atthe Sign of the GOLD'-.N LAS! ftofe ftrect, RefpeAfully inform the inhabitants of Kingfton, and its vicinity, that they ftill continue their Boot and Shoe Manufactory where they keep eonftantly 1. hand, a large affortment of Lady's and Gentlemen's Boots and Shoes ot every defcription. Likewife, a fupply of good Sole and (Tppcr Leather, of all kinds. heir prcfent affortment is much more complete, than they have hitherto had. Kingfton, Jirae 7.3 t«f8. ^tf BA NK of Upper Canad JjOOKSwrll be opened at Moor's J> Coffee Houfe, on Thurfday, the 16th inft. to receive Subfcriptions to the Sank of Upper Canada, and wf remain open from day to day, from I to Z o'clock of each day, under the fu- perintendance of a Committee appointed for that purpofe, until the whole of faid flock fliall have been fubferibed for. Kingston,, July r^, iSiB 7 Notice. LL perfons indebted to tf:e Eftate of the late James Cufnming, late of Haliowell, deceafed, are requefted to call without delay, and fettle the fame with Mr. James McGregor, now in charge of the eftablifhment, at Hallow- ell bridge ;—and thofe who have claims againft the faid eftate, are defired to prefent them for adjuftrqpnt. The flock in Trade of the deceafed, confiding of a very complete affortment llUi_l,lul„ullutull„„UIi »«.*„.»«.* of Goods well laid in, and very fuitablel j ™ Shirting, Steem Loom wrn,X to the Country, is now felling off at pri- - * ces fo low, as will defervedly claim the attention of the public, Caih or Country produce will be tak- iripBE Subkrrbora refpecWJy ?n. ] il_ fi>rm the public that they hav* removed to the Store lately occupied by Meffrs Johns and Finklc, and have re. ceived of the late importations, and of* fer for Sale, a good and well fele&elA affortment of y DRY AND FANCY G O OJDS, adapted to the feafon, confiding partly of the following articles, viz. Black. Blue, Grey, and Brown Su. perfine and fecond Cloths, White and coloured Flannels, aflbrted Angle and double milled woollen Kerfeymeres, La¬ dies Peliece Cloths of different colours, Velvets, Corduroys, corded Ketfey, meres, and Princes Cord, Cotton Ker- feymere, Fuftians, Janes, Metfeills, Dp mimtties and Nankeens; Rufli^ duck, Brown Holland, Imitation Sheetings and coarfe Canvafs, Plain and figured Bombazetts aflbrted colonrs, White and coloured Cambricks, plain and figured Jackonets and book Mnflins, fuper- firie Prints and common Calicoes, Cot- en in payment, and a credit or 6 month* given to refponfible Farmers, or others. JOHN GUMMING,!^ WM. MITCHELL, j r'xcculor^ Kingston, 08 2 7. 1817. 32 Blank Summonses and EXECUTIONS, For the District Courts, for £a?e ar this Office. To Let, ■ .4 NDpoffeffion given the fir ft of May i JljL next, a number of rooms in the line Barracks. March 13. 42 32 For Sa 5 at thi* Office, A READY RECKONER, Shewing the value of Grains of various Gold Com, ? current in the Province of Upper Cana da. FERtJtJSON'S Improved Table of the value of Grain;, &berou4 to deferibe^ ptnvi.a;- Money would be expected to j of Gold Coin>fl ?er or ander weight. be paid dnwrft, the other half by indal-jj -------------»——«_____________. ments ufsix twelve and eighteen months, fecwred by bou:i nud Moitgage upon the pre mi ft >. An indifputablc title will be | |ir> Y th given. " (| im of J Such a property is fcldom to be met uHKRRY Boards and Hank, attention of Fo r the fuhfciibcr. (2 doors Nortf f J'»hn C uniiTiiiiL'o Elq j vcith and II well worth th^ ani gen tie man fond of Mills and Ma* chinery. A quantity of To«.Q Lots upon tlic hank pf the "ItivrT Moiva in BellviUef a pH» ftjft incrcriir.^ in cvn-naiercc and population ; terms of payntenl maJ^ ea- fy. Enqnire of Srni'fi Rnrtlct, L(qr. Krar^on, or Thomas Coleman, i£lq« BeiNilte. ■ Belhille^d 4u%. 18 iH, 10 18 inch Shingle?, and Cord Wood. JOHN TUTTLE. Kingston, ^a/j May, 1818. • -■ riflH ,;. iubicriber begs leave to inform il r.i-; lY'ciu* and the public, ttiat he hrts commenced the .. ; 'HWi BUSINESS, in the Market Place, oppofite to Mr. X) '.ma] brown's, where every attention wili b< paid ;o thofe who may favour him with ihcir commands. Hl( HAKL MOIiAN. Auctions every day at eleven o'clock. June 22. 4 ~~ TO iffl* AND immediate pofkffion given, that large ami convenient Houfe, wi li a ocMPpletc MtTchant Shop Wave Huufeancl^o' houfca,. and an excellent Gardttt, iia".-:iug in the m :il public pl-i.e i : 1 lii Village of Bellvi!le, tronts- rr.'j ii^jiue. Watci and bridge Streets. Fo 1 art»ctdar«i auplv to the fubferiber in tue • owuflitp of Riciimond. ANURKW \LIMM rjlHEfubfenber lefpeclfnlly informs ■- his friends and the public, that he has received a new fnppply of GOODS, V.'ontreal, well adapted to the fea- From ? fon. T' ofe who may favour him with their cuflom may rely upon it, [hall have them on the molt realonable terms, eith¬ er at private fale or public Auction, for Cam. MICHAEL MORAN. Kingston, July 5U, 1818, 8 TO LET, THE Dwelling U< ufe and Shop next dnortoT Markland, Efq lately oeeaped »y Mr. A. ^VPhcrfon. For further particular! application may be made to the fubferiber. Win. MITCHELL, Kingston, Aug< 3. 1 ctf For Sale* TMIAT Elegant farm No. 8, firfl Conceffion townlhip of Fredericks burgh, 28 miks from Kingfton, (containing ZOO Acres,) formerly oc¬ cupied by Colonel Spencer, and known by fhe name of the Manlion Houfe. 1» contains about 50 acres ofJand undci improvement, an elegant frame houfe 2 jflory high with 2 barns and other build¬ ings. Perions defirous of purchafing may enquire of the Subfcribei on the premifie&, j or to D fiagerman Efq. at Bath. JOSEPH BERGERON. Frcderickfbuigh, •ept. 8th, 18 18 15 EFT, through miflake, on brard he Steam Boat Charlotte,at Gan- anoqae, on her vvny up, on Saturday the |i5'hinft a bine xURTOUT COAT, lined with black bombazette and trim¬ med with filk Twiit, barrel buttons.— The Coat had been worn fome. It muft have been taken out with fome of the Baggage ar Kingllon, as it was not on board Sunday morning. The fub fctiber will be thankful to any per fon who may have faid Coat in poffeflion through miftakfi to give information to the fubferiber, at Gananoque, or to the Captain on board the Steam Boat, where it may be had. EPH. WEBSTER. Gananoque, Aug* 19, 1818. ,14 Just published ; To be had at this office, and Stores through the Province, Mr. eOURLAY's Enquire of H. EARL. s J, A Card. njlHE fubferiber informs the Merch -IL ants and Traders of Upper Cana¬ da and State of New York, that he has commenced bufmefa in this City, as a General Agent and Con nnfiion Merch ant—Any bufineiR entrufted to his care will meet with diligent attention. BENJAMIN tf iRTi Montreal, \oib May, 18 i 8 5 in-6 Notice. THE fiibfcribtr refpcafnlly infoim? the public, that he intends to con¬ tinue the Boating buftnefs this feafon ; therefore, if ^ny perfons wifhes to tranf- port Plank, Boards, Brick, Lime, Hand, j&c. &c. he offers them his fervices__ Apply at Mr. John Dawfm'a, Kingfton. WILLIAM YEREX. April 13, tSi8. a£. Executive Council Office, York, 22d July, 1818. OTICE is hereby given to _ . CHR1ST0PHERTH0MS0N, j or his Rcpreientative, by order of His j Honor the Adminillrator in Council, to make good any pretention to the Well [half of Lot number Seventeen in the filth cofieeiS'HJ, on the Napane River, jin the Townfhip of Fredtrickfburgh^ within Six months from this date, or the I fame will be thrown open to other appli- ' cants. JOHN SMALL, iimfS c. E.G. N x_^ 1 Blank Deeds and Memorials) For fale at \ his Office. €2*'o Aug. l9l& 1MERLY. 12tf Boards of Plank. nj^H REE quarter and ! inch Boards, -JL and one and a half and two inch Piank, for fale i,y the fubferiber. Wm. stoughton Kingfton, July 13, ibi8. ytf TO THE JURY, on his trial att Kuigstoii Assizes. ALSO, His NARRATIVE, and the TMA,rVSACTlONS OF THE COfcVKJNTlON OF FRIEND* TO ENQUIRY; rg'.HE fubferiber return? his thanks to JL his friends and the public for their pah1 favors in his line of INSPECT¬ ING, and inform? them he has fitted up a convenient place in the Cellar of his new tlore, with all the neceffary appen¬ dages, for the pnrpofe of Infpefting Pot and Pearl A flies, Pork, Beef and Flour,! where thofe who favor him with their1 cuftom will find it done with the grcat- ell exaftnefs and expedition: likewife, ftorage for one thoufand barrels in the Cellar, and good dry ftorage for other goods, with the advantage of a Wharf for loading and unloading. JAMES ROBINSON. To Let, THE Dwelling Houfe of JOHNS & FINKLE. Aeg-3t. ,4 717*0R fale at this Office—Standard JlD Rules for the Game of IVHIST— by Bob Shwrt. 46 1 ottonr., Gtirragh? and Long Cloths, Ginghams, ftriped cotton^Turkcy (tripe and Apron checks, L;fh I ineps, Linen and Cotton Bedt>?-.s, Furniture Cali- coep, Linen Cambricks, Linen and cot> t«m Diaper Table Cloths. Stockinets and Stockinett Drawers, Silk, Toilnelft, Merfeills*, Swansdownj and Patent Cord Verting, Silk and Cotton Leno 3nd Mul Mul 4 4 6-4 7-4 Shawls, a fewr pieces plain and coloured Ltiteftrings, Ladies coloured filk Glove9, Ladies and Gent'emens Woollen Cotton and Worf- ted Hoes, Silk Handkfs. Pocket do. Cotton Laces, Cotton Fringes, Ribbons, Thread. Tape, Sewing filk, Pins, Silk* twirt and Braces, &c &j. Likewife a qupimty of well flavoured Strong Jamaica Spirits, warranted good retail proof I iquor at 1 to 2. Cognfac Brandy, Holland Gin, Port and Tener- riffe Wines, Lyme Juice, Pecnermint, Twankey, Hyfon and Hyfon Skin Teas Loaf and Mufcovado Sugars, (.offee, Allfpice, Pepper, Indigo, Starch, Soa^, Fig Blue, Tobacco and Snuff. WALTER M'CUNI^FE, ^ Co. Kingston, July 27,1818. 9 FARMS FOR SALK nMHE fubferiber oft'erb for fale a farm JL containing 33 acres, in the town* fliip of Erne ft Town, 2d concc ffion, ha¬ ving a good frame lloufe, a Urge Ba»n and Shed, an txcellent /tar.d for a tavJn! and ftore, and one of the bt-ft fituationa m the country for a mechanic. /ilfo—Oue of the heft farms in the townfhip of Kingfton, containing fG0 acres, well timbered, and about 30 acres tinder improvement. SMITH BARTLETu April 28 1818. 48tf ¥OH SALE, ON reasonable terms that well knpwq (land for a Tavern, Btuated in the Village of Prefcott, Lots No. 9 and 11 fronting the King's Highway, and a hirge two fioiy framed Houfe, well lin- ifhed, with a large Kitchen in the rtar ftabling for twenty fpans of horfes, a fli-»d feventy feet long, and a good houfeoa the rear Lot. fit for the accommodation of a s-efpectable family. The who'c of the buildings thereon, being fmifhed in a workmanlike manner, and at prefent occupied by Mr. Alexander B. McDon- ell, as a Hotel. { For further paiticulars, apply to the fubiciibers, or to Mr. Alexander Mac- Donell, Junior, Merchant, Preicott. hy whom the terms may be made known, and an fndifputable title and immediate poflefTion will be given. ALEX. MACDONELL & Co. Kingfton, 3d Jan. 1818. 32^ Rags ! Rags! ASH paid for Clean COT¬ TON and LINEN % A (Of any AT THIS p Color,) OFFICE, J 11 JUST received and for fale at this Of fice, price 1/8, Poem* on his Do¬ mestic Circumstances, by Lord Byron.— With theSVar / the Legion of Honour, and other Poems ; to which is prefixed, The Lift of the Noble Author, Nov. 28. 32 I To Let, AND immediate poffeflion given, the HOUSE and premifesia Stuart- ville, late-'y occupied by Mr. Dalton, fitnated within Inlf a mile of this Towo, a favorable fituatioi for a Gentleman and family, and 110 lefs fo for a Diftiller, or Inn Keeper. Fo; further particulars enquire of the fubferiber. E. BARNETT, Kingston, Feb. 24, 1 81 8. 43tT THE fubferiber having been appoin¬ ted Agent for the Ba.'.k of Mon- neal, any fum required can be obtained at his OMite for good Bills on Montreal or Quebec, or for Specie. thomas markland, Agent. ftk% «&$ 2 7^ jidj 1818^ o/