^ o upp lenient S E W TO THE KINGSTON GAZETTE. TtrESDJV, SEl'l EMBER 15. NEW Druggist* Paint and Stationary STORE. ]VT PALMER, refpeafully in- X v 9 forms his friends and the public generally:, that he has recently opened. — £01 Stationary, and Dt/c Woods, Odoriferous Honey Water, for clean- (&* f*\ 4T^ I ft ing, thickening, and preventing- the hair 'ffljjj ^^ ^L_^ U W turning grey, Bert double diftilled Lavender Watd, ^TjH*HE fubfcf iber begH leave to inform Improved Milk of Rofes, highly eel- M, his friend* and Cultomers, that he cbrated for it* agreeable quality of clea- nas received a fiefli fupply, in addition ring, cleanfingund foftening the fltin. to his (lock on hand, of the neweit Antique, Jeflamine and Rofe Oils, for the hair j fweet fcented Jamaica Pomatum,. &c. Sec. Edinburgh new Difpenfatory, Bu chan's improved domeltic Medicine, Children's Toy Books, Murray's Intro- JV o tree. rjiI1 H E A.opartneHhip heretofore <ut- JL f ft ing under the firm of John S, Heermans & Co. at Hallowell, is thia day diiToIved by miiinal confent. All perfons having claims again ft faid mm will prefent them to John S. Keermaua f.>r payment ; and thole indebted to the F fift nlhlon, and lateft importation, con- faid Hrm are requeued to make payment !ling of to John S. Heeimans, who is duly Dry Goods. appointed by Jonas Abbot & Co (who have alTuued the ft ftlcment of the con- Black, Blue, Grey, Brown B.ttlrf «rn) their agent tr -^ the fame. Grveo, Drab and Waterloo, coarfe, fine 9 W near the Market p'ace, a choice dudion to, and Englim Reader, Mur- and fuperfine Broad Cloths ; * and V.---1I iclccled aflbrtmenc of Drugs, Paints, \f!iic!i he will dilpole ot at very reduced prices, among which are the following articles, vis. A Mi »Ho:, A1oc»Su«\ Ai. •'\, A una* to opt, A , : ^m crud A:^ir, \ ivnm Arrow Root Ar.nuc i ;v \:. ';•• Lu . ; des ( - Ciiiuaraoa ( "| rcras C.caro Tariar J,-i\. Vi riol Paraxon c • • • • - • •« • rofvoJ.RcK Poland Starch P*arl A*fi Pernv. Bark Raisins Mnsrafel Rad. Ciilitmbn __. C umnme ___D'anslius C^'iMiame CJlyejrrlt. UHleboz. alb. taiap khci ... . Soncka. Sacc4 Satiim. &<<gui Candies Sal. Amnion. .... fflanher -------] Kn p. Diacuplmj .... Hocliel K-*. eurgamot Salt }-Yhr .___L'ir.on Sapo. (a-iil .... roppfrmfnt J .... \V:,!(| or I lm\ riidiiuMii. ... .CiMjnnon Sent. Ai.ni-i lo\. ironies j ■ .... S.'MUl'i' | .... CorinivW ♦ ri.n Atuiwon. 1*j). ( mi uii, i crvk. ,... Arabic . .* ..\it4i: l)ule. ____&V£-fci*tifL Spoi'g' as-or(<Mi ... Copal Si'cr. Dtiquortiv reiiW, ___Rimiac S-ilplier in rolls _____1,a< Siitll Tdj/jariuds ... Myrrh T-lrfar 1 inrtic I.vlijanre Vitriol Alb. L:q. Lamlnum ___Blue ____ Blacking Winter Dark J-O/fMge* — Mace 1 1 Male Svrii>ges Magnesia CVmim pIumW Mairi a ! !ak firtclfrv^ Currfial Merc f'ftriSH; ?ub!im. A»»dorM)n\s lJiils .... P- ,vi(>- ,.\!h t'oi;^ do. ........Rubr. Aromatic Vm^nr M •!: >iacobo> SiUii'iMpf. .XiLii.'.-i Iiad\-$ Twi^l iobacco 05. \m .^1. Dulc. Paper do. \ t •■ * '• 1 ' BritWi Oil ■ , .. .CarMi Harlnti do. ... .t'ij.: nmo Lcc'n i>ilions Pills ____C'tv^s | Stikt*r^ Ofjodridnc . .. , P--sn-3.r:nint GinjEor «S: Spwine B^er So:ia Warer .. , Kicioi. Tiirliiigion's KaUoin IM, Vitriol Ro^ \Valer in pints ^'■;,i;.jn Tooth Pov\der <>. vt^X'i Pert Oinfmcnt for the I«ch P.,ra \{ercu»ial Ointment. A.L so, llw» arH boiled < !>tl and Paints of al- :n it ever) r kind, viz. Itip'r* "S i iiA j <:o,'nl Varnish opt. Pol Maii "'j.*.- 1 \>llo« (Ycre • V'"in-4ij,r.-. ; Span^h White XT»nbcr . ..Brown p.ji^*' V**^>« Tied T.pad ^■»i.l Iva:: Wuitodi). i. r--: T' ^f;? '.e f.;>mp Black \ •■< : t;i. 1 Putfy Ghti i*^i t Brushes. ray's Grammar, Exeicifes and Key ; Bibles, Adam's new Geography, with Atlafs, for fchools j Children's blank Writing books, with Numeration, Addi¬ tion, and Multiplication Tables ; blank Books, Wrapping Paper ; Murray's and Webfiei's Spelling books, New-York and Philadelphia Primmers.Qnills, Ink Powders red and black, do Stands, Wafers, Penknives, Whetftones, India Rubber, Slates Lead Pencils, &c. Logwood Nicaragua, fullic, fegar cafes, fnufF and Tobacco boxes, Razors, Cafes and boxe9, Pocket books and mo¬ rocco (reel fpringed Money Purfes ; Profile Frames guilt, clothes, hair and Tooth Brumes ; Playing caids, corn Drooms; an eligant affbrtment of Paper hangings, Englifh fole Leathers &.c. Sec* &e. Kingstony September 7//), 1 9,18. I $tf MU, Kingston, Aug. I4J, lyijJ, We the uituYi--ijriu«(] Distiici Fteprcsen- ta<ives tor t!ir friend? to enquiry, requcif thai \-ou \\i'l call a merlins; of the Mnver UraixM'. Coir\eii(ioH,atlhe house of Mr. Foruard, in I',v»est Town, or, Saturday I9lh Scpt,ne.v(,at 10 o'clock forenoon, to take into con*idration t\\o pavmentof aM exjuMiccs iiictinrd by the fate pro-oration oftbe King v>. Robert Gour- 11 would atthestme time be desirable, that a* inaor township K<'presentatives should at- teiidaa can make itcouvinient. We ai^ «%c. P. WASHBURN, P. UL PETEKSON, DAVIS HAWLEY. To H. C. Thorn/on, Kfq. • Sec^y of the Lower Branch Convention of Friends to Enquiry. Gentlemen, • In compliance with the above re- quifition, I t>eg leave to notify, that a meeting of the Branch Convention will be r*:ld at Ernest Town, on the day above mentioned. H C THOMSON, Sec'y. To the 'members of the Lower Branch Convention. *4W3 Do, do Cafllmerca, Peliffb Cloth^ different colors, Veft Patterntj, Green and Red Baife, White, Red, Blue, Green and Yellow* Flannels Rofe and Point Blankets, Bombazetts, Ofnaburgh and Imitation Sheetings, India Cottons, Calicoes, Shawls, Handkerchiefs and Hofieiy. liar dw a r e. Iron aed Steel ; Brafs and Iron Tea Kettles, Sugar Coolers, Bake Pans, Belly Pots of different fizes, Gtid Irons Trace Chains, Spades and Shovels, Frying Pans, Nails, Lock* and Hinges, Hambro Lines,Tar,Tobacco, Logwood, Fultu.k, Nicaragua, Copperoi and Allum, &c. &c. tkc. JONAS AB OTfl TUOs S. W IT ICER, JOuN S. BEEKMANS. Montreal, 17th Aug. 18j8. J S Heermans H\S Received a general afTortment of GROCERIES, HARD¬ WARE and CROCKERY ; which he will fell a3 low as can be purchal'edi between thi- and Montreal, for cani. Honfe and Field Allies, together with all kinds of Produce, wiil be taken for goods, Hallowell, 2tl Sept. 1818. I5>"4 E d u c a I i o ?i* Teas, Loaf and Mufcnvado Sugars, Wines, Jamaica Spirits, Cogniac Brandy, Holland's Gin, Shrub and Peppermint. All of which will be fold extremely low for Calh- MICHAEL COYLE. Kingfton, 7th Sept. 1818. 15^4. ATo; meeting of the Prtfideut and (lees or' the Midland Dillrict School Society, held on Tuefday the25th Auguft, 1818—The following Reio- I (it ions was paffed, and ordered to be Pubiimed. Refohedy I ft That admittance to the School be by an annual Subfeription of £2 o o Currency, for each Scholar, payable quarterly, in advance, to the Treafuter. who will give a ticket of ad- roriffion ; without which no fcholar Hiafl be admitted.— 2d. That afier the 14th day of Sept. the School Hull be conducted lolely on the Britifli Syllem. R. Thomas Harris, late Teacher in one of the molt re!pe&ible fchools iu Quebec, intends opening a School, on Monday thr 14th in(L at the refidence of Mr. R. John It on Tea-.hfr of the Lan- cailerian School, in which the following brunches wiil be taught, viz. Reading Writing a*'d Arithmetic, English Grammar and Geography. The y&wtg, j.s«id,i?» .will .he Xipieuiw- tended in the different branches of needle work, by Mrs. John lion, in a fepatate apartment. A few young Gentlemen may be ac¬ commodated as boarders, on reafunablc terms. Kingflon, September 7th, i8!8\-~yc -^ EFT, through miftake, on b- ard _t the Steam Boat Charlotte,at Gan- anoque on her way uo, on Saturday the 15.hin.ft a blue SURTOUT COAT, lined with black bombazette and trim- the pupils be held (due notice thereof. For Sale, TIUAt Elegant farm No. % fird ConcelTicn townihip of Fudencks burgh, 28 miles from Kingflon, (containing 200 Acres,) formerly oc¬ cupied by Colonel Spencer, and known by the name of the Man/ion lioufe. It contains about 50 acres of land undtr irnprovemt-nt, an elegant frame hotlfc 2 (lory high with 2 bams and other buiid- 3d. That the Prefident & TniQees do fngs. Pcrfuis defuous of pui chafing may rn«"|uiieof the Subfcriber on the pre-riffeb, or to D Bagerman Efq. at Bath. JOSEPH BERGERON. Fredericksurgh, Sept. 8th, 1818 rj each have the charge or inlpeclion of the Ichcol for one week, and that thev or he fiiall vifit it at tca.it one day in the week. 4th. That Quarterly examinations of med with fi'.k TwilL banc! buttons. The Coat had been worn fome. It mufl have been taken out with fome of ift Saturday of January, April, July and the Baggage at KtnguVon, as it was not October, in each and every rear. ijWjJ having been previ.ully given by the fociety in the Kingitou Gazette.) on the ro LET, A1 ND j; imo>e£.:iare p o ffc fllC nn gi vcn» hat !3kve a -d convrntent H .ulc > ALbO, Perfumirtes, bciwol Books. on board "uinday morning. The fob fciiber will be thankful to any perfon who may have faid ( oat in poffc fli >n through miOake, to give information to the fubferiber, at Gananoque, or to the Captain on board the Steam Boat, where it mav be had. EPH. WEBSTER. Cafianoque, Aug, lp» 1.818. *4 \ a ijH'ii fubferiber rcfp^clfujly informs JL the public,' that, lie has can, aid will, cure the bite of a Mad Dogf, if ap plied to in feaiut), on the (hortc.it notice, and on rcalunable terms.—Pi\ of of Wis abilities can be procured, ^ required. 8/isiWML WOhD. Kiiigt'.w, (6th i.o;icfiiiouj o1^?/. 1. 143 with a complete Merchant Slop V/are Houle and out houfes, and an excellent GardcHj ftandiug ia the moil public place in the Village of ik'ISviile, front¬ ing Maine, Water and bridge Streets. For particubrs apply to the lubicnber in the Townflvip 01 Richmond, .vNUREVV KL.if.iERLY. 12th Ally. ibtS. 12Cfj