' til dock of m Company dial! confer » Wanting t>ii-ecWs, to ferve during the cigttt of writing either fi» perfon, or by time of fuch fufpenfion. proxy, wh'rh 0>:-T: toe h>veb^ en ho;fe Fourteenth. Every CaOVer and C»e k Suriug three Calettda* months, at the of the Bank, before he enters uponth* dti- h ll.f^'or to tKc day of ek^ion. **i <.,f tics of hie office, {lull give bond, with tftx fcencra! meeting, where the votes of two or more fmeties, to the fatisfaction th- tVock holder? ave to begiv«n. • of the Directors ; that Is to fay. Every Ninth Nor\< but a flock holder, ac- Cafhier in a filed not lefs than ten Thoiit- tually reluknt In the Town of Ktnglton, fand Pounds, with condition for his good and holding & k&®. ten mare* in the cap- and faithful behaviour ; and every Cicrk it >ck, ar*.-, bo. g a natural *jprn fub- with like condition and fureties, in fuch j.dt .-? i Majdtyvi>T a fubjccl of Bi* fun* ;>* the Directors mall confider ade- M-je'ly i,5.u«atixcd by act ^i' the Brit- qunte to the truft to be repofed in him. iih P- 'i n --.t, ot a fttbjv&of His Ma Fifteenth. The Company mall not Je/lv. rc^irr* b-c-,tr,e inch by the con- hold ai.y land* and tenaments, but fuch que:' ~y>v n •fSon of tl--i« Picvii.ce, »r any a?; maybe necviTary for the transaction persnn sr'.,, mall have vefided feveo vcar« and accommodation of the bufinefs of the f«tk« °vr<;nce, and m any of the above Bank a-d for no other purpofe: It &i\?.- v \va fha'l Have refided threr years mall never<he!efs be competent for the in t \\v " w*:. «mer»f which fhafi nave direct ore., on behalf of the Company, to im'-e nately preceded t'be day of like- take and hold mortgagee on property.by tion- fha*l He canable of benn? elected or wav &f additional fecusity for debt* ccn cho'^ b Diri-ct^r of tlif- faid T^nk, or traced with the (aid Company in the ftaM ir-vc a iuch. oourfe of its dcalmga ; but on no ac T<nth Nino? the DJrrctons fn'oflfire count (h'A\ money hr lent w«on r:iort flia-' ^e re c?e-#e<} far the next fucceed* tfa^c sr upon land* and other fixed prop- lug twelve months of which the Prefi- my,, ^or fuch be purch?fe^ by the com- denr and Vice-Piefident ih&ll aiwaye be psrny i>^>n any preu-xt, except in the of the Pun-.Vcr fpeci;'! cafe above recited. Eleventh- N*> Dite&or fhall be entt- Sixteenth The tota* amonnt of the tied * any (aferv or emolument, linVf* debes which the Company (hall at any the fa e Oiah have been a)ir wed to h»m, time owe, whether by Bond, bill, or \>\ p net-,i fjiettinji of the ftack-hold Note or other cbniract whatfoever* (hall er?, h-r the ftock holder, tr.av ^rakc iuch n«t exceed treble the amount of the ca:>- CO'- pe-'ition to the Prefid.efit ar Vice- ital (tock actually paid in (over and a- Prli^'-L 'or their extraordinary sttend bove a ium equal in amount to fuch an; e %\ thj Ba'k, as maVi appear to them money, a6 may be deposited in the Banjc to be eat nnhte and proper for fafe keeping) and in cafe of exceffl, Tiur'fth Not lef^rhan five Dirrclor* the Diteftors, under whofe adn)ini(lra- ftia!" «;^t>^utea boatdffor rhe tranfa&ion tion it (hall happen, fhall be liable for oi ^ inu •, w|jer&il ihf ?rch^rni or the fame, in their natural and pritrafe Vice-Pu'fident rtnil a)wiy8 be one, ex- capacities, but it (hall not exempt the cept in cafpof ficknef* ^c\ necetiary ab- company or the lands, tenements, goods Eighteenth, All bills, bonds, note? and every contraband en^jagtnieot, -^n he- half nf the Company, mall he figned by the Prcfioent or Vice-Prefidmt ; and counterfjgited or attetied by the Cafh- ier of the Company ; and the funds of the company fhall in no rale be held re- C(?T9andrcr^an!.%*a9 tftejr, or rTimjorijy of \ht t. mall fro-n ti.ne to ti^e think ex¬ pedient, not ineo fiftrnt with law, or thef- d-'ic-e-" of sfFociah*-n Twenty fourth. Tin" aflfociati .n fhall continue twenty years from the mi day p con-.mrnee* operation, and no lo vvr « Fponfiblf for any contr^ o- eng.ige- but the proprietors of two ihirdtofch. ment whatever unlefa the fame fhall be Capita' Srock of th^ company, rr-ay b> f<> C; ned v-ri courttrrigncd, or attclUd their concurring votes, at a general mee'- as aforefaids " ' •♦ . - Nineteenth. The books, paper?, cor- refp >ndence and funds of iht Company, fhall at all times, be fubje.rt to the io- fuec~lion of the l!)irec3ors, but no ftock- hoMernot Director, "fhall iufpe£ the ac¬ count of any individual or iudi^iduala, with tlic Company. Tivcnthth Half yearly dividends mall be made of (o much of the profit-; of the Company as ill all appear to the Direct¬ ors advifeaoie, and (ball be payable at fuch place'or place* as the Directors (hall appoint,of which they (i\)\] give public Notice m the Kingflon Gazette, at leafl thirty days before ; and the Di- reclors (hall every year at the general meeting for election thereof, lay before the Svockho'tder:!, for their inf rmmion, an exa& and particular (tatement of the amount n£the debts due to, and by the Company, fpecify i<.gth>- amount of Bank In Wito«fi whereof, we have, hereun- Notes then in circu'ati-n, and the a- to fet our names at King from vy •" V.-..V.......J; .-.im, ul a general mee¬ ting to be called for rhat cxv.refs pur¬ pofe, rewife or ahcr thefe articles, or any of them, or defblve rhr company at any prhr period ; provided* that ootfee of fuch meeting, and its object, (haH be pubb'fhed in all the Provincial News pa¬ per* for Six months previous to the time appointed for fuch meeting • and pro¬ vided alto, rbat noreWfion o» alteration oF thefe article* (hall fuj>j -A any ftock- hclder or Stockholder* to he bound be¬ yond the amount of bta, her or their Stock, ^ Twenty fifth. Immediately on any dtfTolnttou of this afT ciation, effectual meafures fhall be taken by tlie Directors then cxiiling, for doling all the concerns de'-t. fhaM vote at the. board a*. Direct- may refpeftively exhonorate and dh Or.«. and ic ci>k of there being an equa' charge themfelvefl therefrom, by plead- DOnber of votes for and again ft any ing and proving fuch abfence, or fhevving question before them, the Prefideut, and fuch minutes. in hi* abfence, the Vice-Prefident, mall Seventeenth. The fh^res of the Capi- tiave a catting voice. tal Stock fhall be affignable and trans- Thirternlb. Any number of (toekhol- ferable,according to fuch rules and forms dc\r. not lefs than fifty, who together as may be eflablifhed in that behalf, by fh«!' be proprietors of two hundred and the board of Diredors, but no afligu- fifiy (hares, fhall have power at any time nient or transfer fhall be valid or effect- by thr^felve* or their proxies, to call a ual, unlefs fuch alTignment or transfer general meeting of the Stockholderu, for fhall be entered or regiftered in a book purrofes relative to the faid AfTociation, or books, to be kept by the Directors sfrmg at .eaft fix week's notice thereof for that purpofe, nor until the peilon or inatleailone Newfpaper publflhed in perfons making the fame, fhall previoufly this t:.wr,, and fpecifying in fuch notice difcharge all debts actually due by him, the v-'.c and place for fuch meeting with her, or them, to the faid company,which theobi-ct oi obje&s thereof; and the may exceed in amount the remaining direcxo-•< or any ("even of them, fhall flock belonging to fuch pevfon or per- IiavetiV< »ike power at anytime (upon fons, and io no cafe fhall any fractional oMo-wn rhe like formalin'.,) to call a part of a fhare,or other than a complete general meeting ae above faid. And i( fhare or fhares, be affignable or the obje/r for which any general meeting transferable. It is hereby further ex- called either by the Stockholders or Di- prefsly agreed and declared, that any tec* »► s rb ve faid, (hall be t« confider ftockholder, who fhall transfer in man- of a • ■«;•. !a for the removal of the Pres- neraforefaid, all his flock or fhares in ident, Vice-Prefideat, ♦>»' other Diredor this Company, to any other perfon or or Direelers, for mal-adminiftration, perfona whatever, fhall ipfifado ceafe to ther. an<3 i:i fuch cafe the perfon or per- be a member of this Campany, and that lot*' O o-ooofed to be removed, fhall any perfon oi perfr.ns what foever, who fro- vV d>y on which fuch notice fhall fhall accept a transfer of any dock or firlt lv pub fbed. e fufpet ded from the fhares in this Company, fhall tpfo fuRo exeat •■ o- the dutie of h> • r tbeirof- become and be a member of this Compa¬ rer s . i'he be th<- Prefioeoi or Vice- ny, according to tlicfc articles of aiTocia- Presdt. his place fhall be filled up by the tion. mount of fuch debts as in their opinion are bad, or doubtful ; asal'o, dating-the furphis or profit, if any remaining; after deduction of loffes & provifions for div¬ idends.—Provided that the rendering of fuch ftatements thai) nor extend, to pive any right to the Stockholders not direc¬ tor?, to Utfpfit tl\c accrro, f :>f a-iy iv»d\i vtdual or individuals with the Company. Twenty jirjl tf there fliaVI be a fail¬ ure ill payment of any part uf the fum or (hares fubfen'bed by any perfon or per¬ fons, co-partnership, bo-ly politic or cor¬ porate, the party failing in paying the fir ft inllalment »>f six per centum, fuccee- ding the depr'flt of two per centum herein before required to be made at the time of fubferibing, fhall reipcdively forfeit the faid depofit to and for the ufe of the faid Company, and the flock fhall be fold at public fale foi the behoof «»f the company ; and on failure of paying the other mllalments, or any of them, the party or parties fading therein, (hall for- feit the original depofit of two per cent¬ um, and the dividwuds unpaid' prior to the time for making fuch payment, and during the delay of the fame. Twenty fecund, The faid Company fhall not directly or Kiditeetly deal in any thing, excepting Bills of Exchange, gold or filver, bullion, or in ihe fde of (| j months.) DANCING and WRITING A cad i % ray. H M R. JOHNSON refpeafbtJy in- i ? J 'on«M rhe inhabitant* >f Kings¬ ton, and its vicinity, Miat he ha* a Dancing slca.hmy at the large rot ned in the houfe of Mrs. Finkle.— !)ayi •tu¬ ition will be on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays, through the term from 3 to 6 o'clock. P. M. for the fifftfndjpn >,{ young ladies; and from 7 to g o'clock in the evening of the fane day» for the infl ruction of young Gentlemen. Mr. J. alfa continues his Writing /Jca- demy at the fame room, on Mondays, Weduefdays, and Saturdays fronj 4 to 6 o'clock P. M. and from 7 to 9 o'clock in the evening of the fame days. All thofe who think proper to patronize Mr. J in eith-r of the above branches of education, may refl afftired that no exer¬ tion fhall he wanting on bin part, in or¬ der to merit the approbation of all con. ccrned. N. B. For terms apply to Mr. J at his room. 16 THE SUBSCRIBER Goods really and truly pledged f*n mo- TTj) ESPftCTFULLY informs his uey lent, and not redeemed in due time, f% fifaifa and the public, that he has or in the fale of flock pledged f«»i money lent, and not fo redeemed, which faid goode and flock fo pledged and not fo redeemed, fhaM be fold by the faid Company, at Public Sale, at any time not lefs than ten day? after the period for redemption; and if upon fuch fale of Goods of Stock, there fhall be a furplu*, after deducting the expences of Sale, over the payment of the money lent, fuch furplu. fha'l b« paid to the proprietors thereof refpectively Twenty-third. The board of Di rectors, are hereby fully empowered to make fuch other bye laws and regula¬ tions, for the government ot the affair* of the company, and that of their offi- removed his FURNACE utrnfiiV from Camden, to the h ufe formerly occupied by Benjamin Booth for that purpofe, in the front of Ernefl Town, 16 miles from Kingflon ; where all bufireft in his line will be done, as ufual, at the fhortefl notice, with this only exception,, that all work mull he paid for on delive¬ ry. JOSEPH H. SMITH, N. B. All orders in the above fine may he left with John Fifk. Kingflon. Ernest Town, JtUgvii 25, 1818 13«f ATTORNJES Blank Bills or Costs, for bale at this Office.