&m.imwix™ <*w~. - - CI [TUESDAY, SEJfTBM&Eti 22, 1818-3 K [VOLUME VIII.-—-No. 17] Kingston, Upper Canada—Printed and Published by STEPHEN MILES.—Price Four Dollars per Annu ET M xclusive of Postage, ,*..,■ ->#•< a?5ME*;w ■*»;-vsrstst^k s Agents for the Knigsfui: G:-r. r7 Ernest Town, J AMES RANKIN, K?q. York, WILLIAM ALL\N. issq. BrockviPe, A. SHERWOOD, !C>q. Bdlville, S. M*N \VB, Esq. Woncreal, N. V-OWhR, P.v-U?/. Sopuia>Iur<rh, Mr. SAMUL'L S0.L#E& t i ^.sA«HK3C5««R»[ rocco (Kel (pranged Money Purfes;i| Profile Froir/es guilt, clothe*} hair andj| .»'x-.tl: yreihe? f Flaying cards cotnli i Jiroon-is, an eHgani afTortme.it of* Paper " ha,,?i;i'ln1f Eng'lifh (ok Leathers &c. &e. 5cc. ^Sif,;//o«, September fth, ! ? i £ 15// N- E W NEW Druggisl, Paint and Stationary «TQRE. NPAl MER, rcrPeafi.lly in- 3 forma tu« friends and the ynMic generally, thai he ha:i recently evened, for Tale, near the Market piace, a choice aud well fele&ed aflbrtmenc of Drugs, Faints, \i EW i Ironmonge S T O R E. fOt-N WATKiNS returns bis On- mt.«< cere thanks to hifl friends and the ^TJ^J HE fiibfcrlbet begs leave to inform -It- his fnVndg and Cuflomers, that he 'has received 3 frefti fupply, in addition I .to his ftock '^n hand, of the neweit iFalhion, a?»d latelt importation, con- iiltiag of A. D? Good 9. uubiic in general, for the very liberal [ lot: nnrt he has received fince hi.-* coin- & 0, c> which he will dilpofe of at very reduced prices, among which are the following- articles, viz. i P<>v.<; Bd5. Polai.'j Starch it Kicucerneut, and begs leave to inform! them that he has new arrived and open foe fsJe. a verv cxtenfive and well ielec ted affortment of 1 Aloj-i Sue, Alum, Annatfoopt. Antivnon* crud Aq. For*U Dup. Argent, Vivum Arrow Root Arseut« Borax Carpi-or CuMha-hies* CstrS a Cinnamon Copperas Ci>a^ Tartar Consul vw fclix. Vitriol .... Pal i^oric Emp, Diachylon E->. Bui ga&Mft ..... L$mos ..... t>*ppci'jsi*at Fion Ci a:nu-m. .... Rulph« Fol. Di^i-oles .... Si-urue Gtttu. Amnion. .... .\r.il>;.c , .. . Vi.»JU»*i«t» .... Cmml #... (.ihtiac ____biic Sit ell .... Myrrh Liq. Lvtdnum ____Blacking M aci; M:mna Flak Merc. Corros. SubViui. .... l*ra*cipit. Alb. .... ...» Kubr. M«sk Nutmegs Oi. Atn\gd. Dulc .... AiivaM. ... .Canil ... .Ciimaia© ... .doves .... Peppermint "....Olive -... R!«ini. Ol. Vitriol Opium Orau^e Peel Picra Pcasr! Ash Peruv, Hi&vk Raisin^ Muscatel Rati. Columbo ____CWeusme .___Diauehos ..., G^»i-:anre .... Giycy *i*h. .... Heiieboz, alb .... JaUp ... Rbei .. .Sr*p. Yirg. 1 1 9 1 Hardware, Cut ' ten/, * # • .yenes.a« Sac-;. Sata-ra, S-:g;ar Candifrs Sago Sal. Anunon. * * * rr!r\r.l>er Salt :-V(ve Saj'-. Cstolll which he wii: difpofe of uniifually low for Calh, Produce, or approved credit—( famoftvy-J* which are feveral tons of .well? a(Tort;:I Swedes and En?hln Iron, round; and iqj'rc rod Iron. Crawley & L bhft lee f-'tcel ; wrought Nails from .4^ to \$oi. cut Shhigle and Clapboardit-g do. | j Spikes all iiz.es, Korfe Sh<*ea and Nails, FleugUfhare Mon'de, Fryhig Pass— Wi&daw Giafi, 7I by S|, 8| by gf,] 7 bv g. 8 by 10 ; Tin Plate, I C, 1 W,. 1 X, D C, D X, S D X ; Spades > and Shovels from No. o 104; ^d L>6& Cham a : She m 1 iHce Black, Blue, Grey, Brown Bottle Green, Drab and Waterloo, eoarfe, line and fuperfnir Bruad Cloths ; Do. do Caflimcrcs, PehiTe Cloth, diftVient color?, Vcft Patterns. Green and Red Baife, White, lied, Blue, Gteen and Ytilow Flannels. Pioieaud Point Blankets, Bombazetts, OfnaburgS and Imitation Sheetings, j India Cottons, Calicoes, Shawls, Handkerchiefs and Hoiiery. Hardware. Iron ?ed Steel j Brafb and Iron Tea Kettles, Sugar Coolers, Bake Pans, Belly Pots of different fizes, Grid Irons Trace Chains, Spade* and Shovels, Frying Pans, Nails, Lock? and Hinges, Hambro \ ines,Tar,Tobacco, Logwood* Fuftkk. Nicaragua, Coppero?and A'ilum, i!cc. &c Sic. WANTED, Man and two maid Servants one to adt in the Capacity of Cook and Houfe Maid, the other as Houfe an<-^ I,ady*s Maid• A married couple, without any family, of good character, will anfwer, good wages will be given.— Enquire at the Printing office. King (Ion, Sept. 14th 1818. 16 I c hafi CAUTION! A LL perfons are hereby forbid pur- . g or receiving a Note of hand 1 ! given the 20th November, 1815, 'to j David White by the fubferiber, amount¬ ing to j^i\ 6 4. and now ia»tlie hands of John White, late tanner of BellvilJe, :ib faid Note was paid in full in May, 1Q18 - JOHN BLEEKER. Murray, Sept. 14th, 1818. ji6 O1^- ALSO, .V: iiil-. or ffkitera and Lo| Chains} Sheet ^onjJTea«, Lo^f and Mnfcovado Sugars, ! and Double Sheet in bundles; bafand{;CTrn*a famairsi JSoidtfe C j ... .Connioa ... .Cai«i .... Coriander - Sp. Omuu. Crrvi. ....NiLri Dulc. Sponge assorted Snlolif r in rolls Tamarinds 1 iriar t'o^tic Vili;ol Alb. .... Mac Winter Bark Ma).- Syringe* Court Plit^ei- i OodfryVCarslial Anderiou's Pills (oil's- mi. Aromatic Vinegar Mat oho v Sin;fi'o{Vi. La;ly\- Xwtst Tubaoco British Oil Harlem <to. Lcc's Dl'timw PiUa S.^crs' Opodeldoc Ginger o; SpiF'teeBeer Soda. Water T'lrl.i^io.i's Ralsom Rt^e Water :-u pvnis Tooth pnwder Oiiiiment for the Hclj Mercurial Ointment, j ; Wines, Jamaica (km Ci-pper, Anvili=. Vices, Smiths and' 1 p)ran,-»;y, Holland's Kitchen Bellow?; tlrong Hooks andi! pepp€)'-n>.;,i:< " ' 1 ocks of all def | j FOR SALE. Reafonabk Tetms. a farm Containing 180 acres -f Land filiated in the fixtb Town, of which 140 acrei arc under Improvement, for fa ether Particular inquire of the printer. MONJEAU & St. GKRMA1N. Kingfton, 14th Sept. 1818. 16 Hinges afforted fizis criotions—\GQ fetts Cavt Boxes. 3^2,1 34^1,4x21.4x3, 4|xs(, 4*x3f—too fats Waggon, g|x2, %\^z\, 4fx3'l 5x3^, 6x4,4x22—Grindllcnea, Pa'nt.<.'( Putty, lioil'H Lt'i.tfccJ Oil \<x Jaor* w*&ll Caik»—w hire Rope—Anchors, Brafe}] !i pmU, i^'Tgniae Gin, Shrub and A.'l of which will hi low for Cafh MI<.HAEL COYLE. Kingfton, 7th Sept. i'3i8. 15W4 fold extremelv Ho us Lldward Jones, 0 n- iblic I! 3S, t** BlitMi Stirrups, Buckles, ana all kmdaj JConfifting partly of the following arti of saddlery—Tin and Iron Teakettles,1 jele?, viz : -Hollow-ware, |l j Sauccp.ins, Tea Boilers—Hollow-ware, I Supe-hne Weil of EngUnd Gloflw Sugar Kettles, Poialh Boilers, Bake jam] Caflirneres, of the mult fothioi.ablc Pans, &c- &c. &c—Partabie Writing 1 j colors. iDcilts—Iron Wire aff.rted, from No- f^fl lrifn Linen*, Britifh Shifting, Linen J] 7 f,-,^-,—brafs do afforted—a few excel-;( aIJ(J Cotfc^n Cambrics, Corded Cannbr.c. jj . CO 2 2 I lent Silver Watches—Hambro and Cod! Lines—Shop Twine, &c. Steelyards— land various other articles too numerous to insert. I j Lenow and Mufljns, Jaconet and Muil Muilins, Fancy Mufjm Handkerchief,, Bandanna and B-'rolona do. FineCiflg hams, Bbck aud > 'orcd Silk?, Si:k and ADVERTISEMENT. fjfl HE fubferiber refpettfully informs the inhabitants of the Town and Town (hip of King ft on, the town{hip of Pittsburgh and Wolf Ifland, that he haj purchafed the POTASH WORK ' Lately occupied by iVfr A. Macphes- fou, in the vicinity of this town ; where j !;e wili receive good 3 .ASUES) I -\t the rate of (even pence H. Cy. per B'.rfiicl, when delivered at the Works, and fix pence when collected in town ; il." A flies to be paid for in Mt/cfoao- dize. A Sleigh or Ca»t is to be fent round Town to c^ilecl the Aih.es once a week, or ofuner if necefiary He.nfeholder«, &c. wi'l do well to lave thell Allies, an thi quantity made in one houfe will amount to a coufiderable fum in the cour le of a year. L. NORTON. Kmgsttm isi dug. 1818. N. b. Care Should be taken to keep! the h%c% dry and clean, as none but j vhat is oi a good quality can be rc-ceiv-j 1 ot f QUEBEC, Sept^ to. The whole number of Emigrant? ar¬ rived at thi* Port fince the opening of the Navigation, is at prefent 8169. and we are informed that many more were flill about to embark. But a imall proportion of thefe Emigrants remain in this Province .• having chiefly bee a brought up to farming, they 3'e ore- vented from fettling in the I.owtf Province, by their being unacquai :tcd with the Freich Language wl ich prevails among the Farmers here, *n<S from a dread of the Climate, ocean* 'nerl by the unfounded and filly accctv ts of Travellers. It is to Upper Canada 2nd the United States, they chiefly proceed $ and although they mull, from their want of means and erroneous notions-of the Country, undergo manv hardhhips, thofe who are and continue peaceable, fober, indultrious and perfevering, will undoubtedly fucceed in forming for tnem- felves and families an independent and comfortable fubiillenc, wriich they could hardly ever have attained in Europe. Go where they wi'l, their object is a virtuous one, and they ou^ht to be cheered, and afiilled by every individual who may have it in his power. Something New. T%ere paiTed this day through this city fix families, in Carts, from Nev? Brunfwick, about 70 miles above StC John, nn their way by land, to the Bay of Qutnte in Upper C^ada, intending to fettle in that Province. They brought horfes with them, but bought their carts on this fidethe Portage,acrofs which r'r.^y dragged their baggage in fleds. They * C all in good health, and we are to'd, are in eafy circtimltancea, one of the nJ»me of Dunfcorub, rich. When they w'*l have completed their journey, tHey w'il have travelled by land upwards <«f Hoo miles. quality than thofe which they occupied [in New Brunfwick. -■ —-J rtCWKV 1 TO LET, A part of the Dwelling Houfe and XM. prt-mifee occupied bv the fubferi¬ ber. and poflVssion given ab©ut the mid¬ dle of October next. JOHN FERGUSON. Kingston, 14^ Sept. 1818. 16 Not i c e. for N. B. 50 Barrels FLOUR,' j Cotton Shawls and farft, Fine eoW f. k x. ft -1 Dimities, White Jane, white and bull fale as above. p II...... ,. -. ■ ALSO, Raw and boiled Oil and Paints of al- rooft every kind, viz. K'ms's Yellow Kingston^ Aug. 12, 1818. Prussian Blue Vermilian Unibar Patent Y«jHow Gold Leaf S;.iri<s Terpentine VerdigU Glue j Opal Van.l'ili opt. Yellow One Spanish V.'!,Ue .......Brown Red Lead White do. Lamp Lilacfc Putty 1 Pain; iirushes. A Farm FOE SALE, JJLEASANTLY fituated on the JL JMarieils Qtiiiriiig, Black Florentine, jfmc Undreffed Calicoes, Bombazettes [and Bombazines of all Colors, Linen Diaper and Huckabuck, white and Col- joured Flannels, RufHa SLeeting and Ot •naburg. A well ehofen affortment of Thread ,|and Laces and Hibbons, Straw Bonrrets, (horeof thebay of^Jiuinte, amdj £^jCB T&rtMk OitU Combs, Cambric {and lace Footings, and a number of arti- lclt3,too numerous to inlert. 4 Lratcb of Bine CROCKERY Ware, j immediately oppolite the Upper Gap— beios the Eaft half of Lot No 18 in ALSO, School Books, Perfumeries, Stationary, and Dye Woods, VIZ : Odoriferous Honey Water, for clean¬ ing., sickening, and preventing the hair GROCERIES. Jamaica Spirits,Brandy, rlolland Gin, turning grey» T,r Belt double diftilled Lavender Water, improved Miik of Rofes, highly cel¬ ebrated for its agreeable quality of clea¬ ring, cleaniing and foftening the (km. Antique, Jell'amine and Roie Oils, for the hair ; fweet fcented Jamaica Pomatum, &c. &c. »> Edinburgh new Difpenfatory, Bu- chan's improved domettic Medicine, Children's Toy Books, Murray's Intro- uacti)nto, and Enolifh Reader, Mur¬ ray's Grammar, Exeiciies and Ley ; Kibles, Adam's new Geography, with AtLfs, for fchools ; Lhi^dren's blar^k ^ Writinff books, with Numeration, Addi-,, a Waggon and Farming utewdiis Application to be made to the Prin¬ ter. July 27- 9- the fivlt oonceflloti of Frederickfhuroh — I About 40 acre* are under improvement, j I well fenced, and a new frame Houfe,! • with a good celler on the precnifes. \ 1 The above farm will be fold together! port and oihci Wines, Peppermint and ith a pair of ftrong w- rk Hwrfc^i Shmb, Hyfon and Twankey Teas, double and Single refined Sugars, Muf- icovado do. Spermaceti, Mould and dipt [Candles, Soap, Starch aiud Fig Blue, *&c- &c &c. Ail of which will be fold for Caih or approved credit. Kingston, 4//; An*. 18 t 8. * fj *tl* Joseph Scott, HAS received by the late arrivals, a frefh fupply of j DRUGS and CHE dCALS : 10 1 i i 1 Confilling of the following articles. Genuine Alcohol or tpirit* of Wine, Concentrated Vitriolic Acid, Barclay's Biloms Pills Barclay's Aromatic fpts. of Vinegar, Crude Tartar, Red Lead, Vermillion, Shell Lac, Mace, tion,""and" Multiplication Tables; blank i B00L Wrapping Paper ; Murray', and j Oil, Turpentine, Lplom baits, W^J/^Z books, New-York | rCk>ves and Cinnamon, Sal Am and Philadelphia Primmere, Qoi-lfe, |uk Powders red and black, do Stands, Wafers, Pee.knive^, WtaftfiM, India Rubber, Slate., Lead Pencils &c. Logwood Nic-.iagua, Full.c, fegar cafes, fuuff and Tobacco boxes, Razors, i Cafes aud bo^cs, Pocket books and mo- moniac, 1 Arienic and Borax, ior laldering. Kingston, Aug. 2>Ji 1818. N. B. Soda Powders, 13 Mr; Church Catcchifm For S^Ie at this dffisr. Just published ; To be had at this office, and Stores through the Province, GOUK LAYrs TO THE JURY, on his trial al Kington Assizes. A L*0, BisNAHtiATiVE, and the TRA \SACTIONS OF THE CONVENTION FRIEND* To ENQUIRY. P'ic^ 1/3 taskf HE Copartnerfhip heretofore ex- liny under the firm of 'John S. Heermons & Co. at Hall owe 11, is this day difTolv.-d by mutual content. All perfons having claims ngjinft laid firm wsU prefent them to John S. iieermans For payment ; and thofe indebted to the laid firm are requeued to make payment to John S. Ueermans, who is duly appointed by Jonas Abbot Si Co. (who have affumed the fettlerr.ent of the con¬ cern) their agent to receive the fame. JONAS ABBOT, THOs. S. WH1TAKER, JOIrN S. ill-ERMANS. Montreal, 17th Aug. 181b1. J. S. Ileermans "[FITAS Received a general affortment JlJI of GROCERIES, HARD¬ WARE and CROCKERY ; which he will fell as low as can be purchafed between this and Montreal, for cafh. Houfe and Field Ames, together with all kinds of Produce, will be taken t«jr goods. Hallo well, 2d Sept. 1818. 15W4 Printing CHEAP L<\NDS for Sale. TO be fold on reafrnable terms, Lot No- 6, on the Carrying Place, townihip of Murray, containing j 100 acres 25 of which are under im¬ provement with a good houfe. and well fenced —Alfo. Lor No. 89 in the 3d jconceffion of Frederick fiSurgh. containing '200 acres.—For terms, apply to the Office. Kingfton, or to the Subscriber, at the Carrying Place. RUFUS NET.LEY. Carrying Place, Sept. 5th, '818. 16 j'pAKEN or gone away, from the owcr end of Mr. Mitchell's Stote, night of the 8th inft. a BATTEJV. Whoever will return faid #atteau. or inform the fubferiber where it is. will be reafonably rewarded. JOHN McARTHUR. Kingston. S^pt 15//; 18 f 8. i6wi JL 1 on the j f EFT, through miftake, on b -ard ? , Evening School. AN Evening School will be opened at the rciidence of the Subfcribci, o;i Monday the 5th of October, in which . . . ,. I . < , .,, . .....1. ITCaptain on board the Steam Boat, where the following branches will be taught. . I v 0 ' 'it may be had. EPH. WEBSTER. Gananoque, Aug. 19, 1818. 14 1 \_j the Steam Boat Charlotte,at Gan- •anoqne on her way up, on Saturday the 15th toft a blue SURTOUT COAT, clined with black borabazette and trim- med with fi!k Twitt, barrel buttons.— The Co^t had been worn fume. It mult have been taken nut with fome of the Baggage at Kingdom as it was not on board Sunday marring. The fub- fciiber will be thankful r>> any p-vfon who may have laid ' oat -in poflcilion through miftake, to <^\vt information to the fubferiber, at Ganannque, or to the viz The French and Englilh Languages, .11 -4 Geographys, Reading, Writing, and Aii'.hmciic ROBERT JOHNSTON. Kingllon, September 7th, 1818 15 |T)|"^HE fubferibers offer for fale, four JL hundred bulhels of Barley. J AS. KANKEN&Co. Ernest Twmt %$tk June, iSlfr H To Let, THE Dwelling Houfe of JOHNS & FINKLE. Aug. 31. 14 • BLANK BAIL BONDS, lor *>«iie at this Oilice.