[TUESDAY, OCTOBER 6, 1818.1 T [VOLUME VIII—^No. 19] Vx A -* . • -— ET Kingston, Upper Canada—Printed and Published by STEPHEN MILES.—Price Four Dollars per Annu m—Exclusive of Postage. 4 YSK& Agents for the Kingston Gazette. Ernest Town, J AMES RANKIN, K>q. York, WI LI.t AM ALL V N, Esq, Brockvillc, A. Sf»I UWOOI), Esq. BellviUe, S. M*NA BB, F,*q. Montreal, N. MOWER, Printer. Sopbiasburph, Mr. SAMUEL SOl.MKS. N NEW l)ruggist, Paint and Stationary STORE. PALMER, rcfpeafully in <• forms his friei:ds and the public generally, that he has recently o ,ened. for £ale, near the Market place, a choice and well fele&ed affort menc of JDrugS) P(tints* which he will difpofe of at very reduced prices, among which are the following- articles, viz. Aieho.io., &io*»> Sue. Aiwin, be (hot, a ball h Anoaitonpt. Aatimonv crud Aq. FortH Duf>. Argent • Vi\un* Arrow Root Arsenic Borax Camphor «>j.i i liarides Ca^ia Cinnamon Cloves Cop|>Arae Creatu Tartar Ow^erve* ElLx. Vitriol ^... Paras on G Eiup. Diachylon E^ . B'.iry-anot .... Lemon .... Peppeeai'Bt Flor. CdauHrm. .... Sol ph. Fol. DilftiaVci .... Sourm* C5utn \mu»»n. .... Arabic ..... As-afivtid. .— Oop.il ___0r.jvif»«* .... LarS»«H >.... Myrrh LvOiaig** Liq. Lamlnuni ___Blacking, Mace Magnesia Wanna Flak Merc. Corros. SMblirri. Pnecipi1. Alt). ........Ru°»- Mi -k ___Annisi. ___Carui ___Cit.namo ___Clove- ___Peppermint ,...Olive ___Ricini. O). Vitriol Opium Ota..s:e Peei Picra - - - » • * ! Petrol. Bdfc Poland Starch Pcai i A>h Peru v. Rark Raisins Muscatel Iiaci. Cohtmbo j . . . . < |f| COSDCe .... Diaiiihos .... Gcntiance (ilycvrvh. llrtteb&z. alb. Jalap .,. Rht-i . .. ..Hup. Virg» j ... .Soneka. Svg&i Oodles Sal. A?timon. .... Ghiubet .... H<ich;AI Sal r P'fttfe Sajjo. Casril .... Windsor • ....Common | Sim. Aimisi | ... . t*a»ui 1 . . . . Cm i;nKlrr Sp. (onm. iYrvi* ___Niiri Oulc. Kpm.pca^orJrtl *R*m%C. Liquorice rtii'd. S-.lj.ltMT in rolls Tuna; irul- Turlar I m"tic Vitriol A Hi. ___Slur Winter Bark rocco Reel fpringed Money Purfes ; Profile Frames guilt, clothes, hair and Tooth 13ruflies ; Playing cards, Corn! "'rooms ; an eligant aflbrtment of Paper hangings, Englifh fole Leathers &c. &c. j &c. ' I Kingston, September Jth, 18 IS. I $tf to DOLL \RS REWARD. WHEREAS a Horfe, the pro¬ perty of theMubfcriber was found dend in the field's of the widow R)dci\ on or about the 23d inft. fuppofed to having entered the breaft, and feveral (hots in other parts ; the} abov who win g pcrfoa or perfans offending can be brought tojulifce. EPHRAIM BLANCHARD. N. B. Strayed from the fubferiber about ten or twelve days ago, a two years <dd Heifer, the brum of her tail cut fquare off. — \ generous reward ] will be given to whoever wil! return her, or give information where fhe may be) found. F Blanchard. Kingfton, Sept. 28th, 1818. 18 EDUCATION. 11 iHE LancaRerian School being dif- X. continued, R JOHNSTON, late Teacher of that elta'difhment, propofes opening a School at hisprefent reliJcnce, on Monday the 21ft inll. in which will be taught, on the following terms. A ritir.iC, and per Qr. Reading, Reading, W Arithmetic. Englifn Grammar included, With Geography, French, o 1 i 1 1 3 5 ° o o 5 o 10 o o o e reward will be given to any perfun! t •m ■ - r .• r 1 t ! wiU give information, io that the t.t WANTED, Man and two maid Servants, one to act in the Capacity of Cook and Houfe Maid, the other aa Houfe and Lady's Maid. A married couple, without any family, of good character, will aniwer, good wages will be given.— Enquire at the Priming office. Kingilon, Sept. 14th 1818. 16 FOR SALE. ;|T1^N Reafonable Terms, a farm ^VJ/ Containing 180 acres of Land Needlework included m the above I fILllated {n tht fjy;th T„wn 0f wh}Vh Q terms ; in the difre-.nt branches of which | j ,cres ai.eunder Improvement, for further Particular inquire of the printer. Kingilon, [4th Stpt. 1818. he [*u> young Ladies wil! be fa per iut ended j j by Mrs. johnftun, in a fepavate apart¬ ment. A fcfw young Gmtlemen may be ac¬ commodated on reafonable terms. Kingston, Sept. 19, 1818. 17 Evening School. N Evening School will be opened ati above, on Monday the 5th of Odober. 1^1 i A 16 ADVERTISEMENT. A Farm FO t\ pLE \SANTLY footed on the i fhore of the bay of Quir.te, and immediately oppofite the Upper Gap— heme the Fail half of Lot No 18 in thi_- firft <'onceflion of Frederickfbnrgh.— Aihoui 40 acres are under improvement, well fcnc\d, and a new frame Houfe, with a good celler o'.i the premrfea. The above farm will be fold together with a pair of ftrong work Hoiks, ,i W a^gon and' r^u,i/«g m*tik I 'W!)rii ' Eh.bo oldery wil Application to be made to the Prin j option of the ipam.ts, un ! ter. July 27 9. , . •. Male Svritig* Cnurt Plus; or GildI'rV* Cordial A»rfei-sours Pills Coil"* «'o. .Aromatic Vinef^ar Afjieobo-, Siniii'opt. Uiiv's twist Tobacco Pitper do. BrMUi Oil Jku!Pm do. I,e/ Bilious Pills Si rev-' OpeiTi'WtiG Ginger .v Spruce Beer Soda \Vaicr TinliugionV Balsam Rt)se W ao»r in piittts Tooth Pt>udor Ointment for the Itch Mrrenual Oi nunc at. ALSO, Raw an^ boiled Oil and Paints of al- m:-ft eveiy kind, viz. Joseph Scott, ttUkGi&Qy, kc kc>. HAS received by the late arrivals, a frcfli Inpply of DRUGS and CHE vICALS: Confining of the following avncles. Genuine Alcoh -1 or fpivits of Wine, Concentrated Vitii >Iic Acid! Barclay's Biluius Pills, BhicImy^ Aromatic fpts of Vinegar, Crude Tartar, Red Lead, Vermillion, Shell Lac, I Oil, Turpentine, Epfoni Salt3, Mace, j Cloves and t innamon. ^al Ammoniac, Arfenic and Borax, for faldering. A';. N. B. Soda Powders. EDUCATION. RS. HI Li . moft relpedtfully in¬ forms the habitant? of 'Amps- ton, and it» vicin/y, that fhe has taken the houfe Jately occupied by Meflis. Johns & Finklt, w"ere fhe it:t«' da com- [mencinga BOAHDING and DAY S. hOOL for young Ladies, on Tuef- day the 22nd init. and hope*, from the attention weich <he will pay to the im- proven;eht, morals and cum fort of' her Pupils, to merit the approbation of the parents who will mtruft their children her cure. ShewiJl teach Reading, Wri¬ ting, Arithmefici Grammar, and Geo¬ graphy, with plain ai>d fancy NevjdV- l alfo be at the- jparcots, under the follow¬ ing tarn-, viz.. Small chiiulvcn, reading only, IS/prQr gt Wriiiujr, and } _„r ^ Readinj. Writing, and | 20 yp plain Neeiilcwork, Jj Grammar,, Arithmi'tiCi 1 Geo^riuphy, and fancy [ 3c/pr. do. Needlcvvork, J Embroidt'iy, extia L5/Pr- d°« 'y:r? ^^lill will take boarders at the moft roderair. term! Kingston, TT\ HE fubf:riber refpe&fully informs -1- the Inhabitants of the Town and I'cvvnfiiip cf Kingfton, the townfliip of Pirtfburgh and Wolf lfland, that he has purchdfed the POTASH WORK Lfiteiy occupied by Mr A. Macphen- loa, in the vicinity of this town ; where [ be uill receive good House Ashes, At the raU: of tevefl pence H. Cy. per Bnftel, when delivered at the Works, and fix pence when collected in town ; the A (Ties to be paid for in Merchan¬ dize. A Sleigh or Cart is to be fent round Town to colled the Afhes once a week, or oftener if necelTary HoufeholJers, Sec will do well to fave their Alhes, as the quantity made in one houfe will amount to a conftderable fum in the com 1c of a year. L. NORTON. Kingston \st Aug. 1818. N. B. Care lhould be taken to keep the A (lies dry and clean, as none but what is of a good quality can be receiv- f ed, iotf I TO BE LET, Jl HAT fubftantial flatted-log Houfea (with Stable and Coach houfe of the fame materials,) at prefent, and for fomtf time part, occupied by Lieut Co!onel Foder, alio a Farm, of about 30 acre^ with a comfortable Houfe,' Garden^ Barn, and other conveniences thereon \ moft pleafantly fituated on the Lake Shore, and only two Mthw above Kingfton*—The land of this Farm is excellent and, from its high ftate of Cultivation, capable of producing the moft profitable Crops, either in the Garden or the Field.—Application io be made On the Premifes, or to Town M jor Corbett. Kingfton, Sept. 28th. 1818. 18 N- B. About 350 i'ufhela of OaU* arid about the fame quantity of Potatoes* ipart of the orefent years crop, now fSt fale at the Farm. PRUPOSALS W, ILL be received by MV„* George Ham, of Erneft Town, between this time and the firlt day of November next, for the fcrt&i n of a CHAPEL in the village of Erneft Town. The fize whereof in to be 42 feet long and 32 wide. A Gailery is to be ereaed, and a more perricular defcriptton will be given to any one delirous of engaging in the undertaking, on application to Mr. George Ham. Erncittown, Sept. 26».b, iRi& |gwj NOTICE. Mr. THOMAS HARRIS, IT ATE Teacher in one of the moft .1 A refpecliable Schools at Quebec, for the fpa<e of two years, has opened a SCHOOL, iu which will be taught on I 1 r- 1 1 • ° 18/A Sept* 1818 17 it? 6 CHE A P L \NDS Palf» i for fold on reafonable terms No. 6. on the Carrying the following teuns. £ 1) I I 1 15 0 5 10 JL HE fubferiber being duly ap¬ pointed Vdminiftrator, ou the eft^te of SILAS MAY, late of Kingfton, baker, deceafed, gives notice hereof* and requcfts all perfons having demand* againft the ellate to exhibit ihe ;'ime, tin fettled accmmti to niake immediate fettlement and thofe indebted by not? or other wife, to make immediate pay- ment to EMHU MAY Adm;niftmor. ingston% dug. 2 Jl, iSi8* .3 Prussian Blue V-rntiliau Umber Patent VeUow Gold Leaf Spirits Turpentine ••Vrrd>g'i=> Glue i Copal V*rn1*a opt. Yflhns One Spanisl; White .....Brown Rod Lead White ilo. Lfiir.p Black Patty Paint l>ru!>hcs. ALSO, Perfumeries, School Books, Stationary, and Dye Woods, VIZ Edward Jones, 1J> EGS leave n.oft refpe&fulty to in- & form his friends and the public jingeneial, that he has juft teceived an •elegant aflbrtment of DRY & FANCY GOODS, Coniilting partly of the following arti- !ck-s, viz : Superfine Weft of England Cloths and Caifimeres, of the moft fafhionable Colors. lnfh Linens, Britifh Shirting, Linen .md Cotton Cambrics, Corded Cambric, Leno.-. and Muflins, Jaconet and Mull Muflins, Fancy Muflin Handkerchiefs, Bandaiina and Barcalona do. FineGing hams, buck and colored Silks, Silk and I Cotton Shawls and fcai fs, Fine corded . Odorifa-ous Hour y Water, for clean¬ ing, thickening, and preventing the hair ^ ti Sk AM t.ave„^ Wate,, j! &***** ^ J*«£ff ta^ MUk of Rofe8hw * j£^da^licBjfBoF«bSu:; ebratcd for it? agreeable quality of cleft- I h»ne uoowaeq whm^j..... ring, cleanfmj? and foftening the fl<in ( ' Antique, leflamiue and Role Oils, i; Diaper-a for the4 hair ; fweet fcented Jamaica 11 otired Flannels, Ruflia Sheeung and Oh Pomatum, &c. Sec. ' EdinbuiL'h new Difoenfatory, Bu- ) and Bcvrbaz nes of all Colors, Linei. nd Huckaback, white and Col- chan*8 improved domeftic S ledicine, Children's Toy Books Murray's Intro* duaionto, and Englifn Read-.J, Mur¬ ray's Grammar, Exeicifes and Key ; Bibles, Adam's new Geography, with Atiafs for fehools; children's blank Writing books, with Numeration, Addi¬ tion, and Multiplication Tables ; blank Books, Wrapping Paper ; Murray's and Webtte.'s Spelling bo. ks, New-York and Philadelphia Primmers, Quills, Ink Powders red and black, do Stands, Vhfci-v, Penknives, Whetttones, India Kut.ber, Slater Lead Pencils, &c. Logwood Nicaiagua. Fuftic, fegar cafes, luuff and Tobacco boxes, Razors, Cate$ and boxes, Pocka books and mo- naburg. A well chofen aflbrtment of Thread and Laces and llibbons, Stiaw Bonnets, Ladies Torcife (hell Combs, Cambric and lace Fo-'tings, and a number of arti- cits, too numerous to lnlert. 4 Crates of Blue CROCKERY Ware. GROCERIES. Jamaica Spirits,Brandy, Holland Gin, Port and other Wines, Peppermint and Shrub, Hyfon and Twankey Teas, double and Single refined Sugars, Mul- covado do. Spermaceti, Mould andI dipt I Candles, Soap, Starch and Fig Blue, &c &c. &c. All of which will be fold for Cafh or approved credit. Kingston &h A»g< i TObe Lot Place, town,i^jp 0f Murray, containing 100 acres 2~~ cf which are under %m provement. Hvith a good houfe. and well Iftruced —Alirn Lot No. 89. in the fld c in tftion of Anulialbu.gh, containing 200 acre>.-_Fot ;terms, apply to the Printing Qjffiee ICingfton, or to the Subfcriber, %t the Carrying Place. RUFUS WELLS- arrying ipiace,Sept. 5th, • 8 18. 16 TO LET, Apa^ < f the Dwelling Houfe and prem^ occupied by the fubfer'- ber» and poft;,.ssjon givtn about the mid die of 06tobjtr next. JOHN FERGUSON Kingston, 14,/, Sept. 1S18. 11> Twenty Dollars Reward. Y 1 IHE ab,,ve reward will be given by 3~ the fu%fcrjDef? ro £l,y perfon that will apprehend Alphas Has hips, and fe- cure or coi..r nc ],i,n i:1 any ja;i fn tne Province of \jpper Canada, fo that he can be brou^ to juftice, for paffing forged bills on lrK. ganfc 0f Niagara. Said HalktTVi, 'vi about five feet feven or line inches tfft h-Joht, Aim built, light iair, lignt ey.e>. an(j \[iTvlt complcx'cn, a- bout 22 or z.^ yl.3,s of age ; one m two ol bis front t ,et'a out on the upper part of his mouth, a, d olhers affeded. A SHAM C. CANNIFF. Kingston, ^ ^ l8|g> ,7pC;. per Quarter, Ivt-adina:, Writing ajjd Arithuietic, r.urh<ii ftmmniar included, \\ ith c'it sigrSfcpHy^ Ikltm Han 15 rcfpeftfully informs the j piiblic, that he has removed his School from the houfe occupied by Mr. Ro^t. johnfioTi, to the houfe lately occupied by 'v»r Pfco^d, bow the refidence of Mr. iiatkes. 22. 17 BUILDING 'UMBER. For fah, by /lu'd'wn, if not prbuhtuty fold by private ContraQ. FOR Quantity of excitant Building timber w:P he offered for Sale to tlje bigheft bidder, on Monday, the 12th Odober next. For particulars, enquire of CHVRI.ES DAWSON* * Auctioneer, Kingfton. Sept. 28th, 1818. 18 I lain \ Kington Hotel. ROBERT WALKER, returns his 1] ncere and grateful acknowl¬ edgments to hjs Ftiend3j a„d the public in general, h r thej(. Hberal lupport dur¬ ing the lali fc. huen years> ail(] takeb this opport»;inil of acqUainting them, he ftill comm ri£S tQ kcep thc abovc ,.k, gant Eaablij0iiT)cntj . t traveners and fannl.es can ^ accommo^atcd with fep- S ALE, K'TlH \T valuable FARM fituate on . l_ the Bay of *Qmnty, bounded on j the weft by lol. Wrn Johnlon, and on the eall by Mr Booth, ar the convenient diffance of nine miks from Kingston, containing by admeafurement three hundred acres and about feventy acres j cleared, all completely new fenced thwj Coring* befides about fix thouland Hails i on the premifes. A new J^arn has been erected, fifty fix by thirty fix, fet upon a iione foundation about fix feet and a half high in the front, intended for fta- bleing underneath. About fifty acres of the ground was ploughed up this fprin£, (for the firll time this twenty years) and fown with Peas, Potatoes, Corn, &c &c. which, if ploughed up thi- fall, wM be in complete order for Barley next fpring. The whole of ihe Stock and Utcnfils may be had with the premife?, together with the beft collection of Fruit Trees ever iinpor ed into this country, direct j from London, confiding of fifty fix kinds of Goofeberriea, Pairs, Plumb?, Cherries, Apples of their various kinds. A catalogue or the Stock, Utenfil-s and Fruit Trees, may be leen at the Printing Office, and ttt the relidence of ihe own¬ er, on the premifes, and terms made known. . J. C. WILSON. THE SUBSCRIBER LG^ leave to inform hi« friend* and the public generally, that he ha? received and now offers for fale, au extenfive aflhrttnmt of Double and §in?le of new and elegant pattern* winch he will difpofe of very low for cafh J. WATKINS. Kingston, Sept. 28, 1818. 18 TO LET, AND poiTefTi >n given the 5th of November next, the whole or any part of that houfe in front of the Market, at piefent occupied by Charles Dawfon, Auctioneer, and others For pattlcuUry, apply at the Office of C. A- Uagennan, Efq or to John Duncan, who will (how the houfe. Kingfton, Sept 29th, ifti8. 18W3 TO FSP.V l|jL triends Sept. 29 18 (^TTlriE fubicribcrs offer for i'ale, four II hundred bufhels of Barley. 818. JO arate rooms, ^ alteiItion pi $*?&, * Sept. 22 aid. 17 J AS RaNKEN&Co. Ernest Town, zgth June. 1818. %tf BLANKTbaIL BOrlb, 1 For sale at this Oiii^ THE SUBSCRIBER ESP.XTFULLY informs hh and the public, that he has removed his FURNACE u ten file from Camden, to the houfe formerly occupied b" Benjamin Booth for that purpofe, in the front of Erneft Town, 16 miles from Kingfton ; where all bufirefs in his line 'will be done, as ufual, at the (hotted n^ice. with this only exception, that all wuik mult be paid for on delive- ty# JOSEPH H. SMITH, N. B. AH orders in the above line may be left with John Fiik, Kingfton. Ernest Town, August 25, 1818 i$ii aTLORNIES Blank Bills of r~-r« for sale at this Ofiic^ 1