t}»3> C^v WF* {W«v(ft 3c% t^eft Com?t»jj SoHttlf ItfCWife tlft«:y • omUI get no further North." 'Mnntr«at,tft ihe girftfarlton dftfce ciftecr tffr-j | y^^. Te^DC^f iv V ;'..it h'i\ •• llBtieCl tHt :r ill.(Ml-..'ill. ■ l i «l 1 ■•»*<« ihct b^i1 been w ill reunited! With tn«*m »>V 'dll Ml* Xho Members af-this Lower Branch Cof)V(»ution Iiaviit" asMMithU'iU in con¬ formity with the notice hi the Kimis- tbii Gfcyette of the 8th instant. Datis Hawlky, E>q. being called to thr chair, puxocd.d to business* X):i\h Haw ley, Esq. Mr. Paul Petfrsou, Mr. Nnthan Ilicock, Mr. John Allan, 1\*oma& Coleman, Esq. Mr. Coleman opened the business by | the following address, which WM 01- dered Ui be entered upon the minutes vf the G uvent'ou. , ADDRESS. JtR. Chairman-. til catling this meeting for tlie pur- f pose of taking low conMrtera'inn the payraftii; j *>fexpense*anenthag Mr. Ctiwrla) twin's ai TCingtfrtMand Biork-vflle,tff conjunction wiiii tin- member*ofthr Upper B audi Gttnvemiotu 1 -ba;| hi-artily cn<.or ino. «v-d cci.cir ifl iv>\ nira-ur^ibi admiring a (',. - i^ Sww oJ«»t* Ti'iif U> ma. ".—-V * " .- -pen- .: t ir.dp-.ira: exp^iters, *-'nau.:' there are cuas«*< ••:v.i* - ^rma-vs are Mjuavl> .»'•=-. »kI h"* W,'- f dhpoied romake '?"'in. : •" moneys «» conn gfct or! eudeuring; w£^ inTOlA-|;ties ofpvivatfi friendship, social Now to he demised, or even eunpittted if be-1 j intercomtift, OF relationship. orv accuser* have noi a from of bras-, Uiiatl, , "HO kUT* .UfiCK«Y> whb wruu ou my frial,pui 'hehjiothebttoh^adperhapi | has been intimately acquainted make thern ireihble it) ihetr shoes. e- i nP*i.- ..,*1- I confer I hur.-.innrr than or.ee. appeared,! |tOT PeVCrql jean* I UIM g'lMUIeV ftnd«rvariousHigti!u(li-e«,lathe Kington Ga*! {man's eeoeral information, /ei'e. wannlv espousing I be rau-e ol Kob^ri, j*. . . o . Omufiu. fcu*agk< tome, vi-itor n-,.«, be, j lively wit, and engaging man- remembered. Doe, it breathe Sedition ->r Loy-' | nm rendered HlS COmpailV alrvl No, no, the accusation of SMir-tmisonly; | ' , 1 apVetextforourericuuet to l.arp .-p.... < they] 'highly entertaining and B£TCC- 1 know, and I am mm persuaded belies, not a, ',u f i ; fr;piAJls .na..compo:..f the McmDciSOf F-r.dM- En-; 'aD'e IO lhs «*HM»* quirv. am ottnTAisc thm. lovai, and re^dy, withilieir IW« anil fortune, vO -i.jport the crown and dignity of 'Orea! Hi.ah;. U/. Unsolved aid Curried, That an equal proportion ofthif iixpttif<es4(witn rhe Mj.'ppr Biaueh Convention of I'r'r.'i-.ds ft> eiu|e.!tv,) attending the tiial of JV-hiTt (lourlaj Kq ai K.iug« <ton mid iJreekville, be defriyeil from tliel.iMfh. in the hands of the L- B«! (and for auprTit T kri6^ i<» tta perlbn with manifold names, noticed through your 0^per by Ru/itcus) does not mention 3ny influx of fettlers to the Cma das. But what makes Johrt fo partial, as not to notite how fait fettlers are coming to thefe provinces ? Is he one of the friends to enquiry ? If he is, Wi notice by an advcrfin"rr«*M)l in A * York Stale paper, Uiat Jt>hA O. (I$dc*fiu wr* \ca/l» nncal nirmiirv in »hiv |»!»r<>, ',;%•. . ic--*ji(Nf i'inm preOu in Joha^tono, Mouisom^ry Tnty# ^ndarrward ofSO'Ioilan oftvmi foj faia ap* i»rrb€n?ion.—!lisCrir;»e nuim uicntion^di fc*r«*T---# :r- I ! I i fXtmufbd in m^ethi^tii' ,:-< al Come »noi j held ai York :'»p SA ^v- •-: *tj lrtsl- y c'i:' [ have no reaM»tial)'o oVkvw* * r'" '» aihnM -.■;*• : ( for;u», own patl I reliee.nt'li jli ia*"- to '.I*1 i funds "oilec;ej fV «S V O' ..'VI' £ !h< I .tonveivtfofik Sluned THOV COLKMAV, v-onded I AUK i ETRRSOX. ^/. UeSalVfd fttlll Carried. That • • if I ueh »f the members of the Lovut ,:*':'v '! Branch Coaveu^i.it,a^ choose to make their fjemaiids f>-' what they J»«T« ae- fuftlh "\pT,ded in attending the lat'-j iSOKc'lili C^nwfttioii lie'd at Y«-rk 6tlij Jul> last, b«? rvrdwd awd i^id by th mea eti ven iids-olbr.i-J fo- th.jir.it:. e*»: i.rvr.eui' jun H»st, ue rw^ejvoa atui r^m uv in- i •a.r.re an! pjwcdifts- of M-- r|" ;'^.;.1:"" \\ Ti ..-isurer of the L. B. (>■ -iv-jut^r. „;;;r!::,lmo^Lc,,; ftol, :.o«-.-or,J ^aporoTalotaa^.ntyofthc mr,,- U re«< -a .'.h ,■*.. "ivr? 11 her*. Yotj ui.l rejoice- wifb -no to the onor.Me j > S5<u^, TIlO's. COLRMAN. je/|$iir?dJ »four worth- frJ.....\: Mnflftww^i bi>*'emie*areput -o'h-hl.ii, and have, Iw- 5iea*( of injuring th** cause, gwatlj aJ*au<*ed | «nrppoceedia«*--^-Wcluiveuon' ewrj b^p^io Inspired wiihcotitlAe»icc •fafevoraW*" m~ tninafion ofttwsr .iifasHrr? we have advocated ; thfi prompt pro^^ed.ii^ of our uoi»'r, 'Jovero- or is cheerful tooor hearts- The fj'-a' aid i o- j bl*character he hears, put-, a: re*i all <"s;>i- Cionof pri-.ate iot*'re)t. Nusycophantswlfl be aimittsd to couch Tor mean O&j^ctr,all will alilcr hereeeiveiiniid.ipp.".ieh with con'idencv Qi receive marks of Rova! app'Oha.'ioa. The marerial change w e anticipat. •- f«mi fehivh bunfrlera to uonhy mcII t'lfonn-J ehar- aciers, who .-.ill till puhLe. situations, and iliose imtepeirdenf r«>ndm:i will iiHiiee the peonle** interest. UfHffora whom we ma\ rt*ai»nahl\ expect every good 'o arise. (•*. choorii.^ "0- ture Representatives, a watchful eye will he ti^ed upon snoti men as are "apthle of fatftt- litig;:,c functor.< of flteirofflce: nil will rom bealiTO lofts f,,%at event aiid profit b\ th<- Ia>«on th-v **«3M i*a:nt. 1 am aell auan- there are oats vetjf worthy roea in both ho»"- Cf, and when purged of the scum, :dl will £0 oh Weill A* unfavourable opinion* tnav hav? beei ftittaeil b\ \t*u.«in'iu >tj .-Ttce ofth ■ latepr#- mention araitisi me for a sntirjou lit.ol, pr*r- RlUme toj^;vead"tail of that affair.—Th" ma- j iwuini (i>i«uo»Uion of James MeNnhh, one of d) \v M.i'ri^traie^ and a Mcmberof Parliament, feu- jvir-tu1*! inC for -«>m • tim<* nWt more I hail OT'lHia^v .M"Cottr,aiul as it ina\ be tni.refulU Jtn*>A»/l »^trll sbonly publUh uiy vea-on* to 4,el --v ..ghimto be a mean oiali^.iant man,aft| ii ivo.ild be loo length} now to (rouble vom Ou the 4th of .Tone la-t, T din<d crlth (*ol, FVrznpoon ^ Hi '.»Ti ts.if the Ha i'.»^ M linaa: U-'-WiH*-. vh t#? I >vat warsmy aeco*t- ejb Mr. Jasaes vieNabh. a?o ahhoii«;h *»e was r*p« utedlv caUed -o aco'n:', I «a- M|ider ^ben-H'.essiti ol-: . i^in^ in scat io a\pf.\ h; tuor-io e a:'iaea. T»i fdhmitig da\ I wa Seconded. PAUL PBTRRSON-. 3d Resolved and Carried, Thataii menie- penei?ed by the Treasurer i»f t:if Low'CU! Biaiult Conveatioti be ac- cminted for, and stated it: the Khisrslou Gazette, with the amount roe ived from earh Towti«Wp ai.d the ourabet1 of Subscribers, as we!! as the i;sb.:»- motitr made., aa soon a^ circumstances will admit. Skncd, THO's COLFMAN. Se^omUd. PALJL Pi5T«aS0N- 4(h Resolved and Carried Thai we ttri* catis6w3 and fall? pursoaded cf the Loyalty of Capt, Coleman, and Chat :io is very iar from the Char¬ acter he is represented to be in flto !;ill f Indit tmeitt. .vhieh now stand against him f>ir ^difinn. ^ %ned, DAVTW HAWLR1T, Seconded. PAUL PETERSON 5///, Resolved and Carrud. 'Ii . il.e tlutiiks oilhh nurfing be j^wj w Davis Hawley Esquire, foi his able sui)pcrt in the Chair. Signed, PAurr^TKftso::, Seconded, NATHAN EllCOGK. Nh. Resolved and Carried, That ■ hib ?tlceiingnow adjourn, until further notice. SkQfd, THO's COLEMAN, Scccndfid, PAUL FKTKilSON. A true Copy, ii.C. TtiO-vJSON. i etvo Mac- were ! i iueompauv wtth hi* broibjr Jlr. Simon He- ■Nabn. who rcnarked, it wa* a pi-« a% two neig'jhors, hi^ brother and mjself co- Id uo'.a- #ree. and recommended we should >hafc" ivmor and b-»r\ the past i'n oblivion, ,th *.: a • ., , . -** ^*fi KINGSTON. iVBSBJTs SEl'fBM*R. 1% 1818 niV aa "r^ ,o iold malice agi htfl ar.v r;-.i.-— \ this proposal wa« >0OM atiei t--,quie.-ced rvC?:, jamlunon t!i« iuvMt;ooof.lauic S»e!57aho suu! wim; o !ierfru-nd.% Wtf reii pA;o •;*. M-Non*- ta\em, where we pariook f-eeU ;>» *na. aan (filled for; it is tr-e a moic ^urtaM-' dace been found to have -eu'.-d u.t ii-- i^reeinent..... .her. Mr. Ja'O > 0:;S"nrli\-no-cing, arrived in tbr Sir-an> '^at F oivMiitc, from Vork, Hi* Grace the . ris-r OF ^1* H.\*0\"!), and «al(o, wha, •vi-6 Hk HxctfUeitfv ^ir P^-egrlne ^aSUantl, have receulls paidavSsit to the Fall-of Nia- i might liftv Bgreenter In tUi1 cour*o of drinking <«e MfNaUb asked uie if I rt-collec'.e:l taklflS ^ " I ' riiairtoa!;-ikr»umwiih, la Miight : I Mild Mm l-| mj 1 did nor, bo :*»at it I did. ! dare say x \rt- . {^ tatedmeioit : upon wi.if. he s«e\\ a«\<rr ■. j. Mr. Editor. In he commuiiica,:on ng'ied Nestor, in the la* Samte. tttc r -ad^r svill plea-eco^rect M.e fo le.v. i:c errors; in the 2nd eniumn, 9d para- ! 2Piyh, in '.he phrase, M aa«DrseJeviatVnf firoin j.tue Wetit/'lnffcearftf west—read north: an 1 • t; the "ar:^-ap'i nnmbefed 4, in the same eol- mV! the la*, ne fcttS on-*, S»r* laying," read I v,;/enhi oro-her. *V . S.nie.n McNaVv o;.-":- ved"'> litft, b« thoud« tie had a»r:eed i.» »a> ->ii nv>rran. ■herr.ir.er and ia-;aiul\ lef. ;"• ronm. Hi:: . word afieiuard, earned, and u thccor.i-.eof seveval qiWkCUm«'|Hti » me ■»;, Ja.ne* McNa!>h, (and believed b> manv pre- & ,i rttth an in enuon to d:aw Ironi mr w>uie improper expre>=>ioiO I dam.ru Ooverno. Gore and all .hewe eonecrned in dVHte Win ^!30oaot thep'ihlic money, (bat I beucvea thei< only ohjec. «as en i.ll their poriceb at thee.peuceof the gttbHc* ii ■ *»« »« the indictment that I accused them a! I of belli? a damned >t t ofpejured villian*. Noma., i.. liU>ens<s could make U«S of inch ridiculous term-.: a warrant ttad««wmnl»k*«iil" ac> mient. with more ju-tice, have been tssu^j than a wan ant for sedition, epon ihe oath Of Jam* McN:ibb. 1 no not recollect of makmiE tk* of an v such expression, and 1 am Beared bv manv*pre,ettt 1 did not. Be aa it mar, i d'd not'expect 1 «*i drinking witU a man eudea^ring to put an n Enem* m m> mon;h. iosteAl away my bailie" or a viper •■> ntj bo¬ som io wound m> reputaiion. It remli «* me Ofthe h:-auitful iie.e, in Shakespeare, « Who situh mj purtc.steah troth; tts some¬ thing, na&ing— # fJKti* mine* 'tis hh> and has been slave to thousands S w But he thnl filches from me mi? good name, * /coi* m« w/Wt/< wAftlft avt enriches Aim, " Jnd makes niv pooi-in-leed. I feci M»coii>ciousof my iiitesrnty toihebest of Cons.iiu»ion..ihal 1 tear DOCWng Irom the sillv accusation of Sedition, which thvSohCiUM General ha, been pleased to prejudge mc guiU l>U is well famra I havcexpended a conside¬ rable sunt of money .n theserv.ee of mvcoun- trV ; thai 1 WfJ* the hrsi 10 come io. ward wuii a Troop of Ura-oou-, eidhlcd and attested "'»* deriln ■ article* of war; thai I paid ibcirbow* tv out of mv M» poAel, f»r the pnv.le^ ol commandingtm-m, with twosuhal.ems. rilC) ftere mmnwed and oqufwrd in ta* ihau t.,.-e month L add usideruMirching orders to- theLp- Ainong the five unfortu¬ nate sufferers mentioned in Voitt last Gd/ette, who v/ere kwt in the sound bv ihe foun- ilcnuc; <tf a boat in crossing trom Amherst island to Ernest- Town on the yi.h instant, ap¬ pears the name of Roderick Mackay, Esquire. The sud¬ den and lamented death of this Gentleman, and of those who perished with him,, will be long* remembered in the vil¬ lage of Ernest Town ; even when the soothing hand of time shall have softened the poignancy of that grief which agonizes the hearts of the af¬ flicted relations, the names of the deceased will be remember¬ ed -vith a sigh, and the tear of sympathy will be dropped to their memory. The writes is not acquainted with four of the individuals whose fate he ;an eats, buttiteir merits will be appreciated by those who know Mis acts of Charity were nimerous, and flowed from n benevolent heart. The in¬ habitants of Ernest Town will bear ample testimony to lii< philanthropy ami public spirit, during his short residence in that place In the establish¬ ment and support of the Bible Society, oj which he was Secre¬ tary, in his contribution to the erection of a parsonage bouse Jso necessary to the accom- i modation of the Clergyman officiating in the Church there, in a similar contribution of his, for Uie erectio.iof a Wcsleyan Chapel in liiai village, ie.-s necessary ur the com and convenience of that de mi nation of Christians, he shewed a judgment and tiber aiity that did equal honor to hr head and hear. If Mr. kav had his btlings they sucn as "Leaned^ Mitne's.ide.'* If he had istt^ht tincture of vanity, it is ii vvi'iiknt'ss whicii has often Appeared blended with the gi€8iest taicnta, and the nn^tdistiv^pi^hed abilities Ifal a'iVtime'U shewed itseii ji.i irt-sn, it v-i^in being the first | J '•• pltwnote feO'rie public benefit, some benevnieut iristitntion. I It) privaie lift l,e whs a sincere friend, and a«, aflicttumate hus- liandj mtpsi U:>\th«nl\ \m*&»*A \>, his wife, who but a few days ago had fund:. looked fursvunl Lhrough the viijta of future yearn t<» scenes of happiness in the pi aspect before her—Aias the scene lias suddenly changed Uie pleasing pr-ospect vanished, and left behind, a dveary void in the besom of idisappomted af¬ fection, which ajj the renin mi ng sources of wmtdiy happiness are unable to Ml—Such is Uie J meiancholv Sla.te of tiiii^ amia¬ ble suSVerer, and cold and worth¬ less must be that heart w'no| does not sympathize witli her in this hour of doep and compli¬ cated distress.-—Such has been the awful and unexpected ca!i which in a moment summoned five of our fellow men into the unseen and eternal world. "Ko warning given, uncfrnnonioiis fa-e." If any thing could rouse us that wonderful difcovery is not yet made out. Wernuft there- fore have patience, and feaft on hope till it appears, and if a change of fvjtem is nat thcrby effected,cur like, the grumblers may bark without ceafing, and make a cowi pow of every object. John clofes hi? hint, by a dafli at a new difcovery, and if that \s a fact, the United States will not fadsfy fuch d-5Contea- ted iubj- cts, and many of them after a (hort ftiy, will preter, and actudlv move to ihe Can- adas. If the author of this fea¬ sor* able difcovery i deferves a tricoukred badge. The [fiends W*]|i# enquiry, merit the folowing fo t" j words as a motto. We art Ufa the troubledfea wljofc waves- throw up dirt and mire, AN ENGLISHMAN. Kinsrfton, Sept. 5th, 18 j 8* DIED, Ai Mmitroal, nn thefltb Enat. George I'latt Kmj. aj^d \\ years, a r«p»rtalile raorchant ic THEA1RE. TtlE lovers of the Drama a*e rcfpcilfully informed, that on Tf4lJKS« DAY EVENING, September 241*1, 18 18, will be nreleuted Mr*. JnchbaldJ4 celebrated play, tranflatcd from the French of Madame De GenliV, felled thltf ( Child of Nature* Ijettvecn the Play and Ftrce^ Recitation— The Soldier's Daughter-** Mrs. Williams. To which will be added (by parficuta* defre) the much admired Firce of The Romp ; Or Cure for the Spleen. (For Characlers fee bills-J l*ox Tickets Five Shdlings, Pit 7W Shillings and Six Pence each, to be had at MOORE's Coffee lloofe, and at the Theatre.—-Dit^ra to be opened at Sever* o'clock ; Curtain to rife at Eight. *#* Gentlemen are reqvjicd not tof>no* in the Theatre. CCjKfhc Box Pook of the Theatre will be kept at Moore's Cc/f.m rJmfe fWn 10 o'clock in the morning ontil 4 in the* afternoon ; where placeb may be taken f. or ooxes. ;hat city. In (hi* town, nn Sunday moen:n?. fhflSw ,n «. at half i»<t-» nine 6'eloek, Mr», Elizabeth "^ at.Rev., wife of Mr. Ro'ert rValker^ttA 54 yp0rn,—sfosu WalUr, ivc believe, «a* nni- - t>r-aMv known ;tnrt !i»t nifraor* will br lonj: cherishednv herOOtnefOUsfriendsu:idarquain- 'anc?s, EnUCATION. ^/TFS HILL, moft refpeflfully in- ^jrJL forms the tobabitanta of Kings¬ ton, and its vicinity, that Ihe has taken the houfe lately occupied by MeiTrs, Juhtlfl & Finkle, where (he intends cim-l meurinrra BOARDING and DAY 1 «V »IOt J I. f'-»r yoii:ic l^adirs, nn Tu-.f- day Uie tzt\d i »ft. and hope-, from the attention wcich (he will pay to the im« provement, morals and comfort of her Pupils* to merit the approbation of rhei parents who will cntrull their children her care. She will teach Heading, Wri¬ ting, Arithmetic, Grammar, and Geo¬ graphy, with plain and fancy Needle¬ work. Embroidery will alfo be at the option of the parents, under the follow¬ ing terms, vijr. Small children, reading only. 1 j/prQr Reading, Writing, and r % i plain Needlework, J J r Grammar, Arithmetic. "1 Geography, and fancy V jo/*pr. do. Needlework, J EmbioiJery, cxtia 1 c,/"pr. do. Mrs. HiH will take boarderh at the moft mo Icratc renn**. Kingston, \%th Sept. 1818. 17^6 Kingston Hotel. Y% OBERT WALKER, returrr3 3l\j his fmcere and grateful acknowl- edgment* to hi* fiienda, and the buWife iu general, for their libeial ftipport duiV ir.g the laft rightern vears and taksj this opportunity of acquainting th tt, he ftill continues to keep the above ele» gant EftaMillnnent, where travellers and families can be accommodat'-d with fey* arate room*, and every a"ention paid. Kington* Scpi.zz^ 1818. jfy I Mr. THOMAS HARRIS, LATE Teacher in one of the moft refpeihblc Schools* at Quebec, for the fpace of two years, ha** opened u SCHOOL, in which will be taught o"d the following terms. £ * R'M»ling, perOuarter, 0 : 15 Eii£li*h Grammar Included, 1 : 5 Willi (J.-n-M-ipliV. I : »6 Mr. Harris refocAfully inform« the public, that he has removed his School jfrorn the houG-occupied by Mr. i*Iobf, John Iron, to the hoirfe lately occupied by Mr. Picotd, ntfw the rcfidencc of Mrx llarkes. Sept. 27. fi NOTICE. TITE patnerftiip exifting between the fubferiberi, under the firm of Delifle and Win/I,to, was this day n*fifr>l- ved by mutual content. All demands again ft faid firm will he fettled by Mr. Lk-ujamin Delifle, to wh >m paym-ifl will be made of all debts due faid firm. Signed, B. DELISLE, J. F. W. WINFLOW. Perth, gth September, l8l8. 17 thoughtless mnrtais, from the suae of inacnslbiHtv iutowhictil wc vire sunk, this alarming tus- pensation could not tail to pr<>- fdace some serious thougiit, some fixed purpose to retbiin. This however, 5ike numerous other warnings 0f the kind, v\ill by many sftOH '»e tbroolten —But though we should shut our eyes ou dangers, and slum¬ ber on our gofet, Death slum¬ bers not, nor i* he satiated— Lie has already marked his next victim, and who dare say—*' I am not the main AMICUS. Kingston, Se!)t. 19th, 181b. fur the Rii'Hiion Gazette- i o o 5 o IO o o o abov«i ,er I'livinc'-, «litre Uioy r -inaiued il'niOt ^.worj. ouil «er* afteffl»**| dheb-u^i in J i men beat ; i teir loss will be deep . i'eit, and their virtues Slon-reme/ubcredby those v/ho Mr. Miles, A fliort "Mijt appeared in your paper on i^e full inilant, the writer of which would feemingly cnfi,rce the idea, that the ftreng- U of the popula¬ tion ot unitedBi 'Uain,will thort- ly be in the U States of Amer¬ ica. But the partial ironist, who figns bij^iHf Jehu tJidt\ f.OUC\TION. fyiHE Lancaflerian -*ch.v>l being dif- .L continued, R. JOHNS TOM, late Ttacher of tnnt cftaViilhment, propofes opening a School ai hi** prefeflt reltdence, on vlondav the z\i\ inlt. in wiiich will be taught, on the following t»rmn. Reading, per Qjj o Heading, Writing, and i Aiirhmetic, 1 Enirlifli Grammar included, I With Geography, l French, 2 Needlework included in the terms ; in the diffe'en* branches >f which the voung Ladies wilt be fut>e. intended by Mrs. Johnfton, in a feparate apart- nient. A few young Gentlemen may Be ac- comrrodated '»n reafonablr rerms. . Kingston, Sept, 19, tSi8. ^rf _ ^ ^^ ™™ — - — — ™■ Tvventy Dollars Reward. THE abr»ve rhward will bt given by the fubferiher, to any pcrfon that will apprehend Jlpheus tf<iskhis, and (e- cure or confine him in any jail in the Province of Upper Canada, fo that he can be brought to jaftice, for p*fling forged Bilb on the Bank of Niagara. Said F&Jkim is about five feet ft veil or nine inches in height, flini built, light hi«ir, light eyes and light complexion, * b"Ut 13 or 23 years of ai>e 5 one or two of hi front teeth out o'« the upper part oi his mouth, and others afield. AIUIAM C CANNIFF. CommitteK ! PUBLIC NOTICE, 13 hereby given, that a Petition will be prefeuted to th*? Houfe of Aa- r-cmbly at the etifuing fclfions, by a num¬ ber ot the Inhibitants of th? Midland Diftuit, praying for a Road to be o- pened from Coil'* corner, No. El. id Frederickfliurgh (in as dirett a line a3 the nature of .he ground will admit ofj to the Court Houle in the townfiiij* of Adoiphuftown. Thomas Co- k, John Church, Henry Thorp, Noxon Harris, September 22, 17*^3 _ THE SUBSCRIBER 1LGS to intorm the public, that be will ihortly receive an extenfiv^ alTortment of DOUBLE and SINGLE STOVES, DOG IKONS, and Hollow J Pares 1 I Maoufi&nred at the Iron Works in * •* Diftrtft of Three Kivers ; which he will be enabled to diLoiV i.f at an ua« commonly low rate fUrcafli* JOHN MAC/VOLAT, Kingston, Z^th jugvst% iHiH. 13 i Kingston. Sept. I J, i8l8» l?Py WANT^a fituatioo an Gdateucr pr houfe and Garrko to rcuc. Apply 10 this Oificc Tn Let, a k jiiib, «7 n 1 1 THF. Hotife, &c at prtfi.it nccnpil¬ ed by 1) >d >r Short ; nearly op- polite the School Iloule —lindane on 1 lie premifes. KingsiDps August nth, i8i8,., i\