Kingston Gazette, September 29, 1818, page 2

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Thcftv^of th< celebrated MfliOnitor, Com > .or Phi.' urs. h »v evidently bteo i-rrt- up '! Ma model <*f the iron? cr:eb lu-tl Urr^. Hh language, hkc I it of his matter, i* bold, nervom jJjhi fic-n ifiws ro excels. With all it* *a • t t.. wev-.r, ii ofTeflV- a charm, vinYi. capuwares the fancy an«1 Ultertftf t'ie Y.-n. lr.ven ill *i'" who diflike his t'lliMca fentimen^, ate rteveithelefil de lie';t. .1 with ihcdi ipevy. in winch they £tc p-ef. nied Every tl&IPg win h fails fro'" *hc lodgl'*1 o> pt" ■>' this child of gC!:i« . Is read with ivi vy. T*K fol- lowitg ad&t*f* toih h'-doiH of the Gnu) yot ?ifgo. up •" withdrawing From (hew c!e8uin, i* a f <» I," i'men of his happinel*—wt mil no onrfelves ?t Ism, advanced the (ul> ,. , , Ir. .* , ■ *-., . »_• . • rii i < <n < fl jlioies and cheered tnr conlutcnt tn notmng but our incoaillt I minuter, mit reel- r aX . L«*-fM| r , . . * , . ... r JJ % *'nir from fiat hopeful enci*. feated m the kgmfime eongrefej [cnogieft, where j it[ma dnink wllIl hnman blood, fl.; |ts fword into thi fcale againft whig, the ,iberl;cs of a ^^ were balanced. ihatejul»to^hcd theJr cdnduaias to c'jr foreign uIalions Has it been compfcnfaM by t;ie{r dorm-flic policy ? Aftfar asm then} ,ay they have villuai If annihilated tfo ;:Tjt;ftl COpftfTUtiont and paved the * ,y for a m;iitarjr des¬ potic. They i^led, one by one, ,'vcry barrier which the wifddm of *#M raifed around the Ijheuiea of the pct)ple They fufpended the h.ibcas corptis aft. Fa'hers of famili- F'-om the Hou .lin Evening P>ft. jfMffi ?/ Mr PMffitah the Elefori of •thf Cour.t t>f$/i}>o.oh <kiMh$ the Pali.l tfTit'ed. ^i.^-, i1 U wuh* fecl?*\ rather *.f irffttfrttdc trrt1 hi dis- ep .. i -r - «it. *h*fct I \v"thdr?w myfr'* fpsvn ri • ;r ft, upo" thr n efrtll OC* M'1 ^ * fir * *hat we c^n'iot have 2 foil1 ;: bs .i itv .»f 'tic. f«. ^n * with rwj per! *• -•'• eft fir y. <:r late n.~* 'V'.:. a*id phtHe t;.-;^ !.r»rtf-'t aff;- U011 foi - yoi: I o nor Feel ntVf wirni>'d in'n them 1 tht exp-nf.-. *■% yon to the inconvenience, n c* fflirtly co*ifequent on 1 c*>nte<ted e1 c^i,,n. The Hate ofj joim r-:»illry, which I have but juft Tccer«'ed, has co-pclWd me to this dc termination. It ii an afto^ifhing and tTf/tacefitl faft, that furh is the political ;■ ,arlvv f\( y>nr country that one rwenti- efh oTits Frw holders a»** "or regiltcred. Vkt% nly nrivi'epe which the oeople are Jert i- 'hr elective franchife, and even t; i .»' fee-ns, they have not the fpint to] excrtlfe. \fter this, what right has J -land to complain, iff either on the v. fidovv tax QtUrftion, or any other q'le^-j II tiy her re^refentat'vca wil* not (r'vr>| ihe^felves tven the trouble ofcrofling! Xh. channel ? If you ^re contcnteii to fiih^it tO this degiHdali mi, it is Dot for lac 11 (Mirmar, capable a-1 am, by my cw.- cc '.'-iict, of redeeming myfelf indi %r«!i^ally- As 1 hear, however, that f >»e of your ucv.'B room ififacr^s have t iken offence at no ejprcCion in my ad- £!.d* , ^*nd as every fr,an who puts him- f Jf piititicaUv forward, fbould \yr able fo f*c z tiffin f**r •• thr ftnh tn.»t it in ho," y>: , fhall havf mine freely and fa • s?y The declaration w»s. that if tS n x. parliament he like the »afl. «v p; v write tht cpit i h of the Ijritiih CQfiftitiitioci. I repeat it n >w, and I 1 ii i raid, thai it U quite impoflib-:< t n't g> ei'. g on, u ilefe there be* tame cii ii. , e t"ei in the members we return to »h i ufe>i>riii the conttitution .»f tl-at i «utc rtftlf. Arc-yon *ware, that ol n'Uiti :• -.-ailed the .,>ule of iK» i.moih. *■•; b ; two ;.-c»> n.:mhiatt-d 300 and 3 ?3 onroonen nu.nin-te 187; and tl.u-y :.. h ive, "fit of 658 Tcmb-'rv, 4Hj jet.(iiily nominated by 265 conlti- t:.c iT> - 1 -f ihi they call the repreicnta- t fo >J the people I It this continue.-, i?j t( ay i. r 1 eitctioua—i- '.ncr.- any ]d'V in petitimnt., Where hired majorities i. j. -:ie :u ■#..«! and it h;<rouuh-mou t-**iag i'ifl ei-ce can defeat the other \ ) v» any man pro; ofe a reformation of th: .\ii-m i lie iv immediately de 1. t;;:». -■ * -9 a vi|io'iar\ » 01 worle So it tows 111 iMigian 1. with Fox and -lieridan, 6 id the conlequence was, Ihe lofl A- ineWca 'o it ws»s am -njjlt yourfelves, Vi 11 (J^attau ^nd with Flo^ d, and the c 'tleqil ucc w.-, th ic who bem^h; J*ou- l:-ic you. Wfi were battered into c-toviiicc, and but the otherdayi in the: ^i.ipen'ai parliament, upon a vital aues- li.-ii, >5 o\ your men tersieh you at the tnerc) f a puppet majority, who not *j :ly rivet ted your <>hxm, biit rebuked yii.. fat • rflk'ng it ! Thi* ii the way in tvlncn 1 w:fh to -Tieet the queftion—not by empty declamation, but by ftubbom ja-iv * -:i H'hicharc now recorded to! o\ I DO tiic a-'-niiant */ hiftoiy —— -ck to the to:»di'C.t of the vexy Jail p&iiirfuiciit. in al . oil every iniiance t?: ■ n<- "f th .ii Mf*e\ . . trie j'i'ti fu ' ;i >: -tie 1 a c .* lenr—-conduct 1 vh h. I .vi.I dcmoulrate ha* done morel to- •. rroad, vu<J to enflave u*>i at ■ , j 1 i»er* unequivocal, un h ■ . ipotilm eve. could have '.:- fc » okt ;. nduct. After e p • T ' ^';'- 1 '^.uaile cd in its dura- t- •» ■ * •••* k 1 in its origin, <Jt; '. • whi ii m <■ \ en u^h was Iptnt t » ;. , id bio 'i enough flied to Jti .../. t e on inc't—during which we t rna'.cly i ught, and fablidized f.- t"i til ef* dripoi—now libelling ihe %/,-. ',j.-----i|.>w iiuoittg the mngnani n. •. '- x«nucr—*to day, in the held v ; p ';i/.mg Aullria—to-m >rrow, | b the convenient P1 uflia—now [ S were dragged fro their homes, loajrd with irons ; liibjcc- ted to difeafc ; llqrnned with ignominy ; their befpleffi children turned adrift to beggary and prt.Q-tr.tnn J and then, as they had been fmprrTfoed without crime, P> were thev ielr fed without even the decency of ac.-a«ati»n. They then pafTrd the infarru, 13 Lagging aft ; public meetings were forbidden—the power of diiruffion was withheld—the right of petition was in fact annihilated I: was a natural cmlequeuce of tlie former meafure—when f>noeen e it- no exemp. ri-»n from r.unillifite 1. the privilege *»f complaint h b t a mockery ! hey then countenanced IoH Sidm«Mit.h*8 circular —a magi'tia-y, perhaps ignorant- rerbap? crrrofM rrhapa b^th—we, at I leaii. c3*' fancy fitch a maiyiftracy—were mvefc-3 with an . rhitrary r nftriiftion of) of Vienna, between the Northern AUtrJ- ciaL and a Icjeant of Nap'.hon ! Was not this a raie, a natural contummation, well w.»nhy the fraudful leagues and bloody infraA'0»ig which had diverfified thecntcll—well worthy the orphanage and thr wid whood which had (hadow- ed England with woe, and the frantic ex¬ penditure which has almofl beggared her with iW ? TJii- husbr'en the con- ;cn. :t*cc,andwhat,doyoo remember,waa the motive to this aggrefTion ?—Was it the eftab'inhment of human liberty—wa« it the advance of human mortals—was ft the vindication of national chara&er— was it even any high toned a*>d heroic impulfe which flung a factitious glory over the warrior's progrrfs, and gave the battle horrors fifioaaryJulHlicatio . > Far from it. It was the mod unjufti Gable motive that ever unilu-a'.hed tlu Brttifh fword—the molt uocooflitutional that evci Rained the ritilh anuaK. It #as a bare faced interference with a foreign county in ihe choice of its own government—-a diicci 1-raft or of the very principle uoon whic» Engl an ** nn-rc;' **cr gloriou* n-vol-ti u It wras ■? V^dU;ivi ijeritonciatior of th* doc- tri ,c aited on in 1688 proclaiming a martyr, and Wi'iiam an ufur^er, a*id the people ho better thai* rebel'i' us rrgtcidcii ! ' hi^ war, however, of courfe, hnd its or»*teilCf * ltc 6ri$i wa«. thf French republic—^driven trom thi*, it> next was p<ace and retribution* Indemnity and fecuiitywa^ '-le Pv<r>&*$t*t war whoop—and ha9 bee^1 our in demnfty ? TI»e malTine of our popu¬ lation—the dehaferr.ent of oiirchaiacVi —the accumulation of debt bevond all (} endthrift precedent—Rimine in our ftreets and frver in our houfeb—the Cilablifhment in Europe of a militarjrl defpr»tifm» which leaves the very name of freedom a mockery—the payment of] war taxes in time of peace, fcarcely' leaving it doubtful whether the burdens were impofed to fupport the war, or the war commenced to juftify the taxes-*- the fufpenfion of our conftitution, if we offer to remonltrate. This has been our dearly bought indemnity ! \nd what is our fecurity ?—an holy alliance, for- (both I A league of kings, unhallnw ed and myflerionp, bound by compa^j which nrull rot be known, ^nd fenced by riav'Ui«t> whi. U eattuol be refilled ! • In is our feci"tv ! The bie^'h o' Prince? * p —•the capnee «»f an Hydra, now' fnti^uer over tht recent banquet, and ' • wa-ii^iT fo" it^ hungry hour agair \ to glifteni-i Uitgorged rapacity ! Alas, 1 svhat tenure have we even of fuch at] alliance ! I> there a member of th*t' pittite hotd'* who ha^ n»t been in turn the fueof hi 1 illy, and the ally of his ioe, and d<i y.»u expert they will pre lervc that faith t-waitls us which thev hav: n«>t been able to preferve towards oneanoihe. ? 1 there a m^n of th m wh« did not how to Napoleon, and confefs blS -itIr-, and couit his confeder¬ ation, and then denounce him as an ille¬ gitimate 08'irp'f? •". nd wasthrre among them, afterward*, a confirlent renegade to deny (he hand of fraternity to Berna- dotte, raiAd from thr ranks of chat very Napoleon? Perhaps 1 his iiiftabiltty of political principle may be Counteracted . # went forth inducing the crime that by a pe.fona! attachment I .et Prnlfia ; j might betray the criminal—when m itbtr tuttofi U--th its theoretic Ueflingl, !>ut a pndical and Iplendid uiockciy, ifitt: noblett DTnamtnifl are to he effaced at will, and itt ftrenglh tarre'd into an engine of opprejfion ? Oh I it is wnrfc than fatuity in us to deceive ourfclves. The tower in which we trurted turns out at lad. to be but a goodly vifion ; fair, indeed to the eye, but as falfe as it is fail, falling to pieces at the Wand of the minider, when the forlorn people ap¬ proach it for prorr&ion. Such, gentlemen, aie my reafons for the aflertion I have made ; their infer¬ ence may be, perhaps, doubted by many, who can never fee guy thing, everi problematical, in ihe baiert cmduft of j * the power* that be1'—thn'r exittence, | however, it lead, is undeniable* In taking mj- ieive of you, for the pielent, Kt i-e expreG my gratitude to the prnfhpti manly, and decided friends, who fo independently proffered me, not only their intered, but their pnrfes, and particularly to the profeiS-wal frfeuda, wi.w. in aJdiiion, volunteered iheij fcr- . j vice. 'lie Pnr- hrliio- »lja« in -t.a«l*if r;,tjr,r rticm b^ cfeimnirs,ratMhS l>> the nnmWr rtf o-r(w«n| u mdnw*, and a* (hr» uinrlows o rrr-.-^r in numhcr, let lh«» raTeX the ItW^ief. If I huvr H or |n nu.rtows, KuS another three nm< • at manj, he ear, twitrrS lord ,0 pas six linn> tlir si-m fnr -lirm fhnn I lra*t tin* i^a good old \ nCl -h op!U|L awo ! rhifit i* will hold good lure. Man proplr are drthlin^ in nrUcle* * niton t bi bi* y->e^ed,e(itlu' injury of ihe revmnea nell m 'he man who makr'.s it a regular roiicrn ai?d lias to pih at prr-ent 3'2J dollars for a le-ncc 8d;lys road duly, and a^e>seri aiivuo^an Omrnerety for a-hop, t»e it evfT*cr*nw//0P*, er sn hiref.. # It n as intended at first to pPtiMou thenar. liarornl to sjra it relief, but in thr pmeni siate hi 'h'M»'iulie mind, ii was Ihoujrjit best to Vlth tire it (his way at pre-*rnl, hoping thr\ ttjn lake the ma(t<*r ti,:dcr their con iderat.on a early aoCOTiv<-Dient, JO;iNBULi;s()mPRING, Frednicksburgh, 26/// V pf. \H\^ TomE FutToR OF THE Kingston Gaeette In mvexe-irtions through thr Atiillanrl Di<- icM.pou my priiate bi^iuess, J „a- famrpj or tkts pfare with the pertl^J of >o.n- pap, r of. thc22d instant; and T therein oWrvpdannh hrnnon of Wr. Tboma-f Coleman, ofTl..n'oW , j wherein he slates lhal unfavnrah'e opinions , . . I j ,r»av have been formed bv thr hotur lieaneh The period is approaching when all ' Gnwen^w,and himself as one of ibemruriW inc may be necefTary ; in the mean time, let every independent man in the county, J regiiler his freehold, and await with confidence the hour of his liberation* I lam gentlemen, with gratitude and | ! refpeft, Your fellow countryman, C!i \,ULE$ PHILLIPS. Dublin. June 2 1 j/v 18 18. npen'ed the businra^&fid in the D»iir ■> add rs*<K "tiiis ! V" E ' ■"• kS • >s CJV/F.TTE. ) tit Ifo'aff, •:*".• whi-h--ur nvft 1-ared t. a'" s h!« niff red in o inioB They 'j On theShop Spirit Licences and thin- n tn-n-d'hr purelTive a'ien ad,Jj As^CSSnier-t. To flic Honorabtr branches offe Lc- ivhich flung baofe into tlu-jaws of death j the patriot v.din> of defpotic power, and wrtilei frAfo England her irnprc uri;»t'b»e p-'Viu^e of giving refuge to viriuou*1 dtJt'titrion They then footed the repeal of tht feptennial ad, an ad which th»y we»e r-ever delegated the p wrr topaf-, and u-jon the principle o*" which they might as well make the re preletit ttlon an bcir-l^om in their fattvihes. I will not further tecapit if late their tonduft, but .1 will remind you, tint t!.e fituatioo .,f the captive under fcliefc meafures w^sf,>litary imprifonment, X^ainft all Li v or precedent, even maiij'llrates were forbidden to vilit them —one man died—another, Mr. Ogden, the fuHjeci of merriment, has furvived o*i;v to piot* ifte-d agony. 1 pafh from the fihieel it i too painful to dwell I i:\fUt Who wa- itu preteare fn thin fivpo «ry defpotifm ? a plot! a plot, hatched Sy two apothecaries and a lame cohbltr—the tower was to be (formed, and th bank olun^cred, and London $*.-ivrifnnrd by a buckram army. wh<»fe rieafu:V va> a cypher—whofe can*p c'. qnipag was a blanket—whole aMmiJ nitioe cheH was an old flocking, aMJ whofe p?rk of artillery confided of the mortar which mod rcbelli- ufly oui|iVe.l the w:eck f t'.e apothecaries! rI*|lofe pe^oh w< e rrrraijrned upon the evidence fa viii.i all leprou- with crimes. wh be t!i »m tne event provea to oe me onrv convict A wretch, who. when we [^ the predeftined victim, and looked at the hiuh prieil, filled the mind of Itf]a,,d with terrific recollections, recalling iiiftinftively that reijjn of blood when we too had our Cafttei and our Oliver- when t"e bribed and perjured ca I iskituf&* (^ENTtTfFV, 1 nv one i-; a*varp «»f the high nediin- , oriaui diitieynfa Legislator; itlSaI*oknoMfl '!ia* in i'lipoiinjrIniribens upon Hie people. For thrwseof'he ctfuntry, greai rare sbould be ui- ken 'o iihike t!io<e burdenjibear u< equnll> up¬ on nor class of poopi'* as another; to itunuic! ailV oibei *_v-t(-in, would Hr ae/ins; llic oppre*- M>r, and ihe violation of a mosi sacred naih.— I'Iip hop lic^ice for retailing spirits is-tbe eu- ormoin Mini of X* ; feur Uni-'- what itwa^a [rw j ears ago. Thi^beayj duty was nnpoM-d in 1 be Inc war, when I dare sayt>veorsi\ times the pi on 1 was gained b> bewleofji 'ltiiieheoii of hqnor <o whm if i*. a' prceni. U'flich innke^ it \er> natura- to '.i%, for u hat i« ihU hffffY) duty ConHnuH ? It may be soM •ha? nioucy Is wanted. Then win noi !«• oih- TsllHfJ '» raise it a- w»'1las ^bop-keeper*2— The ro*.irinioii> thai -oinesas shop ke'*p'T>ai'i' imder, tlion^b not expre**>*d iu thr Uceitcei, arc ^erv -inciilar; fome *a\ Ips> man a (j >ar> /anno: be-o!d in a shop, which ua-tended by liiji.rj to many poor per on-, who p -rluip^atr 1a1-'■I'"; .1:. and ini^ht pnf n pint o Half p n •11 -heir pockets, or prrhap- mav not Have mo¬ ney to bnv nu»rr. Thr COIISefpUMlCC «: tfeev iiiu'k' pive ihe lavrm-kccpcr, four lime- a- ■uieh, for wha* thej can gel it ai ihe »hou, or t{0 without. And lor whj are lite tavern-kee- ;;e': v> hr 'J/v PJMW/ra^ed, who thi tin pav oue far-hing more for r. licence, tooilpn ibei al the name turn' gain more h\ sellrii£ on gal¬ lon of liquor, than a shop-keeper dotubj 'el- liflg of iweive or l.iie<ni, and Mini without risk (>rrapili:l. Tin* tavern i-allowed to sell mil of I He 'lon-e. to l"e injurj of .lie s|iop*, bnl the I bop- arc noi allowed lohnn tavern ,1101 eveu by selling.a !#■-o(uan,i;\ thauaquart. If Mir •hops are not allowed to huii ihe lav ros, 'ii* htir fair the laverai stiotiltl noi injure He >oop>. e>-cpl in case? of dinauee, Where then a>e no -hops. To ihe taxes, every shop, li'mpinjjly, is a.-- se-^cd a- iKlt) ; no ma.ier if he ha-not £vC * oek'i he ha- fo paj R m.ieh a^ ihe man w no | i;a^ i*20,'>uo .totk. T*itf f^eJamly hmosttyo 1 .'oriou?!*, uiijiift, by tak -.^ a*i mucb from him \»ho per!:ap? ha- noi sufficient to pav his way, * at • • I 1 M .vonflo Immiiim, nitoha5thotY«andv r«spare. t'lbal jl j beticve thUr- the only place where you bear at he j j'tock id trad'1 fcelnjj assessed by £fovernmeiH ; anfwet it when ihe lo->k- at Alexander.!/youth, nor age, nor lex, nor innocence ano rcnembers the perfidious ihaudon ;! cr»u!d conci;iar.e, or avert thofe coineis of mentofrnfit Let iweden anfwer ir j human bl od-------thofe vampires of the when (he thinks-of Finland Let Poland jp^avr—thofe monfters without a name, and Saxony acknowledge k to Pruffia,, ;'|iefircwhofe path the frelhnefe of hu- Let^ Genoa foeak. Let extinguished man'ty withered—in whofe accurfed Venice proclaim it for Aullria. l,et | mind- rnnfctcnce was only a connner Awfttia herfclf avouch it f>r F.vnce, nn 1 ! cial iuftrumen'— and friendOiip, trc-ich- then turn to her immolated daughter— ' j ery, and giatirude, murder.—Who immolated with a wrorle than Jewifh. turned this land inf> one lcene of hell, cruelty, ndt to the god of battles, but to 1] in which the pangs and the couvul/ionof the infernal Moloch of felf intered. 1!! the fufib-r >nly (limulated the ferocious fpeak tict now of th-it devoted France, 1 -rexultation af their tormentors Who bending 0v*r her vrlated chaitcr. and | .crept into ihl family of the neareft and with tea'► or b'ood expiating the c-edti ; the dearel* ^onrting the beard, and lity that put its faith in princes. But 1.1 pledging the cud and fondling the Cpe-k of Liig:,md. ot the Parliament of li infa-t, even at the very moment when £K 1 t 1 1 nglaiid, contenting to the plunder, I * th- y were waylaying the unguarded In mg on the partition fquandering the j (confidence of the parent to devote him relources- of a generoua and pliant peopie—fleet*, and ar.r>jccf and genera tion., Mid for whs: ? To forward the fraud o\ tlie conti.e.ital intriguer—to eitablilh the inquilition, and fortune and Ferdinand—f«»r the Bourbon in France, an1 the Bourbon in Spain, and the Bour¬ bon in Naples—the rooted hereditary 11 perpetrator of a deed and the minifter enemieu of the enurtry, for the obf< Iu e ., who iuftigated it and the parliament who blafpheray t& divine right, dup up from j j protcfts it? I can fee none—1 fee its tomb, and re bapn.eJ lepjrmacy— for j [them chained together in one com- the relloration of thofe languinaiy frauds j j m unity of infliction, and whether I touch upon human freedom, a^ainil which our if the higheft or the lowed link, the thrill to the lcaffbld, and to rife upon hi tomb ! — I a"1 (hqeked to afk, did the late pirliament fhicld the employment of thofe ferocious and commercial Can¬ nibal* ? If they did not, what was the meaning of the indemnity bill ?------- What difference 18 there .*:ween the f u rtfi Poland^ plunder—now! e a - . thr >pani(h inquilition—now' at r .-. '-ic.k*a»wl« dging the Fiencbj Ct ' i 1 - *w a* \Vateri*jOj cheeiinjr the, hix). •• r\ r*f Itgttimacy-- i*\!tr' tlui. irt'ic dbaudoumeiit of puUic f riuc^plc -I ag; (ages wrote, and our warriors fought, and our revolution thundered ! '-hades of Locke and of VliItor< were thefe your dofttroefi ! — Blood of the RufTels and ihe Mampdeni.,ha& tin's been your legacy? I People -I England, ir. it for this that your orphan and your wiiow mourn iu liunt reOgnatiori—that your poor houles are choaked with a famihhed po¬ pulation ? Let thole men anfwer it. Igh'. of horror is the fame in itscommuuicat ion Gentlemen, I fay again, if thefe things continue, we may bid farewell for ever to our liberties. Of what ufe are all our I vilionarv fafegnards—of what ufe it* the jrefponfibility of miniflcn;, if it is to ■ depend upon the will of a parliament, whofe maj ^rity is the creature of thofe miniltera ? What availt* our fo cele-ora ■ ted laws, if thy are to be thus caprici- who, iu ihe name ot Parliament,jloully fufpended I What is our conlli l npw beard of H« being on-idcrcd real |>ro- p»ri> before, ooilhei ran I conceive how it • an '»e put npon tliat footing; \'»n ver\ llkeh are indebted foreverj Kblllingyouma^ have in ■reO'l-; or suppose your credil docs balance \0\t* d<*bf*.>*ill what risks >ou ha\e lo run in the collection ; i* thai tlie ease with real pvo- periy \ .No. I shall also noiirc the fairness of heas-e--iuents. Rtipposiug stork waseoiisid- ered equal '» real property, a ureal quantity of land i-a-"C—ed, from one (cntli ro one twen- neth less* ihan it is worth, and theaine by ho '.-es; now I dare venture lo -a.v tlint the iieat-r portion of the r-'ore- ha\e 1 nt i'.'iOO -lock in tbeci, and a preat many do! above I ion -lock, and ifai-torebad f%0O0*fnrk. it then wo'ild lie rated only on an average with other tilings, 1 believe the only instance in England Wberentuek in trade is rated, ib to the pari^h rates. There the assessor goes rnuiiii and enquire-, what your stock i^—you tell him the greatest and the least amount of it, and (hen an average h taken. It may be sflJd the truth niiglit noi be told ; well. «uppo-e noi e\- flCtly—need von make afoot assessor—will he have no eyes ? IX) you not think a near esti¬ mate mightbr taken by zqipearaoces ? or sup- po in?: all to fail, the injury would be less than a* present. But in fact, you would imd more eaffT to rate blf stock higher than lower, from motives of pride. Sboilld you have rea-on to believe a false ac¬ count has been given, at home ihe a-sessor will ove&s the person suspected, to what he think- right, who will then have to make his appeal, if lie pleases, and ihe commissioner*will swear him .0 hi- average amount. Bui here we have no dav of appeal, all goe- on merrily, right or wiong. f t is vcr\ evident how itoek in trade ranierobe ra'cd ; sometime since, merchants liatl lli'Tigs 'heir own Way, by iheir in Hue me in the (...-.'■ 1 niiieii 1 ; therefore (heir study was to monopolize all the trade, which they did, to ihe great Injory of this Province; a person with a small capital was crushed rii recti v. These monopolizers charged what thev plca- -.crf for their goods and gave ihe farmer whai ihev pleaded for bi» produce. liui now ihe trade is e<tended, and iu the same proportion to the people; three limes the families nr<» getting a living wiih lw* than half the profit npon their goods, and consequently ihev con sitme ihrec inne-ii- much produce, and that i-. Hhaiihe ProvWiee wants,more useful consum¬ er* to reward ihe industry of ihe farmer* 1 Ifiuuuey iswAjKtcd| why uol ruibcitupon b'-gjed for leave to* give a detail nf tin* affair of a pro'-eention broiigh; a?air)^i him (rv n * Sfdlttauu Lihe.l"—aud in eon^equrura oftitfbaviugialeen mnch liberty wild my and character, in this production,hraver*nu- ^arraotrtble* tnnnnrr, 1 have oniy limcnirrto sHjf <na 1 h.ive no objections 10 m*et thi^^mr- nloi> find inn's* turbulent p r*on. lOs^nf) a»hi(V: mvy ti'ief, propertfl e«m*ii'"ea \73rfarchy p*» i' 1 At flte prtfsew ntomen- mv mind If n»ore nseftVly eiuplo\ed for Jhf benefit nf or. Bra*** fhtjcoHtfittitTlte. ihh'i -fr Hi6op so low a» t" or- rVfry any luiig^rtififie roreply ,0 'I'homa-t'nle. marr^asscr'ionv ; a »d in 'he e\cnt nf further puWic7'"on on \n part, 2; he ha« T!-r' i**Htit liiow ^'■; fohe world, (hat I wi!1 '.mi" viy [and boldiy call upon nxpectah**dtaralrc'ftfw i 'heir eenificates,lesiifvlng IheeondVc' of"thii brwat Drtgoon, tBe fenrferin P/ae/ar*! shamt* fill n trial before ffarrUQl?* ffiTet'/, in the !ae war—in order :o evince itftbe true aadirwty subject* of our aged and beloved Sovr'-ign^ the duplicity of ibis vim uuins while hr lialol forth fflch tfftitruu:;r,f>fijiiaJtif. The present is merely toihew 10 the public, that I am determined to tWP T!">i»in* fnlr*. man's charneler, a«d even' a;flerfdced if any) thai I ran learn he hav ever done, ►hall nut be unnoticed by your obedient terrunt, JAMES MeNABB. AS AnnnmSlo all ihe on- gmat Settlers of the County qj' Fro nl'mac. Gentlemen, Friends, fellow nuflVreis, and fellow Subjects of the fin- led Kingdom of Greiit Dritain and Ireland, &c. &c. &c The bappy day is »'°"' nnf' ved, flint all our just riglilH WlB be regarded ami protected by Government and (;onsti('u. tion we liave labored so bard to- mainlain. It is true that we have suffer* ed all that men rould suffer,-* we have reduced a bowling wil¬ derness to a fertile Province— we have been insulted, robbed. and plundered, of out properly under ihe name of law, contrary to the laws of God and tlie King. Deprived of our labour-—tlie labours ot our own bauds, which is tlie^ift of God to IWen,—it is a right that no man has a ri»!it to take from us. Thus we have been insulted by men in power, unknown to the King1. But the King' ot" Kings, in Heaven, has looked down upon us. and, by lusi».>od Providence, men are sent to go¬ vern us—men in whose confi¬ dence we may rely, and rest ful¬ ly satisfied thai justice will lake place, aud the v^ ickediuss of die wicked will overtake them. Let me entreat you, one and all, to be steady and patient, to commit no violence fa defence pf wrongs, but to make your complaints known, in a peace;- bleand lawful manner, to those now sent to hear and redress ihem. it is needless, now, for any oue to riii the News papers with trash about Mr. Gourlay and the Convention of friends to enquiry : the work is done, we have carried our point, we have and ever will be loyal sub¬ jects to our king' and country, and true to those u ho have au¬ thorised us to represent then in Convention and in Parliament. AAlOS AiNSLEY'. Sept.Uw-Mst, 1818- J HALIFAX, Aug, 31. The Nabby, Waihington, • ■

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