Kingston Gazette, September 15, 1818, page 4

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Evening School, AN Evening School will be opened at the refidene* of the Snblcnber, *n Monday the 5th of Odobt*. In which the %Howiug branches will be taught, viz. The French and Engliffa Language*, and Geographys, Reading, Writing, and A",hmeliCROBERT JOHNSTON. Kingft.-n, September yU^J^B^j^. Just published ; To be had at this office, and Stores through 1 he Piovinee, TV), GO'Uil LAYs Edward J ones ^ "^FGS leave rr>oft retpt&fttNy to m- mMuM form his ft lends and the public in ocnetal, that he has jnll iceei'td an el* gant afTorttaent *>f DRY & FAN .Y GOODS, Confiftinj* partly of the following arti¬ cle?, viz : Superfine Weft of En^lnnd Cloths and Caffimeres,of the mo(l color «. Irifh Lii'en^j ftritim Shirfcmg, Linen and Cotton Cambrics, Corded Cambric, Lena and Mull in?, Jaconet and Mull Mufli'VS, Fancy Muflini Haulk' rclvef--. Bandanna and Barcalona do FineGinff- hanifj Black a.d colored Si'k<* Si k <iud Cotton Show's and ftarfs, Fine corded Drr.iiies White Jane, white and traff "Marl"- H- i^nlltiug, Back Florentine, fine L'udi i; J Calicoe» Bombazctt-ea ard Bornbaznes of pfl CoU-n, Linen Dhoer and Buckahni k, v h*te 9«d CoU mired Fl<u>ncl«j Kuffij Stu&u-iig and Of* * tv<-t1 ch vfen effort Pgdt of Thread ard Lao^p and U-J1 bon%&ttaw tjiYnticts. Ladf ■ 'c-iu (h'ji Combs, dzttt brie a v^ luce Fo tings ;,nd a numiiei of ariti- cl***, t > > nuroer^iVi ! r* nd"*f • 4 l iatci 4>f iiliw C KOCK £ IIY //'arc. Jamaica Saint , Brandy, - o'Innd Crin, Port and "thei Wines, Pc'p.perrnint and Shrub, Hvi-.n and Twiukey Teas, d >uble ana Single refined §11 -nr., Muf- covado do. Spermaceti, Mould am? dipt Candles, Soap, March and Fig Bine, : &c. S^c A'l <>f which will be fold for Cain, or appr veil credit, TO THB.4UHY, on his inaiat Kingston Assizes. A L±0, BisNARUATiV^, and die TRAN84CT10NS OF THE ADVERTISEMENT. nn HE fubferiber refp< afully informs JL the inhabitants of the Town and TownuSip of Kingfton, the Mwnftup of Fittfbwrgh and Wolf Maud, that he has purchafed the POTASH WORK Lately occupied by Afr A. Macpher- ion, in the vicinity of this town ; where he will tceeive good II \ At the rate of (even pence H. Cy. per Buflul, when delivered at the W^tks, and fix pence when eofte&ed in town ; the Allies to be paid for in Mtrchan- FMIENDS 7 0 EXQLIRY : A Sleigh or Cart is to be Cent round Town to colk-a the Allies once a week, CONVENTION OF Price i/J each. NEW Ironmonge s r O R E. cs "lTOlIN W ATKINS returns his fin- ®3 cere thank t > his friends and the public in general, for tlv very liberal fi.ppcit he has received fitice ti'fo cum mmcement, and begs leave to it.form them that he has now arrived and open for fale a very extenlive and well lelec ted Otvune'it of Hardware* Cut- or oftener if necefFary BonfehoWers, &e. will do well to fave their Allies, as the quantity male in one huufewill amount to a coiliuerable lum it> the couile of a year. L. NORTON. 4- Kingston Ml Aug, 1818. N. B. Care Ihould be taken to keep the Allies dry and clean, as n -nc- but what is of a good quality can be reciv- ed. Iotf Josei S t Hf^lGEOV, Sec. 5fc. Q If -9 t p.y &.C Kh.'^tnn, \A. Jug- l8'^- 10 ) atliii's of tnt nft^"^ Copir*nc-n>ip exirtin^ hcreto- _§ foie between MaO^-n k Kelly, as P-..'..r> i tni- day difTolved, by mutual eWe'>t. All thofe will a-e indebted, a« w i1 \s creditt 1, are reqnelled to mnke in;-,-d i'e arranwempnts wirh Pat. Ma- G \n wb > i* ful'y autiiorifed to fettle the liroi. PAT. McGAN. Kiv-^on, ^cpt. i, iSi3. I.4W3 fHTTVl^ TidilVrlher, having felc'£led a JEt BeavMtfnl aff^rtmeut of D.IY £c FANCY GOODS, faita-^S Tor the <V :f ui, «tl 1 that at a very m .ieMtc rate, which ho ex:pe£la, From lii i.f»l ebenpiivf- of lelVmg -oiiTurriy, - ■ • - 4 ' * ^ wi'l. ii" h'pr-, entitle him to a cwnirnn- a-«ee •>! h--fofner •■•!• ror.t-' ^, as he can alf-id his Gool. eheioer than nfral P. MAG \M. Kingston, Aug. 28, 1818. 14W3 wlii- h he wi!l difpofe if umifnaHy low Pit K 1 111 puulnotior a-jH»fi->v. d rrr hi.— ani ngfl which art- fev?ra-l totiKot w.el 1 an) fqna^e rod Iron, Crawky & L bSilt tcr Sicrl ; vvr night Nails fruixi 4' to aoi cut Mtin&jlcr and Llfti-ibosiuitnj rf<>« Spike* all fixes* Rorfe Sh>»e: a: d Nails, PIoughfhare Men1.1*, Frying: Pan---- Window G!afs: ;' bv Bh 8| by 9', 7 by 9 8 by 10 i Tin Plutr. I C, 1 C W, IX I) , f) X, SOX; Snaded and Shovels fio.n No o 104; Trace Halters and Loj* C'cons ; Sheet lion and Double Slu-et in bundle^; bar and ilicet Copper, \uvih, Vice*, Smiths and Kitchen Bellow* ; tfrofig H iokf and Hinges ^flottel h/cs—Lock*nfall def- cipti'uv-—r00 fella Ca>t Boxea. gxZ, 3-i.**i»4*»i 4X3' 4ly3i-4-;*3i — ro° Ivtf.u Wij-gon. 3-!x2, 3|x24s 4!-x3> 5X^|, 6x4,4x27—Grin liinnea, Pa:ni«, Putty boird Lintfecd Oil in Jars ai d Calks—white Rope—Anchors, Braf* Kettles Mill, Croflcufc, Pit, Hand and - mv other defen'ptiui of Saws ; Guns, Carpenter's tools of all dcfcriptiooB, Cl-ulels and Gouges, Hammers, &c. &C- S(c- (tampt and ca:t Br^fs x ab- inet Win-.?—Saddle Trees, Webbing, Bids, Stirrups, Buckles, and all kinds of.vaddiery—Pin and Iron Teakettles, Sane pan-, Tea Boilers—r-JoliowTsra'fi, Sur^ar Kettles, P'Jtaih (V-iiler«» B^ke Pan , &c See. &c. —P'.»tabic Writing D Ik—I'on Wv4t adrred, from N"1 9 t.22—br;d' do aiforted—a few excel¬ lent Silver Watehf'S—i la nbro and Cod L:nes—Shop Twine, &C» Steclyaid^— and various other articles too numcrou to inleit. N 13. 30 Birrc's FLOUR, for U\\t as above. 8 Kingston) slug. 12, t8l3. XtiiWk* mclCHFi' ICALS: ConGilinC of the r^jllowinf articles. Cciin:,;e v Irdvd or fpirits of Wine, v oncentratrd Vitin-lic rYcidf P - Ch.v's I'-.ilo.nS Pills, Barclay's A romaiic fpts of Vinegar, Crude Tartar* . Red Lead, VermiUion, Shell Lac, Oil, Turpentine, Epfwn >a!ts, Mace, Cloyes and ( innaoion, Sal Ammoniac, Arleiiic and Borax, forhldfring. Kingston, /lug, 2 •/?. 1818. 13 N. 15. Soda Powders. THE SttBSCRT^FR ±, T' OS \o iii'.»t m che : uWk th^t be JJ will fhortly receive an exteiifive alfortment of DOUBLE and HiNQLE STOVES, D(Ki IRONS, and Hollow Wares, MaMiifaAured at the Iron Wo>'k^ In the Diflrid of Three fit^eri ; winch \\t will he enabled to difoofe ftf at an un- commonly low ra'e fur cafli, JOHN MACAULAY. Kingston, 24//J August, 18 \ 8. I 3 Notice. ITJTTHE';! IvNS by the laft Will and y y Tenement of the latt Rulvph Ollrom. deceafed, in his lift time of bid- ney, County of Hatting, Province of Upper Canada, Elizabeth Ostrom, Abel Gilbert^ anJ Roswell Leaven$y&z jointly and tcvcraily appointed EfcfClltrix and Executors to his Id Will a d Tcih- nient. We do hereby reqilcft all per- fon> who arc indebted t< > fai'd Eftai* to call foiniediately on the fubfcrilvng' Ex- ertitorc and make rirotiediate payment s an-! a«] Uiofe who hav^any dtioiands s$;« aintt faiii Eitate are redueiled top^odiir^ them dv)v atteftedi border that a &C* tlement of the eftate may he eflreflen 3^ fpeedliy as pofiiblc after the fiiit day oi September next. ABEL GILBERT,'} r . R, LEAVENS, \E**«*™< BellviPe, 22d June, t3i8. f A Farm ) AI CAM the a nd QUEASANTLY fituated^ on i, (hore df the bay of Qninte, immediately oppofrte 'he V\ per Gap being the R.d't ha'f of Lot N'o. i8 in thr. \-ir[\ conceffion of Fredericklburgh.— About 40:*ere< are under improvement, well fenced, and a new frame Houie, wiih a grood eetter on the rnemifes. The above farm will be fold together with a pair of firofig work Hoiles, a Wfitfgon and Farming ntenlils. Application to be made to the Prin¬ ter. July 27 9. THE SUBSCRIBER^ IP ESP■■".CTFULLY informs \m JUiL rtieiidii and ihe public, that he ha-* removed his FURNACE utenGl* from Camden, to the h-uie formerly o<i-upi-,» by P»enjamin b'.oth for that purpi-fe, in the front of Erne (I Town, 16 milej from Kiiit lion ; where all fontii t f. in hi^ line wtil be done, as nfual, at the flK^rteit notice, with thi; only exception, that all work mult be paid for un delive- JOSEPH H. SMITH. N. B. All orders in the above line mav be left with lohn Fiik. King lion. Ernest "Town, August 25, 181 8 13ft Board Planl nOHR.EE quarter and ! Inch Boards^ Ji. and erne and a half and two inch Plank, for fale by th ' fubi'criber. Wm. sioropiTOM. King Hon, July 13. 1818. 71F 3 FEiiil Y to WOLF ISLAND. THE fnhferiber rcTpedlHilly informs h'> f ier.d* and the public in genfc- ral, thnt he has taken the Ferry between Kin^fton and Wo!l Kland. Thofe who wi'h to favor him wiili their cullo-n, fhall be attended to at tin- fh nteO notice, & every attention paid to their accommo¬ dation and comfort-— \po'y to (he fub¬ feriber, oppolite to the Maiket P*.i<-e. DAIUEL BROIVN. Sept. :. 14-^3 To Let, nyiHE Rotife, &c at prcfent ocrupt- ii ed bv Do A >r Short ; nearly tvp- pofite the School home. — 1041111 e on the premifesi Khgsion, August I \th, 1 8 i P». 12 * nflHE fubferibera offr-r for fale, Lit 11 hundn d bufheU of /j J %ley* JAB RAHICEN&C&. Urmst Town, 2^:/j Jm* t8i.8. ty

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