n»pi* iii.<i" riNiel©^ fa omv*r Hoili, *f (In- i*« in jm-hrs I |M*litl oui ;a« a crievHiice i» u- f u.i*r. in-iv *)*' ItaWgJll *o require. But to A!I money l>UI*aft' ind"pennVntlv fr^mrrl, jy iht ifpWBJjMiw bi»il>. Did not PutrirU Jump tf»«* *« PiMllul*, when hr >iiid% u To nay, the »n»M* of Kepr:»-en<iiiive$ have power to 1,r ^i.1 f , it absurd." Patrick UICO proceeds in UOtite, m_\ obarr- va;ioa> on me noncc«wary, aid improur; ftW&&Mg*» 10 **idr**r tf»C Princr It-genT; aiil here lei me iHI l:im, ^i^aiii, be SceutStO bv miac^nalnivd wim i'isiuu:uon*s fir- Province of Upper Canada, has a go- fiio-ni'ii:, io'*"i"-i» and brought into ncuou. | ibnrf.ire inu'uiiaio, tliaL rvrrv proceed- tr, (liUMsiio- pa *ed LtirOilgll the to-":n> Ihewff. bi.nia!ir.i »UC UHJieruM government, the un*f iwuuoi application,iSUt least improper, if not Sun proco<:di'.s>,cannot eommand notice, fio-.n any hraach•u'chf British gowrMdiwiti Det'^nck. Mte lUV-h.-re foiuriu*, and in- ■^roi|l.oi lllO^Iltiesti folio.wis, Mippo>«S thai tile government of Qreaft li'KOin. is *> iK'r\'Uu,:i' ;o notice Ihe producrion*, of wie'u tfaWtWUUtabie pioc-ediog:-? A--oabre.ieh. in * di« Pot-Office depar- ticiii.'-' winch 1'airlefc (Wines nut as***S «> j-vote." and ;t* hi- aUuMO.i turn* I* tfw «mi- CALVIN JONKS. ttnlei$h, Ju\f 20, IK18. N. B. f <>Ui;h« to i:iv mentioned riirtt Mr. lVhII told trie hi: had for manv year* tiled various plans of clarifying cider to present its Souring, by means oi milk, isinglass, scalding and scum- min£,liltering through sand, &C- &c. and found ill useful, but is satisfied that frequent racking or drawing is far preferable to any other method he has attempted. tjjtue <irrbirHarireS,atteitdirig tilts mA*r 11 melancholy event, that we van only KINGSTON, Tl'ESDJ J , S E iJ 1 EM' R. 16,1818. 4 * * ■ - L. , of mo po-l-Mi'^lc of K n^.-'O.. &\ fordantug.* mnjt lu* thro'tffii a court i*f 'tf. And any oLlier rentedu* inai mav *•€ ^ ^hr warrai'iibl'-, n*M.* vvt.til I .o-.r wiiociiain - iuf;f»i SMd ea-iuoi tiiri'cM5ir« iovo'v [iQbliC, But,—"ai I beea the po-v-rna-iier, ■ 4--'ten a pai:ivei i..ul bt'Wl p»it uuo 'bv cr (a> tiiai altUzli'd to) and Midi an aj.- Iltioo bad been «;):: I■'» to wn!idi'a%v l.tC ■^.a^Ma> madr, I should navi- irh mp»-Cif! uty bouuri, to give is** pafk.fl to ih»- per- wjio pla>'i"d iv in ine orticc. Nor do 1 tk Ufltkl^JS Oie w ;«**!<» m'o coii-^leiaiion) i the posi-maites acird,eiib'*i' in violiiuon ' hi» »»a.u, oi the luncioi)» oi ii*?- oltic--", OHSi.KVER. Kin^-.jnn, Aug4i*l I^Uj, 1-lb. FORTHL KINO.-TON GAZETTB, The Jjunial, arbftra' «» d illr^uleoiulnet of some Ju-.-xc-ot 'he 1'ea'v. ha* Ume :«'eti a •Ubjtjctof toinplumf, to rarU a .b-ree. a bw tend -aio bflug r* pjoiieb upon ill*1 >*•*# ir.ii*y» [«iid Iisvij ^h- loo.vdc iw of iii- Mujr^y's -"b- J*Ctsin&at evten'^i drpariniein lrfimrg«>%- Vrcm"^:. (n -everal iii»»au'es appeal nav< w Ian b en'-*»>a'h%.o [!■' C'»'jitol'K.i.^ - BoBCfl, in bin k, an ! «i! Hr A ^z*.■*; ami the re»itl( La- fiiraUht-j «o iSc^MM d^nMinrtrtUtott, bat 'lie j Jfldy-1 of that S:'p-iior Co ri ave dipo.fsi to i fiUfalIpen.ou<reaU> a^vievod, ^rinnpi attdj sa*i;f-uvor\ redrt—, ^hen lUev np,d\ lor it. V? aC'iiMs/ifctH^fim'nt mawil«iftus »o an> tnii^r |tr»,,r" mn}/ «•' pio(e*,lino, r.dapvd '.o thcti rc:|t.^iue ca-"w; and ibeiv »■ '.uil^uouin. ilia' j 1n,icuK0 rehiring u, a nrri'MBiijwtrwd appH- cii ii»i« for r*3i))ov.',l f oni o-irf- *o\M he »t»C- r;*fu«, ln^rtjd, frHviHWjCvuF tftfltmurlng Ina>houer, which parsed over Kingston ..'i morning, about 8 o'clock, the duelling hinise ol Mr. J<i'm Darle\« in Rrore Street, \va* ■»tn ck vviih lightning. It fell upon the WC5- tern cliiinuev, a cor.-iiderable part of wliirli,. above be roof* sva> preeipitatecl in.oth^-iree'. Pay iu^ dow ii, through ;b** rhamlier and lowei uiotn, it deuoli-lo'd hrglat^es, andoih?rfur- nuurc, burst off die clapboards at«hc ivesttond of he house, near ihe lloor, mid enwved tne i"Oiien, on the om-ide of ;Iie biiildiuK. A ila'igbi r of Mr. Oarl^v, pa->ii>jr, a ^be liiae, rbrA»lgh thf hall, »»a> knocked down, or rather driven 'bronffh an ojien iloor Into an adjoining rooe.i. hut not mater'alU injured. No other | p'T-ou r.»ce;ved anv injury, altbougil man) yr-«uisfe|; an mpre^lon from tJie explo>io>», » . so i -idfraole ili-'anc around; and good* ui'm -.'a;*'* di*».n f.um rli.'i\e> io 'he^m.psiu ■••vet :' 'T*kl . UROWh&i), In th^ Sound between th*' villas • of Kn>e>t Town and Amherst Inland, on j VV tluesday the 9th instant, Mi<s Su- v\s McKevzie. da: filter of Mr. Colin M-.Ken/io, Itonr.RicK McKay, Esq. William Caubir. I i.tkr Lard, and James Johnston., aLI ol Kcnest Town. Amidst the many melancholy mani- fe tatitM.^ which we are called to wit* W& and (o p;.bli>h, of the fia^ility ol lift1 and earthly expectation, lew,—ve¬ ry few are the instances, which touch the UrNirt so keenly with sorrow, or se deeply with irref and i'Joom, as the moitriifid occasion of the present re- niarks. Seldom, indeed, have we Shed the svmjjaihizin* tear, over any event i> , vo aiilictive or afl* ctfug.— Seldom Jiavt w-M we known a vrarnlne so imperious oi Re.iui Wa^i riatea, w.,'.e tnere ' real <*%c?.- j j imp restive. To those who are buret I ton lor n»fto.i !n ihe rwirJ He haul "t Uo- pie- j I of a fr;4.nd and relative, the wound fe i-tr.b,;,a; fo.r.-dr—; a/»^*^';*^ but to those of us. iM earn*- i"»- mic!i amre«l, let »«* ,K w\ ' ... . , ■.whjwx bn; £ei no due mm-a 6« »iu4 H «h" me-ve-ipr m! (tern such an^tiish. •■ayislraip. who do tlieii dm. \\ -«li ur.<; ircial- i <iy. a£ v-^aWiv to law, Tbe uinx.n avowed " - ■ ^.n.-'insuci'N fo ifl rfk-rfl i;- .■•*■-. ! • * • j itlM-et-ftiH -otttwn ri^lw- i--**tlit> e^.-.,.- ,. »Rd iradstoasi a»bJin*v> and .r.o»-da.-c. ;.,e | ..|:,(.e.vd..iij.»oieri"'«t ox no I Ull .KpeniUot U|lon .... 01 ^icvaiiHhie .uuo- nod P: J* jdil iW lov ipnor ;lie otlo-r hr.ud. It ttOHlrt ,^lov ignorance, or v.melhii-r wor.e. tf«• J la'df .• -hould be lik<' the salutary incuitx t>( i\v 1-iiH'et.re- loritig ::r nducitiij our ■.;ii..d^ in a (atet f lieall.i a.id c:ipii.>il itv for os« rul and aclivu exertioe. Suniyit ivaatml i.i the mitpnes oi IVoviditttcellial ttiM^utiforttutatttbpitig »h-iuUi pcriMi In vain. Priwi the glomi lh::t envtlop.:s their late*, a voire \v. «iks to u-. aiU i*» lai»ii"aoe. admnni- •d conjecture. Tliere is a certain disposi¬ tion in our nal'ire, which renders us anxious to kfiuiv and to witness the ex¬ piring lan^uaaie and ferUngs of Our friend^, and to he. acquainfed with all the incidents which accompany #eir decease. In the present lamentable instance, the mind is left to wander in confusion, conjecture and doubt. Fan¬ cy, with painful assiduity, rears up ma¬ ny a gloomy surmise,merely to destroy] it. All that can be gathered with pre¬ cision from the circumstances within our knowledge, is the unquestionable certainty of their awful and unexpect¬ ed fate. Dark, dreary and dreadful '»>■ | the chasm, created by the contempla¬ tion of this event, in the circle of our jra) and cheerful emotions ; but it is to be hoped, that, as the a unals ofaccldertt present qo precedent of a similar oc¬ currence, in the vicinity of this melan¬ choly casualty, it may not lleet by with- j out impression or improvement :—and that every on^, within reach of the des¬ pondency and dismal tone of feelings, which it has awakened, may pass from the contemplation, with sentiments and sensations, sanctified, reptovd and ad¬ monished. To contemplate scenes sad and sombre a% this, may destroy the Momentary and elastic-energy of^aiety. or the factitious warmth and earnest- tie^s of enthusiasm : but far,—very far is it from being without its utiiit). It reads us practical and lasting lessons. The hour of woe is the hourof wisdom : and from calamities the most desolating and grievous.reflections and resolution? the most ^a'Tary willalw.iys arise.— Who. in comeu.plating this direful dis¬ aster, does n-.tcarry his thoughts and retiections beyond the incident t-iat oc¬ casioned then ? Who does'not, with natural and sadlv-musins solicitude. look forward, with the vision of faith and fancy, to that moment, yet in the nl>jr«R of futurity, which bears upon it rhe fiat of hi* own fate ? Such, in eve¬ ry rnind, mu.-f be some of the emotieus and ideas w':ch this dismal and dis¬ tressing mist^vtnne su^ests. The nn- Unjsh of tliOH* who*e hearts have now been r.-acke< by the brreavin-aitlictioii 'f PrOTldetHi. admits of no description. A deep and loleful gloOTD seems to per* wide every t^ontenance, and over the ihole count*y js r,st an anv:oim *»nd mafici'ted un '.*»::v\.w^i. MSvry circun»- •tauce seems pregnant VVIJfJi precept ad prcnioi -itioos, earnest and impor- 'anr, to remind u*. wftfi e*tuphatic so- •'•mnity u what shadows w/e are} ami l For the 'Kingston (razetit Mr. Gourlay had a very long trial at Kbgfton, and was fairly, honorably and [ triumphantly acquitted. If the verdict of a Jury ever exorclfeJ the public fen- timent it was in that cafe- But it was thought advifible to try the experiment again at Brock ville, where he has ob¬ tained another triumph. Pray, Do&or, what next I HOB SHORT. To Mr. S. II. Sib, The nuisance which you were good enough to remind the Magistrates of, in the last Gazette, is in too public a part of the Town uot to be observed by j them. When the power and authority of Magistrates, who are supposed to h$ the most able and respectable men in the Town, is seen to he trilled with, and when a representation to (hem of the existence of certain filthv incoove- uiences, by private individual*, i* real¬ ly neglected and treated with con- j terripf, it is reasonable to conclude from thence, thai riotous disturbances are noticed with as little regard* Uow requisite soever Peace maybe to the comfort and pro-parity of th" inhabitants, we well know that "health is essential to happiness/' I am, Sir. in support of your opin¬ ion, yours, &c. NINYAS- Mr. Marshall has heen appointed, j by the Magistrates in Session, Medi¬ cal attendant for the jail of , :is Town. fendvo trt at! the ftSttdffl of this pr<- P. natural phenomenon, by the hue t' it afforded to thel Falls on theCa* adiau •ide, bioke off" by its own «r hi during last Thursday night, ttni precipitated itself info the gulf beie.v.. 1 he piece broken olF, we understa i>|. is about twetity-live rods long, a ■! from one to six rods wide, compri in * the firiucipal part of the Table «»r "\- cavated Kock. It may be considered providental, that the fall of this p"v< , which during the duinmer months h.nr been a threat part of the time cover 1 with visitor^, should have happened . the night, without any superincumbent weight or other fcnowu caube to 0C« casibu it.—lb. i tttKen.hon*a^*> oi h me-.• enor i-.i ji-lcmcui j .p^k1- to u-. all. in lan^ua^e. admoni ■Mirre there *ha» b-e.i a sier.-.- otrnlion In - l||u( in<sr, „rrive, though solemn at.t sfr^s: 5?KKr &•&*& *«•.....** ■• ;-d ,M° <"'"r,'n %** mvhUH i\ uiiM^be U willioe »•• uiUe n't {1f bttttWtl fears or philanthropy wfcal slidow«. we pursue* i» i.' rraouaul-.paoi- to undeiMann hi- illOV, 'bai tom»% he********* itw.th cin-M-.o... ^ weli us imparlialily, JLMofl' From nit Ualeioii star, Receipt for making G'(h>\ ttnd preser¬ ving ii sottndfw j/carfr "All apples lit to be eaten will I make gnod cider. The -rand secret i-' in Cleaning it from the hith and draft* Its earlv as po-bie. Barh sort of anplerto be bea^n and preyed byI tbemsolves- Two kinds r,f juiee, both \ ^*1 good, would tf mixed, often make bad | >iM^ ^^ & perhap« eapricious mo- ciJer—'1'hroft- out all imperfect, soi ry. | tiV(?s not to return, until the ensuing I them g ider—'llirow out ail imp; and sun burnt apples, as well as dust Bihi tra«.h—beat your apples before» much mellowed, as they lose their Strength; som^dness, and spirit if too n.ellow—Let them stand Inlf a day i after being beaten buftire put iuto|»ie,>s: < then pie.ss them slowly : discontinue it' as soon as the juice discharge! appears to grow thin and watery- The advan¬ tage d" a .slow pressure is in making tile liquor run pure. L^'t your casks, previously well cleansed, be filled quite full to permit the frnth and pum* mice to discbariie itself at the bung* Wneuth: fermentation abates, covar the buaj closely tvtlh sonieihiug that may be lifted by the fixed air that estutpesduring the future fermentation —lu a week rack off tiie cider carel'ul- ly. ceasing the moment you observe it j to run muddy. Now atop the cask1 mere thinly, in ten days rack it oil*a second time, and in fifteen days the. third time, lu every instance the c*$ks are to be clean and perfectly filled, and when filled for the last time to b:: bunged close ; placed in a deep dry cellar, never i% be moved until drawn for use. Late cider need not to lw racked until March, and then one faking, or at mo>t two, will be suf¬ ficient, lie-very careful that no v*atcr, Hut even the very little that will ad-icve WW* rinsing a ca>k, is mixed with the rider, The smallest quantity of rain *ater will render cider unlit to keep. Tlie addition of any quantity of dU- lilted spirits is uot ouly useless out ^j;nious. Mr. Sa\W plan is the result of Ions; ^p.ileu.^ .. id it, sucv^s Jwi-tidcs hi Iocs that Itfttit possess, which ca.i rv- »-*"**"* .......~ - -?--------------..........— - — ■ IS rente. Th* individvials, whosA premafun and i ldiul fate has called forih the.^ n-ibi ,ioiis? were returning;, at the time ! of the accid'ut, in asail boat from Am¬ herst 1-la.ud io Krnest Town ViUu«;e. All of them, (excepting Mt^s McKen- zie,) went over in the morning. A young Gentleman, who accompanied | the party to the Uland, determined sud¬ denly and unexpectedly, from some tri morning, Miss MvKeuzie, who was at the Uland, on a visit to her friends, wa auxiou- to return ; but, for a lon^ time, vibrarcd between that anxiety and the fears natural to a timid and amiable YOUttft female. However, her appre- | beiuioiis, after much hesitation, were chid away by the cheering assurances and urgent invitations of the gentlemen, and she went en board the fatal boat 1 —Ii %Vf affecting IS the contemplation of this important moment ! In vain do weatt'mptto penetrate the purposes of Frovid nee: nor would we with rash and blasphemous audacity arraign its decision? : yet, apart from impious murmuring or inquisitiveness, we can¬ not but be impressed, soberly and sad¬ ly by that awful and inscrutable desti¬ ny which decreed thedreadfulaud pre¬ mature fate of a Being, young, loveh and engaging, the eharra and the pro¬ mise of her friends, while it bhould so obviously and graciously interpose, to snatch from death another one, reser¬ ved perhaps for many years of future ufefuluess, eminence and happiness,— After li aving the Mand-shore, the beat proceed! d about one third of the dis¬ tance to the tillage, when it was seen to up^et, and instantly sink, leaving be¬ hind not a speck or a vestige to mark the spot, or keep hope alive. Boat- immediately put out from the village ; but they could discover ouly three ;• -ts, a silk reticule and a setting pole. It is a probable conjecture, that allclung to the boat, and were intombed with it iu the watery gra>e. But we can wily conjecture; and, it is, perhaps, inH the loa^t paiulul aud distressing ot Mr. -VlcKayand Mr. Bairher, wore iropaauH:—the former ffrom North Briton, the latler from fit laud Mr. L'-ud was a native of the Ui »ted States. The two other anfortutr.i te persons | were born in the immediate vicinity of the place, where they penj;shed. To ..((emptR biographical skeftch, w'.iicli h iuld dojustic^-to their un<-morv", de¬ mand- the i Surfs ol ?. w.ore eble }>cn. Nordothet require it. Fnnsbrined in the heart* of their fru nds, thrir mem¬ ory will long live, to fewakcin the pre¬ cious tear of amiable a-(I nif.ctiounte sensibility. Our feeling* were too deeply aud painfully impn-ssed with thiflglootny occurrence, to ipass it with the ordinary brevity of an obituary no- rice. Surely, we must all feel and ex¬ claim, that 4; maualso kitOMreth not hi"- time : as the fishes that are» taken in an evil net. and as the birds that are caught in the snare: so are the sons of men snared in an evil time*, when it talleth suddenly upon them.M O.i Thursday, as \\ bv preconcerted arrangement,a large and solemn c»- - course spontaneously assembled and united in dragging the bottom to dis¬ cover their remains. After an anxious aud persevering research, the boat was found,about sunset,in eighteen fathoms water, and the next moruin^ raised, with her sails set and halt a ton of stone ballast, which was the undoubted cause of her sinking. On Saturday, after further preparation, the bottom i was again examined, aud lh^ friends of Mr. MacKay and Mr. Lar»l jiaj j|ie sorrowful satisfaction of B6$ing their lifeless remains rescued fron, the deep, fo be resigned forever to fne grave. No other, we believe, of thc&e unfortu¬ nate sufferers, has, as yet, bueu f0ond. WASHINGTON, Auguft 14. Thf falea of public lands, at Hunts ville, in the Alabama territory, clofed 00 the i^thuh. Although the body of land offered at this fair, is represented to be trentrally of an inferior quality, yet, fuch appears to be the defire to emigrate to the wedemaudlourh we'.lern country, or to acquire land in fchofe quarters, that the fales w#re well attended, and the choice trails contended for with avidity by the bidders. Thefc tales, it is dated, amounted to about 400,000 dollars. The Harmony Society have, within a very few years, made extenfivt purchafes of public lands in Indiana, on call bank of the Wabafh, about thirty milrs above its confluence with ihe Ohio. We are tfQ*i 1 reel tlidt, from « Held of one hundied and firty acres, they Ind reaped, this year, fix thoufand bnfhel* of wheat, being at the rate of forty bufliel^ an acre The land coll them two dollar*] an acre lu England, land its worth 20 or to J years* produce ! ! In ludiani, a finale crop pays about twenty times the price of the land. E. [TV bndie? of Messrs. MarK;fv and Lard were Interred on Sunday, at 5 o^foek P. M. —And we understand that ihp l>^r| v 0f wm McKenzie irasfuund on \londay iftornood.__ {.very exeriimi is makiut; to iu?fl fa$ other two.j _ -- - DIED, In this town, on Sunday morninglajt^at balf pa<-r nine o'clock, xlr*. Klizakti,, s\^lkkr wife of Mr. ftoberi Walker^ ae«,;' Ht vears.__ Mrs, Walker, we bel.eve, was miiver>aUv Xnown. and her memory will bi* li,,|tf cherish¬ ed (w her numerous friends and BCf(ttaiutance#. and"specially by ira\«*nors,A:e.w! ,,],ave y,.en :n the hubil of putting up at the ^;i,..3i0u n©. el, of which she was mistress. At Montreal, ou Sunda) ^hc 6th inst. Mr. MUNGO KAY. jldiror of the Aloutreal Herald, a^ed 1$ years. Improvements at Sackcts Harbor. The Sacket's Harbor Gazette con¬ tains a reeort of the trullees of the village, from winch the fol'owinir is ex traCtcd. The reoort is tigned by Juftin Butter field, president. I •* At the commencement of peace, this village contained the accumulated filth and rubbifh of a three year's war* its exhalations were n»oflenfive av its ge- neial appearance was difgnfcing ; but, fiucethat period it has undergone an entire revolution, its inhabitants have developed their refouTces, and exhibited a fpirit for enu-rpiife, liberality and I impiovements, that would challenge a rival with any village in the fHte. The llreets have been cleaned and flagged, the roads improved ; the chaunties built during the war dem difhed, and many convenient and e'egaut buildt igs erec¬ ted in their itead. The gofpel is fup- ported, a church O'ganifed and fchools eftablilhed. Socket's Harbor now ex¬ hibits a neat, thrifty and flourifhing village—a milit?ry and naval pod and depot—a pott of entry and delivery ; — adorned and rendered imerefting, by its military works and naval fhip$> it is now retorted to for the gratification of I curiofity, and the enjoyment of pleafure ; a market for the farmer, and a metro polio for the tranfa&ion of commercial and mercantile bulinels, in this fedtion of the country." liufj'uh, Aug. 25. Steam-Boat.—The new Sfearn-Boat 1Valk-in-the-lVuter) lately linishrd at Black Rock, came up the rapids on Saturday, opposite to this village. On Sunday afternoon she left here for De¬ troit, touching at the intervening ports, on an experimental voyay**, under the superintendence of Mr. M* Queen, the engineer who constructed her machinery. Her motion through the water, from this place, as correctly as could be judged from the shore, was at the rate of seven miles an hour ; and from every appearance, we doubt not ihat she will be found to fully answer the valuable purposes for which bhe is Informi'im Wanted.—Kaac Freleigh, jr. a mi ler by trad-, left the town of Moreau,(bar; - to?a county) fome time in Au- £uft or .September 1817, a .J has not been beard ot* fince : This is th- refbre to requeft the printers )f public papers in t!ie states of New York, Vermont, Pennfylvania and Upper Uutt,, da, to give this one infection. He is upwards nf thirty years old, and coniiderablecorpulent.. His relations are much con¬ cerned about bim in conr fequence of his(li.ent) abfenc:, especially as they have heard of a miller in St. Lawrence county that was killed in a mill ihcic. Yours with refpecfc, A B^OH-IER. In vttcntion During divine service, i« as unpar¬ donable as it is sinful.—As ."vlr. Nicoll, v>as once preaching he observed v-veral aldermen f.i-t asleAp and im¬ mediately sat down. lT;>on h«* silence, and the hum whim arose-, Awoke.a.nd stood up, Buppoatng .>..»- vice was concluded. u The sermon is not yet done." Raid he, u but now you are awake, I hope yoil will listen more attentively IM >0 aying, he continued. We are oblige! to omit many articles this week, lor wan: of room. KUCGSTOK, ill. Sept. 1S|«. •\i a rneeiin* »!' ii<* ('«•! unet' ui ihe K ,i»u Coiiijia—iniidii' Society* at ib»* Iio-ivof lie Rev. R. rVCurtois, iu^ Vbitor far tin l:i.-i ■ Month i.'pini^il id at tbesutn of ifl ~* 3. !tai Iio.mi i-xpenrlfi!, in aflnHin^;eln f io o'i*gi'Oi»U pCTsoas an.l four clulJr^n. Visitor* lor ensiling muat s Mr. McliF.OD, Or. SCOT f. At a -perial meeting of '!e Commifte-ot • hi* Kiii*Mon I'oiuu.i-sMina ■ Surir!*-, bi*l * n Sutunla\, Un* t'2ih Sftptrm ' r, th»» Rev. r, Curtols conunfi.Ylcatfd thut Grace thr n.Ac of RiWlUlUOtl, t»aJ l»r"ii gra on>lj plca^eil L» Ix-couie the patron of the S*>C ty. StMVSCRIPi'l NS To the Kingston CompassiaaMU Sncltt'/, r-ui- tis>ued. Sab. I u d \m'l. :'*rearlv advertised. .HO !ev. Mr. Perioault...... 0 tj. WhUn^............. -Z K donation from the l'a-"] trtOtiC ^ori^tv of U. | Canada) bv tltc hand- y ot* Lii'MiTreanrer, the | K"v. Ur. Sirjuh;m... J ctil flruce the Duke of^ Col. Wanllow, 7oih thcjgi, Capt. Briscoe, R. A...... 3 * 0 0 lo 0 0 0 6 5 0 I b 0 0 10 0 i .t d 0 0 0- bO 0 D 09 o 1 D ii 0 n £90 13 1 | 111 5o Kingston, Wth Scptrmhir, 1*19. (Signed) JNo. M AC \VI■ \ V. Trcatunr JL G. .,f. TO LET, Apart ef the Dwelling Hon.ft and. premifes occupied by the i'ubfen- bcr. and poflessioo ^iven about the mid* die of October next. JOHN FERGUSON. Kingston, X^th Sept. 1818. l^ (Wsijjtied. , Niagara Falls.—We learn that a *^C^^*^^v^^ usiduiable part oi Table KucL, WcU CHEAP LANDS for Sale. TO be fold on rcafonnble term^, Lot No. 6, on the Carrying Place, townfllip of Alurray. c-ntaii iug iaoacrei.2e of which are U't.lei inu jirovement. with a good honfe. and w'l fenced —Alfo Lot No. 89, in the 3d conceflion*dFi'edeiickfbu^h,<out3uii"£ 200 acre**.— Poi terms, apply to the Printing Office. Kingilon. '-r to the ^ubferiber, at the Carrying PUee. RUFUs NELLF.Y. Carrying Place* Sept. Jtht»*t* lfi To Let, THE Dwelling HiviO. of JOHNS A FINKLF- Aug. 3t. Nl BLAilK BAIL W) SO*.